AMD insists that viruses exist, and has CONCEDED that there is NO falsifiable evidence of any contagion; any virus.
Not a unicorn, rather, AMD is typical of those who espouse logical fallacies in the name of "vaccinology." WORTHLESS, or even dangerous for pimping lockdown dogma.
No flu shots in 50 years, no flu in at least 30 years. Let the flu and colds go run their course (except in extreme conditions) as they are your body doing severe detox. Ignore the MSM and the fake birdy flew. Measles? Haven't had it in 75 years and no measles shot.
Chicky pox and things...came and went. But necessary for good health 70 years later. Don't expect your doctor to have a clue. He is a disciple of deadly big pharma, his only true God.
Want sickness and disease? Keep getting mRNA poisons, vaccines and keep taking drugs. My theory is that 90% of all disease is caused by big pharma drugs. Prove me wrong.
What's the first thing that happens to you when you pop out into the world? The idiot doctors fill you full of deadly vaccines and other crap. And as the months pass by, they keep doing it, even more. They are afraid you are going to get sick and die on your first day in life. Seriously?
They have no real clue as to what really is in all these deadly things. Do they ever ONCE provide you with honest risk assessment? Never, it's against their big pharma religion.
You are risking your child's life by having them vaccinated. Don't worry, your pedi-doc makes BIG BUCKS meeting his injection quotas. All in the name of health, of course. His financial health, not your child's bodily health.
Of course, all "vaccines" are exclusively harmful, because they are based on fraudulent science, primarily Pasteur's idiotic and cruel animal experiments.
The threat involves a lot more than (sooner-or-later) lethal injections:
Chances are that the "common cold" is the body's winter detox, and "the flu" usually occurred, when a new electronic installation took place (e.g. every time cell services were upgraded from 2G, 3G, 4G etc.). Major 5G installations were deployed in Wuhan and in Northern Italy, when the convid symptoms emerged...
Unfortunately the issue goes much deeper than you portray and you must be aware of the deep roots of the problem; and what I am referring to is the universal LIE and false paradigm of ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE which has dominated ALL so-called medical science for at least the past 150 years; there has been non-stop FRAUD in medical research since the 1800s (and earlier) in the midst of real science and scientists who were always vilified and forced out of the history books; you have yet to really focus on that forgotten side of medicine where the frauds became heroes and the real seekers of truth such as Antoine Bechamp, Florence Nightingale and Royal Rife were all but forgotten; there can never be a future for honest medical science in the service of promoting health as long as today's "science" remains rooted in a past foundation of deception and controlled by those whose power depends on maintaining that deceit at any cost.
I've also wondered, especially with some of the inconclusive evidence publicly released; as a band Toto just seems to keep on going one way or another; as far as my same surname, PORCARO, I have made some familial connections on the side of Italian grandparents but nothing fully corroborated as of yet.
Thanks. It does seem like more than bad luck, and when I learn about the connections between toxicity and ALS (Mike) for example - they always say "It's genetic"
But we know it's not. It's environment. It's what passes your lips.
Jeff, on the other hand, was indeed poisoned (supposedly pesticide + cocaine).
I just adopted a new puppy and one run in with vet doctors has set me on edge, wondering if they too are like drs. for humans and their vaccines harmful to my new beautiful best friend. I right away paid for a physical exam and a parvo test which came back negative. I don't want my new best friend to have to go to the vet for anything so we are sharing the same diet, organic everything including brown rice, ground lamb, ground beef,. ground or dried chicken, beef, for training treats, and organic vegetables like pumpkin. I'm feeding her and respecting her like I do myself. I am almost 70, on no meds. To the question, if they do it to humans, might the vet pharms have harms too for our pets? I thought I would get her the rabies vaccine unless they have changed it. Should I trust vet medicine any more than i do human medicine after their exposure during and after covid 19?
Yes Paula, vet medicine same as human medicine...bad. You are doing all the right things for her diet. Make sure it is balanced. Some resources: Karen Becker, Josie Beug, Will Falconer, Susan Thixton (Truth About Pet Food), Dogs Naturally. Avoid vaccines as much as possible. No combo shots. Find a Holistic/homeopathic vet. Good luck.
