Nineteen years ago, vaccine safety/risks were nowhere on my radar screen. I was pregnant with my first baby. One acquaintance — a mother of 5 — gave me one book to open up my eyes to what was going on. That ONE gesture by ONE person who cared about my unborn baby changed my mind forever.

My three children (ages 18, 16, and 14) are all completely unvaccinated and have suffered none of the chronic ills of their vaccinated peers, two have never been on an antibiotic, no ear infections... and they haven’t died from any “vaccine preventable” diseases. We were kicked out of or refused at numerous pediatrician practices, but found a kind, reasonable family practitioner who has been our doc for many years now (he takes no insurance, which also frees up his decision making). I am forever grateful to that one mom who cared enough to hand me that book on the chance that my children would be spared. She had a vaccine injured child.

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To the whole world you might be just one person, but to one person you might be the whole world. Kudos to that man!

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I’m very happy for you and your kids! I wasn’t as aware when my firstborn was born - he got sickly after the four-month slew of shots (instant ear infection and then almost two years of continuous infections) and It took a while before I realized that conventional medicine clearly wasn’t working as he kept getting worse. I found a local MD who helped me realize what had caused his illness. Once cured, and never again vaccinated, he, and his younger sister, have been the healthiest kids around. Never ill, now in their 20s, no allergies or chronic problems, and no signs of any Covid infection yet, despite being very directly exposed to me when sick with it, and not being cautious in any way other than what has been mandated (the mask silliness, distance learning etc).

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Which book?

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I wish I could remember for sure. Could have been either “How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor” or “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childhood Vaccinations.”

I’ve read so much now over the years, I can’t remember which title tipped over the first domino.

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One of the commenters on here is an MD who trained under the author of the first book. I learned a lot of interesting things from them.

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My 4 sons are 20 to 28, we didn't vaccinate them. My 20 year-old says occasionally he meets people that would talk of people not being vaccinated as if they couldn't possibly survive childhood. He always acknowledges that he hasn't been vaccinated and he survived and thrived. They always look at him as if he's not actually human. None of the 4 have had the flu, only 2 required antibiotics during childhood once or twice, none have yet had covid although they've all been exposed.

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One of my three (unvaccinated) teens didn’t get covid (or just totally asymptomatic) when the rest of our household did.

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3 of mine are on university campuses and are still required to text twice a week, depending on how accurate the testing actually is, pretty confident they haven't had it.

I do think they have far stronger immune systems than their fully vaccinated cousins, there's really no comparison.

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The tests are another problem. Some are saying that they're vaccines themselves.

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There is a good article here about this and all of the other tricks they use: http://tritorch.com/covidhypnosis

Edited to add, a friend sent me to this blog today, and it is excellent. Thank you for your hard work and advocacy Forgotten.

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That's an outstanding article as well, thank you! These two articles together paint a grim picture. The psychological warfare is off the charts, and the rot of our system stretches all the way to the core. The worst part is that the monsters consider children to be fair game.

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I am going to need to use some of those...

Thank you!

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My husband and I had been taking Vitamin D3 supplements before covid started. Neither of us got covid

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And both of you might very well be among those immune anyway as proved in the UK Challenge trials where nearly half directly, intentionally infected never got infected and had no antibody response.

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You must be an antivaxxer; please stop doing that, take the "vaccine" and just die, as we are supposed to :P!

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An utterly brilliant article as it is - the video and music work very well together and the additional text and quotes clinches it for me.

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Could you do a post about D3 blockers, with an explanation? E.g., drinking alcohol inhibits conversion of D3 to calcifediol by the liver...obesity reduces the serum half-life of D3, which reduces the amount of D3 available to the liver for conversion...I'm sure you can find others.

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One should always take Vit. K2 w the D supplements, IMO. They work in tandem to regulate calcium - prevent Ca+ from leaving bones and teeth and depositing in arteries... also, the K2 essentially prevents any "over-dosage" of D3. "Prescription" D from a doctor's office is all D2 - the only one that requires an Rx, hence the "50,000 units once a week" formula from the doctor offices.

