My wife and I recently got some DMSO (from DMSOstore on amazon) and we've both been using it, and also giving some to our young daughter who has Down Syndrome. We've been giving her extra vitamins based on the treatment protocol of some studies that I found after reading your previous posts on this topic.

Almost immediately we noticed that our little girl was sleeping better through the night, and she's become more verbal. She'll be 2 in less than a week and she suddenly seems like she wants to say words more intentionally now, even if we mostly can't understand them yet. Also, her appetite has improved substantially. She just seems more active, and that's really awesome!

My wife writes about our daughter on her substack, although there aren't any DMSO specific posts yet:


And here's a song we wrote about her a few months ago:


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I am so happy someone here has done this.

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Also, were there any articles you found on this topic I didn't link to? I looked for a while, but if there are more I would very much appreciate them.

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Oct 13Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I couldn't find any other information that was nearly as good as what you've written on DMSO. I did read a couple studies about potential nutritional deficiencies, so our protocol includes supplementing selenium, methylfolate, and trimethylglycine. There are a few other things I'm considering as well.

Here's one of the studies regarding nutrients including selenium:


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That make sense. I am sure the research in this area on the supplemental nutrients has advanced greatly since when they were just using a few amino acids.

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Wonderful to hear that you're supporting your daughter's nutrient deficiencies with supplements. After years in this space (daughter with CVID/PANS), I, and many other biomed families, have come to learn that it often comes back to the minerals! Selenium, Molyb and Iodine are commonly deficient. We also find that ramping up the minerals too quickly can cause painful detox symptoms (ramping up dormant pathways mobilizes toxins faster than they can be excreted).

Most of all, just wanted to jump on her and mention that what we avoid is equally important. It is important to try to avoid synthetic minerals or vitamins that are added to processed foods such as milks, juices, grains, and almost everything in a package. Our immune compromised kids cannot metabolize synthetic ingredients. The harms can be profound as they accumulate in the body. They can literally gum up your circulation, circulating in the blood, never entering the cells, and preventing various pathways to operate fully. It can take years for the body to get rid of these synthetic ingredients. Avoiding them is VERY hard to do as they are in everything. Synthetic forms of folate (Folic Acid), B12 and vitamin C are ubiquitous.

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Oct 13Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I love this! Of all of the positive reports, this one is my favorite. And I hope you will more reports in the future. May God bless your little girl.

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I will send my blessings to your little girl and pray that she continues to show more positive signs everyday... xox

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Ian... So proud of you and your family! Stay the course... Avoid white coats and blue lights as far as possible!

One useful supplement for youngsters like your daughter is cannabidiol (CBD). I have had numerous Down's folks as patients and all have benefited from CBD - helps with anxiety and agitation. Kids and adults on ASD spectrum all are helped, as well as ADD/ADHD.

Charlotte's Web is a good source for 5mg gummies that has been helpful for many of my patients. https://www.charlottesweb.com/

The biggest issue with CBD is that it is unregulated if there is less than 0.3% THC with the CBD. Thus, I am convinced that many of the CBD products online and found everywhere from gas stations to grocery stores are bogus. Charlotte's Web is a reliable source and was a main driver behind CBD's widespread adoption.

Best to you and yours...

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Yes on Charlotte’s Web! I used it on my older Cattle Dog in the last 7 years of her life as well as another CBD product, HempRX Forte (hemp oil with CBD). She was diagnosed with Addison disease in when she was 14. She lived to be 16. I also made her food…no kibble!

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Excellent... Yes... Can be a huge help for pets. We have a small animal sanctuary and use lots of CBD for anxiety, agitation, and pain.

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DMSO is a game changer! I took some doxycycline for a week and a combination of MMS (chlorine dioxide) + DMSO to completely heal my infected tooth (it had the 'zit' on my gumline typical of infection). I also aimed a cheap red laser light at my cheek to help heal my infected tooth. My tooth is totally healed. No pain. No ouchies with hot or cold. If I'd have known how to treat my teeth this way I'd have never gotten so many root canals and fillings.

DMSO sends the healing right to the source. It's amazing stuff. It crosses the blood brain barrier too. Obviously, you have to be careful when using it. XOXO

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Did you rub it on the gum?

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Amazing story. And i didn't expect such a hq song, as well. Tear jerker warning! I have autistic sons, and would love a dosing recommendation. What did you guys follow?

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Watch this, love:


Both me and my daughter are on the spectrum because of vaccine damage.

Being on the spectrum is incredibly lonely. People don't understand the sheer lonliness aspect of being aspergers/autistic. There are many levels. Girls usually handle it better than boys but we 'mask'. a lot. I wish nothing but the best for your precious sons.

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For DMSO, about 0.5mL once a day mixed in milk. Very new to this so it's still kind of an experiment.

