I’m an ER MD unemployed due to the mandate. I’ve had to sell everything I owned to survive. It’s taken years to reinvent myself in Geriatrics and Integrative Medicine, which is a total change in knowledge base, still ongoing educationally and not very profitable so far.

I can attest to so much of what Dr. Miller wrote. I may have been stripped of my material possessions, however I now don’t have to answer to the establishment and I work for myself. I am so thankful I do not have these dangerous vaccines in my body. I have gratitude for all the emotional support of those who fully believed in me as a physician. Now I must find my way in a truly broken profession where I’m not accepted by most of my colleagues while at the same time trying to be empathetic and compassionate. This is all so strange to me why the truth isn’t so obvious.

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I pinned your comment.

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You are not alone, Pamela. Before the covid scam, I spent about 5 years retraining to get out of the teaching racket because of all manner of unethical practices in my environment, many of which are echoed in Dr. Miller's affidavit. When the lockdowns came, I had to start all over again since my plans to open a business were no longer viable. So here I am again (at middle age now!), embarking on yet another retraining. I feel lucky that I have the means to pursue a new career, but sometimes it can feel demoralizing.

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I truly believe it will be worth it in the end for us and we will thrive! Good for you for standing up for your principles. It takes courage but being resilient and speaking up are key if things are ever going to change.

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I did my best given the circumstances. I have some regrets: should have confronted a couple of bullies more forcefully, but I had one foot out the door and just wanted my last paycheque without any further hassle. I did tell the department however that they were nurturing a toxic environment, and I was sickened by the fearfulness of staff, so many were suffering and just lay down and took it, feeling they had no options. Very sad state of affairs. It is interesting how the same disease is to be found everywhere: the administrators are the sickness in every institution across the board.

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The administrators are the sickness is spot on. Medicine should not be the vehicle to wealth.

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This is scary but fantastic. What are you retraining as (or for), if I might ask?

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Permaculture. It's a kind of agriculture that rejects monoculture--i.e. growing one crop in rows on tracts of land. But it's more than that really because it includes housing and a philosophical approach to living in various kinds of spaces and has applications for domestic, public, and corporate. Although initially developed in the 1970s, it's just now beginning to take root. One of the many things I like about it is that it appeals to folks across the political divide: the freedom movement likes it for food and resource security, while the left likes it for sustainability purposes. The only group I've come across that seems disinterested are the committed urbanites who worship the supermarket. If you're interested in more, take a look online under permaculture and food forests.

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Thanks, that sounds exciting! I hope it takes root and comes up roses for you too :)

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We need more Drs. like you. Thank you.

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Thank you! I’m praying my colleagues wake up!

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Pamela, I'm retired (luckily 9/2019) from clinical social work, both in acute psych., and my last and primary practice area of end-of-life care for 23 years. There are times when I've had the urge to go back, on-call at least, but know I would be rejected (and, frankly, repulsed) by what I'd be required to agree to by both the NASW and the hospital/hospice system). And that's a shame, because I have the experience, skills and wisdom of age now I'm approaching 73, to be of great help to so many broken by the very system they are trapped in. I'm sorry for what happened to you, and relate to on a ethical, social and relational level. And am very grateful you chose geriatrics. You are the kind of physician we all need more of. Independent and patient centered. I predict you are going to come out of all this into a sense of joyful and solid life satisfaction. :)

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Your truth IS SO OBVIOUS, to us. ❤️🌷

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God bless you, my wife and I came very close to being unable to make ends meet, she worked at trader JOES and they were enforcing the mandates, but we live in Texas and held out till finally the supreme court ruling came in and the requirement went away, but many other workers went ahead and got vaccinated, and sure enough people were experiencing heart issues, woman issues with their period ect... It is so sad, you should be able to trust a vaccine, but pure evil has infected our institutions! I have some other questions I need answered with the onsought of afieb after my covid infection, suspected because 6 mo to a year later I discovered it! If you can help petschow9449@gmail.com

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You sound like a wonderful doctor. I'd love to have a doc like you!

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Oh my! This is beyond heartbreaking.

Why isn’t the truth obvious?

Few search for information or question government/medical edicts.

