AMD - I remember, in my much younger days looking at the corruption in our world and feeling so small and alone. One of the great ironies of life is that through this hideous travesty called COVID, we have come to find you and the stellar humans like you, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Aseem Malhotra, Tess Laurie, Bonnie Ann Cox, Jessica Rose, Dr Robert Malone, Bobby Kennedy. I am so inspired by all of you.

A wise man once said, “I truly believe we are at a pivotal time, where the work that each of us puts in can make an immense impact on the future course of this world.”

I, for one, am inspired to act upon that advice.

Thank you. I am eternally both grateful and indebted to you folks - for saving me from despair. ☺️

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That's how I feel too! Although I worded it differently.

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AMD - With this part, --- A wise man once said, “I truly believe we are at a pivotal time, where the work that each of us puts in can make an immense impact on the future course of this world.”

I was quoting you! You wrote that at the very end of your article where you talked about Bobby Kennedy, I was guessing as to the assumption of ‘MAN’ but as for the wise part, you’ve got that in spades!!!!! And sorry if I didn’t represent your quote exactly. Best regards, Elizabeth.

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I withdraw my former comment and leave you this—wildly being touted on Substack and the Internet as brilliant.

This is research.


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Hi Great Reflect, I hear you. I lost two sisters and a brother due to this COVID travesty. We, the people of this community, are a broad and varied group. None of us will ever see the world in Exactly the same way as everyone else. With this in mind, I think it best to take the gift of labor and analysis, given freely by AMD and boil it down to the most important point.

In my view, the most important point that good doctor is expressing, is that there is major corruption in our institutions that needs to be admitted, acknowledged and rooted out.

Arguing details, amongst ourselves does not serve that end goal. I had a relative who is a army officer in Florida at one time. She told me there was the saying down there that goes as follows, “ it’s hard to remember when you are up to your ass in alligators, that your mission is to drain the swamp.”

I would suggest it would serve us, and humanity, best to focus on draining the swamp instead of behaving within our community, as alligators.

No disrespect here, I just hope that you listen and consider.

BTW, I am so very sorry for your loss.


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Wonderful reply! I agree totally and love the Florida saying!

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Great Reflect - ‘Upon Reflection..... ‘ 😁 I am proud to know you. 😀 Very Best Regards, shall we, all of us, always keep fighting the good fight. Hope you have a good week. Ek

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What she said. ⬆️


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Yep, me too. 👌

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I agree. My love and respect also goes to Dr Paul Thomas, Dr Andrew Wakefield, Dr Suzanne Humphries, Dr Mercola, Sayar Ji, Dr Chris Exley, Ann Dachel, authors of Turtles All The Way Down, Dr Jacob Puliyel, Mr Prashant Bhushan ( lawyer activist from India) and many more.

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Thank you for the additional names off start following them!!!!!

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Friendly well meaning correction: They were the editors or TAtwD… the authors chose to remain anonymous. Some of the other names you mention are people of whom I am unfamiliar. Now I will look them up, thank you.

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Give us their names please, so that we can share it look them up!!!! And start following them ourselves!!!!

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Well said. I totally agree!!

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Aseem Malhotra murdered a lot of people by pushing the injections.

But sure. He's a stellar human being.

And one day if Anthony Fauci sees the lights and denounces his malfeasance in pushing death shots, maybe you will perceive him a stellar human being too?

Of course, AMD says it's irresponsible to offer up theories without proof, but that's precisely what every person who pushed these injections did. They had no proof. They were speculating. The products were novel and untested.

If Malhotra can see the light only after his own father tumbles off the cliff, then how stellar a human being is he?

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Equivocating Malhotra and Fauci is a good example of the "bad analogy" fallacy.

If in anyway you care about this, I tried to give a more detailed perspective on my thoughts about him here:


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<i>Aseem Malhotra murdered a lot of people by pushing the injections.</i>

Sage, do you have a list of the names of his victims, or are you just speculating?

It could be argued, and very probably is argued in some establishment quarters that Malhotra murdered a lot of people by claiming on TV that the injections were potentially deadly, thereby sowing doubt in the minds of the general public about the wisdom of taking that third or forth booster. I can imagine this kind of claim doing the rounds at the BBC canteen among other places. And by the same token, it has probably been argued by people of the same outlook that he murdered a lot of people by discouraging them from taking statins.

But I doubt if they have a list of Malhotra's victims, and even if they could assemble one, it would be difficult to prove that they died because they listened to his advice rather than to one of the thousands of other talking heads that have expounded on the same subject, or to a voice in their own head, or because they rolled a dice, or because they had been programmed since childhood to trust the medical industry, so it would probably never stand up in court.

I hadn't thought about Malhotra's situation very much until you brought him up on your own Substack, and after that I considered your accusation against him and came to the conclusion that in the absence of evidence beyond reasonable doubt, I could not find him not guilty of murder.

I freely admit to being neither the sharpest pencil in the pencil case nor the brightest candle in the chandelier. But I'm smart enough to know that an accusation of murder needs to be backed by evidence or there is no need to consider it. The thought occurred to me that perhaps you were not intending to seriously accuse Dr. Malhotra of murder but were doing so rhetorically as a "flaming" device (to try to get a reaction out of AMD), much as members of the "woke" community are apt throw out accusations of "racism", "transphobia", "white supremacism" and the like.

I'm probably going to regret posting this, but here goes.

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Correction: I hadn't thought about Malhotra's situation very much until you brought him up on your own Substack, and after that I considered your accusation against him and came to the conclusion that in the absence of evidence beyond reasonable doubt, I could not find him guilty of murder. (A thousand apologies!)

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This for context is the article I wrote on Malhotra: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-can-statins-teach-us-about-the

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Yes, me too. So grateful to all of you.

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This reflects my philosophy on the issue of conspiracy thinking almost precisely. As someone who questions everything, I have often experienced this phenomenon in the presence of big "C" Conspiracy theorists: "So, when individuals threaten this rare object by debunking the coveted knowledge, they are attacked by those who covet it." This is not an attitude conducive to finding truth. This is an attitude attuned to upholding dogma, evidence be damned. It is an attitude nearly identical to that of the Covidians, who similarly respond with visceral, evidence-free attacks on anyone who questions their coveted mainstream dogma. These are two sides of the same coin.

To find truth, one must be willing to interrogate all beliefs and incorporate all credible evidence into our understanding. To close oneself off to all other possibilities based on the merest scintilla of evidence, or in some cases based only on raw speculation while ignoring all the contradictory evidence, is a recipe for wrongness.

There are conspiracies. Lots of them. Many of our leaders are psychopaths, narcissists, and machiavelians. We should absolutely expend effort investigating and exposing their misdeeds. But we must also consider contradictory evidence and remain open to other possibilities unless and until a certain theory has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt. And even then we must consider new contradictory evidence that comes to light.

Open-minded inquiry is the path to truth, inner-peace, and effective action. Close-minded dogmatism is the path to untruth, fanaticism, outrage, and even mental illness. May we all be well and prosperous in our sense-making journeys.

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I completely agree and I probably should have added that power structures typically select for the most sociopathic individuals to rise to the top.

At the core level, humans are very similar, so I think its always important to understand the underlying factors motivating their behavior rather than just focusing on you disagreeing with the specific actions they have.

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The problem with the grander big “C” Conspiracy theories is not that they overestimate the capacity for evil at the upper echelons of society. Rather, the problem is that they overestimate competence.

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Humans are very limited, if not by competence than in other ways. There is also pressure in systems headed by sociopaths to fear the competent ones (who likely have a conscience too since those traits are correlated).

