There were two important corrections I needed to make to recent articles.

First, in the recent article dissecting all the corrupt tactics being used against RFK Jr. to prevent him from cleaning up the food supply (and how this playbook mirrors what that industry has now done for over a century), when it was uploaded into Substack, part of it was duplicated and formatted incorrectly (which has now been fixed).


Second, in the recent article written about what actually drives fluid motion within the body, the incorrect formula for liquid crystalline water was written. It should have been H3O2 (H1.5O), which signifies that in every other water (H2O) molecule, a hydrogen atom is displaced to create that liquid crystalline lattice.


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My kid's pediatricians pushed the HPV vaccine hard, for both my daughter, and my son, because after 2012 they decided boys should get it also,as they I

could be "carriers." The amount of gaslighting I was subjected to for turning down the vaccine for each of them, at every well visit from age 12 onwards, was unbelievable. The doctors were unwilling to even have a conversation about the side effects, or the fact it didnt prevent cervical cancer. I was told I was a bad mother, point blank, and in the case of my son, told I was "putting the health of my unborn grandchildren at risk",Because of this experience with HPV, I was unsurprised when they went all in on covid. The pharmaceutical companies took over medicine long ago- MAHA!

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So many pediatricians and other doctors have just become DRUG PUSHERS. Where is their conscience?

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In their pocket$

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Pediatricians anagrams to 'I satanic pride.

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If they are HMO docs they are "told" what to push. Not just peds. It's the same for all ages.

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Yes. They follow a protocol that isn't negotiable.

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Oh Evvie totally feel your pain. Had a great DO as a pediatrician…, then the new “gal” came on board… this was when they were starting to “isolate” your child @ age 12 and not allow you in the exam room… was not going to happen with me. Said what is it that you want to talk about with my child… ah the HPV vac. Had known enough and the children had very few injections (hat tip Dr Wakefeild) not giving consent, tis broad actually said to me that she had the ability to call CPS on me for endangering my daughter. My response please do I will see you in court.

There will be a lawsuit in NC .

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I can see how someone threatening you with a CPS notification would enrage anyone but as a retired physician and vaccine skeptic (I still think there is value for some vaccines), we need to be kind to our physicians when we push back. First, being kind and thoughtful but direct, is less likely to illicit a 'fight or flight' response in the practitioner and more likely to (maybe) pique their curiosity about your vaccine skepticism. Keep in mind, Allopaths (M.D.) and Osteopaths (D.O.) are trained in a system developed by John D Rockefeller a century ago which pushes the big pharmaceutical model on all physicians. (Some of the older (my age) D.O.'s received some functional medicine training but they are all retiring or dying. Often, these physicians "don't know what they don't know". I do not think it is the norm for physicians to obtain bonuses for getting a certain percentage of patients vaccinated. I have read that it does occur but I do not think it is the norm. (I couldn't find one pediatrician in Tulsa Ok who had received money from any pharm co but found quite a few orthropods who received money from implant companies which is always disguised as money given in exchange for help with product improvement research)....Anyway, you can change the way physicians react to you by the way you react to them. But I would say if my wife had been threatened with a CPS threat with my 2 daughters for not getting the HPV vaccine (neither of them received it because my wife didn't trust it), she would have politely said "this is the last time you will see my daughter" and walked out of the room. Luckily our pediatrician and OB-GYN were thoughtful physicians and didn't think ill of her decision for her (our) child.

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I agree with much of what you said. However, my experience was somewhat different. Luckily, I had been able to do some research when the vaccine first came out; way harder to do back in 2009 than it is now. I discussed it with my daughter beforehand, so when we went to the pediatrician's office, and they told her she was getting that vaccine, she said she didn't want. The doctor proceeded to take her to the exam room, without me, and she was told "Don't worry. We won't tell your Mom" wink wink!! Fortunately, my daughter and I have a great relationship and she still refused, but I'm sure many others didn't.

