I put the poll in the article because I have been really stuck on what term to use and I've spent over a year pondering this.

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I prefer "Pharma Cartel" to "COVID Cartel" because the crimes are much wider than covid. For example, statins.

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Which goes handily with the larger agenda of *The Eugenics Mafia*

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How about Dr. McCullough posting on his substack that Statins are not related to the onset of dementia & mental decline? In fact, he says, they’re very beneficial. WTH???

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I agree.....weird.....I find I "trust" fewer and fewer of the Covid docs and 'celebrities' as time goes on. I've always wondered about the ones going on endless tours. And their limited hangouts.

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If you want to survive, don't do it

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Because he is still a western medicine doctor and was educated to be a drug dealer. I like the man because he is slowly seeing some of the deception in his field. IMO. Western medicine is emergency care NOT health care.

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That infuriated me! I’m hoping he’ll eventually backtrack on this. He is a research and data guy.

I’m also dismayed at Dr. Paul Maris using Metformin in his cancer treatments. The possible side effects of Metformin are nasty. I’m on the fence as cancer is nasty also.

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Statins have been used since 1980, what they can do is nothing you can buy today, with the introduction of graphene oxide (GO) to people in vaccines.

GO affects the central system and neurons, produces neurodegeneration, and is in the scientific literature.

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Sure, though "Intellectual Property and Licensing Cartel" isn't quite as mellifluous as Covid Cabal.

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Mar 1, 2024
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Actually, [they] hijacked America (and the world) in 1963, 1947, 1933, 1913, 1871...

How deep into obscured history do you want to go?

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You forgot 1787 when “they” usurped the AOC with the Constitution.

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All the terms are too gentle. What is happening is indescribably monstrous. How does one find the right term for something so unfathomably anti human and depraved. We almost need a new vocabulary to contain what happened.

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Empire of Lies.

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The biggest deception made to humanity, and there are people who still don't know anything

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The problem with the COVID cartel is that all the upcoming ‘pandemics’ won’t be COVID, but some other virus. That’s why I chose pandemic profiteers.

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Apparently it’s to be a multi drug resistant bacterium.

The atypical “anti-biotics” will be injected mRNA.

Their goal is totalitarian subjugation and depopulation.

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Thanks for backing me up on Dr. Jessica Rose’s substack post. A few were really attacking me, but most liked what I said. About her hanging out with & aligning with Maloney baloney. 👍🏻😂🙏🏽

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It’s very sad. I really want to believe in Jess. But it’s up to her.

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Yes, I feel the same way. That’s why I was trying to warn her. Then I got blocked. I’m surprised she would brag about her participation in that event & how fancy & high dollar it was. That’s how they roll when getting paid millions by the government. Our tax dollars no less. Malone is a cancer on humanity. I think Mikki Willis of Plandemic might’ve figured this out after a few encounters. Jessica is smart & can also come to this realization. Just need to set aside the pride & show a lil’ humility. I wouldn’t go round bragging about attending a Malone event though. One that was “above her pay grade”. She needs to join the fight to stop this mRNA LNP proliferation into everything. Not just talk about it’s mechanism of action & how it’s dangerous. Let’s stop this crap. This is the direction that would be self redeeming. Attending fancy galas with Malone & friends is pointless. Very sad indeed.

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I do not understand the mindless attacks on Malone, a great man, sitting by Sen. Johnson. Everything in his Substack is pro-freedom. Don't tell me about his past pre-2021. What he believed before is totally irrelevant to today.

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Plus profiting is not only terms of money but also power, gain of position and prestige.

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This is not about money, it is much more serious.

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yes. Covid Circus was just a minor test run.

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Actually AIDS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu (+ others) were the early R&D projects.

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HIV, Lyme Disease…

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Like the incoming WHO "climate crisis" health emergency....

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Plandemic Industrial Complex fits in perfectly with Eisenhower's Military-Industrial Complex, Dr. McCullough's Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, and the Censorship Industrial Complex (Leake or Taibi?)

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Except a lot of people glaze over with this one - industrial?

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Because 'a lot of people' have no idea the depth of depravity, deception, and despicable-ness we are dealing with. Think AIDS organically arose out of nature?

