This has no real relationship to the article, but I had a story happen today I wanted to share somewhere. While I was driving, I exited a highway onto a county road that had a roughly 50 MPH speed limit (but people often go faster on). When I got onto it, I noticed about 1500 feet away from me, someone was crossing the (fairly large road) with a baby carriage, so I gradually slowed down so they could cross the road.

As I did this, someone else exited the highway, sped up to pass me since I was going kind of slowly, and went onto the side of the road (in the pullout lane) to pass me on the right. They came very to close to hitting the parent and I am came very close to having a nasty accident to stop the driver from hitting the baby once I realized what was happening.

It just amazes me people can be that inconsiderate and oblivious to their surrounding because they are just focused on what they want. After this all happened, I realized that in quite a few ways, that driver was just like the people discussed in this article.

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So true… It has become quite hectic/dangerous to drive on interstate Hwy’s now,where some narcissistic people drive very fast, and cut in and out in front of cars. I’m a retired teacher, and I get so angry at bad manners and disrespect for other people. Our country is in such a bad place. We have let God down with self centeredness, and the worship of money. I pray that He will have mercy on all of us who love and worship Him.

Read: 2Chronicles 7:14. Do it today

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That's right, Susan,

God WILL have mercy on those who love and worship Him (and obey His Commandments). Let's not forget that one. The worship of money as an "idol" is rampant among the heathen. They will learn the hard way that their time and effort toward its acquisition has been vain to say the least (someday).

I think you pinned it with the "self-centeredness" notation. Everything boils right down to that. (Or practically everything.)


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Money is like oxygen; you can't survive without it. You don't need a ton of it either, but too little will make you miserable. Important to acquire money to pay for medical services, a roof over the head and food, all very expensive basics. The rich dodge billions in taxes every year. Money is one of the most addictive things on earth for many. It is the 'addiction' that is the problem.

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1 Timothy 6:10-12 KJV - "For the love of money is the root of all evil"

I actually had to look up who penned that, not knowing who, and it turns out to be Paul. But it is crucial to note that it is the "love" for it, and not the substance itself which constitutes evil. Or the "addiction" as you termed it. As an example, if a person were zealous about acquiring mammon for the sole purpose of supporting ministries, with no ulterior, selfish motive, was a good business person, provided a product or service that was honorable and kept God's Commandments along the way, his actions in life would likely be deemed commendable in the Judgement.

But on the other hand, compiling wealth for any of the innumerable reasons associated with it, indicates a faithless condition of sorts, and highlights "selfish" motives. It becomes the poster-child manifesting its picture of guilt, on display for as many reasons.

The God of heaven has beneficently provided sustenance for all His creatures from the largest of beasts to the smallest of insects. Should we not then trust in His care for us, who were made in His Image by the acknowledgement of such things as each God-appointed 7th Day Sabbath requires us to "Remember?"

Money acquisition takes so many of us on a fleeting "one-way" ride! I hope it to be better recognized as such.

Thanks for your contemplation!


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I love what you wrote. Thank you. I am so happy for people that work hard and make money. My mama always told me, it is not the money that is evil. It is how you think about money and what you do with it. It is so true. Those that value money too much sink into sin. They take the wide road rather than the narrow path. We all know where the wide road leads. I’m so grateful to God that he gave me parents who taught me love of God and good values. I want to be on the narrow path, for sure…. 🙏

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Tropical Greetings, sister S.S.,

Thank you for the positive response! I too am happy to know that your parents influenced you the right way. Unfortunately, although both of my parents were "Christians," they were not very forthcoming in giving us four siblings proper direction. The other three are not believers in the God of Creation. And me being the youngest, I'm not taken seriously.

It's my opinion that the "times" we live in are prophetically indicating we are close to the "end."