Thus there is a chance for non-sociopaths to compete by picking-up that leftover talent that can't fit into the corrupted status quo. Although this happens throughout history it's relatively rare in the modern world and Big C conspiracies are growing. This is paradoxical since humans operate on incentives and there are a lot more incentives for good people to cooperate than for evil people.

But the explanation is simple: there are highly competent and long-lived entities at work to corrupt every human alive. These are the demons, satan is their master and God is their ultimate enemy. They are able to coordinate the actions of sociopathic narcissists who otherwise would be keeping each other in check.

Now you never have to research any Big C theories again!

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"power structures typically select for the most sociopathic individuals to rise to the top." Totally! And - families of eugenicists notwithstanding- what really helps with this is when you have so many world leaders who all graduate from the same indoctrinating institution whose goal it is to rule the planet! :)

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"To find truth, one must be willing to interrogate all beliefs and incorporate all credible evidence into our understanding."

I believe a prerequisite for that is humility; something that appears sorely lacking in our society.

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And I think humility is lacking because of the huge amount of insecurity, leading us to latch onto ideas that give us a semblance of having some control over the external world. We can't let go of these ideas because that would let the pain of insecurity back in, so we have to give the impression we have knowledge beyond doubt - hence the appearance of a lack of humility. It all comes from fear, I think.

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Could be. I dunno and probably never will.


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great comment...agree 100%

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history was made on conspiracy. It is a human condition. Not an aberation.

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Nod, so true. All it takes is two people agreeing towards an outcome that is lawless is a conspiracy.

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So learning about a conspiracy theory always comes in pieces or waves, never all at once. And none of us discovering them are insiders, so we cannot know the full picture for some time. It is this set of facts that requires me to always consider if new information changes the theory or it's probability of being true. On huge conspiracies, it takes years and decades to find enough facts to have high confidence in the accuracy. And sometimes, new facts shed new light on the complete truth.

Biggest key to me is to realize OUR elite is no different from those that lead and destroyed so many other civilizations. Human nature drives actions. Nice to believe the propaganda about America being better, but is THIS group of leaders better? Clearly not, at least in my adult lifetime.

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I am guessing that you are American. "OUR elite is no different from those that lead and destroyed so many other civilizations." If you are referring to the GLOBAL cabal that is seeking to control humanity, reduce us all to controlled (injected/vaccinated) serfs, then I have to disagree. The trouble - in my experience - with many Americans is that they only consider the USA, which is vast, I agree, and a wonderful country in many ways. But this, modern Elite has a Global reach and has so many advantages that previous ones did not: Technology, a global telecoms system which uses deadly man-made EMR that is destroying us and all life on the planet, a global population the majority of which is almost enslaved to using trackable video/audio-mobile communications devices (smartphones) - especially the younger generation, heads of government in so many countries that have all been indoctrinated (over decades) by this elite. I could go on. The only ray of hope is that the key advantages they have in terms of global comms/tech are also being used against them - by us, the AWAKE, red-pilled populace. We have a race against time to wake up the "sheep" of the world - to educate them to NOT comply. That is our mission - should we choose to accept it.

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I am American. And I actually agree with what you replied 100%. America is a player in the GLOBAL cabal. Zero chance all of the major western gov't across the globe all abandoned medical history and embraced the same tyrannical controls randomly at nearly exactly the same time. So we agree so completely...

The confusion came from my comment about the American elite. I did not clarify that I was referring to the difference between patriotic idealism taught in school and the actions of the leaders in reality. What Americans were taught in school to believe about our leaders for generations was that they were exceptionally great, honorable, and would never do those awful things that go against American principles and that they call out as unacceptable actions by other country's leaders. Starting around 2003, I began to learn of all the colour revolutions and soft coups initiated/sponsored by our "glorious" CIA. And it dawned on me, why would I think they could do such a thing to other countries and not turn on Americans?

So in essence, I was pointing out the propaganda taught versus the reality, not referring at that moment to the exact GLOBAL cabal take over attempt playing out now. My apologies for the confusion.

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No worries , thanks for the explanation. "What Americans were taught in school to believe about our leaders for generations was that they were exceptionally great, honorable, and would never do those awful things that go against American principles and that they call out as unacceptable actions by other country's leaders." Perhaps you are taught this in school because America won its war of independence from a tyrannical power led by a Royal regime, consequently all its causes thereafter are (in theory) democratic and all its democratically elected leaders are thus heroes. As such, America feels it has the duty to take on the mantle (or right) to defend everybody else from tyranny. As a result of the US's role in WW2 that "duty: seems to have gone into overdrive, but at the same time it took in a lot of really bad actors fleeing Nazi Germany, absorbed them into obscurity, whilst at the same time using their skills and knowledge to advance its own agenda. That's not a particularly good recipe for altruism. Also, children were *probably* subsequently taught that America saved the world from the Nazis - when in fact they only joined the war at the last minute due to Pearl Harbour, after all the other Allies had been fighting for years - it's taught slightly differently in the UK :-)

Anyway, as we know, in reality things are not exactly as they are taught in school! And as we are beginning to realise, democracy is an idealized state that must be fought for constantly , as there will always be tyrants - everywhere - trying to destroy it.

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I should like to correct something I said, but cant edit it. The US did not join WW2 "at the last minute" Dec 1941 is hardly the last minute - not even half-way. I think I was echoing my father's words ( and he was probably echoing his father's) since the Americans stationed in the UK whilst welcomed by many British women, were -unsurprisingly - not too popular with British men! LOL

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read The Bad War by Mike King.

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Therefore, “settled science”

isn’t, nor ever should be.

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Many INTERESTING points in the article HOWEVER it sounds irresponsible to not be advocating for accountability FOR WHATEVER REASONS of toxic jabs and medical lunacy of late. INCOMPETENCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR ANY OF THAT OBVIOUSLY AND THAT MUST be considered OF COURSE!

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For many years I have noticed that the trap a lot of people fall into is that they ego identify with an idea. Instead of just holding an idea or considering the finer points of an idea, (I don’t like the word conspiracy), they take on ideas as part of their very identity, which is a terrible mistake. We are NOT our ideas, we are much more than our current understanding of how the world works or our current coveted ideas or concepts.

You can eat a vegan or carnivore diet or vote for Democrats or Republicans but it’s a trap to say “I AM a vegan, or carnivore or I AM a Democrat or Republican.”. When we identify with ideas too much it makes it hard for us to take in new information or to consider a different view because it’s threatening to the ego. The political parties use this ego identification fallacy to great effect to divide us up into fighting tribes.

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I think that tendency is a reflection of the fact the current society has taken away a lot of the connections (both to ourselves others and our environment) that make us human, and because of this people lack a lot of the meaning that anchors them to reality and they will thus take up things with no intrinsic value (e.g., identifying with an idea) so they can have some type of meaning and purpose in their lives even if it is largely an illusion.

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I agree with you. AND - dare I say it - the same can be said for a person stating that they are a Catholic or a Born-again Christian etc. Such identifiers can be both a badge and a shield, but also a closet or self-imposed prison, where as you say the individual is closed to new ideas.

This is one of the reasons that I have always disapproved of orthodox religions. I feel - that ultimately -they do more harm than good - both to individuals and to society. I often wonder why, on many forms one is asked for one's religion - it is a further method of discrimination, division. (Soon it will be "Are you vaccinated?" "for COVID" being taken for granted , as that is the only one - so far - that matters) On a form, I say "None" , in person, I say I have my own religion ; but why are such things anybody's business?

