Though humanity faces immense darkness and pain that is only just beginning… I am thankful to see fighters and truth tellers in the trenches with me. You get it and I hope that more people wake up to the plans of the elite before it is too late for them.
As a Christian, I am slowly but surely reaching friends and family.. As an RN ( non gene injected working in a hospital!) I am slowly red pilling colleagues and encouraging my precious patients and coworkers with the love of Christ. I’m prepping and praying…. And will serve God and others until He brings me home or returns.
I love your posts, and thank you for doing something out there that shares truth. Be encouraged… you are not alone doc! 🙏😊❤️
Can you, please, tell about your experience of red-pilling others?
What types of discourse works best? To what audiences?
My traditional method is to take it from the other person's point of view and show what's good or bad for them.
This time, I have been constantly failing, because Covidians seem to hang on to their relgiously-held beliefs for dear life and tend to consider any opposing view an existential threat...
This week, episode 272: Breaking Formation (on The Highwire" ) , a clip featuring a man on the street asking questions attempting to get others to realize the flawed reasoning they were following. It was quite good! That part starts at about 1:48:00. Very near the end of the episode. The whole episode is valuable, however.
How to red pill others… First .. there are always conversations going on in various places.. church, the gym, and yes even at the hospital. I make sure that I am well researched at all times. I am always helping and serving others, building relationships, and giving everything I do 110% and I never complain.
I wait until I’m asked for my opinion. I confirm that they are certain they want my answer because I will not sugar coat it, I will not hold back the information and data that I know, even if I lose my job, and my information and perspective may offend them.
If they say yes… then I answer extremely thoroughly and respectfully. I do not hold back though even if they can get me fired. So far I have a job still and I didn’t take the C -19 injections and also did not even take the flu shot! (I got more push back from the flu exemption) At this point I have other RNs come up and privately say that they heard I’m a prepper and conservative … how do I feel about ????…….and various subjects are approached .
Very important part of this.. is do not require the person you chat with to agree with you. I never try to convince and I am completely unattached from the outcome of their perspective . I plant the seeds when God gives me the opportunity. I can defend my faith and every single point of view with data and experience. God does the watering and the growing of that seed. No human will save us or win this war.. only a good and mighty God will end this global evil.
We do however get placed in battles… The Lord allows us to serve Him along side Him and He gives us strength and wisdom through these battles.
with a servants heart I’ve been able to plant seeds.. that’s my job and It’s amazing the outcome over time. One example is I have a gay liberal dear friend that is now sending me video clips of the occultic Yuval Noah Harari as he discusses the digital enslavement of humanity! Another example is that our hospital has several colleagues that have religious exemptions and we ended up not having to test weekly like most woke facilities.
Bottom line… know the subject matter, build relationships with servant leadership, when the opportunity presents itself be brave and honest.. NO fear! Plant the seeds and leave the outcome to God.
I hope that helps, Ray!:) Thank you for the great question:)
If you read my articles, you will see that I follow these principles.
Your experience confirms some of mine, although I've lost most of my jobs due to my straightforwardness.
1. Never give "advice," unless you are asked. I also emphasize that I only speak for myself and the power of decision is everyone's personal prerogative, not my responsibility;
2. Faith overrides fear; being open and honest on Substack probably proves one's stance testifying to this;
3. Helping first, talking later seems essential (I often refrain from helping others, unless asked, because it can be a direct intervention in their lives); this is the hard part for me, because I usually worked alone in my jobs;
4. Talking to people who know you definitely makes it easier;
Yes, your input is definitely helpful and I hope, not only for me; thank you!
Sometimes, once they realise you are sceptic, people will quietly confide their true feelings. One just told me that she has had serious heavy bleeding during periods since taking the second dose ( would have been mid last year). Many of her friends report the same. She will not be jabbed again and will not jab her children. There may be many like her keeping silent because of the disapproval, who will begin to speak as more issues arise.
Yes, Sandra. Listening is always more successful than talking. I am lucky in this sense, because I've never had the urge to convince anyone, because I have always known that my knowledge is inevitably inaccurate and fragmented at best. The best I can do is share the task of searching for the truth with the willing.
People who have experienced the damage first-hand are better candidates for opening their eyes, although the inevitable argument that "I would have been a lot worse-off or could have died without the vaccination" is common enough. (That reminds me that someone said that if the dead with such a powerful conviction could talk, they might say they died with milder symptoms... :( )
Good question! Lately I have found that mentioning "many lawsuits are underway" or "it's in the court system but will take time to wash through" works to shift perspectives a bit. Mentioning specific lawsuits and interesting details like Brooke Jackson's one in the US or similar ones here in AUS works.
You can't red pill anyone who doesn't want it. Just be patient. For now tell them you have information (and studies) to support your side when they are ready for it. Otherwise, don't bother them. For 100s of millions of them, it's their path to die as an example of what not to do (i.e. ignore studies and hard data).
No idea who makes this site, but it updates with some regularity.
Remember, a closed mind will never let in good ideas.
> This time, I have been constantly failing, because Covidians seem to hang on to their relgiously-held beliefs for dear life and tend to consider any opposing view an existential threat...
This is a symptom of narcissism and other personality disorders. Read up on them. It's generally agreed that one cannot treat personality disorders with therapy or drugs because their view of the world is fundamentally warped, usually at a very young age.
While they are sometimes called Covidiots, ignoring all studies and hard data, the reality IMO is many of them are mentally ill, or brainwashed, or have mass psychosis.
Take a look at this: Mass Psychosis -- How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill. A mass psychosis is "an epidemic of madness" that occurs when a "large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions." The results are always devastating.
Well, sometimes, in a favorable environment, to people with a friendly disposition, I attempt to drop a brief statement like "It will make you sick" to people wearing a muzzle or "The inventor of the PCR test said the test is not good for diagnosis." I don't bother to say anything to the injected, but try to warn those, who are considering the poison...
Brief statements, leaving enough room for thinking, might start an avalanche, although I will never find out about it.
I'm wondering if anyone on this forum has had any positive experience with this strategy.
The positive experience, Ray, becomes evident over time. In the face of unrelenting propaganda, the critical thinking skills of ordinary practical people are overwhelmed into a sort of induced dormancy, but they aren't erased.
Dropping calmly-stated remarks and moving on is a very effective antidote to the induction.
Expert propagandists realize that the opening gambit of instilling terror cannot be sustained. It doesn't have to be, because it is only necessary as a means of creating receptivity. Once the subjects are vulnerable and have accepted the conditioning, all that is necessary from that point on is to provide reinforcement.
The reinforcement is predominantly a matter of blandly reasserting the desired a priori assumption(s) with an occasional stressor thrown into the mix. The oh-so-reasonable reinforcement is vulnerable to counter-assertion, as long as the counter is similarly framed; as an "everyone knows," mildly-stated assertion.
Ordinary, sensible people are regaining control of themselves. We can see it all 'round us. We can help them , just by modelling reason and healthy skepticism.
Yes, I see positive results, a little more every day.
I did notice that stuff I used to post 18-22 months ago are not becoming commonplace (the story of my life :) ).
The problem with fear is that it is mostly a one-way street and starting over becomes possible only after moving away from the source. Still, people realizing that living in fear is worse than death might be able to change course even after being frozen for quite a while (taken out of the fight/flight/freeze options).
However, time is running out rapidly.
Unless people realize that they are enslaved and murdered only because the perpetrators control the global money flow, any hope for changes for the better sounds Utopian to me.
That is a good way to prevent taking criticism but it is NOT the best way to get the truth out to people. Even if they resist logic and data they will still "hear" you in part and there is also the ripple effect when others listen in which helps to identify who is ready to discuss the issue. This is a public matter we must bring into the open and make people accountable for there actions and support. The more public you can make the discussion the better. It will draw some push-back BUT it will be productive..
Your assessment is, as has been stated by others, a wonderfully concise statement of what has been happening for centuries as the elitist agenda is being played out. I appreciate your hard work to make these topics interesting and relevant to lay people like myself.
This was a great post! Everything about the Covid Vaxx was highly suspicious to me. I was asking myself, if it does not stop transmission, and young people do not need it, why are they forcing it on young people?
It was when I realized that I am witnessing a crime in progress.
It's such a huge betrayal of trust that it's beyond the capacity of people to understand. I was introduced to the world of vaccine injuries back in 2004 and have seen the lies and coverups for a long time. This has ramped up the number of people damaged at least 20 fold, and the people damaged aren't babies, so they know how they felt before the shots and can talk about it. The number of people forced to be "in" on the coverup is also increased a good 10 fold. So if someone had trusted our institutions until recently it's just too much to comprehend, all the rottenness and corruption.
When it comes to the impact of the lethal injections (well, sooner or later, they tend to be quite lethal), I have noticed distinctive anomalies for specific countries. While the reactions seem to be spread out in an identical spectrum, the distribution of harm/mortalities can significantly vary.
Infertility is definitely one of the objectives, as was demonstrated in the "vaccines" distributed in Africa by Bill Gates and his cronies. For that matter, the method goes back to the early 1950s as a declared form of depopulation...
Curiously: living in a country where bulk sterilisation of the marginalised sector took place within the most recent generation, and where the politician responsible is still facing trial for that, I'm looking for signs of the same here but so far nothing's popped up its head.