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thank you for sharing your wife's Blog about your beautiful daughter. She is a gem.

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God bless you and your family.

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Dmso is indeed marvelous. We gave 50 grams of Dmso i.v. daily for five months to a person who severed her lumbar spinal column. No organ damage noted from the Dmso and she can now drive and walk albeit slowly. Approximately forty (out of forty) patients with confirmed bacterial prostatitis have eliminated the bacteria in their prostate with a single dose of antibiotic dissolved in Dmso administrated via catheter three times a week for 4 weeks. No recurrences. Hematoxylin dissolved in Dmso i.v. has reverted several cancers. Speaking to the topic brought up in your Substack - LD50 - before employing the treatment an LD50 study was clearly necessary. Since a published study was not found we had to take on the challenge of doing one. At the dosis necessary the result was several times less toxic than acetaminofen mentioned in your article above.

Thank you IMMENSELY for your article(s) on Dmso.

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Is there any chance you would be willing to write a long comment/post for me about your experiences working with DMSO?

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I am thrilled that you read and pinned my text doctor MWD. The complicated world of today requires an uncertain balance between reserve and 'getting a topic out'. I took a gamble with your Substack (I read all of MWD postings) and it payed off.

Thank you for that !

'Yes' to writing for your Substack on practical experiences with Dmso.

I would be most happy to write about anything Dmso, with exception the last topic above.

For that could you provide me with a 'side lobe' communication to your substack specifically for that topic ?

On that topic I can mention for now that I have accepted to present at Frontiers 8 annual IAOH Ozone conference Nov. 08 in Charleston S.C. This will be the first time I will have presented this topic.

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Thank you! I have a large background with Ozone, and I've essentially just not written about it here yet because it was more well known (compared to UVBI or DMSO).

Regarding DMSO: basically, what would help me is a summary of all your clinical experience with it as there are very few DMSO doctors now. That could include elaborating on what you wrote above, or going into a lot more. Similarly, if you do a rough cut at it, I could ask a few questions and point out areas for you to elaborate. I really want to get the DMSO topic into public awareness, so I've been quite methodical on how I've delved into it, but as I'm sure you know, there's a lot I still have not touched. I also am not as familiar with the spanish literature (which I'm guessing you are) so there are probably some critical studies you know of that I do not.

Beyond that though, having a real named doctor who is currently practicing with IV DMSO and getting results with it will do a lot to cement the credibility of this, and I am relatively sure if it's put together correctly, a lot of people will want to fly out to your clinic, which in turn will advance my goal of bringing more awareness to this topic and make more people in the USA want to offer it.

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If you have a few minutes today (it is 2:45 pm now in Ecuador) I do well in verbal communication at first. If you have time..........

Could be at 5 pm today Central time.

WhatsApp number would be +593958888109. Or a l.d. call 011-5939-058888109. should be the sequence for the landline here.

Or if fails 011-5939-958888109. email also. lance@waldos.org.ec

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Could I just add here that mid-December 2019 I underwent a TURP for BPH (that is I had a re-bore of my plumbing for a benign swollen prostate which had totally blocked my water pipe) - just in time before the covid debacle. Though it mostly cured my problems it remained difficult to pass water without a full bladder and I frequently wake in the mornings feeling pressure on my kidneys. About 3 or 4 weeks ago I started taking 99.95% dmso orally, a teaspoon per day in the morning.

Within 5 days several things were noticeable a) I pass water far more easily, b) my hearing accentuated, c) my eyesight improved somewhat, d) my mind was that much sharper and e) my blood pressure dropped from 160/90 to 150/80 and I just sense my heart is that much better.


I had done a fair bit of research before jumping into dmso as I've had 2 ablations of the heart for atrial fibrillation. I'd already begun talking to my GP that I thought I was on too many meds for heart and BP (amlodipine, ramipril, bisoprolol and apixaban). We'd agreed to drop the ramipril and increase the amlodipine but this seemed to me to increase my BP. However, I unilaterally decided to dump the bisoprolol and apixaban and take up dmso. I feel totally justified in taking dictatorial control of my own body and I'm quite prepared to argue with the docs. (He'd relayed a message that the cardiologists had been emphatic that they I should continue the bisoprolol and apixaban but supplied no evidence or reason. Well, I'm sorry but, "Because the doctor says so" is, in my book, no longer a good reason to do so. In fact the opposite. Here in the UK the National Health Service is commanded by the National Harm Service who drive all the protocols. That they have suppressed dmso for decades is categoric proof that they are evil. They have intent to harm. Well, that is off my chest. Hahaha

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Prayers and good luck to you! Such an indomitable fellow!! So glad you wrote of your research and benefits, too. ❤️🙏

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How much (ounces) and in what (distilled water, etc) did you dilute the daily teaspoon of 99.95% DMSO?

