I was a bit nervous when I wrote this because I felt I needed to say something but I didn't want to wade into a divisive topic, so I really appreciate your kind words and you seeing the point I was trying to make.

I realized there was a very important point I forgot to include in the article.

The obstacles you encounter are opportunities for growth, and in many cases, the universe’s way of providing you with exactly what you need to learn.

In many cases, personal growth also follows the exponential growth curve where it can seem as though very little changes for a while despite immense work on your part, but then suddenly there is a rapid and unbelievable transformation which is built upon the work you did.

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Deeply appreciate all the insight/knowledge gained from your posts. I can only offer my humble "thank you very much".

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In all of nature, "resistance" IS what causes growth and evolution, and yes, it is the universe's/Source's way of providing us with exactly what we need to evolve. Beautiful post and comment. I am so grateful for your brain and heart. Thank you!

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If you are wondering if you changed some minds, maybe only a single mind, you have. I will proceed with a more nuanced approach to change. Knowing, perhaps, that my efforts will only be fruitful long after my passing is OK with me. We have a saying in my spiritual community, “we are whacking away at the beast and celebrating victory at the same time” we are certain of our end result, an enlightened civilization, so we celebrate daily while doing the hard work. I am attracted to the bold conflict, the “good vs evil” but now I realize that to move forward we must take nuanced steps forward (e.g., work by legislative means, not executive order), and recognize that exponential growth is real, “gradually, then suddenly” as they say.

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Thank You, AMD. I started tracking the virus in December 2019, also, and had a patient almost die in the hospital with it in Austin. "Coronavirus" was the only infectious agent identified, so I always knew I was on-my-own seeking out information to share on my original blog, and in comments at a few other blogs.

I'll keep plugging away on lots of topics I see and just be part of a broad support movement for honest and beneficial change in our world, as economy terminally declines.

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Thank you for such a well written essay.

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Until very recently, a movement like MAHA seemed impossible to ever take place. I had followed the medical freedom movement long before COVID, and after the wave of school vaccine mandates in the late 2010s, it felt like our outlook could only continue to get worse, until COVID hit and things took a turn for the worse. Totalitarian mRNA vaccine mandates were enacted across the country, world leaders and the media were berating the unvaccinated and other dissidents, and every mainstream social media platform censored any opposition to this madness. Just like you and many others, I also felt helpless and powerless during the depressing winter of 2021-22.

If you have any basic knowledge of government cabinet positions, it is an absolute miracle how someone RFK Jr ended up as a nominee for secretary of HHS. Not only is he the absolute best person to take this role, but he has an immense amount of power. He will control the flow of trillions dollars and overlook 80,000 federal employees. Think about that for a moment.

The reversal of many decades of Pharma corruption is about to begin, but we cannot allow this MAHA coalition to self-implode. Think about how far we've come over the past couple of years. We cannot waste this opportunity and we must stick together. Instead of throwing around baseless "controlled opposition" allegations, put your efforts into helping RFK Jr get nominated as this is our next hurdle.

Although not entirely related to the above, when Trump gets inaugurated, the very first thing they must do is to try and remove pharmaceutical advertising as the Pharma-controlled media will criticize everything he does, and perhaps they will create wedge issues as a way to divide and weaken the MAHA coalition.

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I 100% agree with you and was in the same position you were in the 2010s.

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Re the above post on advertising, I spent many years as the head of a market research dept for a top 10 pharma company, In the late 90s and early 2000s part of my job was to assess the financial viability of advertising our drugs to the public. Not something I am particularly proud of now but it has put me in a fairly unique position to follow the events of the last few years with extreme skepticism. The following is an excerpt from a book I am about to publish (not promoting it here as it's on a different topic altogether) but it does give a peek into how advertising directly to the consumer has changed over time.

"Our research department spent millions working with marketing teams and advertising agencies creating ads that would drive patients to doctors to ask for our drugs. And we spent many more millions testing them to make sure we could actually make money on them especially in the early days of consumer advertising because there was nothing out there to compare it to. Complicated stuff that I won’t bore you with but suffice it to say there was a lot of work done before we rolled out any type of campaign to the general public. Eventually, I developed baseline criteria that had to be met before we would even consider running any campaign: a large patient population who suffered from the condition, acceptance of the drug by a large number of doctors, a safe drug, a condition that could be easily communicated, had product benefits that would resonate with consumers and be at a cost that wasn’t prohibitive and was covered by insurance. There were others but those were the minimum. Plus, we had to get through the FDA which wasn’t easy in those days. We often went back and forth with them for months tweaking words and pictures before we were allowed to run any kind of ad. An awful lot of time and money was dedicated to ensuring that these ads would make money for the company.

Which brings me to the current state of pharmaceutical advertising. They are everywhere, in print, on TV, and in all forms of social media. You can’t sneeze without seeing one. It’s overwhelming and it makes no sense! Most of these ads break every rule we ever had: small patient populations, rare conditions, expensive drugs, etc. It seems unlikely they could make any return on their investment with these types of ads.

So, a few or all of these could be true: the pharma companies are dumping money into these ads because they have nowhere else to put it; they are influencing the networks and social media that run them (i.e., positive coverage of the drug or at least no negative coverage); they are "creating awareness" of the condition, or they know that there is going to be an increase in the conditions being advertised for. One of the more interesting things I noted as we ran testing for these ads, was that not only did we see an increase in prescribing but also in the number of people being diagnosed with the condition it was meant to treat. I could never figure out why that happened and honestly, it was a small number and not always statistically significant but it was there and it bothered me. Now I know that that the power of suggestion is strong, especially with repetition. Think about how many times you have seen these ads and wondered if you had the condition or if you could get it. It embeds itself in your energy field and stays there. Are you more likely to get it? Who knows but why take the chance?"

Love your posts AMD and this forum. Please keep going...we are listening and sharing!!!

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I would be happy to help you promote your book!

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That would be awesome but before you do you should know I am now, very ironically given my pharma background, working as an energy healer and the book was created mostly for my clients who are experiencing the Ascension process or the Great Awakening as some call it. We are all experiencing it but only a few are really aware of what that means and many are having physical issues, emotional issues, spiritual issues, and all manner of "dark nights of the soul" and have no idea why this is happening. In reality, this is a good thing and is leading to some pretty amazing things for them but it can be very challenging when you are in the midst of it. This chapter was written to help these clients, who are primarily empaths, understand why these ads are so dangerous for everyone but particularly for them. Your work has been awesome but this is pretty far outside the norm so I wanted you to understand what the book was about before you decide to promote it! You did an amazing article a few months ago on transplant patients, especially heart transplants, that touched on the idea of energy exchange so I know you have some idea of what energy medicine is about but this is definitely not mainstream. Happy to send you the book so you can read it and then decide. It's going through a final proofing now. My email is christiekennedy812@gmail.com - just let me know.

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Oh got it. That might be a bit outside what the general reader base is looking for. Probably the best way to do it then would be to discuss the pharma adds in detail and then mention it's from your book about spiritual healing.

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Here is the chapter in its entirety. I'm good posting here or not. Totally understand if this is too out there though!

Those Horrible Drug Ads

Much of my career was dedicated to determining the most efficient ways to communicate the benefits of pharmaceutical products. Back in the late 90’s, while working at a top 5 big pharmaceutical company as the head of the market research department, I was heavily involved in creating and testing those drug commercials you now see all day every day in every form of media. In fact, I helped to write the book on how to do it. Not something I’m terribly proud of now but at the time, I thought all our drugs had a place in helping to heal people. And while I do believe some are beneficial, I now know many are detrimental and more often create new problems that need to be treated. A viscous cycle that is difficult to break especially since most doctors have been trained using algorithms that most often end in a drug being prescribed.