And if anyone thinks that Satan is going to go down without a horrendous effort to deceive, as a last stand, they are sorely mistaken. There is still some time left, while the window of opportunity is still open as our "probation" sand is nearly gone. If we squander that precious time selfishly, we will surely be lost. Let God's people do what they can to spread the Good News, and disclose to as many as possible, who the first and second "beasts" are and who the Dragon is, his war plans, and how prophecy has unveiled this hundreds of years in advance.

Please read (or listen to) The Great Controversy by E.G. White for a Biblical, inspired work for these last days.


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When I was a kid my mom drilled that verse into our heads. I've never worried much about money and I always seem to have enough!

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Good to hear that from you. More could take note from your testimony. Here's another tidbit to add to it: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 KJV

Notice NOT for a lack of money! It's spiritual understanding that is in short supply.

The well-spring is none other than the Bible, God's Holy Word.

Have a blessed day, brother,


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I'm mostly in agreement with that famous quote by St. Paul. Probably not "all" evils, but surely a great many of the afflictions of mankind.

Philosophically, it's worth lecturing against blaming the inanimate object, or sometimes, even an abstract concept, for human failings (or equivalently, giving credit where none is deserved.) Money is a tool, no more no less. It has no agency of its own, any more than a butcher knife does. What matters is what a human being does with that tool. It can be used for ends good, bad or indifferent. But in any event, it's not the tool's fault.

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Great perception! Much like a gun, eh? "Ban all guns!!!" Then ban all types of weaponry, including icepicks and hat pins. Further, rocks and chunks of fire-wood must be eliminated as well! And we can also presume all fuels, since they can be made into molotov cocktails have to go as well!

The logic of some people scares me.

Oh, before I get too far off track here, I'd like to make a profound statement to you especially regarding your atheistic world-view, if I may be so bold. Naturally, you will always retain the privilege of "free will" as to your choice in the matter. This is what gives life meaning and value. But it becomes the duty of everyone who has had sufficient exposure to the myriad of disciplines which add their "nails" to the coffin of "naturalism" (i.e. an evolutionary-based paradigm).

And I have, and so, feel qualified to point out that with such a surrender-inducing, mountainous heap of evidence to the contrary of the 'narrative,' that Atheism, by default, becomes relegated to the category of a "religion" and not true science!

Come and join the side of "right," and be welcomed into a vast array of souls who, like myself, have defected from the power of darkness unto the King of kings, and Lord of lords, who created all things, both inanimate and living. And who loves you enough to die for you, and DID SO!

God bless your consideration in this life-changing matter!

Your brother,


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Yes, it is a medium to leverage power for good or ill. All about intention.

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Man created the financial structure that we live in and suffer from today. We spent all that money, and bought the cars, got all those services, and nothing happened inside. And if we can even see that, that would begin to cut off its power to control us, to make us buy, make us spend money wrongly. We want ownership, to collect people and houses and cars and bank accounts, so that we can say, 'This is mine.'

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Exactly! You wrote:

"We want ownership, to collect people and houses and cars and bank accounts..."

In Rev. 18 it is framed this way:

"and cinnamon, and perfumes, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat; and cattle, and sheep, and horses, and chariots; and slaves, and the souls of men."

"Souls of men!" Wow. that is the ulterior motive behind all the bling. It is Satanic in origin, baited as with a trap to seduce the multitude. Consumerism consumes one's time and efforts, leaving little space for He who provides all amenities and necessities. It becomes difficult to truly admire the beauty and serenity which still exists today on earth, when chasing the buck takes up so much of our lives.


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Agree with these points. Balance (moderation) is usually desirable, what one author called "enoughness."

70s flashback: Pop group Sweet had a hit called "Love is Like Oxygen” where it says “You get too much, you get too high/Not enough and you're gonna die.” Well, it turns out that’s true – about the Oxygen at least. Based on a quick Google pure O2 can be harmful, but it requires many hours, or a couple days. So don't panic if in a medical situation they put you on O2, at least not at first.

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Great song! There are healthy parameters for most things. Too much or too little iodine damages the thyroid for example.

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You nailed it…..

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Just about every aspect of this world has gone to hell! Once It completely has.....well,.......then, we can say,"IT IS FINISHED".