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9 fluid ounces (about half a pint or one mug full) of boiled tap water in the following manner. I live in an area where the Welsh Water supply is very soft. There is zero scale in the kettle. It is not fluorided and not over-chlorinated. (Trent Water in the Nottingham area is dreadful for over-chlorination. Your bath water can be blue.)

Ever before I'd heard of DMSO it has been my habit to make a peppermint tea before going to bed then put the juice of half or a whole fresh lemon, depending on its size and drink that after my porridge (grits). I have simply added a teaspoon to my morning drink.

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Pinned your comment too.

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Thank you once again AMD for a great article on the safety of DMSO. I ordered DMSO immediately after your first article appeared. I am now in the 4th week of testing DMSO for Parkinson's diseasr. I followed the recommended dosing schedule starting at 3.5g/day taken orally and scaling up to 14g. It soon became clear to me that this was too much as I had severe headache and brain fog, so I decided to take a break. On the second day of the break my Parkinson's symptoms almost disappeared and I felt better than I had felt for ages. The biggest improvement was in relief from bradykinesia. After being slow for the past years, I suddenly became Mr Speedy.

I was diagnosed with PD in 2018 and I'm not new to alternative therapies for PD that bring real benefit to patients so this came as no real surprise to me. I have been treating my PD with sulforaphane in a Broccoli Seed Tea (BST) that I created in 2020. Sulforaphane is a potent activator of the Nrf2 pathway that controls oxidative stress and improves mitochondrial function. BST is very effective in attenuating non-motor symptoms of PD, particularly constipation, brain fog, fatigue and urinary urgency, but it has little effect on motor symptoms. DMSO seems to be complementary to sulforaphane in that it attenuated motor symptoms. I suspect that sulforaphane does not easily cross the BBB whereas DMSO does. I am now dosing at 2g/day applied topically and doing well. At this dose I get minor brain fog for about one hour and the benefits of DMSO for the rest of the day. Once I am satisfied that I have a good idea of the dose range, benefits and any side effects, I will discuss how to go forward with the group of PD patients who currently use BST (about 50 worldwide). My intention is to try to define a protocol for a small number of n=1 tests by people in the BST group on the basis of self-experimentation in order to get a more representative idea of what DMSO can do for PD. I'll keep you posted of the progress.

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I am so happy you did this!

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Also, most of our experience with PD came from IV DMSO not oral, so I would very much appreciate knowing how that route works for you.

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Starting next week, at least 3 Parkinson's patients will be testing DMSO either topically or orally. The timescale of the response I observed for DMSO is identical to that I had for sulforaphane 4 years ago on non-motor symptoms. This may indicate that similar mechanisms are involved. In terms of symptom response to DMSO, in these first 4 weeks, pain, speed and the range of movement were most improved, followed by stiffness. Tremor seems to take more time to respond but there are already subtle signs of improvement. I and my family have also noted improvements in a whole range of other symptoms: brighter facial expression, eye comfort (more irrigation), stronger voice, more energy, better left/right hand coordination (fewer typing errors when using computer keyboard) and improved handwriting. Most importantly, I have periods of feeling really good which were previously absent. I have no doubt that DMSO is doing something good.

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I would love to test this with my husband. I am a nurse. We have been using thiamine, which has worked well, but interested in this as it seems if you extra[plate what it does to spinal injuries etc, there could be a more curative component than just symptom relief. Also looking for a good practice t in the Omaha are who could possibly offer IV.

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Would love to find out more about your sulfuraphane tea as well.

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I will be posting on that later in my thread "An insider's guide to Parkinson's"

You might also wish to visit my website which has all the information about Broccoli seed Tea. https://patientresearcher.com/

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Could you share where you apply the DMSO topically for Parkinsons, and which product you use? We are looking to implement for my 82 year old father and starting from scratch with knowledge of DMSO, trying to procure as much guidance as possible. Thank you!

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1 - 2 g orally or rubbed on the arms or legs. Pharmaceutical quality 99.9%

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Additionally, would oral application be beneficial in addition to topical?

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Do you think mixing Sulforaphane with DMSO would allow it greater power? I read once that a lot of L-dopa medications that didn't seem to work started working once they were combined with DMSO.

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In order not to compromise the validity of the current experiment with DMSO I have specifically chosen not to mix DMSO with sulforaphane. That said, it is not impossible that DMSO could help transport sulforaphane across the BBB more easily. Proving that would be another question altogether.

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48F. Married 24 years. Two adult daughters, 28, 22.

For two years, I steadily declined in health. To the point that I was on bedrest for three months and eventually bedridden, wearing adult diapers for weeks. The abdominal pain was severe and my husband and adult daughters took shifts "watching me." 100% supervision was required for help to the bathroom. I was regularly passing out. They didn't call the ambulance because I was adamant that no one could/would help me.

