As an Integrative Physician, I believe good nutrition is fundamental to creating good health, when it is not there and sustaining it when it is there. I think some guy said (a long time ago) "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." He's dead now, so a lot of good that did him. Briefly I think it is easier to sort foods into three categories: foods that are just plain bad for you (based on their intrinsically unhealthful properties, or because of toxic ingredients, as with processed foods), foods that are just totally good for you (surprisingly few of these -- organic, local fresh fruits and vegetables. Certain whole grains, and animal food that is organically raised, grass fed or pasture raised, and if milk based, from unpasteurized (raw) milk can probably safely consumed in moderate quantities. There is actually a huge middle area that consists of foods which are either good for you when not taken in excess, or at least not bad for you: I would include in this group healthy fats, such as olive and coconut oil, organic butter from grass fed animals, avocados, beans and other pulses, honey and maple syrup. I agree with A Midwestern Doctor that different diets will work for different people. I do find it easiest to start with trying to get people to avoid the foods that are on the "avoid or minimize" list, rather than getting them to eat a specific way. However, some people do respond best to structure, and being told exactly what to eat. I have not yet developed this structured a diet yet, but I think it would be more successful for those more structure-bound patients.

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This is a great comment. I very much agree with it.

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I performed and studied a no-sweet-drink intervention with patients a few years ago.

We did the consent,and I explained and gave printed explanation, and I gave everybody a couple of bags of nice Japanese green tea as a gift to try, from myself to them.

I think the sincere gesture of giving a gift of goodwill may help.

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With the disclaimer the extent of my "research" was reading diet books (e.g. Atkins) and looking up a few studies on PubMed and such, a curiousity I found: I was dubious of claims that artificial sweeteners might contribute to weight gain. While that seems unlikely in that the chemical itself has little or no nutritional value, it's possible that some of them may affect metabolism in poorly understood ways. But I found a few studies that provided what seem a much more logical explanation: With the sugar substitutes, people may simply eat more on average.

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The sweetener causes the body toreleaseinsulin, in anticipation of sugar.The bloodsugar drops from the insulin. The body makes a panic-response to push the blood sugar up, part of which is hunger.

The people and the rats that take artificial sweeteners always gain more weight than the ones who take sugar, though sugar is also a problem.

Hence, the "no sweet drinks" project.

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No. Sugar is not the problem. The problem is the indoctrination into pufa's. Read articles at raypeat.com and have your mind blown but come out ahead when you actually understand how bodies work biochemically.

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You might have misunderstood what I wrote. I explained how artificial sweeteners trigger a sugar-response, but since there was no sugar, no calories taken, the drop in blood-sugar from the sugar-response (insulin is released to lower the anticipated blood sugar) then the body rebounds into a panicked get-blood-sugar-back-up response.

This is similar to "reactive hypoglycemia" from a fast-release carbohydrate meal (like potatoes or rice), where the insulin produced by the body to lower the blood sugar from the meal outlasts the meal, so a person gets low blood sugar a couple of hours after eating, and is suddenly hungry again.

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Artificial sweeteners are neuro-toxic. Aspartame for example contains nitrogen which is a control of neuro-toxicity. It slows down metabolism among other things and will increase weight gain if anything. The same problem occurs with big pharma drugs.

In any event they should be avoided. Even refined sugar is better and that is problematic.

Big pharma have been pushing artificial sweeteners to vilify sugar so they can poison us with their nasty chemicals even more that just vaccines and drugs.

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Relevant to providing structure....

I began a keto diet after a truly shocking coronary artery calcium scan - it was time to update my will. BUT, in 2 years I have achieved my objective of drastically reduced coronary risk. Along the way I found that conceptualizing a restricted diet and actually doing it are worlds apart. Only after building a spreadsheet model that tracks calories, fat, carbs, protein and fiber for every thing I put in my mouth was I able to easily stay on track. After some initial effort the model soon required only 10 minutes a day or so. As any manager will tell you, it is very hard to manage what you don't measure.

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Diet deficient in vit K2 is an important cause of misdirection of Calcium from bones to blood vessels.

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After adding K2, stopped having brittle fingernails and my nails also thickened. I was alerted to this by Dr. Mercola.

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Congratulations and I agree about measuring and having info at hand as key to success! Question: If you don't mind my asking - was the scan result better or is it that your other numbers are better or another test looked better? My friends brother had a heart attack and they scanned him and his number was terrible. They wouldn't scan my friend because she refused to take statins (she has high cholesterol). Her doc said if she got a bad scan and would agree to take the statins she could have the scan. She did. Her scan yielded a low number. Doctor: "Grumbly grumble ".

Will you keep on Keto?

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Absolutely. Check out "Eat Well Live Long". A cited study showed that for all levels of coronary artery calcification keeping one's annual increase below 15% takes one back to background risk of a coronary. Keto is the only known way to do that. My first scan was 2900. After two years of Keto my increase was 10.5% per year. Also various blood lipid ratios are far better predictors than the reported numbers. Although some of my reported numbers went slightly backward my ratios improved big time.

