I received this comment via email:

A friend, an aerospace engineer, related what her pediatric neurospecialist/ former college mate related when they met up in the 1990s: the partner in the college mate's practice used extensive ultrasound on their high risk pregnancies, while the college mate never did, and outcomes even in unknown and high risk situations were always better for the infants who had not received ultrasounds.

Thanks so much for your articles.

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Quoted from the article under Fetal Reactivity:

'One of the first things that made me suspicious of ultrasound was noticing that once ultrasound was applied, fetuses would react to it, and *often seem as though they were trying to get away from it* as the probe was directed towards them—which suggested, contrary to what we were told, ultrasound was not inert.' [Asterisks are mine]

Perhaps doctors should *reassess* the fetal/embryonic process in general. Human embryos develop ALL neurological networks, tactile sensory networks, bone and skeletal structures, all major organ systems, and essential brain function in LESS THAN NINE MONTHS. It's a goddamn miracle. Hello???

Any of these alleged "doctors" requiring informed consent of the fetus? Anyone asking the trillions of cells and molecules if it's alright to irradiate them into permanent deformation? Perhaps "doctors" could reassess the entire birthing paradigm - prior to applying completely unnecessary modalities and procedures... I'm sure the fetus would appreciate your concern.

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I started reading this but had to stop when I got to the part about the potential effects of ultrasound. My OB loved his ultrasound - he used it at every appointment. I got extra ultrasound too with my MODI twins, because they were twins, and my other kids to because I was "advanced maternal age."

All four of my kids have speech delays. They have weaker in academics and PE. The twins are mildly autistic.

I'm going to go cry in the corner.

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You didn’t know 💞🤷‍♀️

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Darlin', don't blame yourself. We as mothers blame ourselves for far too much as it is.

We were trained to trust doctors.

Remember when smoking was 'a thing' and touted as a way to 'relax and unwind'? INSANE but we learn.

I remember growing up where it was considered POLITE to have an ashtray on every coffee table! Talk about cray cray and all the second hand smoke.

Be strong, Mama. You're okay. God loves you and your babies too. XOXO

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Rebecca - give yourself grace. God has given it to you.

You didn’t know. We all do better once we know.

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Dearest Rebecca! Your family are a gift from God and a wonderful blessings to you! My beautiful daughter, Noelle, was diagnosed with a brain tumour aged 8 years old! She died at age 11, R.I.P! I had many, many scans most esp. during the first 3 critical months of my pregnancy! You are a beautiful Mother, loved by Him, Almighty God!

Thank you Rebecca! Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland! 🙏 ❤️ xxx

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I am so sorry about your daughter

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Thank you Kristina! Please see www.vaticancatholic.com

The most beautiful and interesting website in the world!

God bless you from Ireland 🇮🇪 ❤️ 🙏 xx

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I am sorry. It is one possibility for the delays but it's not 100% for sure the reason. Almost all children now have ultrasounds but they don't all have speech delays. So it could be a combination of factors. Tylenol is being sued now as well for autism. And the Midwestern doctor also mentioned vaccines. There's some who blame the cell phones. So we really don't know for sure that is what caused problems for your children.


Governor Newsom has dyslexia and although I don't often agree woth him. I can admire how he uses text to speech apps to play everything he needs to read. He has been successful. Elon Musk has been incredibly successful and he has asbergers. Robert Kennedy is a leader in health but has a voice impairment. There are many successful people that might seem to have a knock against them but it doesn't get them down. So keep on going, it is about moving forward in struggles that makes the difference for people.

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Thanks for this information! However, the single most critical and important thing for them is to Get Right With God! Please see www.vaticancatholic.com

In charity, please study and pray! 🙏

God bless you! ❤️ from Ireland xx

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In my life I’ve had quite a few things done against my will, and they’ve caused great harm to me.

Every so often when I tell my story to someone they inevitably make an observation along the lines of, “so you were basically robbed of _______.”

My reply to that is always as follows:

“If I was to go back in time and change things in my past, then objectively speaking everything going forward would also change. It’s possible that my life could have been a whole lot better, but it’s possible that my life could have been a whole lot worse. For instance, a change could have resulted in me being killed by a drunk driver, and I would have had no life at all.”

I hope you take the time to give your children a hug, and also give yourself a hug. Everything in your shared past has culminated into the wonderful people you all are today, and that’s worth cherishing exactly how it is. ❤️

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And there are many holistic practitioners who can help your children, too, so don't give up!