Our research department spent millions working with marketing teams and advertising agencies creating ads that would drive patients to doctors to ask for our drugs. And we spent many more millions testing them to make sure we could actually make money on them especially in the early days of consumer advertising because there was nothing out there to compare it to. Complicated stuff that I won’t bore you with but suffice it to say there was a lot of work done before we rolled out any type of campaign to the general public. Eventually I developed baseline criteria that had to be met before we would even consider running any campaign: a large patient population who suffered from the condition, acceptance of the drug by a large number of doctors, a safe drug, a condition that could be easily communicated, had product benefits that would resonate with consumers and be at a cost that wasn’t prohibitive and was covered by insurance. There were others but those were the minimum. Plus, we had to get through the FDA which wasn’t easy in those days. We often went back and forth with them for months tweaking words and pictures before we were allowed to run any kind of ad. An awful lot of time and money was dedicated to ensuring that these ads would make money for the company.

Which brings me to the current state of pharmaceutical advertising. They are everywhere, in print, on TV, and in all forms of social media. You can’t sneeze without seeing one. It’ overwhelming and it makes no sense! Most of these ads break every rule we ever had: small patient populations, rare conditions, expensive drugs, etc. It seems unlikely they could make any return on their investment with these types of ads.

So, a few or all of these could be true: the pharma companies are dumping money into these ads because they have nowhere else to put it; they are influencing the networks and social media that run them (i.e., positive coverage of the drug or at least no negative coverage); they are "creating awareness" of the condition, or they know that there is going to be an increase in the conditions being advertised for. One of the more interesting things I noted as we ran testing for these ads, was that not only did we see an increase in prescribing but also in the number of people being diagnosed with the condition it was meant to treat. I could never figure out why that happened and honestly it was a small number and not always statistically significant but it was there and it bothered me. Now I know that that the power of suggestion is strong especially with repetition. Think about how many times you have seen these ads and wondered if you had the condition or if you could get it. It embeds itself in your energy field and stays there. Are you more likely to get it? Who knows but why take the chance?

My last rant is on those ads that are directed at children. A huge “no-go” in my day and one that would cause the FDA to shut you down cold if there was even a hint that it could influence children. In some limited cases, you could advertise pediatric drugs to parents but most didn’t because it was such a fine line to walk and challenging to make money on. However, a few years ago, I was with my grandkids one morning and they were watching some kid’s channel. An ad came up for the covid 19 vaccine. It went something like “If you haven't been vaccinated, then ask your parents to make sure you are protected against the virus. You want to make sure you don’t give it to someone else.” Honestly you could have knocked me over with a feather. I was shocked. It was fear mongering to kids, taking away a parents’ right to do what they think is best for their children and it’s unethical under any circumstances. I was outraged and realized then that something was terribly wrong. I am not sure what has happened but I suspect the FDA has been compromised in some way to allow that to happen. Most likely due, in part, to the amount of money the pharmaceutical companies give to the FDA to help with staffing to review these ads; or at least that was the reason given at the time. The latest statistics show that almost three-quarters of their funding come from the pharmaceutical industry. In 2021, a total of $1.1 billion was given to the agency. A study from 2021 stated that the amount of money spent on direct-to-consumer advertising increased 460% from 1997 and 2016. An estimated $10 billion was spent in 2016 alone. This doesn’t cover the more recent years as these ads have exploded so these estimates are likely very conservative. The FDA and big pharma also have a revolving door between them and most of the recent heads of the FDA have also been high level pharma executives. Not a very objective way of making sure the drugs we are using and promoting are safe!

So, what to do? Don’t watch the ads! Mute the TV when these ads come on or scroll quickly through them if they come up on your phone or laptop. And if you are reading this book, you are likely an empath who will tend to pick up and retain the energy of them for a long time. So, don’t do it!

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Thank you for this candid dive into the history of Pharmaceutical advertising. It has become head spinning and now I know that was all intentional. You are spot on about the children. Another target audience is the elderly. My parents are both in their late 80’s and see these ads for miraculous fixes to deter or eliminate the aches and pains of normal aging. Most of the actors cast in the ads are not more than 50 yrs old dancing about with lawnmowers and diving into pristine lakeside piers. Rarely do they show truly elderly people. Of course, my parents ask for these drugs they think will magically rejuvenate their mental and physical ability. The sad thing to me is that their doctor’s are all too willing to let them try them without question. Of course, I want them to be as comfortable as possible during these later years, but I fail to see the compassion in feeding them a pill for every symptom. This cycle of pharmaceutical advertising, government intervention/ Medicare rules, frustrated physicians and desperate seniors fallen prey to deceptive advertising is dark. It’s hard to accept how deeply money corrupts.

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Sure happy to do it but let me know if you want it on here! I have a whole chapter on these ads including advertising the vaccine to children on kids programming something that was horrific and wouldn't have been allowed at all in my day.

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Well, I thought I was communicating with AMD privately I see now that's not the case! I apologize for all my public responses....

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.....might I also obtain your email address by PM here? Will have a comprehensive overview linking ALL my stated (at 'X' as WELL, in your DMSO-related Comments thread) GRAVE concerns about LIKELY pyroptosis as the Earth's EMF weakens to a DANGEROUS level, that I'd like to send you for further consideration, input.....thanks (once more)!

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We who love A Midwestern Doctor are searching for Truth--especially spiritual truth. There will be a much larger fraction of people who want, like, buy your book here than most places. The catch is you just don't want to offend those with another spiritual path or other beliefs.

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Thank you and yes good advice. It is only my view of the world and certainly there are many others and all valid as truth is relative to each. For me, Ascension doesn't preclude or supersede any religion. It is about allowing each to find their own way on their own path in whatever works for them.

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Lovely, thank you. I am on your path but gentleness rather than avoidance may be more pertinent. Perhaps now is past the time to avoid ruth for the fear of offending (and fully possible, I cede, that I have misread the intent of the comments above).

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Just sent you an email.

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I worked in Television my entire career, and the purpose of Drug Ads on TV wasn't to sell more drugs. Once the primary investor in ALL broadcast TV and News was Big Pharma, no journalist could ever question their products. ALL investigative journalism into the problems with vaccines and other drugs STOPPED, because that would have threatened their main advertiser.

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Wow! I have suspected as much but haven't worked in the industry since 2017 but it makes perfect sense. Hoping more and more wake up to what is happening so we can stop it. Thanks for posting.

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True! A great number of ads point to a condition and to ask your doctor if you have it, along with a place to check your "symptoms." Many of them seem universal enough that many people will be sucked in.

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Would you consider that big pharma is also keeping the cooperative Main Stream Media in business as the internet has severely cut into MSM business income (ie drop in viewership)?

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According to my research, in 2023, big pharma was the second largest industry in TOTAL ad spending across all industries, investing about $18 bn with about $6 bn going to TV. I think it's a very good bet that they are primarily responsible for propping the networks up and for making sure there is no/minimal negative coverage of pharma or the vaccines. Also, regarding someone else's comments on her elderly parents asking for what they are seeing advertised, and who are the prime targets for their drugs, it makes sense they would continue to advertise there. Most of the younger generation is going to alternate sources for their info although the GLP-1s (weight loss injections which have very serious side effects) seem to be targeting the younger generations (and everyone else!) so big pharma does appear to be following them along too. Not sure how sustainable this will be moving forward as their credibility is waning and efforts like this substack are definitely having an impact.

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Unfortunately my stepson is on Ozempic (weighs 420lbs). Nothing we can say can convince him to give it up.

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Cutting out pharma advertising will have the knock on effect of cutting off some of the revenue of the corrupt MainStream Media and this hopefully will put some out of business. Government advertising is the next big source of MSM income and Trump can cut that directly as well.