My MD friends weren’t interested when I sent them Dr Judy Mikovits’s short video showing how the coronavirus molecule was augmented to increase its severity and infectious ability.

My doctor friends asked: “Who the hell is Mikovits? I never heard of her.”

Since Fauci was an ever-present authority with unusual confidence, they trusted him. Why would a physician, who cares about deadly viral epidemics, be a charlatan?

These people are my friends. They didn’t say I was kooky, but they were unusually disinterested, Even though my husband, a surgeon, chimed in. He voiced his agreement. He wasn’t as vociferous when condemning the vaccines but he knew the things I had learned were correct.

Why did we know? Why were we suspicious? Part of the answer was learned in Matias Desmet’s book, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism.” Knowing intuitively that something is amiss occurs in a small percent of people. I can’t remember the exact %, but I think 3-5% of people are born skeptical. It’s the people who are always asking questions.

I’ll say that you’re in good company, Dr Brown. Or maybe we should call it, special company. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Are you taking patients?

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Good luck, you are a hero.

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Jun 7
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My few patients are very happy and so am I! This happening was a true blessing. I was drowning in the system.

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Hopefully Dr Miller is just the beginning of a long list of physicians with integrity to finally speak out. As AMD accurately states, the COVID debacle has just been an acceleration of an already increasingly dysfunctional hospital system. This is due in large part to the take-over by the administrative class, who have similar destructions in other business sectors.

I myself was fired for becoming very vocally opposed to my employer's lying about the cause of a patient death (which my attorney revealed to me as an on-call MD who refused to get out of bed to save a patient). Our hospital administrators freely admitted that the lie was necessary to protect the cardiac surgery unit as it was the last profitable one in our region. Of course, my attorney said that my case was solid, but I wouldn't be able to pay the fight that would be required to win.

Re: the use of remdesivir being given for money at the risk of patients' lives: my son had just gotten released from inpatient cancer treatment, when he was notified that he had been exposed to SARS-COV2. As he had (mild) symptoms, he was told to go to Brigham And Women's hospital to be tested. He allegedly tested positive and they admitted him. The next day I called and asked him if they're going to give him remdesivir and he said yes, they already did. I told him to d/c himself and I went and pulled him from the clutches of those who were I believe are guilty of attempted negligent homicide.

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The remdesivir homicides might be the greatest unexposed "democide" scandal (with the exception of the "vaccine" scandal).

I haven't been fired since I'm a freelance journalist and work for myself. However, I know that I am now "un-hirable" in a corporate-owned news organization because of my past taboo journalism. I'm also probably now un-hirable in other professions because it would be easy to identify me as someone who would not "play ball." How does one quantify all the people who can't get a job because they have integrity and enough courage to not remain silent when crimes or frauds are occurring?

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It is the purge of the capable. Look to South Africa for a prelude to the future.

ZA was a dry run for the DEI weakened USA and other western, Christian countries.

It is right there to see.

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I love that phrase - "the purge of the capable." If you don't mind, I'm going to steal it or develop that point in future essays.

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We have friends from South Africa who wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment— if you can call it a sentiment. Sadly, they DID vax themselves to the hilt and don’t see the obvious medical deceit but they see the rest. It’s a head scratcher for me.

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Jun 7
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Good question. I wonder too Mzlizzi. We nee more backbones in the forefront.

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We can only hope a purge of lamestream media will result in a resurgence of journalistic pros like you, Bill Rice. We witnessed a “please come back” campaign aimed at doctors and nurses fired for not taking the shots (Kaiser). Perhaps media outlets also will become desperate for truth and begin an “all is forgiven tour.”

Hah! OK, I”m waking up from my dream 😴 now… Oh, and, of course, we will have AI writers to do everything for us. Dang!

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Thanks, Big E. I wrote at least one story about the Kaiser companies. You are right that the majority of future stories might be written by AI. They don't even need captured journalists anymore.

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"In his new propaganda piece, @hiltzikm whines that the pharma shill and dentist denier @PeterHotez, who compared the unvaccinated to terrorists, is facing well-deserved criticism. It’s outrageous that the @latimes published this shameful article."



