This substack is vital to my understanding of the world. Thank you, Doctor!

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Thank you!

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This article inspired me to write my own think piece that tries to explain how the pandemic/scamdemic actually happened. My latest piece puts the focus on the key accomplices of what was history's most massive criminal conspiracy - the world's "trusted" doctors.

I'm of course not talking about a doctor who practices somewhere in the American Midwest!


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I think real science died in the mid-1980s with the AIDS/HIV crisis. That became a politicized disease that might not even be a disease to the the vast majority of people who were diagnosed with it.

RFK, Jr. documents what happened in The Real Anthony Fauci. At first Fauci said, this was a disease transmitted by promiscuous gay men, probably starting in bath houses. The gay community felt attacked and didn't like this one bit. The new NIAID director, Anthony Fauci, the master of turning you-know what into cherry pie, quickly pivoted, huddled with gay activists and the narrative became this is a disease that's a threat to "everyone." Millions might die. He also went along with the narrative, probably false, that HIV = AIDS and vice versa. And he kept promising a dadgum .... vaccine (which never materialized).

He also fast-tracked, recycled and approved a toxic and failed chemotherapy cancer drug, AZT, as the miracle treatment for AIDS/HIV. That decision no doubt killed as many people as his later decision to green-light remdesivir for Covid patients.

Anyway, after the Great AIDS scare, science and medicine were never the same - medical science was no longer interested in testing hypothesis and solving medical problems with logic. Science became "politically correct." If you went against the authorized PC science - as endorsed by Fauci - you were finished as a serious scientists ... and everybody quickly figured this out.

Fauci, who was almost run out of town early in his tenure because of his early views on AIDS, became the most powerful person in medicine and science in the world. His obscure agency, which might have been shut down, saw its budget go through the roof. He became the J. Edgar Hoover of public health - and one of the history's greatest mass murderers.

Today he's feted as a hero and is the wealthiest former government bureaucrat in U.S. history. Mr. "Science himself" actually killed real science.

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AIDS also gave us (Army) "scientists" like Dr. Deborah Birx, who specialized in AIDS relief in Africa. The Covid story is littered with alumni from the "war on AIDS."

P.S. RFK, Jr. says real AIDS/HIV was probably created by a toxic vaccine given to people in Africa.

As we can see, AIDS/HIV and Covid-19 are closely intertwined.

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It also gave us an entire UN agency, ffs (called UNAIDS). If you look into what they're doing this days, you'd gag. They are operating the entire health systems of several poor countries.

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My classmate in grammar school died of AIDS when he was in his twenties. He was never in Africa. Fauci destroyed one astute researcher who disagreed with his assessment that HIV was the marker for AIDS. My way or the highway. Maybe my neighbor died because they gave him AZT. Don't know. The management style of the two events certainly is similar with Covid being fine tuned!

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My understanding is that the great destruction of US science happened in the handoff of authority from Silents to Baby Boomers, which does include the 80's period you mention. An insane amount of viable alternative medicine as well as technology was discovered in the 1900-1970 period which really made the Star Trek future believable. Then somehow in the hand off to Baby Boomers all of it got buried and at this current point a doctor or scientist is lucky not to be outright killed for dissent and simply being made impoverished is being let off easy.

They have actual published reproducible papers about lasers healing human tissue, actual dyed and verified maps of acupuncture lines and points, using electric fields to cure insomnia, thorium reactors, implosion flight engines, general space technology, etc. All from before the 70's and all buried.

Fauci is a criminal king. The criminal kingdom he is an authority in is omnipresent, as the essay about Glubb says it's endemic to the character of the generation.

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I just want to mention that I am a big fan of thorium reactors!

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It was a shock when I heard China supposedly has one up and running since 2021, with plans for a modular design to install in cities nationwide.


China's experimental test reactor cost half a billion. The USA 2008 bailouts cost 700 billion. So that might have been 1,400 TMSR-LF1's. Potentially over a million households thorium powered not including gains from improved design over the construction lifetimes.

Maybe China will sell our community one.

