This is what I said on Mathew Crawford's Substack about the slap heard 'round the world:

"If someone wrote a satire novel 20 years ago about this, people would have said it is too unbelievable, no one acts like this.

"Which begs the question...are they deliberately making the conspiracy so obvious that few could believe it, and send the message to those of us who know what they are capable of, that they can do whatever they want?"

I hadn't taken a Pharma drug other than Ibuprofen in my adult life, until I took Phizer's Covid-19 gene manipulator. Though I have had no ill effect, you help remind me why I have been so very skeptical of Pharma all my life. I regret little of this life, but I regret that I let my desire to see my parents override my skepticism of Phizer.

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I'm so sorry you had to make such a decision. No decision like this should ever have to be made in life.

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I chose to do it, and I didn't know I didn't have to take it. If I had known what I know now, there is no way.

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I understand. I just feel badly for you.

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I knew right away what was going on and am grateful not to have fallen for their BS, despite being ostracized by my small community.

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Making it obvious to let us know they can do whatever they want -- what they did to Assange, so blatant you could hear them laughing..

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Overall, my family (husband, son, and I) have accrued FAR more harm than good from doctors. “Iatrogenic” could be our collective middle name.

Just one example of many: in the early ‘00s, I was prescribed OxyContin™️ as a prophylaxis for my chronic migraines due to its advertised decreased abuse potential. Hilarity ensued (“Hilarity” = “years of drug abuse/addiction”).

I have come to trust (most) medical professionals even less than I do lawyers.

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There are a lot of sad stories of people getting prescribed opioids for things they didn't need (ie. a minor case of pain, or something where they weren't appropriate at all) and then developing highly destructive drug addictions. A close family friend (a mom) I know was given opiods after a car accident, and developed all sorts of problems including liver failure that was eventually fatal.

The frustrating thing about the opioids is that from the get go they were known to be extremely addictive, but the pharmaceutical companies somehow convinced the government to think they were not, and then conducted a campaign to make "pain" be considered the 5th vital sign, and before long, physicians were expected to document the patients pain at each visit, and if the patient had unaddressed pain it was malpractice (medical boards could go after you for) if you didn't prescribe the opioid to treat their pain. This played a large role in creating the current crisis we have (most people in the USA don't realize how much it's devastated poorer areas of the USA), but predatory behavior like that is the norm.

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This completely explains something that had always amused me (though in hindsight it should have concerned me). I went through cancer treatment several years back (praise God successfully) and noted the staff was continually trying to give me drugs for pain. I had some radiation irritation on my skin and they insisted I take pain medication for it. I told them no thanks as I have a high pain threshold, the series was almost complete, and I'd just make do. They didn't like that. I had one nurse (it's always the older nurses that are the honest ones it seems) tell me later how rare it was for people to refuse pain meds and that she admired my attitude.

I never realized that pharma had pushed to make reducing pain an absolute of treatment, sort of like how a fever must always be reduced (ignoring that a fever is induced by the body for a reason). It explains a lot.

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Some people’s pain causes other health issues however. My mom was in hospital for hip fracture. She’s got a high pain tolerance and doesn’t like pain meds, their side effects, their long term toxicity. So she’s on board. But.... here’s the but. I even advocated pain relief because her high level of pain was causing two other complications: lack of sleep and high blood pressure (stress on body). Fortunately she only needed a couple of doses and was done. But there are times even now (fortunately very rare) when she and I have both reached for stuff like ibuprofen.

For general pain my ND has noted that it’s better to try and control the body’s inflammatory processes that are causing the pain vs to take toxic pain meds. One example are proteolytic enzymes which break down inflammatory proteins. Other example is cal-mag which I think causes a relaxation of muscles (I can’t remember the exact mechanism of action but does tend to reduce muscle aches.) Turmeric, Boswellia, white willow bark, tart cherry are all natural pain relievers.

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Where do you get proteolytic enzymes?

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Swanson vitamins.com

But most natural food stores have.