The jury's out then, but if no damage is reported within a few more months then the hypothesis arises that some countries have been given largely dud doses.
Thank you again, AMWD, for this. As my renegade radiologist husband used to say, why am I not surprised. I tend to weight 4 of the reasons more than the China one, because I know too much from DRASTIC, Corman-Drosten review, etc. to let off the Western figures. I knew from December 2020 that fertility would be impacted, because the UK researcher Johnny Vedmore released the NHS guidelines for HCPs re mRNA vaccines, & they were more honest ("we don't know," "the trials aren't complete till 2023" etc.) than anything in US. David Martin, Ph.D. has shown evidence of US elites' being openly pro-eugenics since 1920's - Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes & the NYT as significant examples. I appreciate shorter format also.
'The mRNA technology represented a multi-trillion dollar market and the pharmaceutical industry desperately needed a crisis to get this unsafe technology into the marketplace.'
For some reason, it has become fashionable to talk about mRNA again. That talk started already in the summer of 2020, well before the lethal injections.
If it wasn't for the Catholic charity operating in Kenya we may not even know what went on. No wonder religion is always under attack. It is one of our last defences against the evil leaders who 'know' what is best for us. Once they totally infiltrate that, God help us, literally.
Well as I am sure you know there has been a coordinated and sustained attack on the Christian faith for decades so we could be in the postition where something like this would be viewed as acceptable by the society.
I think many Millennials could already possibly be persuaded of this unfortunately. Society as a whole? I don't think we are there yet. Christian morals live on whether people are religious or not.
Last year I loss a very close friend, an unusually healthy 72 year old who was working as a security guard for a private home in Malibu.
He began falling apart neurologically 4 months after 2 Pfizer shots and was finally diagnosed with CJD which brought a sudden end to his very happy and simple life. Since he was single with no kids, his brother and sister in law took care of him at the end. His doctors had no explanations and it seemed like the family was not inclined to connect the dots until I brought it up to them - but they dismissed it being jabbed themselves, so they stood behind the mass formation tag line, safe and effective. But recently 2 studies have brought a strong correlation with CJD and mRNA.
MW Doctor I’d like if it’s possible to have a conversation with you. I just don’t want to see his death dismissed since it’s clear to me he was silently murdered. If anyone is brought to see this as a possibility and even at this point a strong likelihood, it’s worth my time to bring their attention to it. Does this make any sense? If you so wish you can reach me privately. if you’d prefer not I understand Jeff
Do you have more information on his case (or medical documentation substantiating your story)? It's on my to do list to write something about the prion disorders and the vaccines, but there is A LOT of ground I have to cover before then. Additionally, I think Steve Kirsch might be open to giving you a platform on this because he has written about this, provided there is documentation of what happened.
I hope it's not too insensitive, but I somewhat wrote about this topic a few months ago:
Personally I don’t. I’d need to ask his brother if he’d be willing to give me the name of the neurologist who diagnosed it who I would need to reach out to. BTW the doctor told them that he’d never seen another case in his many years in practice. I would have to approach it very delicately for obvious reasons. But with CJD now in the news maybe they’d be willing.
Total gratitude for the time and effort given for in depth writing on important trends around the globe that never otherwise come to the light of day. We have been passive to those insisting we consume detrimental products and almost too much time has passed. Thank You for cultivating and supporting critical thinking before its too late. just a bit(chute) more, a long one, but well made, from spacebusters ....sorry if it puts more on your plate, no offense and not meant as medical advice of course
We are truly in a debt of gratitude for your insight and honesty. It is very critical, however, for you to consider the elephant in the room (perhaps you have, but I missed it): that the US, clearly, with its hundreds of out-sourced biolabs (especially geographically ringing China, Russia, and Iran), with its history of bioweapon research (and use), with the available means, opportunity, and motive, etc. - that the U.S. is, of course, a prime suspect in staging the Wuhan incident so to set-up China as the patsie.
The reasons for expressing this compelling possibility in your writings, along with all others, are many: among them being that much of the world believes this is what in fact happened; and, domestically, it is vital for folks to hear you consider this possibility, because right now, free-thinking humans are especially looking for someone who is a searcher for Truth, and only Truth, for neither red pill nor blue pill will heal us, but only the harsh but efficacious Truth.
Thanks for listening and, again, thank you from the depths for your valuable work.
One problem with that theory is that the US has demanded almost all its military get the shot. This is especially debilitating to its pilots (note the three airplane/helicopter/osprey crashes in one week) and its special forces. That can only be the work of greed or treason, and treason seems more likely to me.
As others have noted, those shots are hard enough on commercial pilots. What will be the effect of g-forces on the fighter pilots?