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The unexposed ventilator murders that happened in NYC (end elsewhere) to stoke the fear, is also a massive scandal. Should be right up there with remdesivir, or maybe even higher. If they hadn't started murder by vent, we may have not even got to the run-death-is-near scandal.

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Bill, at some point, you will be viewed as a hero.

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Thank you.

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Hi Bill

FTR, what is your understanding of when "the remdesivir homicides" began?

Also, are you aware that Pierre Kory and Paul Marek endorse remdesivir for outpatient use? Is it your understanding that remdesivir is okay for outpatient prescription but "murderous" when used in hospital?

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They do? Wow.

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UPDATE: I turned this post into a Substack column!


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This good news just came in my email. The pushback takes time, but it is happening in a real and powerful way. https://reclaimthenet.org/fifth-circuit-revives-physicians-first-amendment-claims

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I am a physician totally on board with that!

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Thank God you rescued him! 🙌 🙏 And they didn't carry you out by armed guard!

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Just imagine the true cost of scaring good people out of medicine. I have a nurse friend who had to retire early in CA due to harrassment over the jab. He's moving to Montana. Another taxpayer gone.

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As AMWD says, the most talented citizens (in all professions) are undesirable or un-hirable

... because they WOULD "rock the boat" when fraud occurs. These competent and principled people would serve as the "adult in the room." This trend where all of society's "leaders" are incompetent or morally-compromised has already produce nightmare results for society .. but this phenomena will become even more conspicuous in the future ... unless these dangerous leaders are purged from their positions of authority.

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It's almost by design? Hail Hydra!

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"Folllow the money." Which this affidavidt says anyone can easily do. If only the "watchdog" press would follow this supposed tenet of investigative journalism (but they are bought off too)

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Well, I filed a FOIA with the NIH on Fauci's financials very early on, and crickets! They even wanted me to sign privacy documents as a condition for their release! Total Federal Records Act violation!

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I emailed the media affairs departments at the CDC, NIH and Ala Dept of Public Health and asked just one question: "How many of your employees have died from Covid through today's date?" Only the ADPH media affairs person responded and she said she could not answer my question due to HIPAA reasons.

I say the the real reason is that's it's very likely that NO employee (among 50,000 in these agencies) has died from Covid. So what's the IFR for Covid among public health employees? It would be 0.0000 percent.

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So you need a jab passport to work, board a plane, study, but if you die, it's private!

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Yes. If everyone is on the take, then it becomes difficult to uphold standards of ethical behavior. See it all the time...

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Purge the intellegencia. Lenin and Stalin.

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Montana ain't all that either... TN, maybe, Missouri?, Alabama? Precious few states standing up

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Missouri has an excellent AG who is fighting hard every day for freedom and our God given rights! Our state definitely is “under the radar” but I moved here 15 years ago and love the lifestyle here. Midwesterners here are warm, friendly, generally conservative, faith-filled people!

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It's funny, nobody has a lower opinion of hospitals than I do but even I was blown away by this doctor's testimony.

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My own experience has been that smaller rural hospitals are less likely to do these types of things (and are a lot more focused on respecting the rights of patients) but the larger ones do a much better job advertising so patients always want to go to them because they think they are better.

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I can appreciate that but I do everything I possibly can to stay out of hospitals and away from doctors (no offense intended). Sadly, doing "everything I can" usually involves doing the exact opposite of what medical professionals recommend.

I really appreciate everything you're doing to affect changes in an industry that needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt. Right now I want no part of an industry that has a financial incentive to do a bad job.

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There are independent doctors such as Miller who practice real medicine. I found one. https://www.lifeextension.com/health/innovativedoctorsinternational

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No need for a doctor.

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People can find some independent medical resources here: https://eolson47.substack.com/i/136557135/independent-medical-resources

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The smaller rural hospitals are being gobbled up by the huge hospital systems or bought by venture capitalists that sell off the assets, then bar the doors when employees show up for work. Funny (not so funny) thing is, clinical caregivers were pressured into getting the jab. Those of us who were fortunate enough to get an exemption were bullied by them. Now they are the ones suffering from jab injuries. Karma can be a bitch.

