Anxiously awaiting the final installment.

This has been way more than superb!

BRAVO & Congratulations!

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Thanks. I thought I could do this in 4 but realized it needed to be 5.

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We'll absorb whatever ya got. I've shared this one, and that will bring them to your page, hopefully. Your work on this is OUTSTANDING, and is much appreciated. KUDOS, CONGRATS, and THANK YOU. xo Really, really good work!

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Thank you /^_^/

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Thank YOU! xo

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brilliant article! thank you. You are right about O-bomb-uh serving the elite class and no longer serving, or even listening to, working class. I believe that shift in the Democratic Party took place long before O-bomb-uh, however, during Bill Clinton's presidency. It took working class several decades to realize that the Dem's no longer represented them, no longer cared about them and even mocked them as "deplorable". But by 2016 they had figured it out.

We live in very frightening times, what with the merging of Big Tech, the Globalists, Big Pharma, FDA, CDC, AMA, NIH, WHO, WEF, and the US military and CIA--we're up against the largest and most deadly criminal cabal the world has ever seen. I have no idea how we will defeat this monster, but I believe we will somehow. Thank you for your contribution to this effort!

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This one made a lot of people unsubscribe :/

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I'm sorry. 😔 It's because they can't take the truth, possibly about themselves, being put into writing. I believe you have cajones of steel, and extremely appreciate you showing how this looks from an inside perspective. It makes my doctor a little more understandable. (Still don't trust him, but can give him a smidge of a benefit of a doubt.) I wish you were my "Midwestern Doctor." You I might trust.

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If I did I wouldn't be doing this anonymously :x

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Someone without cajones wouldn't talk about it at all, let alone write about it. So, you can't talk me out of my respect.

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I agree with Bandit!

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Like button not working but I agree with Maat the Cat.

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This doesn't surprise me. As I was reading through it, from my perspective, you pretty much gave the Republicans a pass on, well, everything. I am way, waaaaaay, past thinking in those terms though. I will say out of all the red pills I've taken, the one exposing both parties as equal servants of the oligarchs was the hardest one to grasp and stick, and I think it's probably that way for everyone, at least for those who have any interest in politics.

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The Republican party used to be much worse than the Democrat party on issues relating to corruption and big pharma, particularly during the Reagan years.

To super summarize it:

1) Obama made the democratic party sell out to pharma and big tech

2) An insurgent movement within the Republican party (maga) made part of the part opposed to big pharma.

The old guard of the republican party is guilty of all the things I'm describing.

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Don’t forget the TEA party people; they were the kinder, gentler MAGA. (That was my last stop on the bipartisan express.)

However, your nutshell is delightfully pithy.

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Everyone was really mean to the tea party when some of their views were very reasonable but never got a chance for debate because the whole movement was stigmatized.

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Absolutely true. Thanks for pointing this out!

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What finally did it for you?

I have a close friend, a now-retired attorney --I’ll call him Dave--who REFUSES to see the corruption within the Democrat party. (He sees Republican corruption just fine.)

A little about Dave: he is a product of his era, coming of age in the very late 60s/early 70s. He remembers protesting Vietnam as a young’un, he attended uber-liberal UC Santa Cruz when the LSD flowed freely and students were encouraged to partake, and Bertrand Russell was a major thought influencer. ‘The’ Gregory Bateson was Dave’s Undergraduate Advisor. Later, Dave would go on to get his law degree from UC Davis.

Dave spent a great deal of his career “fighting for the little guy”, and I had the privilege of working for him for 15 years, so I KNOW what kind of an attorney he was (one of the good ones). Now retired, he has spent the past several years (even before COVID) glued to CNN and network late-night shows, and that’s where he gets the bulk of his information. He took every word from the CDC/WHO about COVID very seriously, and he was first in line to get the jab. And the second. And the booster(s).

Dave and I have talked for HOURS about COVID (I was very skeptical from the start, and my husband, 24yo son, and I remain unvaxxed) and the medical industry in general.

Dave is a great listener, and he will listen patiently to nearly any “conspiracy” theory I present (which I am loath to do). However, whenever I state that both parties are equally corrupt or anything to that effect, he reacts very emotionally. I believe he sees the Dems (and the Repubs, for that matter) as the parties were (portrayed) during the JFK era.

