A dear friend of mine just died in his sleep of a heart attack. He was 92 and up until the age of 91 he was as fit, young-looking & mentally sharp as Lynn's father. A year ago, his mind suddenly & rapidly became very muddled, he could no longer use tech he found easy before, he had a couple of bad falls and became increasingly frail. Guess what he did 18 months ago, even though I warned him repeatedly, but he explicitly said he & his wife would be going with the herd. The herd took him just where I said it would, over a cliff. :(
Thank you for sharing.
A dear friend of mine just died in his sleep of a heart attack. He was 92 and up until the age of 91 he was as fit, young-looking & mentally sharp as Lynn's father. A year ago, his mind suddenly & rapidly became very muddled, he could no longer use tech he found easy before, he had a couple of bad falls and became increasingly frail. Guess what he did 18 months ago, even though I warned him repeatedly, but he explicitly said he & his wife would be going with the herd. The herd took him just where I said it would, over a cliff. :(