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In Glubb's treatise of Empires, the Boomers represent the end of Influence, the beginning of Decadence. Boomers had it easy - and so - wanted it easy. Gimme a pill for that, Doc.

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Jul 2
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Jul 2Edited

No, it's not about blame, it's about trends. The boomers - like the proliferation of universities - are a signpost, nothing more.

Read Glubb, and understand the stages of the rise & fall of Empires. Midwestern Doc put me onto him. It's a very logical, well-written treatise.

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I don't think there ever was a "real" science in practice. The concept, like everything else touched by human hands, has been perverted from the cradle, I think.

Here's one aspect of the problem.:

"No doubt science cannot admit of compromises, and can only bring out the complete truth. Hence there must be controversy, and the strife may be, and sometimes must be, sharp. But must it even then be personal? Does it help science to attack the man as well as the statement? On the contrary, has not science the noble privilege of carrying on its controversies without personal quarrels?"

-Rudolf Virchow

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As I wrote in another essay at my Substack, the Powers that Be now seem to be making great progress in actually banning the Socratic Method - outlawing taboo questions.

Of course, this is as old as government or human history. Socrates was put to death for using his own method.

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Yes, personal attacks are inevitable. Taubes ("Good Calories, Bad Calories") details adversity Dr. Atkins (of the famous diet fame) encountered. He suffered enmity of fellow doctors early in his career (I infer) due to his successful weight management business. After the wild success of his 1972 book, the AMA took the very unusual step of publishing an editorial condemning his diet in the JAMA. It's hard to tease out how much of the hostility was due to pure envy, and how much against Atkins's heresy against the orthodoxy of then-current medical advice, of daring to "go off the reservation."

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Somebody ought to make a documentary or movie about Atkins and the influence he had ... and how much he stirred up the ire of the health and food establishment.

Atkins was largely right IMO. So I get why he was attacked so vociferously. The low-carb diet is still being attacked today.

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Yes, despite the fact that tens, perhaps hundreds of millions have tried some version of Atkins (Keto). Once you've read a detailed history of the background information (like Taubes) it becomes all the more interesting that there's been such a seething debate, for so long, dating back even when there was (I presume) little or no government funding or censoring of dissident scientists.

Worth mentioning: unlike 99.9% of health or other scientific claims, the interested layman "do an experiment" and thus decide for himself if the claims of Keto are actually valid or not. Do the promised results occur? In my case, certainly so: I’m down easily 20-30 Lb. from my peak weight by reducing (not to say eliminating) refined carbs and sugars in my diet. Also curious to note that much of the (unscientific!) criticism even from the Establishment was often of the form “There is no proof of the diet’s long-term safety.” Nor, apparently, is there ever much effort to actually test such matters. Perhaps because it might shine light into crannies where the powers that be would rather remain dark and unnoticed.

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Fauci should have been put out to pasture after the AIDS fiasco. Not only did the AZT kill most of the afflicted, but the blood tainted with aids virus eliminated all the hemophiliacs as well as those, like my neighbor who was in a serious car accident and need a blood transfusion. American Red Cross under Mrs. Dole sat on the technology to cleanse the tainted blood for 4 years. No question in my mind he is devious and has the Napoleon complex and believes he is god like. His vision is RNA will replace the old method of creating a flu vaccine and BARDA is thrilled to have RNA as the antidote for all the GOF bio weapons they dream up. The medical world has gone bonkers over RNA and is investing big time working on over 100 RNA injection protocols. We have not seen anything yet! Much more to come! Fauci is not out of the game and is being exalted by all who benefit from the government research dole. He is working behind the scenes to keep the RNA dream alive. Who cares if humans are now lab rats! Bird flu fear is ramping up as round two of herding humanity.

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Yes, a Good Book. Don't forget that Muhlone Edited this book, and consequently it whitewashes Muhlone and Callahan. Also, the book over uses the word Pandemic, which is a cover for the fraud that's going on (Financial and UNlawfully). Do you know all of TWC consultants or employees? https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/new-pharma-20-looks-suspiciously

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My last post on my substack seems appropriate here: Let’s start by looking at the confidential agreement proving Moderna had a Coronavirus vaccine candidate at least nineteen days before the alleged emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.