These monsters have been plotting the wide-scale reduction of population for a very long time. Georgia Guidestones anyone?

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There was no HIV virus. Never proven to exist. AIDS was the product of toxic overload(poppers and really bad lifestyle), horrible nutrition mixed with poor sanitation(in Africa), and the bad PCR tests that led to many being put on high doses of very toxic AZT when they weren't sick to start with. The "monsters" were the people that used these causes as another excuse to blame a virus and start the money train rolling. There is endless profit to be found in the virus paradigm.

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RIGHT. Go ahead and explain why Dr. Luc Montagnier a French virologist and recipient (with Françoise Barré-SinoussiandHarald zur Hausen) of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV.

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Yeah and they gave the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama, who used drones killing more people than Bush. But here's an article that should clear up Montagnier. He never isolated any HIV. Like Covid19, bad tests were created using God knows what samples to say people had HIV. Many false positives again. Things like pregnancy could create a false positive(and then they gave the pregnant mother AZT for God's sake!). https://viroliegy.com/2022/02/13/montagniers-monster/

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I no longer agree here. You don't know that THEY control the official world and pay others to carry out false studies. There is no actual sequencing or photography of HIV. Nor was there anything about sars cov 2, it was all a lie.

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I have read several of your comments and it is going very well.

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Bio-Pharmaceutical-Military Complex.

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Be blunt, don’t overthink it or be clever about it:

It was murder.

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Genocide and democide, actually and factually.

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Here, yes, the greatest genocide committed against humanity.

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Dr Breggin called them global predators early on in the plandemic, even releasing the draft of his book months before publication to get the word out. It is a name that resonated with me then and now and is the best descriptor of them I have heard.

As these predators plan additional pandemics, using covid in the name is obsolete.

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The Bioweapons Totalitarian Complex is perhaps a more accurate name since it encompasses both their goal or agenda and the means they create to get there.

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I like that, Beth!

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Thank you, Bill. I think it's vital to include a word conveying their overarching agenda of hegemony and total control over the world, such as Totalitarian. And the term Biosecurity can have a false, unintended positive connotation, so Bioweapons is much more clear and immediately understood.

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The vote: I voted for number 1, but I like these better:

the Covid Criminal Cabal


the Global Criminal Cabal

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My Alma mater just hosted a Dr. Fauci Celebration! I call the event the Biowarfare/Big Pharma

Cartel leadership conference. Our universities are silent on the issue and enjoy the billions in research dollars bestowed on them if they stay the course. Listen to how well they have embraced Fauci and his major contributions to science on his HIV and Covid initiatives. A medical hero. I hope it can be opened and not unique to my email address. https://emails.illinois.edu/files/28/284986128/processed_3831297.png?p=0229T173602

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Your link doesn't work, but here is an in-house writeup of the "conversation" ("First Chair Chat"): https://today.uic.edu/first-chair-chats-event-brings-fauci-to-uic/

There's also a YouTube, but it's only 1.5 minutes long (perhaps UIC will publish the whole thing later? it's only been 3 days since event): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-hUfkOV6-c

Various local media also covered the event, fwiw.

Your assessments, Mr. Braun, seem spot-on to me. I share your disdain.

The pandemic pimping is a massive problem in the USA and across the world (as we know). Little nobody me (though I am well read) has no idea how to maim or slay the infinitely-tentacled beast. RFK JR is pretty much the only American name out there who would (maybe) try to do something about it -- which is just another reason why "they" can never let him near seat of power.

I know for a virtual fact that Trump buys into all the biothreat predicates/premises (huge topic...); I doubt he would ever do anything to challenge or attack the biodefense beast (actually, to the extent that he even comprehends it, I think he loves it).

I'm on the Right, but zero "leadership" on the Right has shown any interest in challenging the scamdemic enterprise. It's really quite depressing.

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Is Trump's silence on this issue because if he spoke out negatively, they would pile on more trumped-up criminal charges? Don/t know? The Universities need the research dollars to keep their institutions growing. Rather than focus on producing more well-educated medical personnel. Criminal what I see transpiring.

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I'm reading the Wuhan Cover-up right now. RFK, Jr. writes that many colleges make more money from "science research" grants than tuition. A big part of this is biosecurity madness.