I reached a breaking point when I was randomly lucid enough for my daughter to explain to me I was passing out several times a day. On July 8th, I was admitted to the ICU for what we now know was a duodenal ulcer that hit a blood vessel. I moved from ICU after two days to the acute care unit. I had been bleeding internally for several months. I WAS TESTED AND FOUND TO HAVE A 2.2 HEMOGLOBIN COUNT!

After many tests, IV dilaudid (mg?) and then ora. oxycontin 10mg alternating every two hours, a mid-line IV after multiple failures, three separate blood transfusions- total of five bags, discovered EIGHT blood clots in my legs, an IVC filter inserted, heparin started, five bags of iron, etc... they finally let me go home on July 21st with a five day supply of pain meds, Eliquis, a PPI prescription, and a prescription for Carafate. My husband was going to lose his job and I refused to be at the hospital without an advocate, so they let me go.

I wasn't able to walk or use the toilet on my own. The physical therapists at the hospital were brutal, forcing me to stand and walk on very, very swollen legs that I didn't feel stable on. We figured I was looking at an uphill battle to get back on my feet. My ankles had a miniscule range of motion.

In hindsight, it's very clear that my hemoglobin level was steadily declining. This caused nervous system issues, extreme gut issues, etc. We hypothesize that the onset of menopause is what caused my body to revolt.

I'm terrified of the hospital/doctors and I don't have health insurance. Many years ago I had what was eventually discovered to be adenomyosis after a desperate request for a hysterectomy. The testing processes, an ablation (which the lining then grew back after a few months), exploratory surgeries, pain management nightmare (my doctor eventually had me addicted to Vicodin), allowed me to know what to expect if I sought help again. I already knew that if I wasn't "sick enough," they would just send me home from the ER having stomach pain.

I lost all my teeth at 19 when I had my older daughter. Apparently, I've had issues with severe anemia all my life and never knew. With all the medical issues I've had, no one ever told me to learn about it and how to manage it.

With all that said, I purchased DMSO a few days ago. My 28 year old daughter and I patch tested it on our arms on Thursday. On Friday, we both used it on our jawline and neck to handle some pain when we chewed. On Saturday, very shortly after this article, I decided to slather it on my swollen feet. Today, I've done it twice more.

Here are our observations:

- It relieved all jaw/mouth/chewing pain in fifteen minutes for both of us! To the point where we gaslit ourselves into thinking we were faking it all along, lol!

- We are already sleeping better.

- We are happier and calmer. My fight/flight response has been in overdrive for a few years. Rest and recovery was impossible. Same for my daughter who has been my primary caretaker.

- The autoimmune symptoms are dramatically relieved. I'm urinating much better, no pain in my pelvis, etc.

- I have significantly improved range of motion in my ankles... from ONE application Saturday night. I usually have to elevate my legs four times a day for half hour at a time. I didn't elevate at all today and felt no pain until 4:00 pm. When I promptly reapplied!

- For the first time in two years, we hung out in the kitchen preparing food as a family (with me on my feet from 10:30 am - 5:00 pm.) Usually, I could only stand for half hour at a time before the pain in my ankles was too much and my back started aching!!

So, first of all, thank you so much. Truly.

Secondly, I was taking photos of my feet before/after since last night to document the changes and differences. I wanted to offer to send them to you over time since most individuals can't PROVE their wonderful results. I have a tattoo that proves that it's me each time, I'm willing to send my medical records, and am willing to answer any and all questions you have. I'm also very open to taking and following instruction to do it differently. I have no idea if this would be helpful, so I figured I'd ask.

Thank you so much. You've already changed my life... by providing hope. I wish that my family and I had a way to repay you. Much love, appreciation, and respect!

P.S. I'm not dunking on the people who saved my life, three times over. I appreciate the medical staff that knew how to treat me. Fifteen minutes into the ER and I was receiving blood. They estimated that I had fifteen minutes of life left. Just a note, no intention to disrespect those that gave me a second chance at life.

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That is a very heartwarming story (especially the part about dinner with your family).

Few quick thoughts:

•Your story again illustrates why it's so frustrating DMSO was buried by the medical system.

•The only thing you can really "do" in return for me is tell more people about DMSO. I put an immense amount of into this series because I really want the benefit it can provide to be available to more people.

•Most of the responses you described are typical things people experience from DMSO.

•The one thing you may want to look into is taking the Chinese Herbal Formula Yunnan Bai Yao. It's often very helpful for these types of chronic internal bleeding cases (e.g., I've seen some "miraculous" results from using it on people who were chronically anemic despite regular infusions and often on the verge of death from the anemic episodes).