The confidential agreement states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

The World Health Organisation declared COVID‑19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020

On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.

However, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent in 2016 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied in 2013 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2, as well for their "Covid-19 virus".

The final codon completed inserted gene sequence, ‘CTCCTCGGCGGGCA’, patented by Moderna, does not exist in natural viruses and neither does the CGG-coded Furin Cleavage site CCTCGGCGGGCACGT.

Moderna wins Covid-19 shot patent case against Pfizer-BioNTech in Europe May 18, 2024, 07:01 PM Pfizer-BioNTech who used Moderna Virus 2013: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG to make their vaccine from. That "virus" you got "a vaccine" for: Thank Bill Gates.

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The driver is Barda which identifies bio weapons and needs a dedicated antidote for the bio weapon. They believe RNA injections are the solution! Big Pharma believes it will create a new method of treating disease states. Fauci has been key. That is why there is more than 100 RNA research products

Being actively created. Changing the direction of medicine is a daunting task when billions and billions are being invested in this endeavor. Humans are now classified as lab rats and are being herded. Gates already has reaped billions and braggs about achieving a 20 times return on his investment. I see no end in sight when Washington is manipulated by those who have identified these goals as being beneficial.

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Agreed and you have explained it very well - my free salt water cure does what these vaccines can't and won't ever do, but on the subject of covid it has to start somewhere and guess where that was: Let’s start by looking at the confidential agreement proving Moderna had a Coronavirus vaccine candidate at least nineteen days before the alleged emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.

The confidential agreement states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

The World Health Organisation declared COVID‑19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020

On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.

However, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent in 2016 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied in 2013 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2, as well for their "Covid-19 virus".

The final codon completed inserted gene sequence, ‘CTCCTCGGCGGGCA’, patented by Moderna, does not exist in natural viruses and neither does the CGG-coded Furin Cleavage site CCTCGGCGGGCACGT.

Moderna wins Covid-19 shot patent case against Pfizer-BioNTech in Europe May 18, 2024, 07:01 PM Pfizer-BioNTech who used Moderna Virus 2013: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG to make their vaccine from. That "virus" you got "a vaccine" for: Thank Bill Gates.

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Christine, I read a book that came out in 2021 called “The origin of the deadliest pandemic in 100 years,” by Elaine Dewar. She questions the discovery of a virus in miners in 2012. They were cleaning out feces from a bat cave. Two of the miners were hospitalized and the virus was harvested which they named RATG13. According to Elaine it was almost identical to the current virus. One wonders WTH was going on.

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"emergence of SC2". that seems to be wrong. Sars is only a registration printed from a computer. https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/proton-magic-falls-for-fan-wu

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It would only take one sharpshooter to fix the Bill Gates problem

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El Gato Malo has written a layman’s piece on the implications of the Gs in that sequence (Alzheimer’s, CJD, rapid mental decline etc. as has been anecdotally reported by so many individuals). https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/cg-enrichment-in-covid-vaccine-mrna

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There are over 53 prior art citations in the Moderna patent.

Having a little knowledge of the Patent process, I can't believe an examiner allowed a patent to be issued with all that prior art. Thanks Bill Ghate$.

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Christine, very interesting information. It’s like wow. If we only knew exactly how this all unfolded. I believe there is some tie in to the GOF in Wuhan.