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Haha! I suppose you are technically RIGHT. "Gone to hell" if you don't mind, can rightly mean that those aspects will be burned up and destroyed. But to go a little further, regarding "IT IS FINISHED" could also rightly be attributed to the final result of God's destroying Hand upon the world's wicked inhabitants.

But a much more pleasant view of the same thing, entails the concept of "eternity." That realm is beyond our capacity to comprehend, but it is right to trust that after those events are "finished" that eternity will become a reality for those who had the faith of Jesus, and kept His Commandments. The Bible points to a "thousand years" to be spent in heaven but after that period of time, and the events which culminate at the very end of that span, "eternity" will begin for the "saved." 'A bit difficult to wrap ones mind around, but there is nothing to point to which can be called "unjust." I hope that God's Grace will include souls such as myself, who deserve nothing more than death, dust and eternal, unconscious darkness.

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I couldn't agree with your expansion of my statement more. actually I kinda left it open ended. to leave room for thought. Thank You for trusting in YAHWY for Guiding You this direction.

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Yes, thank you too, Dawn,

We all owe a debt of gratitude to God for having provided us with His Word, which is in effect a transcript of His Character. For those who were wrongly guided, a gentleness and love should attend our corrective measures. This is the present duty of all Christians who value human life; ETERNAL life, no less! Yes, the Covid scam and the billions slated to die by them being misdirected, is TOTALLY tragic indeed, yet the misdirection of souls, leading them to trust a lie, is even worse yet! That's hard to imagine, but is true.


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I’m waiting for Jesus to arrive and see glory.

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I call it vaxbrain. The prediction from many is that traffic will become far more dangerous as vaccine damaged drivers stroke out on the roads.

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Yes, but drugs and alcohol, also along with NARCISSISM

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Alcohol and other drug addiction behaviors are indistinguishable from narcissism.

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Most of the shots were neutral and did nothing.

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You only need one on a freeway to stall the whole thing.

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People drive like cockroaches these days.


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I never go on the interstate highway system by myself. I drive country roads or don’t mind every stoplight on alternate byways. It’s so nerve wracking. People damage your car in parking lots and just leave. Frustrating.

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America is becoming a country of mannerless fools. I wish I did not realize that but as a retired teacher it infuriates me. The parents have not done their jobs well to mankind of for God.

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Families have been atomized and taken to the brink, often broken up, by "our" economic structure.


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I have been guilty of getting angry driving. Recently, a woman in California killed two kids due to speeding and is in jail for murder. It had a big impact on me, and I now practice to literally 'go with the flow.' I get held up because people are driving and texting, they do all sorts of dangerous things, but if they did not, it would not make that much difference in terms of time. It is getting easier to not be push against these drivers, not worth it.

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Just about every aspect of this world has gone to hell! Once It completely has.....well,.......then, we can say,"IT IS FINISHED".

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Exactly like the people you were writing about! Either that or a little too many SPIKES poking through the blood brain barrier… 🔥

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I find many injected people have changed. They’re verbose, inconsiderate, loud, angry, narcissistic, own the road etc … all I do is try to remain humble and kind in return. That usually foxes them 🧐

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They were already. Do you recall the 2020 riots and fires? That mindset merely predisposed them to facilitate the jabbing, etc.. though they may be even dumber now.

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Yes, which makes me so nervous for my youngest grandson to just be a beginning driver. It used to be, teaching the kids to drive, the rule of thumb was to be a defensive driver but nowadays you also have to be intuitive. You have to expect the unexpected from people. So sad.

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I scan every intersection now. Every single one. I got t boned by a woman with no license and fake insurance.

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Last year my oldest grandson was t boned by a man who was driving on a suspended license. He ran a red light as my grandson was turning left. It took a year to settle it. Barely covered the cost of another truck.

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The fake Hispanic insurance company with my accident tried to haul me to court 2 counties over even though police gave her 2 tickets. I went once. They got court pushback then tried it again. I told my insurance I was done with this nonsense and I wasn’t playing anymore and I guess my insurance got money from the other one.