However, there are people (more-so lately. it seems ) who need to have a label/badge to cling to as they feel that they are lost without it. The horrors of the past 3 years - and the threat of more to come have done one thing that appears to be design-intent by the ruling elite - i.e. to break people; to divide people by any means available and fundamentally to destroy the family unit as a concept ( the current banalities of new laws allowing gender-reassignment of children without parental consent springs to mind as one example).

As more infringements of our freedoms are imposed on us in the next few years (as seems already to be happening) I can see another form of population reduction resulting - that of despair and suicide ( we've already seen an increase during the lockdowns) - and Canada now has the "assisted dying" facility for mentally ill - even children!

If orthodox religions ( I am not talking about those currently spouting Satanism and "End-Times" ) can help some people survive the current madness that we are living through , then I now believe that, while this can restrict thinking, it may be a good thing - at least for now.

P.S. I am more than a little concerned about the power of the Catholic Church and where this might fit in the evolving global agenda!

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One of the basic tenants of Christianity is that you are reborn, that you take on an entirely new identity in Christ. That is one reason why historically Christians would take new names after baptism, the new name symbolized their new identity. So it seems to me that religion is different than what the OP mentioned in that it is generally the self labeling of I am a...that leads one to associate their diet or political party of choice as a part of their identity. Religion on the other hand is supposed to be the foundation of your identity, it’s not that people erroneously incorporate an idea into their identity. In Christianity (and more so in Islam) your religion is the very bedrock of your identity. From a Christian perspective you may be right that attaching identity to a specific denomination or theological school may not be wise. But as a Christian your identity must be based on your relationship with God. Saying “I am a Republican” or “I am a vegan” is a bug in the system, saying “I am a Christian” is the feature the entire system is built around.

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Well said. To be reborn is an identity--child of God.

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I understand what you are saying, but it is still a label of sorts. There are probably Vegans who feel the same. And what "entire system" are you referring to?

Personally, I am a Human Being (Homo Sapiens, Sapiens) - which implies sentient animal of planet Earth and that - nothing more - is MY relationship to the creator of the Universe. A Religion is a belief systems on top of that.

The fact that I am also Welsh (Celtic) plays a part in my identity and heritage, but I am completely aware that it is window-dressing on top of my humanity. All humans on this planet belong to the same species ( "club"). We (should) all have the same rights, regardless of our window-dressing.

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By the system I mean the entire system of Christianity and the various social systems that have risen from Christian thought and philosophy. Even more than that God created people in His image for the purpose of relationship with Him. He created us with individual identities that by design are to be built with Him as their foundation.

Kay put it beautifully, all humans are made in the image of God and that is exactly why all humans are precious and matter equally. Any orthodox Christian would agree with you that we all deserve the same rights, we might just disagree on what rights are or where they come from.

You say that you are a human being and that is your entire relationship with the creator of the universe. As such you are missing the opportunity to be a child of God and to walk in close relationship with Him on a daily basis. We are separated from God by a chasm of our own sin. It is only the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus that can bridge that chasm. Accepting Jesus as Lord of our lives and surrendering our old identities for new ones in him is the only way to cross that bridge.

Why settle? Why settle for being an image bearer of God when you can be a child of God? Because you are settling for less. There is nothing that compares to walking through this life with Jesus. Two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul wrote “I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ.” It was true 2000 years ago and it’s true today. Do yourself a favor and stop settling.

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I am not "settling" for anything. I am proud and thankful and honoured to be a human being and I don't need and have never wanted "to be a child of God and to walk in close relationship with Him on a daily basis." You are preaching. You will get nowhere with me.

I don't believe in the "God" that you believe in - it is a human construct. I don't believe in or want ANY religion that puts human animals above all other animal species on this planet (sentient or one day to become so - who knows) who have just as much right to be here as we do. AND with which we share approx 96% of our DNA. They are my kin, just as much as homo sapiens is. The creator of the Universe created ALL life everywhere to be precious and revered, not just Christians on planet Earth.

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That’s really heartbreaking to read. You’re living life with a black and white box tv with bunny ears when you could be experiencing full color HD with surround sound. I pray someday you get the chance to experience what it is you’re missing out on.

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One of the things I believe, as a Christian, is the incredible value of every human being. Every one of us is made in the image of God and is loved by God. I don’t live that out perfectly by any means, but I’m in the process of training myself, when people annoy me, to remember that fact.

Those who believe Christianity believe it says true things about what and who human beings are, how we have behaved toward the God who made the world and us, and what God has done through Jesus to reconcile us to Himself. That is why calling oneself a Christian isn’t a label but is a statement of acceptance that what God has said in the Bible is true.

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The Bible was written by humans.

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Yes, it was. What is your point?

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Hmmm....I'm Jewish, but who the hell am I to tell you what to believe or that you're wrong about it? Nobody. Seriously. Your beliefs are yours. I know that religion has been used to divide, but I think there's room for all of us in this world.

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It's very easy for some people to say "Just don't have a religion, ideology, group identity! It works for me!" That doesn't work for 99 percent of humans though. I thought it would work for me most of my life and didn't realize I was just building my own mini-religion. When I found the Orthodox Church it all made sense: humanity is actually here for a reason and we don't have to understand that purpose in order to fulfill it. The path to "understanding" God is a way of life not an intellectual exercise. The Roman Catholics (the first Protestants) have twisted the faith so severely though it's hardly recognizeable.

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"The Roman Catholics (the first Protestants) have twisted the faith so severely though it's hardly recognizeable.

I was raised as an RC, and I must say that your insight is quite amazing. I long ago gave up on it realizing that Christianity died, along with Christ, on the cross and I'm convinced that Christ would die again, of shock, if he saw the Vatican. If anything, it should be called "Paulianity" after the supposedly reformed tax collector become"saint."

"The first Protenstants."...good one!

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I never realized how different ancient Christianity was from the RC and American Prot traditions. But the Orthodox Church is under attack too, I was at an OCA event a few weeks ago and many of the priests were wearing that wretched collar! Also some beards were suspiciously trimmed, not good. But that's always been the way of things: subvert from inside!

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I've crossed paths with a few Orthodox priests and have pretty consistently been underwhelmed. Rigid, opinionated, and authoritarian are the impressions I have. No thanks to that!

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I would definitely not be down with having a priest like that either. Though it is nice to be relatively close to an old school Russian monastery that can give me the hardline perspective when I need it.

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Yes! religious affiliation is another great example of people joining a tribe, and potentially giving over some of their thinking and identity to the organization with which they identify.

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Look at how this worked in medieval Britain - under a catholic monarch they burned al the protestants -except those brave few who stuck to their principles and then the reverse when the next monarch was a protestant. Many must have flipped religions on a regular basis, just to stick with the herd. And right now (thanx to Big Pharma and MSM) the same tribal "group-belonging" is responsible for vilification of the "unvaccinated". The longer the vilification goes on the more people are likely to give in - or be imprisoned (quarantined/isolated etc)- depending on their strength of their principles/beliefs!

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Yes, it’s history repeating and repeating....time to learn from history.

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Almost anyone with a logical and determined mind, and especially a palpable need and a practical means, can learn philosophically from history and follow (late 19th- to early 20th-century, Harvard Philosophy Professor) George Santayana's sage advice. (He actually used the verb "remember," rather than "learn".) Anway, it's good, I think, in this terrifying time to keep the following considerations in mind:

1) Is the process of reading, prioritizing, understanding, interpreting, summarizing, and regurgitating such material, satisfactorily to very well, on an essay-style college exam, hopefully to be analogously applied years later to some then-current or future, contextually similar set of facts and circumstances, and then never thinking about the principle again, never again recognizing it, let alone stopping the big mistake's recurrence and damaging people and their institutions all over again -- ie, failing to remember what was earlier, formally once learned as an academic lesson and remembered appropriately years later -- is this, seemingly futile process still culturally adequate and potentially integral to the critical, recycled task at hand?

