They use lots of different mediums to “grow” viruses for study. Moths are used for some vaccines. Your nice egg from a real farm is fine. If the chickens are eating crap like in the human processed food system today then you’ve got a bigger problem. They will say anything to demonize healthy food to keep big pharma happy.
Go down the virus rabbit hole. Follow Dr Tom Cowan, Dr. AndrewKaufman, Drs. Sam and Mark, Bailey, Alec Zeck and others who explain that viruses are not real . Virology is one big house of cards.
I read about a study that included a few hundred thousand statin users and which stretched over decades. One of the findings was that statins increased life span by 8 hours. Weigh that against the side effects that patients have to endure and the added chronic chemicals that they have to take to counter the side effects. Another thing: I saw in a video how a doctor explained that a few decades ago, cholesterol had to be substantially higher than currently, before it was considered dangerously elevated. But pharma spread the idea that danger is imminent at currently adhered to levels so that statins could be prescribed sooner.
Betcha the time going to the pharmacy, let alone the time spent earning the money to pay for these prescriptions (or the ridiculous prescription insurance) exceed 8 hours.
Note: I find the claim taking them increase life span by 8 hours to also be highly questionable. Can you live without mevalonic acid and its metabolites?
What about the “if you have had cardiovascular events, taking statins will help” thing. My husband’s excuse for staying on them. I try to point out the utter crap snacks he eats but to no avail. He’s hiding his statin damage but I see it.
Me too. I show him studies which state that NO woman, and no man over 70 (that's him) should be taking these.
But I don't have a white coat, so he does what white coats tell him. And while he doesn't quite eat crap, he is obese, and eats too much of what he does eat. Or too often, or something.
99 have to take statins to have one less cardiovascular event in one person and just prolongs life a few days. Useless. My husband has had a stroke and heart bypass. He religiously takes them but he seems to be losing energy fast.
Give me a break! Our research finding like the one you quote are pure hogwash. I have an MA in Research and Evaluation Methodology. Research is a game, easily cheated. What has happened to common sense? Your body is a miracle healer and we mostly interfere. This is a good example.
Over 8 years ago after having stents put in a couple of blocked arteries, I was put on 80mg of Lipitor. Not knowing anything about it at the time I mistakenly trusted the cardiologist. About 7 months later I started having problems with light headedness, joint pain, muscle cramps, big spikes in blood pressure, and a feeling of doom. This started a year and a half journey of trying to figure out what the problem was. When I would talk to the cardiologist and ask that we try to figure out what was causing this, they would offer up an additional blood pressure prescription. I knew it had something to do with blood sugar and I would modify my diet which would work for a time, then back on the physical/emotional roller coaster again. In 2018 when sitting in an integrative medicine specialist’s office waiting to have some blood work done I spotted ‘The Blood Sugar Solution’ on their bookshelf in the waiting room. I grabbed it, looked through the table of contents and found a chapter that I thought might be interesting. After reading that chapter I realized that the author had just described everything I had been going through for the last year and a half. Long story short, I quit Lipitor. At the next cardiologist visit in March of 2019, I informed the Dr. that I had quit taking Lipitor. He said that he would prescribe another statin, to which I replied, “No more statins for me.” He had a temper tantrum there in his office and slammed his clipboard down. It took until the end of the following summer before I had my stamina back and was able to hike back in the high country again. I haven’t seen the cardiologist since and am fit and healthy, no thanks to them.
After what I described above, and what the medical profession did to my wife in 2021 during Covid, I have absolutely no confidence in allopathic medicine. If I break a bone or something like that, I’ll go and see them, otherwise, I’ll never walk through their doors again.
I do not trust Doctors or hospitals at all. I had a friend who is older, fell breaking bones that needed 2 surgeries. She never had the Covid shot. After the second surgery the Doctor told her what they found : a large string of blood clots that if undiscovered would have killed her. My best guess is she was administered the Covid bioweapon shot without her knowledge. The Doctor said he is keeping it for textbooks. By all rights she should have died from the string of clots. I lost 2 friends this year from turbo cancer- the legs of both died needing amputations that they didn’t survive. Mad as hell that this all happened.
Excellent discourse Jack, thank you and well done for finally figuring it out. In 2020, I researched a lot and had an excellent doc in Australia to guide me. He advised to boost my immune system using Vits C & D, zinc (with an ionophore like green tea). I am 80 and have been fit as a fiddle ever since; I avoid all vaxxes and Big Pharma products now. My doc writes weekly articles focusing on Covid & Vaxx damage:
I feel the same. I didn’t take statins but it had to do with always trying to put a drug in my life. One primary physician wanted to check diabetes. No diabetes in my entire family, I later read this was the new scheme big Pharma had suggested. I quit Doctors because they work for big pharmaceutical companies not for my health.
Now if I need a doctor for anything at all I dont even mention my family history. I dont want them diagnosing me with something I dont have thinking I'll believe it because it "runs In my family".
We noticed a fairly noticeable decline in our father 20 years ago after he started taking statins. Rapid aging was noticeable but, of course, we didn't suspect statins. It was more like we thought good thing he's on them or he might be worse! It made him feel like he had a security net, actually.
Also, recently in my sister, who developed memory loss and congestive heart failure after taking it for two years, but that was just attributed to decline of health due to age and lifestyle in her case. Maybe it was, but now I think maybe not.
You have to wonder how many people have been diagnosed with dementia that is actually caused by taking statins.
Same happened to my dad. And then they say it's hereditary, but we know of no one who's got that in his family (17 brothers and sisters!!). He was one of the youngest so the older ones never got flu shots and statins like he did. BUT: next his younger sister who was also on statins soon followed.
I had a mate on Wegovy check into hospital last month with horrible gastrointestinal distress. They put him on IV and antibiotics for the "bug" but I'm certain they didn't check the Wegovy. (but at least the experience caused him to quit Wegovy, whether he made the connection or not).
Mum was on statins well into her 70's and possibly into her 80's (I wasn't allowed to see her drug list, because they knew I would protest). Mum was also on benzos for 40 years. Mum was also a low-fat fanatic, keeping it down to under 15 g a day for awhile. Mum avoided salt and butter - found the "butteriest" margarine. Mum had some distant, early trauma that she could never admit or face. Mum died of/with dementia. Her decline was well in place when Mum took the Fizer, and she deteriorated after that, getting moved to a new specialist dementia facility, where she did okay for about a year before she got stroppy and they couldn't help her anymore. 2 years from Fizer to death, so she was lucky, I guess.
My point is - we never know which insult was the straw that broke the camel's back.
In 2008 my Dr wanted me to start a Statin Drug…gave me a prescription for Lipitor…I came home and did a lot of research on this drug and found many things. Needless to say I never had the prescription filled and went on my own natural Cholesterol Busting Diet as I like to call it. Anyway, what I found was that any Statin Drug that was offered was supposed to be taken with CoQ10…that was something they knew from the very beginning regarding the Statin Drugs….
I have a friend that was taking the Lipitor and shared with her this information, I advised her to take this info and show her Doctor, which she did…He told her ‘It won’t hurt to take it so go ahead”…. What a totally ignorant response by her Doctor, BUT she started taking it and has been ever since….Thank goodness.
If one looks hard enough and researches hard enough they can, or at least could find all the information regarding the Statin Drugs and just how Dangerous they were and are to one’s body….
I thank God that I found Dr. Don Colbert from the U.S. I read his little books on lowering Bad Cholesterol naturally and went from a total count of 12 to 5.8 in just over 8 weeks…..
I also found out by researching that the problem lies mainly with Triglycerides which are in the blood and not HDL or LDL….anyway, get that one down and the rest will follow as well as the Good Cholesterol will rise…..
Just sharing my own experience….
Also, one must be ‘willing’ to change their eating habits and lifestyle and mean it…when you fall off the wagon as they say, pick yourself up and get going again…no one is perfect but keeping your eyes on the prize, which is better health and living is worth the getting up and getting back in the race…
Like my Doctor told me when I told him I would get it down myself my way, he said, “well, I am just tying to keep you alive, and doing it yourself will be pretty much impossible as not many people do it without the help of Statin’s” ….. He was singing a different tune after my blood test results came in….I say that not to boast because it was Dr. Don Colbert’s information that gave me all the information I needed to accomplish what I was told couldn’t be accomplished without the Statin Drug…..God Bless that Man…
"Atherosclerosis is not a bland lipid storage is a chronic inflammatory disease" Quote by Dr. Peter Libby Harvard medical school. When the arteries are inflamed, the immune system/body reacts by producing plaque. The solution is prevention which is found in wholesome food void of chemicals. (Organic) Many before Midwest Doc have written on the subject, but as long as the FDA and Big Medicine direct the physicians to prescribe a statin which interferes with normal cholesterol levels as the only way to solve the problem, we don't have a solution. Today, physicians are rated on their ability to prescribe statins and injections. A documentary video called "Forks over Knives" follows the careers of two physicians that understood the source of the problem and demonstrated that dietary changes reduced the risk greatly. Also, avoid Omega 6 sources which are found in beef cattle raised on corn reduces the risk. Grass fed sources deliver the healthy Omega -3. Met two widows in my retirement community who lost their husbands because they were overdosed on statins and their liver was destroyed. While under care for their health issue the physicians didn't have the sense to stop them from taking the statin drug. It is my understanding that the statistical evidence says for every 100 humans on the statin drug, about 1/2 a life will be saved. I wonder how many deaths occur that are not reported to be caused by statin drugs. Merck should be held criminally liable for marketing Mevacor and not telling the physicians that Co Q 10 will be depleted which is essential for healthy liver function as well as the heart. They had two patents on that combination of Mevacor and Co Q 10 but never brought it to market.
Have you noticed that even though there is good outcome data to use colchicine for its antinflammatory benefits in coronary artery disease .. it is not being used due the “authorities “ not pushing its use . Pharmaceutical companies are coming up with high cost patentable anti inflammatory meds to reduce inflammation which is the main driver for cad as you pointed . Since colchicine is off patent and costs pennies they really play up its side effects and drug interactions to dissuade prescribing which is a shame as it has been used in gout patients at low doses without significant safety concerns.
The list of potentially useful substances the Pharma Government Complex wants us all to avoid is long and getting longer. They really went over the top with their pogram against ivermectin. I suspect it was because they knew it could help shrink some cancers. (See the work of Dr Thomas Siefried, in Boston)
Then there is Dimethyl Sulfoxide.or DMSO. I was developing a trigger finger and topical application seemed to get deep into the pulley and clear up the inflammation. They hounded people for years over DMSO, but there is a sort of a truce these days, although most providers will look at you like you need to be committed if you mention it.
Then there is Chloride Dioxide, originally a non-toxic water treatment that seems to have been abandoned for more cancer causing compounds in many municipal systems. Many people are using low concentrations to address infection. As a broad spectrum killer of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa my concern is its effect on the gut biome. My cousin's husband has Parkinson's and he feels it has slowed progression by bathing in a tub with 100 drops added--(frequency unknown.)
A synthetic compound originally used as a dye called Methylene Blue medically has been used to treat carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning, as well as methemoglobinemia, a rare condition that affects the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. Claims are it helps depression, infection, cognition, and is mediated by its action in the mitochondria.
As a new subscriber, I may be way off here, since there could be extant articles by the MW doctor. I will differ to his comments on all of my chatter here.
Please refer to the earlier studies done in Israel using colchicine acutely post MI … there were robust benefits . Then the later study protocols started it a week or 2 after the MI so the results looked less effective. It’s almost as if “ efforts were made” to diminish its effectiveness. Timing of drug delivery can impact the results like in the sepsis trials using IV vitamin C in the ER or 1st sign of sepsis showing benefits vs designing trials to start IV vitamin C few days into the sepsis where it showed less beneficial outcomes.
There are studies published which showed reduced incidence of MI in gout patients who had been taking colchicine for years !! Also I want to mention that colchicine was available as an IV drug and was used in higher doses hence the side effects of pancytopenia were a concern . The IV formulation is no longer available and with lower dose oral use long term data has shown safety comparable to placebo.
That’s why I believe it is the Triglycerides that cause the problem….not what your own body makes…it is always what is put into your body from without not from what your body produces…..
I figure at 76 I do not have pristine arteries so I just eat as clean as I can, have a high D3, no arthritis , I can walk a few miles fine and get outdoors often all year. I deal with short term stuff with alternative treatments and right now, DMSO. Oh, most important, I stay out of conventional doctors offices if I can.
Cholesterol is cholesterol; stereoisomers aside. Only nat-cholesterol occurs naturally, so what do you mean, "a dozen different cholesterols in your body"? Derivatives and degradation products?
I suffered 30 years from migraines, until I learned that the liver emulsifies fat and breaks it down with bile.. I was eating so many "good" foods that contained fat...and didn't know that there is a limit to the amount of fat that one's body can handle on a daily basis. I was eating lots of salads with dressings. One Tablespoon of oil is 14 - 15 grams of fat. Nobody should be using 50 grams of fat daily...and I was eating far more. Modern machinery has made it very easy to over indulge in fat. I eliminated all fat for awhile, then added back foods which contained fat. I have a kitchen scale with grams/ounces.pounds and keep a food journal. I calculate the fat grams in all the foods I eat daily and try to keep them under 30 grams daily. It isn't easy. However, In the last 31 years I have not had one headache.
Cutting §PUFAS means you don’t have to slam Omega 3s like you get pushed to do everywhere. Omega 3s oxidize just as bad and most fish oils are rancid in the bottle already no matter what they say. I quit and I get enough in my diet. We really can’t believe everything the alternative health gurus say either.
