I agree with you, which is one reason I believe the FDA and CDC should be shut down completely. What right do a bunch of unelected bureaucrats have to tell me I need a prescription for this supplement or drug? Do we live in a free country where citizens are allowed to make their own choices, or do we live in a Nanny State where we expect…
I agree with you, which is one reason I believe the FDA and CDC should be shut down completely. What right do a bunch of unelected bureaucrats have to tell me I need a prescription for this supplement or drug? Do we live in a free country where citizens are allowed to make their own choices, or do we live in a Nanny State where we expect the Nanny government to tell us what to do? US Founders would be appalled at the complete mess and mockery of freedom our federal government has become.
When I lived in Greece for a little while I was shocked I could just go to the pharmacy and ask for an antibiotic and the pharmacist was free to sell it to me. That's how it should work... I think.
yep, I agree. Drugs, supplements, even "street drugs". The Drug War has been a total failure. Didn't we learn anything from Prohibition? You make something illegal and a black market results which is a boon for organized crime. Prohibition was one of the best things that ever happened to organized crime in the US. Drug War has created deadly drug cartels in Latin America and here in the US.
I can't think of a time when the US federal government declared war on something and it actually improved that "something". Every example I can think of, it made things worse: War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Cancer, War on Terror.
Hear Hear! I've been saying that for years, to no avail.
Too many fearful people who still favor the prohibiting mindset, even though it causes mayhem. They want to be "protected" from temptation, as far as I can tell. :-(
right. and that's IF the regulatory agencies have people working for them who have integrity and are actually working FOR the people. What we have today with the FDA and CDC is that they are not working for you and me, they are marketing arms for Pharma.
I agree with you, which is one reason I believe the FDA and CDC should be shut down completely. What right do a bunch of unelected bureaucrats have to tell me I need a prescription for this supplement or drug? Do we live in a free country where citizens are allowed to make their own choices, or do we live in a Nanny State where we expect the Nanny government to tell us what to do? US Founders would be appalled at the complete mess and mockery of freedom our federal government has become.
When I lived in Greece for a little while I was shocked I could just go to the pharmacy and ask for an antibiotic and the pharmacist was free to sell it to me. That's how it should work... I think.
yep, I agree. Drugs, supplements, even "street drugs". The Drug War has been a total failure. Didn't we learn anything from Prohibition? You make something illegal and a black market results which is a boon for organized crime. Prohibition was one of the best things that ever happened to organized crime in the US. Drug War has created deadly drug cartels in Latin America and here in the US.
I can't think of a time when the US federal government declared war on something and it actually improved that "something". Every example I can think of, it made things worse: War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Cancer, War on Terror.
Hear Hear! I've been saying that for years, to no avail.
Too many fearful people who still favor the prohibiting mindset, even though it causes mayhem. They want to be "protected" from temptation, as far as I can tell. :-(
right. and that's IF the regulatory agencies have people working for them who have integrity and are actually working FOR the people. What we have today with the FDA and CDC is that they are not working for you and me, they are marketing arms for Pharma.
Dump 'em. Fat, useless, and corrupt. A bad combination.