2) Is the present and increasing cultural tendency to silo all learning after the academy years-- where, say, a relevant, philosophical-historical principle, such as Santayana's, is maybe, just maybe handed over by a well-resourced global business to isolated specialists to study and evaluate, back at the academy, and not allowed by non-philosophical-historical specialists, but those with ample interest, common sense, and the requisite good faith and practical competence to reinsert, reevaluate, and reconsider, in light of current, business-impacting events, to prevent the same, big mistake from recurring and affecting their business, their people, their political party and the next election, whose desired outcome is key to their ongoing, global business success? the very survival of their country's "democracy"? and even the security and well-being of each principal's family members?

3) Is this scenario, replayed over and over in executive, decision-making board rooms countrywide ever understood via case study, and does it really matter in relation to next quarter's -- and the next and the next's -- stock value, especially to a bonus-based CFO or CEO's yearly salary?

4) Will the process of "remembering" huge, past, policy mistakes even be possible in light of our new, cultural elite/Dem-Leftist neo-Marxists' traditional, institutional tendency -- active, operational, and quite effective since Lenin's Bolshevism -- to conveniently rewrite and effectively alter or even erase the salient facts and circumstances of relevant history; and, more basically, with an eye toward controlling the future masses and an equally foolish zeal and mistaken aplomb, change the accepted definition of words (and in so doing, believe the masses will understand a "change" in a related, underlying reality), including established, long-used terms, introduced, say, by clinical science and understood well by the related procedure-following members of the public -- does the recently quite-evolved, CDC/FDA-listed term "vaccine" come to mind?

5) And finally, in this era's focus on abolishing the rule by law, along with several other established, liberty and justice-preserving, legal institutions, by means of political malfeasance, treachery, even treason; of mass theft from the public treasury to political supporters via wholly unlawful, unconstitutional, "creative bookkeeping"; of all-too commonplace, outright lying; and of hired, unaccountable, arrest-resisting, prosecution-forgone, patently criminal, Nazi SA-like physical force and intimidation -- in this unforgiving, grossly tyrannical and rights-denying, Bizarro-World-like climate, is "remembering the mistakes of history" even worth the good and noble, patriotic effort in light of a reasonably, realistically determined risk of cancellation of one's livelihood, one's well-being and that of his or her family's, even one's life?

Some thoughts are worth reflecting on. Prudence, practical wisdom, is sometimes a vital consideration, however most sadly and tragically, that is.

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Great point, this is the result culturally shallow society.

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So true Joy aka Shield Maiden. Thank you for the insight!

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That however it is very strange with many of the typos and missing words in these articles, and incompetence is not an excuse for medical injuries and deaths on a global scale, that can be a VERY NOT GOOD IDEA with the insanity going on so BE CAREFUL with that, PEOPLE should want accountability and TRUTH!

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Thanks for your thoughtful article. You’ve articulated what I’m unable to in my world. To continue to be open minded to the possibilities and yet not let fear or attachment lock us into a position that is not supported by evidence. Few, if any, KNOW what’s going on, and an open mind is essential. Thank you for your efforts and willingness to persevere.

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Thank you. I just want to help everyone here become their best possible selves, because that will increase our ability to overturn all of this...and I am really upset about what has happened over the last few years so I want to do whatever I can to help make that happen.

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What I cherish in your words is the ability to read them and learn more about me. So at least for me, you've won the internet with every post.

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Are you a shrink, because you really know how to manipulate the emotions out while you make foolish statements like this?

"because that will increase our ability to overturn all of this."

Do you understand what the great reset is, and who is behind it ?

Do you understand what the IHR, and the CBDC will do to us ? Happening now, both of them ?

Do you understand what it means when every government on the planet attempts to implement the same tyrannical social policies in order to remove our rights of choice? While you argue against evidence of fact, and reason, with your best buds opinion ?

Have you written about them ? Do you think people who are clueless about the relevant tyrannies like the IHR, and CBDC stand a chance at stopping what is moving like a juggernaut through our basic human rights, basic human freedoms , and our human IDENTITY.

Nietzsche said many years ago " god is dead"

Facts show now, after seeing the lies and bullshit those like you fed us in order to trick us into toxic injections?

"science is dead", And a couple editors from medical journals agree with that statement to some degree.

Your promulgated statistical stupidity, is part of that.

I see you mope, for what you are.

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine”

Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote that “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness”

And our new gods will be men with needles. Life and death. Coming down to what shot you are forced to take.

shame on you, if you are even a person.

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NOD out of every post you have written i only disagree with Nietzsche’s quote….

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Yup, I thank covid for enhancing my now highly improved ability to bite my tongue. ; )

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I lost that ability some time ago.

Had to re-learn it too.

Slow going... 😉

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I like to joke and banter at my own expense, even, but even that's on hold for the time being!

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That must suck.

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Midwest Doc I think I'm just like you - skeptical of "crazy" conspiracy theories but at the same time open to them. After all, we've seen time and again that NOTHING is too crazy or evil for some corporate or government official to attempt. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being that sane voice with the passion and means to vet those theories and assign informed probabilities on which to take seriously and which really are too far-out to be likely.

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Thank you!

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I have a theory about the "microchipping the people via mRNA jabs" theory. The Astra Zeneca jab used (uses) a chimpanzee (chimp) adenovirus as the vector. I read a long time ago that the media were reporting this as a chip, not a chimp, likely through a simple typo or other stupidity. So that's why people thought they were being injected with chips.

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I feel like you completely outdid my entire post with this comment.

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lol ...still laughing! I very much appreciate the time you took to express your thought process and read and share every one of your substacks.

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LOL, nope! So much of your post is about processing the theories and facts and our human tendencies, not about any particular theory's explanation.

Big picture, doc. Stick with that. You are uniquely talented to help us understand ourselves on this journey.

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Nah. The ideas about coveting an idea is very useful, as is the discussion about holding uncertainty with relative comfort.

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that didnt take much did it, considering you babbled ignorance as knowledge. You and Tyson should get together and babble about scientific consensus while you are at it.

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What do you gain by making such a rude comment?

A M D spent likely hours writing out various thoughts and hypotheses and then relating his rationale for or against them in order to EXPAND critical thinking for his readers. He isn't telling you WHAT to think, he is teaching you HOW to think if you can get past yourself and look at the bigger picture.

You bring nothing to the discussion by doing this. Nothing.

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To quote Taylor Swift: Haters gonna hate, but baby I'm just gonna shake shake shake.

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What this person said. ⬆️

👏 👏 👏

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And any person, who defends the thought thaT TESTING 100 vials of anything, determines the contents of 13 billions vials that were not tested, is an idiot.

So you can agree with idiocy all you want. Just makes you an idiot.

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Well if you feel that way should do Mass spec on a lot more vials to disprove him. What Cole provided is the best possible evidence we have on this subject, and throwing a fit about it because he should have tested more vials does not suddenly discount his evidence and make you suddenly have the best available evidence.

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So, I suppose that means you don’t believe in sampling (e.g., opinion polls, quality control lot samples, etc) or statistical process control, etc.