True! Oil becomes rancid in a sort period of time. Everyone is genetically unique, because of where their ancestors came from and the foods they adapted to eating over eons of time. There is difference between the foods the Scandinavians consume...and the Africans. i did a consultation for a gal who was Swedish...surprised to find out that she could handle oranges. Then, she told me that her father was African whose ancestors lived near the Mediterranean and ate oranges. She was blond and fair with green eyes. In addition, many have no idea the state of their internal organs. They don't give them much thought. Those who eat the wrong foods are breaking down their internal organs daily. Then, they wonder why they are sick?
Men don't need more than 35 g daily, if they want good health.. The Food Industry has been influential in raising many nutrients order for people to buy more of their products. The RDA for sodium is a killer.
We need at least 2 to 3 grams of salt or more depending on lifestyle and a proportion of potassium every day don’t we? This salt thing is nuts. A myth it causes HBP. The body excretes what it doesn’t need for most people. I salt liberally.
Janet a gram is 1000 mg. The RDA for 2200 mg per day is preposterous. It was raised to accommodate all the food corporations who put salt in their PRODUCTS. In the 1960s, when i started reading nutrition books it was 400 - 500 mg daily. I am ultra careful with the amount of sodium I use, too. I observe my eyelids, which can get puffy if i have too much or it is difficult to get a ring off my fingers. I don't eat processed foods either. I am healthy at 90, because health is important to me.
You are wrong. The lies extend to this too. No study has proven definitively that sodium causes high blood pressure or heart disease. There are several salt books detailing this. Most people now are metabolically deficient where metabolism at the mitochondrial level Is so blocked by toxins and seed oils and dieting all the time, thyroid etc that health problems start. Too low salt intake shows higher all cause mortality just like too low cholesterol also does. Salt has important functions. It’s essential for cell health. 500 mg a day is not enough. That is a quarter of a teaspoon. Try some books by David Brownstein and others. It’s a myth that has grown in decades that is not supported by science. It’s a spice of life I can’t live without. . But do your own journey 😀 . I’ve learned not to trust much that comes out of conventional mouths these days through my own research. Have a great holiday, Barbara.
You gotta get your Calories somewhere. Carbs cause glycation, while protein is expensive, increases renal load, and may come with excessive iron. Saturated fats seem a good choice to fill the gap.
The thing with fats I learned, as I got off keto, was it is highly satiating but low in nutrients. Even butter doesn’t have that much in actual nutrition value. It’s necessary but not as the main staple of a diet. Fat is not magic You just become a low calorie eater and use stress hormones to creat glucose for energy, stressing the whole body and organs That’s how I got nutrition insufficiency that caused problems like thin bones, insulin resistance, thyroid damage, metabolism tanked. You get off bad food but there is a price to pay. I’m paying it.
Healing will occur with staying on the foods which our Creator made for mankind...not the Food Industry's processed PRODUCTS. It is important to put oneself in sync with the Creator.'s healing energy. I have done this all my life and experienced instantaneous healings. In the past few years, I tripped a couple times and fallen, but had no problem; and I will turn 91 shortly...
Very interesting. I know people love their low carb diets, but what I’ve found is fruit is key. Veggies are great, but most people don’t enjoy them plain and without fat. You can eat a ton of fruit and lose weight and you don’t need to add anything to them to make them taste good.
Yes. Fruit is the key. I normally can’t eat too much starch. I got sick to death of salads on low carb. I have a hard time facing vegetables anymore as well.
The liver emulsifies and breaks down fat with the bile it produces. It can only handle so many grams of fat daily. When people eat too many grams of fat the liver can't produce enough bile to emulsify it. It took me 30 years to learn...It was always the same result...3 day migraines and so nauseous I could not eat for 3 days.. Then, I was alright for another short period of time. I was eating nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and went to salad bars quite often...and put salad dressing on my greens. It always took 3 days for the liver to break down the fat I was consuming.. There is 14 - 15 g of fat in 1 TBL of oil...and it is very easy to put too much fat on a salad; or put too much butter (1 TBL= 11 grams of fat) on steamed vegetables; or ingest too many fat grams from eating nuts and seeds. Remember modern manufacturing methods has made it very easy to break down oil-containing nuts, seeds etc. People have no idea how this easy access to fat has harmed their bodies. ..In order to heal my body I stopped all dressing, oil, butter, nuts, seeds, avocado...and took all these stresses off my liver for several years. Then, I started counting fat grams and did not exceed 25 g daily. Occasionally, i will go over, but not on a regular basis. After, I had the last migraine...I did not want to go through one more. I have not had one headache in the last 32 years....and have more energy at 91 than I had in my 20s.