•If you want to send me the medical records or pictures and there's a good before after change from DMSO I can put into an article, please do. amidwesterndoctor@substack.com

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I will continue to document and photograph my journey. I fully intend to be a success story! I'll email in a few weeks when we have more information.

I will buy the Yunnan Bai Yao to have on hand. I've been steadily getting better and there is no proof of a current bleed.

I will scream the praises of DMSO from the rooftops and link these articles wherever possible. Thank you.

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I received this comment from a reader:

My husband is 100% disabled Vietnam vet, agent orange. He's got diabetes, neuropathy, torn rotator cuff, bursitis in hips & PTSD. He's in pain all the time despite taking 12 different meds, including 800 mg Gabapentin 4x's/day, Lidocaine patches & diclofenac sodium gel.

He's had 5 back surgeries, 4 in just the past 4 years:

2013 - first lumbar surgery

2021 - cervical neck surgery;

2022 - lumbar surgery again;

2023 - re-do of 2022 lumbar because bone didn't heal properly & screws came loose;

2024 - redo of 2021 cervical because bone didn't heal properly & screws came loose.

As soon as I read your article I drove to Tractor Supply & bought DMSO gel for animals. I came home & lathered it on hubby's feet, shoulder & lower back & hips. He finally got relief - better than all the other pain meds he's taking! He's cheered up.

Thank you for telling us about DMSO!


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I have a Tractor Supply near me. They've been my source for Bimectin. Thinking of trying DMSO from them. A little bit unsure of possible side effects though.

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This was a note I received from a supporter of this newsletter:

You are awesome thank you so much for the work you do. Also read ur article on DMSO. I found a recipe for hemorrhoids 2 tbsp cocoa butter, 1 tsp dmso, 0.5 tsp potassium iodide. After 4 treatments a 5 yr old internal hemorrhoid has shrunk at least in half.

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I did 30% dmso in distilled water, soaked in a cotton swab. Shrunk by half in 6 hours!

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Two friends of mine had their hemorrhoids vanish after a single subcutaneous thigh injection of .5ml of DMSO. They both had had them for many years, one of them for 15 years, and now they're completely clear.

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How would one apply this for an internal hemorrhoid?

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I received this comment from a reader:

Your articles are a blessing to me. I'm post spine surgery #16...10+ fractures, 4 fusions, nerve transfers...6 discs going bad...AS, parathyroid tumor, now gone, (long undiagnosed)...and today, I was utterly miserable. Read your articles, and remembered I have a jar of the DMSO gel. Put it on an hour ago...it's working. God bless you! Words cannot explain the hope I now have.


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This is an email I received from a reader:

I learned of DMSO and Cds when in Mexico during covid. I had had one hip

 replaced and doctors were recommending my knee next. I never got the jab. Tore 3 muscles in my shoulder playing ball and fought off those doctors who wanted to do a replacement.

I've used ivermectin and CDS to keep the 'virus' away. A salve of dmso with other pain soothing creams to soften the cartilage, numb the pain so I  can keep my joints moving. Now, almost 5 years later I am 81 and playing pickleball as well as I  did 5 years ago, and playing with the young ones who Don't believe my age.

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What is CDS?

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Chlorine Dioxide Solution. (Now THERE'S a whole new rabbit hole for everyone to go down, but a good one.) See Dr Yoho's substack: https://robertyoho.substack.com/

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I received this comment from a reader:

Thank you so much!! I have grade 4 chondromalacia and basically no cartiladge left behind the kneecaps , due to a patellofemoral tracking disorder . I strained my knee several days ago and the swelling was significant . I thought I would have to have the fluid drained and steroid instilled . I have had this done twice in the past . I used castor oil first on my knee, rubbed it in, then, 100% DMSO . I iced and rested the knee. I did this two or three times a day . Amazing response!! Better than draining and steroid !! I put some DMSO on my dog’s paraspinal muscles . She has lumbar spondylitis . She was moving better and brought me a pine cone to thank me !!


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I received this comment from a physician who reads this newsletter:

Great article. Very useful. Actually reading this is making me interested in returning to doing more research and observation on a surgical topic- the first time since I retired from surgery a few years ago— but I am now interested to watch wound healing / skin graft taking/ ulcer healing with DMSO help. That being said, since you introduced your last article I have been using it with neurologically damaged patients , chronic pain, and patients with autoimmune diseases and at very first response the responses have been very positive- in line with the data you present. As I have explained the data you introduced me to patients and given them the option they are showing intense interest. I am excited to follow these outcomes.


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I have been reading your substack for about 18 months. Thank you for being courageous and speaking the truth about what's going on in the medical world. After reading your 3 posts about DMSO I ordered some (70% gel and liquid) and also got a book about DMSO and MSM and am now taking 3 grams of MSM daily (capsule) and just using the DMSO gel on my joints. I have a mild case of RA and I am hoping this will help. It's only been 2 weeks, so will know a lot more in a month or so. But early indicators are that both the DMSO and the MSM are helping with pain and swelling.

