Thank you for this informative post. One thing I’ve done is place this information in my exam rooms on the walls and allow patients to decide for themselves without me coming across as a zealot trying to push what I think on them. Clearly, most are not aware of this and some even take pictures on their cellphones to pass the information to others. This has been very gratifying. And thank you for all the links.

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Very clever posting it on the walls! Especially in consideration of the new law passed in Calif.

Where there's a will, yes there is!........Maybe I should have said "Where there's a wall!" :)

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I wonder how that would hold up in court, especially because you could say "I had no idea that was there one of my patients must have left it!"

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No court or Medical Board and no California style law.

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Doc-this has been VERY insightful. Thank you for giving me hope that the tide is indeed turning. However, I have given up all hope that my brothers will awaken to all the lies. My twin and I have come to a place of acceptance. We have both been ill at ease lately expecting to hear that one of them has succumbed to all the shots. We've already done our grieving - I hope this fact will somehow lessen the grief we know we will feel.

On another note: Tom Haviland (from Beavercreek, OH) and I are providing a short 3-minute survey online for embalmers across the globe to take concerning these unusual large whitish "fibrous" structures/clots that embalmers are finding in the veins and arteries of the corpses that they are embalming. If you know any embalmers, please have them contact Mr. Tom Haviland at thomashaviland.sbcglobal.net, and Tom will be happy to send them a link to the survey so they can contribute whether or not they are also seeing these large fibrous clots in the corpses that they are embalming.

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I am sorry about your brothers; acceptance is the best approach, as I am in the same situation. It is hard to watch loved ones self-destruct but I found out long ago it is best to step aside;

A friend of mine owns a funeral home, I will contact him. I don't know where he stands on the shots, but this findings at embalming cannot be denied. Are you aware of any HIPAA issues insofar as vaccination status?

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I agree Juan. 😢

I am not but I think HIPAA laws may only pertain to the living?Our effort began because of the Died Suddenly movie. Did you watch?

The two of us working on this effort are in Ohio.

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I did watch it, of course. US pathologists should be standing with you.

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Ugh. Have to say, my reaction to your CA comment is to think if they're taking pictures with their cell phones, it's probably to turn him in :(

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A lot of people have replaced their loss of power with using cell phones to film people. I have seen quite a few videos recently of someone being assaulted and everyone just stood around and filmed them to feel like they were doing something.

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I doubt it, I think what patients want and need most is honesty and straight answers.(And we don't know that he is in CA, do we?) Besides, "decor" is easily & quickly removed or changed. That's partially the beauty of it. Lastly we cannot let this travesty, "black pill" us. Creativity is one of humanity's greatest gifts. What we need is lots of it, from all corners of the resistance.

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This completely depends on the patient base you have. I put a lot of work into getting a wonderful patient base so this is not an issue for me and I can just focus on helping my patients rather than having to worry about lots of other things (this is part of why I have time to write on here).

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I agree. Physicians tend to attract certain patients not just by their expertise, but like-mindedness. Sure makes things easier.

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I wish this was still easy everywhere. The problem is with the persecution of doctors ramping up, to counter the great awakening, is it is becoming harder to find like minded doctors (having recently moved) - so much I actually looked at political donations recently. I do not remember it ever being this hard. Doctors are potential mine field for informed parents, however, so it is a real problem. I truly wish medical judgment would stay free of political bias.

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Ohio. So far so good. Bottom line, i do whatever will work to get the truth out. Not all my patients agree, always friendly and respectfully, and mine is not to change their minds, but if they ask questions, that's my opportunity to speak. One thng has been uniform: none that took the first shot, took the booster.

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I'd count that as a win!

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At a certain point, Kim, we have to take calculated risks. I fully agree with you, but as others note here, if he can somehow have plausible deniability, that's one route. But yes, he is a.) the be congratulated for his courage, which so few have today, but b.) at the same time, have a lawyer retained, some kind of way to have plausible deniability.

At a certain point, we have to quit conceding everything away; we have to get off the landing craft and wade ashore on enemy territory.

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I'm in Ohio. Still pretty safe.

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You're not in Central Ohio, by any chance - are you?

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North West.

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I daresay where there's a will there's often another vaccine victim and greedy grasping relatives.

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That is a great approach! Thank you for your kind words and support! :)

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Thank you for doing this.

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I created a shot in my basement with a couple friends, with a virus that came from a bat which flew 600 miles and landed in my wonton soup. Hasn't been tested, not FDA approved, but I DEMAND everyone take it to protect me.

Yeah, that's exactly what the non-Einstein Branch Covidians are saying

That “common good” question to force people to take the shot? David Martin says, working off of the Jacobsen .v Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling in 1905, that for this argument to be valid, it would need to a) ensure that the individual who is vaccinated is rendered immune from the disease in question; and b) that the vaccine inhibits transmission of the disease. This shot does neither, as is well-known by now, and the Oxford Univ. study cited elsewhere, shows that people who got the shot can carry up to 251x the viral load that unvaccinated do. MIT trained Corey Zue mentions that vaccinated people carry equal viral loads PER THIS BMJ ARTICLE https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n1933 and spread the disease as much, and Dr. Peter McCullough, a medical professional with specialties in internal medicine and cardiology, has also mentioned a study that found “vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.” https://principia-scientific.com/fully-vaxxed-health-workers-have-251-times-viral-load-of-unvaxxed/ A study out of Vietnam, reported in HealthFeedback.org reported the same thing here: https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/study-in-vietnam-showed-that-delta-infection-results-in-a-higher-viral-load-compared-to-earlier-strains-not-that-vaccinated-people-are-more-infectious-than-unvaccinated-people/ . Note that Reuters clarifies the study, saying “viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020.” It adds that it found no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels, and viral loads or developing symptoms. At this link, McCullough discusses the fact that the spike protein is responsible for COVID-19-related heart and vascular problems, and it has the same effect when produced by your own cells. It causes blood clots, myocarditis and pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks and neurological damage, just to name a few. He also discusses his landmark papers, from August 2020, "Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection" published online in the American Journal of Medicine and a follow-up paper, "Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)" published in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine in December 2020, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7410805/ which became the basis for a home treatment guide.

251 times the viral load that the vaccinated carry? Far cry from the lies of March 2021, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky saying “vaccinated people do not carry the virus,” and in May 2021, Anthony Fauci said that vaccinated people “become a dead end to the virus.” A substack article delves further into how it is the vaccinated who transmit the virus here.