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Excellent point!

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I will second that, Fred!

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Love it!

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PS. I sent money to help with RFK's security costs to help keep him alive until he is eligible for Secret Service Protection. It is one way we can all help with the cause.

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What is crazy however, is the fact that his life would be in danger from those that simply disagree with his ideas or agility to express them!! Our nation has changed horribly!

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changed yes, but lives of those who had the power to effect real change have been in danger for decades. They murdered JFK, RFK, and MLK because they were perceived as a threat to the CIA/US miliary/US foreign policy establishment. Those murders happened 60 years ago.

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You can also help out by contacting your state's senators and asking them to vote YES on RFK Jr's nomination to ensure he gets in. I know it doesn't do a lot but it could be beneficial if we can get enough people to convince the senators who are on the fence or have no opinion on RFK Jr and MAHA, as they will (hopefully) vote according to their constituents.

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He's a multimillionaire, he doesn't need my hard earned, over taxed money. Shame on him for even accepting such funds.

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HIs security costs are staggering. He's spent most of his life working for the people....the least you can do is help him help us. Reason why we are where are is people like you! Someone else will or can take care of it.

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I feel the same excitement about MAHA. I never thought things would move so fast. What is so confusing to me was how quickly my liberal friends went from "stop injecting cows with antibiotics and hormones" and "stop GMOs" to "its a pandemic of the unvaccinated." How quickly the psychological operation to shift the public's personal morals was mind blowing.

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MAHA would take a miracle! People would have to awaken to the truth...Medical Care is NOT Health Care. Drugs and vaccines are toxic and don't belong in the human body. Health starts with healthy nutritious food and a healthy lifestyle. Hippocrates knew more about health 2500 years ago than then most doctors know today. His quote: "Let Food be Your Medicine; and Medicine be Your Food!

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Spot on

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Jan 3Edited

I find it highly hypocritical of Malone (who seems a very suspicious character) to call for "unity" when he was the one suing Peter Breggin for "defamation" for $25 mil.

The "unity" is another term for "group think" .. beware of anybody suppressing dissenting views for whatever reason given, let the FREE "market" (crowd) sort it out (or die if too stupid to figure it out), do not force feed one or the other ideology.

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Robert Malone ejected me from his Substack when I asked about a video I had become aware of that did not reflect well on him. Instead of offering a valid explanation for it, his solution was to eject a paying subscriber from his platform. I could only wonder how many others he swept under the rug to hide negative publicity about him?

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You should have seen how he treated me! 🙄 on my podcast

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Having grown up in a family of narcissists, I see his reaction to you on that podcast as falling squarely in the narcissist camp. His sharp defensive anger and bravado in reaction to anything less than praise of his own actions and behavior is a telltale sign.

At best he has anger issues.

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Interesting. I will have to investigate. However, how can someone treat you badly in your own podcast? You are kind of in control on your own platform.

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Watch the beginning of the latest VSRF interview with Malone and see what he says to Livio. Then, you'll understand.

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I watched that interview. Malone seems to believe it is essential that he stand up for himself. immediately and assertively. That behavior often results from a feeling that one failed to self-defend in the past. I thought Malone was correct to respond the way he did because Mr. Sanchez (whom I respect from afar) was inadvertently poisoning the well. It is actually refreshing to see someone be direct instead of passive aggressive after the fact. I though Sanchez handled it well.

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I agree Sanchez handled it well, but what he said was before they were live. At first, no one knew what Malone was talking about. It should have been a private conversation. Livio even later commented that he was attacked by the guest.

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Jan 3Edited

You just can't help yourself, can you Doc. But you Can use this platform to promote your interview!?

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Yeah, you are not the only victims, he is a very shady character, anything coming from that direction is highly suspicious.

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I was blocked by Dr Malone on X I am guessing because I follow Jane Ruby. I have never said a bad peep about him.

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Jane Ruby is one of the people who alerted my wife and her BFF to the dangers of the jab back in early 21. I feel grateful to her.

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You wil enjoy the podcast I did with her coming out next week then 👍🏻

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She was also key in amplifying the amyloid clots, something people still don't want to talk about.

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I was going to say something along the same lines, and I'm sure a lot of people have the same thoughts. We might consider that Malone is a good but flawed human being, and his attack on Breggin has done much damage.

What the MFM seems to miss is: Breggin is/was 100% correct about Desmet, who is a key figure in the Breggin/Malone rift. And Breggin had been in this fight when many of us were in diapers.

We can disagree, we can debate, we can hopefully be civil and respectful to each other while working toward a larger goal that has many components we might have different takes on. But that lawsuit was just plain nasty. And trust me on this: as a matter of logic and historical experience, Breggin is right about Desmet's theory.

Totalitarianism begins in censorship and propaganda. Burn that sentence into your minds. It NEVER begins with the "mechanistic thinking" of society, which is largely a fiction Desmet invented to make his theory of the mechanism of ideology work. I've written extensively on this.

If we want to compare what happened during Covid to what Arendt wrote about then we'd be better off understanding the one single idea whose logic was promoted by the censors and propagandists, to the exclusion of everything else: "stay safe." Then what happened fits in nicely with Arendt's analysis of the origin of totalitarianism, and with what we know about the attempt to install what Kheriaty called the "biomedical security state."

Mass formation was induced during Covid. It didn't arise from within the masses themselves. 24/7 propaganda promoted the fear porn and the stay safe ideology.

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Because of the lawsuit against Breggin, I would NEVER fully trust Malone. And, since it is so egregious I can't understand why anyone else trusts him.

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I go by "by their fruits ye shall know them." And many of Malone's fruits are positive.

Either/or thinking has its limitations.

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When Alex Berenson "attacked" Malone by saying his role as prime creator/inventor of the mRNA technology was "greatly exaggerated", Malone totally wigged out on his Substack. He literally compared himself to Socrates.

He himself was injured by one of his jabs, but was oddly silent about that. Something about that guy is pretty shifty. And the lawsuit against Breggin was so out of bounds!

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He wasn’t silent about his shot injury. He spoke about having an immediate reaction to the shot. About the lawsuit, if someone comes at you spewing hatred and trying to silence you, why wouldn’t you turn it on them ?

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Breggin wasn't spewing hatred. As a psychiatrist with years of experience and having fought against pharma well before Malone was in the game, Breggin was criticizing Desmet's theory of mass formation caused by the mechanistic thinking of the people themselves. This theory is frankly nonsense, and Breggin called BS. Malone, closely allied with Desmet and promoting his theory, didn't like that. Hence the lawsuit, which he lost because it was frivolous.

Mass formation can be, and was, induced during Covid, deliberately by conspirators who wanted to do so to usher in a "new normal." Desmet denies this, but he can't really deny it because it happened, so he uses the expression that there was "manipulation" but no conspiracy. In other words, he waffled to save his theory. Desmet's ideas are confused. His theory literally makes no sense. Breggin was correct.

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I basically understand what you are saying Jim, but hey it is just a damn theory. A theory! Regardless of your opinion that "Oh, believe me Breggin was right"; correctness is irrelevant. The problem is not who is right / wrong but who attacked publicly with NO provocation?! and attacked someone in the SAME positive movement to help humanity instead of tear it down. . .

It was totally unnecessary that Breggin attack Malone publicly when he could have done so privately.

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He didn't speak out about the dangers of the jabs. He wanted credit as the inventor, and even that was something of a distortion in that he was one of the inventors named on the patent, not THE inventor. He wanted it both ways: full credit for the invention but not blame for the destruction.

Breggin didn't come “spewing hatred”. Part of life is being willing to take consequences of your public claims and Malone's suit is just as much trying to “silence” Breggin. My impression of Malone is that he has a massive ego and isn't to be fully trusted.