US foreign policies since 1974 regarding the depopulation of the "3rd world" can be found below (NSSM-200).
I got a copy after it was declassified in 1989 and was a political activist in the early 1990s distributing this document to 30,000+ readers of a local newspaper. (NB: The internet started only in 1995!!)
The 13 countries targeted for depopulation by Kissinger were:
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia.
We were able to introduce this document to the office of one of the 5 Eyes countries' Prime Minister (PM) through his aide. The PM was briefed about NSSM-200 and he asked his aide to NEVER mention the NSSM-200 document in public!!!
1. This was the 1st official depopulation blueprint targeting the Global South.
2. Agenda 21 started in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, targeting the Global North and has evolved over the years to Agenda 2030 as technology became available to do the targeted job.
3. Prince Philip of the UK was instrumental in Rio about this agenda and he has a lot of speeches where he swore to reduce the population. He wished to reincarnate as a deadly virus to solve the population "issue" - clips of his stupidities are still circulating online.
His positions were based on Kissinger's NSSM-200
4. Bull Gates left Microsoft in 2000 and vowed to help bring the population down by all means necessary. He created GAVI (Geneva) as his battle horse. He presents himself as a philanthropist but is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
5. All fake pandemics since 2000 have Bull Gates' fingerprints.
The truly sad part is how completely unnecessary it all is. If you look at the industrialized nations, you'll see they all have stable or declining populations. The logical conclusion is to industrialize the poor nations to a level where they can implement social security programs such that parents don't need as many children to secure their future. Mechanization of agriculture would also reduce the need for extra hands to work the land, thus realizing the same reduction in childbirths.
Rapacious rent seekers, not practical considerations, stand in the way of that. The planet can support far more people than is currently recognized. What it can't support is a billionaire class that promotes the idea of saving the planet while simultaneously capturing all of its resources and denying them to those who can benefit most from them.
The problem is beyond logic - it's about blood thirst by some cultists who consider themselves superior, indispensable and infallible. Human life for them has no meaning. It's not a lack of resources on the planet, not a lack of innovation. It's the desire to kill by all means necessary. And I am saying here what I discovered decades ago. Today, they even say it openly and I am no longer considered a 'conspiracy theorist' since they're helping me by exposing themselves.
They never liked the end of Serfdom in Europe and they're recreating it before your eyes and laugh like Jesuits!
Well, the guys that you see in public places are the ones who own private corporations shares. They're placed in executive positions in the government to do just that - help private corporations make money. Transfer money from the public hands to their hands.
Another aspect that most people don't know is that all these people are connected through a network of freemasonic lodges and what a public official says is actually what has been agreed upon by their esoteric societies. Kissinger has been member of the Italian P1 freemasonic lodge for decades and is only the public face of the US deep state. He doesn't make any decisions, he's just a messenger.
I appreciate the shorter format, as it can be difficult to read long-form posts online. Though I also do appreciate your longer pieces, because they are so informative and you take the time to make yourself most clear.
If I have learned anything from Covid Policy, it's that half or more of Americans would drink poison if they were told it would end a pandemic, and something like 35% would make their kids drink it. I'm hopeful I overstate it, and my fellow Americans come to see Covid Policy as the greatest fraud in history.
Though humanity faces immense darkness and pain that is only just beginning… I am thankful to see fighters and truth tellers in the trenches with me. You get it and I hope that more people wake up to the plans of the elite before it is too late for them.
As a Christian, I am slowly but surely reaching friends and family.. As an RN ( non gene injected working in a hospital!) I am slowly red pilling colleagues and encouraging my precious patients and coworkers with the love of Christ. I’m prepping and praying…. And will serve God and others until He brings me home or returns.
I love your posts, and thank you for doing something out there that shares truth. Be encouraged… you are not alone doc! 🙏😊❤️
Can you, please, tell about your experience of red-pilling others?
What types of discourse works best? To what audiences?
My traditional method is to take it from the other person's point of view and show what's good or bad for them.
This time, I have been constantly failing, because Covidians seem to hang on to their relgiously-held beliefs for dear life and tend to consider any opposing view an existential threat...
God bless cognitive dissonance
Well, I have lowered my expectations and consider it a success, if the previously comformist-delusional person starts thinking on their own.
After that, they cannot play games, because they will have to become responsible for their judgments. :)
This week, episode 272: Breaking Formation (on The Highwire" ) , a clip featuring a man on the street asking questions attempting to get others to realize the flawed reasoning they were following. It was quite good! That part starts at about 1:48:00. Very near the end of the episode. The whole episode is valuable, however.
