Aaron Siri was finally able to force the CDC to relinquish their V-safe data, which showed over 10% of recipients suffered significant adverse reactions to vaccination.
Thank you again, doctor, for another excellent substack. You do such a great job making everything understandable and I so much appreciate all the time you take do this.
I want to encourage everyone to consider financially supporting the only reason why we can actually examine this important data, Del Bigtree's Informed Consent Action Network. His weekly show is amazing - like 60 Minutes used to be - and Del is really making a difference with his litigation efforts. They really need our help so they can do more. Truly one of the most important groups out there right now. Investigative journalism plus legal action. https://www.icandecide.org/support-ican/
Del's been doing such good work for many years before Covid and deserves all of our gratitude and support. His show, The Highwire, is amazing. Important breaking news, investigative pieces, and great interviews. https://thehighwire.com/
You can watch it live on Thursdays, or in segments after it airs. If you subscribe (which is free), they email out links to support everything they discuss in the show. You can also listen to it in podcast form, or watch it on TV (they are even n Roku). Del has zero sponsors. His litigation and show are both supported by donations.
Wonderful Doctor, thank you for your research and this evidence. Please forgive me for polluting your comment section by reposting this here. You are the best of the best. Please keep up your crusade to fix this nightmare, and I will do the same!
The COVID vaccines shut off your innate immune system and there can be no doubt that that is their true purpose given how well they achieves this. The health agencies had all of the Pfizer COVID vaccine adverse event and fatality data and knew even before it was approved that the vaccine does exactly this, and so when they get on TV and push it on you and your children as a cure for COVID-19, they are lying directly into your face with a twinkle in their eye:
Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick. -CDC Director Walensky April 2021
The FDA, CDC, Pfizer, and the US Government are all criminal organizations and have granted themselves near total immunity from any and all vaccine damage. Their members should be prosecuted and strung up on streetlights. Evidence here:
You could hook the revolving door between the CDC and the FDA and the corporations they govern up to a turbine and light up the Vegas strip, meanwhile congress invests heavily in these enterprises based on legislation that they are going to pass in the future because they are exempt from insider trading laws.
The only way out of this onslaught of medical tyranny is to burn the entire system down because the system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it - everyone is compromised and has incriminating evidence on everyone else - it can only be demolished and rebuilt from scratch.
Thank you for that informative post! I have to wonder if they're cracking down even harder on people, now that AB 2098 has passed. I am writing a book about how I beat Covid symptoms with natural methods, and even though I had a 100% success rate, and even made videos showing proof that Covid can be beat, I am STILL concerned they're going to somehow be able to ban me from publishing or promoting it, at least, from where I live. The truth doesn't mean ANYTHING to these tyrants in California. I'm in Silicon Valley, less than 15 minutes from Facebook, and have gone from loving this area, to wanting to flee. People are incredibly, deeply brainwashed here, especially the folks on Next Door (who will delete particular comments to make it look like everyone is on the same page about vaccines). I visited Wisconsin recently and it was breathtakingly beautiful, so lush and green, it really made me think about moving. But I also don't want to move because I feel like the bay area NEEDS people who are willing to stay and fight against the tyranny. Anyway, thank you again for all your information, your posts are so well written, it is very much appreciated!!
Elle, the appearance of consensus in the bay area is a "Potemkin Village" construct. You are far from alone here. Just know that a majority of people who are suspecting that there's something "off" about The Narrative are not drawing attention to themselves. As their lives have been made immensely more arduous by the institutionalized corruption, most are just struggling to keep their heads above water.
The purpose of the propaganda is alienation. Do not be discouraged, for you are not as isolated as it may appear.
This is what I have heard from patients in a lot of hyper progressive areas. A lot of the media is designed to create a false consensus that leaves you feeling isolated and alone when you in fact are not.
There seems to be an increasing amount of publicly-shared analysis of the alienation that is correctly identified with totalitarian propaganda methodology, Doctor.
I/m not going to reject the correlation out of hand, but I can't avoid a more mundane comparison; the way this "divide and conquer" technique is used constantly, in everyday life and especially in business.
More simply, "gaslighting" is seldom as dramatic as the movie of that name represented it. It's a scaling-up of ordinary, everyday dismissiveness.
We dismiss concerns without any sort of evaluation, on a daily basis. On one hand, that's a simple matter of time management. On the other hand, observing the nature of the types of concerns that we dismiss in an offhand manner is a window into our personal hierarchy of priorities. This is obvious, but worthy of consideration nonetheless.