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I am a nervous wreck in the car with my child, who just learned to drive. He is a safe driver, but others are not. He used to be a back seat driver getting angry with me when I would complain about texting drivers. Now he is going through the same frustration. I keep saying, create space between you and the other vehicle, stay away from large trucks, never take your eyes off the road when your passenger speaks to you, don't flip someone off, they could shoot you, driving slow can also cause accidents etc....

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I know exactly what you are saying. My fallback position, so as to keep me sane and even keel, is to pray without ceasing. Pray for deliverance from evil, protection from tragedy and for grace. Then exhale and trust.

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I was just thinking that this morning, from the prayer the line 'deliver me from evil.' A few years ago, a car was parked at an angle and blocking the carpark exit, it was dark, I honked, a woman ran to my window and said she was trying to get an elderly disabled woman into the car, and then wished for me that I became disabled. I had not seen the disabled woman it was too dark, but shocked at the wish of evil directed at me. I am still rattled by it today. I said, 'that is evil, "and then I defensively and reflexively said the 'same to you.' Now I pray that God blesses those women and helps them.

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We see dangerous driving like this everywhere since covid, virtually every time we get in our car -- perhaps a combination of brain dysfunction and in response to the abuse we all endured the last few years. Car insurance rates are increasing rapidly, and fatal accidents are up 16% last year compared to 2019. A competent professional driver we know has been hit 2 times in the last 3 months, fortunately low-speed with no injuries...

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Vaccidents! My cousin would have been one of those driving a B-double full of cattle except that there was an issue and he couldn’t go that day. Instead he ‘died suddenly’ driving his ute on one of the roads on the property he worked on. 🥲

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There is an -ism that I've become aware of recently and have been studying because of someone very close to me that has fallen into mental illness. Victim-narcissism. These people will lie about their wrong doing, turn it around on someone else and stand by it.

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Projection… It’s a tactic. 💩

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Just about every aspect of this world has gone to hell! Once It completely has.....well,.......then, we can say,"IT IS FINISHED".

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I travel around 80,000 kilometers a year in Europe have noticed that since the corona pandemic the behavior of some drivers has become very dangerous.

Truck drivers and other professional drivers are involved in accidents with risky maneuvers. The vaccination has led to behavioral disorders in many. Some employees from my company have also switched to public transport because the traffic in the city has become too dangerous for them. I also switched to trains and buses for longer journeys.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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I was that driver in another place, people are not perfect, they make mistakes, hopefully you learn from it. But also, if you push a baby carriage in front of traffic and cause the traffic to slow down, you also made a mistake.

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This almost sounds like one of those on purpose accident set- ups with the intent to sue you.

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Where do we have people crossing 50 mph roads without signals or signs?

I think that's a huge engineering issue in your state.

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At the risk of sounding a bit the wise ass: Pray tell, could it possibly be that the state highway department decided it was not economically feasible to install marked crosswalks and signals in extremely rural areas where hardly anyone lives? Heaven forbid that one would expect the pedestrian to take some role in insuring his own safety in crossing a highway.

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Also on a psychological level it seems to me people are very much more fearful and in dialogue are often more apologetic than they were decades ago. There are no doubt numerous inputs to this but I wonder if this incessant state of fear and nervousness causes some degree of hyperfocus on what they are doing and where they are going? I don't know it was just a thought. On the other hand in your example it doesn't seem a very wise place to cross with a baby carriage. Great article BTW.

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You mean, likely alcoholic?

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Where is a roof mounted chicken cannon when you need one? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_gun

A few well placed shots and viola, the selfish driver gets a reminder.

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ME First.....ME only.....

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Boom !!!! Sorry for my expression,I'm a little old or out of touch !! But point true !! You hit the Nail on the Head !!!