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There are a little over 70 colleges/universities that still require Covid vaccination of at least one shot. That’s out of about 1,200 across the U.S.

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That’s why my Alma Mater honored Fauci!

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Trump brought us the lethal covid shots and encouraged all his MAGA followers to get his "big beautiful shot". They booed him at his rallies when he said this and he learned to shut up about it.

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Medical mafia

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I find the name liars is sufficient. I have found that the root of all evil is a lie. Although I believe in nothing paranormal, good and evil exist. I accept that bad ideas are demonic and those who are devotes of bad ideas can be described as possessed, e.g., Communism is a bad idea. Those that push lies, communism, global warming, covid, for example are consumed by lies and have become evil. One can tell they are possessed by a demon when they use names to disparage critics to avoid open discussion. Name-calling to watch for, "global warming denier" and "vaccine hesitancy"

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You're right. There has always been someone who has sought out the suffering of humans. That is why there has never been nor will there ever be peace on this planet. Because there are others who run the world. Capitalism and communism were created by THEM and then confronted. They are very cunning, they have always had humanity divided, so it is more controllable, they did it with religions, then with ideas, with race, and now with science. Others of us have noticed his game.

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I favored the Pandemic Profiteers because I think the other once sounded too “Conspiracy Theory” and we are trying to reach the ones who are still on the fence. Most people who haven’t woken up yet to the nefarious plan foisted upon us can at least recognize that something very sketchy was happening in regards to who was becoming obscenely rich (politicians, elites, Big Pharma and who were being driven out of existence. (Small businesses). So we can start there, when talking to those who “haven’t seen the light yet” as we discuss economic realities.

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I agree with Rob, Pharma Cartel is excellent. I also think that reviving "Axis of Evil" could be an option, because that term would be instantly familiar to, and understood by, the older generations who are so often preyed upon by the Cabal. And, it implies a fight for our very freedom.

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The Covid Cabal. Please see reply to INGRID C DURDEN below.

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Hi, i can't comment on your depopulation article, and I looked for other ways to reach you. But look into Ehrlich's depopulation book in the 70s advocating for the use of stevia as a natural contraceptive. I had also found a more recent study from UTexas to send to friends. I'm a 2nd generation DES daughter, with fertility challenges, and I wonder if heavy use of stevia over the years also prevented pregnancies. I'm blessed to have two, but would have loved to have had many more.

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They are all good and fit. Use them interchangeably.

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Thank you for the mention! Was a great event, with some great talks. Made a summary of my talk/research here: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/science-summary-covid-19-vaccines . Hard not to think we were scammed. Their own trials reveal the effectiveness and safety estimates were hugely exaggerated.

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Thank you! I hope you appreciated the summary; it was so hard to condense this. You had one of the only references I wasn't able to track down for this, so I appreciate you sending the link and will add it in later.

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Awesome work, and it's all there. The 4 JECP articles, 2 by me, 2 by Peter Doshi's team. And the other articles too, including Fraiman's and Benn's. You look at these 6 or so articles, there's no way you approve and especially mandate this thing.

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Also, was this the clinical trial you mentioned?


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Yep, still now in 2024 trying to figure out if the jabs given to billions are "safe and effective"...

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Ron Johnson, a rare true to the people politician.

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He's beyond the title and role of 'politician'.....

“A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman thinks of the next generation.”

~ James Freeman Clarke

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Very good!.

As for politics, I have not seen the videos in this article, but if none of them denounce that graphene oxide has been introduced into the vials, as we already demonstrated in 2021, there is no point in listening to them. It is a theater that they are doing directed by others to divert attention.

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Did Ron Johnson buy into the core story in early 2020 that a novel and contagious coronavirus from somewhere was spreading from person-to-person?

Has Ron Johnson (or any public official) called for an inquiry into the details of what happened (and what didn't happen) in NYC in Spring 2020 that launched the COVID operation? Particularly into what happened in the hospitals that led to the deaths of tens pf thousands?

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Ron Johnson did sound alarm from 2020.

2020: Republican Sen. Ron Johnson Invites Anti-Vaccine Witnesses to Senate Hearing


2021: Ron Johnson was being attacked by left wing media and MSM for being anti-vaccine.