I no longer trust veterinarians, either. Once I wised up about the covid jabs, and then after that wised up about vaxxes in general, I recognize that my dog is vaccine injured (he had one near fatal crisis and then years of terrible allergies).
So I started doing my own research and soon concluded that one of the problems for my dog was the kennel cough vax, which the kennel I sent him when I have to travel to requires. I quit vaxxing him, hired someone to stay overnight with him in the house when I travel (no more going to the kennel), and while I can't say he's healed, he's definitely doing better.
Unfortunately, the business model for most vets doesn't work without the constant vaxxing. I find it impossible, just impossible, to discuss the matter of vaxxes with my local vet. If it moves, he wants to vax it.
PS You might find this Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (Steve Kirsch) weekly show of special interest:
I am by the Red Sea in Egypt. There are lots of feral dogs and cats about. They look a lot healthier than domesticated dogs and cats. They eat leftovers and "rubbish". The dogs love to lie about in the sun by day and wander about at night. They are happy.
No vaccines! My cat had rabies vaccine at 2 lbs approximately 3 months; at 7 months he would walk and fall over, demonstrating syncope. I insisted on cardiology consult; he has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ( HCM). I’m also suspect of the chip. The companion kitty passed with hemangioma sarcoma evident at hind leg injection site. Horrible; this is what woke me up!
Its' the LAW!!!!! At least here in Oz - if you don't chip your cat, and someone finds it, it's automatically killed. We have a friendly neighbourhood vet who is happy to do this service, and does so without anyone telling her to. I have a mate who lost her cat that way.
I wonder about all the neurological symptoms I see on cat videos - oh, it's cute the way that cat wiggles when it walks - but it's neurological damage.
I used to think "birth defect" but now I'm starting to think "those damned jabs!" Especially now that I'm witnessing weird muscular stuff in my own cat.
The vets follow the same medical model although it took a while to catch up. All the farm vets in my area never went to the people doctors, they just ordered the animal equivalent. Now our fur babies are fed from the 3 D bins [ dead, diseased and dying ] at the inhumane commercial ag industry slaughter houses, even their own species get caught in that trap!! and then treat them with pharma drugs that can conveniently be picked up with your own. My vet holds me hostage for care until I agree to let her give them vaccines. Consequently I do not go to the vet. We take care of things ourselves unless it is a desperate emergency. It would be well worth your money to find a holistic vet. I would also get a good clean supplement to make sure you are covering all bases. Our food supply is too deficient to rely on without help. Even organic - if there is such a thing anymore.
Vets are terrible now. They are deeply ideological and speak in prepared talking points, as if they've been reading debates on social media or, more likely, have been trained to respond.
Last week my cat was lethargic and had a fever. The vet wanted to give him an NSAID to get rid of the fever and I asked her if the warm body temperature was his natural way of fighting whatever he had. I am convinced the vet knew I was right, but then she gave a canned response "getting rid of the fever makes him feel better and he'll be better able to fight it".
I didn't give him the NSAID, or the "just in case" antibiotics she sold me, and now he's much better.
Vets are incredibly expensive, and at least around here, they provide you with the drugs they prescribe the animals, so there is a big incentive to medicate.
Across Canada the private vet clinic’s are bought out by corporate businesses. This way they consolidate lawyers and I have noticed they have a target amount for their customers. At one emergency care hospital they wanted to charge for ultrasound guided bladder specimen. I informed them that if this is an emergency Hosp and you can’t find the bladder you’re not qualified to be emergent care Hosp. Yes, they knew they were busted ; it was removed from the invoice.
Have you noticed all the pharma brochures in the exam rooms of the vet? My beautiful German Shepherd girl was spayed (yeah, I did it reluctantly) and they sent her home with a bottle of trazodone. No I'm not giving her that crap. She can't tell me how it makes her feel, I'm not doing it.
I believe I currently have a vaccine injured cat. Because of the feral cat problem in Australia, one cannot adopt a kitten before it's been fixed and poisoned. This cat has a hip dysplasia - working hips - but something in his brain moves them differently. His tail doesn't work normally, and - no eye contact, he's like "autistic". Delightful, loving, beautiful cat, but I wonder what he could have been like if he'd been allowed to be natural.
