I remember Geert VandenBossche saying something like, when you jab people in the middle of an epidemic, the virus will mutate quicker. that one would inject a pregnant woman is beyond belief. I saw the vaxxed films and remember a young woman who had the papilloma shots, got very sick from it, was vaccine damaged, and a few years later, got cervical cancer. I know several who got the covid shots and were sick from the shots and then had the virus.

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Correct. He was not the only one. I'm pinning this comment because of your cervical cancer observations.

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There's a serious problem now with regard to Dr. Vanden Bossche, imo. Dr. Robert Malone dismissed him in a defamatory and shallow way, as far as I'm concerned, on the January 3rd FLCCC broadcast at https://rumble.com/v450n2u-how-public-health-failed-flccc-weekly-update-jan.-03-2024.html?start=3975 (as well as in a Substack article in November) and to the best of my knowledge neither Dr. Kory nor Dr. Marik, who both were on the broadcast, has said a word about it or invited Dr. Vanden Bossche to respond. I'm not sure what Dr. Malone's motivation was but I'm concerned that his comments - and the silence of numerous people with regard to Dr. Vanden Bossche's assertions - will result in far fewer people preparing for the dangerous variant (at least for many millions of people) which Dr. Vanden Bossche expects will arrive before long (with Dr. Malone admitting he may possibly be right while at the same time calling him irresponsible for expressing his opinion). I don't have the knowledge to judge whether Dr. Vanden Bossche is correct or not (and he admits he may possibly not be but feels very confident he is), all I know is that he seems both brilliant and honest to me and I feel his argument warrants close attention and serious public discussion - not a five-minute defamatory takedown (with Dr. Malone having just criticized Dr. Paul Offit of "defamation by omission" and then describing Dr. Vanden Bossche as a "veterinarian," omitting he is also a doctor of virology with extensive experience in the field of vaccine development) - and deafening silence from almost all, if I'm not mistaken, of the doctors and scientists who are criticizing the medical establishment with regard to the Covid vaccines.

Please familiarize yourself, if you are not already, with what Dr. Vanden Bossche is saying and opine on this issue when you have a chance. Dr. VB's latest presentation and interview is at https://gvdb.substack.com/p/what-happens-if-a-pandemic-involving and there's a recent roundtable discussion at https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/potential-clinical-implications-of

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Dr. VB has been right from the start and though I read all that Dr. Malone writes I keep an open mind that maybe something's off there. I have defended him when people claim he's a CIA operative but how do we know anymore who/what anyone is? I once trusted our Govt. 😂

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Some people think that Dr. Malone is representing "controlled opposition". I think he is just an establishment guy who has a hard time admitting the truth about many of his colleagues.. Loss of trust in our government is one of the real positives that have come out of the Covid scam.

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Dr. Malone is still part of the establishment. He will never mention how they use the vaccine an Crisper technology for WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network), IEEE and IoP (internet of people) and have been for over 20 years. But hey, it's all for your health right

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Dr vb didn't see, and nobody saw, the igg4 class switch and that's caused the body not to react to the virus is normal ways but will cause long term problems probably. Nobody knows exactly what is going to happen yet.

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Most vaccines are first developed and tested on animals. Dr VB as you say is a DVM but spent his life in vaccine development and is far more qualified IMO than Malone.

We learned that mRNA vaccines for coronavirus were first developed and used on chickens. Shortly after injection, the chicken seem to not contract coronavirus. The problem is, the next season the disease was raging— for the same reason that those injected with the Covid vaccine only had a short term immunity, followed by higher levels of infections. It’s called Marek’s disease.

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Dr vb didn't see, and nobody saw, the igg4 class switch and that's caused the body not to react to the virus is normal ways but will cause long term problems probably. Nobody knows exactly what is going to happen yet.

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Bourla of Pfizer is a veterinarian.

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I know several people who are getting respiratory infections after flu shots . The flu shots are not benign as they are portrayed to be . Yet they are mandated for health care workers.

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I went for an annual check up -- overheard to older geezers bleating on about getting a terrible flu == within days of getting their flu shot the previous winter... they made the connection and were passing on the shots going forward.

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You can add me to this list , only flu shot 5 yrs ago, within 2 weeks flu, horrendous cough lasting Several weeks

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I read in a scientific paper that the flu shot makes kids 5 times more at risk of other respiratory infections. But hey! Let’s make vaccines for those other infections!

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Yes a fantastic business model , right!

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anecdotal, but everyone I know who gets a flu shot gets sick every winter, sometimes more than once. The people I know who go years without getting sick never get a flu shot.

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Pin this :)

F789 All Vaccines.