The negative consequences of offhand dismissal of trivial considerations are trivial, which is to say that the price of getting it wrong is low. As the nature of the concern scales up, the price of getting it wrong increases.
Again, obvious, but the intersection of time management and risk management is a calculus rarely addressed consciously; snap judgement is the usual behavior.
The thought process required, if misfortune is to be avoided, is risk assessment. In everyday life, suboptimal results are taken in stride, as long as the dismissed concern is objectively trivial.
My thoughts, watching the events of the last few years unfold, have turned toward what Desmet and Arendt refer to as "mass formation." They highlight the differences between individual behaviors and "the madness of crowds."
It has occurred to me that it is the similarities, as much as the differences, that point the way toward meaningful solutions to the problem.
The way that high-risk concerns are placed under consideration requires process, and what we are witnessing in the arena of public policy is a breakdown of processes. What I'm interested in, is determining where that breakdown is occurring by intent, and where it happens by a default rush to judgement that is nothing more than a reflection of individual personality traits.
Ill-considered dismissiveness is a manifestation of personality trait, first and foremost. As it scales upward and outward in scope, it becomes..... something else.
Part of this is developmental. Until age 7 our brains are sponges, absorbing, expanding, growing - taking it all in. (this is when fairies and imaginary friends are normal developmental behaviours)
At age 7 the pruning process begins into "appropriate" and "needful" information. The fairies become less important. By adolescence, this is a very active process.
We learn to tune out what doesn't fit. Easy human trait, and an essential one for getting along in a society, which is far more complex than a tribe.
After my father-in-law had been broken into for the 9th time in the City of Detroit back in the '90s he decided to move. "I guess you can't live somewhere just because you feel sorry for it."
PS wow thanks for including that video, "Corruption is Legal in America." I need to make a copy of it before it completely disappears from Youtube : D.
That video is a great example of where the left and right should be allying with each other rather than at their throats. Prior to COVID-19 I felt that video encapsulated the most important political issue of our time.
Government control of Fakebook?! I would almost bet $ on it… Almost… gotta keep the dinero for feeding the 4 boys during Alzheimer Joe’s reign of terror….😑🔥
pimaCanyon: exactly! I wish folks would see we have the power to do this. They’ve convinced people that they ‘need Facebook to keep in touch’. Not true!
thanks! I will have to admit I'm a bit of a hypocrite though because I still have a twitter account. My account has been permanently suspended twice, so I had to start over with zero followers each time. I justify having it because I post mostly studies, trials, and articles like this one regarding the horrific effects of the experimental injections. Seems that when you get more than a couple thousand followers, twitter scrutinizes your posts. I had a little over 2k when they suspended my last account. Current account has only 600, and they haven't suspended me yet. The thing I like about twitter is that many of my tweets will be retweeted by some of my followers, so I feel like maybe someone out there might see something that opens their eyes a little re the injections. We'll see what happens if this Musk sale actually goes thru. Will he keep his word and actually stop the censorship?
I dispute every one of these. They usually don't go anywhere, but during the great Joe Rogan Ivermectin wars, I was getting a thirty-day ban every day. Three days in a row, disputed, reinstated. Must have had an ally on the staff, probably lost their job for such behavior. Finally, they just banned me for thirty days without an offending post to justify it.
It was worth it. Give it a shot...you never know who listens to JRE over there.
complete top-down interconnected control, or as you say "interlock". this reminds me of the Panopticon, a clever idea for prison where all the cells are visible from one central viewing port.
You have to put the link in the comments, not the main post which should be a generic and unspecific as possible. That's how we found out how to share info.
Try to pass the info to all your acquaintances using the shitbook messenger. They don't censor you or ban you yet for links or info passed that way. That is the only reason why I still have and use shitbook.
Yeah, I have noticed that and have a new FB account where I do that. I also share information with groups on Telegram. I have dropped off printed info with a couple police departments and pharmacies, but have to do more. I also have 4" lettering on the back of my hatchback detailing the death and adverse effects numbers from VAERS, with the openvaers.com address. You can print off small posters from the stopworldcontrol.com site too, to post around town or hand out, but I have not done that yet.