Even basic and cheap pancreatin, bromelain, papain, are supposed to be proteolytic. I’ll have to double check to make sure I’m saying that correctly. Look at the bottles of any common enzymes. It will show which are proteolytic vs breaking down carbs and fats and some even more specific.

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As I understand it, managing pain early helps heal faster. Their offer was to assist recovery but we all don't experience pain as one-size-fits-all. After some heavy duty surgery I got a bottle of heavy duty meds and took a few which was enough. I hung onto to those just in case that now has been many years ago. I suppose I should take them to the pill disposal but just have been lazy.

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KEEP THEM! They’re as good as gold. One day you may have to barter with them...or need them.

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Re: "...the pharmaceutical companies somehow convinced the government..." Um, surely you know this, but I'll say it anyway, for the record... The pharmaceutical companies OWN the government.

One other comment: It seems to me that autoimmune diseases are widespread, and have multiple, maybe a plethora, of causes. That said, hair loss is a very common symptom of EMF exposure...

And-- I would like to ask a question to you that isn't public... Is there an email I could use for you? You have MY email, because I'm signed up for your posts... ? It's nothing horrifying, just prefer to avoid any embarrassment. Think it over?

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I signed up for your newsletter

I didn't read it first ...

Anything shocking?....

That gives you my email...

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I have no idea what might "shock" you. It's not generally my intent to shock anyone, just to communicate. ^_^ It gives me your email, but I don't usually do anything with ppl's emails. Thanks for subscribing, and hope you enjoy. I encourage folks to "chat." And I like your handle.

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I am one of those chronics. Been using Norco for now 6 years to allow some normal days. My primary refuses to prescribe so sends me to pain management. I cut pills to use the amount needed to relieve because the entire 5mg is more than I need. Pain management and I go through the government nonsense as mandated and I am well below the area of concern. The pain is irregular related to multiple vertebral fractures over the years; sometimes nerves get excited, other times they behave. Episodes of gout when I've been imprudent can make things worse. I do worry about addiction so am quite cautious but I worry more about government interference ending my supports.

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My heart bleeds for you--my husband has unremitting chronic pain and he can’t get opiates anymore, either. Where’s the happy medium??? 💚

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I am able to get the drug. But I am really on the lower end. There are those who need much more and bump into the fed limits. But I've done my very best to avoid increasing my titre in order to avoid needing more. Many get in trouble because they are using more than the minimum needed; they rarely know what that minimum is because of the way pill pushers prescribe. I quarter my pills and use the least amount I can. Your husband needs to find a pain doctor to experiment.

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No pain doctor/clinic here will prescribe opiates. I’m in So Cal.

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There are a lot of really effective alternatives to opioids most people don't know of.

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https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pain+management+clinics+oragnge+cty%2C+ca&t=chromentp&ia=web. None of these? Admittedly, many require alternatives be tried first which can be tedious. Your primary doctor ought to know who will prescribe. Of course, CA seems to think they need to mother/smother you, for your own good, you see, because they do know best for you. Tragic.

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Grow your own <i>Papaver somniferum</i>. https://www.onestoppoppyshoppe.com/papaver-somniferum-seeds

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Read my comment in this thread about the Mayo Clinic's Pain Management clinic of an entirely different sort. They teach you multitudes of other techniques with massive success to get OFF of pain meds. Back pain patients are their specialty. It's quite a comprehensive approach and all other pain Management clinics should follow their lead, but there's no money in it, or not as much, so they won't. https://substack.com/profile/92950630-wyllamizer/note/c-54860362?r=1jc95y

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I pulled a muscle in my back severely in October 2011. It's the muscle involved in almost all movement, the quadratus lumborum. I was in agony. Because this was in the midst of suddenly realizing there was an opioid problem I was denied the drug. Let's not forget there is a legitimate need for it. My ex had it prescribed after shoulder surgery 2 years ago with no problems, and a friend after a double mastectomy 3 years ago with no problem. Can you take it too long and is there a problem with addiction, yes, but there are times when it can help. I might add I am the one who diagnosed what muscle was creating the problem after asking my internist and an ortho surgeon. And I also figured out to fix it.