I was a very low carber for a decade. My cholesterol kept rising. I started incorporating clean easy to digest carbs like rice, potatoes and fruit a year ago. My cholesterol went down a lot but I want mine around the 200 range as it’s needed for brain health as we age. My numbers and ranges are proportional good. I’m 76 and keeping it that range and I don’t worry about it. A conventional doc would go postal at that. Lol. I told a doc once I would lower it on my own. She agreed but by the time I got home Walgreens called that my Rx was ready. Lol. I never picked it up.
Agreed! My husbands was 189 last checked, its perfect, and mine was around 140 (they wanted me to take meds for that!!) He was on the meds for several years before he figured it out, then told his doc he wasnt taking them anymore and the doc said "Its up to you what you put in your body". Good answer doc!. I was panicking with him taking them every day with everything I was reading. I dont know anyone who died of high cholesterol and Ive known alot of people over the years lol
I had the following conversation with a conventional Doctor:
Doc - Your cholesterol is high, you need a statin.
Me - Statins cause diabetes, I will not take them.
Doc - There are statins that do not cause diabetes, I can prescribe one.
Me - I will not take a statin, end of conversation.
I was tempted to ask why the diabetes causing statins are still sold, but, at this point, I could not trust myself to remain civil. Given my temper, sometimes my best option is to shut up.
how absurdly hilarious of this doctor to say such a thing. And also how very very sad and alarming that doctors can be this blindly obedient to big pharma
My conclusion: Big pharma and your doctor wants everyone in the US beginning at age 21 to receive 4-5 vaccines/year, statins and anti-fat drugs for life. You will age in good health and at age 55 (if you are still alive) you will feel like an 80 year old and then they will put you on more miracle drugs.
Thank you for the information! Id like to make two observations: First, cardiovascular disease is the number One killer of Americans and you can bet your life that EVERY ONE of those deceased individuals was “under the care of a cardiologist”; and second, dr. Linus Pauline and his friend Dr. Albert Szent Gyorgi the Discover of vitamin C, at the end of their lives did a massive study on cardiovascular disease. Their findings proved that micro tears in the blood vessels that you mentioned cause inflammation, which sets up the plaque formation. Specifically, the micro tears attract the amino acid arginine to the site of the micro tears which is laid down and subsequently cholesterol is attracted to the arginine and covers it. The sandwiching process continues with layers of arginine and cholesterol building up, causing the plaque. The cause of these micro tears was vitamin C deficiency which was apparent in all of the participants in the study. By giving large doses of vitamin C, intravenously and orally and arginine along with it, they were able to dissolve the plaque and restore the blood vessel. The study can be found on the orthomolecular medicine website or in a number of books.
No, thats not what Pauling and Albert Szent-Gyorgi found. Arginine has an affinity for the inflammatory microtears and cholesterol is attracted to arginine
I unfortunately have first hand experience of this before I woke up. Took statins for a year or two due to sky high lipid numbers, in the absence of no processed foods in my adult life (Im 73). After about a year, my memory was all but gone until I realized it was most likely a result of this dangerous drug. I also would be violently awakened out of a deep sleep with the worst cramping in my calves imaginable. I truly thought I was on the way to alzheimers (since I also have the apoe4). Took a few years but my memory is now amazing. If you are taking these...please reconsider
I've know about the dangers of statins for many years, Dr. Brownstein has talked about this many times, also his book, "The Statin Disaster" Again, it all comes back to the money, pharma has done a psyop on ignorant people as well as doctors, painting the cholesterol as a big problem, when it isn't. Can you imagine the money that pharma makes on statins, probably billions, but it's a worthless and harmful drug.
Thanks for another great article. I haven't been able to find a doc who doesn't freak out when he/she sees my cholesterol numbers and emphatically insists that I take statins, so I rarely see any. When I did cooperate with this recommendation, in my late 40s, I almost fell down a flight of steps, within hours of taking one of the poison pills, because muscles in my legs failed to support me. Hard to believe people don't attribute side effects to these drugs.
My mom had a cardiologist who put her on statins, and when we asked about the advisability of doing this, he said statins were so safe they should be put in the municipal water system!
Needless to say that was her last appointment with this guy.
This is medical malpractice, IMHO. I shudder to think the number of people who have been injured by him . . . .
Thanks Doc, this is my experience: "In 2012 (UK) my doctor did the usual annual review and said that my cholesterol was "high" and offered Statin. I rarely take Big Pharma drugs, so told him that if it was 'high', it means that it's higher than the average, therefore perhaps I am not average! He saw this as a challenge to his 'professionalism' and I never saw him again.
I wonder if so many doctors fell for the Covid Vaxx through ego and professional hubris?
Allopathic medicine is obsessed with treating the results of sickness as the cause.
Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease but a symptom of it.
Viruses are not the cause of sickness but a measured symptom of it. (And seasonality is linked to vitamin D deficiencies in an already deficient indoor society).