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Thank you for replying. I will check out that book! I see my friend for lunch today. I am going to tell her about the 15% figure. I am low carb (meaning less than 100 total carb), but husband is keto (under 20 total carb) for those not you that may read this : )). He does it to improve endurance in sports. I am seriously considering keto - at least trying. So many benefits! Congratulations on nailing down your diet and making conscientious/well researched decisions about your health. So few do even when their lives are in clear jeopardy.

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Happy to hear about your great results. Another win for natural healing! While measuring is likely to improve adherence to a diet, getting people to adhere to measuring is another matter. When it comes to behavioral interventions, many take the path of least resistance, or so has been my experience in over thirty years of practice. Still, there are always those who are sufficiently motivated and disciplined to benefit from the kind of carefully thought out plan you benefitted from.

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Alas, self-discipline is the first or second element in shortest supply in most human endeavors. I am not sure which does more damage, lack of knowledge or lackawanna.

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I switched to a mostly carnivore diet about a year ago and I noticed an improvement in my health. I do buy local from a famer that raises pasture beef and another who raises pasture pork and I also make sure to eat organ meats and lots of grass-fed butter. I'm not as clean as Jordan Peterson, as I still like the occasional dessert and I still eat fruit and homemade bread on occasion. But I get the worst sugar hangovers if I eat to many carbs. I have defiantly changed my gut biome. Overall though I feel less tired and more alert.

To go into more detail, I am in my thirties, female, with type B blood. I noticed my knee that use to hurt constantly from an old running injury doesn't hurt anymore, doesn't pop or groan, and overall, I recover faster when I do anything physical. I also am more sun tolerant (I use to burn if I was outside for half an hour) letting me be outside without sunscreen without burning or being too uncomfortable for several hours at a time, even at high noon. I don't get sugar crashes like I use to when I ate more vegetarian and can actually do a more intermittent fasting schedule.

What led me to this was reading the Carnivore Diet by Dr Ken Berry and though he has changed some of his statements his research and reasoning in the book are solid. I agree with trying to eat more like our ancient ancestors did before agriculture society, I just wish it wasn't so expensive. If they let more cattle do regenerative grazing it helps the land and the animals. Giving the soil back the nutrients, it needs, helping with natural land management and making better for you animals.

I do agree nutrition in not one size fits all, but I do think more people need good grass fed iron rich meat in their diet and less processed junk. And I've seen the cows around where I live in the pastures grazing, they are happy and healthy, and when they are ready, they are killed and eaten with much thanks for what they provide. People are too far removed from their food source, even vegetarians and vegans, to realize what goes on to grow and raise what we eat in this country.

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Thank you. I appreciate you sharing this. I also really dislike that many of the foods we most need are also the most expensive.

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True but you need so much less of them once it becomes the main part of your diet so with that consideration, along with increased productivity and therefor more earnings potential, better relationships, and likely never needing a doctor to prescribe drugs that are overpriced and lock you into an endless loop of taking more and more, I think the savings are enormous. We just don’t stop to consider everything that goes into the equation and I’ve only listed a few here. That’s why I’ve always been a fan of the saying, “pay now, or pay later.” Just had another relative (I’ve had many) diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (which I believe was cause by statins and then diabetes) who will spend the next 10-15 years dying (not living) and will slowly whither away, becoming a shell of herself and leaving us all to look after her and feel tremendous sadness while we try to pull forth the memories that make her such a blessing in our lives. It happens ALL THE TIME and we’re doing it to ourselves with the help of scientists who make formulations that become frankenfoods and trap us in an endless loop of gluttony.

I’ll finish by saying this and it’s only my opinion based on years of research and you’ve laid out a case for it here in this article; optimal health is based on optimal nutrition. When you eat food that is loaded with nutrients of which I think ruminant animals to be the best source, you get full very quickly. When we eat food devoid of nutrients our body not only forces you to find more but has to deal with the nuclear reaction that’s been set off trying to create energy and deal with the byproducts of that process and it eventually becomes too much. I recommend a book called “Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition.” It changes my whole outlook on health and how hard it is to come back from disease, physically, mentally, and fiscally. Great article thus far! Looking forward to the rest!

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We get conditioned to consider food as not that important compared to the latest model of whatever. We waste money on inessentials and neglect good food at our peril.

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I have returned the last month to a keto-carnivore diet. My cravings disappeared and notice much less pain in joints. None actually. I was having back pain and it’s gone. Some gerd gone. Sleep is better. Calmer as well. I feel a bit thinner. I’ve been on this before but let it slide. I’m almost 75 and have good energy and no fatigue. I’ve always felt better on a lower carb diet. I’ve always enjoyed meat and partake liberally. Keep up what you’re doing!💪

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Dr Paul Saladino added fruit and honey because he knows our brains and bodies will steal sugar from your tissues if you don't eat carbs. I failed into a hypothyroid state after 1.5 years on carnivore. It's a healing diet, just like keto can be but will not be optimal for anyone who isn't an eskimo.