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There's also calcifediol available by prescription under the brand name "Rayaldee."

D2 is less effective than D3 and should be relegated to the trash bin.

Calcitriol is an option for hypocalcemia.

What is the impact of K2 on phosphates?

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Yes... Not sure on phosphates. I do know that statins (one of my favorite "hates") b;lock K2 uptake and, thus, increase coronary artery calcification. Also, blocks CoQ-10 and testosterone formation.... The advantage to a lifetime of statin use? You "may" extend your life 3 days....

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Does Vitamin D stay in your system for days after sun exposure? I mean, lets say I stay in sun for one hour. Im light skinned. Will the vitamin D I obtained stay in my system for days or does it dissipate quickly???

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It can persist for a few days, but IMO you really can't get enough sun exposure to keep your D level up. It takes about 8-10,000 units of D3 to be where we need to be (what I take + K2). Theoretically, a light skinned caucasian only needs about 20 minute of sun/day - but should be full body and at high noon. Really dark individuals have to be in the sun as long as 1.5 hours! Almost everyone is D deficient due to lifestyles and jobs... Our people of color brothers and sisters are particularly deficient and, IMO, that is one of the main reasons we see more chronic illness in our inner city communities. Having said all of that, the sun is going through changes (and, the earth's atmosphere!) that are allowing more damaging wavelengths (up to and including x-rays!) to reach us at the surface. Easiest thing for this burned out old doc is take D3 gelcaps and don't worry about it....

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Do you have a reference on statins blocking K2 uptake?

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Don't have time to track down actual research papers for you, but they are out there...

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That's really interesting. In general I consider warfarin to be a drug you should not use (it frequently calcifies the arteries) but one of the odd things one of my colleagues figured out is that low dose wafarin helps a lot with the long haul covid ichronic nflammatory pathways. I wonder if that's actually what the statins are doing as well for long haul.

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Doctors in my area switched to the 50K D3 several years ago.

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They are probably using the prescription form of D2. The only form that requires a Rx. There is no money in OTC D3 for the MedIndComplex. And, of course, by giving out prescriptions, they are sold because - "your insurance will pay for it" and "it will save you money". The reality is that every prescription written and filled is stealing from your pockets and enriching the Pharma/MedIndComplex.

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So, you're saying that the pharmacies are in collusion with this and that's the reason when my previous doctor switched me from D2 to D3, I needed a new 'script and the labels on the bottles now say D3?

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I have no idea what your doc is doing or why. The "prescription" form of D has been the D2 version - 50,000 IU once a week. Perhaps they have moved to prescribing D3 - if so, not sure why, as D3 is OTC and widely available.

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As you pointed out, because 50,000 unit D3 is not available OTC and is paid for by insurance.

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Vit D is actually a hormone, not a vitamin... To get all the types of D you need get at least 30 minutes of sunlight on skin every day. Supplement on cloudy days.

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Research shows that vitamin D has both paracrine and endocrine functions. In its paracrine capacity, calcifediol is converted to calcitriol inside immune cells to turn vitamin d receptors on. Calcitriol is also released by immune cells to signal nearby cells, potentially to cause immune cells to specialize or to turn off inflammation.

The length of sun exposure time needed depends on the amount of pigment in the skin. Someone with light skin might only need 10 minutes, while someone with very dark skin might require 3 hours of exposure to manufacture the same amount of D3.

D3 conversion to calcifediol is dilatory, so supplementation with it is really only useful on a seasonal basis. Supplementation with calcifediol can help on an emergency basis for an immune boost. We keep Fortaro stocked in our house.

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Yes, you're right, it's a hormone. 15-20 minutes/day is usually enough, IF one is able to bare enough skin, arms, legs, face; maybe less time with backs bared as well, and maybe more for folks with darker skin. There are several factors to do with Vit. D-- here's a good spot for a general run-down...