I believe my prior cat was injured by antidepressants. She was an anxious thing, and the antidepressants - given at a time her brain was forming (6-10 months) - made her stupid her whole life.
So that's 2 stupid cats that shouldn't have been stupid.
I think an awful lot of humans have been brain damaged by antidepressants. I look at the faces of the other shoppers when I'm out, mostly older women. So many have blank gazes. Yes I know they're looking for Triscuits, not necessarily human contact, but the empty gazes are more than distraction. It's like something in them has been crushed. And they're so obese now! These are side effects of the horrible SSRIs.
Now think about giving this crap to an animal. Trazodone is an SARI with similar action to the rest of the antidepressants. And you just gave me a bottle of 100 mg trazodone for my 70lb German Shepherd? No! I wouldn't do to my dog what modern medicine has done to do many people!
There is no such thing as a virus. As your vet for ANY paper, with a falsifiable test proving that viruses exist AND are transmissible AND are pathogenic.
no, why would you? no 'vaccines' at all for my last cat - she was outside as much as in, thus exposed to all the neighborhood cats, and lived to be 18.
I read someplace that the drug companies have worked out a contract with the US government and others that if a pandemic is declared then the government must buy an insane number of vaccines or other emergency stuff. They also use the PCR test which from everything I have read is only useful to create a pandemic of testing but is useless for detecting pathogens. Over the years the definition of pandemic has changed making a declaration possible based on little more than the head of WHO deciding to sit on his throne and declare a pandemic.
Our tax dollars fund it all. The government, with our tax dollars, paid pharmaceutical companies to create the injection, then the government had to buy the injections, again using our money. The sickening part is that there is a tax on vaccines, again paid by us, that is used to cover any vaccine injury payout. The pharmaceutical company 100% shielded, 100% profit.
Remember the 1950’s Operation Sea-Spray? The Navy’s secret biological warfare experiment in which Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California, in order to determine how vulnerable a city like San Francisco may be to a bioweapon attack.
This was a nationwide Cold War war crime on the people. In the interior of the U.S. were sprayed under the guise of blocking out cities so Russia couldn’t find U.S. city’s.
In my view there are two sides in the covid debate. Those who 1. refuse to debate; provide opinions but no evidence; and take part in ad hominem attacks. And 2. those who respectfully debate and discuss evidence.
AMD refuses to give ANY evidence of a falsifiable test that proves: (1) a virus exists; (2) exogenous viruses are contagious; (3) any said virus is pathogenic.
What are you talking about and critics going with crazy take of "The “doctor” has “thousands of paid subscribers,” which is fine with me, but he just started taking comments only from “paid subscribers,” which makes me feel like a muzzled dog, who can barely bark, and only here. " BE CAREFUL people ha
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The Plandemic and I am not a doctor or health professional. This is for fun, and please DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!
Please show isolation of a virus without a computer model and/or over cycled PCR magic box that is non diagnostic.
OK, on to the flu (or is your body detoxing too quickly). Our bodies replace cells at an astounding rate: RBC's every 4 months, liver regeneration 3 months, brain cholesterol 9 months (yes we need a lot of cholesterol), eye macula TWO Days, intestinal lining 3 days, etc. All these cells die based on programmed cell death, apoptosis. This creates enormous debris that our body has to get rid of. One way are macrophages (PacMan) which get rid of cellular debris. Factors that can affect our immune system: the sun creates vitamin D in our skin which is then moved through our blood to our liver and becomes 25hydroxy and then to our kidneys and becomes an active hormone 1,25 dihydroxy. For macrophages to form in our body requires Gc protein Macrophage Activating Factor. Guess what, vitamin D is a cofactor for production. Iodine: required in all cells in our body and stored in the thyroid, salivary glands, breasts, pancreas, ovaries and prostate. It is also part of our immune system (Dr Jerry Tennant book Healing is Voltage The Handbook). Maybe when we get sick our body is saying slow down because you are not getting enough sun or nutrients (90 by the way) and you ate too much crap between Thanksgiving, Xmas and New Years.
