The elephant in the room that nobody talks about is how Smallpox vaccinations were done. They used a scalpel to cut an X in the shoulder of the person to be vaccinated, and then transferred pus or lymph from the vaccination scab of another person who had been vaccinated recently. They did not sterilize the scalpel between patients. And a typical doctors office would vaccinate up to 250 people in the same day, with the same scalpel. By doing this Smallpox vaccination ensured that every bloodborne disease in the town to be vaccinated was spread to everyone who received the vaccination. They may not have all come down with symptoms, but this undoubtedly spread syphilis and hepatitis, among other diseases. This practice did not change until after World War II, by which time the sanitation and quarantine had effectively eliminated smallpox. But they came out with the new smallpox vaccine in the last 20 years of the disease, enabling the vaccine to claim undeserved credit for eradicating that horrible disease.

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The other anomaly with Smallpox is its assumed airborne mode of transmission.

There was a Doctor A.R. Campbell who ran the smallpox quarantine facility in Texas. He conducted experiments, which today would be considered unethical, in which he had some of the houses fumigatied to exterminate bedbugs, while others were known to be infested. He placed families with one symptomatic member in both types of housing. He observed that smallpox was only transmitted between family members in the bedbug ridden residences. Therefore he concluded that smallpox was a bloodborne disease, like Yellow Fever and Malaria with bedbugs as the biting insect vector.

The CDC conducted one experiment in the 1930s which showed smallpox could be transmitted between rabbits by bedbugs. However, that line of inquiry ran into a wall of opposition from the vaccine industry.

100 years later we see an outbreak of "monkeypox" which some people have speculated was merely smallpox renamed by the WHO to support the claim vaccines eradicated it.

To everyone's surprise monkeypox turned out to be bloodborne, and thus is only being transmitted by the same vectors as hepatitis B: IV needles and anal sex. Bill Gates seemed to be quite disappointed that a second pandemic failed to materialize. Lest anyone doubt that monkeypox is essentially a rebranded smallpox, the WHO recommends smallpox vaccine as the prophylactic against monkeypox for vulnerable populations.

Dr. Campbell may have been right all along. If so, the credit for eliminating smallpox belongs to housewives who insisted on insect-free homes.

This might also explain the efficacy of transmitting smallpox to native Americans by giving them blankets from infected persons.

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Thank you for sharing this. I really appreciate it. Do you have links for any of those sources so I could add them to the article?

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Here is the study which showed bedbugs were able to transmit smallpox to rabbits:


The book by Dr. Campbell (not Brown) was:

Bats, Mosquitoes and Dollars

-By Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell.

Boston: Stratford, 1925.


You can download his book as a PDF here:


And here is a biased MSM article ridiculing/factchecking him.


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You don't mean that monkeypox is only blood borne do you? Recall the prairie dog cases here in the US... no needles/anal sex there.

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Blood sucking insects are the primary vector for bloodborne diseases, except in extremely degenerate human societies. There are pox viruses in the same genus, Orthopoxvirus, for several types of animals. The likely vectors are blood sucking insects, of which there are many to choose from. There have also been several cases cases of Orthopox vaccinia transmission from recently vaccinated military personnel to family members with cases of severe eczema, and in one case, vaginal contact.

In the 2003 outbreak the importer housed nearly 1,000 rodents in the same holding facility. One can imagine that either fleas or bedbugs could have transmitted the virus from the African rodents to the prairie dogs. Most US chicken houses have bedbugs, so it is not improbable that a pet import and transshipment facility might have bedbugs as well. They are primarily active at night when the lights are off and the staff is not there.

So, no, bloodborne is not the only way, but it is the primary method. Bloodborne diseases are not normally spread by aerosols, but sexual contact and open wounds on the skin, and bites by infected animals can also allow transmission.