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Muscle spasm in the quadratus lumborum (very easy to fix) is one of the most common causes of low back pain, and it really surprises me how rarely this is recognized.

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How is it fixed?

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Dopesick with Keaton is all about this.

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I often listen to audiobooks on 3x when I drive and there are a few good ones on audible including Dopesick on the topic.

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On the other hand some doctors were charged eggregiously for murder while they were just . .. following the 'S$cript....

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I find this fascinating from a different perspective regarding two different types of Pain Clinics. Allow me to elaborate and give background. I'll eventually get there.

I have had atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia that after a surgery where the nerve was damaged has turned into trigeminal neuropathy. Had it for 20 years now and I'm 56. As you can imagine having the "suicide disease," known as such because of the amount of pain that for years could not be fixed or masked, I know about drugs, surgeries and pain clinics and have learned much about the medical industry, and pharmaceutical industry.

I don't know how recently pain *management* clinics started popping up, but I'm guessing it was after the opiod crisis and people were massively dying from it.

It wasn't until I moved from Colorado, where I could get massive amounts of unregulated dilaudid whenever I wanted, and I hoarded the bejezus out of it for some reason, to Idaho where pain Management is much more controlled and regulated, had I even heard of pain Management clinics.

I have seen addiction go very badly, so I have never in my life participated in illegal drug activity or cigarettes (but I was massively addicted to sugar and carbs all my life until recently), so I NEVER ever used any pain killers outside of their prescribed amounts.

I have always been very, very careful and anal retentive about that. When I moved, it took me more than a year to find a neurologist and a primary care who would even see me, let alone prescribe me pain klllers. Had I not massively hoarded the dilaudid, I would have been without it for that long.

It should be noted that I have a motor cortex stim, and had about 7 different types of surgeries, including the stim on my brain, over the years. When my journey with this started, I was on 900mg Lyrica/day, plus baclofen and eventually lamotragine which made me vomit several times a week and I was the one who figured that out.

I was a freaking zombie. Slept through life. Massive cognitive issues, balance problems, ataxia, nystagmus, the list goes on. Not a life to live at all. Prior to having the newish at the time motor cortex stim surgery at the Mayo Clinic, they made me go through their 3-week intensive Pain Rehab Clinic. This was a different kind of clinic. And it could be life changing to many people in this world. I highly recommend it. This clinic taught how to manage pain without any drugs at all.

So, to read what you wrote about physicians potentially being accused of neglect if they don't prescribe pain killers and know what the prestigious Mayo Clinic is doing to AVOID pain killers astounds me.

They have psychologists on staff and they bring in 2 new patients a day and graduate two patients a day.

The very first thing they do is weigh you and then give you a MASSIVE shot of Vitamin D. They separate you based on addiction to opiods. The addicted group get a additional support to get off the addiction path and the other group gets support to get off meds, but less intense. Every once in a while I would peek in on the addicts and man, did they look more miserable than the other group. A whole other level of the misery.

Every person in there was in pain. And the first rule is don't talk about your pain. They provided daily counseling, Tai chi, meditation, bio feedback, music therapy, vibrational healing, Chiropractic, cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise, stretching, and distraction therapy, among others, which for me, humor is the biggest pain reliever for me, and my hilarious husband is my drug. 😂


Now I am down to no lamotragine, 25mg/2x day Lyrica (still hope to master the art of meditation to get off it) and still on baclofen, though I've knocked down the amount to 20 mg 2x day) .

I only recently became aware of how horrible baclofen is and how hard it can be to get off of it and dangerous. I tried, was tapering very slowly, and had all kinds of heart palpitation issues and was miserable, so I may need to go to a detox clinic for that one. Not sure what to do but I want off of it all. Mayo clinic taught me... This may shock you... That you can heal with your mind.

They taught, with massive amounts of data, that you can make They taught with massive amounts of data that you can make yourself sick and in more pain with your mind.

And if you can make yourself sick with your mind, you can make yourself well with it, too.