In this clown world you can be forgiven for being wrong, but never for being right. Being right gets you punished. Substack like yours was(is) a saving grace. I give thanks to you and all the rest of you here for the community who helped me feel less alone during all these trying times.

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Mmmm. Not so. We live in a very rural area in MT which is mostly rural to begin with. The hospital system here has engaged in this sort of homicidal and prejudicial behavior based on public stories some honest news media have reported in the state. And several private accounts I’ve been privy to. Including my neighbor in the area whose husband was forced to accept euthanasia with her sitting right there while they convinced him it was his only option. Rural hospitals need money and they will, and are complying in order to get the financial boosts they seem to think they need. It also seems they are being taken over by larger corporate entities in return for the injection of money which isn’t being passed on to patients through better care.

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Agree! We experienced this first hand with the death of my FIL in Mile City. Death Certificate says died from COVID. Sadly, he was vaxxed and boosted.

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My condolences. It’s too much.

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As I saw the hospital where one of my doctors is grow or merge from pandemic funding, it became even more impersonal. IMO a significant problem is hospital administrators focused on bottom lines and the medical-pharmaceutical assemply line due to investors.

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“Skin in the game” and local connections makes medicine much more personal which we need more of, not less. Since members of the community normally staff smaller community hospitals, the patients are frequently their neighbors, church members, family, friends, or friends of friends. Local reputation and helping those we know and love or connect with matters. The mega hospital systems have fundamentally removed the humanity from the medical arts and transformed them into products of mass-production algorithms and check-box EHR systems. It is a very sad time in some respects although there is Hope. When things become so dysfunctional they must be deconstructed, they provide room for a new foundation where something great can be built anew.

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Also, you know physician want to train & be on staff at larger, more prestigious hospitals. More good docs=more patients.

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I have moved past anger and rage because I can imagine the difficultly for so many who were treated so unjustly. Intentionally harmed.

So now, we begin to read what we knew and the pain is so deep and wide. Intentionally harmed. A nation of cowards and atheists controlled by fear, not faith.

Let's all pray for all those who are still unable to find decent work because they had integrity. These folks need a reward, not a punishment!

As for the cruelty and childishness of his former colleagues, I truly for sorry for them.

I pray for their souls.

May God have mercy on us!

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That is my personal experience.

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I'm sitting here with my mouth open after reading this affidavit. I'm in Washington State, have gone to a Providence-affiliated hospital near Olympia for surgeries - luckily, they were all prior to 2020. I had heard of doctors being threated with losing licenses for prescribing Ivermectin - my own Direct Care physician said he had to stop for that reason but didn't get into the details. He purchased monoclonal antibodies for his patients and those that needed it were infused in his clinic. (By the way, after this Covid mess, he has had to turn away patients and has a year waiting list. Folks don't mind paying $75 a month in addition to other insurance premiums.. And he has taken on another physician!) What happened to Dr. Miller was unconscionable. Fauci and the death squad ranging from hospital administrators to public health bureaucrats managed to set medicine back 50 years. Ironically, maybe folks will wake up and take better care of themselves - get more exercise, sunshine, take Vitamin D supplements. Those who still march in to get the boosters and watch CNN and listen to NPR will continue to thin their herd. Let's hope they don't need surgery at Providence in Everett.

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I would really appreciate it if you could help share it his story with the community. If a few local news papers pick this up it will make waves.

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I just emailed our local newspaper and attached a link to your Substack here. Let's see what happens.

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You bet.

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Since you live in the area, I'd love to know your thoughts on it. It's been a long time since I've been to WA.

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To get an appointment with my doctor takes a year, though he has assistants who will see you for emergencies. He does not take insurance. His appointment is a whole hour as he goes through everything. I pay an annual fee for emails, and then a fee for the appointment. I don't mind either.

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This is also what I've found. High level doctors and dentists don't take insurance, as they don't need to. They thus have more freedom in how they treat patients.

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This is one of the more powerful and effective dispatches a MWD has published so far. Dr. Miller's legal document outlines how most of the "Covid deaths" were probably iatrogenic deaths. What really happened was "democide" on a shocking scale.