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The following quote is from this paper, which cited two studies indicating that Hepatitis B is transmissible by bedbugs:


In 1978, a cross sectional study of the prevalence of HBsAg in

Cimex Lectularis at six localities in northern Transvaal (Messina,

Waterpoort, Louis Triachardt, Pietersburg, Letaba, Potgietersrus). A

total of 1,368 bedbugs of the species Cimex lectularius were collected

mainly from huts in villages or on farms and then were tested in pools

of 10 for the presence of HBsAg. None of 20 pools from Pietersburg

was HBsAg-positive, but 32 out of 120 pools from the remaining

localities were HBsAg-positive. Estimated infection rates per 1,000

bugs were 17,1 (Messina); 24,9 (Waterpoort); 28,4 (Letaba); 54,5

(Potgietersrus); and 67,0 (Louis Trichardt), with an overall rate of 30,6

per 1,000 bedbugs. Moreover, the engorged bugs showed an infection

rate of 34, 8 per 1,000 bedbugs. Similarly, the unengorged bugs showed

an infection rate of 25, 3 were HBsAg-positive. These very high

infection rates, even in unengorged bugs, suggested that C. lectularius

could be a vector of hepatitis B virus in the Transvaal. In addition,

HBV transmission between humans via infected bedbugs might

explain the high HBsAg-positivity among the residents of houses with

bedbug infestations [6].

In 1979, Jupp and McElligott provided HBsAg positive blood meals

to a colony of the common bedbug (Cimex lectularius L) in a series of

five experiments. They found that the HBsAg persisted in the bugs for

at least seven and a half weeks, but was undetectable after 18 weeks.

They also were able to observe a trans-stadial transmission through

one moult only while transovarial transmission did not occur.

Moreover, adult bugs successfully transmitted the antigen into 3 out of

35 canisters of HBsAg-negative blood. HBsAg positive bedbugs were

placed in a glass centrifuge tubes with closed tops and inverted into the

ear of a rabbit and into the shaved abdomen of 10 guinea pigs.

Antibody of HBsAg was detected in the serum from a rabbit on which

HBsAg-positive adult bugs had fed as well as in the serum of two out

of ten guinea-pigs on which HBsAg-positive 4th and 5th nymphal

instars had fed. Generally, the results showed that biological

multiplication and biological transmission did not occur in C.

lectularius, but mechanical transmission did occur and was probably

an important means of hepatitis B virus transmission among humans

in South Africa [7].

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Perhaps Richard Gere was involved?

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That was mentioned in the original post but I cut it out here (other than showing the picture of a vaccinated arm) for length considerations.

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Arguably the smartest man ever to live in America, Jonathan Edwards died of a smallpox vax just before the Revolutionary War. I am not against vaccines per se; but most of them are not necessary. About all I get is a tetanus shot every ten years. I have even declined the shingles shot, now that I am an old duffer

Sasha Latypova adiscusses persistent damage to the gut microbiome by the shot in a review of work by Sabine Hazan, MD, a gastroenterologist and a premier microbiome expert, et al. See Persistent Damage to the Gut Microbiome After Covid-19 mRNA Injection. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/persistent-damage-to-the-gut-microbiome?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=870364&post_id=115341546&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email Also see Latypova’s interview of Hazan: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/conversation-with-dr-sabine-hazan

We already know from the Lund University work in Sverige (det är sverige om du inte pratar svenska!!) that injected mRNA sequences can reverse transcribe in as little as 6 hours and upload into the human genome. This means a person can now for the first time be officially genetically modified. I.e., your DNA changes

Gee, is there ANY biological system these evil Mengeles/Shiro Ishiis (Japanese Unit 731 e.g. see Inside Unit 731, Japan's Gruesome WWII Human Experiment Program

https://history.howstuffworks.com/world-war-ii/unit-731.htm) missed???

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I am amazed-- that you even get the tetanus shot. ALSO unnecessary.

Last week I had 10 stitches in leg from a fall(rescuing the damn cat). The 4" cut happened through blunt force and my pant leg was not broken open-- more amazing stuff! However, the doc and nurses asked me at least 4 times if I wanted to get the tetanus vaccination.

"NO. I won't get tetanus. NO vaccines."

They finally believed me.