But don't try to dissuade others from taking all that are on offer in the event that there is a degree of utility in some of them and if the herd takes the risks you get the benefit...

It might sound a bit harsh... and selfish... but actually it's just your reward for being blessed with true intelligence.

Everyone has the same opportunity to not vaccinate... but should you be penalized because they are stupid? So stupid that you could even explain this to them and they'd a) get very angry cuz if everyone did this ... and b) they'd continue shooting all the shots..

It would be nearly impossible to convince a Pro Vaxxer to retire from the game... cuz curing stupidity ... is not possible. Although taking lots of Covid Boosters will eventually cure every disease

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Not sure. Some vaccines weaken your immune system. Living around people with impaired immune system is no benefit

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Are we still talking about viruses and infections? Oh my God!!

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I forgot three major points when writing this.

#1 A huge issue with the COVID vaccines was it being known that prior to COVID-19, each attempt to make a SARS vaccine backfired and instead caused the vaccinated animals to become severely ill with SARS (when compared to unvaccinated animals). This phenomena was referred to as “antibody dependent enhancement” (Peter Hotez even warned Congress about it before he became the national COVID vaccine spokesman). It is quite likely similar is happening with the COVID vaccines.

#2 Antibody dependent enhancement has also been observed with the one influenza vaccine.

#3 I and many others (e.g., the commenters here) have noticed that flu shots often make people become ill with the flu (which raises the possibility they had a stable flu infection in the background prior to vaccination) and likewise, anecdotally, I’ve noticed everyone I’ve worked with who was hospitalized for the flu had also received a flu shot that year.

Additionally, I miswrote original antigenic sin (it's "antigenic" not "antigen").

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I've had the flu shot three times and got a 2-3 day flu after each injection. I asked the pharmacist and he said it's not a live virus so wasn't connected. I later read that it was a live virus in the past. It's hard to believe that the only times I got the flu were after injection. It'd be a real coincidence if I was already infected each time.

Thank you Midwestern Doc! 💕

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And why do you do it? Don't you know that they put graphene oxide in the flu vaccines? Look under the microscope you will see it. This is how covid began. This material is produced, it is in the scientific literature. We have been warning everyone for more than 3 years. They already know a lot but others are completely unaware of it.

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Did you know this ten years ago? I didn't. I'm well aware of it now.

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No, more than 3 years ago and we already warned worldwide about the content of the so-called vaccines. I invite you to my substack, I'm taking a tour of our research. The last thing I wrote was when Dr. Campra scientifically demonstrated that vaccines contain graphene oxide (GO). Precisely this material produces covid. I already wrote about some effects of GO, such as magnetism. I will soon write about when we discovered that food was also magnetic.


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The military did a study in 2019 that concluded that the flu shot protected people from the flu strains it contained but it increased the likelihood of contracting other flu-like viruses, including coronaviruses.

To me, this study explains why people become more ill with the flu after getting a flu shot than if they didn’t take one. The immune system must be primed to primarily fight the strain in the flu shot and is impaired to fight other infections.

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This is exactly what I am seeing and what has happened to me in the past . Since I stopped taking flu shots I no longer have terrible colds / flu . I feel much better. Vitamin D has helped . We don’t need all these shots .

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I took a flu shot about 17 or 18 years ago and that winter, I got a sickness that made me feel like I was going to die from it. I remember because I had a toddler to take care of at the time. It was horrible. Never had one before or after that. I definitely learned my lesson.

I also hear repeatedly that other people have a similar experience. Amazing that they still offer them but some people are true believers. I guess it’s the ‘it would have been so much worse’ crowd.

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I have never taken a vaccine (as an adult) and always recommended that my patients avoid them in my many years of medical practice. But my attitude towards vaccines took a further decidedly negative turn in the early 1980s when three of my contemporary friends on our medical staff (all in our late 30s to early 40S) became severely ill following a flu shot injection offered to our medical staff. One developed a severe acute arthritis involving almost every joint in his body and had to be treated for several weeks with high doses of steroids in order to recover. Another was so sick that he had to seek coverage for his solo OB-GYN practice for several weeks. The third was a plastic surgeon who became so debilitated by it that he retired from practice. This experience in three young doctors certainly cemented into place the reservations that I had always had about vaccines.

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Wow! That's so terrible. Sorry to hear that. So many anecdotal stories confirming the worst. It's way too common to be a coincidence.

About 5 years ago, when I was researching vaccines (at the request of one of my adult children), I came across an interesting study that looked at the actual ingredients that were in the vaccine vials. What was so incredible about this study was that none of the vials tested actually contained the same ingredients as what was on the label. There were wide variations on the ingredients that were supposed to be in them and there were a lot of contaminations that were not on the label at all.