Hammond in his article, COVID-19 Vaccinated People Equally Contagious as Unvaccinated Within 10 Weeks noted viral loads of COVID-19 vaccinated people suggest equal contagiousness as the unvaccinated within 10 weeks, while natural immunity endures. From Hammond, citing a fall, 2022 Israeli study: “An Israeli study published in Nature Communications on November 7, 2022, provides yet further evidence of the superiority of natural immunity over the immunity induced by COVID‑19 vaccines, indicating that the natural immune are considerably less likely to contribute to the spread of SARS‑CoV‑2 than vaccinated people.”

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That's a good point about the previous SC ruling.

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They are not just shedding Covid, they are shedding and spreading flu, RSV, colds and everything else because their immune systems are shot to hell. I was just at a party where 90% of the crowd was vaxxed and boosted. There were so many people there visibly sick-- coughing, blowing their noses, even the children there were visibly ill. One parent bragged to me how her 3 year old had a 104 fever last week (kid is vaxxed to the max btw).

Why aren't these people staying home when sick? What happened to the lockdown fanatical Karen's who were calling the police on people walking around outside unmasked? These are the same people who are now going out in public while symptomatic in grocery stores, churches, schools, restaurants and they no longer seem to care that they are spreading disease to everyone in the room. It's baffling.

I think one reason is that they are sick ALL the time now. One lady at the party said she and her husband have now had Covid 4 times now in two years with each infection getting worse and worse with the last infection giving them both pneumonia. Last week we went to a restaurant and they were closing early because the majority of the staff was out with severe flu. Our vaxxed friends are constantly ill, almost every month now with colds they cannot kick.

I predict each winter is just going to get worse and worse for these people and we are headed towards potential societal collapse as more and more people essentially become too sick to work or perform normal activities.

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I work in healthcare education where the majority of faculty are double vaxxed and boosted. We now have pneumonia "going around". Many very ill in past 2 weeks. All give thanks because it could have been so much worse. ..Double pneumonia needing 2 rounds of antibiotics and it could have been worse? Meanwhile those of us unvaxxed are healthy....

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"All give thanks because it could have been so much worse."

Yes, I have seen those comments around the net. Some people are really, really stupid.

They probably say I might have died. That can be arranged and might be merciful under the circumstances.

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They aren't stupid. They were deliberately submerged in a terrorism propaganda campaign that induced the cognitive bias SARS-CoV-2 was a plague worse than the Black Death; and are likely of one of the generations that's been taught from infancy to let the "experts" handle everything important and keep them safe.

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All very reasonable. I am sure you know the quote Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Perhaps we might call it insanity but it is still stupid. If a shot makes you ill and you persist in taking further shots that is very stupid.

I trusted doctors with a diagnosis of cancer at start of 2020, but when I got suspicious about other things having got the main answers to the Covid scam, I began looking at my immuno-therapy I was undergoing.

When one time (the last before I stopped) I wasn't very well in the following week I realized there was a problem and I found out, no thanks to the NHS, I had sodium nitrite poisoning.


So I observed matters, despite trusting the doctors, and acted sensibly. I was not not that stupid.

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Sad all of this, how you cope I don't know.

Anyway, I predict that the pandemic of Stupid 20 which started in 2020 is going to have even more very severe side effects. Stupid 20 will morph next year. I prophecy the following:


It is rather silly of course but whilst people are silly and keep getting vaxxed I shall continue like this.

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As I understand it (and I'm only a 'lay person') from this paper. The expression “vaccine shedding” classically refers to the possible excretion of a virus by a person who has been freshly vaccinated against that virus; this is valid only for live attenuated virus vaccines (measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), chickenpox, rotavirus, nasal spray influenza).

However, mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines are the first to be used commercially in humans on a global scale and no studies have been conducted regarding the possible excretion of the vaccine itself (lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA) of the vaccine mRNA or of the vaccine product, the spike protein translated by the cells of the vaccinee.

This paper (pdf) looks at the possibility of that excretion (which is the more accurate terminology)..


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Shedding was never studied, it just was assumed it could not possibly happen, which was the case for other problematic aspects of the spike protein vaccines that were later proven true. It was however mentioned in some of the Pfizer trial protocols that pregnant women might want to not get too close to people where this was happening.

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I am much more suspicious than you. A cofounder of Moderna said right up front they would shed, but it wouldn't have any effect. Then when the media ridiculed shedding as a conspiracy theory and that it was impossible because there was no live virus in the shot, I knew something was up. (they protested too much, me thinks) The fact they didn't study it sounds so much like how they didn't study pregnant women before deployment. Sounds like they didn't study anything they knew could make them vulnerable.

And why, even after they acknowledged the jab didn't stop transmission did they keep pushing the need for "70%" uptake?

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Can you cite that? I have never heard of the moderna cofounder saying that. Would really appreciate the link.

My guess was that they needed 70% either to:

Create some type of change in the species, achieve a population goal, or conceal the adverse events of the vaccine by having too small of a control group. All of that is entirely speculation though, but we all noticed how much they were pushing for 70% by the summer of Biden's first year in office.

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The closest I can find now is a tweet from Luigi Warren:

"I believe the "shedding" idea is that the vaccinated shed spike protein, not virus. And, it's certainly true that people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines do shed spike protein, but in minuscule amounts that almost certainly can't cause disease/malaise in others." May, 2021

Twitter required him to remove the tweet.

"Luigi is renowned for his work with Derrick Rossi, the co-founder of the famous biotechnology company Moderna."

"Back in 2010, Luigi and Derrick worked together to be the first to describe mRNA-based reprogramming...named one of the top ten breakthroughs of 2010 by the journal Science...top ten medical breakthroughs by TIME"


The thing I read was almost word for word and was a quote from "Moderna co-founder". But I'm not sure if it was from Derrick or Afeyan. I don't think it was from Langer. But it was just something I read in passing, so I wouldn't stake my life on it not being Luigi, but why would I associate him with Moderna? So much seems to be just gone from the internet now. Plus, Moderna's website is totally different. I should have paid more attention over the last two years and gone wild with screen shots :(

And here's a link that goes into the issue further:https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/shedding-understanding-self-spreading

very disconcerting

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I'm afraid I didn't take a screen shot or take notes, but I recall reading that tweet from one of the Moderna developers.

He stated in respect of the rumours, and seeking to discredit them as wild , that of course shedding occurs, but 'not so as to cause significant malaise'.

I remember thinking at the time that, given the biased nature of the source, it was as good as admitting 'significant malaise', at the least.