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Societal rules are being trashed more each day! Aspen Institute is a tool of WEF and many senators have graduated from there! Now being reported that bird flu is found in cow’s milk! Is the next step to be eradication of cows? We are already injecting our meat sources with RNA! Keep going down the wrong path to oblivion!

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Another terrific but depressing article, AMD. My response to the COVID debacle has been to leave allopathic medicine behind for good. I am now in the care of an osteopathic physician who practices homeopathy. I did this for many reasons, not least of which was the sheer dread and panic that overtook me every time I went to the doctor's office for my quarterly office visit (at a certain age they start wanting to eyeball you every three months). I do not trust conventional doctors to have my best interests at heart. Nor do I trust any part of allopathic medicine to care about my health. All they care about is how much money they can make off me. I saw this with my wife, who died of lung cancer in 2020. As soon as it became clear there was no more money to be made off of her, the hospital graciously allowed me to put her in hospice and take her home, where she died three days later. The entire pandemic response was run for the benefit of pharmaceutical company investors--private profit, not public health. There are no words to express my fury and disgust.

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I have taken much the same approach. Allopathic medicine was killing me. In 2016 after following all the medical protocols to help me deal with my digestive issues, I went to my Dr. and told him he was killing me. And that I would find a way to heal myself. He replied that doctors don't have all the answers, but to return, if I needed his help. I did not return because two years later I had rebuilt my health. I've turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine, not so much to heal, but to stay healthy. I lost my husband because of medical malpractice. But, as his condition worsened, there were those who did their best for him. By then it was too late. There are good people in the medical field, but it seems they aren't allowed, in many cases, to do for their patients what they know works.

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There really are no words. Sisterly love.

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I read this not long ago and I think perfect for this article

If the truth makes you uncomfortable, blame the lie which made you comfortable.

Thanks for sharing

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Good one. I will try to remember that.

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If you want to see just how effective PR can be, consider this: in 1916, Woodrow Wilson ran on a platform that was SPECIFICALLY against the United States joining WW1. It wasn't just a "plank" in his platform but the biggest single issue that he campaigned on.

However, immediately after being reelected, he did a U-turn and started advocating for the US to conscript a bunch of boys, waste a few hundred millions of public money, and join the war. So what did he do? He created what were called the "4-Minute Men" who spread out across the country (in a time before there was mass media, even radio wasn't widespread) and gave four-minute speeches in favor of the US going to war.

The result was, of course, that the US did join the war. Today, the reason why the US joined WW1 has been retconned as being a response to the sinking of the Lusitania, but that actually occurred two YEARS earlier and had only a minimal impact on public sentiment.

PS - It's been pretty well proven by now that the so-called "Spanish Flu" was actually a result of America mobilizing its soldiers for WW1.

Long story short, the American people badly need a crash course in how to identify and recognize PR campaigns. Otherwise, we're all gonna end up in a society envisioned by the movie Idiocracy.

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Great, great, point.

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PS Willa Cather's 1922 novel ONE OF OURS illustrates the WWI madness better than anything else I have read.

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Sam U. There is a great podcast called The Dangerous History Podcast that has an excellent series (I think 10 episodes) on Woodrow Wilson. It was quit an eye opener to true history. Same with a Substack written by Michael Gaddy. I’ve learned a lot about Lincoln and the War of Northern Agression. N

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There’s a huge lack of good faith. Everything is ideology. You can’t have a reasonable discussion about anything it seems. I’m a pretty open minded person and am happy to entertain differing theories and ideas, show me some good evidence, give me motive and I’ll talk with you on most anything and I won’t get aggressive if I find myself disagreeing with your position. I would never presume to tell others what to believe or think. I wish the same courtesy was extended in kind. No I don’t think your “vaccines” are safe, no I don’t think I’m at any risk … please just respect my position. But no … they tried to eat me!

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The vast majority of my friends and associates are still drinking the kool-aid. And frankly there's a lot of people on both sides who just parrot what they're told by their favorite pundit so they spew a lot of bs. I am so delighted when a conversation with someone reveals a small piece of information, from which we both realize we are rational but our eyes are opened, and we can relax and be honest about our beliefs. I am slowly collecting a new set of comrades, which isn't easy at 60.