No matter the examples or evidence I throw at him, Dave cannot believe that Democrats are as bad as Republicans. He also believes without a doubt that high-profile activist events like Occupy Wall Street, BLM protests, the 2017 “Pussy March”, the January 6 Insurrection, and all the recent race-related demonstrating/rioting are 100% grass-roots/organic events. [Full disclosure: I’m of the mind that if an event captures the full attention of the mainstream news, it’s probably manufactured.]

So, INTJ Architect, what changed your mind about your party affiliation? And do you have any suggestions for approaching Dave?

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I don't watch TV, I'm not sure anything can change the mind of someone who spends any significant time in front of the boobtube.

I'm not sure I can pinpoint it to one specific thing. I used to listen to Jimmy Dore, and he pointed out that Obama dropped more bombs than Bush. There was the refusal to prosecute the banksters. The nail in the coffin was after I read Code Red: Computerized Election Fraud by Jonathan Simon (and Dave should read this book, it's mostly statistics but it's written by a lawyer. I think lawyers will at least respect something a little more if written by a fellow attorney). And what happened in the Dem primaries in 2016. And then if another nail was needed, Hillary provided too many to count. And then just generally speaking, even for an old guy like him, doesn't he see it as a problem that 'leadership' is dominated by geriatric white men, and no matter who holds the reigns, nobody is ever held to account, nothing ever gets done. You can examine any government agency (the GAO being the only exception that I know of) and uncover massive amounts of fraud and corruption that has been built over decades, during which both parties have overseen it.

Frankly, though, I find it a waste of time trying to convince anyone. It seems to be something that everyone has to figure out for themselves. I haven't been successful discussing these issues with anyone that doesn't already have open eyes.

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Thank you for your response.

I know better than to try and convince most people of anything, but Dave asks...so I tell him.

Again, thanks for the reply.

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You might try looking at Yves Smith's blog Naked Capitalism or Matt Stoller's newsletter. Both of these are still in the Dem Party (as once was I - now call myself independent but back some young populist Repubs) but write & post scathing criticisms of Dems that are painfully more accurate than Republican charges of "leftists" - there's nothing "left" in neoliberalism or identity politics - both are power moves.

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ah, but more will subscribe that are on the "right" side of medicine. well done sir!

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This caused me to subscribe!

I found your sub through your thoughtful comments on Igor’s page.

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seriously!!?? Wow, that's discouraging. :-(

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I thought that was going to happen since everyone is polarized that a certain portion of the left would read through it, have a strong emotional reaction to it being a right-wing piece and then put everything into that box.

A lot of lifelong progressives (myself included) have ended up a very odd political limbo over the last 10 years.

I'm still a bit surprised it did. Typically I never have unsubscribers after an email goes out.

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I'm one of those lifelong progressives, but after seeing what the "liberal" Democratic party did to Bernie Sanders (twice!), after 8 years of Obama selling out to bankers and Big Insurance and the CIA/military/"defense" industry (he EXPANDED the wars into 3 new countries and out bombed Bush by more than 50,000 bombs!), after seeing what the Dem's did with the phony Steele dossier and 4 years of Russiagate lies, followed by 2 years of covid lies, and now Ukraine lies, I will never vote Democrat again. Upholding the Bill of Rights and individual freedoms is paramount and trumps all other political objectives in my view.

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Bingo. Also to slightly challenge your world view (all views should be challenged) one fact I found out from all the vaccine groups was that for years before COVID-19 Bernie Sanders was really aggressive to all the parents who came to him with concerns relating to vaccine injuries and he silenced all of those people and that helped me understand why he pivoted to supporting so many COVID-19 policies that were absolutely terrible for the working class.

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I didn't know that about Bernie. He turned out to be a disappointment in a number of ways and who knows what kind of President he would have made. What I found so frustrating was not so much about Bernie, the man, but the grass roots support that he achieved, which included a lot of young voters, and how the Dem's completely squashed that, like they were not interested in supporting a grass roots movement, not interested in even finding out WHY he had garnered so much support. That was just another confirmation for me that that party had become a party of Coastal Elites who no longer cared about the majority of the voters who actually elected their people into office.

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🙌 Amen!

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it is not that hard for a progressive to pivot once they realize -- as you beautifully put it -- that neither of the two parties represents the working class, and if such a progressive can be clear headed enough to think about what MAGA represents, that might just be the best fit for that individual who truly cares about the oppressed.