Hopefully in the next few years doctors will treat causes, not the symptoms.
Glad I came across people telling the truth about statins and cholesterol before a doctor ever tried to prescribe one. Had that come up back in 2019 and told the doctor I wasn't going to go on a statin because my cholesterol was too high. I asked for a full panel and they still didn't run it because it was too expensive. Then read up on people's experience with statins and the importance of cholesterol and just said "no".
I almost quit FP residency after realizing I was a highly (not at the time!) drug dealer. Statins were a big part of that realization.
Somehow, I missed that statins inhibit NF-KB. Intense negative emotion actually cyclically induces it! Anecdotally, perhaps the anxiety prone individuals I saw on statins were enjoying a reprieve due to the statins? Perhaps they also go on the cognitive decline.
People are still saying that eggs are bad for you🙄 eggs are natural unlike over 90% of what’s on our shelves in the supermarket!
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods out there (provided you are not allergic and they are not adulterated).
There's so much more positive info on eggs. This article is also FUN!
What about what Anthony William says about eggs being used to grow viruses? It seems like there is something to it.
They use lots of different mediums to “grow” viruses for study. Moths are used for some vaccines. Your nice egg from a real farm is fine. If the chickens are eating crap like in the human processed food system today then you’ve got a bigger problem. They will say anything to demonize healthy food to keep big pharma happy.
Go down the virus rabbit hole. Follow Dr Tom Cowan, Dr. AndrewKaufman, Drs. Sam and Mark, Bailey, Alec Zeck and others who explain that viruses are not real . Virology is one big house of cards.
So many still buy in to the revised food pyramid. As everyone around them looks like a balloon and has a dozen pills to take. Unreal
Obviously they're bad for you! Lest why do the "public health" authorities repeatedly cull most of the laying hens? (Please note, this is sarcasm.)
Organic eggs. Mass produced eggs are NOT healthy, loaded with PUFA.
I read about a study that included a few hundred thousand statin users and which stretched over decades. One of the findings was that statins increased life span by 8 hours. Weigh that against the side effects that patients have to endure and the added chronic chemicals that they have to take to counter the side effects. Another thing: I saw in a video how a doctor explained that a few decades ago, cholesterol had to be substantially higher than currently, before it was considered dangerously elevated. But pharma spread the idea that danger is imminent at currently adhered to levels so that statins could be prescribed sooner.
And that of course does not even factor in how much a patient will pay for the statins during that time.
Betcha the time going to the pharmacy, let alone the time spent earning the money to pay for these prescriptions (or the ridiculous prescription insurance) exceed 8 hours.
Note: I find the claim taking them increase life span by 8 hours to also be highly questionable. Can you live without mevalonic acid and its metabolites?
Interesting question.
What about the “if you have had cardiovascular events, taking statins will help” thing. My husband’s excuse for staying on them. I try to point out the utter crap snacks he eats but to no avail. He’s hiding his statin damage but I see it.
Me too. I show him studies which state that NO woman, and no man over 70 (that's him) should be taking these.
But I don't have a white coat, so he does what white coats tell him. And while he doesn't quite eat crap, he is obese, and eats too much of what he does eat. Or too often, or something.
99 have to take statins to have one less cardiovascular event in one person and just prolongs life a few days. Useless. My husband has had a stroke and heart bypass. He religiously takes them but he seems to be losing energy fast.
Give me a break! Our research finding like the one you quote are pure hogwash. I have an MA in Research and Evaluation Methodology. Research is a game, easily cheated. What has happened to common sense? Your body is a miracle healer and we mostly interfere. This is a good example.
Over 8 years ago after having stents put in a couple of blocked arteries, I was put on 80mg of Lipitor. Not knowing anything about it at the time I mistakenly trusted the cardiologist. About 7 months later I started having problems with light headedness, joint pain, muscle cramps, big spikes in blood pressure, and a feeling of doom. This started a year and a half journey of trying to figure out what the problem was. When I would talk to the cardiologist and ask that we try to figure out what was causing this, they would offer up an additional blood pressure prescription. I knew it had something to do with blood sugar and I would modify my diet which would work for a time, then back on the physical/emotional roller coaster again. In 2018 when sitting in an integrative medicine specialist’s office waiting to have some blood work done I spotted ‘The Blood Sugar Solution’ on their bookshelf in the waiting room. I grabbed it, looked through the table of contents and found a chapter that I thought might be interesting. After reading that chapter I realized that the author had just described everything I had been going through for the last year and a half. Long story short, I quit Lipitor. At the next cardiologist visit in March of 2019, I informed the Dr. that I had quit taking Lipitor. He said that he would prescribe another statin, to which I replied, “No more statins for me.” He had a temper tantrum there in his office and slammed his clipboard down. It took until the end of the following summer before I had my stamina back and was able to hike back in the high country again. I haven’t seen the cardiologist since and am fit and healthy, no thanks to them.