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Jun 7, 2023
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If you put our evolution on a clock, then the last 12,000 years would come out to about a minute or two. The last 100-150 years would come out to a few seconds while most anthropology points to us being predominantly meat eaters the rest of the time (clock). Just thought a different perspective might help as it did for me. I do care what people eat because our society is falling apart and it’s mainly because of what we eat and all the other things we surround ourselves with. Plants would’ve been fallback foods and mostly berries as most stems, leaves, roots, and shoots will kill you. We figure out which we’re least offensive and started cultivating them and those 12,000 years didn’t make us stronger and better able to handle plants and their toxins, it’s slowly weakened us and we kept ramping up the processing to bring us where we are today. I’m still trying to deal with Oxalates after they almost killed me but I’m better than I’ve ever been both physically and especially mentally. Once I realized we’re at the top of the food chain for a reason and plants only method of survival is to kill their predators, it all became clear to me from there. I wish you the best though and we’ll eventually learn the truth.

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Jun 8, 2023
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On the oxalate piece, I was just trying to eat “healthy” according to the information I had come across and research I did. It’s nearly impossible to avoid if you’re going to consume plants which wouldn’t be a problem if we gave our body time to detox them but we typically don’t so they just continue to accumulate in our tissues and reek havoc on our biological systems. Now going almost completely animal based, my body can finally deal with them but it’s no fun, and can be quite dangerous but I want them out. When I’m not dumping, I feel better than I ever have and I’m not ever going back. No cake, no carrot, no nothing is worth it to me any longer and I thoroughly enjoy m diet now. Cheers!

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homo sapiens species has prob been around for at least 100,000 years maybe up to 200,000. there has only been agriculture for maybe 5-6000. A drop in the bucket. That short time has not really altered our genome much

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Jun 9, 2023
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As a Dene Indian (Northern Canada ancestry), my gene line has only had access to carbs/sugars/vegetables for one or two generations. We only had caribou, fish, and occasional berries for nourishment. I am thin, strong, and healthy on a carnivore-heavy diet. My fat brother loves vegetables, and has a weakness for carbs. However, I see some other folks thrive on mostly vegetables. Perhaps other bloodlines (and/or gut biome) are better adapted for roughage, as the good Dr implies? I suspect carbs are bad for most (except perhaps super-active people who burn the extra energy through their systems without damage). Carbs are peasant food in my mind (ref: hunting the "king's deer" was a serious offense in some places).

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Seems to me a tragedy that so many indigenous people have left their traditional way of eating. Hoping to see a revival of eating more traditionally, and there are some signs its happening

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Beans are generally a terrible food for humans. Humans have not adapted to these altered modern diets. What has happened is that humans have adapted the FOODS to better suit US. We have selectively bred the foods to make them more caloric , more digestible, more palatable. Most plants have chemicals in them that make them TOXIC to animals! IF you were a plant , you would not want to be eaten by an animal unless your reproductive strategy involved being eaten ( like the way fruits are eaten by animals who pass the seeds through their digestive tracts and poop out the seeds in another location where they germinate)

So evolutionarily most plants are indigestible or have toxic components that make them hard to or dangerous to eat. It is only thought thousands of years of selective breeding ( of processing ) that most plants we eat have become edible.

I think you have it backwards.

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Jun 9, 2023
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when you say our biology has somehow changed to adapt to these foods thats not really true. Humans have adapted the foods by selectively breeding them and cooking them ; processing them in certain ways.

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Dr. Jason Fung has written several excellent books that echo many things you covered here. For those who may be interested I would suggest "The Diabetes Code" and "The Complete Guide to Fasting" THANK you "A Midwestern Doctor" for your excellent substack!!

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He's done a lot of good work!

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Dr. Fung is awesome! ❤

Find his channel on YouTube.

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second the recommendation

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I have a degree in Nutrition Bio.Science from U of Guelph 1992, then went on to be a Chef. I have had two children and weight the same now as I did then give or take 5 lbs (BMI 18). From all I have learned I believe that unprocessed, organic, well balanced foods are essential to aid in satiety and of course nutritional value. The most important thing that I believe has helped me maintain my weight is exercise. I got rid of my car and walk everywhere. I do resistance training/weights. I’m not a big cardio gal but find when I work outside I’m pretty much huffin’ and puffin’ so I count that as cardio. Oh, I also have a dog, this of course is vital for my emotional well being too. Everyone is different but this works for me. I also don’t drink alcohol anymore.

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I agree with your philosophy.

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exercise is critical. Humans are meant to MOVE around. Kurt Vonnegut once said that humans are "dancing " animals. Walking , bending , stretching... crawling. Imagine being a hunter gatherer. What activities did these people do... thats what we should reproduce. Heavy chronic cardio is prob no so great. constant heavy liftingl. probably no so great.

Check out this.

the 4 essential basic movements.



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Agree exercise is critical to help maintain, but I'm sure you've heard "you can't run away from a bad diet". People who are very obese would be better to focus on their way of eating (80% effect) and exercise when they get closer to normal weight (20% effect).

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When I was dxed with cancer many years ago, the fad then was citrus juice detoxes followed by a very low fat, vegetarian diet. Plus wheat grass juice, horrible.

After a few months of this, I could barely function. People thought the cancer was about to swiftly kill me, the way I looked.

Then I woke up and went back to eating. And lo and behold, I quickly regained my energy and normality. Later, I did the SCD (special carbohydrate diet, kinda an early form of keto) for 6 months, and it felt good. Hard to be without crispy crunchy breads and pastries forever, though. I tried elimination diets, checking my pulse... when it told me I am sensitive to even onions, I just gave up on all that BS.