"We must ask you if you want it." Dutifully following their administrators commands like the sheep they are.

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Insertion of grazing animal manure is said to be required to get a tetanus infection. My grandfather had it (common in his town of Ephraim, Utah), but his family had horses, and I would suspect cows and sheep as well.

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yep, I did not bother to give all that detail; the doc SHOULD have known this but I wasn't going to tell him if he didn't. Foreign accent, who knows. . .

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I learned this recently, as in the past 10 years, and it baffles me that doctors do not know this! It then makes sense why there are fewer cases as we not longer have horses as a standard means of transportation with manure in the streets as well as fewer people living on farms.

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Did your grandfather recover? Year?

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Um, I did post this, and he was my grandfather. Happened in the aughts when he was a child. He said they had to pry his jaw open with a crowbar.

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Good thing you declined shingles shot - i have two friends who got the shot and both got shingles afterwards. One with a case that drug on for months and painful months. Finally her Kaiser doc said, well, yes there is some 'breakthrough' (whatever that means). I know personally how bad shingles is, and wouldn't consider a vax. When i got it ~ 15 yrs ago, i was being heavily irradiated close-range by my own cellphone a lot, and myriad wifi routers. After i got rid of those exposures, my immune system became strong again.

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I took the shingles drugs twice (within 72 hours) and the third time I got Shingles I used Fscan http://www.fscan.com/ki.php/en/F-SCAN.html and I have never had Shingles again. Seems to work against many viruses and other ailments.

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Stephen - interesting (i just noticed your comment). Did the Fscan stop the shingles outbreak at the time? And do you know what frequencies it operates on for shingles?thanks

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Yantra, Yes, it did stop but I got to it very early - probably the first day. I have never had a recurrence and yet when I was using the anti-virals, it came back several times. Sorry, I do not know the frequencies as it just says 'Shingles in the FScan guide! However, the COVID experience suggests that Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Quercetin taken daily may prevent attacks by any virus. Maybe some good things will come out of COVID!

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Thanks - and i guess we can add sunlight exposure to your list (:

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Tetanus shots may even work. You have to get them before you get infected. But vitamin C allegedly suffices. https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/tetanus-shot-how-do-we-know-it-works

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Dr Klenner's work on vit c and the myriads of dis-eases it works on is fascinating reading. I keep a "how-to" in my wallet in case of hospital admission, but don't know if it will matter. Funny /s how doctors don't know a tetanus shot right after injury will accomplish nothing. You'd be infected way before it would kick in.

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I am sure you are aware that a single tetanus shot is no longer available. The only way to receive a tetanus shot is with diphtheria and pertussis -T-DaP DTaP. For some time there was a tetanus plus diphtheria shot, but the CDC recommends that doctors save those for people who cannon get pertussis containing vaccines. Very few doctors inform patients they are receiving more than just tetanus. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-braces-for-shortage-after-tetanus-shot-discontinued-issues-new-guidance/

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Är du svensk?

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AMD does mention this in the article. Called "Variolation."

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Yes but 'variolation' doesn't sound like something akin to bloodletting or voodoo ! , and that's before the potential for infection from the method.

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Apologies to members of the voodoo creed

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I'm fine with both!

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you can TELL: I are an eng-e-near.

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Driving those trains wears one down... :-)

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Great article!! I wonder how many people Fauci has murdered with all his evil vaccine crimes

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Dr. Fauci only misspoke slightly when he said the vaccine would stop Covid dead in its tracks. He meant to say it would stop you dead in your tracks.

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he usually doesn't say the quiet part out loud 😉

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Easy to compute: just read RFK's incredibly thorough work on Fauci's deeds; superb book!

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"The commanding of vaccination on a second child of a family, when vaccination has killed the first; and then sending the father to prison for refusal.”

Sounds extremely similar to what occurred in Australia when COVID vaxx injured refused a second jab. At one point, the noncompliant were rounded up and placed in COVID detention centers or, was it more like concentration camps.

