When it comes to COVID-19, the treatment (or lack thereof) and the “vaccines”, I have been bucking the system since the first press conference was held telling us about an 83 yo Asian man living in a skilled nursing facility in Seattle being Patient 0 (in the US). I knew this was wrong as I, along with a couple hundred of my patients, had experienced the same symptoms that were described. And being skeptical of that little snippet of info led me to do significant amount of research, including finding the paper in the Journal of Virology published in 2005 which was referenced above. In the process of prescribing Ivermectin and HCQ for people who were diagnosed with COVID or exposed to it, I caught the attention of a pharmacist who alerted my state’s Medical board.
And now 18+ months later (and substantially poorer due to a fine and 2 mandatory CME classes I was forced to take and pay for out of pocket) I am waiting to see if I still have a job, because now I am on the radar of Medicare and Medicaid who have threatened to stop reimbursing my employer for any patients I see, even though the state board determined months ago that I hadn’t actually committed any kind of crime and therefore should not have my license revoked. “Retirement” may be more imminent than I had expected. This is what happens when you don’t tow the line set forth by government, big Pharma and insurance companies.
And this is because I prescribed Ivermectin to my 88 year old aunt and 60 year old cousin who live downstate and are not my patients. Ergo, no documentation. (How do you document treating people who are not your own patients in an EMR? Never have figured that out.)
I am hoping a lot of doctors will be more motivated to not follow narratives now.
When it comes to COVID-19, the treatment (or lack thereof) and the “vaccines”, I have been bucking the system since the first press conference was held telling us about an 83 yo Asian man living in a skilled nursing facility in Seattle being Patient 0 (in the US). I knew this was wrong as I, along with a couple hundred of my patients, had experienced the same symptoms that were described. And being skeptical of that little snippet of info led me to do significant amount of research, including finding the paper in the Journal of Virology published in 2005 which was referenced above. In the process of prescribing Ivermectin and HCQ for people who were diagnosed with COVID or exposed to it, I caught the attention of a pharmacist who alerted my state’s Medical board.
And now 18+ months later (and substantially poorer due to a fine and 2 mandatory CME classes I was forced to take and pay for out of pocket) I am waiting to see if I still have a job, because now I am on the radar of Medicare and Medicaid who have threatened to stop reimbursing my employer for any patients I see, even though the state board determined months ago that I hadn’t actually committed any kind of crime and therefore should not have my license revoked. “Retirement” may be more imminent than I had expected. This is what happens when you don’t tow the line set forth by government, big Pharma and insurance companies.
And this is because I prescribed Ivermectin to my 88 year old aunt and 60 year old cousin who live downstate and are not my patients. Ergo, no documentation. (How do you document treating people who are not your own patients in an EMR? Never have figured that out.)
That would be good. Motivation to follow the Hippocratic Oath would be good.