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I feel for you and your children. I am glad that you know what caused the problems.

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I feel your sadness and distress Rebecca, as likely do so many of us here. Who knew? None of us did. Sadly REbecca we all have similar stories - if not allegedly from u/sounds and jabs.

We all place/d our lives, and those of our children, in the hands of those who we believe/d know / knew better than us.

We all have to do the best we can now, with new knowledge.

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My son and his wife are expecting twins and their doctor wants them to have an ultrasound every two weeks because she is considered high risk- because of twins. It makes me sick to my stomach!

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Please say No to their so-called doctor……what a fool! He needs to go! Please listen Carefully ito Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Jennifer Daniels and Dr. Matthias Rath, Brilliant Doctors that you can trust and rely on! A Home Birth is a safe birth! This should be deeply considered…….please see the information on






Do the research Please as a matter of urgency!

Say No to all unnecessary and unwanted medical procedures……full stop!

My beautiful daughter, Noelle R.I.P., died from brain tumour aged 11 years old! I do not want Anyone to suffer what we say her go through! My heart ❤️ is still broken! I had many, many ultrasound scans during the first trimester because of my ignorance…..please do not place your trust in the medical profession! They are trained by BigPharma! God blessed us with two beautiful home births! Two fabulous wonderful young adults now! Thanks be to God!

My only interest now is to convert to the Traditional Catholic Faith and spend eternity in Heaven to see my precious daughter, again! Outside The Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation! This was news to me until very recently! I fully believed in universal salvation! Wow! Was in for a shock! I’ve learned how to convert through www.vaticancatholic.com

Please take the time, plenty time to study and pray! Thank you 🙏 and May ALMIGHTY God bless you and your Loved Ones! ❤️ from 🇮🇪 Xx My email address is; familywrenne@yahoo.com

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My DIL had ultrasounds and now I am wondering if that is why My grandson who is over 2 cannot say one word. He just makes noise. Their pediatrician told them he needs speech therapy.

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I wonder the same thing regarding my son. He’s two and really only says mama. Because of my age, they did want several. I had decline one. At the end, when I was 41w3, I had to do a BPP to continue to attempt a home birth, which was a 30 min ultrasound. I scored too low for my midwife to help me and the OB said I needed a c-section that night. For my current pregnancy, I am staying away from the medicalized model.

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Give more time Beth! Please pray 🙏 for your precious Grandson! God will answer all sincere prayer when it’s from a sincere heart! Please visit with the following websites: www.vaticancatholic.com www.naturalnews.com BitChute.com Brighteon.com

Do the research please Beth! Take plenty of time! The information is incredible! Spiritual, physical, emotional and other advise : but you need study and Please Pray!

Thank you and May you and your family be truly blessed by Heaven 🙏 ❤️ 🇮🇪 xx

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I think it would be a totally positive and productive if you brought your children to a pediatrician that also specializes in anthroposophical medicine (Rudolph Steiner)

Rebecca, feel at liberty to contact me (I have no vested interest) and perhaps I can help guide you. My email is: preventivedoc@aol.com

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Dear Esther! Greetings and many blessings from Ireland! I would love to have some advise for my Grandchild please? My email address is ; familywrenne@yahoo.com

Without your permission, I do not want to make direct contact with you! Thank you so very much for any advise that you may have in advance!! God bless you Esther and thank you for your generosity to Rebecca! 🙏 and much love ❤️ xx

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No worries. Let’s do it here so others can possibly benefit. I want you to google anthroposophical doctors in Ireland and see what comes up. Uriel pharmacy is their educational outlet for the most part, so look for these words

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Thank you Esther! God bless you! I’m doing the research now….

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Thank you for bringing this important issue to light. We should all remember the 'Precautionary Principle'. If something is not a part of the natural environment humans evolved / were created to thrive in, we should ASSUME it is harmful, until proven otherwise.

That said, so much of what passes for research ha been hijacked, primarily by the profit interests of massive corporations.

Why do so many people assume that corporations respect their rights, much less care about them.

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The precautionary principle has saved me more times than I can count.

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My paranoia has saved me from many things...oops I mean 'precautionary principle'...*wink/nudge*...

Sometimes the 'conspiracy theorists' are terrifyingly right. (Psst! It's A COOKBOOK)!

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That works, too! lol!