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What the pediatrician did may have been actionable malpractice. (or assault) To take a daughter away from a loving, caring mother and try to sneak a therapy into a child is awful. When I suggested we all speak to one another respectfully and kindly (which is always the best way to go) I had no idea a pediatrician would separate a child from her parent and try to get a child to take a treatment without parental consent. If this vaccine was the difference between likely death without it and survival with it, there is a process where the doctor can temporarily remove the child from a parent and make the child a temporary ward of the state. I have been involved in this several times. Once on a Jehovah's Witness family whose baby needed emergency cardiac surgery to survive. They refused transfusion. There was no way we could do the cardiac surgery without multiple transfusions. We removed the parental rights by a phone call to the judge, did the surgery. The child survived and I did another anesthetic on the young child some 10 years later. Oddly, the parents weren't mad. In fact they were relieved. They didn't have to relinquish there deeply held beliefs and their baby survived. But that is NOT the case with vaccines. Often they have unknown risks and possible benefits. Parents should have the right to make decisions for their dependent children. And if the vaccines are all that effective at preventing disease transmission, preventing the child from attending school without vaccination should put the other children who are vaccinated at no increased risk because the vaccines are so effective. I am hoping RFK2 can reverse the loss of rights we all have experienced with COVID. (But I remain only marginally hopeful as RFK2 is a deeply flawed human.

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I'm still hopeful that he will do what he says he's going to do with regards to vaccines. At the very least, the 1986 childhood vaccine liability law needs to be revoked!

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From what I hear it is the insurance companies offering incentives to pediatricians, not pharma companies directly. In my hospital during the start of flu season one year, the nurse exec even said each shot given is worth x amount of money. They dress someone as a syringe for the circus roll out every year.

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I understand that...This is the website I have used to look up payments to local pediatricians: OpenPaymentsData.cms.gov ....Happy hunting.

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NO!! Why is it up to the parents to tiptoe and be nice to the evil whitecoats?? NO. They do NOT deserve such 'politeness.'

Stop taking your precious children to whitecoats for unnecessary 'well checkups.' It is a thing that the whitecoats MADE UP to push more drugs.

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JLK, “James” is a AI Bot.. MWD must be over the target!💥

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Oh wow, thanks. I am still naive about some things I guess!

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James you are an AI BOT. Please take it elsewhere.

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No I am a recently retired anesthesiologist. I am a paid subscriber to MWD. I find his articles interesting.

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You were mild. I would have shown her what happens when a fist... finish the rest.

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Arrogant, bought off physicians were shilling shamelessly for their next Big Pharma trickle-down bonus. Disgraceful.

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Doctors have become demons.

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And these are the doctors we can trust? No fricking way.

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The teen clinic is a horrible place at Kaiser where they ban parents from the exam room. Go to family medicine and they require you to be in the room. Very awkward for me as a step-mom taking the boy for a physical, but they have a curtain in the room for some privacy. Best thing I ever did for my daughter. That one visit also for a sports physical felt truly evil.

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I live in the U.K. and only ever took my children to see a doctor (a GP, that is a general practitioner) when they were unwell - I think about three or four times, nearly always with painful ear infections for which, in my naivety, I believed they needed antibiotics - which were always prescribed, because, you know, doctors have a drug answer to everything. In the U.K. then (during the lates 1980s and 1990s) and now, there were/are no such things as ‘wellness visits’ except for newborns, so parents are not subjected to this kind of propaganda and pressure. Why would anyone waste time going to a doctor unless ill? Do you have to for insurance purposes? In my opinion doctors and nurses love to waste everyone’s time and money, either directly or through taxes as in the U.K. They will keep patients waiting for hours, with no or little oversight of admin to make sure there are plenty of mistakes made with appointments. I would not trust anyone who works in the nhs and especially not since the fake plandemic.

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If your doc is giving you crap about an unwanted jab, you could tell them a pharmacist is advising against it, and you figure that one knows more about what’s in the jab and how it operates. Might be interesting.