Later yet, when they told me I was dying, I said to myself, heck, if I am on the way out, the only thing that makes sense is to eat what I love. :-) And I am sticking to it! (And hey, I did not die! :-)

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This is why it's very important not to be dogmatic about diets.

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I was diagnosed with cancer at beginning 2020. In reality it was sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning. NHS doctors never asked me about diet. They are pig ignorant.


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How do you know it was sodium nitrite, and what have you done to deal with it? And has "the cancer" gone away on account of your (I am presuming) anti-nitrite poisoning strategy?

No, they never talk about diet. They never talk about lots of things. One's self-education in the face of serious health issues is key to survival.

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I could say that I don't know from the point of view that I have not been tested. It is ridiculous but one can have meats tested for nitro-samines yet I have not found anybody who will do this for humans in UK despite the fact I understand this has been done in the past.

However, if you should read the post I explain my reasoning and it is ultimately pure logic based on all the evidence and my experience.

The production of nitro-samines is well documented and carcinogenic properties known about for at least 40 years.

Due to issues with the MRI scans I do not want gadolinium contrast dye again in my system. I consider that the medics act in great ignorance of the long term effects of it let alone what the MRI magnets will do.

As far as my healing goes this is slow. I explain some of what I am doing in the article but I should really be more disciplined and fast more. I have a palsy and the muscle tone does seem to be improving.

As regards cancer in general we have been badly misled by big pharma and medical profession/academics as cancer is primarily down to toxic substances in the diet.

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Back in the 70's a doctor wrote about what killed most cancer patients and it was malnutrition and dehydration from the cancer "treatments." Of course that doctor was ridiculed and drummed out of the "cool kids table" medical industrial complex. Apparently you can be poisoned, radiated and cutup and not eat or drink during it all and still survive. So says medicine.

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Well done! ❤

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It's simple. You want to lose weight, quit eating a lot, exercise more. Hell with fads.

My wife and I grow and raise over 80% of our daily calories. Huge garden, cattle, sheep, diverse orchard of over 100 varieties., our fallback is always is dairy. Biggest weight gainer for me is apples-easily eat 10+ a day in the fall.

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"It's simple. You want to lose weight, quit eating a lot, exercise more"

Maybe not quite that simple.

The Ultimate Weight Loss Cause (Hormones vs. Calories) | Jason Fung


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So very true! I wish I could apologize to those 48-55 year olds I worked with when I was 30 who were pleasantly plump and would say...I don't eat anything and work out and can't lose weight...while in my mind I was thinking yeah whatever lay off the donuts! 🤣 Because here I am almost mid 50's, hysterectomy at 42, eating ZERO getting over 13,000 steps a day and losing weight is the pits!!! Berberine has helped some. There's a reason little female dogs get short and wide after a spay! 🥴🤣 I can NOT absolutely do extra protein either! Ex: protein meal replacement shakes. I can't even do Native Path Collagen! It helped my nails, hair, skin, & joints, but I swelled and gained 10 lbs FAST! I did have a severe allergic reaction to an animal byproduct in an herbal pill in my mid 30's. I wonder if that had something to do with Collagen?! Carbs don't bother me unless excessive or it's in the form of dairy. A one size fits all sure would be nice!

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Some of our foods encourage weight gain. They are engineered for that in many cases on purpose. They activate brain areas and cravings. Addiction actually. HFCS, seed oils like canola, additives, etc. the more of all this added to food corresponds in the rise of obesity and chronic health. Most know diddly about eating a normal healthy real food diet nor how to curb the amounts of what they are being fed. They are still on the fat is bad paradigm. If what you do works, that’s great.

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I like pointing out when there is actually a grain of truth in what is otherwise most likely erroneous belief. For example, nowadays almost no one would deny that trans fats are bad. About the only thing they have in their favor is what would otherwise be a liqud is made solid (e.g. olive oil) and/or long shelf life. Another example might be the still entrenched belief that "cholesterol" is a driver of atherosclerosis. Well yes and no. At least to some researchers, certain sub-types are very bad: especially when LDL/HDL/etc. gets damaged (oxidized glycated); or an evolutionary fallback that some bodies make to excess - lipoprotein(a). Disclaimer: the foregoing is based on my preschool level knowledge of such matters.

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Trans fats is what happens to trans gender people when they mess around with their bodies.


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The fat switch (discussed in part two) explains why the apples do that.

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So envious!

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I grow my own apples and they are hard to resist come fall!

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Besides, working the garden is a lot of exercise when it's that big

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Garden work is not that bad, alot in the beginning, but soon self shading takes over and makes it easier.

Exercise is pitch fork feeding cattle and horses at 10 below, or summer haying..

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there's a lot of work, time in processing your garden for the winter and spring. Goes without saying, I think. We prefer drying and freezing, keep 4 chest freezers. We give alot to the kids, who are long grown and out of our home.

I think the best hand tool for weeding is the "winged weeder" You have to search for it, but beats any hoe or whatever. Just glide it along in between the rows, just under the soil surface, rips out the weeds in an easy snap.

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apples have a lot of carbs.,

if you want to fatten up an animal feed it grain, want it lean, graze it...

nuf said humans same

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Not everyone has that Privilege though.

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I've lost 42 lbs in the last 15 months, NOT by dieting.