Thalidomide DDT Vioxx Teflon mercury asbestos tobacco burn-pits agent orange cholesterol Iran contra watergate Nexium Prilosec metformin Januvia Pradaxa Levaquin Cipro and endless laundry list of lies....the lies jus keep piling up, sooner or later even the most gullible will begin to recognize the pattern. When there is product to be sold there are lies to be told. There is no profit motive in caring at all, at all about you or your wellbeing.
It's this pesky internet that's gotten in their way--they're so mad because they've gotten away with this gaslighting technique for decades. Now they have to play whack a mole.
I keep wondering why they don't just take the non commercial sites away. I guess it's because the CIA and NSA don't have to spy on all of us if 75% just let the cell phones and internet do it for them. I mean, CIA was an early investor in FB.
I think it would be too obvious and too big a crack into who’s controlling what. People would start opting out altogether. FB was genius in that 80 yr olds bought computers so they could join FB. And you’re right- the CIA captured a lot of info that way- too valuable to cancel now.
Check out this one, too. https://thecanceralternative.blogspot.com/2019/12/incredible-story-man-takes-cheap-dog-de.html. The more research I do, the more I have to wonder if one of the biggest reasons Pharma is trying to keep us away from cheap and effective drugs like Ivermectin Is because It seems like drugs that kill parasites also just happen to kill covid AND/OR cancer cells. Imagine how much money they would lose if everyone started making this connection. Not saying There is any easy guaranteed cure for cancer. But I am saying I don't doubt it could make a big dent in their pocketbooks.
Thanks so much for bringing this to light. I'm grateful to Steve Kirsch for letting people know about your Substack - you have really informative posts! Thanks for all the work you're doing. Also very grateful to ICAN, Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri for making this VAERS information available.
So much deep research work being assembled on what we understand to be a bioweapon. A very effective bioweapon. The evil of it is beyond the grasp of most people. The banality of a Walgreens, an average nurse in scrubs dutifully executing their prescribed assignment. Hell on earth.
I’d like to share something I observed in New Zealand (who also do passive reporting but our aefi’s were published regularly at the height of the vaccination campaign). They launched for the 1st time an attempt at active reporting via texting people at various intervals post doses. It was modelled on ausvax who has done the same for many years in Australia. Sample sets were very small (a few thousand per cohort) but more worryingly to me was copying the ausvax style of asking (for established vaccines) did you experience any of this pick list of mild effects (eg rash at injection site or swelling or headache etc….all mild). I think this skewed data as for analysis it needs to be clear and consistent to collate but it only directly asked for mild symptoms.
If instead it had asked say for heart palpitations or a tight chest or heart flutters - we’d have seen substantial (almost everyone I know felt these at some point when asked directly post their vaccinations) rises in potential myocarditis signals. Or even shingles symptoms etc…But they didn’t. They focussed on the less serious in order to build confidence in the vaccinations not to find any signals from adverse events. This game was rigged at every turn.
Are you sure, "Clinical trials of the vaccines were for all practical purposes fraudulent and massively underreporting adverse events"? Maddie de Garay just had a temporary stomach ache!
I can't thank the Doctor enough for leaving room for discussion; most comparable places on the web are already gone.
So, what can assure the taxpayer that the CDC has not been lying about the rest of the "vaccines"?
As it turns out, all "vaccines" have been dangerous with absolutely no "advantages." The only difference is that the latest ones can be, and have been proven to be, lethal.
As manufacturers are exempt from liability, the only way to make them liable would be to prove "harmful intent," which is easy to accomplish, but where is a court that would honor such evidence?
Anyone want to make predictions on how the debunking articles being written right now will go?
Some ideas:
-downplay severity of what was reporting by including examples of clearly minor complaints as representative of severe, i.e. "such as a sore arm"
-cite extremely biased experts saying ambiguous things that seem in the context of the article to dismiss concerns, "Dr. RELIABLE of PRESTIGIOUS U. says we shouldn't leap to conclusions and that this data shouldn't cause anyone to hesitate to get their Nth vaccine booster shot and flu shot"
-fake interviewee who says they reported their [sore arm] to v-safe and are so relieved that the government is taking [sore arms] seriously
-false comparisons to ~630,000 covid deaths vs. [sore arms]
-attack the people who sued to get this revealed and anyone who discusses it with various ad hominem
-blame anti-vaxxers, "the government might be more willing to reveal this type of information if they didn't have to fear that anti-vaxxers would use it to fuel conspiracy theories"
I've seen all of this in other fact checks. What else will they try?