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My understanding is that Bill Gates and friends intended to set a virus on us all for 2025, to exterminate most of us Human Rubbish by 2030 - Moderna's virus on his Event 201 computer model in 2019 was too good to pass up on, so he went for it and the virus was released a couple of weeks after his Event 201 from Fort Dettrick Level 4 BioLab, then a fleet of Army trucks moved the BioLab away at night, according to witness who lived locally. The problem with Politics is that they smile to your face while they put a bloody big kinfe into your back, at the same time and America has a great reputation for subterfuge. The bottom line is that this is the Great Reset when populations around the world are reduced from 8.5 Billion to around 2.7 Billion by 2025, backdated by 5 years because Covid was backdated 5 years by Bill. Interestingly, just before Bill bought all of the farmland, he was given 7.5 Billion Dollars by Biden, but nothing was said why? Also, Bill's wife decided to cut ties with Bill about the same time, I can't help wondering if she was distancing herself from Bill, for what he had done. The problem I see with these vaccines is that they are Patented, as you know. The US Supreme Court in 2013 (the same year that Moderna Patented their vaccine) passed a Law through the US Supreme Court that anything natural to Nature could not be Patented, only something new, which did not exist in Nature could be and these vaccines are not natural mRNA, DNA but let's say common to all life forms on this planet = keys to Heaven, they are Patented and are synthetic, made in a Laboratory and ModRNA DNA and they change the Human DNA and Genome in 6 hours, passing through alll of the body Organs in 12 hours - so where does the Spirit or Soul go when the key to the next place is governed by ModRNA DNA = Hell?

The Law goes on to classify anyone who has been ModRNA DNA vaccinated as no longer Human, but a new species "Trans Human" with zero Human rights, in fact because they are a new species from 2020, they don't have any Rights at all - ideal for Genetic Modifications as the vaccines are not that but Gene Therapy Injections, ordered and paid for and supplied by the Military to the Military everywhere - anyway, have a look for more on my substack which is free.

I think of the Military as being like an Ant's nest, but who or what is the Queen Ant, is it Human or one or more of the Super Computers with AI under mountains in Nuclear proof bunkers doing the orders, after all, this whole thing seems to lack any emotions at all.

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The whole Ghate$ crime syndicate should be incarcerated and all assets seized. But he purchased the federal government as well. Was Bill on the ballot election day?

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I think the virus was already spreading and infecting people before Event 201.

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no GOF. https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-virus-rouse-going-going-gonzo. Read article and his links. think. ask questions.

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What do you see with an electron microscope? Swiss Cheese?

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Extracellular Vesicles. 1st purify a single particle, then extract an intact RNA/DNA. Prove how it is ineracting with other particles or cells. Has science achived this, or do they produce pictures with arrows and assume the action and results?

edit: read moar. https://theviraldelusion.substack.com/p/revealed-the-sars-cov-2-sequencing

2nd edit: Thomas, you know sometimes people LIE for money? Medical industry has a past of this behavior or no? The gov? next big investment is cancer treatment and more PCR (junk) tests. invest in these. go look at TWC (the Wellness Company and any biotech that has these products. you'll make mega bux. I bet AMD knows this. He will avoid these topics, or cast negativity on them without a good rational argument. Who does he work for? that's an Interesting Question...

3rd edit: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/how-to-fake-pandemics-in-4-easy-steps

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One of the many times I was temporarily banned from Linkedin (before it became permanent) resulted from a series of posts discussing the pricelessness of history. History is THE most valuable asset. Bar none. Its not even remotely debatable.

A population well educated and versed in history is a more significant threat to the World's power base than any military force. Period. Thats why the World's power base controls history via censorship,mis/disinformation, and covert actions such as Operation Mocking Bird. There is no expenditure too great nor Unconstitutional statute too small that can be put forth as a means for historical control. Its that important.

The National Archives, Vatican Archives, "Top Secret/SCI files"etc all exist to serve the whims the power base...not the Republican or Democratic Party... the actual unelected power base.

None of the archives or files are historical in function or purpose. Those writings are not for yours and my eyes. We are by design relegated into the population of redacted serfs. We aint in the "Big Club" as George Carlin once opined and you never will be. Its only through redacted ignorance that people are ultimately controlled.... the COVID files are the latest and quite vivid example of the Big Club versus the redacted serfs.

It is not the modern monetary theory that keeps me up at night. Rather its the modern version of ancient historical control that has the potential to forever change who we are as a Nation and forever erase from history the reason for which our great Country was founded.