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MAGA representing progressives and the working class, lol

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Why, that is ridiculous of them. But so typical. As a used-to-be Dem of many years, who left the Dem party after Obama’s royal f-ups, I can say, you are definitely “over the target” and sometimes, that can piss people off. Good for you. Keep speaking truth. It cannot be hidden!

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They couldn't take your strong medicine.

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Excellent analysis!

"...Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. ”

― Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

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I've had a long term goal to write a post on that movie 6 months from now...

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Excellent. It is a remarkable production.

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That is also my favorite part in the movie.

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One of my favorite movies

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"They" always announce The Plan ahead of time... Amazing.

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Globalists pretty much have to do this in order to coordinate their activities.

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Excellent observation

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Like button not working but I agree with Robert about Tom. Wish I had had the idea independently.

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Very confident they are.

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Every post of yours I read, three things happen: you validate a strong assumption of mine, you teach me something I did not understand that leads to improved compassion and tolerance (of at least past "sins"), and I reaffirm my confidence in sorting out what's really going on.

Thank you for taking the time to provide a crap ton (official southern unit of measurement) of medical history that puts so much of what "is" into context.

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It's quite challenging bc there's so much I could say and so many directions to go in, and I'm just trying to make some type of an educated guess on a coherent and objective way to represent the important parts of the issue.

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I think you used your space quite well. It's sad that some would unsubscribe when the next article is in work. I found your analysis quite compelling overall with a few quibbles here and there. When we defined masking as a political act, we were doomed. If anything we needed to be together as a society to share and debate but the political climate wouldn't allow that to happen.

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Yes and yes and the northern equivalent of crap ton is shit ton, of which there is a plethora of both good and bad occurring right now in our midst.

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Thank you for another brilliant installment in the series and it's quite reassuring to see you echoing something (at least my interpretation) I have long believed to be essential and rare. A sort of political fluidity. As in. Moving away from "This tribe is my tribe. That tribe is yours"

*Bloods versus crips

*Mods and rockers

*Left or right

*Apple over samsung

It's all symbolic and somewhat fake from my perspective. Although there are hints of reality mixed within the fakeness to make them seem real and believable. And this is why they exist and continue to do so.

Maybe I am wired differently than others. Maybe you are too. But I never saw the point of these pseudo-tribes. And actively chose not to choose a side. Instead, to take the bits of good where I see them, wherever it may originate and throw out the rest.

I agree with you however we are wired towards tribalism. As we are also wired towards symbolism (eg. Branding) both of which are very easy to manipulate.

*Santa is red, fat and jolly (Coca cola)

*Diamonds are a girls best friend (DeBeers)

In my eyes, the perfect world is one where small communities work together to self govern. And those communities can work out their own ways of aligning themselves. Some may prefer the commune lifestyle. Others the social darwinist dog eat dog. Others perhaps are more balanced or are very different again. A type of neo-tribalism.

Ironically this is not too different from how many pirates operated during the golden age of piracy. Many of which were far more democratic than we have been lead to believe.

My one greatest fears is the stifling of innovation through this controlled group thinking. To lump together as a single entity of thought and action under a single banner. To have beurocratic processes dictate progress in a single direction that is fashionable by the ruling elite at the time. And so easily manipulated.

In a way I see humanity is to the Earth as a bacteria is to us. Both potentially harmful. But essential too. A form of mutualism must exist or be encouraged.

To unite entirely and stop competition between tribes. Would only change us into a pathogen or cancer. Something unbalanced with nature.

If you can't knock on the leaders door. If you can't punch him when he is manipulative and wrong or treacherous. Then he is not a leader. Not a chief. But a tyrant.

And we have too many tyrants now. We have for a long time. But now more than ever they are hidden further and further away. Presidents are figure heads. NGO'S are pulling strings. Even those leaders of NGO's answer to ghosts and shadows we will never see or hear from ourselves. Nor be able to punch in the nose or kick in the groin when needed.

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You make a lot of very good points in here.

