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Have you seen any patients with neurodegenerative disease as a result of vaccination? What sort of explanations/hypotheses do you have for these cases?

I have personally experienced a wide range of symptoms across different organ systems. It seems like when one symptom finally goes away or is dealt with, a new one pops up.

Currently, for me, this is worsening and more consistent muscular weakness and fasciculations, as well as changes to my personality (temperament, likes/dislikes) - similar to what you see early on in patients with ALS (based on my lay person research). I am 29 years old, and just 7 months ago was active 7 days a week, where now I am completely sedentary.

I’m attempting to utilize every healing modality at my disposal - FLCCC protocols, MSC-Exosome treatment, zeta potential remedies, breathing exercises and meditation (specifically Dr Joe Dispenza type stuff), sound/frequency healing, etc…

I feel like I have more work to do here in this life, but some days this injury just has me feeling defeated and like I am just denying my fate. I try to persevere and spread awareness of the dangers to my social circle.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge

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Yes; many others have too. It's essentially both of the top two (and possibly some prion misfolding too which is worsened by poor fluid circulation in the brain). One of the worrisome things was how many people I (and others) came across who developed ALS (techincally atypical ALS) after vaccination, something which is otherwise an extremely rare condition.

I tried to write about it a bit in this one:


Prior to COVID-19, we found that IV DMSO, while not curative did stop the progression of it. There is also a school of thought that ALS is caused by mycoplasma which respond to doxycycline (Garth Nicholsohn wrote a lot about this).

I am much less sure what the best treatment is for ALS from the vaccines; since I have not worked with any of these patients (most of the people I knew who developed ALS were MDs who very strongly wanted to follow the narrative) everything I know is theoretical, but I would guess it's essentially the same approaches used for the other types of vaccine injuries and tuned to the individual. One of the things I am trying to do with this substack is gradually lay the entire knowledge base of how to do that out here so its available to the public...but it's a lot of work and I've still only gotten to parts of it.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective and knowledge on my question. And thank you for finding a higher purpose in serving the greater good in doing so. I am determined to do the same with however much longer I have, and with whatever quality of life I may have.

Also, I may be interpreting the last words of your response incorrectly, but it almost comes across as apologetic. If that is the case, please know I do not expect you to espouse every bit of information in your brain into this substack. It is too much work - and you have your own life to live and enjoy. I am accountable for my healing. I am deeply grateful for what you have been able to share, and whatever you may be able to share in the future.

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It 100% is. Throughout the pandemic I've felt quite bad I could not do a lot of what I felt I needed to do. The rule I've held myself to here is that whatever I present needs to be presented properly and in the correct order (since otherwise much less will happen) and this results in me continually seeing things like your situation where I feel bad I have not yet been able to get to what I needed to.

I don't loose sleep over it, but it motivates me to keep going at this.

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Well you’re doing significantly more than most, and doing it really well at that.

Every intelligible voice matters, and aids in lifting the collective intelligence and conscious.

Any evil brought to the light cannot survive.

Thank you again

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Nicky, my prayers are with you as you fight for others along with yourself. Your mindset is humbling. Clearly the word selfish doesn’t exist in you. Please look to FloridaSharkman on TruthSocial for help with dealing with spike protein injury.

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Nicky. Wishing you well. Please do make the leap of faith & start your own substack. You will find it cathartic & an excellent assistance to your own mental well being.

There is a lot of help you can give your own body in getting back to a much better health. Please have a read of my own personal return to much better health after a major stroke in my early 50's. Still in fine health now at 70 years old!


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My prayers are with you for a full recovery.

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Thank you for your kindness and prayers

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Oh Nicky. I am very sorry to hear this, but I so thank you for telling your story. I really and truly hope that you will be healed. I think you can heal. It may take much more time. Do not give up! I’ll send out prayerful hopes to the universe for your full recovery, Nicky.

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Thank you for your inspiration and intentions of healing. I am trying my best to face my sufferings, and heal, with dignity and strength

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You are definitely doing it, Nicky. As “the kids” say these days, “You’re crushin’ it!” I have faith you will heal.