Thanks again for your time and energy to write this substack!

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Hopefully you can sympathize with how much I've been aiming to do but also how far behind I still feel on the whole process!

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Where do you get your supplies from please? I need to restock but havent found MSM from a reliable source.

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Got the MSM from my local natural food store (I'm in Atlanta and it's called Nature's Pick). I also ordered some from Professional supplement center which was recommended by the book I read on MSM. Professionalsupplementcenter.con

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Life Extension tests all of their supplements and the ones from other suppliers they carry. https://www.lifeextension.com/faq/quality-purity-efficacy#1

Another I have found that has good quality is bulk supplements: https://www.bulksupplements.com/search?q=MSM

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Life Extension does not require a practitioner referral. I buy their supplements all the time. They also offer lab tests. They have a practitioner who will sign off on the lab tests, you just order it online.

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But to get Life Extension products you have to be referred by a ‘practitioner’.

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I have bought Life Extension without referral. I ordered on line. It was a few years ago, though.

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Thank you!

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I got some from Amazon, Gold Standard Organic Sulfur, which I started taking a few days ago. It's coarse, dissolves easily in hot water. A little bit spilled on my black counter and when it dried I saw very fine crystals left, which I believe means it is a good product.

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Is t that what MSM is basically, Sulfur?

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I I have ordered from Pure Encapsulations. Been using them for 25+ years. Clean products.

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I ordered from Pure Encapsulations and have used this company for 25+ years. If that’s of interest to you.

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DMSO Store on eBay

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please keep us all posted!

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Thank you for sharing. I have some mild arthritis too. I have been taking MSM for a short while and I think it has improved occasional discomfort in a few of my fingers. After reading your comment(and double checking the dosage) I realize I am not taking nearly enough. I am going to take more MSM for a while. Then I may add the DMSO if needed. Keep me posted on your progress. Your info has helped me. I appreciate it. 🤗

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Was the book useful ? If so can you share the title , author?

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It's called The Miracle of MSM: The Natural solution for pain. By some of if the doctors who pioneered DMSO and MSM research. Very helpful.

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Thanks. Do you know of any good books on using DMSO

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The book on MSM has lots of information about DMSO. Dr Stanley Jacob is one of the authors and he is a pioneer in DMSO research.

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The DMSO Handbook a new paradigm in healthcare

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That is one beautiful, comprehensive compilation of facts MWD. One of the points you made has triggered an original thought about DMSO being used to POTENTIALLY defuse the spike protein...I mention this because a long while ago, I read that DMSO acts as "a protein folding chaperone". The foreign protein injection (Covid vaxx) will (I believe) cause protein misfolding, then aggregating as amyloid plaque...which is one thing that DMSO seems likely to prevent...I have no proof, only a God-given brain to perceive the possibility. Perhaps you may have considered this possibility and have a way to prove it...imagine the uproar...disabling the murderous cartel's spike self-replicating death jab using DMSO...We just love you, Midwestern Doctor...phenomenal work you have done. P.s. I have another (historic) DMSO miracle to share...I am a retired Professional Fire Fighter, a tradesman, with skills across a very wide cross-section, many of which involve the use of extreme heat application, and as you may expect, have experienced severe burns on occasion. I mention here only one instance...about 10 years ago, a third degree burn to the pad of the index finger on the left hand...it was a dreadful burn...the skin was destroyed well into the flesh...I dipped the finger multiple times for several days in 99.999% DMSO, and gradually, from perimeter toward center, over two weeks, the pad of the finger was totally healed, pink, normal capillary refill, no pain, and perfect fingerprint still there. I am still in awe, that DMSO works so well with the human body to enable healing on such a dramatic scale. Praise God. (Also, I can now report that My wife is now back on her feet, after 10 days post injury...DMSO at 75% (25% distilled water) applied topically to the lower back 3-4 times per day...after about 6-7 days, she noticed a little tingling in the skin...I believe the tingling to be an indication that the treatment is working, as it should, healing damaged tissue and removing inflamation...allowing subtle chiropractic adjustments to be made, and achieving success... Thanks to all those who prayed for her, and offered help...she and I are both grateful.

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Thank you!

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Hi David, according to Dr. Bryan Ardis [www.thedrardisshow.com], nicotine is a nutrient and will rid your body of the spike proteins. Consider a patch-- he discusses dosages being a 2 mg of 3 mg patch. He favors the Rugby brand.

He quotes a study showing that the spike proteins of COVID-19 are nearly identical to those of two snake venoms which bind to the body's nicotine receptors. Using nicotine patches will unbind the venom which results in health!