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in March 2021. A1C was 10.5, started Keto with 20 carbs a day, not net carbs, not micro-carbs just carbs. I asked my Dr at the time to let me try nutrition before starting Metform and she agreed.

The first 3 days were horrible as I got rid of all the sugar cravings but after that it was fine.

3 months later was 5.9, 3 months later 5.4, 3 months later 5.2.

The loss of lbs was just a plus, feel great, look better and happy about the weight loss.

My Doctor is happy and said I am cured. (IMHO only in remission because if I went back to my old way of eating it would return)

The nutritional counselor at the hospital said I would never get below a A1C of 7.

At first I was skeptical of KETO because I saw people at church...loss weight and then gain it back. But, because I did it for my health I haven't. I new way of eating for a lifetime.

Nice overview !

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Your third to last sentence has a very large nugget of wisdom. In the first place, it's a truism in weigh loss attempts (so says one of the Atkins books.) He also states what should be obvious: if the dieter wants to keep the weight off, they can't return to their old ways of eating. Ah, but what can we expect from human nature? Dieter needs to learn the distinction between "cure" and "treatment/reprieve."

Somewhere in my clipping collection I have an old "Hagar the Horrible" comic.

Hagar [in doctor's office, looking ill]: "Doc, what can I do about these awful hangovers I get?"

Doctor: "You can reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages."

Hagar: "No seriously doc, what can I do?"


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Thank you.

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Keto is great and works. Some people, like me, are carb intolerant. But yeah, if you start eating apple pie, it comes back.

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That is incredible!

Does your doctor now recommend keto to other patients with type 2 diabetes?

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No she just said most people can't do eating right. They give up.

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Isn't that interesting. I bet if they knew what was coming down the pike if they continued eating as they have OR what the side effects of the medicines (long and short term) were they would find it within them to do eating right! People can follow the type 2 diabetes plan but not keto?

I smell a cow nearby.

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I was lucky I guess because I grew up in a country where meat, eggs and dairy products were all the food we had. Very few sugary foods. Nobody was obese or had any health issues. To me that's the only proof I need to eat exactly those foods.

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It's amazing people can't recognize simple things like that now.

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A pill for obesity is surely the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of.

Overweight must be more than food-related, but who is looking to our environment and our activities? Weight lifting and walking can do a lot. For all we know, personal electronic devices lead to obesity. Or being indoors all day. Or a multiplicity of vaccinations. Or all of the above.

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But I am sure you can understand how profitable it is!

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I begin to think of pills as profit centers.

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Like my friends on that new ozempa injection for weight loss. No weight loss but digestive and esophageal issues. Plus a new study, for what it’s worth, ascribes up to 40% lean muscle loss in older users. Not what elderly need for sure as muscle mass is indicative of being mobile and protective.

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When big pharma offer you a pill for obesity it means the pill will cause, it not cure it.

But then their neuro-toxic drugs have been doing that for a while anyway.

Of course there will be multiple studies (funded by big pharma) to show that the pill works. It will be random double blinded (so you can't see what their doing) etc. etc. etc.

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that blood type division is interesting. I am A and can easily do without as much meat, but can not even imagine givng up on my bread, which I mostly bake myself, occasionally eating a Mexican flatbread. Never eat junk food, fried food, or sugar candy, only an ounce of chocolate a day, yes, I am addicted to that. I wonder if our ancestors were settlers, compared to the ancestors of the meat-eaters, hunters? Whereas monkeys and apes were considered vegetarian, it is known that they do occasionally eat meat, or insects. And our teeth are for mixed food too right? We do not have vegan teeth, nor do we have carnivorous teeth. I totally agree with the listen to your body advice. Another strange thing I recently found out. I used to clean teeth after every meal and have had poor stomach for quite some time. 3 weeks ago read an article how this is not good, now only clean before bed, and no more stomach problems, no matter what I eat. And I used 'clean' tootphaste with very little chemicals

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The cleaning teeth point is really interesting. I will need to think about that.

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I'd like information on how dental materials can block energy channels in the body. I became ill after four porcelain caps on my molars. I've had health issues that correlate with the meridians that run through those teeth. I don't have the funds to have them re-done. Even if I did, what could be used that would be compatible with the body's energy system?

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There are a few biocompatible composities that have been made by the leading biological dentists.

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Such as?

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Great mentioning the teeth thing! I also now only brush my teeth at night and I feel much more balanced. My whole life teeth brushing so often felt aggravating for me. I also don’t ever rinse my mouth with unclean water. I use filtered water. Periodt.

Doc, let me know what you find out about dental health. Years ago the China Study put me on to the idea that we need to brush our teeth in the western world because of the type of food in the SAD. There are soooo many regions of people who don’t brush and have no serious dental issues because their diet is more in alignment with their biology. I also suspect that much of the dental industry is a scam, especially when it comes to their money maker - wisdom teeth removal.

Side note: teeth are also communicating with us about what to eat. When you really tune into your Body Wisdom (the only true diet - diet meaning way to eat and drink), every part of you will send messages about eating. My teeth will react when eating certain foods and drinks, not just sweets. It’s my sign to stop eating. My friends look at me strangely when I say, “my teeth don’t want that.” 😂

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I have all of my teeth including wisdom teeth, and I haven't seen a dentist in almost 40 years. I last went in for a 'cleaning' and check up in my early 20's. My teeth looked great for a week or two, and then they started getting dingier than before! I'll stick with daily brushing, no dentistry if I can avoid it.

