Thank you for being a doctor who is willing to listen. I can’t thank you enough for responding to me when I reached out about my husband’s tragic Zoloft induced suicide. I have learned much about selling sickness over the years of my advocacy.

Your work is so important and need more like you. After all, shared conversations between us and our doctors is vital to our health, not blind faith or trust. As I always say, stop, pause, do your research before proceeding.

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Thank you for your help here too; I have a lot of respect for the work you have done.

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Thank you for your really excellent, well-researched articles on the horrors of the uniquely American medical system. I devour them (although because they are often lengthy and need full attention to go into the links, I bookmark them and read when time is available.) My dad suffered a 4 year contentious battle with dementia (not sure it was Alzheimer's) which I believe was caused by the flu vaccine which contains 25,000 times the Mercury found in fish. On the 7th anniversary of his death, after I had put the pieces of the puzzle together that it must have been the JAB (because he was an otherwise extremely healthy 80 year old with no history of dementia and whose 3 older brothers two of which lived to be in their 90s, one age 86 with full faculties), I tried to put a memorial ad in the local newspaper stating that I missed my dad and had figured the flu vaccine was the cause of his dementia and eventual death. The local paper (bought by a conglomerate) would have none of it. They said they would not publish my memorial. So I paid $100 to have this one-eighth page ad in another community-based paper. Just to get the word out. As a tax preparer, I've prepared tax returns for about 17 years for predominantly senior citizens. I've yet to prepare a return for a senior client who does not hand me a large manila envelope full of medical receipts, and another one full of prescription drug receipts. Medical costs of seniors are staggering and often add up to tens of thousands of dollars (including premiums, co-pays, deductibles, drugs, etc.) They LOVE their prescriptions drugs and often brag to me about how they got them from Canada or some other locations "at a discount". Their (brainwashed) thought process is mind numbing. Save a buck, curtail a life. If they get a flu jab for 'free', more bragging...and the following tax season, more illness and disease. It is shocking beyond belief. Thank you again. You are amazing.

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You see the same thing over and over as a physician when you read their medical records and notice how the elderely are often on 5-15 drugs, most of which you know are not helping them, and simultaneously see how weakened their vitality is.

Great comment; I will pin it.

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In my experience people/patients end up with (too) many meds because they see different specialists for different medical issues. IMHO it is the role (duty) of the primary physician to monitor and integrate this - together with the dispensing pharmacist - and make sure unnecessary meds are weeded out. Also that no dangerous interaction is possible. It is rather dishonest to blame the patients e.g. "they brag about it, they love their Rxmeds, etc." Every MD will tell a patient what he/she prescribes is important for their health. And you know what, sometimes that is true.

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Yes, it seems that no doctor wants to know what might be in another doctor's basket. Consulting pharmacists are an excellent suggestion - spend a professional fee on a consulting pharmacist - and save thousands of dollars in the long run, and likely live longer & better, too.

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The flu vaccine contains aluminum as well, to trigger the immune system.


Aluminum is a potent neurotoxin, and world-renowned aluminum expert Professor Exley PhD has concluded "No aluminium, No Alzheimer's" https://youtu.be/WyAeQKtVr6U?t=1044


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I was told the aluminum in vaccines is different chemically from the aluminum in say, a soda can. Can you illuminate me on this? I keep getting that pushback when I bring up the issue and I don’t know enough about this issue to really respond.

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The aluminum in vaccines is more harmful and more of it gets into the body.

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One of the worlds experts on aluminum, Christopher Exley, produced a very readable book: Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom: Discussions With Mr. Aluminum. Modest length, well written, very knowledgeable.

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Aluminum in beer cans is probably regular aluminum, and it is able to leach into the liquid. Abstract from "Aluminium migration into beverages: Are dented cans safe?":

"[...] in seven months, aluminium migration was found to increase 0.14 mg L− 1 in beer, and 0.6 mg L− 1 in tea. This study included dented cans from which aluminium migration into tea was found to be particularly severe. Al concentration in dented canned tea increased 9.6 mg L− 1 in seven months."


Flu vaccine and childhood vaccines contain different aluminum salts, not "regular" aluminum. See "New Study Indicates that Widespread Exposure to Aluminum Is Setting the Stage for Catastrophic Neurological Damage" for more.