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Breggin had no reason to provoke a highly qualified scientist with claim to this technology. Malone did not attack Breggin originally, he just agreed with another guy on the other side of the pond. Malone never did anything to Breggin, why the public animus? How could it affect Malone's reputation and livelihood? It is absolutely normal in scientific groups to allow all associated with the technology be ON the patent.

Breggin probably never paid a damn dime to Malone; simply agreed to shut the hell up.

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LOL, so he is an idiot too allowing himself to be jabbed ..

Why anybody even listens to what this guy is saying..

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Others took the jab and then had regrets. That does not make them idiots. An idiot would not come forward to expose the government for what it did.

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And he was silent about that injury until the jab damage was already widespread and it was less unacceptable to point out the dangers.

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Jan 3Edited

I have looked into Desmet and I agree that there are issues with the way he wrote in his book. Lots of good points, but also carrying water for the elites. When I challenged him, politely and just a little, on his stack, he never responded. He challenged Ginger Breggin to discuss with him, and when she answered somewhere else, he did not "seem to notice." I am careful around that one. Still hoping he may have something useful to say about sincere speech but so far I have not seen it.

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Desmet says a lot of things I agree with. Not torturing animals for medical research, for example. His ideas of loneliness are good although maybe exaggerated. But his theory of the origin of totalitarianism is confused and doesn't reflect what really happened during Covid.

Totalitarianism begins in censorship and propaganda, not in Desmet's "mechanistic thinking." Censorship and propaganda are done to induce "mass formation," deliberately. Desmet says that totalitarianism arises organically from the masses themselves. No, it doesn't.

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What I disliked about Desmet's "mass formation psychosis" theory is it reduces other people to "masses". "Masses" is possibly the ugliest most dehumanizing term you can use to describe people, who are individuals. It seems to me that to guys like Desmet, you're a "mass" if you're doing something he doesn't like. Guys like Marx and Lenin and their true believers thought of people in terms of "masses".

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I agree.

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Jan 4Edited

This is not the only Malone's transgression.

At best his is just a narcissist unable to take any ctitique (while being wrong).

At worst he is controlled opposition with the goal to fool and splinter the community.

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"Stay safe" and "be kind". I agree with your assessment above ....

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My God are you Hilary Butler the author? Your book is so great!

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Co-author of "Just a little Prick" and "From One Prick to another". Thank you for the complement. Fortunately, history doesn't change, so while the book is nearly 20 years old, the contents are still valid.

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never read the book but what a great title!

Maybe I will some day.

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Stay safe... It made me feel like puking when I'd hear that. Oh yeah, I'll spend my life huddled in my underground bunker and be so very safe. And conveniently, an NPC, as far as the authorities are concerned.

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I have resolved to respond to "stay safe" by saying "stay adventurous." :-)

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I've got two of Peter Breggin's books ("Your Drug May Be Your Problem" and "Medication Madness") and I love his honesty and devotion to his patients. Psychiatry has turned into pill-passing and so many Americans think that's the cure for their emotional ills. When Malone sued him it confirmed what I'd already suspected about Malone: at some point in his role in developing mRNA jabs, he realized how dangerous they are but did nothing at that time to stop it. There's something about him that's very shady.

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Breggin had been in this fight long before Malone, and many of us. Malone's attack of him for valid criticism of the theory of mass formation that Malone shared with Desmet was ill-conceived and divisive. Breggin was pointing out that Desmet's theory made no sense, because it doesn't. Malone didn't like that and had no logical answer to Breggin (i.e., the evidence and the logic of Desmet's concepts don't support his theory) so resorted to a lawsuit to try to silence him. That was low.

Malone was part of a very sorry chapter in the history of the MFM, one that's ongoing because many still hang onto Desmet's theory. If Desmet got rid of the idea that "there was no conspiracy to induce mass formation"-- a cornerstone of the theory, even as Desmet and others deny it (for God's sake, read chapter eight of the book!)-- then his theory would make more sense.

It's very simple. Desmet's book and his theory are full of contradictions. Thus the theory makes no sense, but thus, he can also say whatever he wants to and still be "in the theory." But it makes no sense! Breggin saw that right off, as did many others. I was a bit slower. A lot of people in the MFM still don't get it.

Consistency illuminates intuition, and intuition illuminates reason. Contradictions cause confusion and should be a red flag.

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Spot on. Having read Fritz Stern's "The Politics of Cultural Despair" decades ago, I am wary whenever I hear a call for unity.

Truth is a transcendent value; unity is not.

Also pretty hilarious to read about a call for unity right after Trump blew up his own coalition over H-1B visas.

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Nobody blew up anything. People are having public disagreements. That's a good thing! Unless you are woke.

Unity comes from treating allies with friendliness and open-mindedness. Not from unity of opinions!

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It appears I will be the only defender here. . . ha!

Originally, I was really pissed that Malone sued Breggins for $25 million; thinking about it though made me realize a couple of things. He has his own consulting company with his wife, breeds specialty horses, is totally self reliant and self directing. After simply chiming in with Desmet he was attacked for "agreeing" with this guy overseas. Malone is not the type to take crapp from anybody, regardless of how well Breggins is respected. Think about it. What did Breggins have to gain by publicly attacking a renowned scientist in the same movement because his ideas were not "in line" with HIS interpretation of Desmet's theory?!

Malone put out the lawsuit as a big sledge hammer to shut him up. Basically, saying I have first amendment rights too! Never heard anything from Breggins after that. Hmmm. Malone never talked about it again either.

I actually cancelled Malone's substack when the controversy started but am glad I still read it. He's a good guy.

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The Desmet theory isn't without consequences and it's highly misleading by focusing our attention on our own psychology as the cause of totalitarianism (that's the theme of his book, after all) rather than on the true cause of totalitarianism, which is censorship and its twin, propaganda.

Consider that if the Great Reset had succeeded during Covid, Desmet's argument would be that it was because we allowed ourselves to be hypnotized due to our own tendency to believe that reason would lead to utopia, and our fears and loneliness led us to believe the worst "data" that the authorities presented to us. Thus, we "asked for it."

However, if the Great Reset had succeeded it would've been because of 24/7 censorship and propaganda, exercised by government power out of control and able censor by reaching into our bank accounts, for example. It would've succeeded because of a massive, multifaceted conspiracy to install a Great Reset. The resulting psychology of the masses after this assault on their freedom and their fear of government power would've been "mass formation," but not, note well, one originating in our psychology because psychology has little to do with the origin of totalitarianism, versus the unbridled exercise of political power.

Desmet's theory is so wrong that it's not even a viable theory. It's pseudoscience.

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When he started screaming like a stuck pig and likening himself to Socrates, on his Substack after Berenson attacked him, I unsubscribed. Berenson was out of bounds for sure. But Malone's caterwauling was repulsive and beneath him.

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His last interview on FLCCC solidified it for me. He confirmed many of my suspicions.

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It's not smart at all to "unite" behind limited hangouts and designated heroes. That's exactly what the globalists put them there for / elevated their presence / did not cancel them. The billionaires and Bilderberg Groupies will NOT save us. The agenda remains. It will get a MAGA rebrand.

It's entirely the time to take our energy out of this system and these people and put it into building the parallel systems we need locally. Trying to "change" a system that is built from the intention to harm us is not a wise use of energy. Kirsch pushed FTX just before that imploded. Malone took the jabs. Still talks about "pandemics" that we know now don't exist. I'm sorry but I wouldn't look to either one for advice. If I knew in early 2020 the jabs would harm and kill, every doc and nurse and pharmacist could've and should've known, including Malone. I did speak out and did get silenced. Still shadowbanned on twitter (since 2016). There is no middle ground when folks are hiding from the fact it was intentional harm. This has been an act of war on human beings. It was implemented by our DOD. We need to REALLY integrate this fact into our understanding of what we're dealing with. Both "parties" are owned by the same globalists. The globalists intend harm. If we don't understand this, far too many will follow the puppet pied pipers over the cliff.


