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It's a simplistic and convenient approach. Big pharma & big biotech don't prescribe their own drugs to patients - physicians prescribe these drugs. Big pharma & big biotech risking/putting own money upfront into developing of drugs, which costs a huge fortune, not knowing what would be the outcome of each development.

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The drug companies usually own the labs that do the research on their meds now, and they keep the results proprietary, and then cook the results that get published. The system is pretty rotten. But don't take my word for it. John Abramson, an MD, has written two books that describe what a mess we have in the US. The books are "Overdosed America" and "Sickening". He's probably paid a price for exposing what goes on. I don't necessarily think he has the answers but he does a pretty respectable job of explaining the corruption of the drug companies and their flunkies in medicine.

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Yes, a huge conflict of interest. Thanks for the book titles, will check them out.

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Big pharma peddles their drugs to the doctors who prescribe. I was once a physician's nurse, & saw it firsthand. And doctors get kickbacks for doing so. And by advertising on TV, people have requested meds from their doctors, which puts money into big pharma's pockets.

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It's not exactly a kindergarten. Physician are grown-ups and nobody twists their arm to take kickbacks by force, no excuses for such corruption. Let's call a spade a spade.

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Much of their supposed research is done in the universities which get the grants from us the taxpayers to do the research and much of the development. The drug companies know well how to cut their costs.

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@Janet - How much do you actually know about drug development vs. read/think you know? I mean actual, first hand not the second-hand knowledge.

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I. Sure itтАЩs expensive but as in the case of much of the Covid jab research was done in universities like Bariks, Oxford, or other labs. Wuhan isnтАЩt a pharmaceutical company. we do pay for much of this research. ItтАЩs ridiculous to think the pharmaceuticals pay for it all. IтАЩve read most money goes to PR. The manufacture is contracted out. The patents for these things have the names of many universities and scientists then PHARMA buys it or pays royalties. Check FAUCIs royalties he denied he got. His whole department did. Do you work for them?

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If you meant $615K paid to Wuhan lab since 2014/15 to investigate viruses @ their origin, in the clinical research world, it's not really that much.

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Royalties paid to Fauci amount to far more than what was paid to Wuhan labs. That's another source of corruption: the royalties to federal employees working on drug development.

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You seem to mix up a lot of things into the same pile.

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Perhaps you could be more specific. You seem to have some inside knowledge of pharma. Would you care to share any of it?

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Fauci was the highest paid employee In the entire U.S. Fed Government - $417,608/year, he's out-earning the US President. So Wuhan lab's scientists getting in total $615K since 2014/15 is hardly impressive if split it by year. Also, Dr Anthony Fauci told the BMJ that for interleukin 2 he got in total $45K since 1997, and donated it to charity. Did anyone disprove it? What I'm saying, you repeat what you read without critical thinking, and so much of it going on that it cloaks what's really going on with all the semi-literate outrage against "the pharma." Why don't your check you own medical cabinet - there is nothing in it produced by "the pharma?" Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water & stick to facts.

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I used to be involved in research (medical photography) sorry folks a lot of money changing hands! Proud to have quit that job !Thats before whistleblowers were good guys.

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