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Re "wisdom teeth removal". This explains how the masses have been dumbed down. :)

The 'tooth' will set you free!!!

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I would dispute your claim that dental care is a scam (although I'd likely agree about certain cosmetic dental services.) But regular check-ups and essential care? I'm all for it. We can argue details if you like: flouride good or evil? Harms when mercury was used in fillings? Etc. But from all I've ever read, having a good set of teeth is rather critical if one expects to be able to chew food and to fully extract the nutritional value.

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Hello. Thanks for responding. I didn’t use the words “dental care.” I said, “dental industry.” I didn’t make any claims about dental care, at least not any related to the points you brought up. I didn’t speak against taking care of teeth or the criticality of having “a good set of teeth.” If you’re on this page, it’s likely you’ve been exposed to the concerns about fluoride and mercury. I feel no need to add further to that conversation. I mentioned one specific aspect of the dental industry scam - wisdom teeth removal - and you’ve seemed to have skipped over that. Have you researched the dental industry from multiple perspectives?

I’m a questioning person so in questioning whether or not I had to have my wisdom teeth removed I discovered that it was an unnecessary surgery. My teeth never grew out of the sides of my mouth as promised by several dentists who seemed all too eager to take them out. I found that strange so I investigated it from a financial perspective and asked hard hitting questions.

The SAD is great for the dental industry as terrible food can cause terrible teeth. Terrible teeth is a good business for dentistry. I’m not talking about procedures like getting braces because of legitimate structural issues or a general teeth cleaning. I’m talking about what drinking surgery coffee drinks everyday means in dollars for the dental industry. I’m talking about how simple advice from dentists about how to navigate the growth and care of wisdom teeth is better than removal. Most of the wisdom teeth issue has to do with feeling pain in their onset. People just get them removed so they don’t have to deal with pain but removal isn’t alway necessary for the patient. It’s always necessary however for a dentist who makes good money on regular removals. It’s a huge part of their bread and butter and for me, that makes them no different than quack doctors who throw pills at everything because sick people is good business. Even in the UK dentists are moving away from the practice of removal and teaching care techniques instead. It’s an interesting topic to research.

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Well said. When I met my wife to be in 1992 I had gone 14 years without seeing a dentist. She did persuade me to have a check up. I had one small cavity.

I had tended to avoid much sugar and any processed foods. I am in the UK so glad to hear about dentists getting some sense.

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Plastic toothbrushes are problematic. Everything being made plastic, yuck!

P.S. I like 'tootphaste'. :)

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then I won't correct it LOL

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Maybe you’re toothpaste was a problem?

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I used 4 different ones, all with natural ingredients. So it is not the toothpaste

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I particularly admire you for stating that one size fits all diets don't work though the 'experts' have always insisted that they, and only they, have the perfect diet. If only people understood that they have to figure out what diet is best for them, the obesity epidemic might be brought under control.

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The business of modern wedicine is all about disempowering people so they depend on expert rather than themselves to take care of their health :(

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"wedicine" is a good word (please don't change it)! People are wedded to medicine or medded to wedicine...

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The " experts" like to sell books on diets and people like to buy them. I prefer to buy or grow good food.

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"In the second part of this series, I will discuss two of the most important points this article has raised follow from that and my preferred method for losing weight (my most recent attempt lost 31 pounds in 30 days.)

How exciting!

During the "thing" which the unvaxxed in Canada endured for 3 plus years, I lost my employment, my income, became depressed, began baking bread, gained 20 pounds, and sincerely wish to shed this excess weight.

None of my pants fit. 😢 I'm in my mid sixties now and have never been overweight.

Thus, have been researching various weight reduction ideas in order to nip this situation in the bud.

Very much looking forward to "Part 2" of this article.

Losing 31 pounds in 30 days would be miraculous!

I trust you implicity doctor.

Thank you. ❤

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I can also attest that it gets very frustrating when your clothes no longer fit :(

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I have different size clothes for office work (waist 36-38 inches) and for labor work (32 inch waist). I also noticed a pattern over my various jobs related to sunshine - I never get sick when working outside. A little sunshine and physical activity has a huge impact on my physique and health.

I still wonder if the environment also impacts health? Offices are quite sterile, whereas in the field you are always dirty and generally eat lunch with hours of grime all over your hands. I figure germ theory has giant holes in it, or our immune systems adapt and require a variety of exposures to stay strong.

Aside: I've also been a heavy drinker throughout my adult life; it hasn't affected my health as far as my body tells me (yet!).

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The thing with offices is likely sick building syndrome to varying degree. Increase in plastics and volatile organic compounds all add to toxicity. Vitamin D via sunshine is a huge factor.

People working indoors will have very low levels. I refer to some of that here.



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Interesting links. I tend to agree with a lot of it. Bright overcast days certainly burn people more than clear skies, in my observations.

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I am glad to hear another witness to that fact, thank you.