Ron Johnson Spreads the Stupid While Sharing Dangerous Anti-Vaccine Ideas

The senator, without proof, suggested that there are conspiratorial motives behind the movement to save lives


2022: Ron Johnson: End the military’s “insane” vaxx requirement


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That's not what I was talking about.

Johnson supports the idea there was a pandemic and always has.

He also supports the phony lab leak nonsense.

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I read everyone's comments, and I see that they continue with politics, fighting over whether someone said this or that. The reality is different and it is a shame that there are still many people who don't know anything. I'm not saying this for you, but for everyone.

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Faux-chi and Baric (and their Pfizer/Moderna/C¡A co-conspirators) will swing from the gallows for initiating this bio-weapon attack on America and humanity.

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No evidence for bio-weapon or lab leak- absolutely zero.

Sorry you believe this nonsense.

Of course Fauci and Baric are longstanding crooks.

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You are wrong here, surely you are not informed. You just have to look at my substack to realize that they are weapons of mass destruction.

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I surely hope that before Ron Retires someone is able to take the helm.

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A terrific compilation and presentation, thank you for putting all this together.

I agree with you about Ron Johnson. Congress needs 400 more like him.

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It took about 20 hours to do :'(

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Thank you Doc - I emailed a link to the video to a friend who I ran into at the store earlier this week. He had on a mask and told me that he and his wife have covid. He was picking up a script for paxlovid 😩

I feel sure that since he is over 65, he will absolutely listen to the CDC’s urging to get yet another shot. I heard from a third party that he had heart issues a little while ago - no doubt from the shots.

I planted a seed and am praying it grows. 🙏🙏🙏

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With all due respect, 65 mean nothing. It just means they bought into it like 20 and 30 year olds. Please do not use age as a factor of being manipulated. I’m 64 and I knew this was BS just like my niece did at the age of 34. As a matter of fact I take no medicine and I’m a critical thinker. I know so many young people who were lined up way before the elderly and the younger people seem to not be able to cope without their ADHD medicine.

Back in the old days we used natural remedies just like I still do today. It would be interesting to find out what age category bought into it so that we can put this to rest. ❤️

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TexBritta - I should have been more clear about my friend. I didn’t mean to imply that he would go along with the recommendation just because of his age. He will comply because the CDC is recommending it for that age group. He thinks they are the good guys 😩.

I am also 64. 🥰 Thank you for pointing that out.

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Oh no worries. I could tell you were genuine about it all. Sorry if I was rude. 😉

It would be interesting though if we knew the age statistics of that. Maybe some day.🧐

64 👍that’s interesting too😀

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Not rude at all!

That would be good to know. Most of the mask wearing people I see these days are very young people. 😢. It’s so sad.

Yep. A few more weeks to 65. Ugh. But better than the alternative!

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I'm also 64 , and so happy to have company finally !

My only son was originally injured in the 90s. He went behind my back and got two doses secretly.

I coincidentally started bleeding heavily , two months in my doc couldn't do an exam as my uterus was " twisted and blocking", MRI showed a 4.17 lb mass.

They did a complete hysterectomy , no cancer , fluid filled cyst

MD Anderson said my uterus had " strange white streaks she had never seen before".......the cyst was threaded thru my intestines so hung upside down for hours while they removed it....

I got my husband 63 with asthma and high BP , my 96 yr alcoholic mother with high BP , and myself through COVID with supplements and clean food , plus sunshine.

Of course mom hasn't had any jabs , hasn't had flu in decades either.

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thank you so much for doing this. I saw a few scraps of the conference, but it is just too long to watch.

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I highly recommend watching a little bit at a time. Yes, it's long and watching in small chunks is doable.

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I've watched it all ..... in parts. I've watched some of it twice. I think the most compelling speakers came later in the event.

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This is a most excellent summary. Thank you for making time to do this work. I watched the entire proceedings and this summary will be a good tool to share with those who are beginning to wake to the horror of the last 4 years. The links to some of your prior work …icing on the cake! 🙏

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I believe that! Amazing amount of material here.

Your hard work isn't wasted. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are being enlightened thanks to doctors like you. All the massive censorship is failing. Truth can't be stopped.