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I read it so long ago, but I'll try and find it. I may have it buried on my computer somewhere.

When I kept hearing the 70%, I thought of something I read about chickens and how they were able to vaccinate a portion and then those chickens infect the rest (thereby achieving herd immunity, I think)

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There are multiple studies out now that do indicate shedding is a real phenomenon, and there is a paper coming out soon that explore this in depth regarding impact on female reproductive health.

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One of the many things that should have been studied prior to deployment. Judy Mikowitz uses the term "transmission" although excretion might be more accurate. Excretion sounds like something out of a scifi horror film. Oh wait...

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That study mentions inhalation. That is concerning. I do not have sex with them or take their blood, or suckle at their breasts but I do need to be around them, unfortunately.

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I suspect it's true. I've had reactions - but I know I'm suggestible so it could just be my mind setting up my body to react. Still, I'm curious to know if I have the vaccine spike in my blood, which would prove the vaccine "excretes" through inhalation (unless there's something in the water...) Not curious enough to have it tested by the medical system, though :)

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Is there a test for that?

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"Excretion sounds like something out of a scifi horror film." True.

But I thought excretion was a native of the island of Crete in the Mediterranean. I don't get out much.

Mind you perhaps it is ex-cretin, something horrible from the cretins who took the vaxxes and keep doing so.

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The Pfizer mRNA vaccine clinical trial study, here, https://media.tghn.org/medialibrary/2020/11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020_Pfizer_BioNTech.pdf warns against proximity (shared air inhalation or skin contact) between vaccine participants and the unvaccinated as a possible vectors of harm. Titled, “A Phase 1/2/3 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals,” the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA vaccine study protocol document explicitly identifies in section 8.3.5. the need for monitoring what it calls “Exposure During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding, and Occupational Exposure." A concern they take seriously enough that they require any incident to be reported within 24 hours to the Pfizer Safety system. According to the document an EDP [environmental exposure during pregnancy] occurs if, for example: “a male vaccine recipient exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.” Exposure to the study intervention is defined as “inhalation or skin contact,” indicating that physical proximity between the vaccinated and unvaccinated is recognized by the Pfizer study protocol to be a cause for concern for transmission of potential side effects of the vaccine. Another example provided in section titled, “Exposure During Breastfeeding,” gives the following example of what constitutes such an exposure: “An example of environmental exposure during breastfeeding is a female family member or healthcare provider who reports that she is breastfeeding after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact." Finally, in section, an “Occupational Exposure” occurs, “when a person receives unplanned direct contact with the study intervention, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an AE. Such persons may include healthcare providers, family members, and other roles that are involved in the trial participant’s care.”

Greenmed Info here, https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/miami-school-asks-staff-not-take-covid-jab-global-media-assault-follows-pfizer-tra1?utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsletter%3A%20Miami%20School%20Asks%20Staff%20Not%20to%20Take%20Covid%20Jab%3B%20Global%20Media%20Assault%20Follows%3B%20Pfizer%20Trial%20May%20Support%20School%27s%20Concerns%20%28QZ4buN%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily%20Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIksydlhBeSIsICJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJqdmFubmVAY29tY2FzdC5uZXQifQ%3D%3D

tells us the harm the “vaccinated may have on the unvaccinated concerns the discovery of so-called horizontal information transfer within biological systems mediated by extracellular vesicles (EVs), which include a virus-like phenomenon known as microvessicle shedding and/or exosome-mediated transfer of nucleic acids.” Falling within the area of epigenetics, it may well be that reverse transcriptase is able to transcribe RNA to DNA, and through the discovery of exosomes, that the Weismann barrier has been penetrated, and somatic cells can communicate heritable information to the germline cells in what amounts to real-time, essentially de-validating the risk models presently used by vaccine manufacturers and regulators which do not account for the power epigenetic processes have to amplify the unintended adverse effects of genetically modified technologies and interventions.” The GreenMed Info article is quite detailed, beyond the scope of this paper – please see the article for full details. NaturalHealth has a more nuanced story: “shedding cannot happen from injections that do not contain a live virus, as is the case with the mRNA COVID shots from Pfizer and Moderna. And although the Johnson & Johnson shot contains live versions of an adenovirus, the adenovirus reportedly can’t replicate, and therefore the shot allegedly unable to shed. Despite these assurances, questions remain. For a thorough discussion about this topic from a podcast with informed consent proponents Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Lee Merritt, and Dr. Christiane Northrup, click here. Overall, there is not enough data yet to confirm whether COVID shots can shed. Current (conventional) scientific evidence suggests not. But the overwhelming amount of personal stories that suggest something else is going on just should not be overlooked and so swiftly downplayed — not when the drugs are still in their experimental phases. After all, since the Big Pharma companies have not disclosed all the ingredients they used in their experimental drugs, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that something in the COVID shots could be causing harm to unvaxxed individuals. For instance, a preprint study from March 2021 released on BioRxiv found that antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein are being detected in the saliva of mRNA shot recipients. This presents the possibility that these antibodies are spreading to others from vaxxed people and affecting their health. Pfizer also reportedly used strands of the bacteria E. coli to make the shot, and it’s unknown if there are any residual bits of E. coli in the final product.” A full video on this, Critically Thinking, https://rumble.com/vfyvcn-critically-thinking-with-dr.-t-and-dr.-p-episode-44.html talking with Dr Lee Merritt, Dr. Christine Northrump, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Carrie Madej and others is here, with another general interview, to round out your knowledge, of Tenpenny here.

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Just to provide a bit of caution, I mentioned that hypothesis in one of my Substack articles. The citations for inhalation used in the hypothesis refer to nanoparticles rather broadly, and the review article cited speaks specifically of environmental nanoparticles such as cadmium oxide and titanium dioxide. None of the references I looked at showed any studies or information on expelling either spike or mRNA, and the evidence used in the hypothesis referenced anecdotes.

Now, that doesn't mean shedding of anything is not occurring, but it means that we don't have any evidence to substantiate this claim, and I would argue some of the citations used in the review don't point to anything that can be used in regards to spike or mRNA shedding in particular.

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this link goes into this further. Not for the faint of heart.

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Dec 12, 2022
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I will admit I have learned a few things from those

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Now that is a good idea. If anybody wishes to use these they may. There is no charge.


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Timely, as I am a concerned family doctor feeling myself slipping into some nihilism about society. Very black pilled at the moment. Thank you for your words.

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There’s a HUGE demand for doctors like you who are no longer slaves to Pharma dogma. Many of my unvaxxed friends don’t know where to turn for objective medical advice and help. Whatever you did or believed previously, please keep chasing reality to try to help patients.