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Big time doc. 😢

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What were you putting into your bread? What kind of flour were you using? I (reaching age 73 next month) have been baking bread from age 13, and all family bread for 51 years. People use to say to me, 'I can't bake bread; I would get fat". Apparently they were putting butter on their bread. My suspicion is that the habit of buttering/putting jam on bread arose from eating commercially-baked bread made with debased flour: no taste (so add taste with butter/jam). My bread contains 4 elements--count them--four-!--yeast, water, salt, flour. Small addition of yeast makes the yeast work harder/longer to raise the bread, which allows more by-products of flavor (and loaf longevity). The quality of the flour makes a great difference in taste, as well.

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I think they mean that they love bread and would eat a lot of it. Flour is not without calories. Or carbs. Regular and organic flour same carbs and calories. Einkorn flour - I think that has less carbs. Sourdough too I think. Don't quote me on those.

Maybe it is just ME that would eat a lot of it. No topping required. Haha. You'd have to grease the doors to get me thru it. Ditto for potatoes.

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"My bread contains 4 elements--count them--four-!--yeast, water, salt, flour."

Same, but I also add a little fat (I use the no knead method): evoo.

No butter. No jam.

"Small addition of yeast makes the yeast work harder/longer to raise the bread..."

Just baked a batch of 100% ww (Canadian whole wheat) buns for my mum.

She experienced a sudden health issue last week (pushing 91), and my sister has her on a very strict diet.

No dairy. No pasta. No wheat products.

However she needs more fibre, according to her doctor, so we'll see how she feels after consuming a 95 gram whole wheat bun per day, for a week.

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Many yesterdays' food stuck in the rump,

Hast thou forsaken me, my daily dump?

Til at last of wheat bran I did avail,

Next day I fairly passed a bale! 😏

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Why no-knead? For me, kneading is one of the greatest pleasures of bread making--I put my laptop on top of the flour bin, and watch a video while kneading. for 10-15 minutes. Muscle strengthening at the same time.

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It's a technique/routine that really works for me.

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Toronto daughter used to give me (in US) as Christmas present Robin Hood 'melange a pain"--I loved it. They stopped milling it, Why? Manitoba wheat has most gluten, world-wide--unless something has changed in 25 years. Your northern climate appears to be just made for wheat growing.

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Jun 7, 2023
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Yes. Caught this from Elizabeth David 25 years ago. 1/2 tsp or even 1/4. I make a sponge ---this lets the yeast do 'its thing' as it wishes , and lets me do what chores I need to do--then do the kneading when I am ready.

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Too bad that you gained weight, but thank you for possibly confirming that eating more of one of the so-called "fast carbs" (flour) can make you gain weight. Of course, there are many more factors to consider, but it could be a partial cause.

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If the flour does not also have wheat germ one cannot burn the starch as fuel properly so it gets dumped as fat.

And goodness knows what toxic chemicals are in many refined flours.

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Thanks for this - and for the argument that not everything works for everybody. (You’d think that would be obvious but people get very dogmatic about their diets!) I read Dr Catherine Shanahan’s Deep Nutrition earlier this year and have been mostly following what she calls the “human diet”. (I have some disagreement with her on fruits and honey, can’t bring myself to eat organ meats, and can’t eat eggs.) Its a high protein and fat, lower carb (under 100g) way of eating but I don’t count anything.

I lost 5 lb in the first 3 weeks doing nothing else but following the principles (I’m not at all overweight anyway) and feel very good most of the time. I buy 85% of our meats/seafood and veg from local farms and fishermen. I even found local rice! And I have totally given up seed oils which I think is a big problem in the modern diet.

That being said, the high fat/protein diet wouldn’t have worked as well for me pre-menopause. I’ve always eaten plenty of protein but my need for carbs was higher and I never had a weight issue.

Intermittent fasting works great for my husband and I can’t do it at all. But we both are committed to local, clean, good fats, low/no sugar and feel/look good for our ages.

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Thank you too! I am not familiar with her work but I love that term (the "human diet").

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Men and women are so different. Look into Dr. Stacy Sims, who has special diet and exercise insights for women, especially peri-and post-menopausal women.

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For the last 30 years, I have been directing a fasting course program in Thailand. As the second "detox" center in Southeast Asia, I have experience in every one of the topics you discuss in this wonderful, thorough thesis on diet. Nevertheless, I feel inclined to share a few jewels that I have learned over the years regarding the fasting experience.

Numerous people from every country have passed through here with all types of cultural attachments to various foods and such. For example French people who love white bread, or Asians who love white rice. Or Americans who hold their emotions in their gut. The attachments to food are memorized by the bacteria, as you imply, but also the cell walls do as well.

After a 7 day detox, elimination fast--you like most doctors will probably pooh pooh this--with a high hydro-colonic irrigation therapy of several sessions with different solutions, I can humbly attest with God as my witness, that people change especially the hormones of a huge number of fasters. One would notice these changes right away, as the jowls, and the rolls disappear. But most important is the miracle of each person's--what I call--their divine immune intelligence--is visibly radiantly charged with their life force. Maybe this is what the Zeta Potential is?

Why this is, is of course, your territory, but I see the blood cleansing before my eyes from day 1.

