That was such a horrible time. I remember him saying the "pandemic of the unvaccinated". The President is is supposed to support all of the citizens not condem those that refused to accept a questionable "vaccine" that wasn't even a vaccine.

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Agree 💯 I use his "pandemic of the unvaccinated " as a counter to the covidians to explain why I and my entire extended family (all unvaccinated) are still alive, healthy and no more covid infections. The answer is : corn pop lied and all the safe and effective vaxx is BS. FJB!

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If I was as smart as you, I would have a heart not filled with scars, an adaptive immune system that functioned, and bone marrow not pumping out defective MAST cells. It is my hope that people like you and your family work to see Justice done for the millions murdered.

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The push to inject and create RNA life changing modalities is on going. Experimenting with biowarfare entities is not slowing down. They all need to be banned globally. Japan is on the verge of releasing a self replicating RNA pathogen that is rapidly spread via respiratory exhalation. Called Replicon. All being push under the disguise of protecting you from harm.

Both Big Pharma and the Biowarfare medicine men are 100% behind the push. Biden just did what he was told to do. Mindless leadership.

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Do you have a link to the information about Replicon? That is rather disturbing.

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That doesn’t absolve him of bearing the Guilt for what he did.

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I can never forget that the month Before Biden gave the mandate announcement, CDC director Walensky announced that the COVID jabs did Not prevent transmission nor infection.

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I'm in Socialist Quebec. It was awful, abusive measures, nonsensical ones as well. Like a last minute severe curfew/cancellations of family gatherings and sudden shutdowns of the prepared restaurants on new year's eve. Parts of stores closed, stores innacessible to unvaxxed (QR code), fines of at least a thousand dollars for "illegal "family or public gatherings. telling you who you could meet or not, etc...

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The holiday seasons of 2020 and 2021,my family was more determined than ever to gather and share in the holidays. And we did.

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Freedom of choice went out the window! Unjabbed Mick.

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Don't forget: When Biden said that line, the shots were not approve for children under 16. Kids listen more than some know.

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Sep 10Edited
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AMD has repeatedly shared with his/her readers the reasons why the anonymity. I am surprised you cannot accept that. This is where we are in this country and we have to work around all the obstructions. Do you know what happened to ppl who cured cancer? Do you know what happened to a plane of microbiologists years back?

There are plenty of Drs. Speaking out and right now. It is important for us to be healthy and find health info to attain that. Maybe knowing a name is more important to you than the information that is being shared. The good Dr has all the patients that can be handled so knowing who the person is won’t help. I have more than received already medical advice that WORKS for the $14 I have paid so far being on this site. The dr. Is not causing fear but giving health solutions for us. If you’d rather continue on in the medial industrial complex spending money on things that cause more harm than good I guess that is your choice.

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Sep 10
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I just don't understand why are you here??? Leave, stop reading this substack on go on with your life. We all can choose freely what to read and whose advise to follow.

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Sep 10
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You, me, AMD, and everyone else commenting here is on the same side. You're "shooting inside the tent." Those on the OTHER side should be the targets of your wrath. You're allowed to have an opinion. AMD is allowed to remain anonymous. And for the record, he/she is dispensing information, not advice.

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This is a powerful piece. Thank for putting it together, and for staying in the fight. We can't rest until there is some accountability.

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Well, NO ACCOUNTABILITY - An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in the United States is an authorization granted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under sections of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as added to and amended by various Acts of Congress, including by the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013 (PAHPRA), as codified by 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3, to allow the use of a drug prior to approval.

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As a Canadian I can assure you our WEF puppet PM Trudeau was just as bad, if not worse, in sowing intolerance and hatred toward the (wisely) Covid unjabbed, using the same ClownScience that claimed the unjabbed posed a threat to the "vaccinated". Both of these "leaders" are despicable.

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Yes Trudeau certainly was, as you say, "just as bad, if not worse." Actually I think Trudeau was worse. And that is really saying something.

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Far worse. Look at what he did and is still doing to the truckers

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Yes, and I will forever NOT give a penny to that miserable GoFundMe company, after they screwed the truckers over.

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He's the personification of all the WEF homicidal bullshit. I gathered from Canadians visiting Scotland that Justin is "toast" in forthcoming elections - I sincerely hope so.

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I'm in Montreal Quebec. The abusive measures were phenomenal. Even the French were pitying us...