So keep your gold and bitcoins. I will chose primary source history as my coinage of choice. It's distinctly more valuable.

We are not doomed to repeat history if we forget history. Wrong. Very wrong.

We are doomed to repeat history simply because history is deliberately repeated via the great expenditure of redacted serfs blood and treasure by the very power base that controls history.

We are the ignorant means to the cyclic historical end. It's that simple.

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Great comment. In the 70s, Antony Sutton was a professor who had gained access to much hidden history at Stanford’s Hoover Institute, and then wouldn’t shut up about it. (His books and interviews are accessible, for now)

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I was reading Sutton when the lockdown started in March 2020...having just finished most of Quigley's book. And read Whitney Webb's book "Nation under Blackmail" if you have not knowledge of how we got where we are now. Fortunately, I had already become a anti-allopathic anything ten years prior to 2020, thank G-d!

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Which of his books is the best to start with?

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Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

If link doesn’t work, it was available at archive.org

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Thank you!

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[archiveorg pdfy-jzdqXvsS5ZHaHNVy width=560 height=384 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

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"A population well educated and versed in history is a more significant threat to the World's power base than any military force. Period. "

Brilliant perspective and I agree.

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Our nation’s schools do not teach history but rather a narrative selected by those in power. Why would they ever provide its citizen’s with the education they need to overthrow them?

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The Dept of Education needs demolished. There is nothing educational in its Charter.

We have State ran education no different than China. Our children are provided the same type of government propagandized K-12 education. The real problem is most adults are too self absorbed to demand change.

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If I remember correctly, the World Leader (Director? I forget the title) in Brave New World (Huxley) was the only one allowed access to history books.

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We are rapidly getting to that point. Except it's not the World Leader. Rather, it's all the public-private-partnerships (corporate fascism) that have ultimate financial origins to either a select group of companies or individuals. Black Rock, Vanguard, Soros, Gates, and Rockefeller are some of the more well known, but there are others not so public facing.. the so called inner inner.

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Jun 1Edited

It is my fondest hope that they will disagree on some finer point of doctrine and splinter like Protestantism or any other splintered faith. Regardless of what they do, the damage will be huge. But the sooner they can get out of lockstep, the better.

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Your points are probably valid. The problems of the powers that be rewriting, censoring or straight up burning the historical records probably dates back to the dawn of civilization and the discovery of written records. Trump’s alleged “falsification of business records” doesn’t even scratch the surface of the monumental lies foisted upon humans dating back to the begging of time.

The best tool kit I can offer against such deception are simply these: Ground oneself in the best available general knowledge and science possible. That includes critical thinking skills. Most of us will never be in The Big Club, so won’t have access to the primary texts (which no sane person would ever think hadn’t been adulterated by prior administrations anyway.) The best we can do is observe what is observable and draw the best inferences we can from the available data, always keeping in mind that others may try to trick us with falsehoods.

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A counter-intuitive dynamic exists with the Covid jabs. The more people who were involved in the false conspiracy ... the less likely the conspiracy will ever be proven or exposed.

Typically, one might think if "this many people were involved in a fraud or crime," someone is going to talk and expose the rest of the criminals.

However, with the Covid vaccines, the more people and groups that endorsed the shots and sung their praises, the more likely nobody would talk ... even when the truth became obvious.

The desire to not be disgraced or embarrassed by being spectacularly wrong is greater than the desire to simply admit the truth. So everyone is safe as long as everyone keeps adhering to the cover story.

This is probably new in history, certainly involving a crime and blunder this colossal.

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I think the Pandemic producers recognized this dynamic. That's why they made such a huge effort to get so many groups "on board" early on - and in the most public and conspicuous manner. (The doctors and doctor groups were the most important endorsers.)

Basically, the criminal conspirators recruited an army of co-conspirators who would protect the real criminals - because the later-arriving accomplices were also protecting their own reputations and livelihoods.

It's kind of ingenius in a diabolical way. I think the Mafia does a version of this as well. They want every one in their organization to have also committed serious crimes. It keeps everybody quiet.