I highly recommend Dr Tennant's book Healing is Voltage, The Handbook. All healthcare participants should read it and anyone interested in how our bodies really work. It ain't allopathic medicine.
Were they really lab leaks or were they made for the vaccine for the 10-15% CO2 net zero goal with NEW VACCINES, HEALTHCARE, and REPRODUCTIVE SERVICES. Kill us slowly so we do not notice.
This was incredibly eye-opening. Thank you for putting words to what so many of us intuitively sense: that much of the current approach to pandemics and prevention feels performative—like a cycle of fear, spending, and short-term fixes that rarely solve root problems.
The line that really struck me: “The existing financial incentives far too frequently turn science into a force that works against our interests.” That hit hard.
Also appreciated the reminder that simple, forgotten interventions—sunlight, vitamin D, UV light, fevers—can have profound healing effects when we work with the body, not against it. Sometimes what we need isn’t more technology—it’s more common sense.
“This in turn touches upon one of the most important points those activists raised—many of the cruel (and often unnecessary) practices in modern medicine arose from the mentality that gave rise to vivisection, so a good case can be made it is in our own interest to eliminate this malignant foundation modern medicine rests upon.”
Dear A Midwestern Doctor. Thank you for reminding us of the morally corrupting foundation of vivisection that destroys empathy and contaminates the fields of medicine and science. The sacrifice of hundreds of millions of animals a year is a shocking reminder of its continuing influence on those who are expected to be healers. 100 million sacrificed animals a year. No wonder doctors and scientists accepted the Covid death protocols of hospitals (still ongoing as I discovered when my 98 year old mother fell and had to be hospitalized—she survived through the heroic interventions of my husband) and why so few physicians, nurses and other medical professionals had the courage to oppose the deadly and health destroying Covid vaccines. Wrongful death and cruelty surrounds the science of medicine and the art and heart of healing is broken.
Thank you! It's an honor you are here. I just wanted to say the work you've done exposing psychiatry over the decades has been invaluable and made a lot of what I've done there possinle.
It was dissection which made my Doctor friend discuss with me the fine line between KNOWING (curiosity) and EVIL. In order to know how this creature works, we take it apart. At what point does this curiosity (vivisection, for example) become evil?
I was glad that her medical career was built upon this wisdom - that KNOWING easily slides into EVIL.
And Dr. Breggin - thank you. You were "Uncle Peter" to me, as I was recovering from psychiatry, your kind voice and gentle ways helped me to see that psychiatry was - indeed evil. ("well, this isn't working, let's try this" = curiosity = evil)
However, I read the abridged ones, too, even though I slogged through the long one.
The abridged ones seem to drive in the information that has been brewing. I can't always digest everything first go round, so I find these shorter articles valuable for learning. Like a review - with a new slant, or new information (Doc gives us something new in every article, even when it's an abridged version of an older, longer one).
I'm just so grateful for your voice in this world, AMD: a unicorn in the forest of medical midgets. 🙏🏼
Dear Mary,
AMD insists that viruses exist, and has CONCEDED that there is NO falsifiable evidence of any contagion; any virus.
Not a unicorn, rather, AMD is typical of those who espouse logical fallacies in the name of "vaccinology." WORTHLESS, or even dangerous for pimping lockdown dogma.
No flu shots in 50 years, no flu in at least 30 years. Let the flu and colds go run their course (except in extreme conditions) as they are your body doing severe detox. Ignore the MSM and the fake birdy flew. Measles? Haven't had it in 75 years and no measles shot.
Chicky pox and things...came and went. But necessary for good health 70 years later. Don't expect your doctor to have a clue. He is a disciple of deadly big pharma, his only true God.
Want sickness and disease? Keep getting mRNA poisons, vaccines and keep taking drugs. My theory is that 90% of all disease is caused by big pharma drugs. Prove me wrong.
What's the first thing that happens to you when you pop out into the world? The idiot doctors fill you full of deadly vaccines and other crap. And as the months pass by, they keep doing it, even more. They are afraid you are going to get sick and die on your first day in life. Seriously?
They have no real clue as to what really is in all these deadly things. Do they ever ONCE provide you with honest risk assessment? Never, it's against their big pharma religion.