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Trudeau has been suspected of being Fidel Castro's son. Whether that's true or not is beside the point; the fact is his actions are so tyrannical it doesn't really matter.

It's the same reason Obama has long been suspected of not being a native born American. Why do people believe it? He doesn't act like an American. So, it doesn't matter.

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Just look at him, he's a dead ringer for fidel. If so he is lucky because his putative dad was an idiot.

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I am in the UK and I would agree on the basis that Joe Biden doesn't really know what he is doing whereas Turdeau does.


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yep. He said "they (referring to the unvaxxed) are members of a fringe minority with unacceptable views. Do we tolerate these people?"

Can you believe he was encouraging people to not tolerate the unvaxxed?!

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❤️. A Canadian Grandma

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I'll see your Trudeau and raise you a Dan Andrews. A real evil coke-snorting paid off dictator. Longest lockdown in the Western world. Most days locked down in the Western world. He even had mercenary hired goons wearing police like uniforms shooting rubber grenades at crowds of innocent protesters at our War Memorial of all places. A real piece of dog excrement.

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Looking at Biden at the time and comparing him with other "leaders" of other countries, it quickly became clear that they were all just puppets.

It was a coordinated effort, with the same actions, phrases, tactics, mass messaging, etc.

I think in order to not slip any deeper into this black hole, that we dipped our toes already into, we need to uncover the people and organizations behind all this.

I think one of the biggest challenges for the average person is to understand what is actually truly going on and why. As long as no one has any clarity on pretty much anything, it is hard to determine what actions to take.

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Exactly, here in New Zealand we heard the very same words and, as the post below says of Australia, the Covid vaccine is anything but buried - the Govt health websites are still exhorting us to get boosted and that it is 'safe and effective'!

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I saw a Walgreens commercial just the other day with two parents and a giggling child, ecstatic that the combo flu and Convid booster was available- for free!!!! I almost vomited

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Chiadrum! Give to 3+year olds? Really?

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This is awful. I am in Idaho and I see this a lot for local 'trials'. Mist of the responses are very angry.

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Same here in the US. We are still inundated with "get the vax". It's on billboards, radio advertisements, and posters in grocery stores.

Almost no one is getting the jab any more. So who's paying for all the propaganda? Hmmm...

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A couple of days ago I read an article that talked about a “vaccine” curriculum coming into the public schools here in the USA. I’m not sure how widespread this is, it could be just the beginning🤪

Talk about brainwashing and taking “education” from parents!

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The CIA. See Daily Clout- "CIA Control Over Media, Controlled Constructs w/ Media Insider Scotty Saks." News media was fed 4 a.m. talking points and used them to control the narrative.

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A lot of people have been digging and a lot is exposed.


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It was hard to listen to Biden’s speech because I detest him so strongly; he’s definitely the worse president ever. His maniacal speeches and mandates are pure evil. Biden has caused much harm and division in every action he takes. He’s a tyrannical bully. That speech inciting companies & people to target unvaccinated was evident of his desire to control at any cost. His other speech that was remarkably evil was the one with the red background and the two marines behind him as he yelled and screamed at us all.

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Biden was already incompetent; but an entire competent WH staff wrote and helped produce that tyrannical garbage…

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They have a lot of blood on their hands.

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and Biden provided the visual effects with his ugly faces and sneers. Speech was given way past his bedtime (4pm), so his dementia fueled anger was on full display.

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"...is so critical to have laws against tyranny..."

Bill of Rights

It's what should have nullified his vaxx mandate upon issuance.

Failing that, contrivances had to be mustered and brought before the courts while people died.

Vaccines are a plague upon the earth for one reason: they have arguable efficacy in narrow instances which immunizes the class and grants default status to any new vaccine arrival that passes the corrupt FDA review process. They therefore kill and maim endlessly with impunity and, worse, there is no chance of the class being pressed in genuine placebo trials to substantiate beyond a doubt that they are effective and their ingredients docile.

Americans are supposed to be inherently free, but vaccines are viewed as miracle security blankets that only protect when everyone is wearing one. If you have a blanket but someone else does not, your blanket does not protect you. That is the core argument for 100% vaccination, and it is both false and a violation of human rights. It subjugates you, vaxx resistor, to another citizen who the state has deemed worthy of protecting via prophylaxis on you (the vaxx resistor). So, your desire to be free of prophylaxis is denied whereas the other citizen is granted his wish to vaccinate you For His Own Benefit.