(Now people in the Mob can be flipped or offered a deal to rat out their bosses. However, with Covid the people and agencies that might offer these deals to minor criminals .... were themselves part of the criminal conspiracy. That is, there isn't any organization that's attempting to find the truth and get the "Godfather." Every important group is captured or "in on" the conspiracy. The Bad Guys covered all their bases.)

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Your scenario sounds very true-to-life. Using Google as a memory aid, in Orwell's "1984" we never learn whether Big Brother or Emmanuel Goldstein really exist, yet they are central to the plot. The popular imagination seems to demand a Dr. Evil somewhere in his hollowed-out volcano island, but it'd seem more likely a mob, or more likely, an uneasy, ever-shifting alliance of mobs, running things. It's sort of like the Do Long Bridge scene in the film "Apocalypse Now": no one's in charge; there ain't no fucking CO.

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This story and thread inspired me to write my own article on the role doctors played in this democide:


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I believe it was a biowarfare exercise!

Had to jump start Fauci’s vision to eliminate the old egg way of making vaccines. Barda was all in with both feet!

They see it as collateral damage of no consequence.

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A poster at Vigilant Fox's Substack just made a possibly apropos post. This quote is attributed to Mark Twain:

"It's not the serial liars that bother me. It's the serial believers."

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it's not the elite we need to worry about, it's the stupid followers. They are more numerous, and right next door.

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Hi. I have loved your page and content for a year now.

I'm trying to raise awareness of surgical mutilation of infants during heart surgery, their organs used to make profitable pharmaceutical drugs. If you would be so kind as to read the below and consider helping raise awareness in any way, me and the babies would be forever in your debt and so very grateful. Thank you.

The thymus organ is removed during heart surgery of infants without parents being notified and without consent. It is common practice, links below. Immunological decay of these infants has been acknowledged in medical studies for over 40 years. They continue to remove thymus organs from patients and do not place them back, instead implanting them into other babies, AIDS patients and using them to make pharmaceutical drugs. My links below include medical proof of what they are doing

My son's story including medical links to thymectomy during heart surgery and immunological decay https://thymuscures.substack.com/p/unethical-removal-of-thymus-organs?r=1v47r7Proof

they use these thymus organs for pharmaceutical drugs (with medical study and drug links): https://thymuscures.substack.com/p/new-27-million-pharmaceutical-drug?r=1v47r7

Lawsuits in UK over thymuses removed from live babies - did not stop them from continuing this practice: https://thymuscures.substack.com/p/uk-scandal-100s-of-hospitals-harvest?r=1v47r7

Horror stories from parents whose children had their thymus removed during heart surgery, one of them died: https://thymuscures.substack.com/p/horror-stories-from-facebook-parents?r=1v47r7

One in a hundred babies, or 1.3 million per year around the world, are born with congenital heart defects (CHD), of which over 70% will require medical or surgical treatment within their first year of life. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33407026/

The reason they give for its removal is better access to the heart. No other organ is removed from a human for better access and if it is, as is the case of caesarean section, they place the organ back. Instead of placing the thymus back they sell it to pharmaceutical companies, implant the thymus into AIDS patients, other babies and use it to research potential drugs for future applications. https://thymuscures.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/144512800?referrer=%2Fpublish%2Fposts

One bioethics book I own from the 1970’s said thymectomy during heart surgery is unethical, high risk of infection, death and future immunodeficiency but they did it anyway even though heart surgery was performed successfully prior to thymectomy. https://thymuscures.substack.com/p/research-on-human-subjects?r=1v47r7

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One of the less appreciated consequence of childhood vaccination is that they partially destroy the thymus.

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Yes. 🙏 I wrote a substack on this.


Its not a completely comprehensive article, doesn't discuss TH1 and 2 skewing but it does get into adjuvants effects.

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I've wondered why the thymus decays so quickly in a growing human.

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This is pure malfeasance and a blatant satanic practice. I am grateful that you are sounding the alarm, thank you! I will pass this along! Terrible and horrific!