After what I described above, and what the medical profession did to my wife in 2021 during Covid, I have absolutely no confidence in allopathic medicine. If I break a bone or something like that, I’ll go and see them, otherwise, I’ll never walk through their doors again.
Hence why public polling shows the medical industry lost a great deal of the public's trust in them since COVID-19
I do not trust Doctors or hospitals at all. I had a friend who is older, fell breaking bones that needed 2 surgeries. She never had the Covid shot. After the second surgery the Doctor told her what they found : a large string of blood clots that if undiscovered would have killed her. My best guess is she was administered the Covid bioweapon shot without her knowledge. The Doctor said he is keeping it for textbooks. By all rights she should have died from the string of clots. I lost 2 friends this year from turbo cancer- the legs of both died needing amputations that they didn’t survive. Mad as hell that this all happened.
Excellent discourse Jack, thank you and well done for finally figuring it out. In 2020, I researched a lot and had an excellent doc in Australia to guide me. He advised to boost my immune system using Vits C & D, zinc (with an ionophore like green tea). I am 80 and have been fit as a fiddle ever since; I avoid all vaxxes and Big Pharma products now. My doc writes weekly articles focusing on Covid & Vaxx damage:
I feel the same. I didn’t take statins but it had to do with always trying to put a drug in my life. One primary physician wanted to check diabetes. No diabetes in my entire family, I later read this was the new scheme big Pharma had suggested. I quit Doctors because they work for big pharmaceutical companies not for my health.
Now if I need a doctor for anything at all I dont even mention my family history. I dont want them diagnosing me with something I dont have thinking I'll believe it because it "runs In my family".
Didn’t think of that one.
Check ✅ none of those family history boxes!!
Excellent and informative article.
We noticed a fairly noticeable decline in our father 20 years ago after he started taking statins. Rapid aging was noticeable but, of course, we didn't suspect statins. It was more like we thought good thing he's on them or he might be worse! It made him feel like he had a security net, actually.
Also, recently in my sister, who developed memory loss and congestive heart failure after taking it for two years, but that was just attributed to decline of health due to age and lifestyle in her case. Maybe it was, but now I think maybe not.
You have to wonder how many people have been diagnosed with dementia that is actually caused by taking statins.
That’s how they hide damage—you’re just getting old
Same happened to my dad. And then they say it's hereditary, but we know of no one who's got that in his family (17 brothers and sisters!!). He was one of the youngest so the older ones never got flu shots and statins like he did. BUT: next his younger sister who was also on statins soon followed.
All iatrogenic illness is "hereditary"; allergies, autoimmune disorders, etc.
I had a mate on Wegovy check into hospital last month with horrible gastrointestinal distress. They put him on IV and antibiotics for the "bug" but I'm certain they didn't check the Wegovy. (but at least the experience caused him to quit Wegovy, whether he made the connection or not).
Iatrogenesis abounds.
I respectfully disagree
Look up, "iatrogenic illness." You'll see what he's getting at!
Snark button was off?
Mum was on statins well into her 70's and possibly into her 80's (I wasn't allowed to see her drug list, because they knew I would protest). Mum was also on benzos for 40 years. Mum was also a low-fat fanatic, keeping it down to under 15 g a day for awhile. Mum avoided salt and butter - found the "butteriest" margarine. Mum had some distant, early trauma that she could never admit or face. Mum died of/with dementia. Her decline was well in place when Mum took the Fizer, and she deteriorated after that, getting moved to a new specialist dementia facility, where she did okay for about a year before she got stroppy and they couldn't help her anymore. 2 years from Fizer to death, so she was lucky, I guess.
My point is - we never know which insult was the straw that broke the camel's back.
In 2008 my Dr wanted me to start a Statin Drug…gave me a prescription for Lipitor…I came home and did a lot of research on this drug and found many things. Needless to say I never had the prescription filled and went on my own natural Cholesterol Busting Diet as I like to call it. Anyway, what I found was that any Statin Drug that was offered was supposed to be taken with CoQ10…that was something they knew from the very beginning regarding the Statin Drugs….
I have a friend that was taking the Lipitor and shared with her this information, I advised her to take this info and show her Doctor, which she did…He told her ‘It won’t hurt to take it so go ahead”…. What a totally ignorant response by her Doctor, BUT she started taking it and has been ever since….Thank goodness.
If one looks hard enough and researches hard enough they can, or at least could find all the information regarding the Statin Drugs and just how Dangerous they were and are to one’s body….