That is precisely why I believe it is critical we do not overrepresent the claims in this data, as those mischaracterizations will be seized upon to discredit the whole thing.
I agree and I think that happened with early reports on the DMED database. I wrote my congressman, who has no sympathy with any of this, and then he was undoubtedly briefed that it was all just a database glitch and everything is fine. I had hoped to put some pressure on him and instead just set him up to dismiss any future concerns as yet another false alarm.
Sadly, no matter how anyone handles this, the fact checks will be coming and they will likely be successful in characterizing this data for the majority of people.
Bingo re: DMED. I am concerned with the readiness of the US military considering all the jab mandates and all the jab coercion. The world may soon be in need of them, and it would suck if 18% are down with the jitters and anyone of the remaining 82% would drop dead in the heat of active duty. Anyone willing to chime in on this?
This was one of the major red flags to me...why on earth are they giving something so dangerous to our armed forces? They are the one part of the US infrastructure that is not expendable to the ruling class.
Quick edit: reading this again, I chose some words poorly. It’s unfortunate that, during active duty, fatal casualties can occur. So “dripping dead” means anything related to the ridiculous “SADS” that TPTB came up with.
Edgar Allan Poe meets the specter of Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine in Turfseer’s lockdown dirge “NEVERMORE.” Check it out on Soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/nevermore
A blues song about a man afflicted with a deadly heart inflammation. Listen to THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES:
Thank you again, doctor, for another excellent substack. You do such a great job making everything understandable and I so much appreciate all the time you take do this.
I want to encourage everyone to consider financially supporting the only reason why we can actually examine this important data, Del Bigtree's Informed Consent Action Network. His weekly show is amazing - like 60 Minutes used to be - and Del is really making a difference with his litigation efforts. They really need our help so they can do more. Truly one of the most important groups out there right now. Investigative journalism plus legal action. https://www.icandecide.org/support-ican/
Del's been doing such good work for many years before Covid and deserves all of our gratitude and support. His show, The Highwire, is amazing. Important breaking news, investigative pieces, and great interviews. https://thehighwire.com/
You can watch it live on Thursdays, or in segments after it airs. If you subscribe (which is free), they email out links to support everything they discuss in the show. You can also listen to it in podcast form, or watch it on TV (they are even n Roku). Del has zero sponsors. His litigation and show are both supported by donations.
I pinned this comment, please do not substantially edit it.
Thank you. I really apprecate you highlighting Del's group.
Add that into the pinned post so people see it if you can!
Good idea. Done!
Wonderful Doctor, thank you for your research and this evidence. Please forgive me for polluting your comment section by reposting this here. You are the best of the best. Please keep up your crusade to fix this nightmare, and I will do the same!
The COVID vaccines shut off your innate immune system and there can be no doubt that that is their true purpose given how well they achieves this. The health agencies had all of the Pfizer COVID vaccine adverse event and fatality data and knew even before it was approved that the vaccine does exactly this, and so when they get on TV and push it on you and your children as a cure for COVID-19, they are lying directly into your face with a twinkle in their eye:
Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick. -CDC Director Walensky April 2021
The FDA, CDC, Pfizer, and the US Government are all criminal organizations and have granted themselves near total immunity from any and all vaccine damage. Their members should be prosecuted and strung up on streetlights. Evidence here:
You could hook the revolving door between the CDC and the FDA and the corporations they govern up to a turbine and light up the Vegas strip, meanwhile congress invests heavily in these enterprises based on legislation that they are going to pass in the future because they are exempt from insider trading laws.
The only way out of this onslaught of medical tyranny is to burn the entire system down because the system is rotten to the core and is woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestuous corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed as each corrupted entanglement has a stranglehold on the ones surrounding it - everyone is compromised and has incriminating evidence on everyone else - it can only be demolished and rebuilt from scratch.
I believe we are a time when many things in society will change quite quickly.
Good comments Fortiori🤗😉
Thanks M.
My dreams of late are drenched with white towels and white flags and the promise blissful sleep...
Hope you are well!
Back at you , all good …keep looking up , lots of sunshine 🌞!
Bravo!!!! My exact thoughts turned into your elegant words! Thank you!!
Well said MaryHQ
Well, well, well. Look what happened when I just tried to share this post on Facebook. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52407597535_219c04bac1_b.jpg Disgusting. Zuckerberg has blood on his hands.... a WHOLE LOT of it.