'Question everything.' Another principle to live by. If we are not allowed to question something, if we are discouraged from, berated for, or censored for asking questions about something, that tells us a lot.

('To Serve Man' - 'It's a cookbook!")


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Exactly ! So "Safe and effective" means: be carefull, be very carefull.

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My grandson was just sitting up in the high chair and they were eating dinner with us . We were eating on the back patio and bees were flying around us . I made a buzzing sound and he jumped and began to scream cry. My daughter immediately knew why .She told me it was because they made that sound when she was pregnant and doing ultrasounds on her in order to make him move.

We ALL realized it was traumatic.

My husband has benign kinetic tremors and a NP working for my GP recommended a physician who can try to stop these tremors .how? Targeted Ultrasound into the brain.......I am going to read this more carefully.Thank you Dr.

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This is fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

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You're most welcome. He is 18 now but none of us will forget it. my daughter knew right away because she would feel his tiny body jump when the Ultrasound Tech used that buzzer.

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Unfortunately giving birth has turned into a medical procedure. Where is the time that the father to be went into the woods with his pregnant wife, found a large, sturdy limb for her to hold on to, and they had the child right there... I have seen a film of this, among native Americans, and it looked like the most romantic way of giving birth. Or just have a midwife, in this is too troublesome. But since giving birth has become a medical factor, it seems more babies die than ever! Give it to humans and they will ruin it.

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When an MD relative of mine who works in a hospital was pregnant ~2 years ago, she had a tech do ultrasounds on her very often, sometimes as much as weekly… she essentially viewed it as a way to amass an extensive photo album even before her child was born.

To say I cringed after becoming aware of her routine, is a huge understatement. To be honest, I got very angry.

To extrapolate upon this dynamic… I think this speaks to a larger predicament that many people, including myself are in.

When an individual has MD relatives who practice bad medicine, and patients (and patient’s loved ones) suffer as a result, it’s a rough conversation to have, but one that I believe needs to receive more attention.

I think a prime example is an individual whose MD relative denied Covid patients treatments such as Ivermectin or HCQ, pushed Covid vaccines, exhibited negligence, ignorance, willful ignorance, or worse over the past 5 years.

No one wants to see their relatives have their lives upended due to legal ramifications of their actions or inactions. But if one puts themselves in the position of the patient (and their family) they harmed, I would hope one would be able to demonstrate the empathy required to understand that if they were the patient (or their family) it would go without saying that seeking justice is a pursuit well worth supporting.

I’ve had this dialogue a number of times over the past ~2 years, and it’s very complicated; what I’ve included above doesn’t scratch the surface.

But I just wanted to add this dynamic to the comment section because I think it’s worth it for more people to spend time examining as many angles as possible, and entertain the wide array of variables and nuances that exist depending on the case.

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At some point I want to write an article about the experiences of children of doctors.

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I home birthed my daughter with midwives before it was 'cool'. She (midwife) only let us hear our daughter's heartbeat which sounded faster than a puppy's when she was still wee. She never did ultrasounds (thank goodness).

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God bless you and keep you! Are you familiar with the wonderful website www.vaticancatholic.com

Listen carefully to the many videos, debates and discussions…..read the critical information and news! On the Covid 19 hoax discussed by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan and Mike Adams of www.naturalnews.com

You’ll definitely be interested! Heartfelt prayers and blessings from Ireland! 🙏 ❤️ xx

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If I could go back in time, I would do that.

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My favorite parts of Covid:

The Doctors

Of The Medical Freedom Movement

Are Fighting For Their Reputations.

They’re Not Fighting For The Truth.

They Can’t. Because The Truth

Will Destroy Their Profession

And Consequently Their Reputations.

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It's like being red-pilled while watching the oath to "DO NO HARM" sneakily removed...

The cruelty of people dying and not being allowed to even hold their loved ones while they passed away makes me especially furious.

The sword of truth is coming for those mofos.

The good doctors trying to sound the alarm and being silenced is equally egregious.

Karma train is comin'.

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There will be someone that turns the table over.

Paul Marik is close.

He just doesn’t realize, yet, that it’s all Sepsis.

But he has his thumb on it.

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Somewhere between an ultrasound at 20 weeks and the one I had at 42 weeks, it was determined my son had hydrocephalus. This was 25+ years ago (after shunt placement and a healthy childhood, he is a well-educated professional so this has a happy ending) But I always wondered. I was scrupulous in my pregnancy, no trauma or family history of anything related and always had trouble accepting that it was idiopathic.