And many, many people were hugely successful learning from that clinic, getting off pain killers, and learning how to manage their pain through many different techniques.

While I'm still on meds and hate them and want out, I've used many techniques to lower that from a ridiculous amount of horrendous pills.

I have tried to live with this disease without any drugs, and that's no life either. But I'm learning even more about the subconscious, vibrational healing, music, and the great power of our minds.

One thing to note: I am grateful for my disease. It has brought me to a place in life I never would have been, and introduced me to people I never would have met had I not been sick.

It has taught me immense lessons in life, intensified my relationship with God, and allowed some dreams come true I had all my life, and given me new dreams I didn't know I could have. So, i have a great attitude about it.

I've learned a lot about the pharmaceutical, medical device, and surgical industries and I want off that entire ride. Grateful for what I got and needed to make it through the horrendous pain at the time that I likely would not have lived through (called the suicide disease for good reason), but now I can hopefully move to a newer and better reality.

Just wanted to share what one of the good things is that Mayo does and how different it is from the rest of the world.

One more thing... I asked the NP at my Idaho "pain management" clinic if they provide other services besides just pain killers to manage pain. Guess what the answer was. 😂

Of course they don't. That doesn't bring in the money, dear friends. Why would this for-profit company ever do that? 😂 Try to get you OFF the meds? Like for permanentsies?? God forbid.

It's not pain Management there, like Mayo, it's pain killer management and control.

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This is when epidural blocks became routine in childbirth.

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Doctors have also harmed my family more than they helped. It’s a struggle to find a good doctor.

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Doctors are mostly brainwashed, in my view. I think the paradigm of Big Pharma is crumbling, and Covid is kicking its butt as we speak. So sorry to hear your family has been harmed... mine, too, and soooo many others. xo

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Thanks for bringing this to light. Truly, all the world is a stage.

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Only if we watch it. We need to start to ignore these sad humans.

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What's fascinating about Thalidomide was that it rapidly resulted in a lot of drug testing getting moved oversees (where it became much cheaper to do and there was less regulation), and to some extent this was responsible for the drug industry becoming worse not better. We also completely ignored the basic principles of medical testing developed from it (do not give experimental drugs to pregnant women) for these vaccines

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The problem with pharma is that it's SYNTHETIC. To make money, not to heal people, pharma came from rich men using waste products of the petroleum industry and making fake (synthetic) copies of NATURE's cures, cures that we'd been using for thousands of years, that our bodies recognized as cures, and not some jumped-up, toxic garbage. Just sayin'.

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Now that was a real solid "screw up!"

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It wasn't even FDA "approved" for use in the USA, they just used it anyway!

Did anybody ever go to prison?

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Actually, the only people in the US who used thalidomide were people who obtained the drug in Europe. Of course, thalidomide is the poster child for why Warp Speed was a terrible idea. Recommending the "vaccine" for pregnant women was indeed a criminal act.

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Did they obtain it in Europe themselves, or obtain it from someone who obtained it in Europe for redistribution?

Anyway, they said pregnant women should take the vaccine, incredible I thought.

No studies, no nothing, just phenomenal this FDA.

Remember when they took Sudafed off the shelf and put it behind the pharmacy counter?

Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) was actually safe for pregnant women when taken as directed, but they put these "Sudafed looking" phenylephredrine pills OTC, which wasn't safe for pregnant women. They clearly should have put a "Not for Pregnancy" warning in bold black letters on it. But as usual, they didn't care.

When I explained this to the drug inspector while he was checking our pseudoephedrine log and asked about these names on it, he didn't care either.

I said, "You guys don't see this as a problem?"

And he said, "Not our problem."

I actually wrote to the manufacturer of this "p-fed" generic suggesting they should put a more BOLD warning on the packaging.

A couple of months later I received a reply from somebody in the "marketing" department. "We don't want to add anything that would adversely affect sales."

I was going to write them back but said what the hell, why bother.

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This is pathological greed in a nutshell. Corporate Think, I call it.

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I find all of your articles fascinating and informative, but a lot of them were too long for me to finish. I think today's length or at most twice that length would be easier for me to finish.