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So refreshing to read a doctor speak the truth like this. I had my eyes well and truly opened 15 years ago after a thyroidectomy left me at the mercy of Endocrinologists. I very quickly realised the real money was in leaving us sick and prone to diabetes/heart disease. I took a petition through the Scottish parliament for seven years, garnering evidence and support from the wonderful Jerry Tennant and Mark Starr previous posters referrred to on here. The major issue was doctors and their professional bodies are content to practice consensus medicine and ignore evidence that could show the old guard in a bad light. I think the entire medical edifice is rotten to the core now. Keep speaking your truth doc, it is so appreciated.

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So good to have your perspective and insight on the medical profession. I couldn't figure it out, but now I see how doctors gave in to the mass hysteria created.

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Needs the previous 3 parts for context though. This by itself without those gives a miopic view of the entire situation.

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Speaking to what the political landscape looks like to me during my formative years of becoming politically aware:

The people in power on the political left in America seem to internalize this attitude of "we own your kids"

Pushback against school choice, homeschooling

Senator Pan in California and as you pointed out, that leading into similar legislative efforts in other states that more or less passed or failed along party lines

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As I am reading your blog voraciously, I am seeing a lot of correlations with my own personal views. It is a little scary. I consider myself a hyper empath, most likely due to severe drama from the ages of zero through now, and possibly being a high-functioning autistic person made that trauma resonate deeper than it would have in a neurotypical person.

I don't like conspiracy theories, because it infringes on my sense of safety, but seeing as that has long died, I don't mind sharing this small tidbit. Just my two cents.

I believe that there has been a long going experiment running in America for quite some time. I believe that the chemtrails have something to do with first the vaccination that they forced on to everyone and gaslit and bullied everyone who didn't get it. When I started offering up to $200 and compensation and free time off work to get the shot, I was more than sure that something was up.

I've read that blood type has something to do with covid. My boyfriend has an AB blood type, which I have read, not going to lie on reddit, is one of the most susceptible blood types to the virus. Not only did he suffer with covid during his very few days off on Christmas break, he also had the flu.

There were a few times where I wasn't sure if he would make it or not. He was arriving around in pain and sweating profusely. His fever did not break for 4 or 5 days maybe.

Meanwhile, I'm o positive, and he and I share a one bedroom apartment. I didn't even realize that hey, maybe I should sleep on the couch so I don't get covid until it was too late. I never felt a thing. In fact I felt pretty damn good. The only reason I knew I had covid, was because my feet and toes itched so bad I was forced to stop blogging, take my shoes off and itch my footy.

Boom covid toes.

I still don't understand the main goal of our supreme overlords / deep State. It has been mentioned to me that what they truly want is indentured servitude. They do not want us to own anything. But I don't understand what the chemtrails and the vaccine (which I think is the second part of the experiment) and the boosters, (they needed to add because the vaccine wasn't working long enough or some other unknown reason.)

I think that the chemtrails, the increase of socioeconomic pressure, the misinformation blasted all over the internet about sickness/illness, the censorship of the internet is a real big giveaway, the forced vaccinations and subsequent demoralization of the skeptical and the scared by making a personal choice that only affects you. (I still wear my mask and I still wash my hands and I still try to stay out of people's faces because I'm asymptomatic. And I don't want my choices to affect anyone else's life).

But yes something has been going on for quite some time. People are angry or more fed up, unfulfilled, disheartened and psychogenically dying. As a matter of fact, I am in the throes of psychogenic death right now.

And I do not know what to do about it, nor have any of my attempts to try to change things worked.

But something has to change. When good men do nothing, everyone loses. 💜

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Thank you for thoughtful reply, we most likely belong to a similar archetype.

One of the things I'm trying to do here is break down all these vague conspiratorial topics in the concrete tangible things that are easy to grasp and make sense of.

There are very different susceptibility to Covid, I looked for blood type thing and when I looked through it there didn't seem to be a strong enough correlation, but I could very well be wrong on this. I do believe in the blood type diet though.

The thing that I have always struggled to understand chemtrails is exactly what sort of goal could justify the amount of money that is being spent to conduct the program. I think it's too costly to be for the point of making a couple people sick. That said,a lot of doctors I've talked to have noticed their sensitive patients who tend to get sick after times when chemtrail spraying occurs and one of them did a study where he collected the residue and found that it matched fly ash (a waste product from coal production). I have faith one day it will make sense to me what's going on with that whole thing, but at this point in time I am agnostic on the topic.