Aluminum can enter the body in many different ways, and cause al kinds of diseases. Abstract of "Aluminium toxicosis: a review of toxic actions and effects":

"Intake of Al is by inhalation of aerosols or particles, ingestion of food, water and medicaments, skin contact, vaccination, dialysis and infusions. Toxic actions of Al induce oxidative stress, immunologic alterations, genotoxicity, pro-inflammatory effect, peptide denaturation or transformation, enzymatic dysfunction, metabolic derangement, amyloidogenesis, membrane perturbation, iron dyshomeostasis, apoptosis, necrosis and dysplasia. The pathological conditions associated with Al toxicosis are desquamative interstitial pneumonia, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, granulomas, granulomatosis and fibrosis, toxic myocarditis, thrombosis and ischemic stroke, granulomatous enteritis, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, anemia, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, sclerosis, autism, macrophagic myofasciitis, osteomalacia, oligospermia and infertility, hepatorenal disease, breast cancer and cyst, pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis and diabetes mellitus."


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Thanks for this! I have seen numerous people have issues from drinking beverages from aluminum.

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My Dad worked in a factory making aluminium ingots in his twenties and thirties. He later had early onset Parkinsons which created depression and then showed signs of alzheimers. He was on a cocktail of drugs when he died. So sad to see an athletic, healthy, vibrant man decline in his 60s and become a shadow of his former self. I've suspected his exposure to aluminium for a long while now...

Thank you for sharing what you share. We need more doctors like you.

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I recently connected the dots for my husband’s health problems to his early exposure to his father’s aluminum window making shop in the 80s and early 90s…

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Thank you

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I've been to the pouring pots, long ago, at Alcoa (Indiana).

That did not look like a good place to work (I was an office mouse).

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This is why I only drink beer from glass bottles (and even that is something I only drink maybe once a month). I only drink water and tea the rest of the time, always out of glass or ceramic. My mother used to drink a lot of diet soda when I was growing up, and now has Alzheimer's, and I've always wondered if that was a factor. Her mother had it as well, so there are probably other factors, but I still think that is one of them (she also used artificial sweeteners for much of her adult life, to help with keeping her weight down, though she was never overweight that I could see).

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Yeh the diet soda - esp aspartame - not good for the brain.

I would weight aspartame heavier than the can it was packaged in.

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Interesting. It was my understanding, too, that the insides of cans are coated with some sort of plastics...don't know if this applies to soda cans, but I know it applies to coconut milk, UHT packaging, and other tins.

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Jun 17, 2023
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I agree, that looks odd. The -1 means "per" unit, so "0.14 mg L− 1 in beer" just means "0.14 mg per liter in beer"

For more see "What does the ‘−1’ superscript mean in units?"


1000 mg is 1 gram, so you have to drink a lot of tea from dented cans to get grams. Also, do note that in beer, the levels were only 0.14 mg per liter. But aluminum is toxic at low levels, so you don't need a lot in the first place.

It would be interesting if someone could dig out some studies of regular soda and beer cans, and their aluminum content after months or years on the shelf.

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Jun 17, 2023
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But please do visit https://drchristopherexley.substack.com/ -- he answers many of these questions, and many, many more. And he is an aluminum expert, professor, PhD, etc.

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Comparable to a story about mercury RFK, Jr., tells (which I relate from a likely vaxx-damaged brain, so the details could be wrong): oh, that mercury is different. While mercury from fish stays in your blood for two decades, mercury in (fake) vaccines stays in the blood for only a week.

Then he discovered it breaks the blood-brain barrier and stays in the brain for decades.


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Sounds like my brother on mercury. He has one of those "Very Smart Scientist Friends" who explained that we just naturally have far more mercury in our bodies than could ever be in a vaccine, therefore the mercury was safe and effective and couldn't possibly cause any problems whatsoever and its a travesty those antivaxxer morons made them take it out,also the healthy mercury in vaccines and in our bodies is a completely different mercury than the one we're used to and has a completely different atomic structure (wouldn't that make it a completely different substance at that point?) that makes it safe and healthy for us to put in our bodies. So I'd better really start looking out for some mercury supplements since apparently it's such a crucial, natural and healthy mineral.

Hello, I'm Demonhype and I'm a former vaccine believer who even once supported school mandates for kids, now gone Decartes on the whole subject (as in I can no longer trust what I've trusted blindly based on authority and must strip it down to fundamentals and start doing my own research to find out what is real). I'm finding I'm not alone in that either.

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That would be "full" Descartes. Love it.

I'm a natural skeptic (INTJ) and even I fell for it all, hook, line and sinker until Feb 2020 when I saw we were being gaslighted on the fatality rate for the Fauci-Wuhan Virus (the Princess Diamond told me everything I needed to know on that score). I began to use the phrase, "Everything is a lie. Start there. Now prove to me anything is truth." It took me a bit, but by mid-2021 I began to question the cost-benefit ratio for all prior vaccines.

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I think my moment was in realizing our regulatory structure was so compromised that a safe vaccine and a dangerous one would look identical. At which point I knew that there was no meaningful way to know that any vax is safe,covid or otherwise.

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I was listening to a talk about isotopes - electron changes within the same element. I'm not a scientist, but what I understood from the talk is that there are some isotopes of hydrogen that we breath, some which are explosive, and some which are even radioactive - but it's still hydrogen.

I wonder if that's the scoop with the different mercuries and aluminiums?

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It's not just the elderly who think the vaccines and/or medicine they receive is "free." One of my daughters took the covid JAB, and upon hearing my disgust with it, informed me, "Dad, it was free!" I mentioned the fallacy in that type of thinking but did not dare go overboard with it. The damage was done.

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Never trust things that are free.

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There are always strings of some sort attached.

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Unless they're from your mom.

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My Mother wouldn’t have gotten the Covid jabs if they hadn’t been “free”.

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Excellent story. This is why at age 73 I have refused to be drug into the endless medication parade and take no drugs. I'll always look for alternatives before I would consider a drug, even OTC poisons. Being an anti-vaxxer also saves lives.

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Off topic (kind of) but I'm trying to reach a large audience of "Covid skeptics." On this topic, I feel like the man who had Bernie Madoff pegged in 1999, but he couldn't get anybody who mattered to listen to him or stop the fraud.

A big story two days ago purports to provide “smoking gun” evidence that “Case Zero” of Covid in the world occurred with three lab workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in November 2019.

As I show in this detailed rebuttal, this could not be possible as at least 306 people in four countries and 7 U.S. states had also already been infected by this same date - and all of the people I have identified tested positive for Covid antibodies.

The real scandal is that public health officials (and the mainstream “watchdog” press) refuse to investigate or ignore the mountain of evidence that suggests millions of people had probably already been infected by the end of November 2019.

I’m not saying the virus didn’t originate in Wuhan. Only that if it did, the person who was “Case Zero” would have had to have been infected months earlier than November 2019 for the virus to have infected so many other people throughout the world.


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I have met people who I am certain developed COVID-19 prior to case 0 (e.g., a close friend of mine). The existing theory was that it was already circulating at the time of the Wuhan games, and a few of the people I talked to got it from someone who had been at the games. I also think this explains why event 201 "predicted" COVID-19; at the time it was hosted they already knew this was going to turn into a problem.

I think either:

a) It leaked earlier and the narrative was made it got out in November to cover for everyone.

b) There were multiple leaks, and the November 2019 one was a more dangerous variant than the leaks that preceded it.

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You might be able to offer an opinion on this doc. One of my "known knowables" is that this virus is/was, in fact, very contagious. It would thus follow that if a few people in City A came down with this virus (later confirmed by antibody results) that a lot of other people in their town had also been exposed. The contemporaneous ILI "surveillance" reports tell me that a lot more Americans were coming down with ILI's in the flu season of 2019-2020 compared to the previous 10 flu seasons. These people were getting flu tests, the vast majority of which were "negative" (although one can actually have Covid and the flu at the same time).

My extrapolation from the ONE "early" CDC antibody study we do have (The Red Cross blood study) and my own reporting/research of all the Americans who later tested positive for antibodies is that MILLIONS of people had already been infected by the lockdown date of March 15, 2020. So if we are going to have an authentic IFR, we'd need to count all the real "cases" and "deaths" that had already occurred by March 15, 2020. This percentage would be minuscule - about the same as the flu.

The important take-away would be that this novel virus was NOT killing hardly any healthy Americans, especially those under the age of 70. A further logical conclusion would be that the vast majority of the alleged "Covid deaths" that we began to see in April (!) 2020 ... must have been iatrogenic deaths. The virus hadn't changed - the protocols changed (plus the illegal panic).

So ... evidence of "early spread" is incredibly important. I think this evidence was intentionally concealed ... and is still being intentionally concealed.

Thanks for your interest in this topic, which as "Covid scandals" go has not gotten nearly enough attention IMO.

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Concealed or ignored? I fear we are surrounding by an excess of self-adsorbed clerks managed by people who are mission incompetent but trying to maximize status. Agencies with long forgotten public service tasks devolving to internal busywork. As with Parkinson's law of 2000 describing organizational growth despite the mission.

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Concealed by the key people in the know, but, for many, probably just ignored by incompetent and lazy bureaucrats following the authorized groupthink.

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Interesting every single senior tax client, without exception, is on numerous pharmaceuticals. I see a correlation between being too dumb to do your own taxes and being too dumb to take care of your own health. Don't get me wrong, you are performing a useful service, I used to write a state tax program every year and worked with many tax pros, almost all likeable and conscientious. And you guys are much needed by that segment of society. We've been self-employed for 42 years so our taxes go beyond a 1040-ez, and it's just not that hard, especially with tax software. At 72 and 67, neither my wife nor I take any drugs. Hard to miss the connection.

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Thank you for your excellent articles. I share them as often as family and friends indicate their openness to hear and learn alternative views. Your writing style flows easily into hardened minds like water finding its way through cracks in stone. Not much effort needed here except to be the conduit to connecting others. I hope you have seen the benefit in traffic.

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I really appreciate this comment. It actually describes in my own words exactly what I am seeking to do with the writing here.

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Nicely put. And I employ a similar strategy, even for folks that might be part way there.

Thanks AMD

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Here is a fundamental reason for this insanity. First, I was an investment banker, then a merger / acquisition specialist for many years. We did a lot of biotech deals, so I know the motivation behind these products.

The problem is how our financial funding methods work in the US and how pharma uses these avenues to make a lot of money; some projects fail—probably most, and that costs quite a sum. But, the winners are a big payday.

Understand then that the cost of a drug to the public will include all those failures priced in to get the investment back. Few understand this phenomena. Usually it is the risk takers, such as share or stake holders that hold the bag for losses or failures. But in the pharma industry they can sneak all the costs of past failures by severely jacking up the price of successful projects. I believe the pharma industry is the only one that gets away with this, mainly because they use fear in getting the public to buy their concoctions along with bribery to the regulators.

If you are a home builder say, and you loss money on a few homes built; you could NOT jack -up the price of newer homes you just built in another are to cover the cost of the former. To a small degree you might get away with doing that, but the home market will keep your mark-ups of prices in line with other homes built. But, not the pharma industry. They can literally pull a price out of their ass to charge the public. We've seen it happen all the time.

This is just the normal course of business for the pharma industry. It is not even considering the fraud and corruption with the regulators that are bribed, using various methods, to allow high prices and approval for drugs that should not receive it, as your posts describes.

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100% correct. I find with a lot of the issues that face us, you have to see how all the sectors are connected or a lot of it just doesn't make sense. I didn't mention it here, but I had a pharmaceutical executive from a major vaccine company reach out to me and share a lot more on this topic.

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Fraud VITIATES everything. At least it should. These scumbags are reprehensible and should be charged and hung.

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But if you are a home builder say, you COULD steal some of the materials from several houses that you build while in the process and accumulate enough stolen materials to build another house and thus increase your profits while gypping the previous customers whose houses you built. It happens. So many ways to cheat. So many lies.

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As I understand it, the pharmaceutical industry spends more on marketing than on R&D.

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That's a fact. I think most R&D is farmed out to medical colleges.

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Really competitive business can't do what the "self governing=monopoly" professional classes do; and the ""intellectual property/monopoly,/patented " xenobiotic toxins pharma industry does. The main reason China is so successful is that banking is run as a public utility for people whereas here in the western world, the people and the government's are subservient to the banksters. Nothing will seriously change until the people control financial which is a giant scam that fall's outside the Overton Window.

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For my wife and I, we are the healthiest when we are not under the care of a doctor. In her 30’s my wife was on 4 medications and told she would be on them for life. Through healthy food and alternative medicine she is no longer on any meds. Now 50, she is healthier than she has ever been under the care of a “healthcare” provider. She has not been under the care of a doctor in over a decade and refuses to step into a doctors office. We learned long ago that the medical industry makes money on sick people, and the best way to get sick people is to make them sick and keep them sick. It’s sad, but it’s truly the business model.

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Most of the older people I've met who have remained really healthy into old age and seemed sharp and alert always told me that they never touched pharmaceuticals.