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The question is how to safely network them together which is why I've been trying to figure out.

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We need to make an app.

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That's not the issue.

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Locally, word of mouth works very well.

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I’m a truth seeker, no matter where it leads !

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Me too!

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How do we find you? Jason is SO right!

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I have a small practice in Western WA. Luckily I moved to an affordable monthly membership cash practice 7 years ago so I work directly for my patients now (24/7/365) — no insurance. Most of my patients have been with me a long time.

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I hope you are able to encourage other doctors to set up similar practices. Wouldn't it be wonderful if an organization or association of such doctors existed across the the US, so they can create support systems to not only make their practices economically viable but also widely available.

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Presently across the US there are several thousand Direct Primary Care (DPC) practices, but it is only a minority of the physicians who have awoken from their conditioning.

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I've been thinking about this too. How to research and compile a U.S. directory of physicians and health care workers who have rejected the mainstream and gone independent, who don't take insurance (free of the system), and who also hold the values we're defining. Who are they, where are they? I have used the the Orthomolecular online directory (http://orthomolecular.org/)

from time to time and that might be a start. Weston Price might be another source of ID for those of a nutrition based & oriented mindset. Also, I like the concept of Concierge Medicine and wondering if that has matured? Many internet queries bring up years old info. A reading list with brief book reviews would also be great resource to have and share. Maybe publish the directory rather than an online network. I think we're increasingly going to see more problems accessing online info. And if they ever require digital ID login, I'm gone with the wind.

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That's excellent. Does this free you from medical boards? I would have thought being in Washington would put constraints on you. I'm in TN and need to find someone like you here. Black Bag Doctor.com may be one, but I'm not sure if he feels the same as I do about the jab.

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Sadly no. But not taking insurance gives you a lot more latitude.

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Kim where in TN?

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I’ve been under investigation by the Washington State Board of Medicine for “unprofessional behavior” since November 2021.

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Is there a way to reach out to your practice? I'm in Western WA

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've been reading this doctor's "substack" posts and she has a good following.

Just realized today, that her practice is in Yelm!

If I were in Western WA I would consider Dr. Ana

I will likely order her book, you may want to as well.


Her substack:


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My practice has a very long waiting list.

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Does this seem to be working well and are you happy you made the change? Are any professional colleagues asking you about how to do what you did?

If someone was willing to pay you for a professional consultation on how to transition to this type of practice could you help with guidelines & advice?

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7 years into this model and it’s as close to perfect as I can imagine. I don’t have the emotional bandwidth right now to help other doctors leave the system — too much on my plate intellectually and emotionally now, especially as I figure out my own practice (looking to be less and less allopathic going forward) but know many other physicians who do.

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Thank you! I've noticed this is happening to a lot of people which is why I wrote this. It's really eye opening to read what everyone went through with fighting the smallpox mandates a century ago.

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I don’t think you are alone. We’ve been watching Dr John Campbell dealing with massive disappointment and loss of trust in his profession as well. Yet his mantra remains: Follow the Truth no matter where it may lead.

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I am in a much more unique perspective with this because I knew what I was walking into when I became a doctor and I've actually been pleasantly surprised by how much more open minded the field is now than it was say a decade ago.

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That's a scary statement. If it's more open now, boy, we were on life support before COVID. I feel like we are not in an open minded medical place. But maybe that is more mainstream media.

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One thing I've learned in life is that everything ends up being a matter of perspective

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And it is coldest just before dawn when the light comes.

And when you live in the Clouds and look down one can see everything clearly at last. the view is fanatic from my Cloud, I can see forever.

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Yes, I hear you. I’m a healthcare professional surprised by my own cynicism lately- and I’ve always been an internally optimistic kinda gal... but I’ve been harbouring feelings of such frustration and even anger lately... a little hopelessness at times, too, if I’m being honest. It’s nice to read MWD- helps put things back into perspective. Can’t let that optimist inside fade away!!!

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Retired from medical and psychiatric social work in Fall 2019 after a final 23 years in end of life care. I too have struggled watching our professions deteriorate. I feel completely let down by “my people”. And it’s so good to see many of them showing up in spaces like this one!

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Psyche social work is really challenging and most people don't appreciate it or how much people like you have to go out of their way to help the people they work with who really need it.

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Dec 12, 2022
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In a lot of ways its similar to how corporate customer service lines work. They have to provide it, but they make it so difficult to get through to anyone that most people just give up

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You can’t imagine what it is like in California. A law has been passed making it illegal for a Doctor to speak against the narrative in his private practice or if found out he or she will lose their license to practice medicine. https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/10/02/newsom-signs-bill-to-police-california-doctors-on-covid-19-misinformation/ This is medical tyranny.

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None of us can escape the utilitarian calculus, Doctor, and your profession renders you particularly vulnerable to the insidiously collectivist, but unavoidable praxis inherent in risk evaluation.

So, it's no wonder that a concerned physician who has observed his patients reduced to malicious hysteria, and his colleagues refute elementary school-level arithmetic, would feel the tug of nihilistic reason.

Nevertheless, every time you treat a patient as an individual, rather than behave as would a veterinarian when evaluating a herd of cattle, you have done your duty.

It's the percentages that get us down, to be sure, but as long as there are doctors like you, mankind's suffering is reduced. If each practitioner succeeds in only a tiny fraction of one percent of their efforts, it is still a reduction in suffering, and that is far from nothing.

I am alive today because of physicians that set aside the percentages and treated me as a unique individual. I'm old, and at some point, the time those doctors bought for me will run out; maybe tomorrow, perhaps even today. Who, then, shall judge their efforts meaningless by reason of their ultimate futility?

Along with all of the duplicity and outright malevolence surrounding each and every one of us, are acts of kindness and occasional heroism. We trudge along, doing our duty and the challenge is to raise our eyes to observe the latter rising above the obscuring mists of the former.

So we come out of our corner swinging and go down fighting. It's just what we do.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I was just thinking that I need to keep focus on whomever is in front of me, in any given moment, and to not take on the emotional burden of feeling like I have to accomplish more than is within my grasp.

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Beautifully written. I hope you have many years left to come 😊

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Well said. I am not going down though as I know who I am and why I must do what I do.

Look up your redemption draws near.

But it is icy outside in the UK so watch your feet!

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"I am not going down though as I know who I am and why I must do what I do."

That's the proper spirit and approach to take, to be sure.