Thanks for taking one for the team! On one level I find these types of bans and reasons hilarious, but on another level profoundly disturbing.
What I am trying to figure out is if a top down directive was issued for this topic or if I am now on FB's ban list.
That all said, I believe this is all classic monopolistic behavior and needs to be prosecuted accordingly: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/californias-misinformation-epidemic
Thank you for that informative post! I have to wonder if they're cracking down even harder on people, now that AB 2098 has passed. I am writing a book about how I beat Covid symptoms with natural methods, and even though I had a 100% success rate, and even made videos showing proof that Covid can be beat, I am STILL concerned they're going to somehow be able to ban me from publishing or promoting it, at least, from where I live. The truth doesn't mean ANYTHING to these tyrants in California. I'm in Silicon Valley, less than 15 minutes from Facebook, and have gone from loving this area, to wanting to flee. People are incredibly, deeply brainwashed here, especially the folks on Next Door (who will delete particular comments to make it look like everyone is on the same page about vaccines). I visited Wisconsin recently and it was breathtakingly beautiful, so lush and green, it really made me think about moving. But I also don't want to move because I feel like the bay area NEEDS people who are willing to stay and fight against the tyranny. Anyway, thank you again for all your information, your posts are so well written, it is very much appreciated!!
I know so many different ways to treat COVID now, including quite a few natural remedies.
Elle, the appearance of consensus in the bay area is a "Potemkin Village" construct. You are far from alone here. Just know that a majority of people who are suspecting that there's something "off" about The Narrative are not drawing attention to themselves. As their lives have been made immensely more arduous by the institutionalized corruption, most are just struggling to keep their heads above water.
The purpose of the propaganda is alienation. Do not be discouraged, for you are not as isolated as it may appear.
This is what I have heard from patients in a lot of hyper progressive areas. A lot of the media is designed to create a false consensus that leaves you feeling isolated and alone when you in fact are not.
There seems to be an increasing amount of publicly-shared analysis of the alienation that is correctly identified with totalitarian propaganda methodology, Doctor.
I/m not going to reject the correlation out of hand, but I can't avoid a more mundane comparison; the way this "divide and conquer" technique is used constantly, in everyday life and especially in business.
More simply, "gaslighting" is seldom as dramatic as the movie of that name represented it. It's a scaling-up of ordinary, everyday dismissiveness.
We dismiss concerns without any sort of evaluation, on a daily basis. On one hand, that's a simple matter of time management. On the other hand, observing the nature of the types of concerns that we dismiss in an offhand manner is a window into our personal hierarchy of priorities. This is obvious, but worthy of consideration nonetheless.
The negative consequences of offhand dismissal of trivial considerations are trivial, which is to say that the price of getting it wrong is low. As the nature of the concern scales up, the price of getting it wrong increases.
Again, obvious, but the intersection of time management and risk management is a calculus rarely addressed consciously; snap judgement is the usual behavior.
The thought process required, if misfortune is to be avoided, is risk assessment. In everyday life, suboptimal results are taken in stride, as long as the dismissed concern is objectively trivial.
My thoughts, watching the events of the last few years unfold, have turned toward what Desmet and Arendt refer to as "mass formation." They highlight the differences between individual behaviors and "the madness of crowds."
It has occurred to me that it is the similarities, as much as the differences, that point the way toward meaningful solutions to the problem.
The way that high-risk concerns are placed under consideration requires process, and what we are witnessing in the arena of public policy is a breakdown of processes. What I'm interested in, is determining where that breakdown is occurring by intent, and where it happens by a default rush to judgement that is nothing more than a reflection of individual personality traits.
Ill-considered dismissiveness is a manifestation of personality trait, first and foremost. As it scales upward and outward in scope, it becomes..... something else.
Part of this is developmental. Until age 7 our brains are sponges, absorbing, expanding, growing - taking it all in. (this is when fairies and imaginary friends are normal developmental behaviours)
At age 7 the pruning process begins into "appropriate" and "needful" information. The fairies become less important. By adolescence, this is a very active process.
We learn to tune out what doesn't fit. Easy human trait, and an essential one for getting along in a society, which is far more complex than a tribe.
After my father-in-law had been broken into for the 9th time in the City of Detroit back in the '90s he decided to move. "I guess you can't live somewhere just because you feel sorry for it."
PS wow thanks for including that video, "Corruption is Legal in America." I need to make a copy of it before it completely disappears from Youtube : D.