Hi Ray,
How to red pill others… First .. there are always conversations going on in various places.. church, the gym, and yes even at the hospital. I make sure that I am well researched at all times. I am always helping and serving others, building relationships, and giving everything I do 110% and I never complain.
I wait until I’m asked for my opinion. I confirm that they are certain they want my answer because I will not sugar coat it, I will not hold back the information and data that I know, even if I lose my job, and my information and perspective may offend them.
If they say yes… then I answer extremely thoroughly and respectfully. I do not hold back though even if they can get me fired. So far I have a job still and I didn’t take the C -19 injections and also did not even take the flu shot! (I got more push back from the flu exemption) At this point I have other RNs come up and privately say that they heard I’m a prepper and conservative … how do I feel about ????…….and various subjects are approached .
Very important part of this.. is do not require the person you chat with to agree with you. I never try to convince and I am completely unattached from the outcome of their perspective . I plant the seeds when God gives me the opportunity. I can defend my faith and every single point of view with data and experience. God does the watering and the growing of that seed. No human will save us or win this war.. only a good and mighty God will end this global evil.
We do however get placed in battles… The Lord allows us to serve Him along side Him and He gives us strength and wisdom through these battles.
with a servants heart I’ve been able to plant seeds.. that’s my job and It’s amazing the outcome over time. One example is I have a gay liberal dear friend that is now sending me video clips of the occultic Yuval Noah Harari as he discusses the digital enslavement of humanity! Another example is that our hospital has several colleagues that have religious exemptions and we ended up not having to test weekly like most woke facilities.
Bottom line… know the subject matter, build relationships with servant leadership, when the opportunity presents itself be brave and honest.. NO fear! Plant the seeds and leave the outcome to God.
I hope that helps, Ray!:) Thank you for the great question:)
Sincerely ,
Patriot RN🙏😊
If you read my articles, you will see that I follow these principles.
Your experience confirms some of mine, although I've lost most of my jobs due to my straightforwardness.
1. Never give "advice," unless you are asked. I also emphasize that I only speak for myself and the power of decision is everyone's personal prerogative, not my responsibility;
2. Faith overrides fear; being open and honest on Substack probably proves one's stance testifying to this;
3. Helping first, talking later seems essential (I often refrain from helping others, unless asked, because it can be a direct intervention in their lives); this is the hard part for me, because I usually worked alone in my jobs;
4. Talking to people who know you definitely makes it easier;
Yes, your input is definitely helpful and I hope, not only for me; thank you!
PatriotRN - I am a nurse and could have written this. I do the same. So good to know we are not alone.
The might in the shadows want to think we are alone.
We are not...
Sometimes, once they realise you are sceptic, people will quietly confide their true feelings. One just told me that she has had serious heavy bleeding during periods since taking the second dose ( would have been mid last year). Many of her friends report the same. She will not be jabbed again and will not jab her children. There may be many like her keeping silent because of the disapproval, who will begin to speak as more issues arise.
Yes, Sandra. Listening is always more successful than talking. I am lucky in this sense, because I've never had the urge to convince anyone, because I have always known that my knowledge is inevitably inaccurate and fragmented at best. The best I can do is share the task of searching for the truth with the willing.
People who have experienced the damage first-hand are better candidates for opening their eyes, although the inevitable argument that "I would have been a lot worse-off or could have died without the vaccination" is common enough. (That reminds me that someone said that if the dead with such a powerful conviction could talk, they might say they died with milder symptoms... :( )
I find that nowadays I just act like everyone is skeptical, and I seem to get away with this approach. I am normalising being skeptical.
This is what I do-- easy-- as most then feel my skepticism is the norm and Canadians don't want to offend (generally) so they go along
Good question! Lately I have found that mentioning "many lawsuits are underway" or "it's in the court system but will take time to wash through" works to shift perspectives a bit. Mentioning specific lawsuits and interesting details like Brooke Jackson's one in the US or similar ones here in AUS works.
You can't red pill anyone who doesn't want it. Just be patient. For now tell them you have information (and studies) to support your side when they are ready for it. Otherwise, don't bother them. For 100s of millions of them, it's their path to die as an example of what not to do (i.e. ignore studies and hard data).
But if you want studies, start here:
No idea who makes this site, but it updates with some regularity.
Remember, a closed mind will never let in good ideas.
> This time, I have been constantly failing, because Covidians seem to hang on to their relgiously-held beliefs for dear life and tend to consider any opposing view an existential threat...
This is a symptom of narcissism and other personality disorders. Read up on them. It's generally agreed that one cannot treat personality disorders with therapy or drugs because their view of the world is fundamentally warped, usually at a very young age.
While they are sometimes called Covidiots, ignoring all studies and hard data, the reality IMO is many of them are mentally ill, or brainwashed, or have mass psychosis.