In the end, though, we each and every one of us will succumb to age, infirmity and death, though not necessarily all three in that particular order. The important thing is to stay true to the very end, is the conclusion I've come to.

An experience I had, almost two years ago, has reinforced that conclusion. When loaded into an ambulance for what would prove to be acute cardiogenic shock, I realized that I had not completed my last will and testament, and that there was a woman depending on me for support.

My last memory before consciousness started fading in and out, was of demanding that the EMT bear witness to my intended legacy. "You're not going to die" he consoled, and in what must have been no louder than a strident whisper, I "shouted" (it seemed to me) "Witness! you are my witness!"

Technically, the EMT was wrong; cardiac arrest and complete respiratory collapse was what ensued.

So here's the point; I should not be alive to write this, and it was a matter of luck that I was already in the hospital E.R. when the widow-maker reached its finale. When I awakened in a darkened ward and learned of my reprieve, I realized that the final battle, that one and only regret, was one that carried no shame and has made the gift of a few more days above ground more meaningful by far.

There are no longer any regrets whatsoever. When we reach the end of the trail and go down fighting, we fulfill our purpose and that's enough, all we can ask of ourselves.

We cannot avoid all of the suffering that is our lot, but to some degree, we can choose the manner of our suffering. That's not nothing, but perhaps it must be experienced to understand why this is so.

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Thank you very much. In 2019, suffering from what I now know was the effects of sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning via bacon I ate, I suffered very low blood pressure episodes. I had 15 mins of feeling as if I was dying then 15 mins as I recovered. This happened 22 times, although the last was not so severe.

The first time it happened as I follow Christ I cried out to the heavenly Father "Save me". And He did, but I had the other episodes. When in hospital I had three in one night, but being wired up as it were, they could monitor my heart rate and blood pressure which as nurse told me was 70 over something, she didn't know what.

They had adrenaline to inject and this acted almost instantaneously. In the end the doctor in charge of me worked out it was pressure on my vagus nerve. My wife and I knew my earthly father had experience the same issues as he had eaten too much. So we changed our evening meal to midday and this stopped the issues.

For the rest of the story, I tell it link below on my site. I now have a job to do, and because 'I' died as it were, I know I shall complete what is necessary in this Covid 19 war.


Please note I play with words and as the world went mad over the 'flu turned into a monster, this and other articles will seem rather mad. But laughter and humour will break the spell so many are under, ridiculing the ridiculous.

And yes, I suffer, we suffer. I feel the pain of the world. I understand know what I might have wished to understand a long time ago, but I was not ready. Now I am.

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I remember listening to a Podcast, the title of which was : "Open your mouth and say Moooo." Says it all.

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Rich Fogoros! He was great!

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I believe there is widespread knowledge that the vaccines are dangerous. Even our premier of Ontario pretended to drop when he faked getting his booster. The "suddenlyitis" that is occurring daily, though anecdotal, seems to be leagues higher than the historical average. It's harder to get a grip on injuries though twitter threads will show many people reporting their suffering or someone close to them.

I'm in Canada, but here is my report of AE: 6 quickly dead of various ages (strokes and heart), at least 10 injuries: heart damage, fast uncontrolled heart acceleration, neuropathy (multiple people with nerve pain, some extreme), shaking hands (not resolved), and an extreme outbreak of psoriasis or similar on hands and feet, couldn't even walk on them. I do not have a wide social circle either.

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Well, covid vax follies certainly red pilled me. I was in the camp of "eh, the anti-vax people are overdoing it." No more.

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Same. Another great article. It’s so obvious we need to have LIABILITY!!!! Enshrined in law for vaccine injuries.

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Dec 11, 2022
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That is the only way to stop this. Fining corporations never works.

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Agree. Kind of...there is this thing called the death penalty...

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It's making me rethink my stand on the death penalty.

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Evil needs to be destroyed so it never rises again. Whatever it takes. I’m under no obligation to call or extend mercy or forgiveness.

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Lethal injection springs to mind for some reason...

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Welcome to right side of history. No one is happy to be here :( There has been/will be much pain and suffering, but we remain hopeful humanity will prevail. I know it will, one way or another.

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We will prevail. It's just a question of how long it will take. No oppressive regime lasts forever, but every single one always thinks it will.

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This time is different? In that it is global, pretty much. The state leaders that dared not to toe the line are not with us any more (Haiti, Japan, few African presidents in the early days of the Pundemuck, as I've heard). IMO, all hinges on whether the jabbed will prefer to go meekly into the sunset without having to admit to themselves as to what happened to them and theirs, or whether they would muster enough inner strength to face the reality... As the US is pretty much the last country (beside China) to require a proof of Covid jab from international travelers, we know from where it all emanates, if we needed an extra clue.

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I’ve seen too much autism to believe it wasn’t the vaccines. My own grandchild. Normal child until after the gardisil horror shot around 10 years old. I don’t get vaccines myself. No flu shots. Something inside me has said no.

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It's been very sad for me to watch this my whole life and have everyone be blind to it.

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And not only vaxx. The pesticides, GMOs in our food chain, fluoride... What else am I missing?

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I just read today that aspertame is a terrible toxin. It was an article on pilots and the airlines. (and BTW apparently the airlines are so strapped for personnel they are considering having only one pilot in the cockpit. Unbelievable!)


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Sodium nitrite to name but one.


But there are also for example :

artificial fertilizers

vehicle emissions


neuro-toxic big pharma drugs

artificial sweeteners

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Oh, I’m sure it has been. You are helping many. Thanks for being here.

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I have said this before elsewhere but the end is certain. This is one reason why.


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Good to see you here! I know I said this before, but I appreciate your work.

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Even now, there is still a part of me that is atonished when I hear reports like yours.

But on the flip side, I am also really hopeful for the coming change :)

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Hi there! I’m in Barrie. Was so fortunate to have a family member send me some solid info that convinced me to cancel my C19 shot that was booked back in April 2021. Lost my job at March of Dimes Canada due to their vax mandate policy. I’ve been volunteering for the Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System and I talk to people every week from across Canada who have been injured. Very devastating stories. If you know someone who hasn’t reported to us yet (and is willing to consider doing so) please go to caers.info for more information and to submit a report. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. If you have any questions you can email me at caers36@protonmail.com

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It's really great you are doing this :)

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Thanks Doc. I’m doing my best to contribute in some small way. Almost everyday I wish I could do more… for now the best I can do is take care of my kids and partner (who struggles with mental health and addiction) some days are better than others…. You, on the other hand are REALLY making a difference. You are reaching a very wide audience. I listen to a lot of podcasts and once in a while I hear someone say “I just learned about an amazing substack from a MWD” For example, Chris Martenson just said a similar line in his most recent podcast on blood clots. Your thoughtful, objective approach is appealing to a lot of people. AND you are helping us be more bold and confident in speaking up. I’m really grateful. Have a lovely evening and I wish you a good nights rest!