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I think you calling these scientists and doctors idiots is really lame. These vials are property of DOD and they risked a lot just to get the samples. People are trying to make sense of things with the little bits that they have to work with. At the very least they deserve respect for the work and hours they put in UNPAID I might add

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IDIOCRACY was a documentary nod

But let’s be nice when we engage in intellectual discussion

Most of the world are lemmings

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And I do not need anyone to teach me how to think. You may, have at er. But I would suggest you find someone who isnt paid to lie to you :P


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If you can't say something constructive, you should be on Puffington Host.

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So... they were Chumps, that believed in Chips... rather than Chimps...😋

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You black sheep you!

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Made me literally lol!

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Proofreaders are ancient history, and newsrooms prohibit dictionaries.

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Because, language, like "truth" in the media is apparently flexible...

All for the "greater good"... /snark off.

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Dear AMD: I am honored! And thanks again for your essays. They are always a worthwhile read.

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Sure thing. I thought your comment was really good so I have no shame in admitting it.

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Echoes of Buttle and Tuttle in "Brazil"

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"There must be some mistake!"

"Mistakes? Ha! We don't make mistakes..."


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Yup. In this case, the trend is not your friend.

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Respectfully I’d like to see a reference for your statement. It’s one thing to say chimp adenovirus was used. A whole other thing to say a chip is being injected. Similar words but the context is so different I don’t see how a mistake that big wouldn’t get corrected along the way.

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"A conspiracy theory no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead it now means any explanation or even a fact that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.”

― Paul Craig Roberts

I think the term "conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA after skeptics questioned the official JFK assassination narrative.

And interestingly enough, state-run MSM more than six decades later dismisses anyone who threatens the security state's version of events by labeling them "conspiracy theorist."

In fact, being called such might really mean you're on the right track, especially if you have well-documented data and gained a ton of popularity.

Case in point, is the mysterious death of Brandy Vaughn, who died in December 2020. She started her career as a pharmaceutical sales representative for Merck. Unfortunately, she sold vioxx. The deaths of thousands from a drug that the company knew was dangerous was the catalyst causing her to become dubious about big pharma and especially childhood vaccines. Brandy, built quite a following and during the last year of her life received numerous death threats. She left a video saying she feared for a life, but supposedly the autopsy said "nothing to see here."

Then there's Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test who died in August 2019 one month before Event 201, the Gates/WEF scamdemic exercise hosted by John Hopkins University. If Mullis had been alive he would've objected to the PCR test being used to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 as there's videos of him discussing the test and how it was never intended to be used as a diagnostic tool.

But, here again we're told Mullis died from a stroke. In an event, there were a bunch of "unusual departures" or deaths of those who might've been troublemakers upsetting the "financial apple cart" just prior to COVID surfacing or early on in the scam.

Anyway, bringing any of this stuff up would result in being categorized as a conspiracy theorist. That being said, I personally don't like going down rabbit holes without a good GPS. So in regards to COVID, I avoid discussing whether viruses really exist as my main concern is that those who mandated, promoted, and manufactured a dangerous mRNA gene therapy mislabeled a vaccine should be held accountable. And that organizations like WHO should be eliminated as they've been compromised by donations from billionaire pyscopaths and countries who don't give a fuck about their citizenry. In addition, private funding of organizations like the CDC and others of its ilk should end. The pharmaceutical industry should not be allowed to advertise on TV as their billions in ads influence how news is reported. In addition, pharmaceuticals need to be highly regulated by agencies that aren't bribed or extorted. And lastly we need to reexamine the laws regarding "bodily autonomy" as the constitution is becoming a meaningless document where the Fourth Amendment no longer exists and your DNA can be taken against your will.

As such, it's my feeling that the COVID criminals need to be held accountable in order to prevent an immediate redux of the scamdemic madness.

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I agree; number one priority is accountability.

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That's the only way to prevent it from occurring in the not too distant future.

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Great comment and I agree 100%. I’d add that the term conspiracy theorist has been refined in recent years to terms like “anti-vaxxer”, “alt-right”, “far-right”, “MAGA”, “trans-phobe”, etc. They’re still meaningless terms but if you get labeled one you are automatically dismissed from the conversation.

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True, therey's an array of "code terms" used to trigger disdain and hence dismissal by various political segments at odds with each other. Such disparaging terms are useful in keeping the population fractious, and ideologically confused as they can never obtain enough info to connect the dots.

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RE: Covid exists. I agree. Because it was a very strange illness - nothing I've had before. We all got blood tests in Summer 2021 (naively hoping to avoid mandates if we had been exposed). All of us were negative. Lab tests were blind (they didn't know our status or why we were asking for the tests).

July 2022 - DD's boyfriend was exposed at work and got sick two days later: One after the other, my daughter and husband got sick. All three tested + on a rapid test. I never got sick nor tested +.

The next month, we got the blood work done again, blinded. My husband and DD were + to the virus (the whole virus, not just the spike) and I was negative. Oct. 2022, I got sick. I tested + on a rapid test. My blood work the next month (blinded) showed antibodies.

Weird symptoms: food tasted awful, they slept for 4-5 days around the clock almost. I had an extraordinary headache, that was barely touched by advil. None of us had a fever, but we all eventually developed a dry cough. All of us have little memory of the period of illness.

My observational study: n=3 (boyfriend never paid for the blood tests as it is 90.00 a pop).

I conclude c19 is a virus that caused symptoms that put us all down for several days - we all survived easily tho with the Zelenko protocol, NAC and horse meds...

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Sounds exactly like my course of the virus.....no vaccine .....used IVM and hydroxychloroquine and aspirin. Glad I read a lot and don’t watch much tv!

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Gotta love the horse meds! My medicine cabinet is always flush with horse paste. 😎

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Wonderful report.

Thank for this anecdotal evidence, supported by antibody blood tests.

My mother was not permitted, by her Canadian medical coverage, to have that antibody test performed after I requested that her GP include it in her lab requisition form last year.

I too was curious...

I am even more curious now, after the testing was denied.

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We live in Ontario, Canada. The tests require a GP's requisition, but then we paid...$90.00 for each test, each time. My doc didn't know 'til I told him about the tests. He is pretty good comparatively speaking. He knew before C19 where I stood on many things.

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Thanks Ms. P. 💞

My mum's doc knows where I stand too. (And where my mum stands... Elderly. Scared. Hypochondriac.😭)

I am her medical advocate. Her doc doesn't mess with me since I caught his medical errors, twice. (He's not my doc. I don't do doctors.)

He actually apologized. As rare an occurrence as unicorn spotting from what I hear.

Anyway: he corrected her prescriptions. (HE OVERDOSED HER, while I was out of the country.)

Called the pharmacy, new blister paks filled, revised and made notes to her computer file, etc.

FYI: It was my brother who took her to the blood lab last year. 2 labs later: she was denied the antibody test.

He didn't tell me that it COULD have been performed, for a fee!

I knew I should have accompanied her...

My brother never asks questions. Does as he's told.

When I asked why HE got injected, long prior to mandates, he replied:

"It was recommended"... (By who? Your FACEBOOK feed?)

Anyway... yeah.

Will make inquiries ASAP. Thanks again.

As Viva Frei said today: "You learn something new every day."


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Which Province are you in? In Ontario, the requisitions are online at Dynacare:

I printed the forms, filled them out, and my doc signed. It is so efficient. We can go online to see results and print them (extra 10 bucks per year, but this works for other tests too that are covered by OHIP):


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That specific test was to be included in a garage, including the d-dimer, which WAS done...