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And still, parents are faced with mandates for their children every year if they want their child to attend a public school. Every mandated vaccine is tyranny and as you point out, they are ALL of arguable efficacy. Personally, I think they are all damaging to health, no exceptions.

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So is going to Public School…it’s bad for your physical AND mental health!

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Yeah, I know. But many parents are both working and can't home-school. Caught in a terrible spot. At least smart parents can counter some of the BS that their kids are fed in public schools and provide the child with self worth so that the kid can stand up against the peer pressure they often face.

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Say definitely damaging to health no exceptions, and absolutely the biggest fraud ever, no arguments.


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Agree 💯 I would add that more should have held strong and resisted. Even if you were fine with getting the vaxx, you should have been against the mandates, coercion, and vilification of the unvaccinated. Not many stood up to the tyranny and looked the other way. Shame on them.

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"...is so critical to have laws against tyranny..."

That comment stood out for me as well. I wonder what makes people think that some "law" will protect them from the evil that's a daily occurrence in "high" places.

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Thank you your comment .. & also the shedding & the 'self-spreading' vacs... !!!

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Copy pasting your comment. It is excellent.

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"Furthermore, that loss of trust extended beyond the COVID vaccines (e.g., childhood immunization rates are now experiencing an unprecedented decrease), and Federal Health Authorities are beginning to admit there is an unprecedented loss of trust in them which needs to be “addressed.”"

Behold the silver lining so many had imagined we'd never see.. big time kudos and thanks for being out in front before the mayhem and valuable trusted source to help guide folks out of the chaos! <3

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"...we were able to bury the COVID-19 vaccine program in about three years despite every force the government and media could wield being utilized to establish it as a long term facet of life..."

In Australia, the COVID-19 vaccine program is anything but buried. They are building government funded factories in several university sites to keep "researching" and churning out the transfection shots for humans and animals. Hundreds of millions of dollars are going to keep this program going. And this kind of insane rhetoric (watching Biden's speech was indeed nauseating) is STILL going on. It is very far from being "memory holed" and the public is now being coerced/emotionally blackmailed into having all sorts of other shots for imaginary threats. https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/gold-rush-australia-spends-millions

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It’s not buried here in Seattle either, where so many are still fearful of covid, wearing masks, testing, etc. My own 35-year-old son and his wife require anyone who comes in contact with our 6-month-old grandson to be fully vaxxed for Covid, flu, RSV, and Dtap. We have not seen our only grandchild since he was 6 days old, and even then it was from a distance.😔 Not only that, but my son was able to convince 3 of his 5 siblings to get fully vaxxed as well, even though only one has seen the baby, and even then they all had to be masked. My heart aches. There is nothing I can do to convince my son that what they are doing is misguided (at best) and extreme. I pray daily for the truth to be made evident, and of course for their health, but my heart is broken.

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I hurt with you. So sorry. :-(

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I know an Australian who got a turbo cancer after two Pfizer shots. I saw him just after they removed his thyroid and a one kilo tumor. He was shaking and said he never wanted the shots because he’s against all vaccines but they forced him to - the terms he used were like that of a sexual assault survivor. That was a year ago, but when I saw him again last month he had given in. He literally got a flu vaccine when visiting and had his daughter get a bunch of vaccines. He refused to talk about it, he was simply getting all the shots now.

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That is an extremely sad story of broken bodily autonomy. Your sexual assault survivor analogy is pretty spot on - our governments and medical authorities have become the needle-raping fathers in the incestuous family who somehow must be protected by their victims.

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What exactly is different about forcing a steel needle into your arm to inject some unknown goop, and rape?

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If you look at the history of innoculation/vaccination where they would actually scrape a sore onto your arm and then apply the pus from the horse or smallpox patient or whatever to the sore, you might think we are lucky these days to have a nice clean needle. Vaccination is and always was a reaction by the depopulation despots to improving health and greater life expectancy. They depended on disease and epidemics to keep the riff raff population down, as human aspiration for better life overcame their imposition of poverty and pestilence they had to come up with a way to fool/force them to accept new more elegant ways to pare the population. We have lucked out because oppressors tend to be stupid and those who want to survive have to be relatively smarter to survive.

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I agree with you Richard. A good read is " dissolving illusions" by Suzanne humphries and Roman Bystrianyk.

It talks about what you have just described. The machine has been doing this since the 1800's. Doubling down every time. The more things change the more they remain the same.

