Here's what Ian Frazer, a co-inventor of the technology enabling the HPV vaccines, had to say on the research sector website 'The Conversation' in July 2012:
Through sexual activity, most of us will get infected with the genital papillomaviruses that can cause cancer. Fortunately, most …
Here's what Ian Frazer, a co-inventor of the technology enabling the HPV vaccines, had to say on the research sector website 'The Conversation' in July 2012:
Through sexual activity, most of us will get infected with the genital papillomaviruses that can cause cancer. Fortunately, most of us get rid of them between 12 months to five years later without even knowing we’ve had the infection.
Even if the infection persists, only a few individuals accumulate enough genetic mistakes in the virus-infected cell for these to acquire the properties of cancer cells.
I was gobsmacked when I read this in 2012.
Why on earth would they vaccinate mass populations against something which obviously isn't a serious threat to most people?
Remind you of anything? 'Covid' for instance, another beat-up threat that has resulted in literally billions of people being injected against a disease which isn't a serious threat to most people.
How has this outrageous extortion racket been allowed to continue?!
How did HPV vaccination ever get off the ground?
Here's what Ian Frazer, a co-inventor of the technology enabling the HPV vaccines, had to say on the research sector website 'The Conversation' in July 2012:
Through sexual activity, most of us will get infected with the genital papillomaviruses that can cause cancer. Fortunately, most of us get rid of them between 12 months to five years later without even knowing we’ve had the infection.
Even if the infection persists, only a few individuals accumulate enough genetic mistakes in the virus-infected cell for these to acquire the properties of cancer cells.
I was gobsmacked when I read this in 2012.
Why on earth would they vaccinate mass populations against something which obviously isn't a serious threat to most people?
Remind you of anything? 'Covid' for instance, another beat-up threat that has resulted in literally billions of people being injected against a disease which isn't a serious threat to most people.
How has this outrageous extortion racket been allowed to continue?!
It is way past time for accountability...
Ref: Catch cancer? No thanks, I’d rather have a shot! The Conversation, 10 July 2012: