Sounds like my brother on mercury. He has one of those "Very Smart Scientist Friends" who explained that we just naturally have far more mercury in our bodies than could ever be in a vaccine, therefore the mercury was safe and effective and couldn't possibly cause any problems whatsoever and its a travesty those antivaxxer morons made th…
Sounds like my brother on mercury. He has one of those "Very Smart Scientist Friends" who explained that we just naturally have far more mercury in our bodies than could ever be in a vaccine, therefore the mercury was safe and effective and couldn't possibly cause any problems whatsoever and its a travesty those antivaxxer morons made them take it out,also the healthy mercury in vaccines and in our bodies is a completely different mercury than the one we're used to and has a completely different atomic structure (wouldn't that make it a completely different substance at that point?) that makes it safe and healthy for us to put in our bodies. So I'd better really start looking out for some mercury supplements since apparently it's such a crucial, natural and healthy mineral.
Hello, I'm Demonhype and I'm a former vaccine believer who even once supported school mandates for kids, now gone Decartes on the whole subject (as in I can no longer trust what I've trusted blindly based on authority and must strip it down to fundamentals and start doing my own research to find out what is real). I'm finding I'm not alone in that either.
I'm a natural skeptic (INTJ) and even I fell for it all, hook, line and sinker until Feb 2020 when I saw we were being gaslighted on the fatality rate for the Fauci-Wuhan Virus (the Princess Diamond told me everything I needed to know on that score). I began to use the phrase, "Everything is a lie. Start there. Now prove to me anything is truth." It took me a bit, but by mid-2021 I began to question the cost-benefit ratio for all prior vaccines.
I think my moment was in realizing our regulatory structure was so compromised that a safe vaccine and a dangerous one would look identical. At which point I knew that there was no meaningful way to know that any vax is safe,covid or otherwise.
I was listening to a talk about isotopes - electron changes within the same element. I'm not a scientist, but what I understood from the talk is that there are some isotopes of hydrogen that we breath, some which are explosive, and some which are even radioactive - but it's still hydrogen.
I wonder if that's the scoop with the different mercuries and aluminiums?
Sounds like my brother on mercury. He has one of those "Very Smart Scientist Friends" who explained that we just naturally have far more mercury in our bodies than could ever be in a vaccine, therefore the mercury was safe and effective and couldn't possibly cause any problems whatsoever and its a travesty those antivaxxer morons made them take it out,also the healthy mercury in vaccines and in our bodies is a completely different mercury than the one we're used to and has a completely different atomic structure (wouldn't that make it a completely different substance at that point?) that makes it safe and healthy for us to put in our bodies. So I'd better really start looking out for some mercury supplements since apparently it's such a crucial, natural and healthy mineral.
Hello, I'm Demonhype and I'm a former vaccine believer who even once supported school mandates for kids, now gone Decartes on the whole subject (as in I can no longer trust what I've trusted blindly based on authority and must strip it down to fundamentals and start doing my own research to find out what is real). I'm finding I'm not alone in that either.
That would be "full" Descartes. Love it.
I'm a natural skeptic (INTJ) and even I fell for it all, hook, line and sinker until Feb 2020 when I saw we were being gaslighted on the fatality rate for the Fauci-Wuhan Virus (the Princess Diamond told me everything I needed to know on that score). I began to use the phrase, "Everything is a lie. Start there. Now prove to me anything is truth." It took me a bit, but by mid-2021 I began to question the cost-benefit ratio for all prior vaccines.
I think my moment was in realizing our regulatory structure was so compromised that a safe vaccine and a dangerous one would look identical. At which point I knew that there was no meaningful way to know that any vax is safe,covid or otherwise.
I was listening to a talk about isotopes - electron changes within the same element. I'm not a scientist, but what I understood from the talk is that there are some isotopes of hydrogen that we breath, some which are explosive, and some which are even radioactive - but it's still hydrogen.
I wonder if that's the scoop with the different mercuries and aluminiums?