As far as your psychogenic death goes, if you are reading this in detail, give me 6 months! Remind me luck by then, I will be covering the things that start to recast everything in a positive light.

We do need our men to step up, and I was one of the things I am trying to instigate!

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Ur the best Doctor EVER. I am starting to think you are just a thoughtful genius and not an actual physician. Cuz you're super nice. Lol.

I found some inspiration in music and advocacy. The psychogenic death is not improving, but I'm forcing myself to move forward, eat use the restroom, drink, take my medications.

I got my first cutaneous lesion inside of my left ear yesterday, so that kind of sheds a little bit more light on my situation than before. But, boy I don't know who's leg I have to hump to get and ANA test around here. (Stolen from Brian Griffin, kind of).

If you ever feel like guest posting on unconventional advocacy, just let me know. Cuz we are trying to do the same thing. And interestingly enough, unconventional advocacy, because of my executive function deficiency, is ran quite well, by a 17-year-old aunjanue who's quite a gifted writer. 💜

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This was superb. Thank you, doctor. You have truly nailed it brilliantly. As a longtime (and now retired), Family Medicine NP, I appreciate your keen insights all the more. I concur!

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Thank you. I have a few very close friends who are midwestern family medicine NPs!

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Thank you for this piece.

I can’t trust my NP because of the blind pushing of the experimental injectable biologic, and refusal to write ivm Rx or even respond to the evidence presented. So I must be looking for another doc but fear that all the Northeastern Doctors are of the same dysfunctional mindset that does not put the patient first.

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Your hypothesis fails to explain the panic-mongering beginning early in the pandemic, done mostly by pharma marketing subcontractors, pharma-controlled media, and the SPI-B "nudge" unit in the UK. That wasn't a tribal thing. The only thing that explains the panic mongering satisfactorily is boosting fear to boost demand for experimental vaccines.

And why would the FDA limit hydroxychloroquine use to hospitalized patients in its EUA with no scientific data to back it up??? Why not make early treatment with HCQ part of the EUA? HCQ is a competitor to vaccines.

The FDA pulled its EUA for HCQ based on a fraudulent, retracted study very quickly and never revisited that EUA for HCQ after the fraudulent study was retracted. If we can get ahold of emails from Pfizer, Moderna, the FDA, and the New England Journal of Medicine where this study is mentioned, we can likely prove criminal activity.

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My hypothesis was never aiming to do that. What you are describing resulted in the issue being polarized into a tribal thing; I was seeking to describe why this is polarized not why everything happened.

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There was no unique viral event anywhere in the world in 2020. It was mass murder.

The 'diagnosis' of "Covid" effectively permits dangerous protocols to be enacted that then increase the chance of mortality. This matters for several reasons. A pneumonia patient has a very good chance of surviving with correct support. However, if the patient tests ‘+’ for the non-existent pathogen an entirely different medical protocol goes into action and with this, there is little chance of survival.

The number of "Covid deaths" is cooked/manipulated due to how the CDC does their accounting- in short an audit of the CDC mortality numbers themselves is essential. The number of "Covid deaths" is grossly overinflated and here is how we had so many "Covid deaths:"

1) The first thing to be addressed is "who were these people?" The average age of a "Covid death" in 2020 was around 80 in the US and 82 globally w/4 comorbidities. The majority of these people were from nursing homes, assisted living, hospice etc.

What we had here in the US was a radical and mandatory shift in policies relating to care homes and "Covid." These were mandated through various state policies (remove 8 states from US mortality rates in March/April 2020 and no excess will appear) which resulted in a concentrated death rate for a six week period in March/April. Take that out of the equation and there is no death rate to talk about. Put (or keep) these policies in place and we will have this happen every year;

2) The faulty diagnosis of what is a "Covid Death" did they die "with" or "from" Covid which is problematic for several reasons. In many cases an actual test was never done only a "presumed to be "Covid" assessment was put forth. Add to this that PCR tests with faulty specs (gene sequencing, cycle thresholds, annealing problems, faulty primers and so forth) were used. PCR can't diagnose anything in the first place and compounded with these problems they are useless and misleading;

3) No autopsies. Why were no autopsies done in the US? Why new mandates that halted all autopsies for "covid deaths" which went against decades long protocol?

On March 24,2020, they changed decades old protocol on how death certificates would be filed- this is a big one- giving special dispensation to "Covid deaths" and incentivized everyone under the sun to code all manner of deaths as U07.1 (COVID-19).

