For some reason the original 3 minute video did not upload correctly. A new version has been put in that does.

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Ohio’s AG, David Yost presented at a local GOP meeting on Wednesday night, August 16th.  I knew they would have Q&A so I was ready.  I talked about what the embalmers are seeing and showed him my vial of the white fibrous clots that they are pulling out of veins and arteries. I talked about what the life insurance actuaries are reporting – 34% more of 35–44 year-olds died than expected in the last QTR of 2022.  I asked him this question: The covid shots are now on the childhood vaccine schedule.  How many more Ohioans – how many more of our children and young adults will have to die before your office conducts an investigation?

To which he basically replied:  It is not within my authority to investigate.

If you’d like to contact him:


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Thank you for speaking up. Brave voices need to speak out more often. Hopefully your words were heard by many. Even within that GOP group, there were some who are still clueless because they still listen to Fox or other media and just don’t have an idea of the death and destruction left behind in the wake of this injected poison. You may never know the spark you lit in that group!

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Next time ask him if he got it ( hopefully you catch him off guard ) and ask him if he is worried about this? Hold up the vial.

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I've been sending articles to my state senator for over 3 years now, from esteemed medical professionals who know these COVID-19 jabs are dangerous. He has been an enthusiastic supporter of mandates. I finally asked him last February, via email, for the record, how many covid vaccines he had gotten? He emailed me back and wrote "5 - please don't judge me." 🤨🧐😣

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Well, good he is taking a personal relationship with you. It may help moving forward except that he will not be around long and you will have to start all over again. 😏

But you are a champ for doing it 🏆

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I saw a stat (Ed Dowd? Another statistician/actuary?) that each shot you take hastens your demise by 7%. 5 shots = 35%. Looking grim for your OH AG.

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Wow - I have no words.

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I admire you Laura for standing up and speaking out !! Thank you 😘

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Thanks Bro!

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In the dictionary under coward, there should be a picture of him.

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Well if he got the injection yes, if he did not, malicious, evil would better describe him because that means he knows better.

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You are the real deal. Thank you for representing. I can't find many doctors who want to give an unvaccinated patient equal care, so I know that getting someone to hear the harms is difficult.

I sent 100 post cards telling our local and federal representatives that the vaccines are harmful through the children's alliance, but you are brave for face to face fact sharing. Harder to deny the horrors that way. Not interested in acquiring, but why do you have sclerosed tissue in a bottle?

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The vial of "sclerosed" (I don't know what that means) tissue was sent to me by an embalmer friend. It's quite compelling when you show it to people you are trying to red pill.

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Aug 19, 2023
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Good luck to you!!!!

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There was a teen (16 yo) in Sydney who needed lung transplant; was refused because she wouldn't take shot. This is recent, within the past 3 months.

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Australia became one of the worst Countries for contain and control. I find it to be quite shocking.

Intentional is the word that keeps appearing in my line of thought, and it has for a few years now. It is the only conclusion that makes sense.

Most of us are negative dollar signs, or simply consumers of the very same thing that people with more money want for themselves. Never forget, we are the problem.

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There are cases like this in other countries, too, including the US (nationwide, removal of unvaccinated from transplant waiting lists). This Sydney lung transplant is just the most recent one in my attention.

I moved here because it was easy after the Patriot Act was passed, I saw the US moving into authoritarianism & digital control, spying on citizens, war crimes, and flag-waving jingoism. It wasn't until later I realised Australia is set up quite nicely for authoritarianism, you just don't notice it. Authoritarian creep - I never cared about the shopping malls reading my license plate for "free parking" before. Until I became a pariah, then I started noticing all the reporting, all the cameras, all the controls.

And Aussies - the gov't has taken good care of Aussies. When I moved here in the 00's, the Worker was king, stay-at-home Mums were supported, disabled have income at a much more liveable level than in the US - and I didn't have to pay for doctors anymore. The AussieBC was a hard hitting journalistic endeavour, pushing to be the best, most driving in the world - exposing war & corporate crimes. So we trusted our AussieBC.

Watching all of this creep congeal into a monster over COVID - well. That's when the rest of the world started noticing.

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It has been a month, but your post haunts me for personal reasons. I want to move out of my State because it feels threatening. I am not sure if the entire Country is going to be this way but it feels very real to me. We are selling our house and taking it from there. As unstable as the World seems, I am not sure if being in one place is necessarily the safest option. Are people able to leave if they desire? Living on an island seems problematic. We considered moving there in the 1990's but my husband and I both became disabled through surgeries at different times, so fell behind financially. It is quite difficult to prove medical malpractice in the U.S. if one is not well established.

Be safe.

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Max Igan ended up in Mexico...he seems to find it supportive.

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Aug 19, 2023
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After we get busy.

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When vessels are sclerosed it is a hardening of tissue, especially from overgrowth of fibrous tissue, and especially of blood vessels. Mine are sclerosed through hospital I.V. use. Junkies become sclerosed through over use, and the C-19 vaccine has caused sclerosis of tissue through several different mechanisms.

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And he might be correct if it is as Sasha L states and part of PREP ACT there IS no liability...

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Is it though within the AG's authority?

If so, we need a follow up quoting his authority.

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Wow! Just wow! He should be hit by a bus.

Thank you very much.

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Beautiful! Never forget these monsters. Call them all out.

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Thanks for standing for medical freedom! I hope you can post the video.

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Thank you, Laura, as a fellow Ohio resident, for trying to educate AG Yost. My impression of DeWine & Yost both is that they are what attorney Robert Barnes calls corporate Republicans, not populist Republicans. I wouldn't expect either of them to upset multinational corporations like Pfizer or Moderna, unfortunately. But I am also grateful to naturopath Pam Popper for her campaigns to first get the COVID emergency ended in Ohio,which was largely successful (the governor can now only declare an emergency for a limited period of time - 30 days? if I remember, after which the legislature can terminate it), and since then, she's backed attorneys fighting mandate cases & vaccine-related harms. She has done a lot to set up citizen groups. Unfortunately most seem to be in Columbus in my area. It took me until this year to find friends in Licking County who refused to be vaccinated, who also know about other trends, like 15-minute cities, to "reduce CO2 emissions.") Also props to Dr Mark Changizi, Columbus neuroscientist, who did a lot to publicize problems with masking.

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Blackcat - I've been following Pam for awhile now and donate to her organization monthly.

I'm not familiar with Changizi, but am so grateful for doctors that are speaking out in spite of the backlash they might receive.

So glad you found your "tribe".

Blessings to you.

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That is so disheartening. If not the AG, then who?

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Elaine - I called into a local radio station yesterday to discuss what transpired with our AG. The host calls the shots “poison darts”. Our AG has been on his show many times. This radio host is making it a priority to have him on again very soon. I feel sure he will ask him that very question. 🙏🙏🙏

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You also can find campaign contributions on most Secretary of State websites. For example, search for "state name Secretary of State campaign finance" or similar. Examples of sites:

- Idaho: https://sunshine.sos.idaho.gov/

- Ohio: https://www.ohiosos.gov/campaign-finance/search/

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Aug 19, 2023
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Thank you Dave! Did not see our state AG here. I see that all of the recipients are Dems. Our AG is a Republican - or so he says.

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Aug 19, 2023
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I'm sorry Dave.

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Aug 19, 2023
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That’s probably steep...a crisp Grand is all you need for most...even hunter would bite...

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I am really hoping someone found the CDC cat as funny as I did.

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Life imitates art imitates life...recycling memes that infect the human consciousness.

Here's one to watch out for. Years ago I read a book about Zombies in Haiti, which in a detective story manner led readers to understand how Zombies could indeed be real. The author reveals that people in Haiti were abducted, and buried as if dead after being given the extract from a bufo frog. The frog toxin puts people into a zombie like, low metabolic activity state, whence they can survive being put in a coffin with minimal air supply. When they are disinterred, they are dissociated, and with barely functioning minds can be easily controlled by their captors. They disappear from society and are put to work out of sight of anyone who might recognize them. Literally enslaved.

Flash forward, a strange coincidence, today I listened to a talk on Joe Rogan's podcast. The focus was on giant Pythons invading Florida. Rogan interviewed a python hunter who has taken up the cause to rebalance the predator ecology in Florida. As an aside they talked about the strange phenomenon of bufo frog licking. Rogan himself attested to how this frog toxin puts you into a state that feels like death. He didn't like it--glad to hear him say that in public. People are apparently addicted to frog licking, and they are voluntarily putting themselves into precisely this, a zombie state. Is this a metaphor that captures troubling aspects of life today?