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Duh!!: Me: Over 30 years, never ill, never got a cold or the flu or a coronavirus: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt (I use shop bought, Iodine based, table salt) in a mug of clean cold or warm water, cup a hand and pour in some solution, sniff or snort the entire contents up your nose, in small doses, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If a burning sensation, then you have a virus in your nasal passages, behind your eyes, in the escutcheon tubes to your inner ears, brain bulb, brain stem (hence Long Covid) so wait until burning stops (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night, or more often if you want for a quicker result, until it feels like you are flushing with water - job done.

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One minor point, xylitol crystals dissolved in water works much better and does not burn or irritate the sinuses.

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Add a sprinkle of food grade iota carrageenan powder and you have antiviral magic!

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Yes. Xlear nasal spray works well.

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We have been using Betadine nasal spray...the protocol you suggest is something similar to what I've seen. I'm not sure I've the stomach for that! Another fun fact. In summer, when the family got C19, and I didn't, I was taking an immune pro-biotic. In October when I got ill, I had run out for about a week. I've been reading about the gut connection. So perhaps that was protective for me in summer? Also, fall is a busy time for me at work = stress. n=1

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It's been a challenge to figure out the distractions from the real truth. I might be wrong, but I've concluded the underlining point to this whole mRNA fiasco was biodefense and the DOD's desire to have a mRNA platform accepted by the public so in time of an emergency they could crank out a mRNA biodefence product and get it into the public rapidly. Their plan seemed to be to use Covid19, which the US funded it's development, as the rationale for pushing the mRNA technology onto the public. The plan would include moving the annual flu shots to the mRNA platform as well. I'm pretty sure they hoped it would have worked out just fine. After the annual mRNA flu shots, and if ever needed, a biodefense vaccine could be rapidly cranked out and the public would step up and take it without question. For biodefense from what I could learn, they only had three options 1) monoclonal antibodies, or 2) mRNA vaccines, 3) repurposed drugs. I reviewed a bunch of DARPA slide decks on mRNA technology, and clearly this was their choice for biodefense. It actually makes the most sense to me as to what this was all about. Where they made a huge mistake due to hubris was thinking they were so smart they could skip all the testing over time and get it right. As it stands I would bet the public would not accept annual mRNA flu shots nor a biodefense vaccine either. The DOD took what might have been a good approach for a known need and crashed it upon the rocks of hubris. Anyway that's my best take on what we have experienced. I don't have a dog in this hunt, so I don't care if it makes sense to anyone or not. This puzzle has required an enormous amount of effort to try and get to the bottom of and this answer fits the pieces I found and gives me peace to the point I no longer spend incredible time trying to find the underlining answers. This doesn't mean my conclusions can't change, but I no longer sink a huge amount of time trying to figure it out.

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I think this is one of the more plausible narratives.

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Generally, I like this theory about DoD pushing their new little mRNA project; however, if there was an ostensibly benign effort to introduce something they believed critical for biodefense, why sabotage early treatment and repurposed drug efforts so harshly?

Their mRNA platform product could have easily existed alongside HCQ and ivermectin and other treatments. Enough people would have gotten it on government advice to prove or disprove its usefulness.

If they were intending to save people from future bioweapons, why let people die from a current bioweapon? The pure biodefense motive fails to provide a complete explanation.

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IVM, HCQ, etc. were direct competitors for the MRnA injections, (or perceived that way by DoD/NIH/Fauci), and they didn't want direct competitors, they wanted to ensure that the public thought that their only choice was to to take the shots. Also some have argued that accepting the effectiveness of these repurposed medicines against Covid would have invalidated the EUAs for the shots. Bear in mind that the thinking of the military establishment tends to be based on fear, and fear often overrides logic or commonsense.

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Well I'm sure greed and other motivations muddy things, but the DARPA slide decks on the mRNA tech clearly show their intended biodefense angle.

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Do you think DoD had intentionally funded GoF research and/or released it for this exact purpose, or did they just seize an opportunity that arose that aligned with their long term strategy? Pretty sure it’s been proven they were working on an mRNA vaccine alongside the GoF research so they likely had a prototype waiting in the wings.

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I identify with more of the thoughts / ideas of this comment than any others I have read on Substack. It doesn't matter which side you are on, a closed mind will not serve you well. 😎

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While men like this promise positive change if we hold on to their irrelevant narratives, you think this?

"As it stands I would bet the public would not accept annual mRNA flu shots nor a biodefense vaccine either. "

You need to read David Bell. You need to research the CBDC.

The IHR will insure the public does NOT GET A CHOICE. While the CBDC currency will empty your bank account, if you resist. But you go a head and keep gushing over this thing called a midwestern doctor and its probable or possible narratives.

Peace? there is no peace in our future. Because everything you think you have a right to, is gonna go.

Eat your bugs. "You will own nothing and be happy"

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We definitely are in a life or death struggle. Most of us are trying to make it through 5th generation warfare and figure what's true and what isn't.

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That’s the tough part...figuring who’s controlled opposition and who is not fuking with us. It’s dizzying to have your head on a swivel 24/7.

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As far as the “DOD’s desire to have an mRNA platform accepted by the public,” we shall see how that works out as they attempt to jab anyone and everything with it: animals (even at the zoos) and food. Prion disease is not only a concern with the vaccine but also now in what we eat.

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Massive Hubris by DoD. I worked their for 32 years. I was amazed if and when anything went right.

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I think some thoughts are so terrible your mind will not entertain the thought/possible truths and, in fact, if it is threatening to ones self they may react violently. My marriage is solid/My spouse is having an affair, My country protects its citizens/My country thinks its citizens are the enemy.

Once you allow for an opening of the mind and allow evidence to come in you are either in danger or you are empowered. There is rarely an in between. Not all things are subject to rational thought. Haha. Gulp!

*we're good Mr. Raptor! ; )

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I've always felt I'd prefer a harsh reality rather than a comforting lie, but I know I am somewhat unique in this regard.

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me too - like i would rather be disillusioned than illusioned.

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I believe most people reading your stack feel that way since they were probably team reality during the pandemic.

I can think of maybe one or two situations were a comforting lie would be better. Like if there is a very ugly truth that could be told or you could lie to spare the feelings of a person who is dying. Another would be if a child asked me if she is pretty, but she was objectively ugly or not very smart (what have you - most anything where telling them the truth will not improve their existence,but would damage them) I would not tell that child the truth. Actually there are many comforting lies I would tell a child. There is plenty of time for team reality to tap in.

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Well , in that case, I am unique with you! :-)

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Raptor I agree ,,,Maranatha indeed.

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"Would you rather be kissed by a lie, or slapped by the truth."

I made my choice when I looked at the anti science explanation of the 911 story. Never looked back.

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I'd say "it depends". As an adult, who lives mostly in realsville I appreciate a good hard slap of truth. Especially when I can do something about it or use that truth for good.

About 9-11. I would say my slap was when GWB came out and said J6 was worse than 9-11. Why that slap was so hard and effective I don't know. I think before then I was holding a bunch of information in my head and sort of rejiggering after each new piece of info. Then he said that. I think before the pandemic I might have been less taken aback by him saying that. WHY? When all the Bushes did not vote for the candidate for the R party and actively worked against him, I thought - "huh, globalist. Thank you for letting me know." But now I really know.

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There are dozens of papers on PubMed discussing the use of Graphene oxide as adjuvants so, as a conspiracy theory, it’s not one of the more outlandish ones.