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Look up your doctors on "Dollars for Docs", where CMS data is presented from about 2016 on. The data are revealing: how much money the doctors take from pharma and device companies. Sad but even letting a pharma rep buy dinner apparently sways a lot of doctors. And some are on the take for millions.

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I had a similar experience with our (former) pediatrician. He shamed me in front of my son and told my son he could blame me if he gets cancer some day.

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My physician told me the cure for cancer! Stop eating for 3 days X’s two weeks and completely cure cancer. You can also use intermittent fasting per Dr. Thomas Seyfried. Either way, anyone can stop cancer!


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Autophagy, I think it's called. Our bodies, deprived of nourishment, eat the cancer cells instead.

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It is a 1972 Harvard article where researchers looked at vaccine date roll outs and concluded that public health measures like sewers, sanitation practices and food refrigeration played an outsized effect on improving life span with vaccines playing a very minor role. Fascinating article.

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Vaccines don’t even exist!

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"Molecule"? Atom, don't you mean? H3O2 is a radical, properly H3O2·.

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A little off topic, but I have read and highlighted your fantastic articles on vaccines. The one question I have is on the Prevnar. You state that you had one adult patient who ended up in the hospital. Could you elaborate? They are pushing the Prevnar-20 on my infant grandson. Thank You!

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https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7772644/ I will try to find the original document and reply here.

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I know this is off topic but wanted to get this article to you.

/Users/Kayak/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Medical Articles/Questioning mortality rate reductions.pdf

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I can't view that; it's a file path on your computer

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Got them all replaced with updated versions - thank you so much!

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In Ontario, Canada, the HPV is free. Promoted to grade 7/8 girls. My youth missed out due to COVID lockdowns. The medical doctor told me last month that it is free till she leaves high school and I should get it done for her. Had earlier doubts to inject the Gardisil but since following you, she will be spared.

Thank you.

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Thank God! It's crippled and killed a multitude of mothers-to-be.

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God can use even Catastrophes to bless us. Romans 8:28. Great decision. Stand firm. Bless you and yours.

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Risk/Benefit ratio drives the decision making with Big Pharma CEO's. They forestalled pulling Vioxx off the market for years because it was such a successful pain reliever. They knew the harm that it was causing. Physicians working for them resigned out of protest because they saw the great harm being created. I estimate that it was 10 times more potent than Celebrex. That's what made it so successful. It was developed by Searle and Rumsfeld sold it to Merck. It would be interesting to know what documentation Merck received from Searle that made them believe it was a safe drug. J & J had a drug called Zomax that caused great harm. Only on the market for 28 months. Same scenario. Been repeated many times by Big Pharma companies. That's why we have about 500 Rx drugs still on the market with death warnings called Black Box Warning.

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I was prescribed Vioxx for an orthopedic issue. After 2nd dose I broke out in hives and stopped taking it. Guess I was lucky.

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Celebrex doesn't work. Angelate and tiglate esters are more effective. (Still, not very.)

What is the time period these liars, Dr. David Graham and Eric Topolotron, disingenuously conceal?

AMD, please don't promote grifting dissimulators! What a fraudulent aviation safety expert! Do you believe using Vioxx during flu increase heart attack rates nine-fold? Just suffer muscle aches, or take immunosuppressive NSAIDs!

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Given 2 Celebrex pre op for anti-inflammatory 15 years ago. Put me back in the hospital with severe stomach pain. Never again.

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Our medical thought learners are apologists to keep their cushy jobs!

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I recently saw some congress person defending the blanket immunity. Sorry I don't have the link anymore. On another I see that Pfizer is being sued for hiding the death of a person during their trial for the jab. The fight is on.

After the jab came out, I sold all my investments that focused on medicine. IMO we can do a lot if we refuse to support these companies both in our investments and using their products.