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My grandmother, who lived to age 96, never touched a pharmaceutical. During the last two years of her life, when she was getting weaker and had occasion to call paramedics because she had fallen and hit her head, the paramedics came into her home and immediately looked in her medicine cabinet. Puzzled when they found no drugs there, they asked her where her medications were located. After she informed them she wasn't on any medications, they incredulously rattled off a half dozen meds which people her age commonly were prescribed. To which she replied that she doesn't take any of that stuff. She was active and had a generally good diet most of her life. My mother (her daughter) lived a very different lifestyle: no exercise, a garbage diet, and a pill for everything. She passed away at age 83, and spent the last couple of decades of her life slowly disintegrating. This is what our medical industry calls "normal aging".

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My grandmother never touched a medication, not even over the counter, until my grandpa died and she remarried at the age of around 70. Her new husband was armament that she go to the doctor for wellness checks. Ever since then she has had a pacemaker put in and her health continues to decline. She is 92 now, and is still mentally sharp and somewhat physically active, but is always having some issue. I wonder if she would have lived with less issues had she declined her new husbands demands for healthcare twenty years ago.

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I am so glad your wife found her way to heatlh. The sick system being broken is so sad but true.

At age 45 I was having a lot of acute health problems. Overweight and not being able to lose the weight, chronic pain, IBS, GERD, migranes, brain fog, etc. I went to doctors and they wanted me on Prilosac, Wellbutrin, statin, etc. They diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and told me my thyroid would probably give out soon and I would need hormone therapy for that. No talk about how to prevent it, just "when it happens we have drugs for that".

I went on an elimination diet, gradually moving to a primal / paleo type diet. I quit my corporate job for something less stressful and moved daily. Nothing crazy in the gym, but walking, hiking, moderate resistance training and some sprinting and occational high intensity exercise. I got sunlight. I spent more time with friends and family.

Now all I have "wrong" with me is Celiac, which requires no medication, just the avoidance of gluten. Had I stayed within "the system "I would be on disability, in horrible pain, with a low quality of life leading to an early grave.

I am working on becoming a Health Coach now focusing on Paleo / Primal and sharing with others. There IS a better way!

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That is fantastic! So great to hear stories of people getting their lives back on track outside of the pharmaceutical model.

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Excellent...you are on the right track.

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There are absolutely spiritual consequences for investing in death. Thanks for stating that plainly.

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Question: What Are the Priorities of the Healthcare Industry?

Answer: There are two and only two priorities of the Medical Industrial Complex- 1) To satisy their investors; 2) To engage exclusively in activities that fulfill obligation outlined in 1.

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Thank you for such wonderful insight. The goal of the health medical industrial complex is simple. Make billions by never striving for good health. It needs the population to be constantly sick. Every medical provider is trapped in the system because they took on massive debt and are nothing but serfs to their masters. They are well paid for sure but they can never ever bite the hand that feeds them. That’s why the doctors (author excepted and others) did nothing to help during Covid-19 or warn their patients about the harms they saw in their own patients from the experimental mRNA shots.

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A healthy person produces ZERO dollars

for Big Med and Big Pharma

but are huge moneymakers for BigHealthInsurance.

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This is why many people argue GDP is not a good measure of economic success.

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GDP is a scam. Economics in the western world, Chicago Austrian school style is a giant scam. Only a highly indoctrinated sheeple would believe the fantastical scam. Harari is right, Homo sapiens can believe anything!

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Exactly. There is no money to be made by curing diseases.

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I've harped on my broker about this -- I have never had a claim on my medical insurance --- I eat no garbage - drink very little - do not smoke - exercise daily. Why are my premiums getting jacked so much? I am willing to have a full health check if that would bring them down.

Of course that's not how it works he says -- essentially the healthy subsidize the gluttons/sloths.

My response was -- well maybe someone should start a company that insures only the healthy --- annual full check up required -- premiums to reflect the much lower risk.

Perhaps that company could have a list of doctors who offer holistic medicine avoiding the pill pushers...

Ya sounds like a good idea he said... but I am unaware of any plan like that.

BTW - I went to a random GP last winter -- injured ribs ski crash -- wanted anti inflamms so I could play hockey that week --- being a new patient (I have no GP cuz I try to avoid doctors)... she suggested I partake in her preventive medicine plan -- a pile of tests of course -- I said ya ... I have my own plan - I don't eat shit - and I exercise... that's why I don't have a GP... and why I don't need your tests... (she was wearing an N95 mask so was difficult to see the snarl...)