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It's the mark of authoritarians. No matter the risk to me, I would never demand someone else take an unwanted drug, lest they be punished. There's an existential line in the sand.

The fact that covid shots are transfections not vaccines is ethically irrelevant (but medically very much so).

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Yes, it’s very comforting to be sharing in this group because in real life I have to keep quiet, for now… thank you…. Now .I am mostly waiting for the tsunami to roll in, then they will have to listen

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Most Doctors

Enjoy Being Proven Wrong

Far Less

Than They Tolerate Killing You.


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I stand as an accused 'conspiracy theorist' by several friends but would be far happier to have been proven wrong and that the poisons had been actually 'safe and effective' for everyone who took them. Unfortunately ... as with so many 'conspiracy theories' of late.....

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We all want to be wrong but it’s not turning out that way.

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I’m called a “free spirit” from some ladies I know. But at jab time, that’s not what they were thinking.

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you stated "MOST". Just had to clarify that term a little stronger due to some activities I have endured.

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"The government will outlaw our right to disagree. IF we let them" —Harrison Ford

Don't let them, ever, because the consequences are far worse than death.

“There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys,” —RFK.

“Without free speech no search for truth is possible... no discovery of truth is useful... Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech than denial of free speech. The abuse dies in a day, but the denial slays the life of the people, and entombs the hope of the race.” —Charles Bradlaugh


Give up your free speech at your peril. Once they are able to silence you, the game is over. The loss of all of your other freedoms will fall like dominoes after. Anyone that advocates to censor you, or to unmask your anonymity is your adversary. Treat them like one - no matter what else they say.

But why is it so vital and necessary for the combined monolithic apparatus of government, corporations, and NGOs, to brute force censor everyone while decimating the careers and reputations of the dissenters? Here is why:

The reason the First Amendment is prime directive order 1, is because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first target an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover—preventing a target from assembling, communicating, and organizing a response to an assault grants an enormous advantage to the aggressors.

This is and has been occurring all across the globe since the minute this COVID-19 fraud was propagated to every corner of the earth.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

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I make this point to people all the time. They say "but what about hate speech", "what about lies", what about people who push "conspiracy theories" and I say:

a) Lies according to whom?

b) It's only a theory until it's proven, then it's just a conspiracy.

c) Every example you can come up with, I still believe in free speech. The price you have to pay for free speech is to hear things you don't like. Deal with it. You can't only allow free speech you agree with!

d) Teach people how to evaluate information.

e) Eventually, with true freedom of speech, the truth will always win.

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There are already well-defined laws against legitimate/actual hate speech. These people want to add to these existing laws and make "hate speech" so subjective that it's open for broad interpretation. They will then use these additional "hate speech" laws to go after anyone who disagrees with their political ideology/religion. I say "religion," because I honestly can't distinguish between their political ideology and a religion. As far as I can tell, this woke ideology is their religion. Most of these people are atheists or agnostics, so it makes sense that they want something to believe in and give them "purpose."

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Amen, well said!

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Patrick Henry and I: “Give me Liberty or give me death”. Heaven will be grand and tyranny will be Hell. Always fight for liberty🙏

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need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous

citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding

fathers used in the struggle for independence.

—Charles Austin Beard

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Isn’t it so sad. It is rebellion against God to do what these evil humans are now doing. They will all be sent by God to the “Eternal Lake of Fire.” It is written…

. I do believe now we are in the final days which could mean a few more years; however evil is moving very quickly. If you know the book of Revelation, the world is on that path now. The world will turn against Israel, God’s first chosen. Satan is leading the war on God. Those that follow God/Jesus will be raptured before the 7 year tribulation. I’m planning to die soon or be taken up with the rapture. It is all in God’s plan. I’m so grateful for my faith🙏 God wins….

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23 … for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia). 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain on earth.”