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Susie Wiles is co chair of a DC lobbying firm for Pfizer, several other big pharma companies and the likes of Heinz, Kraft and Nestle. She has been working hard and very effectively to drum up support for these companies and their poisons in congress for years. She’s near the top of the food chain for those responsible for what has been done by these companies. Musk says that MRNA technology is full of potential as a near magical medicine. Bhattacharya says the COVID vax was quite good at preventing death but was overblown as a preventative to infection. He likes it very much depending on the circumstances. He doesn’t think it should be pulled, just refined. He sounds like one of the Gardasil people. He admits it has some detrimental impacts but also says it’s really helping a lot of people. Trump says the same thing about the Covid vax. These people aren’t going to fix this. They will just use their position to eliminate the competition. The government has always picked winners and losers and it’s not based on merit. It’s based on benefits to the approvers and the pushers. Susie gets it.

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Sad but probably true. I was disheartened to hear about susie in such an influential position. Even if RFKJ gets confirmed, what will he really be able to do in such a scenario? from what i previously heard, Trump's own son is autistic which is why he was somewhat antivax - at least in the past. But then he picked susie?? Musk is scary in many ways, including his enthusiasm for chipping the brains of the populace with his neuralink. And then there are "his" highly polluting and atmosphere-destroying incessant rocket launches to rain microwave radiation down upon us all. Not to mention he reportedly is promoting (and has used) ozempic or wegovy, which by the way novo nordisk proudly admits contain gila monster venom (probably synthesized at this point). Oh, and the government (meaning us) should pay for anyone who wants to inject this toxic cocktail to lose weight? only about $1000 per person per month!!!.

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You need to do better research. None of Trump’s sons are autistic. Musk “lost” a son to transgenderism and I’m not sure if his other son is autistic or not.

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I actually had a read a few times that Baron was on the autistic spectrum.

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Me too.

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Did Musk actually state that he "lost" a son to transgenderism, or is that your term?

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That term could be used. Ask me how I know.

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If Medicare and Medicaid is allowed to pay for drugs such as Ozempic, we will be a much more bankrupt nation in a very short time. Into the trillions just these weight loss drugs could cost us. But drug lords will get their a golden Parachutes.

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You're correct in that the "sneaker head" has all the outward signs of autism, but the cognitive dissonant supporters vilified O'Donnel for sympathetically bringing attention to it.

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Actually if by sneaker head you mean musk, in an interview i heard recently, he admitted to autism, or at least the higher-functioning category of the autism spectrum known as aspergers - i mean, due likely to mass vaxxing and constant exposure to microwave (radiofrequency, etc) radiation, autism is becoming so incredibly common, people are starting to think it is normal. Bizarre and scary, esp as more of these people get into positions of power. I really don't understand why MWD is promoting him.

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Muskie is indeed questionable and scary, but the "sneaker head"is the strange hidden kid of the T man. The bull crap videos on Boob Tube attempting to cover for him should have been very easy to figure out, but the masses ate it up.

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Musk says that mRNA can turn people into butterflies. He says it gives you control over their genetics in the same way that a computer is controlled by code.

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sounds great hunh? and now there is sa mRNA vax - meaning self-amplifiying mRNA, already rolled out in japan a couple of months ago. btw, i just edited the end of my comment with ozempic to reflect the (supposedly current) actual cost - i had read/heard it was $1300 a few weeks ago, but my brain could not wrap itself around the fact that that was for a month, not a year!!! now online i see it's about $1000/month (!)

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I'm hoping Trump might have learned since his first stint, that the unjabbed know what went on and how the vax makers must have their 'No Liability Shield' removed in order to save those who survived the first world Depopulation program. Mick (UK).

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Exactly. If one is invested in almost any mutual fund, they are probably supporting big pharma big-time. Ditto if invested in most stock market index funds.

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This is why I got out of the stock market. The portfolios I had in the past all included companies that had some product(s) that I did not want to invest in due to something that I had a moral objection to.

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me too, tho finding a "clean" investment is not easy.

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Like clean food.

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I alerted my friend, who had a girl the same year I had a boy, about the danger of Gardasil. I'm pretty sure she disregarded my warning. (She lived in So Cal...)