By the way, many people who fast or coach fasting will tell you it takes 7 days to clean the blood. Nevertheless, the detox industry has picked up since I began my program in 1994. Bali, Koh Phangan, Koh Samui, have become the Meccas of the international detox programs. There are hundreds! All good, however, now the 3 day detox is marketed as the real deal, once in a life time fast. This is unfortunate, as "the cleansing process" may not begin--when the body grieves its usual conditionings of addictions--until day 4; and once someone decides to take a 4 day leap into fasting-dom, that is it, its over, often without paying attention that what they should do is continue until they go the full Monty and are clean.

Fasting is that opportunity to go to zero. It is where being totally with your body, your mind, and your emotions starts to generate the true spirit of health and what it means to be You, totally raw, and interconnected to all of your essence. For most people, once they attain the nirvana of their brilliance on an empty stomach they are never the same again. It is as if God has given you the privilege of feeling and looking better than ever. In fact each person will always want to get back to it if they lose it over time. I know this because 95% of my students come again. . .

Unless someone reaches this amazing portal within and sacrifices--usually--the thing they love most, which is food--they will continue to crave the foods which hold them back from evolving toward the empty metaphor of an awakened immune intelligence.

Furthermore, after a 7 days fast, I have found, that is the absolute best time to implement a practice of intermittent fasting, with a fasting window of at least 18 hours. It is very easy after the 7 day program transforms the hormones.

Just a few more things to say:

Many people come as vegans. I was vegan from 1968 until when I went into menopause. At that time, my body wanted raw tuna, or salmon. Although I never ate fish growing up, the hormonal changes were too strong to ignore. Thus, every person changes throughout their life. For peri-menopausal women, that is catastrophic for some. I found that during those peri years, it is most necessary for women to fast from time to time, to cleanse the body, mind and emotions and the old self to prepare for the time of their life: the menopause. . . I have to say--I can't hold back--the older I get the better I feel, the more energy, the more positive, the clearer my mind, the more active. I sincerely believe this is because I began doing cleansing fasts during my 40s, but started practicing intermittent fasting when I was 11.

One more thing to share. Most people who fast should take small amounts of ascorbic acid powder, also ionic liquid minerals. Cell Food, is an amazing mineral with ionic liquid minerals and ozone. Also, lots of reverse osmosis water, some juice, coconut water (only fresh), some broth, and some juice. It is important to lower the insulin levels, and thus work toward putting the body into autophagy. This happens for each person differently.

Meanwhile the food highest in minerals is sea vegetables. SV have an abundance of every mineral. Kelp with an abundance of iodine, particularly is something that helps the metabolism tremendously. It also helps people lose weight as it speeds up the metabolism and helps those who crave sugar or salt feel satisfied. During a fast you can make broths with sea vegetables, then strain and drink. If eating you can eat the sea vegetable from the soup. You can also take kelp, or nori, cut it up and grind it in the coffee grinder into a powder, put it in a salt shaker and sprinkle on food. . . Most people are deficient in minerals especially iodine and zinc, selenium, and tons of people are low in magnesium.

Thank You so much for allowing me to comment and this awesome article! I have a great deal to share. Sending Blessings Your Way.

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Thank you. I'd love to get your feedback on part 2 too as many of my observations have matched what you laid out here.

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I think what we really need to talk about quite frankly is ADDICTION. If you eat real, whole, organic, yada, yada- it will stop effing with your entire body, mind and soul.

Ask yourself questions like, why do I eat, do I eat out of habit, do I only eat when I am actually hungry, what do I eat, do I eat when I am bored, do I eat when I am stressed, do I eat with a conscious mind, do I even know when I'm full, fill in the questions you need to answer.

I guarantee that most people WILL NOT get past the question-WHY DO I EAT????!!!!!!!

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I completely agree; I hope you enjoy part two!

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Oh geez! Hey doc. I swear that I honestly wrote this before I read one word of the article. I read a few comments first. Got the gist and took off like a Jack rabbit.

You have blessed me to unleash the truth I have known my whole life. This applies to sooooooo many of your recent topics.

I want to give you a great big old bear hug 🫂 thank you from the bottom of my heart 💜

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I agree there is a lot to this. For me I eat once a day, I eat one ingredient foods that are non gmo, pasture raised and finished, I eat to nourish my body.

Yes, sometimes I do eat if stressed, yet make wise choices. No mindless eating here, when I’m done that’s it for the day. Is it easy, nope, but my healthy body thanks me , making it all worth it.

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They are saying, in the UK, 60% of people are now overweight or obese. I have Coeliac Disease so have to follow a strict Gluten Free diet. I do it GF bread but no other processed foods. I am slightly underweight which is annoying, however hard I try I can't put weight on! The only meat I eat is beef, no chicken, pork or lamb & I don't eat fish. I eat vegetables & some cheese, no fruit as it's acidic on my stomach, no eggs or bananas as they make me feel ill? It's a very strange & boring diet but it works for me. I think gluten plays more of a role in peoples diets than they think? Alot of top athletes stop eating gluten because they feel healthier & feel they perform better without it? Thanks for this Article, it's a very interesting subject.

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Thank you; you will enjoy part two!

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I am in UK and my sister has Coeliac Disease. She was tested for vitamin D levels. These were very low (she has worked a lot indoors) and I am suspicious that Coeliac Disease has to do with such things.

There are so many toxic substances around that harm us and our gut health which lead to intolerances and allergies.

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