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Feb 16, 2024
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Great documentary. Just watched it. I had no idea the Canada MS group filed the same lawsuits Komen did for stepping on their turf. I'm pinning your comment and adding the video to the article. I wrote about this in a previous post, but Klinghardt did a lot of the jugular stenting back in the day and it really helped his patients with complex neurological disorders until the FDA banned it, whereas now people are finding its often needed in the iliac vein for vaccine injuries.

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WOW, as an MS PATIENT, I am very grateful to you for posting this.

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Thank you for posting. Very moving and powerful documentary. 🙏

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Shocking! Thank you…just finished watching.

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I received this comment from a reader via email:

The MS Society has long been known to us to suppress the toxic causes of MS such dental mercury and also Thimerosal, the toxic mercury compound used in the flu shots (given to pregnant women and people with MS, Parkinson's, ALS and other neurological disorders) and so, as far as we are concerned the MS Society is part of these mercury cover-ups. No one should give them a dime. They are more a part of the problem than a part of the solutions.

Leo Cashman, Executive Director, DAMS, Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions www.amalgam.org

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"Conversely, I know of numerous effective integrative treatments for MS which have been in use for decades that are still almost completely unknown within conventional neurology and in many cases completely eliminated the disease."

I would LOVE to see an article about that!

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a former friend had MS and was first treated with shots, then with pills, and is now healed - all that is left is a bit of nerve damage in her hands.

as to large organizatiosn - many years ago I volunteered for the heart association. They sent me envelopes and leaflets to be posted in my neighborhood. There were too many and they told me to buy some stamps and mail them out. A few months later I got a reminder that each envelope should have been returned with about 50 bucks in them. You can imagine that was the end of that.

Lots of people still donate to heart, lung, cancer etc. organizations (especially canadians ask for these in memory of loved ones) and do not realize they prohibit to find cures, because if a cure is found, these thieves have no reason to steal your money any longer! Thank you so much for this article! I hope it opens some eyes.

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Which is why I stopped donating to major organized charities. I find individuals who need a hand up and I support our local food bank. It always comes down to 'follow the money' and the trouble with humanity can almost always be attributable to humans.

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we are on the same page.

Hubbs and I consider our local needs. Abused womens shelters, local medical charities and volunteers. Food banks always need staples

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Exactly! ❤️

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Excellent points. It's mostly a scam. Overpaid administrations and little progress towards ending diseases.

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Dr. Swank’s book, and his MS diet, have been around for 50 years. He was an old country doctor who figured this “cure” out through trial and error with his patients and through research. I know someone who was in a wheelchair, followed this very strict diet, and added many other things—like rising with the sun every morning and going outside to gulp down the fresh air and new light—and he eventually rode his bike across the country. The problem is—-the diet doesn’t work for everyone. Perhaps that’s because people have MS for different reasons, or maybe MS is actually different diseases all under one umbrella. People have varying disease progression, too. My cousin is doing well, but another friend has struggled for the entire disease course. And a friend, hero, and mentor, Dr. Richard Radtke, eventually died from the disease ten years ago. He was a paralyzed marine biologist who did so much with his life…. I hate to hear the vaccine may be causing MS. It’s a tough disease to live with.

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I agree that MS is probably from multiple causes but all types of vaccinations may be one of them. Some handle being poisoned better than others. Actually many alleged specific diseases seem to be similar, sharing symptoms of other diseases. They change the definitions and suddenly, it's a new disease.

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I would also like to hear more about these integrative treatments

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Read The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls, MD. She went from being wheelchair dependent with MS to biking and hiking

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i have rheumatoid arthritis due to vaccine injury almost 25 years ago. The only time i've ever felt good and not sick is when i followed Terry Wahls autoimmune protocol

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As an MS patient (thankfully with mild, stable symptoms) I was disheartened when my neurologist, replying to my question about the COVID vaccines possibly exacerbating my symptoms, gave me the stock "there's no evidence of any harm to people with MS". I had already decided for myself that I wouldn't take them based on Astra-Zeneca trial side effects I had heard of. No surprise the NMSS, along with AARP, were all-in on the vaccines. Consequently, neither organization has my support. AARP was already in my doghouse for their support of Obamacare. The Shirky Principle is spot on.

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"there's no evidence of any harm to people with MS" That joker has it completely backwards! It's not up to us the public or the people suffering from MS to provide evidence that the jabs cause harm to people with MS! It's up to the criminal drug makers to prove that their product does NOT cause harm to people with MS. But they didn't even test for that. Good for you for deciding to not submit to the experimental injections!