That video is a great example of where the left and right should be allying with each other rather than at their throats. Prior to COVID-19 I felt that video encapsulated the most important political issue of our time.
Government control of Fakebook?! I would almost bet $ on it… Almost… gotta keep the dinero for feeding the 4 boys during Alzheimer Joe’s reign of terror….😑🔥
FascistBook is wrong. Use only for pictures of babies and animals.
I deleted my FB account more than a year ago due to their censorship. If only everyone would delete their accounts and send their stock price to zero!
Wish I could, but I have a business to run. People can't find me on the alternate platforms. Plus - my family is all across the world. Hmmm.
Remember the decline of postal mail?
Now email is in decline. Nobody writes anymore.
pimaCanyon: exactly! I wish folks would see we have the power to do this. They’ve convinced people that they ‘need Facebook to keep in touch’. Not true!
thanks! I will have to admit I'm a bit of a hypocrite though because I still have a twitter account. My account has been permanently suspended twice, so I had to start over with zero followers each time. I justify having it because I post mostly studies, trials, and articles like this one regarding the horrific effects of the experimental injections. Seems that when you get more than a couple thousand followers, twitter scrutinizes your posts. I had a little over 2k when they suspended my last account. Current account has only 600, and they haven't suspended me yet. The thing I like about twitter is that many of my tweets will be retweeted by some of my followers, so I feel like maybe someone out there might see something that opens their eyes a little re the injections. We'll see what happens if this Musk sale actually goes thru. Will he keep his word and actually stop the censorship?
My Twitter account is for watching. View only. And maybe like a thing.
It's a playground I haven't engaged in.
Who knows? Hard to dig out what’s the truth these days.
Bullseye 🎯
I dispute every one of these. They usually don't go anywhere, but during the great Joe Rogan Ivermectin wars, I was getting a thirty-day ban every day. Three days in a row, disputed, reinstated. Must have had an ally on the staff, probably lost their job for such behavior. Finally, they just banned me for thirty days without an offending post to justify it.
It was worth it. Give it a shot...you never know who listens to JRE over there.
That's wonderful!
OMG. And you didn't even mention the Vax. Perhaps I will wait for more info and attempt to post to warn peeps. I am already Twitter Banned.
complete top-down interconnected control, or as you say "interlock". this reminds me of the Panopticon, a clever idea for prison where all the cells are visible from one central viewing port.
Shameful and shameless
I posted so much COVID clot shot "'disinformation" on FB that I eventually had my account taken away for good.
So sorry that happened to you. But it's like a badge of honor! : )
At least they told you, and only jailed you for a day... I posted a link to a Project Veritas video and; poof! Nobody ever saw my posts again!
Damn! Yeah, they must REALLY hate those guys. They drop the ultimate truth bombs : D.
You have to put the link in the comments, not the main post which should be a generic and unspecific as possible. That's how we found out how to share info.
Ahhhh, good to know, thanks!
how big and generous of facehook to allow you to "disagree with [their] decision if you think [they] got it wrong".
Try to pass the info to all your acquaintances using the shitbook messenger. They don't censor you or ban you yet for links or info passed that way. That is the only reason why I still have and use shitbook.
Yeah, I have noticed that and have a new FB account where I do that. I also share information with groups on Telegram. I have dropped off printed info with a couple police departments and pharmacies, but have to do more. I also have 4" lettering on the back of my hatchback detailing the death and adverse effects numbers from VAERS, with the openvaers.com address. You can print off small posters from the stopworldcontrol.com site too, to post around town or hand out, but I have not done that yet.
Posters for download...https://stopworldcontrol.com/download/
Actually I've heard of them censoring Messages as well...
They did mine… got off… 🔥
Thalidomide DDT Vioxx Teflon mercury asbestos tobacco burn-pits agent orange cholesterol Iran contra watergate Nexium Prilosec metformin Januvia Pradaxa Levaquin Cipro and endless laundry list of lies....the lies jus keep piling up, sooner or later even the most gullible will begin to recognize the pattern. When there is product to be sold there are lies to be told. There is no profit motive in caring at all, at all about you or your wellbeing.
DAMN George! The last few years have definitely been the great awakening for me! Now I question EVERYTHING! How long have we been poisoned?!
As far as I can tell, since birth. And I was born before you.
It's this pesky internet that's gotten in their way--they're so mad because they've gotten away with this gaslighting technique for decades. Now they have to play whack a mole.