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I am so very sorry for your health issues stemming from the experimental shots! My daughter nearly died from her "safe and effective" childhood vaccines, so I have been an extreme skeptic every since, but many were fooled or coerced into these new injections, despite their dangers.

In my circles I have friends who cured Transverse Mylitis from a DTaP with frequency specific micro current treatments, others who found a good homeopath or naturopath able to put them on the road to healing, or did figure it out themselves with diet, detox strategies, and various supplements. Niacin, NAC and Nattokinase have helped some, (and other Glutathione precursors,) and, I myself have received benefits from all of the above, as well as from Deuterium Depleted Water. Sold on the internet as LiteWater.

Low energy, brain fog, blood-pressure issues and general weakness were my issues following Covid.

I hope you find what works for you as well as a skilled healer to guide you through the process.

Many blessings,


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You don't mention your diet. I have a facial palsy due to sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning. It has significantly affected my energy although I am clawing my way back.

I did also take immuno-therapy because of doctors misdiagnosis in 2020 until I realised in Sept that year what was going on. I suspect the treatment to have caused damage to my pituitary gland upsetting my thyroid levels. The treatment ingredients seem very similar to the current vaccines.


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May 29, 2023
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036B21A - April 2021

039B21A - May 2021

No infection prior. One infection in April 2022 that I kicked in a day or two

Had some symptoms of injury immediately after pokes - but they were fairly benign and would only appear sporadically. I started getting very sick Fall of of 2022

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Reading these accounts of injuries makes me angry as well as sad for the sufferers especially for the young who would otherwise be in the peak of health and at the top of their game in work and play.

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I hope you are able to transmute your anger and sadness into deeper purpose! I need to be accountable for my decision. It’s hard to see sometimes in suffering, but there’s a plan for us all - we are all part of something bigger

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I hope you have no guilt in addition to what you're already contending with.

What concerns me is your statement "I need to be accountable for my decision". You were coerced by a corrupt media, government and medical establishment and deprived of information to make an informed decision.

You made what you thought was the best decision at the time.

I wish you a full recovery.

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Working on the guilt aspect. I wish what you were saying is 100% true, but there was a level of willful ignorance and egoism from myself.

I did not feel I at all needed to get it. Yes, information that would've swayed my decision was not readily available. But, I ultimately made my decision by the following logic:

I was young and in tip top shape, so I believed my body could overcome mostly anything (ego).

I didn't think the vast majority of medical doctors, or authoritative figures/agencies would push something this harmful to the entire population. I knew they've done it to sub-sects of the population, but never at the scale of every single citizen. Therefore, I surmised "it couldn't be that bad" - after all, why would they want to maim the very same folks that pay their bills and keep their economy afloat (this is what I would consider my willful ignorance - but it seemed like sound logic at the time).

Lastly, I just wanted to make my parents happy and make them feel like their child was safe, as they really bought into all the fear mongering (they were fed all the scary headlines in NY, while I gallivanted around South Florida without a care in the world).

It is easy to reflect and say I should've made better choices. When I say I must be accountable, I am mostly referring to what I do from hereon out to try and heal. However, there are some moments, or days, where I do live in the past and question my decision making - and you are absolutely right that I should not put this guilt on myself.

Thank you for your well wishes

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My friend, "information that would have swayed my decision was not readily available".

There is the clue. End of guilt!!

I am much older than you and have been through a lot--but I NEVER anticipated this level of evil.

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If it helps if I had not been so ill in 2019, I would not understand what I do now about the body and how it really works and what has been going on with big pharma, so despite my own issues I am eternally grateful.

I am 63 now so took a while to get there!

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May 29, 2023
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The delay is one of the scary things about these shots that you only see with the more dangerous phramaceuticals.