Could this have been the result of ultrasound?

By the time my second son was born, they had advanced to 3D sonograms which they wanted to do often due to the issues with my firstborn in utero. He ended up with a growth hormone deficiency.

It is hard to know what is simply a cell gone wrong in development and what was helped along by external forces. And at this late date, not worth dwelling on. But I do hope better, more humane advice & practitioners exist when my own kids decide to become parents.

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Thank you so very much! Please see www.vaticancatholic.com

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Ultrasound, vaccines during pregnancy - it's unbelievable what we willingly do, because someone with a title tells us we should. I recall in the 1980's everyone pregnant was told don't even take a single Tylenol without thinking carefully before hand, that your body is building another little person and we should be careful about what building blocks we supplied. The only women I knew who got ultrasounds had high risks back then. Guess, they were still building up to the all out assault campaign. By the mid 1990's they had the ultra sound machines everywhere and every OB/GYN participated and sent patients to get their scan(s).

(I sure hope RFK can put a stop to some of this stuff)

From our CDC's page -

"Did you know a baby can get some disease protection from their mom during pregnancy? Getting flu, Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19 vaccines while you're pregnant helps your body create protective antibodies (proteins produced by the body to fight off diseases),"


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Good work Doctor. The truth is hard to look at.

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It's depressing to read about all of these unnecessary (at best) and harmful procedures.

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As a left handed woman whose partner was a left handed man and we had a left handed child, why is the increase in left handedness a valid concern? I think I had two ultrasounds in the first half of my pregnancy back in 1992, and during the first one, my son did a somersault while the doc was looking at him. I remember the doc getting very excited because he'd never seen that before. We did have one more because I nearly passed out a couple of times at around 18 weeks, I was a slightly older mother (35) and had suffered some damage to my cervix a couple of years earlier, thanks to an abnormal pap smear that was considered pre-cancerous. At that time, they were not yet using lasers to cauterize the area after outpatient surgery, so when the sutures dissolved every 10 days, I hemorrhaged 3 different times before another surgeon finally got it right. That was fun. So they were apparently worried that I might be at risk for miscarriage. However, my son was born on time and with (2) 10's on the APGAR scale. He did however, have a bad reaction to the DTP shot at age 6 months, his pediatrician refused to acknowledge it, didn't even tell me there was a reporting system for that, and had no clue how to fix it. I was so fortunate to have a connection to a good naturopath who had way more of a clue, we thankfully were able to resolve it, and I stopped all shots. He was subsequently always one of the healthiest kids in school, despite having overcome those obstacles, which I believe was because he got no more shots and we fed him far less garbage food than most of his peers. There's more to this story, but thank God he was so strong and resilient. I had no clue about these things and quickly learned the hard way about how badly this system treats us.

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Interesting, but that article makes my father, me and my son's father anomalies, since none of us were exposed to any unusual stress, ultrasounds, or for that matter a bunch of vaccines, much of which happened well after our dates of birth. I am also in the top 2% for IQ score, and there are some tests that show that left handers use both hemispheres of the brain to some degree more than right handers. That article also underestimates the percentage of left handers, which is now somewhere around 13% and yes, only about 1/4 of that number are women. All three of the presidential candidates in 1992 were left handers, and all 3 were decidedly overachievers. Maybe it makes a difference whether we are products of genetics or some external force, which of course comes with other damage that makes people more prone to certain illnesses.

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Is the danger limited to prenatal ultrasounds are are ultrasounds also potentially harmful for adults? In other words, do we also need to be concerned with getting ultrasound scans as diagnostic tool or using it as a treatment therapy? Does the location make a difference for example internal organs, ankles, knees, spine?

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Early developing tissues are the most sensitive to it.

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Thank you for your work, Doctor.

What about tissues that were damaged and are in the healing process? I am having a sequence of PRP injections and now I'm wondering if the ultrasound guidance on shot #2, given several weeks to a couple months after the first one, is counterproductive for the recently healing tissues. I'm also wondering about the cell danger response which can lead to increased pain signaling? One reason for the PRP is impact damage, the other hoped for benefit is cell reset, if that's all that can be achieved.

