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I could have written this... you just described my mother down to the last detail. The only difference is she agreed with me to not get the jab but my sister cried/begged her to do it and she caved. It's all so horrible and now I am the one taking care of my mom full-time.

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What about the sister who pressured her into it?

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Thanks for asking... I will tell you for the outcome has been completely unfair. After learning that my mother got the kill shot I called her immediately. She told me she didn't feel right and that her back felt very weak and she was having trouble "thinking". About 6-8 weeks later she went into congestive heart failure. It was a serious life ending crisis and we thought she wouldn't make it. The doctors didn't have much hope for her survival and reluctantly placed two stents with a prognosis of months to live.

My mom was transferred to an awful physical therapy hospital and we had two weeks before she was scheduled to come home. My sister was now in full panic mode (things are further complicated as I have ten brothers and sisters). My sister always said she would take mom into her own home if necessary... but her talk now was looking for a nursing home. She lived ten minutes away from mom - I lived 800 miles away. If I was going to keep mom out of a nursing home (aka a miserable death) I had to make a choice. What I thought would be two months turned into two years without much help from family.

Oh, and when mom came home from hospital she had to go right back in due to complications. While there, they forced another shot on her! I don't know how she has survived. And that is her life now. She just survives. I live with a squash now and it's the saddest thing to watch and even harder to endure.

I provide full time care... My sister? She still has a life. And is still checking the boxes off her vacation bucket list. She and her husband were not unaffected by the shots they received either. This convid evil is beyond disturbing and will poison us for many years to come. It will be the end of many as it culminates into disease. She said she won't take anymore shots but does not regret her decision to take them (so prideful).

Anyway, I write about it all... This was the first post https://banjocatcreative.com/one-way-ticket/

Sorry, I probably have over shared but these two years of isolation with little help from others has crushed me.

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That's really crushing. It's obvious that you are a resilient person because of your faith and your well-trained mind, and your mother is blessed to have you protecting her twilight years. 11 kids, one stepped up... My heart goes out to you.

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Thank you, Iris, for the kinds words... it's day by day... I sure hope I am resilient. It seems there's a whole lot of hurt out there. Hope humanity comes to its senses sooner rather than later. Take care!

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Sending you ten thousand healing blessings for stepping up for your mom. May all the divine beings who love her shelter her soul and guide her home on the backs of eagles wings with the wisdom of the universe steering their direction. Leave your sister to her karma.

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^^like ... I could picture/see/feel everything you said here... Thank you so much. Sending blessings to you, Shaktideva :)

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To get of the toxic blood destroying nanoparticles have you looked into edta iv chelation? You would have to pay out of pocket. About 20 sessions. Pulls out heavy metals and more. Improves circulation.

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That would probably help - but not worth the family arguments that would ensue. What a sad statement, eh? I am going to try a zeolite blend made by Dr. Robert Young. Crossing fingers... ;)

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You too, Banjocat.

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You are a good soul!! God bless and keep you well ! тЭдя╕ПЁЯЩП

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^^like... Thank you, Nama Paula, I do feel oddly blessed to care for my mother. I know it's temporary and the difficulties will serve to move me to places I need to go for my own growth and healing. Blessings to you!

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It's been a devastating time for many. Hang on there. God willing, we will come to our senses and put the evil ones away forever

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It really has... the locust people will devour themselves I am certain; evil doesn't have a self preservation button. Stay strong!

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I'm very sorry to hear about your mom.

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Thanks, J.J., I know my story is all too common, unfortunately. Be well!

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Understood, 2 adult children disabled from childhood shots. I have the flu right now and can barely move. The fear of what happens when its not the flu and I can no longer pick up the pieces and soften the blows eats me from the inside out.

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There are too many stories like yours... I always think about parents of disabled children and how seemingly impossible it is to keep going. How is it that this destruction of families is allowed to continue? Evidence everywhere. It piles up and only seems to collect dust. I am convinced at this point that no one needs pharmaceuticals. I hope your flu is short lived - will send a prayer now... I just wrote this yesterday https://banjocatcreative.com/a-momster-calls/ Much love to you... you are gold in a world of cheap metal.

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Sending a prayer

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^^like :)

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This was such a blessing today to read your comment. Tears came instantly. Thank you so much. It means a very great deal.

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Hugs! Hope you are feeling tip-top :)

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So sorry for the damage done to your mother by the toxic vaxxines. The elderly were bombarded with fear porn.

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Thanks, KT. The elderly and children - the most vulnerable in society. I don't know about you but I'm tired of fear running the show. If the past four years have taught me anything it is stop giving away ones power to feckless idiots.

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I'm so sorry

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