I appreciate the sections on remdesivir and hope some of those lawsuits will finally show up in a courtroom. If these charges/cases do get before a fair jury, heads should roll and more trial lawyers should be emboldened to do their job and represent victims.

BTW, Dr. Jean Marrazzo (Dr. Fauci's successor as NIAID director) supervised the remdesivir trials at UAB ... She's as captured and corrupt as Fauci.

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I hope this one catches on!

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What did the remdesivir trials at LAB show? How positive was it? I know the WHO at first looked at all of the remdesivir trials and said remdisivir was worthless for COVID treatment. But they may have backed off that statement later. Heres' a meta analysis of remdesivir:https://c19early.org/smeta.html

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I work in a position associated with a medical facility. I see this all the time, the submission to whatever CMS dictates. The annual flu shot requirements are due to the hospital losing CMS reimbursement if less than about 90% of the staff take it.

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Which as far I know was part of Obamacare.

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My eyes opened when it was not repealed despite having a republican majority in both houses and in the oval office.

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Not large enough majority with McCain voting no.

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Maybe, but the shot mandates preceded the ACA. It just intensified them.

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The flu "vaccine" is another epic scandal. I've done copious research involving state health agencies (including the Alabama Dept. of Public Health). Prior to Covid, these agencies might as well have been identified as "Flu Vaccine Promotion Agencies."

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Chemically concocted injections mandated by my/our Government. If these injections were not under patent, they would not be mandated. Imagine, if you will, ( Rod Serling ), a mandated vitamin D injection. At least Government has allowed room for 10% to live on.

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Are there hospitals that do not depend on CMS reimbursement? Where are they? In foreign countries? Unknown hospitals in the U.S.?

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I'm not medically trained, just an interested member of the public with a good knowledge of scientific facts and learning - some going back to high school. I'm also a stubborn coot that dug into this farce, reading studies (which I had never done before) and becoming educated, and then shared info on what limited social media channels and email I had (primarily friends and family), because it was imperative to educate others so as to undermine the fear campaigns.

I recall watching Dr. Pierre Kory begging and pleading before a senate subcommittee hearing to allow ivermectin to be used. I remember thinking, who BEGS before the senate? And why is there no response? Shortly after, I discovered horse paste had ivermectin, and I bought up cases of it, not knowing how long this was going to go on, and to help anybody I could.

In short order, I helped two people avoid the hospital - one a severely overweight man (400 lbs - I asked, due to dosing requirements being based on weight) I gave him enough for a week. He told me later he stopped because his nurse sister told him not to take it, but he had previously tried everything else being promoted, without success. Nevertheless, he took 4 days worth, and it was enough to help him. The other was the husband of a woman who I knew from Nextdoor, and who had seen me trying repeatedly to warn other people, and get suspended for increasingly longer times, before I received a 1 year suspension. She was desperate, watching her husband decline due to respiratory distress. She reached out to me for any non-hospital treatment ideas, and I offered ivermectin, and the use of my old CPAP machine. She told me it worked, and she was grateful to have her husband avoid the hospital. (Ironically, I had attempted to look her up a month previously, leaving instructions from the FLCCC web site, and several boxes of horse paste. I had dropped it off at the wrong house in a totally different neighborhood. I hope they used it.)

Side note: That "apple flavor" in the horse paste is awful! (who tested this flavor??) I pushed it past the tongue! I used the ivermectin myself when I was sure I caught covid, and it resolved it very quickly.

Additional side note: I don't visit the hospital at all now if I can avoid it. They keep nagging me for various tests, checkups. They've lost my trust. The CMS codes reflecting COVID status is not one that I want filled in for subsequent targeting, and I don't want to have to lie. I've picked up numerous books on alternative/herbal remedies, and overall try to live a more healthy lifestyle. (somewhat successful, while watching my nurse wife continue to promote pills and medicines - you should see her bathroom counter. Sad. She deflects away any suggestions I have.)

THANK YOU MWD for helping get the word out, and I too will share this.

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I used horse paste the first time I had COVID in Sept 21, but ivermectin tablets from India the second time. Equally effective.

My husband just got back a few days ago from his 40th reunion where he was exposed to someone with COVID. I started to feel tired and sniffly today. I took a healthy slug of horse paste and 6 hours later feel back to normal.