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Both unwanted and if you will forgive me, they both involve pricks. :(

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He loved the Big Brother...

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That is appalling. My wife and I have a lady who helps us clean the house. Her mother in a nursing home was given a vaccine despite on her notes it said not. A clear case of assault.

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I have a friend who is in nursing, works in aged care. She told a story of an inmate of the facility being held down and forced to take the shot - as if it were a psychiatric emergency. Can you imagine if that was your mother?

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Such a trajedy

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Takes all kinds, I guess.

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I have a deteriorating lung condition. It is not inflammatory. Whenever i see a physician about it i'm

prescribed anti inflammatory drugs. I dont take them, if i do they cause nose bleeds, and do nothing for my lung condition. Recently i visited a physician, first time in six year, and though i said the inflammatory drugs usually prescribed cause nose bleeds, the physician still prescribed them... In recent years i've come to recognise that physicians have become somewhat de-skilled - they

rely on pre-determined protocols - and they dont listen...

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Doctors are little more than Pharmaceutical Pez Dispensers at this point.

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Watch the movie Idiocracy. It is quite crude and may have been written as an extreme of comedy but now could be considered a documentary. The medical scene is pretty much what we have today.

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You hit the nail on the head. We should never ever forget this experience. As a practicing physician, I was astounded with disbelief during Biden’s speech. Those around me did not seem to feel the same alarm. As healthcare providers, we must never forget.

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Thank you. If I knew where you were located, you'd be my doctor!

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Me too!

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What a "leader" we have in Joe Biden:

"here he announced his illegal workforce mandate (which was later struck down by the Supreme Court), repeated a series of known lies about the COVID vaccine and repeatedly attempted to incite hatred against the unvaccinated."

In one sentence, we have the announcement of:

- An ILLEGAL workforce Mandate.

- Another example of a serial liar, a person who doesn't just tell lies, he tells lies he KNOWS are lies.

- Repeatedly attempted to incite HATRED against the unvaccinated. He wanted to discriminate against citizens who wanted to make their own health choices about their own bodies.

And I think a MWD makes a strong case Biden's shots and boosters rapidly exacerbated his dementia and probably his Parkinson's symptoms.

Great article!

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I like your phrase 'serial liar'

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To your rehash of the Feinstein affair: ask yourself, what would the New York Yankees do if their pitcher went down with the flu? Send him in to pitch the critical games? No, the next best available would take his place.

Why would a US State be so indifferent to half of its senate representation being fully incapacitated? Why? Because the State does not care, for it has no representative anymore...the people do. And, the people cannot summon a senator home and replace her willy nilly. Thus, the whole of government is broken.

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Those in Washington DC are a completely different breed. There is very little job security there. I'm sure the staffers went to great lengths because if Feinstein were to leave office, they would lose their jobs. We have relatives there and one in his 20's said he would jump off a bridge if Trump wins. I don't think he was being hyperbolic as we saw how upset he was when Hillary lost.

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Your vision in 2021 of what was to come was clear and you were correct. I personally side with the Vigilant Fox that this was not a natural unfolding of events. This was a planned event. Having read Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series I am believer that a computer program could be created to predict future event outcomes given enough input of the variables. Maybe a computer wouldn't be necessary if a group of specialists in all fields of study were to get together and plan out the implimentation of WEF's agenda. Many things were accomplished by Covid. Trump was denied a 2nd term in office. The democrats unleashed the expedited destruction of the economy. Genocide was started with lethal hospital protocols followed by a deadly vaccine that as you point out furthered the destruction of society where it failed to kill.

I don't believe all senior politicians took the jab. They were exempt so the choice was theirs. I think some of their aids probably realized the jab could harm their bosses so many would have dissuaded their bosses. If doctors could get together to sign each others vax cards and flush the vax down the toilet then so could politicians.

I don't know who Biden's handlers are however I suspect they were part of the scheme to damage the US. At Biden's age dementia is common so perhaps he came by it naturally. I doubt his handlers wanted him damaged by the vaccine so in my opinion he didn't get vaxed and acquired dementia naturally. Otherwise they would have groomed a more lovable candidate for the 2024 election.

Three of the dots that I have read about to support my thinking on this issue are: Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and the paper is losing a fortune every year. Why would anyone allow their investment to bleed so much red ink and then Bill Rice (has a substack) pointed out the Jeff Bezons probably makes 10 times the losses in government contracts so his MSM mouthpiece is a lost leader.