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Yes. No one wants to be a Guinea pig for the pharmaceutical industry.

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Same here, I ended up changing neurologists when mine was trying to tell me to get the mRNA shots even though he advised me against getting flu shots (because I already have a depressed immune system). The lack of logic is baffling. Thankfully I never did get the Covid vaccines and haven't had a flu shot in 25 years. Dropped my subscription to the MS Society magazine when they came out with this issue. https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1758298607009292390?s=20. I'd rather read about advances in treatment!

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I sort of said this in the article, but I take posts like that as a tacit admission they can't do their actual job (cure MS) and instead need to focus on token issues which make them look good without having to do anything.

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To his credit, this neurologist, 26 years ago when my MS saga began, did not steer me toward pharma treatments. He just made me aware that they existed and left the decision to me. I was naive enough that I would have opted for one of them had he persisted. Despite the "no evidence" comment, he did not push the COVID shot, either. But, I still don't know why I have MS. Was it Agent Orange? Growing up in the northern latitudes? Crappy diet? I only hear of new drugs and "promising" research. I remain curious.

The MS diagnosis and its mysterious causes are what motivated me to research health in general. My own trial and error diet and exercise keep my MS symptoms at the nuisance level. And, I feel healthier because I don't stress about illness overall.

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Yup!! And it’s been going on way before Covid. Unfortunately, you- like me- had to learn the hard way. I saw the light in 2009. I have learned subsequently that I’m a dealing with the most corrupt assholes that ever existed. I can only hope and pray that something will get them back.

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I, too, recall the AZ trial side effects and that was the hard no for me. Mother had MS, can't take that risk. Really eye-opening how bad they are. I donated once to the MS society and for the next probably 10 years they kept sending me greeting card/return address labels/donation envelope and I thought, wow this is what my money was used for?

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> donated once to the MS society

I did the same and got the same result, PLUS... I then started getting the same from EVERY other charity in Canada. I knew the MS Society had sold my name and address to the others because they all had the same misspelling of my name that the MS Society had.

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This is perhaps your most excellent post ever , Doctor. So many salient topics threaded together, thank you. Took me the past 4 years to understand what is really going on - once you see it, you can't un-see it, as they say.

The past 5-10 years things have definitely accelerated. That poor 90 year old lady, doing what she did out of care and love for 60 years. To be "called out" on a no-no that has evolved in this past generation, but when kids grow up one foot in reality, the other in a carefully curated simulation, this will happen. The Mob always rules.

The homeless/migrant problem is an industry which will not go away as long as "funds" can be delivered. How many charities and NGO's keep people (those you alluded to) employed and the juggernaut moving on. As long as there is a homeless/migrant problem, they have a purpose, salary, reason to exist. The bulk of those funds going to their salaries, healthcare, 401K, etc., and NOT the homeless/migrants. Manufactured crisis set in a perpetual cycle.

Right now Ireland is a case study in Bernays' genius. About to vote the word "woman" out of the Constitution, and to vote in the most draconian hate-speech laws in history. "Hate" is not defined, yet it will apply to Apple, X, Facebook and all the other social media companies who chose Ireland as their HQ. Of course, with a population of 5 million, and with 30,000 NGO's operational in this small inoffensive island, already under strain of an influx of foreign "refugees" during a housing and healthcare crisis, they are terrified of being called Racist, yet neighbor spied and snitched upon neighbor during covid. This country embraced the propaganda. So sad to watch.

These are very strange and dangerous times. Dangerous because strange is now acceptable.

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Thank you. I still have faith the pieces are in place on our side to make sure everything works on it a positive way at the end of the day

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Keep seeing- I saw the whole Covid fiasco coming after what I went through and was not surprised at all. I told Dr Meryl Nass in 2011 that this has nothing to do with making $ ( although control does have a need for $). I knew something would happen cause what happened to me didn’t make sense - obviously who would want to harm a big taxpayer. Believe me they do want to disable you- they’re great reset is too important

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My all time favorite street grafitti (drawn into wet concrete) was "sick people are easier to control"

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In 2019, after the Aus fires, I was visiting my Orthomolecular doc. She was leaving for Canada. I was depressed - my Vision states had shown me that something heavy was coming, but I didn't know what it was. I said to this doc, "I will struggle when the grid goes down."

At the time, she looked at me like she wanted to adjust my mood / meds / supplements.

And she moved to Canada, now Canuckistan. And everything changed. I think about this conversation from time to time, wondering how she feels about the prophecy she received in that office.