I use the horse paste at the first sign of a cold and it always knocks it out in less than 8 hours. I don't even bother with the tabs anymore.

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I've also made a 1% povidone-Iodine solution from the 10% solution you can buy at the store, and spray it up the nose to kill viruses there. For me it dries things out a little, but that is a good method to help with viruses that float through the air and start doing their work in your nose. Swishing it in the mouth is good as well, and spitting it out.

Isn't it amazing how much ivermectin is being found to help in so many ways?? Even with cancer!

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I tried the povidone iodine solution, which I made myself. It's WAY too caustic for my nasal passages. Makes me feel like I got punched in the face by Mike Tyson even after I cut the recipe several times.

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What are you referring to when you “a healthy slug of horse paste”?

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So, take a tube of Bimectin (or Duramectin, or other brands of horse paste). At the concentration of ivermectin in each tube of paste, you can get about 35 mg of ivermectin in a squirt about 1.25 inches length. You can do the calculation based on the percentage concentration and total length in the tube.

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I have been learning how to make many herbal remedies using lots of books. I hope to have my own personal 'apothecary' one day (only slightly kidding). I make an amazing fire water for colds.

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The right answer is to buy injectable ivermectin for cattle, then take it orally.

There is nothing radical about this; old-school veterinarians used to do this to avoid getting worms from their patients. Ivermectin for animals is the same drug, no different than ivermectin for humans. You can get it in horse paste, but as Ann Barnhardt recommends, I prefer to get it in the injectable form so it isn't mixed with random crap like artificial apple flavor. (I think the injectables usually come in a solution of glycerol formal and propylene glycol.) These days, ivermectin for livestock seems to be a lot cheaper and easier to acquire than ivermectin for humans, and you can buy it in bulk and share with all your friends and family. Buying it in cash at the local farm supply store is probably the best way to avoid getting put on the FEMA camp list, but my most recent purchase was online.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT take the "pour-on" or "drench" versions of ivermectin, which are mixed with a chemical that allows it to pass through a horse's skin. I found farmers complaining online that it was burning the skin of their goats. I don't even want to think what the extra chemical might do to your stomach. The injectable and oral versions for livestock are fine for humans to take orally.

Dosing: Most brands are a 1% solution of ivermectin, which implies that 1 milliliter of solution contains 10 milligrams of ivermectin. For all suitable animals including humans, the recommended standard dosage is 0.2 milligrams of ivermectin per kilogram of body weight. This is the dosage I take for prophylaxis. However, if you are currently infected with Covid, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance recommends you double or triple this dose.

Example: I weigh about 175 pounds, which is about 80 kg. Therefore, I take a dose of 16 mg of ivermectin by measuring out 1.6 mL of Agri-Mectin.

I just mix the solution with a small glass of water and chug it. It tastes like medicine, a touch bitter but not too bad. (Ann Barnhardt recommends whiskey.)

Ivermectin is very safe, with more than 3.5 billion doses given worldwide and, to the best of my knowledge, no fatalities. It's not easy to overdose; I've read you may experience some odd psychedelic effects if you do.

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I did buy some in liquid form (not the skin dosing type) because it appeared to be so much cheaper than paste or tablets, and I purchased a few pipettes or measurements.

Thanks for reminding me about that! I had forgotten (I move my office, where it was stored).

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Justin, your post matches almost perfectly my own experience. But the flavour of the paste is not that bad I think.

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If it's going to help me suffer less, I can do it. (Hear that, Justin? You can do it!)

I still have some tubes around from 2020/21. And... I used it recently with an illness and after the initial resistance within the tube, it shot out. (I've learned to use the little dosing clip to avoid emptying the tube and covering the rest with saran wrap. hehe.) It SEEMED to still work, but I'm not immune to psychosomaticism. (is that even a word?).

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The unflavored horse paste is just as bad! Deworming horses, sometimes you have to pull the cap off with your teeth. Nasty! Always feel sorry for having to do that to them...

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It's really not all that bad. Especially if you know it's the taste of getting better.