The other is the difficult time that researchers have in getting correct excess mortality data from governments . Many consider the numbers have been tampered with. Why would the government do this?

I have never seen so much lawfare used against people in the US. It hardly registered on the legal scale until the last 3 years.

Love your Work, Keep it up!

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I would encourage everyone to search out videos with Mike Benz or follow him on X. Once you understand the reality of The Blob it’s easy to see most of the elected representatives are set pieces.

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Agree Dan Star. Mike Benz tells a very complex story. Tucker’s long form interview with him was an eye opener. He is on X too.

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This was a sad article because in it I kept seeing the symptoms of a 60-year-old woman I know. She only got one Pfizer, but has been rapidly aging and complaining of brain fog. Just before this article arrived I spoke to her for the first time in a while and she spoke noticeably slower. It was like she was still groggy from waking up in the middle of the night.

I’ll support Donald Trump, but I can’t forgive him. This woman I know and love wasn’t under mandate, but she fell victim to the world-class propaganda unleashed by Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.

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Trump was too weak, too concerned about his re-election, and too self-centered to push back on this nonsense. His advisors, including specifically Kushner and Pence, absolutely betrayed him; but, end of day, you are correct, Trump knew the truth, had access to it through people like Atlas and Ioannidis, but lacked the courage to fight fight fight, as he should have done then, be damned his re-election if necessary. Still, as flawed as Trump is, he remains the only slight hope for now.

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For someone who promised to drain the swamp... as soon as something challenged his chances for reelection Trump turned to the swamp creatures.

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Trump supporters are capable of impressive mental gymnastics. The next command line in their programming involves calling others bots or NPC's. Votes don't care about your thoughts and feelings.

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Just like supporters of any mainstream establishment party. They all make shit up..

These days they're happy that Dick Cheney, a huge neocon endorsed Kamala.

Brain dead team sports bullshit.

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I was meditating this morning on the first time I experienced NPC's.

I go back to 9/11. That was one of the impetuses for my exit of the country. Everywhere I went, I was hearing parrots, miming the latest thing. I watched my fellow countrymen turning into NPC's (but I didn't have a word for it at the time).

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Trump Didn’t do enough to stop the madness. That is your thesis? The alternative is to vote for the party that has been accumulating vax injury data and has continued to push it. There was no vax data out in November 2020. None. Zero. Plus Fauci et al were actively lying to him daily. Your thinking is odd. It is illogical. So…how many vaxes for you? 4? 6?

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Zero. My thinking is odd because you are operating on programming so you probably don't recognize it. Which explains the response. Imagine thinking you only have two options when it comes to voting for president and then projecting your own lack of depth onto everyone who understands you don't actually have to vote for one of these zionist clowns. Imagine trying to justify voting for a genocidal maniac because "lesser of two evils." But by all means please keep talking because it reveals more about yourself than any point you are trying to make. Do you have any idea how many Americans fought and died in zionist wars to uphold my right to not vote for a clown?

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Um, did Trump support mandates? I don't understand.

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Fresh pineapple didn't dissolve the spike protein? Then try other proteases and ivermectin.

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We moved my in-laws into an assisted living facility in July of 2022 because my FIL had dementia that had progressed to a point where they could no longer live alone. His dementia was present prior to the covid shots, but it progressed rapidly afterwards. In March of this year he had a stroke and passed away. My MIL, who was always sharp, has experienced significant brain fog and difficulty concentrating and remembering things since the shots (I think they took the original two plus three boosters. She felt so unwell after the last booster that she has stated she won't take any more. We begged them not to take any more after the first two, but they didn't listen.) Recently we moved her to an independent living facility nearer to us. What we observed at the first place, and what we are seeing in the new place, is that the residents are significantly more debilitated than they were two years ago. In fact, at the new facility (which comprises independent living, assisted living, and memory care) the assisted living is full and they have a long waiting list. Every week they are getting calls from people who's relatives are in crisis, but they can't help them. As a result, they have started keeping people in independent living who should probably be in assisted living, by bringing in an outside health care company to do things like medication management, physical therapy and other support that you wouldn't typically see in an "independent" living situation. We were also told that the turnover in independent living is significant, because people are dying more quickly than in the past. But the denial of just what is causing this is stunning: just yesterday we got an email announcing a covid and flu shot clinic next week at the facility. They aren't forcing the shots on anyone anymore, but... I really can't understand why so many seem to deny what is right in front of their eyes.

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