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Throughout that article, I was thinking how much it echoes your sentiments!

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Two different wings of the same bird? Possibly. Maybe even likely. The only chance the next generation has to survive and thrive is to wake them up now, though. It may have to be harshly done to awaken as many as we can.

I won't put my hope and trust in man, but then my salvation is already bought and paid for.

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Maybe Dave Chapelle is right - BOTH sides are in cahoots.


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we would NEVER be where we are unless they're all in the same game. It's all narrative divide and conquer. They consider all the money in the world to be THEIR money, because they created it and we owe it back to them. That literally is their worldview. And they're literally correct. Banks create all the money circulating out of thin air (Richard Werner empirically proved this) and allow certain people to use it, at interest. We need a new system.

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I can't agree more. Fiat money. It took such an effort to convince my nephew that the Central Bank in our country doesn't belong to our country and is just a glorified money lender. Most people are superficial and too lazy to think.. They win because of this ennui. Put on a white lab coat and they will believe. I tried to think of a system but knowing human nature, it will just be ephemeral. I am open to suggestions.

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Exactly. As I’ve been saying in my substack, we’re going to need to Buckminster Fuller this. We have known only this debt system created and controlled by the oligarchs. It’s controlled everything we’ve ever known. Our history. Our “living.” Our stories. Our beliefs. It’s all been built on lies. We need a NEW system. I’ve dug into it for decades now. There are some good ideas. But it’ll take a leap of consciousness, I believe. But that’s where we are. Adventures in reframing our reality. Don’t we deserve the truth, though? Don’t we deserve to be free of those intending harm? I believe we do.

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One trailblazer is John Harris. Can't find his talks anymore, Just this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqIArSUGzkA . I need to apply for a passport from my country and an ETA just to visit Rome. This can't be right. This is a prison planet. The Fauci-19 lockdowns were just a proof-of-concept. CBDC is the final ingredient.

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And it’ll get a rebrand to “stablecoins” because enough folks have cottoned on to the CBDC notion. We need to reinvent exchanges. And currencies. And “money”.

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I forgot to check Brighteon. Facepalm, One survived YouTube : https://www.brighteon.com/a3514108-1b06-4954-9805-6f3a1b8d2750 If we teardown the current system, we must provide an alternative. He has one vision. It needs tweaks. One just cannot identify as a pilot and get behind the wheels of a 737.

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Thank you for this very excellent article, A Midwestern Doctor. As I read it, concepts that had been floating in my head became clarified. To put it another way: stuff clicked into place in my mind.

My own primary-care doctor is being witch-hunted by "the authorities." He is the kind of doctor who is slow to write prescriptions, leaning instead toward discussion of nutrition and exercise. I'll be sharing this with him.

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If I may, I believe a lot of the divisiveness is based on someone feeling a choice they believe in will be taken away. "The" polio vaccine will be taken away. Your right to choose for yourself will be taken away. You MUST only eat what we say is good for you.

Are brownies good for you? Of course not but who wants to be told they can never have another brownie because someone else says so. I live in CA. I can't order canned meat from Illinois because they won't go through the CA certify your cans don't have lead hoops. But they've proven to ME that there isn't lead in them. Where is my choice without nanny someone telling me what I must or must not do?

If we want any of this to work, it's not "educating" the public. Lead is bad, I am educated. But I can't buy my lead free canned meat because someone not me says I can't. And maybe they think they are doing the "right" thing to nanny me because I'm just not smart enough to insist on hoops. Or I can't find eggs because they culled all the healthy egg laying chickens because those chickens might get bird flu. Im just not smart enough to decide that studies have shown ZERO cases of bird flu in cooked eggs, so I don't get to decide for myself. Boom! Impassable divide. Unless people get to make their own decisions as long as it harms no one (except maybe themselves if they eat 25 brownies every day), we will stay stuck, imo.

Freedom. It's the thing we fight for. If we want people to get on this train together, we have to allow people to CHOOSE it of their own free will. Give them information, sure. Point to all the studies, sure. Make sure all voices are heard, sure. Give people alternatives, heck YES! Give a hand UP, not a hand out. But the freedom to choose our own path drives at least 25% of us, also imo. We need to not get so caught up in "making things right" that we forget what is right for one person isn't always right for someone else. That will divide every time if it's not acknowledged and accepted.

That is jmo, based on having to keep choosing hills to die on for the last four years.

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That is a key reason why individuals like Calley concluded banning was not the right tactic to take. The ban thing was made up by the NYT to stoke hysteria.

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My concern with Calley Means and his sister is different from some of the other health freedom divisions, which I agree are “healthy”. I also agree that politics is the art of the possible, so we need to postpone calling out traitors etc. and wait and see what RFK can do on the main stage.

With the Means duo there is a big risk of “bait and switch.” Suddenly it’s all about glucose and cooking for yourself – – good points but a reduction to the absurd given the depth and breadth of more serious systemic concerns about Pharma medication scams and vaccines, and environmental contaminants. (Suspiciously, the hard copy of her book doesn’t have any footnotes – – you have to go online to find them. )

But more generally, I agree we need to bide our time, hold our gunfire for the moment while keeping our priorities at the forefront. Thank you for illustrating how that is supposed to work.

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Yes, the Means might be promoted into position to do the song and dance away. My concern has to do with the paths to digitizing ID and everything else. The plan very well could be to give us on a silver platter changes to the food system but in the process so far they are giving low hanging fruit. With the UN ESG's focus on food, they could be leading us to build out the digitized infrastructure for the food changes that will be compliant with those ESG themes. Every food item will have a QR code that will tell you the journey of that item from origin. While on the face, this sounds wonderful because it takes the guess out and brings certainty...it also takes the relationship out too... but it it essentially building out how they might want to track for health credit scores in the future. While I feel RFK Jr is genuine, it is quite possible he was promised he could do A, B, C (low hanging fruit) so he would climb on board because you want to keep your enemy closer than your friends. I even see the fluoride issue as low hanging fruit as I've heard forward thinking dentists talk about the 10 year court case that dragged on and on that recently ended with a ruling AGAINST fluoride benefit being greater than the risk/harm. If the research and the legal system is against it... they are throwing us a meaty bone to appease us and think we've won. Yes, we should accept it, own it... but realize it for what it is... a ruse to allow them to move the pack the way THEY want... unless the pack looks up and around.

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Agree with your characterization of “low hanging fruit“ – – also bait and switch and loss leader techniques.

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I did not know what loss leader techniques were until I just looked it up. Yes, the drop of that podcast around Christmas (though it was recorded before then) and they mentioned Means had previously said he wouldn't meet for the podcast until the New Year but then moved it up himself.

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Individual self-determination. The free market is a good idea and is how a civil society works, and a free market of ideas is essential to a free society.

Government transparency, individual opacity. Government should be small, transparent, accountable to the people, with the minimal function of preserving life, liberty, and property. Individuals should be opaque to the government, as our own affairs are none of the government's business so long as we ourselves respect life, liberty, and property.

"Property" is what one has as one works toward a life that one envisions for oneself. It makes no sense to work for something if we know it can be taken from us.

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When tin lining was changed to BPA plastic lining in cans I think we substituted one problem with another. I phoned up Campbell soup company to ask about their can linings when BPA had been in use for a few years and got the standard response that BPA was SAFE. Didn't convince me. I was looking for words like "BPA has been exhaustively tested and results show less health risks than the alternatives". That is not what I got from CS.

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I never buy "BPA-free" because that usually means it has BP-S instead, a similar chemical believed to be about as toxic.