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Strange is mandatory on penalty of whatever they can get away with. At least it's better than being burned at the stake.

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Another thing that is never talked about. The same people that are pushing for self segregation now and the division between the races are the very same the pushed for segregation in the past. They are just painting a different picture now. Another reason they have to change history that is taught. They originally started segregation and many fought and overcame that inequality. They brought it back under the guise of white privilege so minorities would want to segregate themselves. They get the same thing they always wanted way back then. Segregation. They introduced abortion via Margaret Sanger to control the black population. They still use it under the guise of reproductive health care for the same reason. They have changed the propaganda on everything to get the same results.

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There is no laudable human impulse which cannot be captured and used for evil by people who are trying to benefit themselves. It usually takes about five minutes.

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So very true! But it works two ways. I call this Action/Reaction, Measure/Counter measure. Anything humankind can invent/create can be (and usually is) usurped to be used for evil. Conversely, smart counter tactics can be used to overcome. Think, French Underground, Corrie Ten-Boom, Navajo Code Talkers, etc. All it takes is willingness to think out of the box and a lot of Divine Intervention.

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Comment of the year!

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In the UK, hyperbaric oxygen is the primary therapy for MS patients by MS patients at 60 charity centres. Over two decades ago I met with someone from the MS Society in the USA about any interest in provided hyperbaric oxygen to MS patients and was shut down fast, "The MS Society," I was told, "is nothng more than a front group for Pharma and so they woud not be interested."

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In your professional opinion (given that you know a lot about HBO) how effective do you think it is for MS and what do you typically observe in your clinical experience with it?

Regional and national variations in the standards of care is always a fascinating thing to observe.

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As a semi-retired integrative medicine practitioner (TCM, orthomolecular, acupuncture etc.) one of my hobbies is musical composition with the goal of stress relief through that creativity. I noticed the transformation of the DEI movement in the direction you have mentioned and last year did an album project drawing attention to all the corporate “woke-folk” billionaires that were “helping “ to divide society against itself. Album title: Superwoke .

During the Pandemic I became burned out and dissatisfied with all of the prevailing “expert” narratives that you outlined. As a consequence, moved to Japan to help the Orthomolecular society here to improve. It is good to see that the spell is gradually being broken by the grassroots of society. Keep up your wonderful substack.

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Thank you; that's wonderful! I really appreciate this comment.

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Like many, I have a huge admiration for A Midwestern Doctor. But frankly, you are as worthy. I mean you say you became "burned out and dissatisfied", yet you didn't give up. You continued serving, even if meant in another part of the world. That's hugely inspirational to us, who perhaps not as competent and capable as you) to keep fighting the good fight. Thank you, sir.

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I really hate giving up.

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I think it was the Victorian Asthma Foundation a couple of years ago who found an 'expert' to say that other people having a wood fire was like you having a truck running in your kitchen. That's the state that banned gas for stoves in new builds. I noticed that foundations board included the head of an electricity supplier from the neighbouring state. Nowhere in their article did they mention air purifiers.

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3rd party technique always works : (

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MS Charity would not exist, if there were a cure.; the same goes for all these disease-supportive organizations, such as, the American Cancer Society. All soliciting money , but never coming up wih a cure. None of them really are in it for a cure, but they like the money that keeps rolling in. Now, they are into this PC business...says a lot for the mentality of the people running the MS charity.

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The American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and all the rest…to me, they’re all a scam. And don’t get me started on all the ‘pink ribbon’ breast cancer nonsense…as if people buying crap with pink ribbons does anything to cure cancer.

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Exactly!!! Cures are effected, when people take responsibilty for their own health. There is no money to be made in cures by anyone, doctors or organizations.

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I figured out many moons ago that disease charities have a built-in financial disincentive to find a cure. And I am grateful that I was born long ago enough to have escaped the vaccine hell that awaits infants today, unless their parents see through all the B.S. No one needs one hundred vaccines before the age of 18. Talk about carpet bombing the immune system. But the vaccine business model is so lucrative and low risk that the drug makers probably will forgo developing any disease treatments in favor of vaccines.

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MS has been ‘used’ for years - what causes it? - most likely a number of infections at it root cause- but that doesn’t make money. So, save your energy in trying to round up $ for these assholes who are using it for the wrong reason. Same with cancer. Learned that years ago after donating a ton after my mother died. They are not trying to find a cause- there are many and additional is what they’re putting in our food, water, air, vaccines, medicine etc. WTF.