Personally, I like being a fully functioning, aware, physical and spiritual being. How is it that we submit to letting others think for us, manipulate us, and steal our health, joy and individuality--while we are enslaved to a medical system that treats the very diseases they cause with drugs and shots and broadcast toxins, using other drugs and shots, mostly for their profit? I wonder about the role played by violent TV and movies which in a sense "groom us" to accept negative outcomes in life.

As John Prine wrote in the chorus to his song Spanish Pipedream:

Blow up your TV, throw away your paper [Avoid the mass media]

Go to the country, build you a home [Embrace needed changes]

Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches [Build a life grounded in reality]

Try and find Jesus on your own. [Awaken to your true, spiritual self]

Thank you John.

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This is really interesting, thank you.

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The book sounds like Wade Davis' "Serpent and the Rainbow." Book was good, movie sucked. Book definitely gave me a lot to think about - where does the chemistry of "zombie medicine" in Haiti end, and the voodoo beliefs begin? There are elements of both. In other words, Wade Davis was looking for something to help with surgeries - but what he found - also needed the belief systems around it in order to work. Ergo, his fascinating trip provided little useful medicine.

There are bufo toads here in Australia, and yes, there are people who - smoke the venom, or the skins. These are not the 5MEO-DMT toads of the Southwestern US (more likely to be licked, but can also be smoked). The people who milk and smoke the toad here are fringe at best. Not even the psychedelic entheogen people want anything to do with them, as the bufo marinus toads dull, not enhance consciousness.

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I think that's the book. I read it in the early 80's.

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I remember watching that movie about it: The Serpent and the Rainbow, 1988

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I am always impressed with your work Doc, and no difference with this piece. Respectfully, can i please ask tjat you use your influence to draw attention to the following, as a matter of urgency. They are making a final grab for the "One World Health" prison, by going after Traditional Medicines. They Interestingly set the stage in 2019. 🤔🤔😐But now they are working on their 2024-2034 plan.

Go to https://www.who.int/news/item/10-08-2023-who-convenes-first-high-level-global-summit-on-traditional-medicine-to-explore-evidence-base--opportunities-to-accelerate-health-for-all

They specifically want to control access, using climate change and sustainability framework, to collar the access to traditional plants, practitioners modalities, and regulatory self capture these alternative medical systems.

In the exact same way that they did the allopathic medical system and schooling, as the did agricultural industries, as they did environmental industries and as they did during covid. Same playbook, because the people are systematically primed.

They are meeting this year to plan out the 2024-34 plan, which includes the "One Health" platform and digital id.

If they control the traditional medicines, and practitioners, then if you are not in the system, you will not have access to medicine. Full stop. Please share this, it is even more important than the IHR changes and the "pandemic treaty" power grab that WHO has done.🙏🙏🙏

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It's not new, but it's being globalized...eliminating the competition and funneling people into the drug/vaccine machine. I'm sure with a better grasp on medical history one could trace this back to well before the genocidal murders of witches (I read it totaled 9 or 10 million), especially women who healed with herbs, food, etc.) Medicine men too? Food as medicine, fasting, water, sweat lodges...we still have tools to turn to.

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GOD bless you 'AMD' - I deeply appreciate your articles. I feel less alone knowing I am not alone. I believe in the Power of Prayer & that our Creator lives in the Truth. The Light of Truth will come to pass, in part, because of doctors such as you, who have the Courage to continue to speak TRUTH to Medical tyranny ...

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Thank you.

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I feel less alone too, great way to put it.

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This is so good and insightful! Leonard Shlain (a heart surgeon!) wrote a book, Art and Physics, in which he shows that artists, through their works, were able to foretell discoveries in physics. In a sense artists (any medium) are able to dip their creative pens into the ink of the collective unconscious and predict/see the future. The book is a page turner! I have written more about this at the link below if you are interested. Ironically, I wrote it last year and titled it Art and Physics: Zombies and the Vaccine Infected. In it I connect how Zombie movies, like this music video, were able to foretell this pandemic disaster. Zombie movies have been with us since 1932 but the explosion of those movies took place during the 2000’s and 2010’s. All totaled there were 348 zombie-like movies produced during those two decades.