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Thanks for the tip. Seems BPS has more biological disruptive capability and it rubs off on anything next to it.

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That sounds like what the environmentalists did by forcing NASA to adjust the chemistry of the foam they were using on the Space Shuttle external fuel tank--it likely resulted in the greater delamination event of foam that caused the Columbia launch disaster.

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Freedom yes. Absolutely. But open education and discussion are key to freedom as well and being able to make good choices. That’s why I think public schools are so dangerous because they teach only believe the “experts” and not to think critically and look at all sides; and also why licensing people to do this or that allows for control and compliance by a top elite group. For example would you rather get your brakes fixed by the best guy to do it, who has many great references and lots of experience or a newly licensed guy that may have come in last in his class and who loses focus easily. The license as a means to work I feel is harnessed as a means of control unfortunately.

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I agree with you, which is one reason I believe the FDA and CDC should be shut down completely. What right do a bunch of unelected bureaucrats have to tell me I need a prescription for this supplement or drug? Do we live in a free country where citizens are allowed to make their own choices, or do we live in a Nanny State where we expect the Nanny government to tell us what to do? US Founders would be appalled at the complete mess and mockery of freedom our federal government has become.

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When I lived in Greece for a little while I was shocked I could just go to the pharmacy and ask for an antibiotic and the pharmacist was free to sell it to me. That's how it should work... I think.

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yep, I agree. Drugs, supplements, even "street drugs". The Drug War has been a total failure. Didn't we learn anything from Prohibition? You make something illegal and a black market results which is a boon for organized crime. Prohibition was one of the best things that ever happened to organized crime in the US. Drug War has created deadly drug cartels in Latin America and here in the US.

I can't think of a time when the US federal government declared war on something and it actually improved that "something". Every example I can think of, it made things worse: War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Cancer, War on Terror.

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Hear Hear! I've been saying that for years, to no avail.

Too many fearful people who still favor the prohibiting mindset, even though it causes mayhem. They want to be "protected" from temptation, as far as I can tell. :-(

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right. and that's IF the regulatory agencies have people working for them who have integrity and are actually working FOR the people. What we have today with the FDA and CDC is that they are not working for you and me, they are marketing arms for Pharma.

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Dump 'em. Fat, useless, and corrupt. A bad combination.

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Freedom is necessary in order to find out what the truth even is. That is explained in "On the Wisdom of Crowds" book by James Surowiecki. That is the most important book of the 21st century.

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I have seen a recurring theme throughout history of civilizations rising and falling due to what Fredric Bastiat described as "trading all the virtues of a republic for all the vices of kings." It is only my opinion that the catalyst that united those in the past and present was not an ideology as such as much as a spirit of desiring truth in the inward parts. Patrick Henry believed that a love of oneself (beginning with the love of God) and of one's country was at the heart of the American Revolution against the plutocrats/oligarch's of his day.

If it were asserted that it is the sane who are contented to live in peace, and the covetous who cannot leave people in peace or as Thomas Payne asserted in Common Sense "that it is the pride of kings that has laid the whole world in blood and ash". It is understood in a marriage there are many compromises to reach peaceful consensus between men and women. At least when we valued the institution of marriage and the family. What is the unifying catalyst today? I'm still old enough to remember what it was.

For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Collosians 2:1-3)

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Your sentiment is shared by many!

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Clyde, just read the book Unhumans by Steve Bannon who postulates the idea the motivation behind communism and the overthrow of the 'haves' is not virtue but the sin of envy.

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ArnoldF: I have not read Steve Bannon's book, but I have read Herbert Spencer's "The man versus the State". He also delineates between those opposing groups and prefaced it with a history going back to militants and industrialist. Was Jesus a rich man or was there more to him that the leadership of his day envied?

Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. (Mathew 27:17-19).

The virtues found in Galatians 5:22-23 are not regulated by the commandments of men, but God's law requires force of conscious and is observed internally, Man's law(s) require force of arms and more often than not are existentially impossible to uphold without coercion the opposite of cognition.

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One important thing we can all do to make America healthy again is to stop buying highly processed food. NOW! Share with family and friends, who are unaware, all of the dangers of the cereal they buy for their children. Even if you just point out that so many of the ingredients are banned in Europe. That knowledge can be the starting point of reading the ingredients labels on all the food we buy.

There are some amazing videos of ice cream left out on the counter overnight that does not melt and oreo cookies that can't be burned by a blow torch. I don't believe we have even begun to learn just how bad many of the foods are.

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You are right, if no one buys a product, the manufacturer will stop making it.

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I have begun to write a hashtag on many of my posts #IVoteWithMyDollars.

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Right. That is an easy revolutionary choice we can make right now. An ice cream and cookie boycott is another. Buffet restaurants another.

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The covid pandemic has been interesting because it has caused me to finally throw caution to the wind and genuinely explore alternative viewpoints and seek answers to questions that I have asked all my life. Every disagreement is an opportunity to inform and consider new possibilities. I have progressed from doubts about mRNA vaccines, to doubts about all vaccines to doubts about viruses. (For more than 30 years I have had multiple specialists and doctors diagnose allergic reactions as viral infections, so I know first-hand that the symptoms are indistinguishable.) While the disagreements can be vitriolic from both within and outside the freedom community, I am thankful that the covid crisis has created an environment where all viewpoints can be discussed with information and camaraderie even when the opinions are outside the norm.

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That's the key, isn't it. It used to be the Left that questioned more.

Then they went totalitarian. Go figure.

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The left's "questioning" was promoting the tactic of criticism and demoralization (this is Marxian tactic). it flipped to totalitarian when they felt that they had captured the majority of the levers and institutions of society (the Long March through the institutions). This is the flip we witnessed after Obama regime came into power. The only way back to is to recapture and re-educate the people and institutions.

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Jan 5Edited

Hm. You are onto something. But the people I know who changed are not linked to the power structures. Used to be... they were all about non-violent communication and concern for the environment and free speech, and now they are full of anger and name calling and siding with Big Pharma, and the unwillingness to discuss things freely is palpable. So weird.

Edit: But the weirdest of all is the switch from Be wary of da Man, don't trust Establishment -- to obey Authorities, those who don't are conspiracy theorists. Yikes.

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@amidwesterndoctor I'm one of your most avid readers and realized what gold I found whet I stumbled on your substack. It's why I subscribed while I was a poor, broke nursing student. I hope to use some of what you've taught to help my family and friends escape the medical matrix.

The propaganda piece on division was quite amazing and that's exactly what they've done to our country.

Now, I would really be interested in your take on Ibogain. It was discussed by former TX governor Rick Perry on Joe Rogan today. It's a Schedule 1 drug here. Yet other countries use it. No addictive properties at all. It has helped so many veterans with PTSD but they have to go to Mexico to get it. Can cure addiction with a single dose but must be monitored closely for prolonged QT intervals and use IV Magnesium to prevent arrhythmias. They've shown on MRI scans growth in new brain tissue. I know your busy on the series on DMSO, but I how you can eventually touch on this.

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It works, but I'm not as knowledgeable about it as some of the other psychedelics. I am trying to get a colleague who has a lot of experience in this field to help me write a series on them.

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Please do--so many folks with PTSD, vets and non-vets, and it's such a hard one to live with, so costly of spirit.

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That would be amazing. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my comment. I will eagerly await the upcoming piece from your colleague on Ibogain.

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I believe it's legal in Colorado now.

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It's decriminalized now, and ok to use therapeutically. Not legal to sell.