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After my dad died I would get calls from different cancer groups asking for money - kind of a "let's hit them while they're freshly vulnerable" approach. I declined to donate and told them that apparently none of their research these past decades has yielded a cure for lymphoma so why would I want to contribute to a lost cause? Any other start up with that bad of a track record would be long gone. Of course, they like to think the cure is just around the corner if only they had more money... it's job security for them.

They have discovered many fascinating things about how the body works though. It's quite amazing. Not sure that knowledge has much to do with day to day life for the average person though.

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I think your story would be a really good example to use for a dictionary's definition of "unscrupulous."

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It's documented that the farther away people are from the equator the rate of MS goes up. Could be the lack of vitamin D from sunlight causes MS? Or it's one factor. ,

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I was quite surprised how little this fact was mentioned on the MS society's webpage.

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Makes one suspect they aren't in the business of finding a cure or useful therapy.

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I wasn’t. Vitamin D doesn’t make $ for Pharma, so why would they promote it? Yes, I’m afraid I’ve become very cynical. I can’t help it.

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It’s most likely a big factor. Vitamin D in very high doses with a zero calcium diet and adequate Vitamin K2 and monitoring helps many MS patients

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WHat about Vit C, large doses. . . any possibility that TOO could be helpful??

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Vitamin C is always helpful as it calms down cytokines and aids in connective tissue synthesis.

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Why the low calcium? If you care to say.❤️🙏

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Sure. When you give high dose Vitamin D (generally above 10000IU/day for extended periods) to prevent hypercalcemia, you must use a zero calcium diet in addition to vitamin K2 and perhaps magnesium. Although still experimental, it seems to control MS development and stops its progression. However, you also must monitor the blood levels of both calcium and vitamin D (generally every month to two months) for safety. In cases where toxicity symptoms have occurred, it was due to the patient going off their normal calcium diet.

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Sorry autocorrect: no calcium diet

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Fantastic article, thank you! The main reason I am suspect on the MS charity in particular is that I happen to know three people with MS, two are all but cured - they certainly seem healthier, happier and more productive than most other people I know - both follow the Terry Wahls protocol. The third has progressively worsened over 15-years on standard medical care, and will now take part in a trial with an experimental drug. When the MS charity starts looking into avenues that actually work then maybe I would donate. But of course you outlined several reasons this is unlikely to occur.

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It's very depressing to see this pattern over and over again.

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The firing of that 90 year old volunteer lit me up. These stories will feed the growth of alternative medicine even faster than Pharma failures.

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That's my hope; the people they hiring now (which they can afford to do since they have a market monopoly and face no consequences for their actions) are eventually going to destroy their business model.

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Sometime I suspect that destruction is the purpose of those who are currently in charge of various large corporations. For example, why would United Airlines have such a CEO and corporate board?

How does it help that industry or health industries to have people who can't control their impulses hired into positions which require high competency and attention to quality and safety.

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Hope you are right, and your are doing a good job promoting herbs. But as a non-American outside of the US, let me share my view that whilst your country spends millions of $ on foreign theatres of war, you've in essence lost because of all this woke nonsense makes your country look weak to your adversaries, to say nothing of being a laughing stock.

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Yaaa. Unfortunately the U.S. is going down. Remember what happened to the USSR? We will be lucky if that’s all that happens to us. We deserve much worse for allowing the deep state to take over, the corruption, and the child sacrifice to take place. Very sorry about COVID, and the mRNA jabs too. The people had no idea what our unelected, deep state was doing.

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It doesn’t just look weak, it is.

Public schooling is so inadequate that there will be ramifications lasting decades. What comes after that implosion is anyone’s guess, but it will be a post Covid vaxxed society—meaning very frail—and very handicapped in civilized traits of knowledge and accomplishment.

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NO doubt about that!

Our country's leaders, MSM, virtually advertise our insane weakness and inability to defend our country as one entity. Such weakness shown to enemies has brought down many nations since time immemorial. The Peloponesian war bringing down Athens 2,500 years ago comes to mind!

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MSB ‘Our country’ is not run by we the people; that’s a myth, sadly. And the billions (not millions) of $ spent on wars is USA tax revenue, in other words, unwillingly paid for by we US citizens. Other than that, I essentially agree with your comment.

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What comes to mind in reading this are the breast-cancer and climate-change industries.

There are also organizations that are quite misleading in their true purpose. AARP is an example -- they pretend to be an organization for seniors' interests and yet they are just an insurance company with a large lobbying arm that has sold out the seniors (such as with Obamacare).

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