I've posted dozens of your articles on my social media accounts, and in some of my own Subtsack articles. Hope I'm helping to make you famous! 😂

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Your 'investment' will reap dividends beyond your present understanding.

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”

~ Joseph Campbell

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I can relate! And you pointed out how much logistical work went into organizing this event. The event was great and very well orchestrated .... but now we have to publicize the event. Your article is as important as the panel!

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Thank you for this!! I have been thinking about how to characterize this conference in an email to people in my community, and your post here will be a great reference for them to hopefully WAKE THE HECK UP and understand the importance of tuning in. :>)

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God bless you Midwestern Doctor! I lead a small group of 17 warriors in my community in MO.(spent my entire life in WI. until 14 years ago) who are awake and share the truth of what we’re up against but very few saw the panels that Senator Johnson hosted. I recorded one of them. Thank you for the opportunity to share the valuable information! It’s so important for people to understand the truth of what has been done to us with the collusion of Big Pharma, our government, the healthcare industry and media.

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Right, governments all over the world. They are directly responsible. but they don't run the world. When graphene has been introduced into vaccines around the world, it means that someone above them owns this world. Who else has that power to do it?

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🙏 thank you, I believe angels have been sent to guide us through this and you are one of them.

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Aug 25Edited

Thank you for this remarkably helpful summary. My sibling just called and said they had finally gotten through to a friend who originally rebuffed any criticism of the covid vaccine with condescending chiding including "Oh listen to yourself, you sound crazy. This is how medicine is done. It's normal for rare issues to become apparent only after treatments are released. There is no way the government could have known ahead of time." Now finally this friend read an article somewhere that made an impression and called my sibling to say "Oh no, now I'm bummed, I think maybe there were issues with the vaccine." My sibling asked me for a good "starter" compilation they could share with this friend to educate them further - a summary that drew upon testimony of respected experts, so I searched for Ron Johnson's roundtable and found your excellent compilation here. Thank you for spending the time to make this information accessible. The battle against medical tyranny continues, but we just need to keep laying the groundwork where we can, and be prepared to respond convincingly when finally someone's eyes begin to open. Thank you for sharing such effective tools to do so!

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Thank you 🙏🏽

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As cozy as the "COVID Cartel" sounds, I do not think the word "cartel" goes far enough to cover the govt. employees (mostly medical, but not all), pharma, "news" organizations, and the allopathic medical profession who all had their contribution to the horror.

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a seriously more criminal name has to be found. these people are way worse than the drug cartels because drugs are known to harm, whereas most people think vaccines are not only harmless, but protect them against illness. Tried to talk to several friends who refuse to believe the govt would deliberately poison them.

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Synagogue of Satan.

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The Covid Cabal. Not a proffered choice. Please revise the poll. Yeah, they're Freemasons (or Jesuits), or at least under their sway.

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I think Cabal is right, but I feel the word before it should be different. Someone well known in this field privately calls them "The Cabal"

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Cloaked Covid Cabal. A cartel is usually the underlings of the cabal... the cartel is who you can identify is the implementers, but what we are dealing with are the cabal, who are the ones who pull the strings, not the cartel that pulls the trigger.

The cartel are as "disposable" as we are, even if they don't realise it. They may get delayed remuneration for their "services" but as we have seen with politicians resigning, they are expendable, but rewarded for betraying the people.

The cabal doesn't want to be identified, and they have a need to remain because only they know the bigger picture, and what their ultimate aim is.

The cartel are told on a need to know basis, so they don't actually know the end-game even if they think that they do.

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Can we just call them


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you fall short

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IP Cabal if you prefer.

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NPC Programmers

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"The Eugenics Mafia"

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Definitely my favorite… 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

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A company was just forced by the powers that be to recall a milk chocolate bar because it doesn't list milk as one of its ingredients. Meanwhile we have a "vaccine" with DNA plasmid contamination and they look the other way! You really can't make this stuff up.

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You can.

A population that is bound by training from diapers onward to OBEY the law will, when the police step out to enforce—obey the law.

When the people in power abuse the law and make it coercive, people will comply, even with misgivings.