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Why don't you read them like you would a book? Chunk it out. They're well worth the read, but just read it like a book or a daily paper. Just because you can't sit and read it for that long doesn't mean others don't want as much info as we can get and can read as long or as much as this doctor will write. Please don't limit others just to selfishly please your own desires. All you have to do is put it down and pick it up again later. Or just don't read it. But don't put limits on someone for your own desires. We need this doctor to be as absoluteky thorough as possible. Always. Just like you can change the channel on your TV, but others can keep watching if they want, you can just stop reading and the rest of us can finish and get the full story.

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I appreciate your willingness to lead the way in lifting the veil. Long or short…I’ll continue to read your take. Thank you

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Many medications have alopecia as a side effect.

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The COVID inoculation is NOT a vaccine. When we can all understand this, we will have a much better idea of what is going on.

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I don't know what is your preferred definition of a vaccine. This intervention produces a immune response against the virus. So it meets the minimum requirement of a vaccine, I think.

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Well, the powers that be have changed the definition, but it USED to be that a "vaccine" would confer immunity AND inhibit spread...

This inoculation does neither.

That said, contagion has never been proven. The "virus" theory is horse pucky. Germ Theory is a load of poop created to make a few men very, very, very wealthy.

Here's a little video to enhance my very unadorned words, AND if you want to delve a bit more, read this book, it's fascinating: "The Contagion Myth" by Thomas Cowan, MD. And you can look up Pasteur and his counterpart Bechamps. Cheers!


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My alopecia wasn't total and was caused by my reaction to the death of my grandfather - my highly respected and very trusted GP gave me some subcutaneous injection straight from the fridge - it worked a treat - this was 40 years ago - he also cured my feared "brain tumour" - a feeling of having a knife stuck in the side of my head with mild sedatives and analgesics - compared to a colleague's treatment by their doctor of teeth removal and various other extreme things - turned out to be a severe reaction to dry January when I fathomed it eventually. He also used many traditional substances like poultices for infected wounds - which I thought would never work but did.

He also cured me of smoking - not a heavy smoker I went to see him about a cough.

Do you smoke he asked?

Only a little I replied.

I have a lot of patients who ask me how I can stop their headache when they bang their head against the wall he said.

A nod is as good as a wink - he was vey highly regarded by all of his patients and we each had our favourite tales he was very sadly missed when he eventually retired - but still recognised us years later if we met by chance. "Dr Docherty"

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Content length was just right. It’s all about big Pharma. Big Pharma will make even more money as we endeavor to care for those with long haul or jab injury. Treating the nine pages of potential adverse events, etc.

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I think we should boycott ALL pharma and return to Natural Medicine. Maybe make exceptions for those things that have no PATENT... like, oh, maybe Ivermectin. Or HCQ...

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You know.....the FDA, CDC and Big Pharma are killing people and apparently they don't care at all. Its murder for money. Look into Essure by Bayer. Killed hundreds of women, causes kidney failure and autoimmune diseases. Our Doctor tricked us into giving our girls Gardasil. I have ZERO trust in doctors and hospitals anymore.

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I'm actually going into all of that in my next post

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You will likely never write to me... I want to be your editor. ^_^ I mean that in a GOOD way... most writers have a very hard time editing themselves. I'm very good at it! xo

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If there's an easy way to do that, I'd super appreciate it. /^_^/ I have a ton of people who have offered to, but it has not panned out so far.

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It needs to be before you post, and not done in public, I'd say. If you trust me, and I don't know why you should! lol you could try me out... of course, you'd have a copy in case I somehow didn't get back to you quickly enough. You have my email in your Subscribers List... why not talk a bit via email, or I'll email you back my phone number and we can chat? ^_^

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It's a CULL. Eugenics.

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for sure it is and it is a DISGUSTING abuse of power.

