The "Test Run" article rings true. My son was given HPV and meningitis "vaccines" together at the time of his college entrance physical. Neither were required by the college, but there was a soft mandate to get HPV under Rhode Island's "vaccinate to graduate" program. We had refused HPV for the previous two years, but Neil went on his own for this physical. We will forever rue the day... In the middle of Neil's sophomore year at college, he was diagnosed with DIPG, an "incurable" brainstem tumor. He died a year after that. We have written a book about his ordeal. (See dipgbook.com for an overview.)

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I'm so very sorry. 💔

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I’m so sorry for your great loss!🥲❤️

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My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry.

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I'm so sorry!

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I can’t really express how sorry I am. 🙏🏻 It’s happening in my family. My comment is above. My grandkid is now in college in a blue state. Now a trans male. I do worry and pray daily.

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Oh my gosh Janet, that is SO tough ... I have 3 grandsons (11 months-10 years) and I worry SO very much about what the schools are doing to our children's brains ... I am so glad the 2 oldest are being home schooled which I play a small part. SO much pressure from "those that know" to make us toe the line. I'm the only 1 of 8 in my family who did NOT get the jab, Praying for you, your grandson and family

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Dear DJ.

If you can get though to you family members, there is a way for them to detox strongly by a natural product, that's the only World Break-through product that can lead the Dangerious SPIKE proteine out of the body. That product is the body's MASTER ANTI-OXIDANT!!!

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We are at the moment of crisis. So many people caught in this evil web. May God's Grace be with us...

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My heartfelt condolences.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Someone should pay for what happened to Neil.

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How horrific. You and doc are on the frontlines of prevention of these outcomes.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope your book helps to create a tsunami that wakes people up and all the corruption is overturned.

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It's tough to draw much attention in the current news climate, but we're trying. Neil's story is a case study of all the ways our "system" has been compromised. God Bless.

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The corrupt system MURDERED HIM! Commiserations! - May he RIP! Unjabbed Mick (UK)

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The ORIGINAL market for HPV vaccine were only females. According to my pediatrician, who although he DID push it for my daughters, he did it halfheartedly because he knew I would (and did) refuse it for them. I asked him, if this vaccine is so safe, why is it only being pushed on the girls? He told me that the reason it was marketed to the girls was because they were the "easier" target because THEY were the ones that got cervical cancer. Of course, I knew all along that once the female market was saturated, they would open it up to the boys, they were just using the girls as the guinea pigs and getting the camel's nose under the tent, and then they would go for the whole enchilada. (Yes, lots of metaphors, sorry). Doctors are complicit.

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It's why I feel sort of vindicated every time I hear about a doctor suffering iatrogenic injury. A taste of their own medicine.

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It’s being marketed to adults now as well. I’ve seen the happy clappy ads on TV.

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Did you know the Gardasil vaccine was originally rejected in 2006 by the Australian evaluating body, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee?

Yes...and within 24 hours that decision was overturned by then Prime Minister John Howard in the lead-up to the 2007 election.

It was a political decision.

I've done a bit of work on HPV vaccination in the past, before the Covid debacle took over.

See this webpage: https://over-vaccination.net/questionable-vaccines/hpv-vax/

Some of the links mightn't work, but it's all very pertinent historical information to review...

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I did not know that I need to add that in!

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There's a lot of info in those links AMD...

The Cochrane/Aluminium/vaccine safety angle for instance...huge...been covered up for years...

And the conflicts of interest...with Lauri Markowitz of the CDC being an original author of the Cochrane HPV vaccination review - you could not make it up! See my BMJ rapid responses.

This is such a huge scandal, young people have been exploited with these vaccine products for years, these aluminium-adjuvanted vaccine products...

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Also see one of my emails raising concern about the high antibody tire after vaccination, sent in November 2016: https://over-vaccination.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/safety-of-the-hpv-vaccines-high-antibody-titre-after-vaccination.pdf

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High titers create OAS and often autoimmunity

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And that's what they were deliberately doing to all the kids...

Against a low risk infection...

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Here's something else to consider...

The conflicted Cochrane HPV vaccine review.

See my BMJ rapid responses:

- Cochrane HPV vaccination review - what about the CDC's Lauri Markowitz' undisclosed conflicts of interest? 5 October 2018: https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k4163/rr

- Cochrane HPV vaccine review severely compromised by conflicts of interest (2), 17 September 2018: https://www.bmj.com/content/362/bmj.k3472/rr-5

- Cochrane HPV vaccine review severely compromised by conflicts of interest (1), 17 September 2018: https://www.bmj.com/content/362/bmj.k3472/rr-4

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Also see my webpage: Cochrane Nordic and HPV vaccine safety: https://over-vaccination.net/cochrane-collaboration/

And of course the aluminium adjuvant angle...

Cochrane – Aluminium and vaccine safety: https://over-vaccination.net/aluminium-and-vaccine-safety/

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Thank you for your work on this.

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This bares repeating: Women with adequate Vit D levels DO NOT GET CERVICAL DYSPLASIA.

So this is more about nutrition than HPV.

Now the clencher.... the generic drug isoprinosine will clear the HPV from the human body in a mere 2 weeks: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8180272/

You see there was never any need for this deadly vaccine.

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I would appreciate a comment from you about your experiences helping girls with HPV vaccine, how they suffered and the harassment you had to deal with for advocating for them.