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There is no DNA or mRNA as such, it was already demonstrated years ago. The DNA found in the samples suggests that it is origami DNA, with the ability to self-assemble, closely related to graphene.

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One thing that gets on my nerves.... Why do they keep having these semi official events but it's not like an official report or inquiry.

He could bring up that he wants to do that, but he didn't. He just keeps doing these meetings.

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Oh, they've had official hearings. Just not the kind we're looking for.

For example, see this (if you can bear it):


"Preparing for the Next Public Health Emergency: Reauthorizing the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act" (May 4, 2023)

P.S. Don't forget that Sen. Johnson is in the Senate minority; therefore, he doesn't get to run the show (Democrats do). So about the best he can offer are roundtables / unofficial hearings.

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A voice in the Senate wilderness, you could say. How many other senators are rallying around him and the greater cause? And WHY is that the case?

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Ha. 1 more presentation or dataset - and we will stop them. Oops, 3 years too late. Who is Fan Wu?

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It's very clear, friend. They keep trying to divert attention from the truth. It is a trick widely used in war. It's like magic tricks, they make you pay attention to something while they do the trick behind you.

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The mass vaccination campaign of a vaccine that does not prevent infection or block transmission , not to mention downplaying it’s side effects , and bribing people to get it was monstrous and criminal and should never ever happen again .

Nonetheless we cannot forget the withholding of early treatments in 2020, media fear campaign , sending people away from hospital tents without any treatment and being told to come back when they are almost blue in the face , no advice on what to do at home if they got sick , censorship of doctors who were saving lives with repurposed drugs , crappy hospital protocols using toxic doses of HCQ and too late in the game ( which led to its removal from covid protocols) over use of ventilators before steroids were allowed on hospital protocols in June 2020, internet censorship of treatments that worked and the list goes on. These acts paved the way for a emergency use authorization of the jabs . None of this had to be this way .

Thank you AMD for your detailed writings full of evidence , and a unique blend of spirituality and common sense . Your work is selfless and the truths will not get buried forever.

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They are iatrocidal/democidal maniacs.

It's time these murderers were perp-walked into courtrooms all over the world.

The time for talk and half measures is over.

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That is precisely why the 2nd Covid Litigation Conference is ramping up with a full roster of legal and medical heavyweights. "Nothing can stop what is coming, nothing."


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Yeah, we'll see. Justice can't come a moment too soon.

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We (obviously) have a horribly corrupt judicial system to contend with and purge along the way. You know the deal:

“Wheels of justice grind slow, but grind fine” ― Sun Tzu

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Do you have some evidence that they grind righteously?

I'd love to see it.

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I feel your black-pilled pessimism.

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You will see that that will never happen.

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Eventually justice will be served. I do know that the government isn't going to punish themselves, but they will be punished.

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Dr a superb commentary on Senator Johnson’s great sacrifices especially in lieu of the kabuki theatre smears and highlights of an important truth telling event.

I prefer my own label which is The Great Euthanizers. We are being slowly and methodically brainwashed, sterilized, and euthanized by a $10 trillion dollar global public-private partnership that is engaged in a final rebellion against the “ laws of nature and Nature’s God “ because they want to be as God’s.

Thank you for your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice because as Chesterton said, “ we fight not because we hate those in front of us but because we love those behind us. ( kids, grandkids, unwoke fellow Americans).

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speaking of euthanization, the government of Canada (MAID program) just euthanized a woman who was suffering from injuries caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.

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“We are all infants in the womb now: innocent, vulnerable, and preyed upon; with a syringe, scalpel, or chemical. ( abortion, sex reassignment surgeries, death with dignity)”

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The people running this are families of the international banking cartel - central bankers with the BIS at the very top. Find a name for that. While this conference is maybe a little helpful, it obfuscates the real truth. Please read and understand Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova, two of the best truth tellers out there.

Here is a summary from KW: "My view is that the US illegal chemical and biological military warfare program has been conducted since 1969 as a whole-of-government program under the joint leadership of the US DoD and the HHS. DoD is at the head of the organizational charts in the [Operation Warp Speed] documents, as Sasha correctly reports, and OWS itself was run by General Gustavo Perna.