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This is very kind of you. Thank you.

Everyone says that to succeed and be noticed you have to market aggressively (I hate marketing...). My belief has been that people appreciate genuine content that is not written in a provocative manner and it's been really nice to see that theory prove true.

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Hats off, kudos and thanks for that work. You should reach out to Mathew Crawford & Liam Sturgess who would love to chat with you about it on Rounding The Earth. Liam is Canadian & earns his stripes in Covid era research. Mathew has a super computer math brain and did months of work on the Pentagon DMED data but you probably know that. <3



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Have you seen this Canadians story and her struggle with the health system? https://jessica5b3.substack.com/p/this-is-absolutely-unacceptable?

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heartbreaking 😿

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Thanks for sharing this. I work with CAERS and some of our volunteers, along with Nadine Wilson, MLA Saskatchewan Rivers, spoke at the Legislative Assembly on Dec. 1, 2022. I believe this woman attended as well. During the Q&A period the Health Minister Rep responded with such lack of compassion. In made me physically sick.. but I pulled myself together and was gray fed in gratefulness that we continue to fight. Courage and bravery we have in spades! Here is the video: https://clipchamp.com/watch/3rBjNWtuJDp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=watch

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People's perspectives towards those below them really shift once they occupy positions of power.

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Sorry I couldn’t proof read this, my mastiff dog just jumped on my bed on top of my two wrestling children. I should probably get back to mommy duties now!

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Sounds like fun! Met my first mastiff last summer while camping. Winston. His owner drove around on his 4x4 while Winston calmly followed behind. Serene serious face but saw him silly too. ❤️❤️

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Your report sounds similar to mine and I have a very small circle of friends/family. Here is mine. All of these people were previously healthy:

2 rapid onset pancreatic cancers and when I say rapid I mean less than 2 weeks from diagnosis to death.

4 heart attacks including one widow maker.

2 Bell's Palsy

2 blood clots

6 neurological-- 1 rapid dementia, 1 rapid Alzheimer's, 2 chronic syncope, 1 peripheral neuropathy, 1 severe brain fog and memory loss

2 autoimmune-- 1 swollen hands and feet, 1 suddenly unable to walk

1 immune sepsis after routine surgery

2 shingles (even after getting shingles vax)

1 endocrine with out of the blue thyroiditis that spontaneously resolved

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I’m in Ontario as well. I work in a pain clinic and have had multiple suspected injuries(their primary doc refuses to report/denies vaxx as cause): multiple, migrating joint pain, liver inflammation, peripheral neuropathy, Bell’s palsy and a few designated as vaxx AE: transverse myelitis, myalgia/neuralgia of the hands. Also have heard of several rapid onset cancers. Also have concerns regarding a friend who appears to have had deteriorated balance and memory issues although she sees no connection to the jabs and has recently had her 5th!

Thank you again AMD for your work. You should consider complying your writings and publish them (or write a book in all your spare time😉)!

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Dec 11, 2022
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That's my hope. But even if they just decline vaccination that kills the whole business model.

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Dec 11, 2022
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These things always take time to build.

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Could be silent outrage, (that would be my suspicion for lots of reasons),

just like the so called silent majority. As a very grounded person I'm still feeling shock, but outrage is indeed knocking.

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That is my perception too. However, I think there are also a lot of people who are open to this idea but still are not sure.

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My money is on the fertility, fetal demise and still born babies that will put this over the top. While adults are comfortable with the idea of ailments and illness as private matters, the hope and expectation that surrounds a new baby is close to the heart of a wide circle of people around the expectant mother.

Loss brings very collective grief and there is no way to spin that shame folks into being silent about burying their babies and gaslighting only goes so far.

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I go through cycles of shock and outrage...

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Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to history of the pioneers, like dr Bradstreet & others in that era.

I had boosters for work in an autistic classroom ( ironic!) in 2001, by 2003 I was applying for disability.

I was so sick and broken, I had blamed myself for the first few years- my recently getting sober from alcohol and healing from ptsd & depression, it was natural to blame myself for my problems. As I healed from adrenal exhaustion, I started to realize it was related to my booster shots. Insurance dictated doctors never had any answers! And they gaslit me for years. Called me non compliant when I started refusing antidepressants. I’m on a sidetracked tangent, but nobody has listened, so thanks for letting me comment. I lived through physical issues that were worse than death, especially not having any hope & so much pain. I believe God carried me through that unbearable time in my life. With my integrative medicine doctor, I have been healing and obtained some quality of life again, enough to be happily married recently. Maybe even be able to work part time again in the near future.

I hope people continue to realize our system doesn’t care about our welfare & take their health into their own hands. I trusted the current system far too long myself.

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All the people I'm thinking of were before Bradstreet. What happened to him was really a shame.

I am pretty sure you know this, but your experience is extremely common (I heard a similar one from a commentor so I think you share it before). Was the booster the MMR one?

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Mmr and 2 other ones I don’t remember what they were.

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kudos to you for recognizing that your health issues were due to PHARMA--the "boosters" and the "anti-depressants"--and for finding a doctor who is not taking orders from Pharma and the AMA.

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When I was 45 I was on 8 prescriptions. After they offered addictive pain medication for fibromyalgia, I started slowly weaning off them. My integrative medicine doctor was able to start helping me immediately because I was off all of them except my thyroid medicine ( had my thyroid chemically ablated in 1993). I credit God & stubbornness for keeping me alive until I met my dr. He’s got old YouTube videos up. Dr Alan Gruning.

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It almost never works to go the opioid route in the situation you described but that was the default until the government started clamping down on opioids.

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My heart is happy to read you are on a healing path. I wish you love, peace and joy for the rest of your life and beyond!

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A German member of parliament has obtained the health insurance data for 72 million Germans (90% of the population) for the years 2019 to 2021 and given the data to a data analyst. Tomorrow morning there is going to be a press conference, where he shares his conclusions. Imo this will be a very revealing press conference. The only drawback is that afaik the covid shots were billed directly to the government and not to the health insurance, so there is no way to directly connect specific illnesses to the vaccines.