Take a look at this: Mass Psychosis -- How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill. A mass psychosis is "an epidemic of madness" that occurs when a "large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions." The results are always devastating.
And this: The psychosis of the coddled American mind. The problem isn't that life is unfair -- the problem is your broken idea of fairness. A great explanation of why people fail, especially younger people born after 1990.
Well, sometimes, in a favorable environment, to people with a friendly disposition, I attempt to drop a brief statement like "It will make you sick" to people wearing a muzzle or "The inventor of the PCR test said the test is not good for diagnosis." I don't bother to say anything to the injected, but try to warn those, who are considering the poison...
Brief statements, leaving enough room for thinking, might start an avalanche, although I will never find out about it.
I'm wondering if anyone on this forum has had any positive experience with this strategy.
The positive experience, Ray, becomes evident over time. In the face of unrelenting propaganda, the critical thinking skills of ordinary practical people are overwhelmed into a sort of induced dormancy, but they aren't erased.
Dropping calmly-stated remarks and moving on is a very effective antidote to the induction.
Expert propagandists realize that the opening gambit of instilling terror cannot be sustained. It doesn't have to be, because it is only necessary as a means of creating receptivity. Once the subjects are vulnerable and have accepted the conditioning, all that is necessary from that point on is to provide reinforcement.
The reinforcement is predominantly a matter of blandly reasserting the desired a priori assumption(s) with an occasional stressor thrown into the mix. The oh-so-reasonable reinforcement is vulnerable to counter-assertion, as long as the counter is similarly framed; as an "everyone knows," mildly-stated assertion.
Ordinary, sensible people are regaining control of themselves. We can see it all 'round us. We can help them , just by modelling reason and healthy skepticism.
Yes, I see positive results, a little more every day.
I did notice that stuff I used to post 18-22 months ago are not becoming commonplace (the story of my life :) ).
The problem with fear is that it is mostly a one-way street and starting over becomes possible only after moving away from the source. Still, people realizing that living in fear is worse than death might be able to change course even after being frozen for quite a while (taken out of the fight/flight/freeze options).
However, time is running out rapidly.
Unless people realize that they are enslaved and murdered only because the perpetrators control the global money flow, any hope for changes for the better sounds Utopian to me.
People need their own currencies.
"You can't red pill anyone who doesn't want it"
That is a good way to prevent taking criticism but it is NOT the best way to get the truth out to people. Even if they resist logic and data they will still "hear" you in part and there is also the ripple effect when others listen in which helps to identify who is ready to discuss the issue. This is a public matter we must bring into the open and make people accountable for there actions and support. The more public you can make the discussion the better. It will draw some push-back BUT it will be productive..
Well written. Concise information. thank you for your hard work.
Your assessment is, as has been stated by others, a wonderfully concise statement of what has been happening for centuries as the elitist agenda is being played out. I appreciate your hard work to make these topics interesting and relevant to lay people like myself.
This was a great post! Everything about the Covid Vaxx was highly suspicious to me. I was asking myself, if it does not stop transmission, and young people do not need it, why are they forcing it on young people?
It was when I realized that I am witnessing a crime in progress.
Yup. I'm grateful it motivated you to take a public stand on it.
Many believe my logic is insane as no one would want to make women infertile,
My logic is this.
In the Fall of 2020, I asked, What vaccines require two doses and use LNP?
answer: SpayVac.
Then, what company helped SpayVac?
answer: Immunovaccine (IMV)
What other vaccine manufacturer partnered with IMV?
answer: Pfizer.
I have not proof and no one will touch this as it just may stick like an animal sprayed by a skunk and I just could be wrong. It just fits to me.
I trying to detail all this in the post that I linked to on the history of depopulation vaccines.
Indeed, sooo many alarm bells from the outset. Why can some people tune into this and others not?
It's such a huge betrayal of trust that it's beyond the capacity of people to understand. I was introduced to the world of vaccine injuries back in 2004 and have seen the lies and coverups for a long time. This has ramped up the number of people damaged at least 20 fold, and the people damaged aren't babies, so they know how they felt before the shots and can talk about it. The number of people forced to be "in" on the coverup is also increased a good 10 fold. So if someone had trusted our institutions until recently it's just too much to comprehend, all the rottenness and corruption.
When it comes to the impact of the lethal injections (well, sooner or later, they tend to be quite lethal), I have noticed distinctive anomalies for specific countries. While the reactions seem to be spread out in an identical spectrum, the distribution of harm/mortalities can significantly vary.
Infertility is definitely one of the objectives, as was demonstrated in the "vaccines" distributed in Africa by Bill Gates and his cronies. For that matter, the method goes back to the early 1950s as a declared form of depopulation...