She was writing up the scrip and she says you can take 3/day -- I says I won't do that cuz I only need the one before I play - and I know these can cause stomach upset... oh she says -- I can give you something for stomach upset .... (so much for the preventative medicine)... I says -- what about if that causes some other side effect - can you give me something for that too?

Again - I could not see her reaction ...

This is another reason I have no GP... I do not bow down at the god-alter and kiss ass... any more than I do to my auto mechanic... I am sure this leaves each of them offended... so better to find new meat whenever I need medical assistance.

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After WWII insurance companies and lawyers inserted themselves into the

healthcare revenue stream.

It's been a disaster.

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Excellent description of "standard of care."

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Of course, the FDA supports Big-Pharma in profiting off [place disease here]! That is part of their mission statement. Similarly, the CDC is a vaccine promotion PR organization, and has been so for at least 40 years. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

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I should probably provide some context for my rantings. I spent 17 years or so working in regulated medical device design and development, for one of the pharma companies that produced a covid vaccine. I have seen "behind the curtain" and actually left that job due, in large part, to burnout and/or frustration in dealing with the FDA. (A story for another time, perhaps!) So, the revolving door at the top of pharma and the FDA is old news to me.

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And thank you for your articles. Because of your article on statins, I bought Duane Graveline's book "The Statin Damage Crisis". I now believe my father died of dementia because of being on statins as long as he was, and 2 years ago I lost a brother to ALS/dementia, probably from the same cause. Graveline's book convinced my husband to go back to enjoying eggs and cheese, only one benefit of reading that book.

The statins and SSRI/SNRI industry put the covid jabs in perspective. We've been had for a long time by pharma, the jabs were the tip of the iceberg.

And now they're pushing transcranial magnetic stimulation. TMS looks benign to the desperate for whom the psych meds don't work. Touted as a harmless magnetic field, the truth is that it's seeing up uncontrolled electrical waves in brain matter. Not too different from electroshock. And it's heavily marketed with complete denial of side effects.

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Thank you for reading the book, sorry about your father. Stories like that are part of why I do what I do here.

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I'd never have taken statins but my husband was being badgered to do so based on his bloods. I think you helped us dodge a bullet. Bless you.

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I have a MORE-ON friend who is very senior in Big Farma ... rewind 20 years ... early 30's... he's a lard ass who sits on the sofa and scoffs Doritos and cola (we're talking big -- I went to a bar with him ... and people were looking at him as he walked by and doing one of those holy shit that's a big boy)...

He was in charge of statin sales for his company nationally at the time ... and was informing me of how awesome they were ... he's urging me to get on them....

Now I was (and am) the same weight as in high school 120/80 BP etc... so I said why would I do that .. I don't have any health issues...

He says -- you can always be even better if you reduce your cholesterol. I'm like WTF???? Are you insane???

He truly believed his own bullshit. Of course he was on them... easier than not eating Doritos I guess.

Of course the horror stories came out later... I have never brought this up with him since.

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That's the beauty of mass formations.

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It also demonstrates : Upton Sinclair — 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'

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Based on what I now know about the valuable role played by cholesterol in our bodies I'd say maybe the Doritos kept him alive.

Eddy, the book by Graveline, which the good doctor here wrote about in a prior article, is worth reading. The knowledge of how destructive statins are is potentially lifesaving. Statins have been pushed at my husband and armed with this knowledge he'll never take them now. I think the dementia suffered by my father, brother, and father-in-law was a result of longterm statin use.

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Thanks! I'd forgotten about Kendrick. Hope he wins his libel case!

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Looking good!

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That's really interesting. I had no idea TMS was harmful; I just thought it was a waste of money because I keep on meeting people with COVID vaccine injuries it didn't do anything for.

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James Hall, severely injured by TMS has some interesting accounts of his experience on the madinamerica.com website. I found him when researching TMS when a sister-in-law was going in that direction, after years of failed antidepressants. The alternating magnetic fields set up alternating electrical fields. Basic physics. But in brain tissue, which is highly individually wired, the fields can cause severe damage. Hall maintains a FB group for victims of TMS as well. Their personal accounts are heart-rending. The injuries are dismissed as part of the depression that sent them there in the first place. My sister-in-law decided against it, thank God.

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It's a cowboy field. They take a weekend seminar, and then get permission to go play with electromagnetic fields around people's brains. Does this feel good? What if I move it here? Is this strong enough? How about this? Oh yeah. Cowboys. (and that's if you get one who communicates with you & doesn't gaslight your discomfort).