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Do you know if it will be translated? Also if you could provide a summary of it/translate it for me (assuming it is not), I would love to write an article on it right after it happens. Tomorrow will be a bit busy but I think I can squeeze this in.

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First numbers: "sudden deaths" have DOUBLED with the introduction of the jab

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I auto translated the transcript. Do you have the ability to translate the graphs they present? That's the main thing I'd need help with.

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I can do that when I come home from work

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Can you post pictures of the graphs?

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never took German :(

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A favor please if possible. Could you please post the link to the German press conference here when it's available? Thanks

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It is tomorrow morning at 10 a m middle European time

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The quality of this steam is a lot better

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Hi Carolin! I need to confirm something with you. Is this this of all 72 million insured germans or just the 11 Million from BKK? I tried to translate this myself and that detail was not made clear. I am hard at work on writing this now and sort of dropped what I was supported to do today for it.

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The numbers for the sudden deaths are the 72 million Germans with state-run health insurance.

The other article I posted, that had a whole range of illnesses is not from BKK but from another state- run health insurance called AOK and only from the insured in one state (Sachsen-Anhalt)

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This dataset contains about 780 000 people

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Does all of this look good enough to you?


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Got it. Thank you! Really appreciate your help on this one. Could you relink me to the summary of the AOK ones?

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Btw, if you go to the website https://www.corih.de/ you can check the data from the 72 million for any ICD Code and get the # of billings from 2016 to 2021. (IT is only in German, but I suppose the ICD Codes are International?)

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Hi Carolin! I just finished the write up on all of this. Please let me know if you believe I missed anything:


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This is a very insightful post...thank you very much!!!

Many years before the pandemic occurred, I had read that there could be no vaccine for the common cold because it was a coronavirus that mutated quickly. So when it was reported in fall 2020 there was a vaccine for the CV19, I was very surprised, especially since I had learned that it normally took about 10 years plus to develop a good vaccine for anything. That made me very skeptical when the vaccine came out. I have an excellent immune system and never get the flu not the shot nor a cold. So, I was not afraid of getting CV19. I live in a forested rural area, run every morning & don't have much contact with hoards of people. Back to the vaccine...I went to the websites of Pfizer, Moderna & J&J and read their side effects. Each one said do not get the shot if you had anaphylactic episodes. I have from bee stings and from eating pineapple. When my eldest son tried to get me to get the jab, I said no way! He was quite upset with me but I held my ground. My closest friends have not had the jab. Although, sadly many have had it and they are all left leaners. One, who was a community arts leader, died suddenly from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It was diagnosed & he died within 3 months which is a timeframe liked to the jab. I feel that it is every doctor's or medical practitioner's duty to warn a patient of the extreme risks involved with the jabs & boosters!

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Thank you too! Sadly I know people who have had documented anaphatatic reactions to PEG or a mRNA vaccine and were told neither was a real contraindication to further vaccination.

Question, were you one of the people who responded to Steve Kirsch's survey with the CJD case? What you are saying sounds very familiar, but, at the same time if you are someone else, that would now make 4 people I've heard about this happening with.

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I remember when the narrative shifted early in the vaccine rollout regarding whether or not people with a history of allergy to other vaccine ingredients should get the shot. In the very beginning, the media (and the CDC on their own website) was advising that people with these allergies NOT get the vaccine. Then, all of the sudden there was a 180 and the new narrative was that the vaccine is perfectly safe for everyone even those with allergies to its ingredients. Just sit for 15 minutes after taking it and see if you die or not. Even the CDC changed their recommendation on their website from caution if you have allergies to it's safe for everyone.

Shortly after, I watched tv footage of lines of cars full of people getting the shot through their car windows and then immediately driving off. No one was waiting 15 minutes and there was no emergency care on site in case someone did go into anaphylaxis. It was then I knew something was very, very wrong, in fact, sinister going on with these vaccines and that someone/something else was controlling the narrative and it was not based on science or safety. They had to get everyone jabbed no matter what. That's when I said no way.

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I may have. I don't recall when he posted the survey. When my friend died, I was quite suspicious and asked another friend who was close to the arts leader, if he had been vaccinated but I never got an answer.

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You were very smart not to get the jab due to allergy. That was one of the reasons I didn't want to get it either. I have allergies to many meds.

Do you remember the shift in narrative regarding anaphylactic episodes after getting the jab? It went from telling people who have allergies not to get the shots to, don't worry, get the shot anyhow and just wait 15 minutes to see if you die or not. All of a sudden the CDC changed the recommendation that people with allergies to any of the vaccine ingredients should not get the shot to just get it anyway. They probably did this because they didn't want to people researching the ingredients in the vax because that info. could never be found!

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"The press is our chief ideological weapon."

—Nikita Khrushchev

“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.”

- Vladimir Lenin


“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.”

- Richard Salant, former head of CBS News

One point of order in this EXCELLENT (as always) article. Relative to Vietnam, Peter Arnett and his famed supposed quote from a US officer that I grew up on, “We had to destroy the village to save it” – this was later proven to be – wait for it! – another media fake, and when pressed he never could provide evidence of who, exactly, said it.

But, also relative to the Malthusian presuppositions behind this shot, Arnett's quote IS apropos!

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We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it.

We have to inject the children to know the effects.

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I have never been a fan of those type of laws.

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Good one!

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Hygiene was what Florence Nightingale did, whereas the modern use of antimicrobials is ironically the opposite, because it spreads toxins. Washing the body with soap or detergents should be limited, because it strips off protective body oils, which may ironically aid the spread of contaminants! Bacteria are probably mostly a Red Herring and a flawed justification for toxic chemical "Hygiene". Bacteria are everywhere, so if we can't handle them, we've got major problems! If some bacteria are a problem; it would seem far better to crowd them out with ones which are not a problem.

A good start would be to limit, make conditional, or even completely abolish limited liability protection for all businesses, so that owners, management and other workers find it much harder to hide from punishment for their bad behaviours! There should also be a law that if they have knowingly market any deception, that they face far more serious punishment than for genuine mistakes of ignorance.

Vaccination was originally wishful thinking, based upon the unproven speculation, which became rebranded as Germ Theory, and has become a metastasised cancerous, big evil, which must be opposed, finally declared a crime, and absolutely banned!

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I agree that using too much soap creates problems, but this is not very known. A lot of the sanitizing agents used in the medical system are not nice to the skin.

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Excellent comment!

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Great contribution. Thank you.

And...we now have a clear estimate of vaccine injuries in the short term. Long term costs will become more apparent as time goes on. What will the rate be in 3 years, 5 years, 10?