I keep wondering why they don't just take the non commercial sites away. I guess it's because the CIA and NSA don't have to spy on all of us if 75% just let the cell phones and internet do it for them. I mean, CIA was an early investor in FB.
I think it would be too obvious and too big a crack into who’s controlling what. People would start opting out altogether. FB was genius in that 80 yr olds bought computers so they could join FB. And you’re right- the CIA captured a lot of info that way- too valuable to cancel now.
Smoking is harmless
Apricot seeds have cyonide and will kill you
I have met a few people who had a lot of success with that treatment.
Agreed. Apricot seeds are like a miracle for killing cancer cells. Jason Vale had the most incredible testimonials on his site, but the FBI took it down. http://thecanceralternative.blogspot.com/2016/02/apricot-seeds-b17-laetrille-and-cancer.html
Interesting 🤔
This is going in my cancer bookmark folder…
Check out this one, too. https://thecanceralternative.blogspot.com/2019/12/incredible-story-man-takes-cheap-dog-de.html. The more research I do, the more I have to wonder if one of the biggest reasons Pharma is trying to keep us away from cheap and effective drugs like Ivermectin Is because It seems like drugs that kill parasites also just happen to kill covid AND/OR cancer cells. Imagine how much money they would lose if everyone started making this connection. Not saying There is any easy guaranteed cure for cancer. But I am saying I don't doubt it could make a big dent in their pocketbooks.
Adding this one to the bookmark… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏽 Thanks friend 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Thanks so much for bringing this to light. I'm grateful to Steve Kirsch for letting people know about your Substack - you have really informative posts! Thanks for all the work you're doing. Also very grateful to ICAN, Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri for making this VAERS information available.
Thank you too.
So much deep research work being assembled on what we understand to be a bioweapon. A very effective bioweapon. The evil of it is beyond the grasp of most people. The banality of a Walgreens, an average nurse in scrubs dutifully executing their prescribed assignment. Hell on earth.
I’d like to share something I observed in New Zealand (who also do passive reporting but our aefi’s were published regularly at the height of the vaccination campaign). They launched for the 1st time an attempt at active reporting via texting people at various intervals post doses. It was modelled on ausvax who has done the same for many years in Australia. Sample sets were very small (a few thousand per cohort) but more worryingly to me was copying the ausvax style of asking (for established vaccines) did you experience any of this pick list of mild effects (eg rash at injection site or swelling or headache etc….all mild). I think this skewed data as for analysis it needs to be clear and consistent to collate but it only directly asked for mild symptoms.
If instead it had asked say for heart palpitations or a tight chest or heart flutters - we’d have seen substantial (almost everyone I know felt these at some point when asked directly post their vaccinations) rises in potential myocarditis signals. Or even shingles symptoms etc…But they didn’t. They focussed on the less serious in order to build confidence in the vaccinations not to find any signals from adverse events. This game was rigged at every turn.
They also do the same thing in clinical trials.
Are you sure, "Clinical trials of the vaccines were for all practical purposes fraudulent and massively underreporting adverse events"? Maddie de Garay just had a temporary stomach ache!
Correct; they often do that.
I can't thank the Doctor enough for leaving room for discussion; most comparable places on the web are already gone.
So, what can assure the taxpayer that the CDC has not been lying about the rest of the "vaccines"?
As it turns out, all "vaccines" have been dangerous with absolutely no "advantages." The only difference is that the latest ones can be, and have been proven to be, lethal.
As manufacturers are exempt from liability, the only way to make them liable would be to prove "harmful intent," which is easy to accomplish, but where is a court that would honor such evidence?
Moreover, no more "vaccination" is needed:
Sorry to ask the question, but who is "we"?
Thank you Ray; I am happy to see your SS is taking off too!
Thank you, Doctor. My site, just like yours, is for the readers! :)
Anyone want to make predictions on how the debunking articles being written right now will go?
Some ideas:
-downplay severity of what was reporting by including examples of clearly minor complaints as representative of severe, i.e. "such as a sore arm"
-cite extremely biased experts saying ambiguous things that seem in the context of the article to dismiss concerns, "Dr. RELIABLE of PRESTIGIOUS U. says we shouldn't leap to conclusions and that this data shouldn't cause anyone to hesitate to get their Nth vaccine booster shot and flu shot"
-fake interviewee who says they reported their [sore arm] to v-safe and are so relieved that the government is taking [sore arms] seriously
-false comparisons to ~630,000 covid deaths vs. [sore arms]
-attack the people who sued to get this revealed and anyone who discusses it with various ad hominem
-blame anti-vaxxers, "the government might be more willing to reveal this type of information if they didn't have to fear that anti-vaxxers would use it to fuel conspiracy theories"
I've seen all of this in other fact checks. What else will they try?