SecDef and HHS Secretary coordinate with most other Cabinet secretaries, so that the intentional poisoning of populations (here and abroad) using illegal military weapons produced by military contractors, could and still can be deployed disguised as legal medical treatments and prophylactics (including but not limited to vaccines) as part of legal public health campaigns.

The Public Health Service is a branch of the US military, and through federal and state laws, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents and court rulings over the last 20-30 years, military and public health programs have been fully merged, and illegal acts have been rendered legal, for so long as the anti-laws authorizing them remain on the books and are enforced by federal military officers, and federal, state and local law enforcement, public health and judicial officials.

In my view, the only method available to stop the military-public-health killing programs is to repeal and nullify the enabling laws."

Was anyone saying this at the conference?

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The ones who talked about bioweapons touched on this - carefully.

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I was going to write: "If only MSM would report on Ron Johnson's Senate Panel", but then I realized if MSM was doing its job like it did only a few decades ago when 60 Minutes got that Flu jab pulled after only a couple dozen deaths, this thing would have been over in early 2021. Actually, it goes back further than that. If MSM had been doing its job, it would have been over by mid-2020 with the discovery of effective treatments for covid, namely HCQ, Azithromycin, and Zinc combination, and then Ivermectin. If MSM had been doing its job, there never would have been a "vaccine"!

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The letptosperpsis jab for DOGS was pulled after one dog gone died. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-23/voluntary-recall-leptospirosis-vaccine-dogs-adverse-reactions/103141524

and voluntarily at that.

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Before, the vaccines, with 25 deaths or serious illnesses, the vaccine was withdrawn from the market. Now, with this new normal, there are already billions of deaths and they continue to move forward. It's the agenda friend, they are not going to stop. He who is not awake will not last long

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I'm missing your point.

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not sure why you would miss it... but.... traditionally experimental trials rolled out would be pulled off the market with 7 global V'AERS' deaths. we have probably 100 million with COVID vs ONE dog.

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Exactly!! This what people need to know

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During the scamdemic I first started watching politics, and Johnson was the first and probably the only politician I ever donated for. If I had known how much more he would do I would have subscribed to fewer substacks to send him more! So glad he made it. Rand Paul, Massie, Marjorie and a couiple others did some, but he moved a mountain all the while heading the wind ahead.

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Excellent review of the harm done by the Biowarfare/Big Pharma exercise to change the medical mindset. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that the RNA injections should be stopped, the race to introduce new RNA injections for treating ill health is moving forward at "WARP SPEED" and billions and billions are being invested. In the meantime, the push to keep all medical professionals on board to inject, inject and inject our children is on going. Healio, which is a marketing arm of Big Pharma, published the following report on how medical professionals should handle parent's hesitancy to have their children injected.


Vaccine manufacturers have weaponized our federal health agencies against our children for profit. Mandating vaccines is criminal, and California and New York are in the fore front supported by amoral politicians. NIH admitted in the 1990's that 70 % of all the polio cases were caused by the live Salk polio vaccine. Too late for those who suffered the consequences. The exponential rise in autism cases paces the exponential rise in the number of vaccines being administered to our children and it is denied that it is the root cause. The RNA injections are just the newest layer of harm being administered to our children. When will rational medical thought prevail?

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If only the panel would amount to something. He’s held multiple hearings and it has effected nothing . Shots are still on the market . Cdc is still lying . Majority of people still do not know anything , much less have listened to these hearings. So…. What is Senator Johnson accomplishing?

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He has saved countless lives. All of his panels have reached millions of people via the alternative media. They kept people who would have gotten a vaccine or more boosters from doing so ... that saved lives.

And he's keeping the pressure on the crooks. And encouraging the people who are leading the fight to keep fighting. He'll persuade a few more members of Congress.

And he's not done or giving up. He might figure out a way to get them yet.

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Thank you for this fabulous summary! This hearing was absolutely amazing! I was glad that Bret Weinstein mentioned the morticians.

Re the poll - very challenging to answer it - I will ponder and return to vote later.

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I have been in discussion with a friend about the poll. They also had difficulty chosing one. Another idea was generated through this discussion" "The Elite's Biosecurity Pandemic Genocide Cartel".

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Maybe the Covid fraud cartel?

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