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Great comment, thank you.

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The Walking Dead TV Series also feeds into the narrative

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Good point.

I’ve written a post about this mechanism which I refer to as ‘culture by resonance’.


In essence, it talks about the fact that we don’t invent anything but merely filter information. We don’t know that we know. Whatever we come up with, either as ideas, concepts and hard formed inventions, are the reflection or expression of such filtration.

That said, in relation to zombies, Mike Adam’s clip, and countless other moving images paraphernalia over the years about zombies, especially since the beginning of the century, are merely indications of an information field that is percolating under the surface.

From what I know, understanding evolutionary principles, it has to do with metamorphosis in our cognitive/emotional apparatus. This is an essential step towards something new that does not belong to us. As a result, there’s a fragmentation that’s taking place which can cause for transference between body, mind and spirit. This, rather novel disposition, can be extremely detrimental and dangerous.

By modern society’s reliance only on rational intelligence, however, it’s no longer possible to connect between what appears to be separate phenomena into a unified way.

For example, the rise in dementia, Alzheimer and other memory / brain related illnesses, are one pathway of “zombification”. The fragmentation that’s occurring in the young; the desensitized spirit and the disconnect between mind and body are another. There are many more (I’ve even used the ‘zombie fungus’ in my writings already in March 2020 as an allegory to the extreme shift I’ve observed as mass formation in society).

If I can be abstract, our human mind is being “shut down” in exchange from something new.

There are clues all around us for such new awareness if one knows how to look: the “all-seeing-eye” found in sci-fi stories; as well as the collective direction to “one world this and that”; the homogenization across the planet; the direction technology is going at as a Collective Cloud, whatever the case may be, - are all symbolic representations of such consciousness.

The transition, coupled with the fact that humanity at the moment has no idea that it's being transformed from within, and that it is all propagated by resonance, is where the chaos, the dehumanization and destabilization come from. It's a tension between becoming automatons or to individuate. And the evolutionary process is favoring the former.

There's an added risk though. It lies in jumping into conclusions that this is only due to vaccination campaigns. Yes, there’s truth in that. The modified mRNA gene therapies may in fact enhance such transference. However, I believe that the hardcore stance that “we, unvaccinated, are invincible because we’re unvaccinated” may prove detrimental in the long run as long as the individual remains complacent in such a paradigm.

What I’m trying to convey is that our biology is at risk due to the metamorphosis (which we have no idea about), and the assumption that being unvaccinated “immunizes” one from such ‘curse’ is a folly.

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Thank you for that book recommendation! I think about this all the time, that writers and artists, just like dreamers, access the nonlocal nontemporal quantum realm, that source, and unknowingly write prescient things. Seers also. Baba Vanga, the now gone blind seer, said

that humans would be turned into zombies, and that cancer would be cured. She also said a black man would be the last president of the United States. One has to be careful, of course, about supposed psychics and predictions, as that can be distorted and colonized and manipulated too, but often people don't know they've tapped into some future knowledge, or immediate future knowledge, which may actually be evolutionary (I think of Rupert Sheldrake and his books on how dogs know when their owners are coming home, and morphic fields), and have to do with quantum biology (olfaction, probably, migration, photosynthesis and enzymatic reactions are proven to be quantum and olfaction is 40 million years old, count em)

A sportswriter for the SF Chronicle started his column saying the home team can't win unless there's an earthquake in the first five minutes of the game. Next day, Loma Prieta quake at 5;03, and here's an eerily prescient poem from the late Mark Strand that blows me away:

2032 by Mark Strand

It is evening in the town of x

where Death, who used to love me, sits

in a limo with a blanket spread across his thighs,

waiting for his driver to appear. His hair

is white, his eyes have gotten small, his cheeks

have lost their luster. He has not swing his scythe

in years, or touched his hourglass. He is waiting

to be driven to the Blue Hotel, the ultimate resort,

where an endless silence fills the lilac-scented air,

and marble fish swim motionless in marble seas,

and where…Where is his driver? Ah, there she is,

coming down the garden steps, in heels, velvet evening gown,

and golden boa, blowing kisses to the trees.

Mark Strand (Canada-USA, 1934-2014)

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OMG I saw it was Mike Adams as soon as it showed him. The video makes so much more sense when you follow his podcasts for a while. He cracks me up. He has been anti-establishment for a long time.