In one study he discusses that 7 mg nicotine patches were given to multiple Long-Haul COVID-19 sufferers who were asked to wear it for six days straight.

The result?

100% of their symptom disappeared.

I'd first recomend his video, "The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for C19" at his site which will blow you away. His new book came out the last week of September and is sold out on Amazon! But you can order it from his site.

Also consider his PDF on nicotine (in the Resources section) and watch his 3-hour expose on nicotine.

Good luck to you, David.

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Thank you so much Greg, I will check this out. I have heard some tidbits about nicotine patches, all good, but this is the first detailed information I've received. Thank you.

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You're welcome, David. Let us know (if you want) how you made out.

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On the downside they all have a two pack a day habit now 😛

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Dr. Ardis cites a 2015 Harvard study showing that the addictive ingredient in tobacco are the pyrazines the companies add, not nicotine. We've been lied to about nicotine, as it is found in the nightshade vegetables, etc. Very few smokers got sick with COVID-19! Now we know why.

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More on this for organophosphate poisoning in one of the articles here too.


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I have severe arthritis post Lyme disease (I've had 4 joint replacements). I have chronic back pain which I haven't investigated recently (had MRI in 2018 which showed severe arthritis but nothing acute) I started applying DMSO to my back a couple of times a day after reading your article, and it's definitely helping! I read about DMSO years ago but was reluctant to use it because of all of the warnings. Thank you for the excellent information on DMSO - I'm sharing with all of my friends and family!

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Oct 13Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Dear Dr AMD

Thanks for the DMSO series..I am amazed by your tenacity. I am sure you were sitting long hours on your research.. do take care health wise!! Nothing is worth that..

The Sanskrit word for Tree is Vriksha.. or Vriksham.

Tree stands tall moving straight up towards light a sign of positivity & with its feet inside earth and rest exposed to sun, a perfect example of good health…

We were taught to assimilate certain qualities from them.. like they can’t run away from danger..but face and adapt. I am sure the Tree uses DMSO to repair themselves ..so how can it be dangerous.

My grandmother lived with me till 101. When she stopped moving and was on her death bed she started developing bedsores. We cleaned her back and applied 80% DMSO and her skin became normal in just a matter of days… at 101. Talk about miracles & with five doctors in the family not being able to comprehend!!

Your Substacks are not just about health its much more…. Its about life and meaningful living!!

Saddest part is you have to do this incognito.. & we claim we are liberated, free, progressed and evolved… funny!!

Wish I could meet you sometime in my life.. maybe whenever you are in India..

My Pranams to you Dr. AMD

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I had nurses RN was a CNA back then tell me use the DSMO or colital silver on the bed sores down to the bone. The administrator asked who did this we are loosing medicare funding by not having the bed sores and a clinitron bed. We said we didn't know the patient and family were very happy no more bed scores after trip to the hospital. We cared about the patient well being not the money.

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I am a little late to this "party". I did a flyby read when this email came, and saved it, as I was busy finishing 6 lectures for the AHVMA meeting.

We studied DMSO for multiple things when I was in veterinary school, but the most compelling use was for brain trauma, as it was said to be much more effective than mannitol in reducing intracranial swelling. We used it on a "hit by car", resulting in head trauma, and other than stinking up the clinic, it was very effective. The down side, was that when she woke up, she was convinced that we were the villains, and always hated me. LOL

One of the veterinary professors, was looking at it for viruses in cats, and I have used it for decades as a topical anti-inflammatory. Some vets were using it for West Nile in horses, but I had developed a protocol with HEEL remedies, that worked well, so I never used it for that.

It has some interesting anticancer activity, and we have combined it with some complex homeopathics and thymus extract and seen some regression of topical tumors.

LOVE DMSO! Glad that you are reigniting some interest in it.

One caveat. DMSO is a byproduct of the wood pulp industry. Make sure you are using a medical grade, if at all possible. It will drive anything that's on your skin, into the matrix. That's a good thing, if it's Traumeel/ Zeel/ etc, but not so good if it's a toxin.

PJ Broadfoot DVM

PS My stepdad and Grandfather were MDs, back when doctors were thinkers and healers. They would have been appalled at the state of medicine now.

"All we have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to us"

JRR Tolkien

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Was the case you talked about a human or an animal?

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Oct 13Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The HBC (hit by car) was a pocket dog, a Pomeranian, if I recall. But, we have used the DMSO combinations on a host of creatures, including bipeds. It regressed a few suspicious looking lesions (one was likely to be a squamous cell carcinoma) on myself.

BTW, I have been mulling over the thought of using DMSO IV, for whatever they are calling "blood clots", post-jab. It is a remarkably good solvent. I haven't heard anyone else propose that, but as long as the concentration remains below 30%, or so, it is relatively safe. At higher doses, it will lyse blood cells.