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Thank you for this very thoughtful and practical piece that resonates, in the main, with me and I don’t even live in the US. Your values are universal and learned well, over a lifetime I suspect. Thank you for taking the time to impart your wisdom which is recognisably true wherever one may live. Common sense is uncommon these days but is a human instinct that should sing out above propaganda and spin. To some it may be boring but in real life, it makes most sense and reaches across many a divide if one adopts a respectful tone, which you always find a way to do. I do myself, remember as a teenager observing a debate in a Law society in a University I was attending. I was shocked to discover that an individual could step up and argue, vehemently, and with devastating contempt both sides of an argument with the sole purpose of winning regardless of factual correctness or truth or any kind of moral or values based position. Truthfully, I was shocked. The impact of that experience has stayed with me since. That was when I realised that semantics can be employed in perfidious ways to win a debate and the consequences could be very harmful. I decided I never, ever wanted to go down that road myself. So it has been extremely challenging to observe good people with decent points to make that are not black or white, from whichever side of the fence being silenced and banished especially when they have important news or warnings to give that no one wants to hear because of the discomfort of requiring one to think for oneself. It seems nowadays easier to parade hand me down ideas than question them and formulate one’s own. Yet that is what adulthood calls one to do. Instead we appear to question the validity of the human being themselves rather than interrogate their ideas. Worldwide we appear to be falling into that particular pothole in the road. It is depressing indeed. But you have managed to not do that and still bring truths to the table and be heard. So well done, Happy New Year to you and your family and much appreciation for all the work you have done this year past and hopefully will continue to do in the New Year to come.

Warmest regards

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Thank you. I'm trying very hard to be a good influence even though I'm very incensed about many of the things I see happening around us!

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Yes, we may feel incensed, and you’re not alone in that, and wouldn’t be human if you didn’t, but as you well know, that emotion clouds vision which I’m certain you’ve also experienced, but, there are too many incensed people in the world, achieving exactly nothing except the exercise of their own frustration. We don’t need any more of that. We need the kind of cool and thoughtful leadership you’ve shown; leadership that describes a path back to values that are meaningful for individual human beings and for communities of human beings to live by because they are grounded in the experience of being human. Keep your balance. Keep your clarity. Keep your tempered approach. Because these are the ways that will keep you connecting. Thank you.

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That's true but even in the MFM, there are set ideas defended against all reason and logic. Desmet's ideas are a key example. His theory literally makes no sense even though much of what he says is, paradoxically, illuminating. This is why logic is important: what is he really saying? Many people miss that. That is: what's the "end goal" of what he says in his book? It's to dismiss conspiracy thinking. That's what his mechanistic theory aims for.

But freedom requires vigilance, and vigilance requires imagination. Our founding generation were most decidedly "conspiracy thinkers." As we move forward we need to be able to discern-- imagine-- potential conspiracies against our freedom, and call them out before they take hold.

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Marie, (and AMWD) I really appreciate your thoughts. The following, especially:

"It seems nowadays easier to parade hand me down ideas than question them and formulate one’s own. Yet that is what adulthood calls one to do. Instead we appear to question the validity of the human being themselves rather than interrogate their ideas."

I'm reflecting on how these ideas apply to my own behavior. I have acquired a lot of new opinions on medical topics. It's not an area that I had much knowledge about before covid-19. I confess that, once a dissident doctor speaks honestly and knowledgeably about some topic, against their own personal/financial interest, when members of the "expert consensus" speak the opposite, and when I can see with my own two eyes that the experts are wrong, I tend to blindly trust the brave dissident in other things I know less about.

For example, from having lived through it, I know that AMWD speaks truth about covid-19. Therefore, I now tend to believe everything else AMWD writes. I've had several interesting conversations with a friend about zeta potential and DMSO, even though the beginning and ending of my knowledge of those things is this one substack. Because I trust AMWD.

But I think that also has the potential to get us into trouble. In 2020-2021, I was so thankful for Dr. Peter McCullough's calm advice that there was indeed a treatment protocol one could follow for covid-19. Around the same time, I heard him give a lecture in which he positively reinforced the regular childhood vaccines. This slowed my awakening to general vaccine harms for some time. I actually took my 16 year old daughter to get caught up on her vaccinations in December of 2020 (we don't have insurance and had not been regular about well-baby visits). Shortly thereafter, she had a severe anaphylactic reaction to almonds, and she now carries an epi-pen. I wish, oh I wish, that I knew the truth about vaccines sooner. (Note that I do not in any way blame Dr. McCullough; he certainly wasn't the first medical practitioner to tell me that children should be vaccinated.)

The first Empowering Belief mentioned above is "Nothing/nobody is perfect." And that includes these dissident voices that we all love to read. I "did my own research" about covid-19, but I haven't done so in regards to other topics. I ought to "be like the Bereans", as they say in church, and verify the opinions I'm hearing. My problem, and I'd guess the problem of many others as well, is finding time to learn all the things. I don't have time to read all AMWD's original posts, much less to cross reference and verify. It's not necessarily bad to trust people who have proven themselves trustworthy. I think exercising humility is paramount, both in our opinions of ourselves and our opinions regarding the very human leaders of this movement.

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"Nobody is perfect." And, another good one: "Nobody is perfect at everything."

We all have our specialties...

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Very well stated wisdoms.

All statements by experts should be taken with at least a grain of salt, sometimes multiple grains.

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"Instead, we appear to question the validity of the human beings themselves rather than interrogate their ideas." Pure gold, there. And that is what respect is all about.

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hard to say, my kids both vaccinated are deathly ill. Always reacted poorly. Now as late teens have medical exemptions but both are damaged for life. They flew often but both did decent flying. Not doing life - that’s now a train wreck - but flying as long as I kept them occupied they were ok. Thank you for being the voice of reason, with the collective voices of reason. Many of us will stand with you if and when the time comes - money doesn’t win. My life was gifted to me by God or evolution whichever you believe- the same as every other person here on this earth, no person has a right to challenge my existence or the perfection that we are. :). All over the world, people are forced to live in misery because money, power and evil rises to the top. I wish that could change.

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You say much Stanley that demonstrates the pain and injustice that was and is imposed on innocent people. It can all be summed up as "The love of money in the root of all evil." The jab was and is an experimental substance that has imposed on innocent people injustice by way of adverse serious side effects up to and including death. Want proof. For starts search this site... React19 ...millions of people have been injured and millions more died! I know people that died. For starters search that site!

Nobody has the right to order anyone to take into their bodies what they refuse to take. It was and is a violation of the Nuremburg Code that people were executed for under its authority...does this ring a bell now? "my body, my choice" Those who imposed illegal mandates violated that code and over reached any authority they pretended to have including the American military, college and university deans/presidents, law enforcement, etc The death jab was is just that, an untested experimental jab, not a vacinne!!!

Your children Stanley were attacked by criminals wielding needles containing a deadly substance...there are whistle blowers everywhere like Dr. Yeadon, past vice president of Pfizer! There are medical studies galore! It cannot be hidden anymore! It was exposed as a fake a long time ago. Political hacks had NO RIGHT to impose mandates, damn them for being complicit in the murders of little children!!!!

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After reading the first VAERS reports in April,2021, which recorded 5000 deaths and 15-20k injuries, I have called this “vaccine” campaign, in addition to the lab created bio weapon virus, crimes against humanity. More insidious than the extermination of Jews and others during the Nazi scourge, because this mRNA injection is changing us as humans generationally. And sorry to say that even we who did not take the death drug have been changed just by the lab created virus Fauci and others allowed to be leaked to the entire world. I don’t know about you, but I see a marked character difference in those I have known as well as the population in general, from having contracted the disease….even myself. I notice a change from having lived through the last four years. This is psychological, but I also now get that “they” created a new coronavirus virus which I have no idea how it affects the immune system as compared to the former corona cold virus. I definitely see a difference in folks who took the vaccine, and kept taking the boosters, etc. It seems to have affected humanity in a weird psychological as well as mental way I cannot put my finger on. As if they created brain dead zombies. Then of course there are all the unnatural deaths by age group after the mandate. Speaking of the mandate, that alone, at least in America, was a crime against our citizens. All must be held accountable. I hope it happens before I die. Amen.