There was also gross negligence (beyond the usual) in these nursing homes that led to abandonment and medication alterations that turned these slow motion abattoirs into death houses. One of the remarkable things of note is that here in the US the "pandemic" was not widespread (which is supposed to be one of the defining features of a pandemic) but was in fact limited to very specific locations;

4) Another way they inflated death counts was through hospital admissions and again faulty PCR testing. So for example if one came in with a coronary condition you would be given a "Covid test" no matter what- all admissions required this- and then if you died while in the hospital you could have been listed as a "Covid death." This happened frequently throughout the year;

5) Home deaths is yet another way that figures were cooked. This was admitted point blank by Stephanie Buehle among others (NY Health spokesperson) who stated that home deaths with no testing at all would be "presumed Covid deaths." This was mandated through the NY Health Dept and elsewhere;

6) "Covid death" counts were forged- CDC instructed officials to certify any death as "caused by" COVID if the decedent tested positive prior to passing or was suspected of having C19, even if it wasn't the actual cause of death. Thus we have major misattribution. E.g., we have over 16,000 "accidental deaths" in the C19 death total;

We're also seeing unexplained declines in other common death categories because so many have been attributed to C19. The unprecedented broad definition of C19 death has created huge fraud in "Covid death" counts.

7) Huge spike in iatrogenic deaths caused by misattribution of "Covid" to incoming patients and the ensuing improper treatments applied e.g. remdesivir, ventilators, midazolam (UK and elsewhere) etc. killed thousands;


That's the short version.

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I have to be very clear on this. COVID was really bad in NYC at the start of the pandemic, and I knew a lot of people who were there and saw it first hand. Likewise it was really bad in a few places it Italy. In the majority of places where a big deal was made about COVID, it was totally blown out of proportion. However this did happen in a few areas and NYC was a large portion of the death count that was used to push the whole COVID narrative through.

I also know quite a few people who nearly died from COVID where it clear and unambigous they had an unusual respiratory virus (and likely would have had we not made a huge effort to keep them alive outside of the standard medical system). I have also had covid and it was a very different infectious experience from anything I have had in my life.

In some cases the virus is very dangerous but even in those treatable if it's handled appropriately, and most of the people who run into hot water with it assume that it's not dangerous at all, continue to push themselves and allow the infection to progress (COVID is infinitely easier to treat early in the disease process).

Also autopsies have been done on people with COVID. The lack of autopsies is for vaccine injuries not COVID.

I need to emphasize that I COMPLETELY agree with you that there are major inconsistencies in the COVID narrative and it has been dramatically over exaggerated to push a political agenda. However in select areas it has been very very bad. The broader question I've spent a while looking at is why it's been so bad in certain areas but not others.

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I'm curious about your symptoms when you had covid. I believe I also had covid in February 2020, and it was indeed unlike any infections I'd ever had. For me it was similar to the last couple of times I've had flu. I ached all over and had a fever for 24 hours. The worst symptom was that I had the worst headache I'd ever had, and I get migraines every 3 weeks or so, so I know what a bad headache feels like. But I had no cough, no sore throat, no sneezing, so at the time I thought it was probably not covid. However, later that year my nephew tested positive and a couple of days later came down with symptoms that were exactly what I'd had.

My illness was before any covid treatment protocols came out, so I treated it the way I'd treated fevers and flu in the past: 40,000 units of Vit D daily for 3 days, zinc, licorice root tea, and fresh ginger root juice. (I may have also taken some antiviral tinctures.) You may laugh at the licorice and ginger but both have biochemicals that interfere with a virus's ability to glue itself to a cell wall and other biochems that interfere with virus's chemicals that soften the cell wall so it can get inside.

I did have one lingering symptom that lasted for 2 or 3 weeks: Achy joints in the spine. When I would go for a walk, if I broke into a run, the bouncing motion was too painful in the joints of the spine. Fortunately that resolved in a few weeks.

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My sister in law died from covid, which came as the result of a "non-existent" pathogen. She,, too, believed that the pathogen was non-existent, until she got infected and hospitalized.