I’m happy to accept Ryan Cole’s findings but he tested very few vials. You are prepared to accept that the rollout tested different amounts of MRNA in vials, which to my mind is unethical. Isn’t it also possible they were testing GO as an adjuvant in certain vaccine lots? Given the well-known problems with aluminium adjuvants the vaccine industry is keen on finding an alternative.


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The problem is that those are all speculative arguments. I could likewise cite hundreds of patents for countless things that have never happened or been done. You are welcome to make speculative arguments off of inferences from what something could imply (and all that "evidence" was one of the reasons I spent so much time looking into the graphene oxide question). The problem is that there are countless arguments that are based on inferences without concrete proof that end up being proven false.

It's totally fine to use that standard of proof when you talk with friends and speculate on things. The issue is that since I have a large platform, I can't do that and I feel it is extremely irresponsible to. I have hundreds of ideas and theories I regularly discuss with my friends but I never publish any of them here because I can't back them up, and that means its inevitable many of them will later be proven wrong.

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This is science, not speculation. Your opinions not. While the last link here, is a paper written by a scientist with a PhD in Chemical Sciences. Point on expert. Lots of other research he has done as well. Go look at the man you disrespect. I know what it means when an argument comes at the expense of another persons integrity.

And not one person who babbles this "no G.O."theory, has been able to debunk his research, although some have tried, and got burned for it.


There is more than enough evidence to order an investigation, while those like you, try to prevent that with stastisitcal stupidity.


Funded by the European Commission in 2013, the Graphene Flagship has brought graphene innovation out of the lab and into commercial applications......

"With applications in everything from energy and transportation to electronics and biomedicine, graphene "



Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense

Adriano Cavalcanti,1,2,* Bijan Shirinzadeh,2 Mingjun Zhang,3 and Luiz C. Kretly4

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer



A Reduced Graphene Oxide Based Radio Frequency Glucose Sensing Device Using Multi-Dimensional Parameters

Byeongho Park 1, Hyung Goo Park 2, Jae-Hoon Ji 3, Jinsoo Cho 4, Seong Chan Jun 5

Affiliations expand



Graphene and graphene oxide as new nanocarriers for drug delivery applications



Chitosan-Functionalized Graphene Oxide as a Nanocarrier for Drug and Gene Delivery



"Graphene oxide is the hot topic in biomedical and pharmaceutical research of the current decade. However, its complex interactions with human blood components complicate the transition from the promising in vitro results to clinical settings. Even though graphene oxide is made with the same atoms as our organs, tissues and cells, its bi-dimensional nature causes unique interactions with blood proteins and biological membranes and can lead to severe effects like thrombogenicity and immune cell activation. "



PATENT Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier


The invention belongs to the field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, in particular to development of 2019-nCoV coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine. The invention also comprises a preparation method of the vaccine and application of the vaccine in animal experiments. The new corona vaccine contains graphene oxide, carnosine, CpG and new corona virus RBD; binding carnosine, CpG and neocoronavirus RBD on the backbone of graphene oxide; the CpG coding sequence is shown as SEQ ID NO 1; the novel coronavirus RBD refers to a novel coronavirus protein receptor binding region which can generate a high-titer specific antibody aiming at the RBD in a mouse body, and provides a strong support for prevention and treatment of the novel coronavirus.

Images (1)




"Out of them, a group of 28 objects have been selected, due to the compatibility of both images and spectra with the presence of graphene derivatives, based on the correspondence of these signals with those obtained from standards and scientific literature. The identification of graphene oxide structures can be regarded as conclusive in 8 of them, due to the high spectral correlation with the standard. In the remaining 20 objects, images coupled with Raman signals show a very high level of compatibility with undetermined graphene structures, however different than the standard used here. "


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Drawing summations based on limited data from small sampling is speculative too. I think that must be acknowledged; otherwise, your response can be read as quite disingenuous.

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Are mass spectrometers the proper instrument to detect graphene oxide? Does a mass spectrogram with a "graphene oxide peak" even exist? Thank you.

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i've seen several pundits question Cole's claim of testing 100+ vials. asking questions like, which lots, where did the vials come from, chain of custody, etc. 'findings' is a claim and his don't have a lot of documentation behind them.

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And Dr Pablo Campra tested vials likely intended for injections. Guess what he found. Also wth is "diluted spikeprotein"? Neither the Spike protein or the virus(any virus in actuality) has been isolated. /Smugly blackpilled.

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You cannot accept the finding thatr 13 billion vials do not have G.O. based on examination of 100.

Only finding I will accept from Coles research, is there was no G.O. in those 100 vials.

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Agreed, since we (and AMD ) acknowledge the enormous variation in toxicity - and therefore contents - of the vials, how can one extrapolate from the content findings of 100 vials to 13 billion vials. It's not common sense! One thing that struck me from early 2021 when I started checking out the details of the vaxxes on Gov.UK, - apart from the lack of info on side effects (lol) - was the list of ingredients given. I know I am not the most trusting of human beings, but honestly - I thought - how do we know this is the truth about the contents? We don't!

And it STILL amazes me that the likes of R Malone, and other eminent , red-pilled doctors talk about the mechanism of action of the mRNA shots, on the assumption that that's actually what is in them - because liars like Fauci etc tell us so?? How can they be so naive when we know governments all over have been lying to us since early 2020 at least?

I am pretty sure that "they" knew that whatever they gave to Biden and the UK Royal Family - on camera - was NOT what they gave to the general population! It was most likely just saline - by intent, not by accident/poor Q-C. "They" would never risk an untested, experimental "vaccine" on a President! (Unless of course they wanted to get rid of him- which they don't right now, they need him as a puppet)

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blows me away. Lookie all these people eating that shit because they became emotionally attached to this "thing" called the midwestern doctor".

We are so fucked if people are so easily fooled with irrational, unreasonable, and anti scientific conclusions.

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Alan Richard’s—Exactly.

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Thank you for another great post. I have been visiting the conspiracy realm for over 30 years and like you I attach probabilities to each and they evolve has more information come to light, and in fact I do the same in science, it is not specific to conspiracies. Regarding the reason why the vaccines were being pushed so aggressively on the population, I think it is like for most human actions, there are several factors motivating them and you have listed many, but the one I would put at the top, the main driver, is the desire/need of the "elites" to introduce central bank digital currencies, because it is the ultimate control tool of populations and individuals, and because the reckoning of the Ponzi scheme that is our financial system can no longer be postponed, and the CBDC will allow them to hide what is happening with money. I confess my red pill is turning darker and darker, but the theme of the next Davos is how to accelerate agenda 2030, which gives me hope they are not so sure they can really pull of their global coup... Again thank you for the work you do!

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Thank you : )

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As a physician who sees COVID as you do, how do we move forward with our colleagues that see if so differently?

I agree that COVID was real, and I saw lots of people die. It is also true that essentially all deaths were in the old, the obese and those with serious medical comorbidities.

Early on after the vaccine rollout, many of my patients (I’m Pulmonary/Critical Care) would ask me if they should get the vaccine. I simply told them we don’t know everything about the vaccine; I cannot recommend it broadly in good conscious; these are the high risk groups of those dying; If you are in one of these high risk groups, there may be some benefit.

I was never for full scale vaccination of young adults, children, etc which put us at odds against the mainstream. This creates tension among my colleagues and friends.

So how do we move forward? Can we still be trusting friends/colleagues that fail to acknowledge that the one sized fits all approach was wrong?

Thank you,


Olive Branch, MS

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I have no idea. I'm trying to encourage everyone to be a better person so when a reconciliation happens, the best outcome that can happen happens. I wish I could say more, but this far too complex of a question for me to be able to answer.