That is precisely why I believe it is critical we do not overrepresent the claims in this data, as those mischaracterizations will be seized upon to discredit the whole thing.
I agree and I think that happened with early reports on the DMED database. I wrote my congressman, who has no sympathy with any of this, and then he was undoubtedly briefed that it was all just a database glitch and everything is fine. I had hoped to put some pressure on him and instead just set him up to dismiss any future concerns as yet another false alarm.
Sadly, no matter how anyone handles this, the fact checks will be coming and they will likely be successful in characterizing this data for the majority of people.
Bingo re: DMED. I am concerned with the readiness of the US military considering all the jab mandates and all the jab coercion. The world may soon be in need of them, and it would suck if 18% are down with the jitters and anyone of the remaining 82% would drop dead in the heat of active duty. Anyone willing to chime in on this?
This was one of the major red flags to me...why on earth are they giving something so dangerous to our armed forces? They are the one part of the US infrastructure that is not expendable to the ruling class.
Didn't stop them with the horrible Gulf War Vaccines . . .
Reckon that was a drug trial, not an "intervention."
Quick edit: reading this again, I chose some words poorly. It’s unfortunate that, during active duty, fatal casualties can occur. So “dripping dead” means anything related to the ridiculous “SADS” that TPTB came up with.
ignore it completely is the first response. May be all that's needed for most people.
Aaron Siri is a hero there are going to be statues of him in 50 years
That would be wonderful.
Also I can't remember if I told you, but I love your screename and avatar.
Lol thank you! Love your work too Doc
Thank you for this information.
Songs about the dangers of vaccines and medical tyranny.
Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer's PERCHANCE TO DREAM: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/perchance-to-dream
Vax passports on the way out? Don’t be so sure. Listen to Turfseer’s hit PASSPORT TO HELL. https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/passport-to-hell
Edgar Allan Poe meets the specter of Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine in Turfseer’s lockdown dirge “NEVERMORE.” Check it out on Soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/nevermore
A blues song about a man afflicted with a deadly heart inflammation. Listen to THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES:
It’s a SNAKE OIL PARADISE as millions delude themselves that vaccines are safe. Listen to Turfseer’s hit on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/snake-oil-paradise
Turfseer’s entire "Scamdemic Collection" of songs can be found here on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/sets/scamdemic-collection
THE COMMANDANT. Welcome to internment camps for the unvaccinated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SR9L-TRmfs
JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. "Straight-shooter" advice on vaccination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-emzWTObYJ0
VACCINE, MY LOVE!. A satire on vaccine mania. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDN0TBL383s
Watch all Turfseer's music videos at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPvXq8UXGU&list=PLvrDA-UtzN9zSEsaUJ5mvG-zfekakATKJ
I wish I had the time to sit & listen & lyricize with these. Thank you for making them.
Thanks. Get my FREE PDF with links to all my music videos and original audio demos. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/add-ons-to-final-master-video-collection
And here's another FREE PDF with links to my final audio (non-video) tracks along with my original rough piano demos. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/original-piano-demos-and-final-audio
Mine is live, FB ignores me, likely due t0 my small audiene friends and family <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fclark.mobley.5%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02ZsQ1s5ncQirijUviMYn2g2Reyh3qnfJC7Woy11z8bzZNN344VrSDN3Y9qaKcgmJvl&show_text=true&width=500" width="500" height="633" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>
Facebook is punishing me again for posting the TRUTH after I posted this article. They won’t stop me! Mark Zuckerberg is evil.
I've been following Dr. Kevin Stillwagon's Substack for some time.
He wrote a book, years back, entitled "Silent Killers", about ALL vaccines. Very informative data, if anyone wants to have a look.
In his articles, he discusses as well as updates that book, and has been openly involved in the Covid injection controversy from the get-go.
This is his latest offering, regarding "flu vaccines".
Here's a link to his archive:
Thank you midwestern doctor, for your tireless work, and for allowing unpaid subscribers to comment here.
Thank you!