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That is going to be much harder to calculate, but very easy to assess on a case by case basis with patients.

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The question becomes indirect contributions/causation/ effects to illness. Rearranging the immune system and all the effects of spike proteins, etc: I'm guessing it will be hard to quantity specifically but excess mortality and increase in cases of different diseases will tell the tale.

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Are they going to recruit us vax free folks for studies as controls since they vaxxed the control group? My fear would be they would vaccinate me and telle they are taking blood work!

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They've tried to vaccinate everyone so there is no control group to prove how much they screwed up.

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They didn’t get me...

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Many will be dead. Some believe this is not only a depopulation agenda but a debt-reduction agenda also.

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A lot of people I know believe this.

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Yes and yes!

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"I eventually came to the conclusion that the culture was not yet ready to accept the harms of vaccination "Wow, would really love to know in more depth what your thought process was that brought you to this conclusion.

I was raised in a medical family, the third and last child by a few years. I had the easiest personality by far, but there was an issue with me and shots, from the get go. I can only surmise in hindsight it was strongly intuitive for me and ultimately a power struggle for my ortho MD dad. Fortunately we didn't have to "go there" but a couple of times, but it's a very vivid memory. He was not one to oppose, if you could avoid it. I even remember a teasing threat suggested, one time when I wanted to stay home from school, not feeling great. This is long long ago. With a not so instant replay, on this recent situation circa 2020, I was in compassionate but sure opposition to what I saw coming. Research provided to all the rest of the family, long before any injections rolled out but to no avail. (Sadly, my two older siblings, have paid the ultimate price, and are now gone to the great beyond.) Due to groupthink, the whole family jumped on board, without the least imagination that anyone with medical family could doubt that the injections, were safe etc. etc. I remain a happy, healthy outcast.

THANKS for all you do!

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I have seen this happen in a lot of medical families, and oftentimes they get tons of iatrogenic injuries because their faith in allopathy is so strong that no adverse event can break it.

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Answering you first question is kind of complicated and will take a while so I will need to pass on that but I am by no means the first person to have that observation.

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Another beautifully written analysis. You have brought up many of the issues that I have been struggling with since I became red pilled very early on (March 2020) after I had received 2 doses of the gene therapy. The harms I have witnessed are nothing short of catastrophic in many cases and the survey results are even worse than I had estimated.

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Thank you. One of the things that's been so challenging for me is that I could see what was happening but I felt completely powerless to do anything and I am really grateful this substack is giving me a way to do something.

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"I could see what was happening but I felt completely powerless to do anything" brings tears to my eyes. I have felt the same way. I'm not a medical professional, so I don't have the credentials to do what you're doing here on substack, but I am SO GLAD you and others like you are doing this work! And SO GLAD we have substack!!

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XXXIV. Congress shall make no law restricting the right of any person to introduce, or to decline to introduce, any substance into his body, by any means of delivery, nor shall any person be subjected to any surgery or other medical procedure without his voluntary and informed consent.

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You also need to protect the right of physicians to practice medicine and conduct research of non-commercial therapies.

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They’re making self-replicating vaccines now that “pass” from one person to another. That needs to be addressed too.

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Along with the mosquitos.

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And the lettuce.

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With 20+ years as a Father to a Son with Autism, and a second son in the Military, I am pretty conversational about this topic.

But holy cow, this is an amazing piece. I will be printing, re-reading, and re-thinking.

Genuine appreciation from NYC.

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Thank you. I really appreciate your kind words and support. I feel quite guilty about all the important topics (like yours) I have not yet been able to get to because it takes so long to do each one I want to do here properly.

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Lest people forget, FRAUD VITIATES EVERY AGREEMENT. Vitiate Definition: To make ineffective (a contract or legal stipulation, for example); invalidate.

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That is my hope too

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There will be no legal recourse about broken contracts or fraud or anything else. The cabal has covered every base by creating laws to protect their actions. These laws were activated when the "national public health emergency" was declared on Mar 23, 2020. This is a "military demonstration" using "countermeasures", not a "pandemic" with "medical treatments".


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Laws can be changed.

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Sure they can. But that will require an entire repeal and rewrite of the laws in place. Do you honestly believe that's going to happen anytime soon with our elections in the shambles we have now? In addition, the way the Justice system is built, you cannot go back and charge someone with a crime that was "legal" when they committed it.

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There are some interesting discussion on a couple of other stacks about the distinction between "legal" and "lawful". The latter applies to natural law and rights.

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Yes, I've seen those. These laws, imo, are legal but not lawful. The current system would have to change somewhat and go back to natural (God's) laws.

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Then we should just give up and forget about it., right?

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Not at all, but dreaming about seeing justice through the court system is but a pipe dream.

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The nz government stats say it all when it comes to the public’s views on this vaccine. 84% of the population got the first dose. 81% got the second. 54% got the 1st booster. Only 14% got a second booster. If we keep pushing we will succeed in exposing the vaccine scam

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This is a key point too.

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It is no longer mandated there?

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It’s not anymore. But jobs being advertised in the health sector are still saying covid vaccination is mandatory

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Same here. A court case just backed the mandate for health care workers. So sad.

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Sadly, most of my colleagues are employees of large hospital chains and risk their jobs doing anything remotely different than the official narrative. Even sadder is most of them DO believe the official narrative, and have no cognitive dissonance. I also have brochures in the waiting area which I obtained from Citizens for Free Speech( amazing such an organization has to exist in the USA): Informed Consent, Propaganda, and the Dangers of Masks. I am prepared to deal with any negative consequences of my efforts, but nothing has happened since I started in early 2020.

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Did you have to deal with the state inspecting your clinic for not having masks during the pandemic? Quite a few people I knew ran into that issue during the pandemic.

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I did not and while all doctors offices where closed, we remained open. My staff did have concerns about being reported for no masks and wore them (in a half hearted way, as in not covering the mouth) I did not and only put it on if the patient requested it. Also, we used to rent space to a Workman's Comp doc, and he was by the book, as were many of his patients. We ended that promptly to avoid any unwelcome visits or inspections. In summary, we did not have any problems doing the right thing, and many of our patients were relieved at not having to wear a mask; I even gained a few who were refused care for not wearing a mask (even if it was a medical reason); I was told there was a militancy about which transcended the Hippocratic tradition of caring for our patients; eg an oncologist turned a patient away for follow up; some MMR patients were refused care because thru no fault of their own could NOT keep a mask on, etc. Very, very sad for a once noble profession.

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