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Tragically one HPV girl died from the complications from the HPV vaccine before I could start treating. Alexis was the most seriously injured who I was able to treat with hyperbaric oxygen and she made vast improvements. Those who are in the hpv vaxx injury world know Alexis. I have also treated HPV vaxx injury gal whose only overt symptom was headaches that would non stop. I do devote a few pages to the HPV vaxx in my book Incurable Us. Re harassment… do you have a few hours?

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Dr Stoller, glad to know about your book.

Incurable Us: Why the Best Medical Research Does Not Make It into Clinical Practice Paperback – August 27, 2024


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Nearly all diseases are about nutrition. That is why the pharmaceutical industry haa to create illnesses.

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and sunlight exposure for natural vit D and all other benefits . . .

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Is that the same OTC Inosine 500mg you can buy??

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No Inosine is not isoprinosine

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It is, so! (Well, other way around.) "Inosine pranobex ... is a combination of inosine and dimepranol acedoben". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inosine_pranobex

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Thank you.

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How did HPV vaccination ever get off the ground?

Here's what Ian Frazer, a co-inventor of the technology enabling the HPV vaccines, had to say on the research sector website 'The Conversation' in July 2012:


Through sexual activity, most of us will get infected with the genital papillomaviruses that can cause cancer. Fortunately, most of us get rid of them between 12 months to five years later without even knowing we’ve had the infection.

Even if the infection persists, only a few individuals accumulate enough genetic mistakes in the virus-infected cell for these to acquire the properties of cancer cells.


I was gobsmacked when I read this in 2012.

Why on earth would they vaccinate mass populations against something which obviously isn't a serious threat to most people?

Remind you of anything? 'Covid' for instance, another beat-up threat that has resulted in literally billions of people being injected against a disease which isn't a serious threat to most people.

How has this outrageous extortion racket been allowed to continue?!

It is way past time for accountability...

Ref: Catch cancer? No thanks, I’d rather have a shot! The Conversation, 10 July 2012: https://theconversation.com/catch-cancer-no-thanks-id-rather-have-a-shot-7568

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As an ob/ gyn , never once recommended the HPV vaccine , like everything else rushed to market . I am seeing a rise in HPV , I believe , due to the immunosuppression from the Covid jabs. A side note… I had a patient ( age 62) with a history of hysterectomy , with high grade vaginal dysplasia from high risk HPV . I sent her to a gyn oncologist who wanted her to have a Guardasil shot and needed a script to go to the local pharmacy to get it due to her age . I told the gyn onc absolutely not , you want her to have it , you write the script. Please no vaccines in pregnant moms , babies , children and adults … too many sad stories to write about.

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This is the web site from Christina Tarsell (made by her mother)


She died in sleep after third dose of Gardasil.

„After 8 long years, the government finally conceded that we met our burden of proof that Gardasil caused my death.“

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Guardisil is another EVIL and damaged my niece. Since the day she was jabbed she has had numerous health problems "all of a sudden". Its heart breaking to watch a young healthy teenage girl become so out of sorts she cant function

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Thank you AMD. So much needed information. I told my girl NO. Had no clue what it was doing to our precious gifts from God. Thank you for the comments given about HPV. No wonder I questioned the Covid jab. I refuse to call it a vaccine. And we did not take it. Never another jab. 89 and soon to be 78! My spouse and I.

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The industry is so rife with capture, corruption, data obfuscation and lying that I consider any injection an absolute last resort. Further, my health care directive forbids the use of any drug currently under patent in my care absent my express consent. It bears stating that most all major pharmaceutical companies are repeat convicted felons - - - convicted felons. Health, patient benefit and morality have no place in pharmaceutical marketing or products. It is all about sales and not about health. Even professional reviews and studies are often paid results. The only safe way to vet a drug today is to inventory it's users.

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WOW! Thank you for mentioning Dr. Mercola!!!! I watched him in real time scream about Vioxx, but nothing was done until a year later when a Cleveland Clinic doctor took notice. Mercola is the reason I refused the HPV vaxx for my daughter and son. My friends and neighbors thought I was crazy. Unfortunately, my neighbor's daughter and another friend's daughter both developed POTS within 2 weeks of the HPV vax. The commonality was they were both high performing gymnasts.

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The whole pediatric vaccine schedule was a test run for covid… and this moment

they mean to claim the whole market… ‘cradle to grave’



Middle aged people

And the elderly

That agenda

To put all age groups on a ‘vaccine (regime) schedule’

Is in FULL swing now!

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The ‘womb to tomb’ schedule…

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I was in college when this vaccine was released. In 2008, for speech class, a fellow classmate gave a persuasive speech on this vaccine, documenting the vaccine related injuries and risk data. With only a couple of years of data and anecdotal personal stories (she had family members injured by it), she still made a compelling case against getting it. I’m glad to see she was right! And thankful I was raised to avoid vaccines!

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When Gardisil came out, I had 2 daughters in the age range. I refused it, every visit, until they quit asking me. I had seen the initial bad data and stories, and I also wasn’t going to have them get jabs against potential future sexual behavior. By the time my son was “of age” for it, they were offering it to boys. Nope, same answer. But they only offered it once.

I’m sad now that I didn’t know the dangers of vaccines back then. Of course, we were all cranks who denied even one in the schedule.

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Great piece, thank you AMD.

Here is a free book summary of Mary Holland's very important book: The HPV Vaccine on Trial


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Thank you. I know so many people who were hurt by this vaccine :'(

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On a related note I just came across this horrific news story - 5-Year-Old Develops Autism After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day


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I am not covering that since other people already are. I try to prioritize focusing on the things other people aren't already going into.

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