You are risking your child's life by having them vaccinated. Don't worry, your pedi-doc makes BIG BUCKS meeting his injection quotas. All in the name of health, of course. His financial health, not your child's bodily health.
Of course, all "vaccines" are exclusively harmful, because they are based on fraudulent science, primarily Pasteur's idiotic and cruel animal experiments.
The threat involves a lot more than (sooner-or-later) lethal injections:
Chances are that the "common cold" is the body's winter detox, and "the flu" usually occurred, when a new electronic installation took place (e.g. every time cell services were upgraded from 2G, 3G, 4G etc.). Major 5G installations were deployed in Wuhan and in Northern Italy, when the convid symptoms emerged...
Don't forget William "Devil Bill" Rockefeller, the real "father of modern medicine" and original literal snake oil salesman.
Cotton Mather preceded Louis Pasteur.
Dear SaHiB,
Yes, did you read the report from William White (1885)? Mather was horrible.
Well said!
Unfortunately the issue goes much deeper than you portray and you must be aware of the deep roots of the problem; and what I am referring to is the universal LIE and false paradigm of ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE which has dominated ALL so-called medical science for at least the past 150 years; there has been non-stop FRAUD in medical research since the 1800s (and earlier) in the midst of real science and scientists who were always vilified and forced out of the history books; you have yet to really focus on that forgotten side of medicine where the frauds became heroes and the real seekers of truth such as Antoine Bechamp, Florence Nightingale and Royal Rife were all but forgotten; there can never be a future for honest medical science in the service of promoting health as long as today's "science" remains rooted in a past foundation of deception and controlled by those whose power depends on maintaining that deceit at any cost.
We could also dream of a world where the doctors only get paid if they make you well [ as in flourishing.]
Porcaro. I've often wondered if Jeff & Mike really needed to die the way they did. (Toto)
Kin to you?
I've also wondered, especially with some of the inconclusive evidence publicly released; as a band Toto just seems to keep on going one way or another; as far as my same surname, PORCARO, I have made some familial connections on the side of Italian grandparents but nothing fully corroborated as of yet.
Thanks. It does seem like more than bad luck, and when I learn about the connections between toxicity and ALS (Mike) for example - they always say "It's genetic"
But we know it's not. It's environment. It's what passes your lips.
Jeff, on the other hand, was indeed poisoned (supposedly pesticide + cocaine).
Thanks for replying. Got Music?
I just adopted a new puppy and one run in with vet doctors has set me on edge, wondering if they too are like drs. for humans and their vaccines harmful to my new beautiful best friend. I right away paid for a physical exam and a parvo test which came back negative. I don't want my new best friend to have to go to the vet for anything so we are sharing the same diet, organic everything including brown rice, ground lamb, ground beef,. ground or dried chicken, beef, for training treats, and organic vegetables like pumpkin. I'm feeding her and respecting her like I do myself. I am almost 70, on no meds. To the question, if they do it to humans, might the vet pharms have harms too for our pets? I thought I would get her the rabies vaccine unless they have changed it. Should I trust vet medicine any more than i do human medicine after their exposure during and after covid 19?
Yes Paula, vet medicine same as human medicine...bad. You are doing all the right things for her diet. Make sure it is balanced. Some resources: Karen Becker, Josie Beug, Will Falconer, Susan Thixton (Truth About Pet Food), Dogs Naturally. Avoid vaccines as much as possible. No combo shots. Find a Holistic/homeopathic vet. Good luck.
Dick. Thanks for those leads. Will chase them down. Found Wolf Creek Ranch out in CA. Not vets, but plenty of stuff to try.
I no longer trust veterinarians, either. Once I wised up about the covid jabs, and then after that wised up about vaxxes in general, I recognize that my dog is vaccine injured (he had one near fatal crisis and then years of terrible allergies).
So I started doing my own research and soon concluded that one of the problems for my dog was the kennel cough vax, which the kennel I sent him when I have to travel to requires. I quit vaxxing him, hired someone to stay overnight with him in the house when I travel (no more going to the kennel), and while I can't say he's healed, he's definitely doing better.
Unfortunately, the business model for most vets doesn't work without the constant vaxxing. I find it impossible, just impossible, to discuss the matter of vaxxes with my local vet. If it moves, he wants to vax it.
PS You might find this Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (Steve Kirsch) weekly show of special interest:
"Save Our Pets"
I am by the Red Sea in Egypt. There are lots of feral dogs and cats about. They look a lot healthier than domesticated dogs and cats. They eat leftovers and "rubbish". The dogs love to lie about in the sun by day and wander about at night. They are happy.
There is much to be said for avoiding vaxxes and getting good sun!
not to mention the vets generally think it is fine to apply a pesticide "advantage" or whatever - directly to your dear pet's head or neck. brilliant.
Smart pet owner. 🎯👍🏽
Thanks, but I wish I'd wised up much sooner, like, years and years ago.
So say us all. You don't know, 'til you know.
Best. 💜🌞
Re: "You don't know, 'til you know"-- reminds me of "sunk costs are sunk"
No vaccines! My cat had rabies vaccine at 2 lbs approximately 3 months; at 7 months he would walk and fall over, demonstrating syncope. I insisted on cardiology consult; he has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ( HCM). I’m also suspect of the chip. The companion kitty passed with hemangioma sarcoma evident at hind leg injection site. Horrible; this is what woke me up!
I also am skeptical of those chips.
Its' the LAW!!!!! At least here in Oz - if you don't chip your cat, and someone finds it, it's automatically killed. We have a friendly neighbourhood vet who is happy to do this service, and does so without anyone telling her to. I have a mate who lost her cat that way.
I wonder about all the neurological symptoms I see on cat videos - oh, it's cute the way that cat wiggles when it walks - but it's neurological damage.
I used to think "birth defect" but now I'm starting to think "those damned jabs!" Especially now that I'm witnessing weird muscular stuff in my own cat.
The vets follow the same medical model although it took a while to catch up. All the farm vets in my area never went to the people doctors, they just ordered the animal equivalent. Now our fur babies are fed from the 3 D bins [ dead, diseased and dying ] at the inhumane commercial ag industry slaughter houses, even their own species get caught in that trap!! and then treat them with pharma drugs that can conveniently be picked up with your own. My vet holds me hostage for care until I agree to let her give them vaccines. Consequently I do not go to the vet. We take care of things ourselves unless it is a desperate emergency. It would be well worth your money to find a holistic vet. I would also get a good clean supplement to make sure you are covering all bases. Our food supply is too deficient to rely on without help. Even organic - if there is such a thing anymore.
Vets are terrible now. They are deeply ideological and speak in prepared talking points, as if they've been reading debates on social media or, more likely, have been trained to respond.
Last week my cat was lethargic and had a fever. The vet wanted to give him an NSAID to get rid of the fever and I asked her if the warm body temperature was his natural way of fighting whatever he had. I am convinced the vet knew I was right, but then she gave a canned response "getting rid of the fever makes him feel better and he'll be better able to fight it".
I didn't give him the NSAID, or the "just in case" antibiotics she sold me, and now he's much better.
Vets are incredibly expensive, and at least around here, they provide you with the drugs they prescribe the animals, so there is a big incentive to medicate.
Across Canada the private vet clinic’s are bought out by corporate businesses. This way they consolidate lawyers and I have noticed they have a target amount for their customers. At one emergency care hospital they wanted to charge for ultrasound guided bladder specimen. I informed them that if this is an emergency Hosp and you can’t find the bladder you’re not qualified to be emergent care Hosp. Yes, they knew they were busted ; it was removed from the invoice.
Lol. Good response. 👍🏽
YES, a vet is a doc & dispensary all-in-one.
Have you noticed all the pharma brochures in the exam rooms of the vet? My beautiful German Shepherd girl was spayed (yeah, I did it reluctantly) and they sent her home with a bottle of trazodone. No I'm not giving her that crap. She can't tell me how it makes her feel, I'm not doing it.