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I seem to remember that my schools encouraged an environment of independence along with my family. My father stressed self reliance, as did my friends. Indepedence was the culture when I was growing up. (Born late 1950's) None of us planned on living at home for one minute after turning 18.

Those food stamp booklets, and the unemployment line with VISITS that took hours. The government was smart enough to make it achievable but very difficult. I wonder if everyone would have complied with the C-19 vaccine before social media? In my mind the internet could not have influenced this brainwashing without the influence of social media. Poison or passion?

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I was born in early 60s. Same home and school life for me. Parents taught resilience and DIY. Help out your neighbor. BUT.... my parents trusted Walter Cronkite and anything that was in the newspaper as Gospel truth. If the paper or Walter said to get vaccinated, they would have without question.

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You are exactly right. My parents trusted the news, and Walter was a big part of it.

We Midwesterners were independent but also extremely trusting and helpful.

The way that they rolled out the C-19 vaccine, and the trust my parents held for the nightly news would have compelled them to comply for the greater good of our Country.

By the way-I will trip over myself to help someone, then feel guilty if I injure myself and can't kill myself attempting the most difficult/heaviest tasks. Cheers.

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From the music video, TEN YEARS AGO, “You gonna pay, you gonna pay, because the vaccine makes more money than vitamin D”. WOW, just WOW!!!!!

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Same scam repeats over and over.

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"Certain divisions within the federal government have had a long standing policy to hype up each new infectious disease. Per my understanding (which may be wrong), this is primarily motivated by a need for those agencies to justify their importance to Congress so they can get their desired funding in the annual budget."

The above sounds like the rationale behind NATO's 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia and all the other subsequent military conflicts occurring over the last 24 years. 9/11 gave the 17 intelligence agencies justification to heighten surveillance, hence the Patriot Act. Not to mention the multitude of private contractors funded by trillions in US tax dollars. Last I heard the Pentagon can't account for a missing $30 trillion. Sounds like a bit too much cash to be under just one ghoul's bed.

All joking aside, there's a striking similarity between scamdemics and needless military interventions as both manufactured crises are totally dependent on state-run propaganda to "manufacture consent." A term I sort of regret was conceptualized by Chomsky, a supposed anti-imperialist who was excited about establishing a two-tiered society consisting of the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

That being said, another similarity between needless wars and scamdemics is that the modus operandi is always the "same." The security state galvanizes fear among the populace. This is a tried and true method of gaining acceptance for any weirdo scheme.

In the case of manufactured military conflicts the enemy is relentlessly demonized, thus inferring their existence is a threat to our way of life.

Scamdemics trigger even a greater fear, as the mysterious virus is viewed as an existential threat to all life.

These continuous bouts of psychological warfare must be why most are stumbling "PTSD victims".

What else could explain the two disastrous candidates that'll be representing the corrupt political duopoly in the 2024 presidential election. When all is said and done, Mr. Creepy could very well be installed once again.😵‍💫

But I digress, as my point was to stress the powerful relationship between the military industrial complex and the medical industrial complex as both of these formidable institutions were created to protect the ruling elite by waging war against humanity.

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That was a very good article. As a side note, although both Biden and Trump are corrupt, Mr. Creepy's money laudering via Hunter resulted in a war killing hundreds of thousands and displacing millions. Btw, what war did Trump end?

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"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes."—Ike Eisenhower

He warned, but we did not listen to his warnings about the military-complex. I am sure there must be similar warnings out there about the medical-complex done years ago.

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Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

by Eustace Mullins

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As always you put the pieces together. I had never seen the movie Mike Adams put together in 2010. Amazingly, eerily similar. How astute. In 2010 I had no idea what was going on. It took many of us covid 19 to wake up.

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That is why COVID actually has made me really hopeful for the direction the world will go in.

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2010 !! Wow.

And I thought it was a new ! Conspiracy theory. It is an old one....🤣😂

Excellent Predictive Programing. Like X Files and that John Cusak Movie.

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That music video is amazing

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Thank you : )

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'Mike Adams' obviously has a time machine. Sorry it didn't work man.

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That's a lot of stuff to digest. Wish those who really needed to see it would, but they're all-in on the message fed to them. :(

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Me too. Satire is often the best way to reach them though.

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