Revelation 18: 23-24

Strong’s G5331 defines “pharmakeia” as:

- the use or the administering of drugs

- poisoning

- sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it

- metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

- φαρμακεία pharmakeía, far-mak-i’-ah; from G5332; medication (“pharmacy”), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft.

This is only speculation, but I think we could be living in a Biblically significant time period right now. Most people blame Pfizer and Moderna for the vaccine harms, but it is my understanding that the US DOD was behind the formulation of the vaccines and used Pfizer and Moderna as fronts to manufacture and disperse the vaccines. Not to say, Pfizer and Moderna are not to blame. They're equally culpable.

The entire world (people from nearly every nation) took these vaccinations. There has already been untold carnage. I hope I'm wrong, but given the nature of these vaccines and their impact on immune systems and cells, there will most likely be increased harm in the future. This was mass deception on a worldwide scale. I think Revelation 18 may be referring to the Covid-19 vaccine deception.

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This will probably interest you, Blair

By Your Magic Spell All the Nations Were Led Astray: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/by-your-magic-spell-all-the-nations

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Wow! Excellent, essay! Thanks for sharing, TriTorch. You add a great deal of depth and understanding to what I was already thinking. I have seen numerous people elude to the "pharmakeia" deception these past few years. The serpent image kind of blew my mind. I had not put those things together before. I am saving your essay for future reference. Thanks again and God bless you!

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I heard a strange story yesterday when I went to get a dental cleaning. I got in the chair then wanted to catch up on her family. She told me her youngest child was diagnosed with alopecia. Her children are 3 and 5 years of age. I had never heard this diagnosis on a child that young. She told me his hair on top of his head was almost gone! He was diagnosed through blood tests (testing positive twice). As it subsided throughout the year he was tested again and it was negative. His hair is normal now. I did not ask about vaccines. I questioned in my own mind that something unusual had occurred to her children. Then I read your article.

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Mike Nichols the comedian and film director lost all his hair as a reaction to a vaccine when he was a child in Berlin in the 30s. You'll see photos of him with hair; that's a wig.

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The term "public relations" is meant to whitewash what is pure propaganda. The great libertarian economist and historian, Murray Rothbard, in a history of public education in the United States pointed out that the advocates for public schools openly admitted their motives and stated "This was before the advent of public relations". By that he meant that the Protestant establishment said in no uncertain terms that their purpose was to "Christianize the Catholics" because they were concerned about the number of Catholic and high church Lutheran immigrants, mostly from Ireland and Germany. They said in effect "We can't do much with the parents , but we can with the children." At least the immigrants were made aware of what they were up against and they proceeded to establish their own private schools. This quote always comes to mind when I hear or read the term "public relations".

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The so-called father of Public Relations, Ed Bernays, shopped his services around to all the oligarchs and philanthropaths of his day. His own words are often shockingly direct.

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Yes he certainly set the tone for the 20th century and its endless wars.

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Riveting/horrifying read. I think it's worth considering that for a large number of pro-vaxxers, that they +can't+ be wrong. Their world would crumble. Goodness knows how you ever find time to treat people with writing detailed articles like this! Thank you.

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Wonderful article. So well put together factually too. Thank you.

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All pre constructed through multiple thought leaders and the mass media to attaint a predetermined goal. Has nothing to do about good health! Must reject the the push to create a medical police state! If we can’t do it humanity is lost! I appreciate you deep dive Midwest Doc!

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I appreciate your support!

I basically wrote this article because I owed it to a few of my friends these people went after.

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❤️❤️. Thank you

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Exceptional overview & summary of how narrative spinners have taken over to push their messages & destroy any opposing voices & views at any cost.

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NKB, and it now seems that industry have moved beyond the notion of defending or changing peoples thinking, to attacking people directly with zero concern over the consequences. This is authoritarian and despicable. As the bible says in the last days, the love of man will grow cold--we are witnessing this occur right before our eyes.

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Excellent article! Thank you!