OMG. That completely passed by me until I saw another comment - trazodone? Vets aren't real doctors if that's what they are doing.
trazodone was what made my previous cat stupid. (see my post above)
I believe I currently have a vaccine injured cat. Because of the feral cat problem in Australia, one cannot adopt a kitten before it's been fixed and poisoned. This cat has a hip dysplasia - working hips - but something in his brain moves them differently. His tail doesn't work normally, and - no eye contact, he's like "autistic". Delightful, loving, beautiful cat, but I wonder what he could have been like if he'd been allowed to be natural.
I believe my prior cat was injured by antidepressants. She was an anxious thing, and the antidepressants - given at a time her brain was forming (6-10 months) - made her stupid her whole life.
So that's 2 stupid cats that shouldn't have been stupid.
I think an awful lot of humans have been brain damaged by antidepressants. I look at the faces of the other shoppers when I'm out, mostly older women. So many have blank gazes. Yes I know they're looking for Triscuits, not necessarily human contact, but the empty gazes are more than distraction. It's like something in them has been crushed. And they're so obese now! These are side effects of the horrible SSRIs.
Now think about giving this crap to an animal. Trazodone is an SARI with similar action to the rest of the antidepressants. And you just gave me a bottle of 100 mg trazodone for my 70lb German Shepherd? No! I wouldn't do to my dog what modern medicine has done to do many people!
There is no such thing as a virus. As your vet for ANY paper, with a falsifiable test proving that viruses exist AND are transmissible AND are pathogenic.
no, why would you? no 'vaccines' at all for my last cat - she was outside as much as in, thus exposed to all the neighborhood cats, and lived to be 18.
Awsome article. Thank you!
100 years of flu vaccines and we still have flu.
'flu vaccines' anagrams to 'as FCC UN evil'. They give you the 'flu.
I read someplace that the drug companies have worked out a contract with the US government and others that if a pandemic is declared then the government must buy an insane number of vaccines or other emergency stuff. They also use the PCR test which from everything I have read is only useful to create a pandemic of testing but is useless for detecting pathogens. Over the years the definition of pandemic has changed making a declaration possible based on little more than the head of WHO deciding to sit on his throne and declare a pandemic.
Our tax dollars fund it all. The government, with our tax dollars, paid pharmaceutical companies to create the injection, then the government had to buy the injections, again using our money. The sickening part is that there is a tax on vaccines, again paid by us, that is used to cover any vaccine injury payout. The pharmaceutical company 100% shielded, 100% profit.
No such thing. Is the volume control a "volume test"?
Your fricking tax dollars hard at work.
When they admit there are no viruses, vaccines disappear.
Another disingenuous idiot blocked.
Remember the 1950’s Operation Sea-Spray? The Navy’s secret biological warfare experiment in which Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California, in order to determine how vulnerable a city like San Francisco may be to a bioweapon attack.
This was a nationwide Cold War war crime on the people. In the interior of the U.S. were sprayed under the guise of blocking out cities so Russia couldn’t find U.S. city’s.
Wow. Gonna look this one up.
Midwestern Doc wrote about that one, too.
Educating Malone
Lesson 4
The entire Gain Of Function premise has more holes in it than a paper mask.
The target is wide open for the first prominent scientist that wants to take square aim.
Who gives a crap about Malone?
In my view there are two sides in the covid debate. Those who 1. refuse to debate; provide opinions but no evidence; and take part in ad hominem attacks. And 2. those who respectfully debate and discuss evidence.
Dear Ralph,
AMD refuses to give ANY evidence of a falsifiable test that proves: (1) a virus exists; (2) exogenous viruses are contagious; (3) any said virus is pathogenic.
Oh well.
Which is Malone?
What are you talking about and critics going with crazy take of "The “doctor” has “thousands of paid subscribers,” which is fine with me, but he just started taking comments only from “paid subscribers,” which makes me feel like a muzzled dog, who can barely bark, and only here. " BE CAREFUL people ha
wow i did not know
Dear TL, can you elaborate? Thanks.
They will take square aim with a bullet in his head
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The Plandemic and I am not a doctor or health professional. This is for fun, and please DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!
Please show isolation of a virus without a computer model and/or over cycled PCR magic box that is non diagnostic.