Tracking and tracing technology left no place to hide. So anyone with one brain cell would know what RFK, Jr. was inferring when he said that in the 21st Century things are worse than in 1938 Germany as there's no escaping the tenacious tentacles of the biosecurity surveillance technocracy.

That being said, you'd truly have to be a pyschopathic apparatchik to demand that the vaxx injured take additional doses. Unless of course depopulation was the goal.

With this in mind, what else can we expect from a pharmaceutical industry founded by scoundrels like John D Rockefeller whose

father Avery, a con artist cheated folks by selling snake oil as a panacea for all that ails from a covered wagon.🤨

As we can see, nothing has changed except that selling toxins has become increasingly more profitable as the industry has gotten its hooks into "everything" and that includes funding mainstream media news, bribing politicians, and working hand-in-glove with DARPA as it conducts nefarious medical experiments.🤑


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My mate - semi pro hockey player - was opposed to the Rat Juice but he plays in Europe so caved in and took a shot... within hours he had severe heart issues...

Seeking help he went to a GP and tried to get an exemption ... no go - he was instead told that he might try the Moderna Rat Juice since Pfizer did not agree with his heart...

To which he responded -- so I can have a blood clot to go with my heart damage.

He walked away. Of course he was still billed for the visit.

Not sure why damaged Vaxxers are not seeking vigilante justice... surely there must be some who are burning with anger at the medical establishment that has poisoned them

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In the US big pharma wouldn't release the vaxx unless they were guaranteed non-indemnity. The Emergency Use Authorization Act (EUA) accomplished that.

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pHarmaCo also got a specific, additional, liability exemption for the convid mRNA shots codified into "law" here in the US before their release, on top of the PREP/EUA protections.

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I'm sure big pharma's ghoulish litigation teams microscopically disected every fine point.😐

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I gather Avery sold mineral oil falsely labeled as water snake oil.

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Yeah, it cured both cancer and constipation.😁

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Jul 24, 2023
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I see a bigger picture - satan's minions do not know they are minions. They are deluded to believe they are RIGHT! And if they get rich being right, well that's just a nice reward. Always follow the money but know that we do battle with dark principalities.

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Do we need to choose? Maybe a two-for?!

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Whichever one works.

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A combo of both...

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I think de-population can be the only goal but a bit too hard for most to understand when they cannot believe that the jab does not work.

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Jul 25, 2023
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I totally agree. The excess death figures around the world are increasing and totally support your hypothesis.

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Thanks especially for the info on Thuja Occidentalis, a remedy I’d forgotten about.

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Many have already done so, but I have to also applaud your thoroughness - not just here, but in everything you write. Also, your open-mindedness and respect for other medical systems. Most western-trained medical doctors lack both the humility and courage to do that.

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Thank you

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Thank you for such a detailed medical history regarding smallpox. I had no idea of any mandate going back 150 years nor a smallpox vaccine going back that far. Amazing to see the similarity. Sadly, medical intervention has not improved our lives after all these decades and massive costs.

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Read Dissolving Illusions for more great info! A stellar book.

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Dissolving Illusions is outstanding and read 'Turtles all the way Down'. However to find it search via Duck Duck Go as Google will not display it. Most readers will never take another vaccine.

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Really good. Thank you. I have had an alternative health practise for 27 years. This was informative.

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Thank you.

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Curious as to what you think about Arthur Firstenberg's theory that the introduction of electricity and EMFs has contributed to the increase in diseases since the 1800s? But then again - EMFs appear to cause "blood stasis" too - so probably just another contributing factor.

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I read his book and I think EMFs cause a lot of issues but I don't place as much of a weight on their impact as Fristenberg.

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Another great article that points out the problem with people who believe they have been gifted with a special type of knowledge and position such as what we have seen Fauci demonstrate more than once. The insane hubris to say that he is "Science" when history will likely rank him right alongside demons with names like Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin.