Then, a few years later: it was rolled out for boys too.



Anyway: My former friend and I haven't talked since I took her warning to heart, in early 2021, regarding how I was going to end up in the ICU on a ventilator if I insisted upon endangering myself & the public by not getting the Covid jab, like her co-worker did.

And I had also better quit sending her links to articles about "those 2 assholes" Senator Ron Johnson & Governor DeSantis...

So? I did.

Quit her.

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They are pushing an adult version too. I’ve seen the ads.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


That COVID-19 was the world’s largest game of Simon Says ever achieved.

Gleefully played by, and the upon those, too intellectually immature to comprehend that they were actually playing Musical Chairs - with their lives.


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Sadly many still are. I skipped a recent group meeting because of those who will have been recently vaccinated, some even still wear masks. SMH

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You must live in CA

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I live in the Midwest. I avoid my senior groups at “Booster Time”.

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Thank you for all you do, Midwestern Doctor. God bless you!

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You have to be outright insane to take any vaccine or mRNA poisons and super insane to let your children get this deadly garbage.

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I've indexed a link to your article -

What's the problem with giving the HPV vaxSin to children?


thank you for what you've done ..

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As always, we thank you for these abridged articles, which are great for sharing!

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It's really hard to make them!

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I know it’s hard and TIME CONSUMING! And I appreciate these efforts greatly.

I spend much of my day — and past career — researching, writing, rewriting, editing, and doing it all over again. So I know how very difficult it is to boil tons of research and writing down to its essence so others can understand and share it more easily.

You’ve done it so well (far better than I ever could). Please know how appreciated your efforts are. The body of work you’ve created is astounding and will be used (and cherished) for years to come.

Well done, AMD!

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I'm sure you could get people to jump on board to help, but I know it needs to be fact checked Which also takes time. We appreciate all that you do, and your decisions and how to do it❤️

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The out of control Medical Industrial Complex gravy train has to be derailed.

The Congress and Senate would be a great place to start.

Excellent article and thank you so much for all you do.

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Other forms of birth control = chastity? It has immense benefits.

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And this, too. It's even worse than you think. How about not letting Klaus Schwab decide who lives and dies in Western societies? Schwab proposes a law to die at 70, with few exceptions! [https://x.com/PolFabrice/status/1866757846836109442] [https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/world-leaders-sign-wef-treaty-introducing-age-of-death-laws-in-west/?] [https://x.com/silvano_trotta/status/1867158699266936946]

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Klaus Schwab is nearly 87. How's he merit an exception? How'd he declare this; via necromancy?

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Two things we have learned from the plandemic: mandates for any medical procedure are never justified (personal sovereignty) and doctors must be allowed to use their judgment on how they treat their patients, individually with informed consent, not coerced into following CDC or AI recommendations.

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My daughter was damaged by the Gaurdasil vaccine. Developed Chronic pain, Reynauds and POTS. she is 32 now and navigating life as a wife and mother of 2 with these conditions. I wish I had known then what I know now about all vaccines. It’s hard not to blame myself. Is DMSO something that could help her? Thank you for everything you share.

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Maybe. That helps with the CRPS part (neural therapy can too). She'd probably also want to work on her zeta potential.

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So many are in this boat. And Gardasil is getting heavily pushed into 20s young men right now - many I personally know and their families were already on the vaccine fight and still, the docs tricked them.

My trainer got MS 6 years after Gardasil and went blind. Mostly recovered now after getting away from most of the allopathic drugs and treatments.

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So sorry, you did your best and thought you were doing the best for her health. You were lied to, as we all were.

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Yes, many of use regret what we did. In my case i was unable to see the adverse reaction even though it happened the day after a shot. At least we are aware now.

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Ugh vaccines. A scam to push contagion fear porn like HPV.

News flash, viruses don't cause cancer. Whatever they're detecting as a virus is based on pseudoscience.

Of course, blaming it on imaginary viruses helps many industries get off the hook for pollution and crap in food and medicines.



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