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Calcitriol is a hormone. Calcifediol and cholecalciferol are not hormones.

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Is this in reference to the Harvard article above?

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No, it was about vitamin D being a hormone. It is, except when it isn't.

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God bless Mike Adams, a true fighter.

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This is an amazing amassing of myriad cons.

And I didn't know about them.

I am scathing about the currently conned, but gosh, was it a close thing for me.

Things have played out to make me look and feel smart, but really, I should have compassion for the conned.

If only so many of them hadn't been so sanctimonious.

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What happens to the zombies now? I think the majority will still need to believe, or at the time, they did the right thing, you know to keep the sanctimonious noses-in-the-air going....I say feel free to displace them from their perch...and injecting kids, extraordinarily poor decision making ability...

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WTF is that Zombie ad by the CDC?

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It WAS on CDC.gov. It has been edited.

Zombie Preparedness

Zombie Campaign

CDC published “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse” to the Public Health Matters blog in 2011. The post was an example of educational entertainment. It used a popular cultural reference to zombies to promote preparedness for different emergencies and disasters. The campaign is now retired. You can still learn how to prepare yourself and others by visiting the Prepare Your Health website http://www.cdc.gov/prepyourhealth .

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Thank you,Mid Weatern Doctor, for this, and many other brilliant articles. 👏🏻👏🏻The song really was prophetic, meaning lost originally, but then I only woke up a year ago, 😳

In the UK we have always trusted the NHS.🥲

It is finished now and UK is under Total censorship and ongoing Psyop. from all MSM, BBC ONS, even Many Drs/ GP’s still don’t know what is happening…….

When I show local people evidence, many roll their eyes and mutter Conspiracy theory, and anti vax, even though I’ve had 8 in the last 3 years 🤬🤯 Not any more!!

Still thankful I wake up in the morning,1 yr since bad Pfizer Booster reaction……🤞🏻

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Thank you for reading this :)

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Amazing find. Stunning how similar this situation is. Totally agree on feeling sorry for those who vaxxed pre April 2021. Anyone willingly injecting themselves (or God forbid their child) at this point is blind and politically immature.

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You said you aren’t the best at the memes. Maybe but it was still a very good article. Consult with boriquagato next time if you want help on memes. Again, still well done.

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This is an EXCELLENT post. The video is BRILLIANT. Sadly, alarmingly, frighteningly, my mother has been showing signs of onset dementia... for about a year now, slowly, but now it seems to be accelerating rapidly. Before the jab, she was FINE. No memory issues, no confusion, and other than being elderly, with typical elderly issues, she was not having any serious problems at all. She takes blood pressure medicine, and I didn't try/am not going to try and stop her on that. I did find out very recently, too, that maybe a year ago she went to visit a different doctor, thinking about changing from her current one, who saw her THE ONE TIME, and he put her on a STATIN-- a generic of Lipitor. I didn't realize she'd been taking that damn stuff for months! She stopped them when I saw them and commented, not realizing they were statins, which I think might have been the cause, or a contributing cause of my father's cognitive decline... who knows, but Geezuz... I am RIGHT NOW in the process of moving over to my parents' house to be their caregiver, and it's rather daunting, but I'm the only one who can do it. Anyway, as I said, this decline is SO precipitous, and so 2021... I really am having a hard time thinking it's NOT from the jab. IF this is the case, that likely means blood clots, and THAT likely means the end is not too far... Sigh. I am just babbling... sorry.

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Statins are a very common cause of cognitive decline and dementia, especially in the elderly. Given that a high % of people get them, they have no real benefit in most situations and other significant risks, I consider them to be one of the top 5 most poorly prescribed drugs on the market.

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What would you recommend instead of statins? High cholesterol runs in my family. My doctor put me on a statin last year and my cholesterol level did drop below 200 but I want to get off of the statins ASAP! I’ve recently read more on how harmful they are.