This study made me realize that even if the vaccines were helpful in some way at some point during the trials (which I highly doubt, after learning how they manipulate the trials and don't even use a true placebo), that is most likely not the same substance that people will get injected into their body when it's administered to the public.

I thought about how it made sense that the vaccines would be *very* carefully manufactured during the trials to get the best possible outcome but after that, I don't think there is very much quality control at all. This seems to be confirmed for the covid "vaccines", since they used a completely different process to make them during the "trials" than what was used for the roll out. If people only knew how fraudulent the pharmaceutical industry is... But most people don't seem to want to deal with that unpleasant fact, so the carnage continues. Although I think a lot of people are more aware now than at any other time, so that's the silver lining.

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"If people only knew how fraudulent the pharmaceutical industry is... But most people don't seem to want to deal with that unpleasant fact, so the carnage continues. Although I think a lot of people are more aware now than at any other time"

I think some people cling emotionally to their doctor and see them as good friends and not, you know, as the commercial relationship it is at its core. Any time I bring this type of thing up to anyone I know irl, they respond angrily that their doctor is smart and good and would never do that, acting as if I had personally called a close friend of theirs a whore of no virtue or a gibbering moron. No matter how politely I present it,no matter how much I don't include their personal doctor in it, I get this reaction. To.accept the evidenced reality I showed them would mean accepting their good friend Dr. PharmaPusher is not the devoted friend they believed. Or that they might not know as much as they thought they did. Its easier to dismiss me as a rude jerk wearing a tin foil hat than face the idea their beloved doctor is anything other than honest, brilliant, and completely devoted to their health and nothing else, and far too wise to be unknowingly doing any sort of harm on anyone else's behalf.

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It is scary to read the ingredients lists on the vaccines. I hadn't thought much about the topics of viral disease and vaccines and had pretty much accepted the stuff I was taught in medical school. But seeing these problems in three out of a relatively small group of colleagues in my age group got my attention. When the covid scam began I decided to do a deep dive into virology and vaccine history. What I found there was both surprising and fascinating. If you are interested I would be glad to give you an outline of the history. But it would be a bit long for a commentary here, Teaser: It all starts with the so-called "Spanish Flu" outbreak in 1918. It has nothing to do with Spain. The disease was first detected at a US Army base in Fort Riley, Kansas

in 1918. It started shortly after the administration of an experimental antimeningitis vaccination was given to about 3500 soldiers at Fort Riley. Further details involve the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Reasearch and members of a family with the name of Gates.

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We need ALL hands on deck if we are to turn America in the right direction!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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I learned early on in May/2020 that vitamin d had a protective effect and went about protecting my family this way.

My oldest boy got something in April 2021 and we told him to get his ass over and give it to mom and dad.

We are almost 3 years on and we have yet to even catch a cold, wife and I are above 100ng vitamin d and take copious amounts of vitamin C, 10g a day and vitamin k and magnesium with the D.

I also had a shedding incident with a co-worker in Aug.2021 when I was around 82ng and it clearly made a major difference in my outcome.

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Glad to hear these modalities are working for you

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Can't you guess why those who got vaccinated against the flu were more likely to get covid?

Is incredible!! It's not your fault, it's the fault of those who have been trying to confuse people for a long time.

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Fantastic Article. Thank you. ❣️

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New rule from FDA in the national registry went into play a few days ago allowing for experimental research on all humans without need for informed consent. See link.


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Thanks for that link---really frightening. I wonder who makes the determination "when a clinical investigation poses no more than minimal risk to the human subject". No doubt the same people who still maintain that the covid shots are safe and effective despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. The FDA should be abolished and the pharmaceutical industry should be held to strict liability for their products---no exemptions.

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13 days ago, at 36 weeks gestation, my oldest daughter got an RSV vaccination to protect her unborn baby. Her amniotic membrane ruptured 10 hours later without contractions, and she developed preeclampsia. She had labor induced and gave birth to a healthy and somewhat premature son. She had to get treated for preeclampsia for several more days.

Preterm-delivery and miscarriage are the biggest side effect of this vaccine in pregnancy, and preeclampsia is the second major side effect.

She did review information to this effect, but it looked like a small increased risk of each of these complications, 1-2% each...

I obviously think it is more, and that all cause mortality data in mothers and infants should have been studied before any such release. This baby was not particularly "protected".

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Another person who doesn't know what they put in flu shots. Now I have come across two people here who say the same thing.

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Immunologist here.

Much of the illnesses seen today, especially in children are from vaccines.

There are no "safe and effective" vaccines.

Full stop.