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Yes the delay is for sure a frightening part of this. I believe MidwesternDoc explains the reason why some experience a delay in another piece, but can’t remember which piece that was. Either way, I hope those close to you and yourself do not have the same experience as myself

I know that Augmented NAC (https://augmentednac.com/en) has shown dramatic results in decreasing some peoples’ spike burdens - created by Italian doctors. It is one of my many therapeutics

Thank you for your well wishes

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NIcky, a friend of mine who was in ICU for ten days and on the hospital floor for another nine days with Covid two years ago (and very nearly died), has recently begun taking the Spike support supplement that Dr. Peter McCullough sells on his website the wellness company or I think that is the name. If indeed you do still have spike circulating, it might be helpful to try it, as an adjunct to your other therapies. You’re probably already taking what is in that particular supplement (nattokinase) but I thought I’d let you know about it in case you didn’t already.

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Yes! Been on the Nattokinase train since December! I will have to take a look at McCullough's supplement to see if it can be an improvement in quality/formula from the brand I am currently taking.

Thank you for the suggestion and so happy to hear your friend made it out of such a harrowing ordeal

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Thanks. I am too. He was 61 when he got sick. He was given some experimental novel porcine heparin drug- only four people were on the study at Augusta Piedmont in Georgia. He and two other severe patients got the drug and all of them lived. The one person who got placebo died. Then the FDA refused to approve this novel porcine heparin! I can’t remember the name of the drug, but it began with a “D.” He has long-term sequelae from his illness, no doubt about it- mostly brain fog, a chronic cough, low exercise tolerance, and he gets fevers and deep fatigue for a few days when he over-exerts himself. We’ve also recommended methylene blue to him which he is reticent to try. But he likes the McCullough supplement a lot. I’ll think of you every day, Nicky. I will. Keep us posted here, will you? Love, mel

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Argh. I'm all too familiar with some of those symptoms and feel for him. I recently saw a video where an MD was explaining that one of the major US health authorities publicly determined, in 2016, that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were highly successful interventions for SARS-COV-1, and should be used for future SARS. It was a clip of an interview, and I saw it on social media, so I didn't do any sort of verification - but, it is clear, as evidenced by stories like that, and this Heparin drug, that they only care about money when it comes to "treating" their 'customers'.

I have tried methylene blue with limited results - seems like everyone responds differently, as I've heard tremendous success stories with MB.

Will do my best to keep posted. Thank you so much for your sweetness and love. I needed it today

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What I have noticed is that the protocols around have specific amounts or doses of the supplements or vitamins. I helped healing myself ( I’m a doctor from South America) taking higher amounts of some of the suggestions and then some. One that needs to be taken for sure is L- lysine ( I’m sure u are taking it or did it)

I read about serrapeptase in some of the protocols for example, and the suggestion is one or two a day. You can take up to 250000CU of it!! In a day.

Or MSM you can do more than just few grams. Even 25 gr is acceptable. Same goes for Vit D3. And magnesium and Vit C and many others.

There are books of all of them and that is where I got the information.

Lately I tried nicotine and I reversed another two symptoms.

Hope you heal soon. I have been successful helping others too. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It would be nice to know what u have tried or taken.

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nicotine for taste and smell?

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Glad we made you feel better today. I agree ivm and HCQ are lifesavers. In PubMed, there is still an NIH paper from 2005 in China that says chloroquine drugs used successfully for SARS Cov1. So when the media began demonizing HCQ in March of 2020, I smelled a rat. I’d been busy researching since early January 2020 when a doctor friend of mine had told me that a pandemic was on the horizon. I helped over 30 people get access to ivm during the Delta wave. All of them were in their 60s-upper 80s and not one of them had to go to hospital, not one developed pneumonia, dropped their saturations or got Long Covid. I learned about ivm from a friend in Mexico- they were using it down there even before the FLCCC got turned on to it. So were a lot of other countries. I am a retired NP in internal medicine and helping people survive during the delta wave was so happiness-inducing! You will get better as every month passes; I have a strong feeling you will.

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Mel - in the August 2005 issue of Virology, a journal put out by the NIH, is a short article on how chloroquine (& by extension, hydroxychloroquine), is a potent inhibitor of coronaviruses, in vitro. I read the article & have a copy. For obvious reasons, Fauci knew this.

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I am sure a lot were saline shots. But ultimately each person is different as we are not a herd.

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