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The reason I ask is because it seems that those of us on this side cannot put it behind us. It’s been a watershed moment in our lives and in our careers.

For the other side, it’s seems that it’s just “COVID is over so let’s move on.” That just doesn’t settle well with our side.

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Catholicism has an excellent model for reconciliation between people based on shared reality.

In secular terms, what you are looking for is to "share reality" with those colleagues and friends who pushed vaccination and cannot admit out loud to you or to anyone that they were in error.

We have to use our uniquely human skills of verbal and written communication, possibly our actions, to make common the reality that the vaccines were harmful and unnecessary.

It's a tall order. The people who planned and executed this harmful vaccine rollout got doctors and teachers and parents, and priests and pastors and rabbis, and coaches and managers and free-thinking rationalists and evolutionary biologists to repeat the credo that the vaccine was safe and effective. Nobody wants to admit they were wrong out loud.

It may be impossible to be fully reconciled with those who do not share your view of reality. (And no, I don't think there are two realities. I think there is one human nature and it is fallen.)

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I'm glad you are asking this.

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I believe there was nefarious intent . The immunology / science behind it , shows nefarious intent . The miscarriages, abruptions and stillbirths were enough for me . The population has declined and will continue to decline due to the infertility. IMO it’s a Bioweapon. The vitriol and hate we live with is disgusting. The lack of respect for differing opinions/viewpoints is at an all time high ( social media doesn’t help) . I was raised in a Hasidic Jewish neighborhood, with numbers on my friends’ parents and grandparents arms . So sad and I’m sorry and saddened people attacked you over your heritage. This is a spiritual war no doubt. I appreciate all you do AMD and thank you .

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I really appreciate what you do too and I'm sorry for everything you've had to go through.

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A soul like yours makes true tzadiks, Jew & Christian and so many others of faith or otherwise alike, want to do even more good than they usually do. And I'm sure yours was brought to clear light by Dr Viktor Frankl, a camp survivor himself, when he, perhaps simplistically but also marvelously, divided all humanity into the decent and the indecent.

It's the former, of course, Talmud teaches, I understand, that sustains the world, day to day, helping all of us cope in our worst moments or others, and believing, at crucial points along the way, a life centered on a free and responsible will is certainly worth living, and fighting for.

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Beautifully said, thank you.

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so many survivors! They increase every year!

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Btw great discussion with RFK Jr and Col MacGregor , I recommend it highly .

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Just re "I was at peace with holding contradictory beliefs or theories in mind." That, my good doctor friend, is WISDOM. When you are comfortable with allowing a diversity of thought, values, ideas, theories and you don't experience the pain of cognitive dissonance, you live your life more fully and are probably happier. I think it might also stifle the inclination to lie to yourself.

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Oh that's interesting; I've never heard that definition of wisdom before (I love to think about the essence of definitions). Thank you for sharing!

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Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, (like much of western medicine) wisdom is actually the ability to use knowledge properly.

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I'd amend that to say NOT your beliefs, but ideas and theories. I had to mull that over a bit and decided I misstated it. If you hold two conflicting beliefs that might be problematic.

The ability to let opposing points of view or ideas you have held AND new ideas that contradict that.

It bugged me all day.

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Beautiful! It's a goal we should all aspire to.

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The Nazi's had a dual purpose of the death camps. First, free labor to work in the war production facilitates that supported Hitler's push to dominate the world. Second was to reduce the Jewish population to zero. Having been to Dachau and seing the efficiency of the operation to use up free labor, you have to come away with the fact that is was preplanned and done with intent to destroy humans. Twelve million souls were destroyed. Half were of the Jewish faith. Sad commentary on the horrors that humans can bestow on their fellow human. The mRNA injections and the bio warfare aspect says we are now doing the same thing without the barbed wire.

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The great irony about it was that because they treated the jews in the camps so badly, they were not able to make the quotas for armament production and that played a key role in them losing the war.

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"... Hitler's push to dominate the world."

Credible citation, please!

"Having been to Dachau..."

What does that have to do with anything? A trip to Dizzy World would confer a similar authority regarding reality.

Too bad you didn't mention Auschwitz, for if you had, I'd have suggested reading the book.:

A Jewish Kapo in Auschwitz

History, Memory, and the Politics of Survival

Tuvia Friling

Eliezer Gruenbaum (1908–1948) was a Polish Jew denounced for serving as a Kapo while interned at Auschwitz. He was the communist son of Itzhak Gruenbaum, the most prominent secular leader of interwar Polish Jewry [who served as the head of the Radical Zionist faction, known in Poland as Al Hamishmar, and who] later became the chairman of the Jewish Agency’s Rescue Committee during the Holocaust and Israel’s first minister of the interior. In light of the father’s high placement in both Polish and Israeli politics, the denunciation of the younger Gruenbaum and his suspicious death during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war add intrigue to a controversy that really centers on the question of what constitutes—and how do we evaluate—moral behavior in Auschwitz. Gruenbaum—a Jewish Kapo, a communist, an anti-Zionist, a secularist, and the son of a polarizing Zionist leader—became a symbol exploited by opponents of the movements to which he was linked. Sorting through this Rashomon-like story within the cultural and political contexts in which Gruenbaum operated, Friling illuminates key debates that rent the Jewish community in Europe and Israel from the 1930s to the 1960s.


Quick quiz.:

1. Which Zionist faction(s) collaborated with National Socialist Germany, and which one(s) were more Communist leading?

2. Why did Marxists promote the idea of worldwide revolution and when did it begin?

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I guess the piles of corpses who didn’t make it to the ovens were

Photo shopped!

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You wanna surprise? You're getting closer to the truth!

[The former POWs] agreed that the cattle cars were filled with captured German soldiers who were infected with typhus and dysentery. They were in fact unwitting extras in a movie being made by Alfred Hitchcock, the Hollywood horror-film specialist. He had been awarded a contract to make a movie about concentration camps for the Nuremberg tribunal. At night the dead prisoners would be unloaded at Buchenwald, Dachau and other concentration camps by those who were still alive. Hitchcock would then film them, depicting the heaps of corpses as victims of German atrocities. A large number of corpses were dumped at Buchenwald at night, and next day the citizens of Weimar were forced to walk past the heaps of rotting corpses and smell the sickening stench. Some of them actually believed the American propaganda, that the corpses had been concentration-camp inmates. It was all filmed as part of Hitchcock's movie. Afterwards the corpses were shoved into mass graves in the vicinity. That too was part of the script. This is the explanation that the two former officers of the US Army gave me concerning the trainload of dying German prisoners that I witnessed on June 16, 1945.

-Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Alfred Hitchcock's First Horror Movie

From the Memoirs of a German Soldier

Nemo Anonymous


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I guess Ike only saw a pile of dead rats. They were not corpses of humans who were starved and worked to death for the fuerer! Why do people want to rewrite history?

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Why do people want to parrot propaganda?

History needs do be reconsidered and rewritten becuase the stock stuff is mostly baloney and it's also quite moldy by now. But hey, go ahead and believe what you want and please accept my apologies if I've interuppted any fairy tales.

PS: I'm still waiting for some credible support for your allegations.

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Agreed, so in order of murderous campaigns, we now have Biden, Stalin, Hitler, Trump, etc destroying humans for the globalists view of a world with a much lower human population - no point telling them that it is the gasses which come out of the land and the seas which is causing the world to heat up - the evidence is there for all to see, all of the globalists predictions have failed to materialize

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Lol, you believe that shit? Stupid.

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