Curiously: living in a country where bulk sterilisation of the marginalised sector took place within the most recent generation, and where the politician responsible is still facing trial for that, I'm looking for signs of the same here but so far nothing's popped up its head.
The jury's out then, but if no damage is reported within a few more months then the hypothesis arises that some countries have been given largely dud doses.
Thank you for another wonderful yet horrifying essay.
Thank you again, AMWD, for this. As my renegade radiologist husband used to say, why am I not surprised. I tend to weight 4 of the reasons more than the China one, because I know too much from DRASTIC, Corman-Drosten review, etc. to let off the Western figures. I knew from December 2020 that fertility would be impacted, because the UK researcher Johnny Vedmore released the NHS guidelines for HCPs re mRNA vaccines, & they were more honest ("we don't know," "the trials aren't complete till 2023" etc.) than anything in US. David Martin, Ph.D. has shown evidence of US elites' being openly pro-eugenics since 1920's - Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes & the NYT as significant examples. I appreciate shorter format also.
'The mRNA technology represented a multi-trillion dollar market and the pharmaceutical industry desperately needed a crisis to get this unsafe technology into the marketplace.'
This would be #1 on my list.
As bad as it sounds: Greedy pharma execs willing to kill a lot of people with unsafe injections is the most innocuous explanation right now.
For some reason, it has become fashionable to talk about mRNA again. That talk started already in the summer of 2020, well before the lethal injections.
Let me clarify something:
If it wasn't for the Catholic charity operating in Kenya we may not even know what went on. No wonder religion is always under attack. It is one of our last defences against the evil leaders who 'know' what is best for us. Once they totally infiltrate that, God help us, literally.
Well as I am sure you know there has been a coordinated and sustained attack on the Christian faith for decades so we could be in the postition where something like this would be viewed as acceptable by the society.
I think many Millennials could already possibly be persuaded of this unfortunately. Society as a whole? I don't think we are there yet. Christian morals live on whether people are religious or not.
I shouldn't say that. Our Millennials have been subjected to so much re-education and are still a pretty nice bunch of people. 👍
Last year I loss a very close friend, an unusually healthy 72 year old who was working as a security guard for a private home in Malibu.
He began falling apart neurologically 4 months after 2 Pfizer shots and was finally diagnosed with CJD which brought a sudden end to his very happy and simple life. Since he was single with no kids, his brother and sister in law took care of him at the end. His doctors had no explanations and it seemed like the family was not inclined to connect the dots until I brought it up to them - but they dismissed it being jabbed themselves, so they stood behind the mass formation tag line, safe and effective. But recently 2 studies have brought a strong correlation with CJD and mRNA.
MW Doctor I’d like if it’s possible to have a conversation with you. I just don’t want to see his death dismissed since it’s clear to me he was silently murdered. If anyone is brought to see this as a possibility and even at this point a strong likelihood, it’s worth my time to bring their attention to it. Does this make any sense? If you so wish you can reach me privately. if you’d prefer not I understand Jeff
Do you have more information on his case (or medical documentation substantiating your story)? It's on my to do list to write something about the prion disorders and the vaccines, but there is A LOT of ground I have to cover before then. Additionally, I think Steve Kirsch might be open to giving you a platform on this because he has written about this, provided there is documentation of what happened.
I hope it's not too insensitive, but I somewhat wrote about this topic a few months ago:
Personally I don’t. I’d need to ask his brother if he’d be willing to give me the name of the neurologist who diagnosed it who I would need to reach out to. BTW the doctor told them that he’d never seen another case in his many years in practice. I would have to approach it very delicately for obvious reasons. But with CJD now in the news maybe they’d be willing.
Thanks for the link to the documentary. Absolutely a "must share", which may open some eyes.
Total gratitude for the time and effort given for in depth writing on important trends around the globe that never otherwise come to the light of day. We have been passive to those insisting we consume detrimental products and almost too much time has passed. Thank You for cultivating and supporting critical thinking before its too late. just a bit(chute) more, a long one, but well made, from spacebusters ....sorry if it puts more on your plate, no offense and not meant as medical advice of course
We are truly in a debt of gratitude for your insight and honesty. It is very critical, however, for you to consider the elephant in the room (perhaps you have, but I missed it): that the US, clearly, with its hundreds of out-sourced biolabs (especially geographically ringing China, Russia, and Iran), with its history of bioweapon research (and use), with the available means, opportunity, and motive, etc. - that the U.S. is, of course, a prime suspect in staging the Wuhan incident so to set-up China as the patsie.