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Wow! I don't know where you live but intuition says some areas were huge Trump supporters were denied in Helene fiasco, and aid workers were directed to not help businesses or families who had a "Trump" sign on their door or property.

We live in a very screwed up world. Question everything. Directed energy is real.

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What you do locally and if you have access, the power of elites. Good to know such as you exist. I am assuming among those who can make change happen but best put to use in educating the "dumbed down" majority. Of course i do not know what risk that exposes you and your family to. It's so fucked up we can just not say the truth, that we cannot say or expose those who hurt us over and over again. Talk to your family; discuss the risk of telling your story; start a business based off your story, because my god, there's no left to trust. A gift which is all I have, a poem and no charge ever: Children are most beautiful when born with clear minds that governments fog up so they are not so clear anymore. I could not write this on a machine that hurts my fingers, my arthritic feelers, touchers, child hand graspers to a world I am leaving and I am not sad to leave, but sad I could not make it better before I go. Oh, my heart feels like that first Moderna shot, a life long murmur became a loud scream at the world. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?

I could not say on a machine what Refaat's balloon meant to me. I bought your words in hardback but would have preferred them in stone so that you never die, so the world always see what it can become, what it did become, what it should have never become.

I could not say in terse small sentences what is too large to say, so large that thousands of words and thousands of pages could not hold all the suffering, all the tears, all the failed world as seen through the innocence of a child's eye. I listen to my heart, the steady murmur it has always, some leaky valve I am told but more, a viewer of an unholy world full of deceivers and those we should not forgive and never trust again unless your balloon it there Refaat, unless your voice is not silenced but present at every meeting. The heart of my heart holds the whole world, your children and mine in a balloon, in a world we have yet to achieve but it will come because there's the case of the balloon and it hangs above us and keeps us forward with hope and courage and most of all love.


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Paula, who does one blame for the insanity of this wretched planet? Do we blame the tyrants? Or do we point fingers at the compliant, the "go along to get along," crowd otherwise known as the compliant? What about the cowards spoken of in Revelation Chapter 21 verse 8? These are those who refuse to rock the sinking boat or sound the alarm? Or those who fear corrupt police agencies or the ones like here in Canuckistan who voted for the spawn of a hippie witch and her commie fake husband? We let the storm troopers take over! The biDUMBS and the ovomit, the turdo and macron and merkel etc but the ones behind those are the real enemies.

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Best answer I can come up with for all your wonderful questions would be to follow what is happening? Shutdown in Canada, small in comparison to what the west proposed to be against in WWII but now full support for mudering/genociding not Jews??? Not okay in 1945, now okay in 2024?? Deeper looks reveal deeper things we will not teach our children lest they think their country not so grand, was never very grand, is not grand today and for all the children of our country to learn truth, to learn USS Maine, to learn USS liberty; imagine. We could have a better world.

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My 95 yr old dad (who lives on his own) only had one vaccine in his whole life. My Mom, who lived to 85, same. Meanwhile, all of my family who take flu and "other" vaccines are constantly sick. I won't even vaccinate my elderly dog at this point.

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I checked my family genealogy for the past 200 years and if someone made it to 20 years old then odds were 95% they made it to 80 plus. They lived on a farm for most of that time and didn't take vaccines or pharma drugs in the 1800's.

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I've done genealogy for my family and noticed that among my ancestors who settled New England, they had very big families (10-12 kids not uncommon) and tended to live at least to 80.

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I wish I could like this piece 1,000 times. You are so correct about the history, the players and the terrible outcome people are left with after their compliance in the vaccine trickery. I pray that wise Doctors like you will continue to call out the past mistakes. Hopefully, this will help to right some of the wrongs and reassure Americans that their government will never collectively lie about health policy again.

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Thank you!

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A lot that I agree with but I disagree regarding the Calley Means podcast. He gave typical politician style answers where he spoke but said nothing. He refused to acknowledge the elephant in the room, and no sorry, the mRNA shots can be halted day 1. Thousands if not millions of people are being maimed and killed by these shots. It is the greatest domestic and international terror and what we need is people to speak up and say these shots need ro stop.

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I agree, I was not impressed by Means’s seeming refusal to condemn the vaccines. I could only listen for an hour and got tired of listening to Kruse ( what a jerk).

I would be less skeptical if Means had said “Look Trump bragged about his role in creating the vaccines. He would just crush any attempt to ban his signature “accomplishment”. He is not going to let RFK ban them, so let’s use the momentum we have to correct other serious flaws in food and Pharma”. But… he didn’t so is that because he is controlled opposition or he is a “good” politician and seeks to bring about the “possible” and knows by saying what Inthink he should have said he would lose all his influence with Trump and cost the movement momentum.

As a health care professional I act locally and do what I can for my patients who are open to alternatives and pray for the rest. Many of them who haven’t been red pilled have seen how ineffective they are and have stopped asking to get them. Maybe if we get the nation healthy enough with diet and lifestyle changes any future plandemic will fail due to low mortality rates.

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Well said

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100%!!! Many who have been injured or killed aren't on VAERS. That pharma group is centralized with a plan of transhumanism that they don't hide. They want us all connected to the 6G by 2030. The amount of information and money going to data storage, data cooling, water rights, nano tech everything is off the charts. The Mid western doctor better steer himself back to the nanotech and do some serious investigations.

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Our talisman should be a glossy pair of brass knuckles, a symbol of our resolve to dig in and raise holy hell to right the ship.

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I don't think the MAHA objectives will happen overnight, and was dismayed to see what is happening with folks like Calley Means. I worked in county government for years and served on state advisory committees and got an insider's glimpse of how things work. Here's what I think will happen, or needs to-

1.) Keep fighting against censorship. Let both sides present arguments, even if they seem senseless. X has taken a giant step in that direction.

2.) Berating Trump, RFK Jr. or anyone for not being able to "ban vaccines and farm chemicals immediately" does NOT mean they've given up or the other side has won. Remember, Trump is first and foremost a businessman who loves to make a profit and I truly believe he wants the USA to run like a successful business. And what does a businessman (or woman) often have to do to close the deal? Negotiate.

3.) It's going to take a lot of work for businesses - be they pharmaceutical companies or ag chemical producers - to change their business models. Most folks don't realize some of the biggest investors in pharmaceutical, chemical and social media stocks is government, state and federal. They depend on profits to fund building roads and a myriad of other things like social security. The government employs stockbrokers to help manage OUR money, and even though some of it is spent wastefully, it still creates jobs and funds retirements. Some of those businesses have become corrupt. It's complicated. Consumers have power. But it will probably take time.

I won't be discouraged if changes are incremental. Maybe start with education if MAHA goals aren't getting support through legislation. How about large warnings on food packages and drugs similar to those on cigarette packages? And on vaccine inserts at the start, not in the fine print at the bottom of the 4th page. Start to educate. Let the people help turn the tide.

MAHA going to be a huge job. I hate to see infighting stand in the way.

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100% agree.

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Debate is good and there's nothing wrong with respectful and sometimes heated disagreements. What I object to are the many accusations of "controlled opposition." Some people may indeed be controlled but we can only make guesses.

We all should agree on a main goal of dismantling the administrative state; paring back government power over individuals; ensuring free speech, the right to assembly, and informed consent; and insuring that the government is afraid of the people rather than the people of the government. Our task is mainly political, then.

A key point will be to forbid the use of technology to abuse or monitor citizens and recognize that this point will be crucial as technology becomes ever more powerful.

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