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I enjoy all of your writing, long or short. Love to hear an actual truth seeking and sharing MD. Have lost faith in most. Officially done with the nursing field. Need some peace

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I switched to a functional medicine doc. Around shot roll out. Nobody is vaccinated in her clinic. I talked to her about the shots and she told me I knew more about them than she did. I do feel supported and I am getting help without Big Harmya. Insurance doesn’t pay unfortunately. I feel snd sleep better than I have in years. It’s worth the investment. I’m 74 this year and want to stay healthy without the SickCare system we have now. Stay out of conventional docs and hospitals. My life depends on it.

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The motto I hear a lot is "you get what you pay for"

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Hi Janet. Good for you💞💞 This is encouraging. Will be looking for alternative providers myself.

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There are functional medicine docs all over. I had the most comprehensive blood test I have ever had. Also heavy metals and other tests like zinc and copper, complete thyroid panels etc. I’m detoxing lead and arsenic right now and something has changed in how I feel and sleep. Good stuff. It’s also taking my thyroid levels more normal. JuSt having a place to express my fears and concerns has been wonderful. She will take an hour each visit. After the initial tests she created a plan. Supplements—appropriate better grade ones. Medicare pays for most of blood tests and you can always submit to your own insurance. They don’t do that. She was in the past my gynecologist. This is her calling now. I have been working on health practices for 12 years. Paleo then Keto. I walked on snow 27 miles over a week recently. I had a runny nose Covid January 2021. Still had antibodies in October. I have never had a flu shot. Last flu 1998. Maybe it’s good genes but I’m the oldest and healthier of 4 siblings left. One sister died last April from the jab I’m convinced. She was in cancer treatment but stable. After the first shot she got fast CHF and from talking and laughing on a Monday to unresponsive on Tuesday to dead on Saturday im sure it was the Pfizer. I’ll never get another vax of any sort. My trust has been blown.

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Sorry for your loss, Janet. Will look for a functional provider or naturopath. I need to get off carbs and try the Keto way.

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Keto has been very helpful. I was already off grains some years before. Keeps my weight stable as well. It works for me. Kind of have to really commit at first but starting by lowering processed carbs is a good start.

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That is great to hear. Natural antibodies are forever, I believe I read somewhere... But yay! I'm with you. Nature is our FRIEND. xo

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Good for you! I salute your Good Health. ^_^

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Schizer also has plans for red pilled individuals. If they cannot convince you to stop using your glasses, they bribe you with the marketing $....


Dr Paul Alexander | Danger & failure of the covid “vaccines” – $1 million bonus and 50K salary per month. Offer turned down.


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"Betray your fellow humans for a pile of money that we are inflating anyway, so it will soon be worthless"

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We literally are living "They Live" right now!

I was telling my 17 year old granddaughter about that movie today, on the way home from school.

"Normal world." Anybody can to speculate on when we lost that one?

I'm saying 1913, but there are other "options."

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I think this poo has been going on for hundreds of years... :( Time for it to STOP, I say.

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Hi Doc, excellent article........thank you! You may be interested in reading Grant Genereux's books on Vitamin A poisoning here: https://ggenereux.blog/my-ebooks/

He shares an in-depth research into his problem with eczema and in his Poisoning for Profits book he does a deep dive into the big pharma corruption. Well worth a read!

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Either pic is correct. Suckerberg isn't human either way.

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Wasn’t will smith in a movie about aliens as well? Several in fact. Just an aside. Now he is the alien.

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I have no idea, but maybe he was feeling protective of his wife. I didn't see the event.

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A) I love Rowdy Roddy Piper and I have loved "They Live" since the movie was released.

B) I work in Public Relations and you are right, it can be used for bad. But it's also important to know that it can be practiced ethically and morally and for good - which is how I do it.

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100% agree. But that point is too nuanced, so I have to start with introducing the idea the PR exists and is a problem.

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Really? no offence but thats what you say. One persons morality is not another's. Why if the products and services are good do we require PR (a sub of advertising?)

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Basically a lot of Americans won't care about anything unless it is heavily marketed to them by a PR firm, so if you want to inject something positive into the culture, you normally need to use PR. The problem is that almost everyone who has money to hire a PR firm for a campaign does not have good intentions. For example, I've known some of the leading people in the vaccine safety movement, and they have literally tried for decades to find a rich benefactor to fund a PR campaign. It's very likely if they had much of what's happening now would not have occurred.