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Thank you Gemma 🙏💞💞💞

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With lots of prayers and blessings! and this is already circulating so the healing has begun, Love always wins, always!

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Alfred Russel Wallace (British Explorer) said (in1898), "Vaccination is a gigantic delusion;... it has never saved a single life... it has been the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the coming gerneartion among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age, and its penal enforcement the foulest blot on the generally beneficent course of legislation during our centrury." Reality Avoidance Syndrome must skip at least a few generations Doc - confirms your historiical data that strong intelligent men raise weak stupid pussys far too busy to waste time researching any stupid conspiracy theories you corrupt your mind with - Sonny Boy. Today's rank-and-file trust-keepers of The People, the great wise ones - those who climb the whitecoat people-pyramids of academics and political power must first grovel-up to those who sit at the resolute desks - to pay homage/support for the sacred baptism by Journal and kiss the ring. You might find a correlation between the limited economic freedom of the professors within the academic orthodoxy of order-takers... the compliant/obedient mindsets. I think you'll find most are selected much like our politicias - born on third base and thought they hit a home-run. Nope - dogs don't bite the hand that feeds them. Self-censoring is just another name for criminal obedience. Covid, as vaccines were used back in Russel's day, was designed/planned de-population, but they won't end up with the result they expect from that level of intrusion/wrecking of our bodies. I often hear the retort from non-conspiratorial "rational" types say, "Sure, there'd have to be loads of people in on it." I have news for them - if you're not fighting back against it, you ARE in on it. I liked your writing cadence - very smooth/rhythmic and easy to read. You're probably familiar with Dunning Kruger effect - might want to consider your own bias and limited competence - put a little more extinction rebellion gusto in your words... once you're red-pilled you're in the fight or you die. Peace!

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Very well thought out article. I believe many ancient societies lasted longer because they were agrarian and changes in technology and advances in education and invention were at a slower pace. Our nations and empires are like people on speed now. Communication spreads ideas and knowledge at a phenomenal rate. The desires to move to the places that promise an abundant life are almost irresistible, tempered by leaving family and culture behind.

In your 2nd paragraph: "widespread loss of trust is emerging" "COVID-19 both illustrates the decline of the American Empire" My comment: We were NEVER supposed to become an empire! We were given a Republic if we could keep it. I think it was inevitable that we would become one, what ever the founders hoped. But countries/cultures that never rise to be empires also go through the same stages, only they are often swept away by the invasion of other peoples with "superior" weapons, technology, ideas, religions. But we seem to be doing it despite these things as part of a global plan to take down the West and their pipedreams of one global government. I wonder how long that empire would last?

"Karma" with its notion of cause and effect even if it manifests through different incarnations, appears to be the same as observed in the endless cycle birth and death of empires. As Dharma is eroded the seeds of decline are set. What goes around comes around. (or Ricky's corollary: What goes around is all around).

One of the saddest parts of the founding of countries and their new cultures is the displacement of the preexisting populations. The new world displaced the native populations and thereby lost so much knowledge of traditional medicines. In the Midwest and along the river where I live, the "Indian removal act" meant the Kickapoos ended up on the Tex/Mex border, far from the medicinal plants and their knowledge base. It only takes a generation to erase that knowledge. Something repeated throughout history across the world.

Well, enough from me. Thanks for this thought provoking article

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boom, excellent substack...I will promote

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Thank you so much, very appreciated (the last cross post you did brought a lot of people here).

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We have many problems facing us but as regards the peoples' relationship to their government, freedom of speech is the prime tool to keep corruption in check, and this freedom to speak is the core attack upon us now. Facebook, for example, still actively censors information that challenges the medical authorities, and we can surmise from Murthy v Missouri that this is because of ongoing government pressure (which pressure is unconstitutional.)

It's not only propaganda we need fear, but moreso censorship which darkens all discourse and allows government corruption to fester. We might say that censorship is the beginning of the downfall.