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The best summary of what can happen that I've read about TMS. Read the comments, too - they are damning.

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I'm not a Marxist, but it appears that Marx's description of a particular class called the "lumpenproletariat" explains why we're in such a mess. This term usually refers to the lower classes, but it also describes con artists, scammers, and hustlers for sale to the highest bidder.

I found the following excerpt quite interesting and apropos:

"An oft-cited description of the lumpenproletariat comes from Marx’s The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. The Parisian lumpenproletariat that Louis Bonaparte "recruited" during the French class struggles of 1848–1851 in order to "defeat" the proletariat and ultimately to seize state power consisted of the following:

Alongside decayed roués with dubious means of subsistence and of dubious origin, alongside ruined and adventurous offshoots of the bourgeoisie, were vagabonds, discharged soldiers, discharged jailbirds, escaped galley slaves, swindlers, mountebanks, lazzaroni, pickpockets, tricksters, gamblers, maquereaus, brothel keepers, porters, literati, organ grinders, ragpickers, knife grinders, tinkers, beggars – in short, the whole indefinite, disintegrated mass, thrown hither and thither...."

So in effect, what we have now controlling key industries are: pharmaceutical swindlers, bankster/ gangsters, and a nefarious national security state which profits by protecting a bunch of depraved parasites.

If you understand that thieves as well as power-hungry psychopaths historically are the one's who usually secure power then it's not that shocking to learn that the healthcare industry, and the military industrial complex are similar in that they both profit by causing misery and death. And that those who lead these organizations are little more than depraved hustlers.

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That's really insightful; thanks for sharing!

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Being a big deer hunter in WI when Chronic Wasting Disease was discovered and now living in Idaho where is was just recently discovered, I have followed it intermittently for quite a while now. Since I have awakened to the detrimental effects of industrial agriculture, I am convinced that CWD (and probably Alzheimer’s, Mad Cow, Creuztfeld-Jacob) are the result of ingested food products contaminated with ag chemicals. There is an article in American Hunter mag which depicts a map of geographic dispersion of CWD in deer and the highest concentrations are in major agricultural areas along with deer farms (which are fed grain from those areas). Though they have not proven it, the prevailing wisdom is that CWD is communicated via contact, however I do not believe this is true. This “wisdom” has caused game management orgs to recommend “eradication” as the solution. Well, they’ve been at it for 30 years in WI and we can see how it has worked out. It is obviously nutritional and not communicable. I hate to say that there are probably people involved that understand this, but there is too much money to be lost from changing our agricultural practices to fix it.

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Are you familiar with how paraquat causes parkinsons, and do you think there's any chance it could be the causative agent? I'd love to know your opinion and this might take a bit to figure out, so please tell me when you have an idea.

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I am not familiar with that but I see it is mentioned in a Wikipedia article. It’s getting to the point we won’t be able to eat anything that we don’t grow ourselves because we can’t trust what might be in it. Even wild animals are contaminated. Arguably just as, if not more insidious and bigger problem than COVID. (Lockdowns and vaccines notwithstanding)

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That was a very informative article!

I'll add Ozempic is associated with thyroid cancer. I know a few thin women taking it to shed off weight they cannot lose (they say) without it. Your jeans fit better, but, ut oh, cancer so no seeing your kid have her own babies. It won't happen to them... no.

I watched a podcast on Alzheimers being linked to insulin resistance and diabetes. They are calling it Diabetes Type 3. This is not the podcast (because the one I watched was not focused on it - I think it was an interview with Peter Atilla who is a longevity specialist) but I bet this is useful to understand the problem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js4p2-TKuJ4 I am guessing they don't want to discuss this. That people could greatly blunt alzheimers by eliminating sugar and keeping themselves out of IR thru diet and exercise. By watching their carbs. No money in curing and prevention.

Your writing here promotes a LOT of conversation outside your stack. I ride bikes and hike with a group of ladies (some who take Ozempic and other weight loss drugs in this class), It is good to go armed with more information in hopes of making them see what they are doing. People take their health too lightly!

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Thank you. My goal is to help people to think rather than telling them what to believe.

Dale Bresden has written a lot of type 3 diabetes.

Do you have any evidence for the thyroid cancer or was it just your own observations?

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Thank you for asking for clarification. I actually read it in the safety Information after listening to a podcast about how it works (as well as the other diabetes drugs).