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That view has been stated by many, both docs and not, probably since the time of the money grubbing fraud, Jenner, and is no doubt correct.

This short book, written almost 100 years ago, does a good job of supporting your view.:

The Golden Calf an Exposure of Vaccine Therapy (1933)

By Charles W. Forward


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SCOTUS 1986, "Vaxxines are, unavoidabley unsafe."

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Vaccines will be safe only if they are avoidable (i.e. not taken).

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I suspect this is all part of a plan to ensure we don't have too many healthy people living till 100. That would collapse the pension system + if you have too many non-productive folks in the mix... that's a huge head wind on productivity and the economy... and would lead to a collapse.

We often attribute distasteful policies to malign/corrupt interests... but quite often they have been well thought through and actually to the benefit of all.

How much evil do you have to do to do good - asks John Cusack in UTOPIA.

Fantastic quote that

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Nah it's not much of a load on the economy. The real load is how we spend more on military than anything else. The other big load is the rentier capitalism where there's many in the supply chain that make a cut. It's basically a huge pyramid scheme and the markets are casinos.

Cut that waste out, like where one job creates more work for others than accomplishing anything and there's tons to go around.

Scarcity is the story the wealthy tell us.

But then, it makes sense that they would go after those relatively minimal savings of reducing average life span instead of the cash cows and waste that they profit off of...

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Our 3.5 trillion dollar a year spending in chronic disease management is five times what we spend on our entire global military and homeland security budgets. So chronic disease management is our most expensive bottom line by 5 times now, and it's going to accelerate at a faster and faster rate if we continue our current course."

- Dr Zach Bush

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Yep and more than half of the cost goes to parasitic middle men like insurance companies, pharmacy benefit managers, big pharma, and associated “overhead”.

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The real load now is the billions they spend to house, feed and care for the illegal immigrants they continue to bring in using our tax dollars. Each illegal gets free housing, clothing, 3 meals a day, free health care and free education for their children plus a check for $2200 each and don’t work or pay taxes. That’s far more than the average social security check of $1400 which we paid in to our government over our working years to take care of us in our retirement. And we are taxed on that income... what a joke!!!

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I cannot tell you how many people I know who got the transfection (vaccine) and shortly thereafter got shingles. Almost everyone....and then all of a sudden on tv you were inundated with shingle vaccine ads.

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They also started working on mRNA shingles vaccines almost as soon as the COVID vaccines hit the market.

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I took my last vaccine 5 years ago when I stepped on a rusty nail, now because of what ‘pharmaceutical industrial complex’ has done I will never take another. What a bunch of greedy self serving 🤡 clowns.

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Try vitamin C. It's not the rust, but the animal manure the rust entrains.


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That’s exactly what I did last summer after an encounter with a rusty nail (through the sole of my shoe) in a wooded area with lots of wildlife. After researching, I found that I couldn’t get just a tetanus booster... they only give the DTaP and I certainly didn’t need or want the diphtheria and pertussis vaccine so upon further research I read about vitamin C. I took 1 gram of liposomal vitamin C per day and still do. That was 6 months ago and I’m still here with no tetanus. However, I admit to a few anxious months as I waited for the 3 month incubation period to pass... 😂 My motto for a long healthy life: Stay away from doctors, drugs, vaccines and hospitals!

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Also, dont step on rusty nails ;)

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I was amazed to learn recently they also push tetanus shots after a snake bite. Seriously?

I regret every shot I allowed my kids to get. I regret being scared into pointless shots while pregnant/with small kids (including a pharmacist making an error and giving me an extra DTaP instead of a flu shot). Never again. I'm just thankful I figured this out before COVID shots.

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Every commercial is ‘health’ related vaccine vaccine vaccine,,,,,so supposedly man evolved millions of years ago and now we need all the vaccines….

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2 vaccines 2 boosters = dead brother in law healthy age 52 . 2 vacs = 61 year old younger brother with 4 heart surgeries in last 11months. 2vacs and ?????# of boosters = brother two with multiple hospitalizations with heart issues….numerous neighbors with heart issues and others with turbo cancers.

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I'm so sorry to hear how bad the outcomes have been in your family.

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So its probably a given vaccines from now on will be mRNA? Guess my grandson won’t be getting any!

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When you get shingles, it is a reflection that the immune system is compromised and that has to be addressed. Stimulating a Impaired immune system with a vaccine has unknown consequences depending on the individual.!

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The shingles vaccine has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

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My elderly aunt took the shingles shot, and whammo, came down with horrific case of shingles. She has since passed on, this was well before covid. She was someone who, I wouldn't doubt, had she still been alive, would have taken 5 or even more injections of the cooties juice. It really breaks my heart to think of all the unnecessary suffering. I've come to the conclusion that vaccines (shingles, flu, etc) are like trying to "fix" a Renaissance masterpiece with a kid's crayon. Anyway, none of us lives forever.