Sadder still is the fact that trained intelligent people who rook the Hippocratic Oath were blinded by God only knows what and have joined Fauci in what could be termed a reign of terror on humanity that stated some 30 years ago when Fauci touted AZT and has not ended yet as many still push the "clot shot" as they follow his lead and and have seemingly never learned that Fauci was merely the devil's pawn who was deluded with his own position and prominence and has wreaked havoc on mankind as a result.

May your efforts wake up many Physicians who will leave their adoration of Fauci and become the healers the world needs.

Thanks again!

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My TCM school was also mandated to get C19 vax due to the city's mandate for all medical facilities (we run a public clinic). Fortunately, religious exemption was an option. I was certainly surprised by how many "progressive" wholistic tcm peeps enthusiastically lined up for the vax. Eye opening! It is mentioned swiftly and subtly in our medical books that vax bypasses exterior and can remain a hidden pathogen and no one ever speaks of this or thought it was good to acknowledge this info. How timely it would have been! I see such unwillingness for people to ever admit they might have been wrong about it.

I now have Neeb's book on my list of texts to purchase. Thank you for another enlightening article.

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TCM school = Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Thank you

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Such a wonderful summary of all of the various medical approaches.

It is too rare to see these discussed.

Thank you for your excellent work!

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Thank you.

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Wow. Just wow. Thank you for this and all the great work your and others are doing to awaken the masses.

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Very nice! Thank you! You are truly indispensable. Very valuable work!

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I have recently become convinced that viruses and germs as we've been taught do not exist at all.

Read the book BeChamp or Pasteur and it really began to click as to why we are where we are now.

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... and I may add this philosophical look on our world today:



Aug. 16, 2021 - an excerpt

" ... If the military industry needs wars, the pharmaceutical industry needs diseases. It is no coincidence that ‘public health’ is by far the most profitable sector of the world economy, to the extent that Big Pharma spends about three times as much as Big Oil and twice as much as Big Tech on lobbying. The potentially endless demand for vaccines and experimental gene concoctions offers pharmaceutical cartels the prospect of almost unlimited profit streams, especially when guaranteed by mass vaccination programmes subsidised by public money (i.e., by more debt that will fall on our heads)."


And to it a question which remains unanswered:

Why does the public tolerate its biological warfare?


June 10, 2020

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You lost me in the first paragraph:

"When you study history, it is always striking how frequently dysfunctional cycles tend to repeat themselves—which is why many of us were able to foresee much of what came to pass with the disastrous COVID-19 vaccines. Medicine has its fair share of erroneous beliefs (which frequently have little to no evidence supporting them). Sadly, my profession has held tightly onto them for centuries regardless of the problems those beliefs create and I believe the vaccination meme is one of the most harmful ones."

For the Covid injection, the evidence for lethality and global planning is indisputable. Characterize it how you will, it is not medical care, and it has killed millions. This painful insight alone should convince the doubtful about the character of the rest of these events. But many of the people waking up cannot yet wrap their heads around the extent of the conspiracy and the myriad other crimes.

“Mistakes were made” is the limit of their understanding. I call it the “Semmelweis” effect. Doctors are bone-headed herd animals who are willing to kill their own rather than change their minds or entertain new ideas. Dr. Semmelweis learned about this in 1847 when he proved that hand washing in childbirth saved untold lives. His colleagues committed him to an asylum, he was beaten by guards, and he died within two weeks. This effect is real, but it is only part of the more recent story.

Media censorship supports the evil collusion, and along with it, “science” is warped as well. When the agenda is to promote evil, falsehoods are made to multiply and the truth is suppressed through financing and repetition. Even when there is already overwhelming academic consensus, the truth is ignored or suppressed.

Are these few examples—among the many I could have described—simply opportunistic profit-seeking ventures? Or were the lies fabricated and the truth suppressed to damage us? Are there interlocking conspiracies guided by a few malevolent hands? Looking at the whole thing, the answer to all these questions is obviously yes. 

If you have not been keeping up and have enough courage to face the proof for what I say, watch the following. I do not know why it is still up on YouTube, but if it gets taken down, search for “The Big Reset Movie” on Rumble or Bitchute.


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