Quote from their safety info and the link to it for full info: Ozempic® may cause serious side effects, including:https://www.ozempic.com/important-safety-information.html

Possible thyroid tumors, including cancer. Tell your health care provider if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. These may be symptoms of thyroid cancer. In studies with rodents, Ozempic® and medicines that work like Ozempic® caused thyroid tumors, including thyroid cancer. It is not known if Ozempic® will cause thyroid tumors or a type of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in people. Do not use Ozempic® if you or any of your family have ever had MTC, or if you have an endocrine system condition called Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2).


Raptor side note: There are also possible problems for pancreas and kidney. Yay. Sounds amazing.

Many drugs (for weight loss and or diabetes T2) fall under this category (GLP-1 agonists) that have these serious problems associated with them, but are not as star worthy. Here is a list:

1) Dulaglutide (Trulicity)

2) Liraglutide (Victoza) Here is an article on hazards of liraglutide and semaglutides https://nyulangone.org/news/common-diabetes-treatment-leads-diagnosis-rare-thyroid-cancer

3) Liraglutide (Saxenda) Ozempic (semaglutide)

4) Exenatide (Byetta)

5) Semaglutide (Ozempic)

6) Exenatide (Bydureon Bcise)

7) Lixisenatide (Adlyxin)

8) Semaglutide (Rybelsus)

9) Semaglutide (Wegovy)

Weigh the costs of everything you put in your mouth or inject into your body. Food or medicine.

Thank you again doctor. If you have corrections to what I am saying or additions I am most grateful.

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The last thing the Healthcare cartel and corrupt medical establishment want are healthy people. Sick customers make for repeat business.

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One of my favorite things I ever saw that was carved into a sidewalk (while it was wet) was "sick people are easier to control."

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The author just can’t help criticizing Trump regarding medical issues but Kennedy Jr is godly?

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I think Trump not taking a stand against the pharmaceutical industry cost him his re-election. He wanted to when he started but then his administration pushed him out of doing so.

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I think he “lost” the election because it was stolen but I appreciate your commentaries regarding medicine.

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Many of the shenanigans we saw during the election were only possible because of the lockdowns! I believe Trump's anti-war record was the most important aspect of his presidency, and it makes me very sad virtually every liberal I know flipped into being neo-cons. I think the thing that doomed his presidency was a lack of qualified personell (and personell who shared his agenda) in his administration, and throughout his presidency, everyone was trying to target and remove everyone who was competent and on board with his agenda.

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Tucker Carlson episode 3 on Twitter summed up pretty well I think what Trump faced in the turncoats he erroneously brought aboard.

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One thing you should know is that in Atlas's memoir, Trump repeatedly told Atlas that he did not trust what Fauci and Birx were telling him (hence why he invited Atlas to come), but he was not willing to directly stand up to them because he didn't want the media to attack him.

Both Atlas and Navarro were stuck in a situation at the White House where over and over the saw bad policies being pushed along by everyone in the administration (including Pence) and while Trump listened to them, he was muscled out by the rest of the people in his administration to not do it.

I think Trump essentially had an impossible task, but at the same time, the only way he could have made what he was in work (e.g., not following the disastrous lockdowns Trump himself was opposed to) was by sticking with his gut and firing the bad apples on the COVID-19 task force.

If he had done that, we likely would not have had the vaccine disaster we've experienced.

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He was overwhelmed by DS BS and deliberately so. That he got anything accomplished was a miracle.

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He intentionally spurned Paul Craig Roberts, whom he should have appointed as his chief of staff.

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I agree with you, he is also still pushing the shot and said it has saved millions.

Regarding RFK jr. where is he on this


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The Swamy should be scrutinized also.

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As all candidates should be.

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Trump is “still pushing the shots”? Proof with details including video please.

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This is from January THIS YEAR, and there was another interview in Feb or March where he made this false claim. When he's not being silent in the face of the biggest crime against humanity in world history, he's supporting Big Pharma.


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His vax being THERAPEUTIC HCQ is deliberately blocked from being reported on. MSM ☠️

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No! It was his publicly stated aversion to war and calling out Bush II as knowingly lying about the reason for the Iraq war. Of course he was such a loose cannon he would occasionally tell you the truth and that is a grevious sin, perhaps the greatest sin. Reading Chris Christie's book where he was designated to do the transition and showed up with a pallet of briefing material. Trump put his hand on Christie's shoulder and said "aw Chris, we can just wing it"! That's not POTUS material and Chris Christie was a friend.

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Yeah, I notice those things too. And it causes doubt. If you know what I mean.

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