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From one small town Midwestern Pathologist (Doctor) to another Midwestern Doctor:

Don't ever stop banging the truth drum. Never. Ever. Hold the line. Many are with you. Many more than are seen publically. You are NOT alone.

Your drum beat echos within the social media vacuum of dis/misinformation and reverberates in the minds of those wise enough to follow your posts.

It would be my honor to meet you someday but I know your requisite anonymity is your only shield against those who seek to silence your drum beat.

Stay the course. Hold the line. Keep drumming.

All my best,

C.R. J 15:13

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Dear Chad Rund, Thank you very much for this cheering comment.

I'd like to add my own experience (I transcribe censored and shadow-banned video and audio 2021-2023), that I know, know for a fact (as evidenced by my transcripts) that there are many more people, including doctors, who have spoken out than even we, we here in the weeds of the AMD comments section, might guess. Most of us probably might know about the many stars, such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Harvey Risch, Steve Kirsch, and a long list of doctors and scientists who have been speaking out at conferences, on Substack, in Washington DC and in state legislatures, and so on. However, it is precisely because of the censorship that we don't know, or at least I doubt many do, of the very large number of doctors, nurses, other experts and citizens who have spoken out at county commissioners meetings, city council meetings, and more. For example, just in the past month I have come upon several very powerful public testimonies from 2021 that were total, but total news to me. And I mean, me: I've been searching online every single day since 2021 and I am still finding testimonies that truly surprise and impress me-- the censorship has been that powerful.

While we here in the comments section all know that there's been heavy censorship, what I'm saying is, I am continually reminded that it's even worse than I imagined, and I have to remind myself that I mustn't fall into the trap of assuming that if I haven't seen it, if I haven't heard about it, it doesn't exist. That is the trap-- the power-- of censorship.

But the bright side is: we-- we, the general readership down here in this comments section-- are not alone, however much it may feel that way. I myself spent the past years pretty much marooned among covidians. (Now I'm calling them the "it's a Big Mystery people.") That would be all my friends; with one exception, my entire family; all neighbors; and, to my knowledge, all of my colleagues. And yet, I know from my transcripts that a good number of us who questioned and objected to "the narrative" in its weirdly ever-morphining forms are out there, and have been from the outset.

"Keep drumming"-- yes!

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Aldous Huxley pointed out, in the 1930's, that the most powerful weapon of the Totalitarian state is not brain-washing propaganda alone - which people can see through or just get bored with (a law of diminishing returns) - but suppressio veri, the suppression of truthful voices and views.

We have to recognise that they are planning to increase the online censorship over the next year or two, having identified weakness during the scam pandemic.

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They always planned on controlling the internet,we had a window the last 10-15 yrs to learn vital truths.Harsh truths that most wouldn't believe.We are being exterminated! Anyways this is a pretty tame video,Whitney Webb on how they plan to control the internet,they not only have a nano kill switch in humanity they can kill the internet anytime they want.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y36ZEKYMvzM&t=633s

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Ah yes, the old mantra of 'divide and conquer'. We may not be alone, but I absolutely feel alone. I've been down many a rabbit hole, only needing to resurface for the sake of my sanity! And I despair of eventually being quite alone, since all of my family have been mRNA injected multiple times and are at huge risk of declining health. I already lost a healthy brother at 67 from what I will forever believe was a spike-induced cerebral haemorrhage, which took him out in hours. And another family member suffered a sudden seizure which led to a vertebral fracture.

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Many condolences on the death of your brother.

May you find the strength and healing that is right for you.

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Speaking of censorship, how many of us are aware of the long standing controversy over vaccines in general and how many of us know about the "real" Jenner and Paster, for instance? All that most of us have ever heard is how wonderful those dudes were when their detractors were legion but have been long and effectively silenced.

Here's another, from Wikipedia (sorry).:

"While working for the Rockefeller Institute, De Kruif submitted an anonymous entry about modern medicine, for a book entitled Civilization. In the article, he decried the state of contemporary medical practice, which, because it lacked scientifically sound practices, he called "medical Ga-Ga-ism". De Kruif decried doctors as providing only a "mélange of religious ritual, more or less accurate folk-lore, and commercial cunning". When it was discovered that De Kruif was the author of the essay, he was fired from the Rockefeller Institute.[2] [Where he had been working as a bacteriologist.]