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It's my suspicion that statins have caused BOTH my elderly parents to experience cognitive decline. If not THE problem, then surely a serious exacerbation. RED FLAG, my friend.

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My dad had muscle wasting on one of his legs despite at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. He thought it was due to the statin and I read where this statin effect was more likely in physically active seniors.

I read that fresh onions and garlic are good for lowering cholesterol but don't have high cholesterol so I haven't used much. This article seems to support onions and garlic for that use and I found it interesting that they identified "quercetin" as the active ingredient in onions that helps. So possibly taking quercetin supplements could help battle high cholesterol and covid. But of course, do more research.


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In many cases, you do not need to lower cholesterol. The concept that cholesterol causes heart disease as a medical mythology that was never proven, but a significant amount of money has been invested into in order to support the statin industry.

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Ahh that's right. I now remember watching a couple of related videos. On this link, Dr. Paul Mason talks about how he had a 48 year old ripped/toned/fit patient who had high cholesterol and so his health/income protection insurance was denied. Dr. Mason clears patients by checking if their triglycerides are below a certain value OR if HDL is above a certain value OR if their triglyceride:HDL ratio is below a certain value. He says almost all of his keto patients will pass one or more of those tests. He also describes the different types of LDL and how they are created.


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THIS. Thank you! I have read several articles about how cholesterol has been used to frighten people into taking whatever pharma, esp. statins. As I said on one of your previous posts, I just found out not long ago my very obedient-to-authority, retired RN mother has been taking statins for nearly a year, and for NO apparent reason (I have not seen any cholesterol "measurements" or whatever, she was suddenly prescribed them by a doctor she saw ONCE...). She has had an extremely precipitous decline in her cognitive (short term memory) function... She was FINE before she started taking those bastard pills. And, very recently, she has recently complained, on at least five occasions, of "tingling" in her legs-- not in her feet, not in her thighs, just the lower legs. She called the pharmacist and he told her statins were OK. THIS!!!!!!!!!! It's ELDER ABUSE, if not criminal assault and battery, or whatever the medical form of that is called.

I am beside myself. And how can I prove any of this? And, who cares about an 87-y-o woman? I do, but... these doctors are most likely getting kickbacks. It's INSIDIOUS.

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It's slightly more complex and mirrors what I discussed in the post "how corruption dictates the practice of medicine"

1) Committees exist in the government to make medical guideline recommendations.

2) The committee in the United States on cholesterol was almost entirely composed of individuals who had taken money from statin manufacturers.

3) That committee concluded almost everyone needed to be on statins.

4) Medicare, to improve the practice of medicine, put together various quality metrics physicians had to meet to improve medical care.

5) One of those metrics was "give all eligible patients a statin."

6) In order to improve "quality of care" doctors are paid a higher rate by medicare if they meet the quality score in most of their patients, and a lower rate if they don't. Same thing happens with vaccines, a lot of docs push them so aggressively because if they have a few children in their practice not vaccinated, they get bumped to a lower quality of care bracket and are paid less by insurance all across the board.

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Yes, I do, too! As a caregiver and nutrition maven, I always investigate the meds that people I care about are taking... Upsides and Downsides... and I basically, apologetically, am NOT a promoter of Pharma, with rare exceptions. Nope, can't claim to know anything close to what you, as a medical doctor would know, but I think I'd have been a good one, if I'd gone that route... Anyway, I'm interested in many such things! Thanks for sort of backing me up on this... It does make a difference. xo

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I think this video should be moved to another platform before many people start hitting it.

It's no different than a C-19 video.

It may have survived censorship just because it's old!!!

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Maybe this is something you can do just as a matter of course?

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Google's torpedoes have already destroyed the video. I had posted it online and it may have been hit millions of times!!!

Fact Check: https://youtu.be/YnrFNefOO3w

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Testing for Vit D levels is a good idea. The latitude you live in also affects levels, i.e. even in NE Texas people that don't supplement in winter can get seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

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I really enjoyed this.

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