Isn't it interesting that the Deep State agencies are interested in making vaccine skeptics look foolish? They have a plan for that--virus denial. And they have actors in the vaccine skeptic movement to lead the foolish to deny the existence of SARS-COV-2. You can see that one of the players at Event 201 was connected with the CIA and one with NSA. And Event 201 was in large part aimed at eliminating the influence of vaccine skeptics.

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How was it determined that she had "covid?" Be specific. Present evidence.

Familiar with Event 201.

She probably had bacterial pneumonia and received a phony PCR "diagnosis" like so many others. Of course if we go symptomatically your sister in law's "covid" could have been one of any number of things.

Not sure what you're alluding to with what you say but I'm not a vaccine "skeptic" at all. They are all toxic garbage.

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"How was it determined that she had "covid?" Be specific."

Silent hypoxia. It's a symptom unique to covid.

"Present evidence."

The witnesses are unavailable to testify and there's HIPAA.

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"3) No autopsies. Why were no autopsies done in the US?"

Is Oklahoma no longer part of the USA?


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Thanks for that- those are the first two I've seen from the US. Do you know of any others?

I should have said virtually none as I know of a few that were done in Germany.


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So panic mongering resulted in two tribes? The panicked eloi and the fearless morlocks?

I think that there's a substantial percent of HCWs submitting to the panic narrative but not really believing it. I expect 30-40% go along but don't believe it.

If there were protection from loss of income for physicians, I expect that you'd see more criticizing the vaccine narrative. A LOT more. And that would have an overwhelming impact on the conversation. It's unfortunate that most physicians don't see that. It requires substantial advocacy for freedom of speech for physicians and new laws passed by state legislatures.

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And that is one of the things I've been doing a lot of behind the scenes work to try and support because unless you have free doctors you have bad medical care for everyone.

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Freedom clinics are fine, but ultimately the hospital is governed by CMS, which means that freedom will gradually wane.

So that means that you need freedom hospitals that don't take CMS, but do take private insurance and cash.

And without hospital administrators who are on board with freedom, freedom hospitals and doctors will be undermined.

But HCWs still need protection from medical enforcement entities.. And that means you might as well go for protection from employers, too.

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"This is typically attributed to the Trump years, however I believe he was riding a wave that Obama started."

There have been a couple of issues that caused major divergence--abortion and radicalized education--back in the 80s. The media has become more radicalized gradually. People like Rush Limbaugh were instrumental at pointing out radicalization in the media and other institutions.

The more radical the policies, the more divergence between left and right.

"I used to be a democrat, but my party left me."

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So superb.. I must share with my doctor friends...

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"Similarly, many people were prematurely rushed to vents upon showing up to the ER"

Medical staff believed that mechanical ventilation would lessen their exposure to covid. Hence, early on, patients with pO2 <94 were put into a coma and ventilated with high PEEP settings. Ventilation Induced Lung Injury is a thing.

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That's an interesting thought. None of my friends in NY ever shared that observation with me; they only said people hesitated to go in the room with COVID patients. The argument makes sense, but that's also a very inflammatory allegation, so I'd need to know if there is any strong proof of it before endorsing it.

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I've seen this reported a couple of places. Can't find them now, but will keep looking. Found it:

"The alternative mechanism provides more of a risk of spreading the virus to hospital staffers if a patient’s breath spews the virus into the air, he said."


Part of the problem was the fear that CPAP and NC increased risk to HCWs. Dr. Kyle-Sidell resigned from a hospital over the issue of premature ventilation. I followed his youtube videos for a while.

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Yeah, but going back to my original point (If a filter is put in, I agree venting reduces aerosolization), but that does not mean you can prove murder was committed in order to reduce aerosol transmission. That's something I just can't claim without strong evidence to support the contention.

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Here's an article about fear in HCWs. Nothing is mentioned about premature ventilation.

But there was one interesting tidbit: "Unfortunately, amid the pandemic and these shortages, anxiety and fear are rampant, fueled by real risk and amplified by the 24-hour news feed and social media."


There was an "investigation" about Northwell Hospitals and ventilation that I linked upfeed. Where is the report of the results of the "investigation?"


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88% of covid patients ventilated at Northwell hospitals died.

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If you read the Event 201 online literature, it becomes clear that vaccines were the chosen treatment. Lip service was given to early treatment, but there was a great deal of effort expended on discussing how to fight "anti-vaxxers."

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Good point. Probably should clarify that.

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