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I'm going to like your comment... for taking one for the team. (yeck! pulling that off with your teeth! You're a better man than I! )

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Two facts that should (but won’t) awaken the masses:

From at least 2005, it was known that chloroquine was a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread:


It was banned and ridiculed…because it works, along with IVM.

And it was known in 2017 that Remdesivir increased mortality when it was tried for Ebola. But hey, “let’s not let all those R&D $ go to waste. Let’s use it in C.”


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I affirm Dr Miller's testimony.

In Australia, the unvaccinated were a minority dissident group officially targeted for murder in hospitals by the government. This treatment occurred well past the Emergency and is likely still occurring.

Here is the evidence, from their own documents. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/remdesivir-and-covid-protocols-in

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Dr. Miller's affidavit has me crying. As a retired RN (class of '79), it breaks my heart to see, yet again, what has been done to the profession - all in the greedy lust for money and power. These stories retraumatize me, reminders of all the horrible things that happened in a once civil society.

So I recall "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." And we are seeing it. I truly believe the first seal of Revelation Chapter 6 was global corona (crown) and we are watching the other seals open now.

Unfortunately for Dr. Miller, I am certain, however, the righteous will not see justice in this world anymore; the legal system is just as corrupted as the medical profession.. But God will have the final say, and those responsible, unless they confess and repent, will be held accountable for eternity.

God protect and bless those who hold to the truth.

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There are a few good lawyers out there. Jeff Childers is a lawyer who writes Coffee and Covid substack. Link to latest article: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/terminate-this-thursday-june-6-2024?utm_source=substack&utm_content=feed%3Arecommended%3Acopy_link

They have held conferences on how to litigate against this tyranny. (And win)

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I fully agree with you about Rev 6. Alot of folks don't know this, sister.

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Fascinating and illuminating post on the ‘inside baseball’ within a suburban based hospital system. I must say I am fortunate to have been retired from surgery during the COVID years but I can affirmatively state that this hospital based medical practice with all its histrionics is the national template. Only the names of the institutions and those of the cast of characters change. It’s why this model is always doomed to fail. Hospital administrators are in the business of making money and they will grift for a penny while doctors , generally speaking are in the business of patient care. Those goals diverge.

I personally went through a similar experience in the last year of my practice although the magnitude of my event was more like a mosquito on an elephant’s ass compared to Dr. Miller. I was in an independent , vascular surgical group for 28 years prior to being compelled to join a hospital system. My partners were like my brothers . We always had each other’s back. All of us recognized that each of us brought a special expertise to the group. We never quibbled about the financial arrangements . But all that changed after two years in practice working for the ‘man’. The hospital separated us mentally, emotionally and financially. Eventually each of us became an independent island , competing on the hamster cycle of productivity . Realizing the situation and at the pinnacle of my career, I decided that there was only so much sh*t that I would eat from the administration. Walked away on top without much damage to the great collegial memories in my profession.

BTW, I am very familiar with Dr. Miller’s previous hospital in Everett, Washington. I have a very close friend who trained as oncologic surgeon and worked with Providence Medical Group in the 90s for ten years. It was a clown show back then.

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It's really sad that we're blowing all the talent we had.

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Jun 7Edited

The system doesn't want critical thinking, compassionate,community driven physicians. The hospitals want robotic churners for revenue ,productivity along with solidarity to their cause The insurance companies want cookbook driven decision making and the government wants and is getting DEI , wokester graduates who spend more time virtue signaling than punching a time clock. Who's gonna take care of us, AMD?

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Thank you for this very revealing and comprehensive information. This scamdemic experience has obliterated my medical industry naivety. I so hope Dr. Miller's testimony is successfully connected with a competent and conscionable lawyer to prosecute the many wrongs conveyed. Absent accountability this corruption will only continue. I do not enjoy having to be my own healthcare advocate because much of the healthcare system is not trustworthy. I have created a personal healthcare directive that precludes the use of any on patent drug in my care absent my express consent. That was driven largely by the fear of becoming a Remdesivir victim, but not exclusively.