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It is used in lithotripsy to break up kidney stones. When I first read about it I thought it was a great alternative to surgery but later I also read some patients developed high blood pressure from the procedure

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Something else to be wary off. My daughter, pregnant first time, wanted visual proof earlier than 12 week appt. first scan done in UK. They went to a private clinic where they were told the fetus was 7 weeks and had a strong heart beat. This scan made them both feel confident. However, 17 days later, she experienced a traumatic miscarriage. I wondered if it was related to 2x Moderna taken in 2021 and now am wondering if it was the scan. Is 12 wks normal and why? Do they know early scans dangerous, or too small? Are there protocols to scan not before, or, only after 12 gestation? The miscarriage was just last week, too, my first grandchild.

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So sorry to hear.

I think in any one case it can be really hard to tell what caused the miscarriage.

Back in 2017 my family doctor wanted me to go for an ultrasound early around 7-9 weeks to check for an ectopic pregnancy because he did emergency room shifts and saw those cases occasionally. So I got to see my son around 8 weeks old. He is a healthy 6 year old now. Yes it is early and here in Ontario Canada they usually do 2 ultrasounds, one at 12 weeks and one later near 30 weeks. In my case, they were not able to use the early scan for "dating purposes" because the scan was too early. I believe they aim for 12 weeks to get the most accurate age of the baby. (Imho, not worth fretting about, but, I'm not them.)

My midwives also listened to the heartbeat with ultrasound each appointment. However, I developed a sensitivity to the ultrasound gel so my 3rd and 4th kids had much less ultrasound exposure.

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Doc AMD, are you for or against circumcision?

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Against. There's a good case circumcisions can have real harms that outweigh any potential benefits of it and while I've met numerous men who wished they had not been circumcized because of some of those harms, I have not met any man who wished they had been. Because of that, I don't believe the parent should be allowed to consent for the procedure before the boy is capable of deciding themselves. When I've asked physicians who perform them about this, most aren't familiar with the evidence for or against it and rather just do it because everyone does and you can routinely bill for it.

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Well, I am most certainly for it, firstly because of its covenant nature with Almighty God and secondly, with regards to the cleanliness of the appendage. Every woman I know with a UTI has an uncircumcised husband.

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UTI's are easily curable, circ. has a life long result. Would you support female circ. if some imam says it is for your health?

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There are no health benefits to female circumcision. None! But there are many, with regards to male circumcision. Have you asked yourself why God mandated male circumcision with Jews? It wasn't only about a covenant. Think about it. UTIs are not easily curable. Ask the women who are struck with it, time after time after time, after time ...

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The Jewish Bible is nonsense and not the original word of god. Jews are not “the chosen people”. Judaism is wrought with child sacrifice and child murder and abuse. If you followed everything in the Torah you would be satanic. This is the main reason why Jews used to be banned from many countries over and over again throughout history: the disappearance and murder of children for sacrificial purposes. Moving on from this, however, GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES. Why would god mandate that you cut off a body part that he made. Humans are perfection. REGARDLESS of this fact, circumcision is child abuse. It causes pain and suffering and real trauma to the baby. Imagine being born and all you feel is fear and confusion until you are held by your mother. Imagine they pull you from her womb, she holds you for a few minutes, and then you are whisked away and strapped to a table without anaesthetic, and have a large portion of a very important organ CUT OFF of you, and if you’re Jewish, a MAN sucks on your penis after the procedure. Your parents failed to protect you and this is the first life experience for you. Absolutely fucking horrific. It is EVIL. And the bullshit about UTI being caused by uncircumcised men is ridiculous, what about the women who get them? Ask what they are eating (lots of sugar? Inflammatory foods?) and ask about their own cleanliness, what caustic and irritating chemicals do they wash their bodies with or their laundry? Are they washing their hands before foreplay? Do they allow their husbands to use saliva down in their lady parts? How the hell do you know it’s because he’s uncircumcised, absolutely stupid and ridiculous. I’ve only gotten a UTI ONCE in my life and it was directly after my husband used saliva which I do not believe belongs down there. Circumcision is evil and is child abuse. Very traumatic with lasting consequences. And you’re teaching the male violence is acceptable and consent doesn’t matter. Deep subconscious rage from circumcision materializes in many other ways. Think about it. And for goodness sake god would never mandate such horror.

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I have started having uti’s after I started having sex. All my partners were circumcised. Finally, my old family gp told me to pee after sex and that virtually eliminated them. My husband was uncircumcised and it was never a problem.

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I am 70 and was circumcised as a baby and have had no regrets, but not surprised that there can be trouble, but I have read there can be trouble with the uncircumcised also.

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