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Dear Sir,

Me thinks that your idea to dissolve the rubbery clots is an excellent one. If it works, it would traumatize the industry that developed the culprit jabs. Great thinking, even if it is non-effective, we need to be able to try different things. There are plenty of saved specimens in display bottles in labs and mortuaries with which to use as test samples.

I once had the wild idea that "conditioned" water might perform in a similar manner to dissolve kidney, bladder and gall stones over time. The thought was that the process which formed them (as evident in supply pipes and wherever water is allowed to evaporate and leave the inherent carbonates behind) might also be positively effected in a reverse manner, using "hungry" water such as conditioned or distilled. The plan was to see if I could get some "stones" from labs or hospitals, or vet clinics, and run the mentioned water past them for a long time, and then re-weigh a group to see if they were shrinking. Unfortunately, that was never pursued, but here is what WAS pursued: During that time, I was still plagued by a compressed disc low down, and upon having an x-ray, was shown in addition to the disc, that a bone spur was forming, giving the nagging, but not the disabling condition of the disc.

Then the thought was revisited about the distilled water and its potential to dissolve the calcium carbonate built spur. Ever since then, I have been drinking distilled with a 10 or less percent mix of purified well-water just for minerals. I also began to take Moringa powder caps to ensure of the minerals. And VIOLA! Within only a few weeks, I noticed a change. Within months, the nagging spur pain (which was not constant but sporadic) was non-existent! Even to this day, there is little thought about my back anymore. The disc issue also cleared up. That's quite novel, in my book. I thought I was slated to live with it until planted.

So your "clot thoughts" are wholly possible. Please attend to it, and find out by testing the test tube clots with your solvent. What a marvelous idea that is! I will add that to the prayer list.

Blessings to you and yours,


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I wish I had access to some of those space occupying rubbery masses. I don't have any friends in the mortuary business. But, you are probably spot-on, as there are more than likely many of those specimens available.

Nice for you to share your story about dissolving the calc carb spur. There are probably many who would benefit from trying such a "no harm" strategy.

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I was laughing reading your post cos I thought you were talking about a paranoid human taking a set against you for no reason :)

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hubby has a blood clot where a pic line was removed. He just got home for another hospital stay and I am considering putting DMSO on the skin near the clot. hope it works.

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Hello, I work in the vet industry and after reading the first AMD article on DMSO, asked my vets what they knew about DMSO as I wanted to try it on my 18-20year old diabetic kitty for her spondylosis and arthritis hips/neuropathy pain. They unfortunately did not know much about it, despite one of them growing up on a farm and having applied it on inflamed cow udders. Do you have any vet articles you can post here that I may be able to share with them? I feel we would be able to help so many kitties at my clinic with this substance.

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I have done it on my own cats. It's completely slapdash but I applied 1ml/10lbs of bodyweight liquid DMSO 70/30 concentration directly onto the skin/over their fur to soak in on their back where they're less likely to get it off before it sets. They started meowing and running around like they were kittens again whereas before they were suffering from onset arthritis.

I'm told that dogs, who will sit still for such things, can have dmso just put on their paw while you hold it.

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I would guess that there were some, back in the late 70's and early 80's, since we learned about it in vet school. I have not been down that rabbit hole recently, though I have some fairly well referenced data that is human centered. There are some research papers in those that were rat studies, but not much in pet animals.

Interestingly, I remember some Sixty Minutes or 20/20 "expose's" on DMSO around 1981, then it kind of fell off the radar.

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Dr Broadfoot, Could you elaborate on your treatment of west Nile or encephalitis in horses? My vets know nothing but big pharma protocols or euthanasia. My horse has had bad colic reactions to vaccines, so I won’t vaccinate again. He’s 17 and a Lippit Morgan. I did watch a warm blood with Eastern Equine encephalitis be put down, and it is the ONE fear I have of not vaccinating my horse…

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I did find the citation for the article I wrote for Explore, many years ago, but I have looked online, and I can't get the actual journal to come up. It may be MANY pages down in the search engine, but this is the original citation: West Nile Virus Wars © Copyright 2003 by P.J. Broadfoot, D.V.M., USA (Explore Issue: Volume 12, Number 4)

I also wrote one for another journal, but it is written in German.

The treatment is an autologous blood therapy, using complex homeopathics which have to be sourced outside of the USA. Aggravating, since we actually had very good results.

If you could find an integrative vet in your area, I could certainly share my articles and findings.

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This was a note I received from a supporter of this newsletter:

I used a DSMO gel on my lower right jaw bone. I had a painful infected molar. They said I needed a root canal. In one day the pain was gone. I kept up the treatment, a minuscule amount of gel on my jaw twice a day for 4 days. The infection vanished. I had impaired blood flow due to myocarditis. The DSMO gel improved my shortness of breath.

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