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Our hospital was basically empty 2020 (midwest), sent home told to use PTO. The infection, illness and death came with the vaccines and continues today. It was frightful to observe a system of helping and caring turn into a factory of death! To this day, there is denial and no one to "report" too. Whatever was in those shots continues to hurt a lot of previously healthy moms and babies! Never forget they forced separated moms and babies for 12 days, if mom had a positive PCR (despite ZERO symptoms of illness)!!!


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The Prep Act waived liability for hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, any and all treating COVID patients as long as they followed the Fauci protocols. What Dr. Miller saw is what happens when patients have no ability to sue, i.e. hospitals and doctors killing patients for money. We are in an apocalypse.

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i think they spelled it wrong - the PERP act (:

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Jun 20Edited

I work at a law firm which specializes in med-mal defense (so we represent facilities and practitioners who get sued for negligence). We have started seeing suits alleging poor care during the Covid crisis and courts are no longer simply dismissing them if we argue "immunity due to XYZ act or emergency powers." I think the way patients and families will start to see some justice is in detailing the lack of typical care which is expected REGARDLESS of an emergency. For example, facilities and staff still must provide adequate hydration, nutrition, activity and skin care. So many patients suffered injuries associated with neglect. I think courts will draw lines here and start to find for plaintiffs. This is my hope, anyway.

I am waiting with bated breath for the trial of Schara v. Ascension Health. That outcome could really change the legal landscape.

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I am glad to hear this. Thanks for responding.

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We need to find the smoking gun! Didn’t the CDC disseminate The medical protocol and financial incentives directing how patients with Covid should be treated? The hospitals in turn embraced those guidelines. The medical professionals like Doc Miller who Had the courage to question the protocol were ostracized as well as the unvaccinated! First time we acquired the Covid we went to Mayo And since we were not vaccinated, they arranged oxygen in our home with remote monitoring. They also offered monoclonal antibodies. I feel fortunate that we were not treated in the hospital because of the great harm that the mandated financially incentivized protocols created! Dr. Miller was blessed by being educated at Loma Linda University, which has a broader view of how to maintain good health and treat patients! There has to be a white paper that documents the extensive and complete planning process to implement the Covid con that is what needs to be found and published for all to read The authors have to be identified. We need a whistleblower to come forward so that we may prevent this from going forward with RNA injections that reprogramm cellular function and interfere with the blueprint of life! My view.

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Good points. Dr. Miller threatened the financial pipeline. I've read some hospitals are now having financial difficulty since the Covid $$ dried up, and I wonder if Providence in WA might be one of them. They fired good nurses who refused to take the jab and had to hire traveling nurses at huge cost. I continually get letters from them asking for donations. Nope. I send extra $$ to FLCCC. There's a part of me that says Providence asked for it so they are getting what they deserve, but the flip side is the community will suffer for their blunders as they have to hire inexperienced surgeons, as Dr. Miller pointed out, and the ER wait goes from 6 to 16 hours since they can only afford one ER doc now.

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I suspect ER visits are up because of all the side effects emerging from the highly vaccinated. Have not seen any numbers.

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I was in the ER (as my mother's advocate) and witnessed a young (somewhat mentally & physically disabled) woman sit in the ER for over 7 hours. She was suffering pain in her right leg. Which was also severely swollen.

She was finally seen to.

The attending physician finally gave her a diagnosis. (In full view and earshot of others... So much for medical "privacy")

Blood clots.

She was sent home with a prescription.

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Hospital full? No insurance? Risky way to treat!

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A Canadian hospital: Fully insured.

ER was full. (My mum and I were in there for 7 hours: she tripped & fell, several broken ribs. Not even a pain relief medication was offered.)

The Canadian medical industry is overwhelmed. Has been since pre-pandemonium.

It's worse since the BC medical czarina (and former WHO employee) Bonnie Henry dispatched doctors and nurses for jab non-compliance. (Not eligible for employment insurance either...)

Mandates still in effect here in BC.

It's a real sh!t show.

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What kind of mandates are still in effect??

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How do they enforce this medical travesty? Freedom to choose is being violated.

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We need to go back to the days when physicians were independent contractors and had private practices. Once they became employees of medical centers their salaries were based on following the employers dictates.

Insurances play into this as well because they determine what the physician is allowed to order. I fear they have become too powerful in determining patient treatments and care. They carry the power of the purse!

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