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Having worked in pr for many years mostly for good causes, I appreciate really great pr. I'm not saying I agree with what they're doing but their methods are incredibly well thought out and coordinated. I tried explaining to my husband how so much vof what's going on is excellent pr. It took hours (he was interested) but he began to see it.

I started by telling him how (25 years ago) Microsoft had one full agency of about 300 people devoted to just one of their products. A friend worked there. No one except maybe the execs really saw the big picture, i.e. their role in the bigger picture. And that was (relatively) benign pr.

Now apply it to the world order. Multiply the number of agencies each working on an aspect of the "message" and add a couple of coordinated leads at top and they really can control the message, control the world. It only stops when the funding does.

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Isn’t there one huge, well-funded PR firm, representing the FDA, CDC, Moderna & Pfizer?

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I expect they use the services of several. And they are huge, clever, subtle, competent and pervasive in their influence.

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There are numerous methods used. Whatever works. One of the goals of PR is to make the message come from others. So paid influencers, providing "talking points" for media and others, etc.

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They obviously may have used many but Weber Shandwick, is the massive PR firm that simultaneously works for the CDC, Moderna, and Pfizer. https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/the-fda-settled-with-us-because-they

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And Weber Shandwick is owned by IPG which owns a whole lot else and suddenly the web is enormous.


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That would be B.G. Company.

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Weber Shandwick, is the massive PR firm that simultaneously works for the CDC, Moderna, and Pfizer.

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Highly unlikely. There's likely a small(ish) outside the agency coordinating a group of agencies and/or branches of the same.

In my example, that agency of 300 was just one location for a very large agency that was located worldwide.

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They obviously may have used many but Weber Shandwick, is the massive PR firm that simultaneously works for the CDC, Moderna, and Pfizer.

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I’m wondering how long I could take, working under the stresses of medical fraud, just keeping a journal and what it would take finally to report it, and quit.~~~I’ve had abusive job situations, lost hair from it, and consumed a lot of Tums but generally not in a long term criminal setting…..now, that would be difficult….

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Fanastic article! Once again I will point out that all of corporate social media has been aggressively censoring anything to do with medical cannabis, cannabis reform, or cannabis businesses for 20+ years now. So all this is very old news to activists like myself that spent the last 25 years working to repeal bans on cannabis medicine.

All of Dr. Mid's criticism of internet censorship and control by elite Pharma investors has been going full throttle against medical cannabis science and cannabis political reforms since the dawn of companies like Facebook and Twitter. People trying to start cannabis businesses in states where it's legal simply had their acccount deleted with no warning or recourse.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is now available at thousands and thousands of retailers across the USA for a few dollars and is probably the most common medication for age-related osteoarthritis in the country. That's because of the work of the cannabis reform movement. Pharma companies like GW Pharmaceuticals actually tried to patent the CDB moleclue and monopliize it as an FDA-approved drug called Epidiolex at a price of $60,000 per year.

Only because of the cannabis reform movement's triumph over censorship and the Democrat and Republican parties through ballot initiatives is the healing CBD molecule availalbe at gas stations for $15 instead of GW Pharma for $60,000/year. So let's just say that Dr. Mids was not the only one that saw Covid-era Pharma tyranny coming down the pike!

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I don't think that Pharma can patent a molecule that occurs in nature. What they can do is produce a similar but new molecule and patent that. At first I assumed that was what had happened here, but I'm wrong: I googled “Epidiolex” and perhaps I’m wrong! I’m surprised that this is an FDA approved medication. For the astronomically higher cost of the Epidiolex, one does (or at least “should”) get what is likely a rigorously tested product made to high standards of purity, etc. At least so said one reference, and that seems reasonable. But one is also paying for a brand name.

Thus, I revise my initial comment as follows: Probably the molecule itself cannot be patented but it can be marketed under a trade name as a medicine, as is the case with Epidiolex.

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Is this about Epidiolex? While short-acting and reversible, CBD is still an antipsychotic.

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