The reasons for expressing this compelling possibility in your writings, along with all others, are many: among them being that much of the world believes this is what in fact happened; and, domestically, it is vital for folks to hear you consider this possibility, because right now, free-thinking humans are especially looking for someone who is a searcher for Truth, and only Truth, for neither red pill nor blue pill will heal us, but only the harsh but efficacious Truth.
Thanks for listening and, again, thank you from the depths for your valuable work.
I've thought about that in detail too. I don't think it can explain the topics in this article however because:
1) China complete has refused the mRNA vaccines and instead used a vaccine that does not flood the body with spike protein.
2) That would not explain why the US unleashed a toxic vaccine on their population.
One problem with that theory is that the US has demanded almost all its military get the shot. This is especially debilitating to its pilots (note the three airplane/helicopter/osprey crashes in one week) and its special forces. That can only be the work of greed or treason, and treason seems more likely to me.
As others have noted, those shots are hard enough on commercial pilots. What will be the effect of g-forces on the fighter pilots?
That's a good point. I forgot to mention military.
US foreign policies since 1974 regarding the depopulation of the "3rd world" can be found below (NSSM-200).
I got a copy after it was declassified in 1989 and was a political activist in the early 1990s distributing this document to 30,000+ readers of a local newspaper. (NB: The internet started only in 1995!!)
The 13 countries targeted for depopulation by Kissinger were:
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia.
We were able to introduce this document to the office of one of the 5 Eyes countries' Prime Minister (PM) through his aide. The PM was briefed about NSSM-200 and he asked his aide to NEVER mention the NSSM-200 document in public!!!
1. This was the 1st official depopulation blueprint targeting the Global South.
2. Agenda 21 started in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, targeting the Global North and has evolved over the years to Agenda 2030 as technology became available to do the targeted job.
3. Prince Philip of the UK was instrumental in Rio about this agenda and he has a lot of speeches where he swore to reduce the population. He wished to reincarnate as a deadly virus to solve the population "issue" - clips of his stupidities are still circulating online.
His positions were based on Kissinger's NSSM-200
4. Bull Gates left Microsoft in 2000 and vowed to help bring the population down by all means necessary. He created GAVI (Geneva) as his battle horse. He presents himself as a philanthropist but is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
5. All fake pandemics since 2000 have Bull Gates' fingerprints.
----------- Reference
"National Security Study Memorandum - NSSM 200
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth
For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests
December 10, 1974"
The truly sad part is how completely unnecessary it all is. If you look at the industrialized nations, you'll see they all have stable or declining populations. The logical conclusion is to industrialize the poor nations to a level where they can implement social security programs such that parents don't need as many children to secure their future. Mechanization of agriculture would also reduce the need for extra hands to work the land, thus realizing the same reduction in childbirths.
Rapacious rent seekers, not practical considerations, stand in the way of that. The planet can support far more people than is currently recognized. What it can't support is a billionaire class that promotes the idea of saving the planet while simultaneously capturing all of its resources and denying them to those who can benefit most from them.
But that's what the 1% always does!
The problem is beyond logic - it's about blood thirst by some cultists who consider themselves superior, indispensable and infallible. Human life for them has no meaning. It's not a lack of resources on the planet, not a lack of innovation. It's the desire to kill by all means necessary. And I am saying here what I discovered decades ago. Today, they even say it openly and I am no longer considered a 'conspiracy theorist' since they're helping me by exposing themselves.
They never liked the end of Serfdom in Europe and they're recreating it before your eyes and laugh like Jesuits!
Happy Joe!,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Fab find, what could be more benevolent than Kissinger & CIA good cop crew USAID to help.
"Rapid population growth creates a severe drag on rates of economic development
otherwise attainable.."
Conversely it is an accelerate for corp profits, worker exploitation and privatized resources but why delve into issues best left for board rooms.
Well, the guys that you see in public places are the ones who own private corporations shares. They're placed in executive positions in the government to do just that - help private corporations make money. Transfer money from the public hands to their hands.
Another aspect that most people don't know is that all these people are connected through a network of freemasonic lodges and what a public official says is actually what has been agreed upon by their esoteric societies. Kissinger has been member of the Italian P1 freemasonic lodge for decades and is only the public face of the US deep state. He doesn't make any decisions, he's just a messenger.
I appreciate the shorter format, as it can be difficult to read long-form posts online. Though I also do appreciate your longer pieces, because they are so informative and you take the time to make yourself most clear.
If I have learned anything from Covid Policy, it's that half or more of Americans would drink poison if they were told it would end a pandemic, and something like 35% would make their kids drink it. I'm hopeful I overstate it, and my fellow Americans come to see Covid Policy as the greatest fraud in history.
It is definitely going to be up there. I really wonder how this will be looked at 500 years in the future.
How about 50?
That too