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This is one promising development we are seeing. In the last year some people with high integrity who have significant financial resources are stepping up to the plate in a big way. The funding to cover the Defeat the Mandates rallies in DC and the upcoming one on 4/10 in LA was provided by some of these true philanthropists (unlike the fake ones - Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg etc) . Americans are some of the most generous people on earth and are quick to get behind a cause they care about. And is there any greater cause at this time than protection from deadly dangerous, unnecessary and illegal forced injections?

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Is it true that the US is the only country that allows big harma to advertise? Believe so

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I know New Zealand does too, but in general its pretty rare and most people feel it should be illegal.

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I’m in Canada and they sure advertise the covid shots all over YouTube!!

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The vaccines have essentially gotten an exemption to the policy of no direct advertising of pharmaceuticals.

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Yes, really. And PR is not a subset of advertising.

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Have to agree with this. The whole point of PR is to influence people to act in a manner that is not in their own obvious self-interest. If it was in their own self-interest then PR wouldn't be needed as people would do it voluntarily.

Having a really hard time understanding how PR can be ethical unless one believes people are unable to figure out what's good for themselves. If that's the case then who makes that decision and who decides where the boundary lies? Who holds them accountable?

Some examples of "ethical" PR might help make the case but I'm not seeing it.

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Many organizations don't sell products. It is worthwhile for me to see how skeptical people are.

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I'm not just referring to products. All PR has the intention of changing people's behavior, if it didn't what's the point?

So who decides if that desired behavior change is ethical or unethical?

Not trying to get metaphysical here but let's not fool ourselves into thinking it's something it isn't. It may have the noblest of intentions but the desired result is no different from advertising.

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The desired result is absolutely different from advertising. Many successful public relations campaigns do not desire to make money.

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Not to beat this to death but did I say a word about money? I said the desire is to change people's behavior. It may have nothing to do with money but the intent is to get people to behave in a manner they wouldn't do otherwise. That is *exactly* the same as advertising. Your desire to split hairs on this point is telling.

Look, we all make compromises in life, no one is condemning anyone for that. We have families to feed and bills to pay. I work in aerospace and part of our product line is defense. Those products get sent to shithole countries where people use it to kill each other. I don't like it but it is what it is. I don't console myself with comfortable lies that I'm defending democracy or some such nonsense.

Denial is powerful and it leads to ugly places. The intent of PR is to manipulate people to change their behavior, full stop, end of story. It's important to recognize this fact. Claiming your PR is "ethical" does not change that basic truth and it's important to accept that. If not, any sort of manipulation can be rationalized away by claiming it's "ethical". I'm sure those lunatic teachers trying to indoctrinate other people's seven old kids into transgenderism think they are acting ethically. The problem is their ethics are 180 degrees opposed to mine (and the overwhelming majority of the population).

This isn't skepticism but reality. The road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say. One combats that by recognizing things for what they are and accepting hard truths. Only then the proper safeguards can be put in place and followed.

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Apparantly some of the shots were just placebos, or were watered down versions because it appears as though the strength of the doses was being experimented with to titrate an optimum dose for killing the maximum number of people, but not too quickly or it would make it too obvious and hard to deny. So with no adverse reaction yet, you may have "lucked out", but do not ever, ever, ever take a booster! On the other hand, you may have the spike proteins silently and inexorably creating damage that just hasn't yet become obvious. If I were you, I would get my CRP, serum fertitin, troponin, and D Dimer blood test values checked to see if hidden damage is occurring. If there is any question, I think you should seriously consider taking some Ivermectin doses several times per year to help neutralize any spikes that may still be being manufactured, which can continue for a long time, perhaps nearly indefinitely. And, of course, take vitamins C and D regularly. Good luck!

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Thanks for the link. We certainly live in a screwed-up world, or at least, with a bunch of screwed up humans!

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