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About 11 yrs ago I was on an educational visit to the Jenner museum, with our home school group in UK, and after our tour and talks we were split into two groups to find evidence from the museum exhibits only, either pro or anti vaccination. And we, the anti group, won by a long way, the lady running the workshop said," It's strange, but that happens every time, don't know why" . So the evidence is in their own museum that it's not the best idea to vax.

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Thank you so much! Nothing like that would've ever taken place here in the USA.

Would like to have been there. I'll have to fit in a visit nest time I fly East!

I used to be vax positive but my suspicions were raised with the flu shots so I never got one. The covid jabs had "scam" written all over them. Now I think the vaccine concept is 100% bogus since we just need to care for our immune systems like we should do the rest of our body and then let momma nature do her thing. The less we interfere with vaccines, the better. Pretty hideous idea if one really thinks about it.

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I should go back, I have some uncomfortable questions for them now I know more

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I hope you get the chance! And I'd love to know what took place.

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My hope and prayers are to do away with All inoculations. Every single one is poison and people need to wake up and just say No....

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I hate to say it but blaming a virus in order to promote a vaccine to prevent certain conditions is pretty much a scam.

For example, with HPV they didn't establish a strong connection to cervical cancer or any other cancers. It was a correlation! What do you find at the scene of damage? Something that looks like a bunch of DNA broken off... They sequence that and get "HPV". Virology these days is dependant on the scam of genetics, where we still have not had much progress, 😂.

And the vaccine itself has the cause of sickness, in the case of HPV it's their super duper (at the time) new adjuvant. Every time they try to introduce new technology in virology it's worse and worse. Now we have so many viruses and still no cure.

It's just like the genome project for cancer which never cures cancer.

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"And the vaccine itself has the cause of sickness..."

That concept was recognized long ago. For instance, Pasteur and his antics with an anthrax vax and one for foot and mouth disease caused large numbers of animals to die.

De Kruif says of this fact (p.165):

"Gradually, hardly a year after the miracle of Pouilly-le-Fort, it began to be evident that Pasteur, though a most original microbe hunter, was not an infallible god. Disturbing letters began to pile up on his desk; complaints from Montpellier and a dozen towns of France, and from Packisch and Kapuvar in Hungary. Sheep were dying from anthrax - not natural anthrax they had picked up in dangerous fields, but anthrax they had got from those vaccines that were meant to save them! From other places came sinister stories of how the vaccines had failed to work - the vaccine had been paid for, whole flocks of sheep had been injected, the farmers had gone to bed breathing 'Thank God for our great man Pasteur', only to wake up in the morning to find their fields littered with the carcasses of dead sheep

As quoted in, The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur

by R. B. Pearson (originally Pasteur, Plagiarist, Imposter 1942)


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How about this - pasteurizing breast milk. Interestingly one of the myriad reasons one cannot donate breast milk is if the woman is taking vitamins or herbal supplements - but no concern about the mRNA shots.



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Great point!

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'Littered with the carcasses of dead sheep' is most apt for or current problem, is it not?

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The framework of the covid scam almost perfectly mirrors the incredible horrors committed on the people of the world since the English government subsidized and promoted the scum ball (pun intended), Jenner, over 200 years ago.

He was largely the Fauci, Gates and Hotez of his day, but thankfully the latter are not celebrated anywhere near the extent that Jenner and many others such as Pasteur (all undeservedly) were, so maybe "civilization" has made a step in the right direction.

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Midwestern doctor, you are one of the few, in the medical profession who are in the know! In the past, any person who injected toxic elements into another human being, would have been accused of murder; except for medical doctors. I've read iabout vaccinations dring the 1800s; and their heinous results, under the auspices of the Medical Field and the goverment; i.e. town of Leicester, England...it lost 90% of its population. Vaccinations were stopped in Leicester, but smallpox vaccines kept on being used. In the 1930s chldren needed it to enter school in America.. In 1980, smallpox was declared eradicated. It was not due to the smallpox vaccine. Better nutrtion and sanitation contributed to the lowering of most childhood diseases...but Big Pharma, of course, took credit.

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Not only did they not eradicate smallpox, (in any case how would they know?) but the vaccines caused so much damage that they would have been ultra nuts to continue pushing them so they cleverly claimed credit for eradicating the disease as an excuse to bow out of using them.

Pretty clever. Too bad "pharma" is not as honest as it is "clever."

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Extremely well written - a non-medical person like me could read it from top to bottom without feeling lost in jargonland! And damn the pharma industry for repeating their crimes again and again using their formula for death...and profits.

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Yes....doc is so good at explaining In an understandable way. I couldn't even explain the symptoms of my mild case to people when asked!

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What can one say. Beautiful as always.

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Thank you for all your support!