Censorship is certainly the central battle we face, a battle which if lost leads down the slippery slope to totalitarianism. It's important for us to acknowledge that totalitarianism isn't a result of our "mechanistic thinking": this is a false ontology which may apply to the elitist technocrats, but certainly not to the vast majority of working people. Censorship and thought control are the true origins of totalitarianism, and the conspiracy to control thought gives birth to the psychology that becomes mass formation.

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Censorship is the secondary coverup for totalitarian depopulation plan - the lines have been blurred between government assistance (welfare) and government jobs. Government healthcare is what did us all in... too many useless eaters - as Henry Kissinger said Feb. 25th 2009 at the WHO council on Eugenics, "Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. and many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin-out the herd and the herd pays for extermination services." Data isn't reliable if the study was funded by an entity invested in its results... the totalitarian governments and their minions... the road to tyranny is lined with people telling you to stop over-reacting. Your children will suffer the consequences of your obedience. The difference between government and thieves is that thieves don't pretend they're helping you... and it's a lot easier to tell yourself you're a hero. Than it is to realize you've been complicit in the biggest fraud in history.

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Thank you, Thank You ! Thank you. I continue to learn and optimistically hope we can move forward

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Excellent analysis giving people a much needed 'big picture' perspective.

However, I found this use of words interesting: 'cemented upon the public through a massive investment over the last century'.

The 'investment' that was made by Rockefeller to 'cement' our faith in allopathic medicine was indeed effective. It destroyed all other forms of healing so that the public would become completely dependent on his products. Some of the treatments were and are barbaric. I know, because they killed my younger sister and left my older sister permanently disabled.

Conventional medicine, along with and especially the vaccine program, inevitably brought about its own demise due to pure greed. None of the covid measures would have worked had doctors cared more about their patients than money.

Personally, I'm delighted that the allopathic medical system has been revealed for what it is: a tool for eugenicists. It had/has limited benefit when it comes to emergency treatment and acute care, but in a sane world, all disease could be prevented starting with the elimination of all toxins. Next, with a return to whole and healthy communities living close to nature. Finally, a return to a medical system that does not profit from human suffering.

I'm blessed to have a doctor who is able to find a balance between traditional medicine and conventional medicine. For this reason I've survived stage 2 breast cancer twice without chemo/radiation. I have learned to take full responsibility for my health and enjoy a very active life at 65 years young.

I sincerely hope more people, doctors especially, wake up to the nightmare that is the current pharma-based model and restore health using therapy that has been proven over millenia.

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Medicine is a racket indeed - much like a brothel - gotta keep the beds full.

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You may have put the WHO treaty on pause, but you haven't stopped them, not by a long shot. Just this month, they launched a brand-new campaign to raise $7 billion from private (i.e. non-governmental) investors to - and this is their words - "strengthen global governance" and put full-time WHO managers in 154 countries.

For the record, their budget in 2020-2021 was $2 billion, so we're talking about a serious escalation in size and scope.

Slightly unrelated: Why does the WHO director-general go to such great lengths to hide his religion?

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They've also launched a PR machinery contracting with news agencies + opinion writers worldwide to sell treaty as a necessary protective initiative as x million died "from" covid. I've even seen it suggested that those anti-treaty are right-wingers!

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Jesus is coming back. Mock all you want but all the prophetic signs are converging especially around Israel. If you don't have Jesus as Lord you better stock up on food water and bullets. Not here to debate.

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Not here to debate, is exactly how the convid ball rolled. P.S. the same criminal cabal wrote your book and all the others🤪

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As a Canadian, I love reading your very informative posts and historical reflections. Just today , I saw a photo of our so called health minister, T Tam ( she of every child at the age of 6 months needs a covid shot ) with Tedros of the WHO , saying she is looking forward to working with him . It seems , our society is totally captured and many have ,nor want, any part of looking into most of our political issues .

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The poison we want to continue to use on our children to destoy their natural immune system is astonishing.

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Do you wonder why that is ?

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... sterilization - too many useless eaters sucking-away resources of the ruling elites.

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