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Look at how this worked in medieval Britain - under a catholic monarch they burned al the protestants -except those brave few who stuck to their principles and then the reverse when the next monarch was a protestant. Many must have flipped religions on a regular basis, just to stick with the herd. And right now (thanx to Big Pharma and MSM) the same tribal "group-belonging" is responsible for vilification of the "unvaccinated". The longer the vilification goes on the more people are likely to give in - or be imprisoned (quarantined/isolated etc)- depending on their strength of their principles/beliefs!

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Yes, it’s history repeating and repeating....time to learn from history.

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Almost anyone with a logical and determined mind, and especially a palpable need and a practical means, can learn philosophically from history and follow (late 19th- to early 20th-century, Harvard Philosophy Professor) George Santayana's sage advice. (He actually used the verb "remember," rather than "learn".) Anway, it's good, I think, in this terrifying time to keep the following considerations in mind:

1) Is the process of reading, prioritizing, understanding, interpreting, summarizing, and regurgitating such material, satisfactorily to very well, on an essay-style college exam, hopefully to be analogously applied years later to some then-current or future, contextually similar set of facts and circumstances, and then never thinking about the principle again, never again recognizing it, let alone stopping the big mistake's recurrence and damaging people and their institutions all over again -- ie, failing to remember what was earlier, formally once learned as an academic lesson and remembered appropriately years later -- is this, seemingly futile process still culturally adequate and potentially integral to the critical, recycled task at hand?

2) Is the present and increasing cultural tendency to silo all learning after the academy years-- where, say, a relevant, philosophical-historical principle, such as Santayana's, is maybe, just maybe handed over by a well-resourced global business to isolated specialists to study and evaluate, back at the academy, and not allowed by non-philosophical-historical specialists, but those with ample interest, common sense, and the requisite good faith and practical competence to reinsert, reevaluate, and reconsider, in light of current, business-impacting events, to prevent the same, big mistake from recurring and affecting their business, their people, their political party and the next election, whose desired outcome is key to their ongoing, global business success? the very survival of their country's "democracy"? and even the security and well-being of each principal's family members?

3) Is this scenario, replayed over and over in executive, decision-making board rooms countrywide ever understood via case study, and does it really matter in relation to next quarter's -- and the next and the next's -- stock value, especially to a bonus-based CFO or CEO's yearly salary?

4) Will the process of "remembering" huge, past, policy mistakes even be possible in light of our new, cultural elite/Dem-Leftist neo-Marxists' traditional, institutional tendency -- active, operational, and quite effective since Lenin's Bolshevism -- to conveniently rewrite and effectively alter or even erase the salient facts and circumstances of relevant history; and, more basically, with an eye toward controlling the future masses and an equally foolish zeal and mistaken aplomb, change the accepted definition of words (and in so doing, believe the masses will understand a "change" in a related, underlying reality), including established, long-used terms, introduced, say, by clinical science and understood well by the related procedure-following members of the public -- does the recently quite-evolved, CDC/FDA-listed term "vaccine" come to mind?

5) And finally, in this era's focus on abolishing the rule by law, along with several other established, liberty and justice-preserving, legal institutions, by means of political malfeasance, treachery, even treason; of mass theft from the public treasury to political supporters via wholly unlawful, unconstitutional, "creative bookkeeping"; of all-too commonplace, outright lying; and of hired, unaccountable, arrest-resisting, prosecution-forgone, patently criminal, Nazi SA-like physical force and intimidation -- in this unforgiving, grossly tyrannical and rights-denying, Bizarro-World-like climate, is "remembering the mistakes of history" even worth the good and noble, patriotic effort in light of a reasonably, realistically determined risk of cancellation of one's livelihood, one's well-being and that of his or her family's, even one's life?

Some thoughts are worth reflecting on. Prudence, practical wisdom, is sometimes a vital consideration, however most sadly and tragically, that is.

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