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Another fantastic, informative post! My youngest daughter was still at school when the HPV vaccine was introduced, and my gut feeling was not to give permission for it, which I didn't. Soon after that, I happened to be in a microbiology class at university where the lecturer had been part the team that developed that vaccine. He told us that he was disappointed in it because they had chosen one viral version that he considered the least causal for cervical cancer. That sealed it for me - no way would I support this vaccine. Of course, over the last few years I have come to question ALL the vaccines (and as a nurse, that makes my work severely compromising).

Here in Australia, both boys and girls aged 12-13 are offered HPV vaccines. I want to know whether the incidence of cervical cancer has actually reduced!

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Excellent Analysis! The corporate medicine man ignores the central role that the immune system has in prevention and stopping disease states from all pathogens! If the Covid was addressed by educating humanity, in how to improve their immune system, we would not have gone down the road we did! Of course, that was not the preplanned agenda! Money trumps good medical!

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Fast Eddy's Rules for a Healthy Happy Life (and avoiding the Death Camps)

- consume no sugar

- avoid all processed foods

- consume minimal alcohol

- eat organic food if you can afford it - otherwise wash your veg in a water + baking soda bath

- exercise regularly

Last but not least... reduce stress by not giving too many f789s. Stress destroys your immune system. The secret is not SSRI's... rather instead of numbing yourself with this shit -- deal with the stress - do not let it fester. Come up with a plan of action to defeat whatever problems you face. That alone will alleviate anxiety.

Also - I advise getting a dog. My favourite dogs are whippets. They don't bark much ..are very affectionate... and they run really fast which I find entertaining.

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Might I add the obvious: Stay far away from doctors, drugs, vaccines and hospitals!

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Excellent advice, Fast Eddy. I've checked off all of those except the stress and the dog. Working on it.

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Better quality food, vitamins, sunshine, light exercise, and affection. If we had encouraged more of these than people would have been much healthier overall, and developed better lifelong habits.

I like big guardian dogs. One that watches over my home, warms my feet, and is a quiet constant presence. Cats are also pretty good at helping one lower stress.

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I have believed this for years! I call it N2E+ for Life! Nutrition w/o toxins + Nutrient Supplements to compensate for deficiencies plus exercise and mind/body harmony to avoid stress!

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Whether gof lab releases, or jab-compromised immune systems spawning variants, they proliferate. (Both are iatrogenic effects.) Just getting over a real covid variant (JN.1?). High-dose vitamin C did not help. Ivermectin and zinc may have.

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For Doctors Of Medicine:

This Is Not A Crisis Of Identity;

This Is Not A Crisis Of Competence

( ... There Is Too Little To Matter) ;

This Is A Crisis Of Conscience.


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Dear AMD, I read all your posts, and this is one the very tip-top best. I love how you put it at the end, that it is your hope that exposing this history might "help move our culture towards developing a 'herd immunity' against these predatory marketing practices." My profound thanks, for your writing has most certainly helped me in this regard.

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Thank you for your informative and insightful article. I can’t help but view the RSV jab as more of the same…for all of my training and career, RSV was only considered serious for young infants. Now, the fear machine is pushing this on everyone. Keep up the good work!

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I have often wondered why there is an such an emphasis on giving vaccines to people that are immunocompromised. Since the purpose of the vaccine is to stimulate the immunological system of the recipient to make antibodies against the pathogen, wouldn't these individuals be expected to derive less benefit than those with intact immunologic systems? Or possibly put at increased risk?

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Remember, you have to think about it from a sales standpoint.

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Of course, but isn't that a valid scientific objection to the entire concept of vaccines?

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at this point I think we can say it's not about science, and possibly never was about science. It's all about the money.

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Absolutely agree. But I also like having the science evidence to help convince those that will never agree to the fact that it was a scam and was planned.

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there are at least a couple of books that present the evidence. Turtles All the Way Down and Dissolving Illusions. Also, Midwestern Doctor has written other articles about vaccines, probably the most important is the one about the smallpox vaccine.

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Also recommend "Farewell to Virology" by Dr. Mark Bailey and one of my all-time favorites "Inventing the AIDS Virus" by Peter Duesberg.

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If the point of the injection is to lower the population by killing a percentage of those who get it then you target children (most years of life lost), elderly (highest social burden), pregnant mothers (two with one stone), and immunocompromised (easy targets burdensome to the healthcare system). You have to think about it from a effective use of weapons standpoint. Note that killing healthy young men and women would be the hardest to accomplish and yet the covid injections have an uncanny ability to kill young athletes.

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There's a certain elegance to it:

1/ Create many more 'vulnerable' people through the incredibly high level of SAE's.