OK, on to the flu (or is your body detoxing too quickly). Our bodies replace cells at an astounding rate: RBC's every 4 months, liver regeneration 3 months, brain cholesterol 9 months (yes we need a lot of cholesterol), eye macula TWO Days, intestinal lining 3 days, etc. All these cells die based on programmed cell death, apoptosis. This creates enormous debris that our body has to get rid of. One way are macrophages (PacMan) which get rid of cellular debris. Factors that can affect our immune system: the sun creates vitamin D in our skin which is then moved through our blood to our liver and becomes 25hydroxy and then to our kidneys and becomes an active hormone 1,25 dihydroxy. For macrophages to form in our body requires Gc protein Macrophage Activating Factor. Guess what, vitamin D is a cofactor for production. Iodine: required in all cells in our body and stored in the thyroid, salivary glands, breasts, pancreas, ovaries and prostate. It is also part of our immune system (Dr Jerry Tennant book Healing is Voltage The Handbook). Maybe when we get sick our body is saying slow down because you are not getting enough sun or nutrients (90 by the way) and you ate too much crap between Thanksgiving, Xmas and New Years.
I highly recommend Dr Tennant's book Healing is Voltage, The Handbook. All healthcare participants should read it and anyone interested in how our bodies really work. It ain't allopathic medicine.
Were they really lab leaks or were they made for the vaccine for the 10-15% CO2 net zero goal with NEW VACCINES, HEALTHCARE, and REPRODUCTIVE SERVICES. Kill us slowly so we do not notice.
This was incredibly eye-opening. Thank you for putting words to what so many of us intuitively sense: that much of the current approach to pandemics and prevention feels performative—like a cycle of fear, spending, and short-term fixes that rarely solve root problems.
The line that really struck me: “The existing financial incentives far too frequently turn science into a force that works against our interests.” That hit hard.
Also appreciated the reminder that simple, forgotten interventions—sunlight, vitamin D, UV light, fevers—can have profound healing effects when we work with the body, not against it. Sometimes what we need isn’t more technology—it’s more common sense.
Thank you for this. Your voice matters.
“This in turn touches upon one of the most important points those activists raised—many of the cruel (and often unnecessary) practices in modern medicine arose from the mentality that gave rise to vivisection, so a good case can be made it is in our own interest to eliminate this malignant foundation modern medicine rests upon.”
Dear A Midwestern Doctor. Thank you for reminding us of the morally corrupting foundation of vivisection that destroys empathy and contaminates the fields of medicine and science. The sacrifice of hundreds of millions of animals a year is a shocking reminder of its continuing influence on those who are expected to be healers. 100 million sacrificed animals a year. No wonder doctors and scientists accepted the Covid death protocols of hospitals (still ongoing as I discovered when my 98 year old mother fell and had to be hospitalized—she survived through the heroic interventions of my husband) and why so few physicians, nurses and other medical professionals had the courage to oppose the deadly and health destroying Covid vaccines. Wrongful death and cruelty surrounds the science of medicine and the art and heart of healing is broken.
Thank you! It's an honor you are here. I just wanted to say the work you've done exposing psychiatry over the decades has been invaluable and made a lot of what I've done there possinle.
What is the current status of the dispute with Dr. Robert Malone?
It was dissection which made my Doctor friend discuss with me the fine line between KNOWING (curiosity) and EVIL. In order to know how this creature works, we take it apart. At what point does this curiosity (vivisection, for example) become evil?
I was glad that her medical career was built upon this wisdom - that KNOWING easily slides into EVIL.
And Dr. Breggin - thank you. You were "Uncle Peter" to me, as I was recovering from psychiatry, your kind voice and gentle ways helped me to see that psychiatry was - indeed evil. ("well, this isn't working, let's try this" = curiosity = evil)
"Author’s note: This is an abridged version of a longer article . . ."
It would save time for those who have already read the longer article if you would put this statement up top.
However, I read the abridged ones, too, even though I slogged through the long one.
The abridged ones seem to drive in the information that has been brewing. I can't always digest everything first go round, so I find these shorter articles valuable for learning. Like a review - with a new slant, or new information (Doc gives us something new in every article, even when it's an abridged version of an older, longer one).
totally agree.