2/ Prioritise the 'vulnerable', the elderly, their associates and families, etc, for at least 2 boosters per annum, just to keep them safe. Toss in the pregnant, too, for good measure. (Here in the UK this adds up to a 20 million target population!)

3/ Normalise state-assisted euthanasia in a nice Swiss suicide pod, when they are incurably sick and despairing.

The great problem with what could be termed the 'Malone Thesis' (ie no evidence of malice) is that it does not account one bit for for what is actually is going on nd the obvious targeting on spurious pretexts (eg 'variant Eris').

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Yes, the morbid fascination with promoting covid injections to pregnant women belies pecuniary motives. Pregnant women is a small and transient part of the population. The intense motivation to get them injected during pregnancy is not easily explainable from a health or greed perspective. They are now increasingly frequently a target with the new RSV shots and likely many more to come.

The gloves are off. With the highest self-anointed elites all in agreement that humanity is overburdensome and with the WHO seeking to equate animal 'health' with human 'health,' it is a wonder that we are still so resistant to the idea that they want to kill people off. They hire phony intellectuals to coddle them with speeches about how other humans (not their precious collective selves of course) are dumb, animals of no particular value. I mean, it isn't a secret anymore really. It is in our faces.

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Absolutely true on the motives. But I want to also address it on the science for those who automatically dismiss the arguments on motive as "conspiracy theory".

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From the perspective of "science," the immunocompromised need extra immune stimulation. There's always cover stories but at a certain point they simply become uninteresting. You can never have a debate with someone whose stated beliefs are merely a veil for ulterior motives. They can shift and slither with endless flexibility.

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I just heard a recent add for a flu shot and it actually disclosed that people with low immune system function won’t have much of a response. I wish I could remember the wording of the add. I thought it was surprisingly honest. Most people are not critical thinking enough to figure out that this means there is no reason for a flu shot because it doesn’t stop transmission.

If you have a good immune system, you don’t need a flu shot. If you don’t have a good immune system, a flu shot won’t help. But people still get them. So sad.

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I saw that commercial and thought maybe they're running scared that liability/lawsuits are coming.

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Maybe. I couldn’t make heads or tails of it because it essentially tells people why they shouldn’t take it…?

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That is probably true for the flu shots and the more recent shingles and pneumonia vaccines. Unfortunately the pharma companies are protected from liability on the covid shots due to the Emergency Use Authorization laws conveniently provided by the government.

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Right, but there were many questionable actions.

No disclosure of what they now admit to, the vaccine inserts were blank, trials were flawed, false advertising to coerce, so many deceitful acts and wrongdoing. Maybe the EUA doesn't reach that far?

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Everything they did and said was dishonest and corrupt but my understanding is that the EUA gives them blanket immunity.

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Thanks Brandy. It is interesting to see an admission of the scientific limitation of vaccines coming from a pharma ad. Too many people focus primarily on the economic factors and neglect to include the scientific arguments against vaccines. Both are correct and necessary.

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Yes, plenty of evidence against them from multiple angles.

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You are correct. I used to review medical records annually for NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance) and when it came to recording immunizations, the exclusions for vaccination always included those pregnant, immunocompromised, or having evidence of previous infection. The fact these conditions were obviously eliminated wholesale from consideration with the C19 inoculation - not to mention complete lack of concern for an individual's medical history - became the greatest red flag for me.

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Thanks for that information. So that confirms that existing standards were abandoned for the covid shot. So much for the "no bad intentions" argument.

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I have a good mate who is fairly high up in a Farma Company... he told me many years ago about how the system works...

They send pretty little things around to meet with doctors and flog their products... the sales pitch involves the presentation of perks that are awarded if the doctor prescribes lots and lots a product

Kinda like a coffee punch card where you get one free after 10 purchases. Or like Amway (is it Amway) that gives top sellers pink Caddies.

But in this case they get free trips to Fantasy Island in the Carib. Business class tickets and suites for those who sell lots and lots... it's called an incentive .. (or a bribe)...

But it's all legit cuz it's a 'conference'... CONference....

You know how you get a cheap hotel rate at Hyatt if you sit in on a time share presentation while at the resort... it's just like that ... except you get much much more than a cheaper room rate....

End of the day most docs give more f789s about the free CONferences... than keeping you healthy.... I guess they are on low salaries so they really need to sacrifice some folks so that they can get a week in the Carib to recharge the batteries... they need it to be free or they won't be able to afford it... poor doctors... boo hoo...

Does that answer your question?

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Not really. You are spot on about the way the system works. I know well from working 40 years inside the medical system. But I still want to elicit some feedback on the science.

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