I thank God that I found Dr. Don Colbert from the U.S. I read his little books on lowering Bad Cholesterol naturally and went from a total count of 12 to 5.8 in just over 8 weeks…..
I also found out by researching that the problem lies mainly with Triglycerides which are in the blood and not HDL or LDL….anyway, get that one down and the rest will follow as well as the Good Cholesterol will rise…..
Just sharing my own experience….
Also, one must be ‘willing’ to change their eating habits and lifestyle and mean it…when you fall off the wagon as they say, pick yourself up and get going again…no one is perfect but keeping your eyes on the prize, which is better health and living is worth the getting up and getting back in the race…
Like my Doctor told me when I told him I would get it down myself my way, he said, “well, I am just tying to keep you alive, and doing it yourself will be pretty much impossible as not many people do it without the help of Statin’s” ….. He was singing a different tune after my blood test results came in….I say that not to boast because it was Dr. Don Colbert’s information that gave me all the information I needed to accomplish what I was told couldn’t be accomplished without the Statin Drug…..God Bless that Man…
"Atherosclerosis is not a bland lipid storage is a chronic inflammatory disease" Quote by Dr. Peter Libby Harvard medical school. When the arteries are inflamed, the immune system/body reacts by producing plaque. The solution is prevention which is found in wholesome food void of chemicals. (Organic) Many before Midwest Doc have written on the subject, but as long as the FDA and Big Medicine direct the physicians to prescribe a statin which interferes with normal cholesterol levels as the only way to solve the problem, we don't have a solution. Today, physicians are rated on their ability to prescribe statins and injections. A documentary video called "Forks over Knives" follows the careers of two physicians that understood the source of the problem and demonstrated that dietary changes reduced the risk greatly. Also, avoid Omega 6 sources which are found in beef cattle raised on corn reduces the risk. Grass fed sources deliver the healthy Omega -3. Met two widows in my retirement community who lost their husbands because they were overdosed on statins and their liver was destroyed. While under care for their health issue the physicians didn't have the sense to stop them from taking the statin drug. It is my understanding that the statistical evidence says for every 100 humans on the statin drug, about 1/2 a life will be saved. I wonder how many deaths occur that are not reported to be caused by statin drugs. Merck should be held criminally liable for marketing Mevacor and not telling the physicians that Co Q 10 will be depleted which is essential for healthy liver function as well as the heart. They had two patents on that combination of Mevacor and Co Q 10 but never brought it to market.
Have you noticed that even though there is good outcome data to use colchicine for its antinflammatory benefits in coronary artery disease .. it is not being used due the “authorities “ not pushing its use . Pharmaceutical companies are coming up with high cost patentable anti inflammatory meds to reduce inflammation which is the main driver for cad as you pointed . Since colchicine is off patent and costs pennies they really play up its side effects and drug interactions to dissuade prescribing which is a shame as it has been used in gout patients at low doses without significant safety concerns.
The list of potentially useful substances the Pharma Government Complex wants us all to avoid is long and getting longer. They really went over the top with their pogram against ivermectin. I suspect it was because they knew it could help shrink some cancers. (See the work of Dr Thomas Siefried, in Boston)
Then there is Dimethyl Sulfoxide.or DMSO. I was developing a trigger finger and topical application seemed to get deep into the pulley and clear up the inflammation. They hounded people for years over DMSO, but there is a sort of a truce these days, although most providers will look at you like you need to be committed if you mention it.
Then there is Chloride Dioxide, originally a non-toxic water treatment that seems to have been abandoned for more cancer causing compounds in many municipal systems. Many people are using low concentrations to address infection. As a broad spectrum killer of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa my concern is its effect on the gut biome. My cousin's husband has Parkinson's and he feels it has slowed progression by bathing in a tub with 100 drops added--(frequency unknown.)
A synthetic compound originally used as a dye called Methylene Blue medically has been used to treat carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning, as well as methemoglobinemia, a rare condition that affects the blood’s ability to transport oxygen. Claims are it helps depression, infection, cognition, and is mediated by its action in the mitochondria.
As a new subscriber, I may be way off here, since there could be extant articles by the MW doctor. I will differ to his comments on all of my chatter here.
Midwestern Doctor has several excellent article about DMSO. Definitely worth reading!
MB is a MAOI and photosensitizer. It also stains your brain blue. I'd rather take selegiline.
Antiinflammatory, sure, but it works as a tubulin inhibitor. I wonder about the wisdom of taking such things.
Please refer to the earlier studies done in Israel using colchicine acutely post MI … there were robust benefits . Then the later study protocols started it a week or 2 after the MI so the results looked less effective. It’s almost as if “ efforts were made” to diminish its effectiveness. Timing of drug delivery can impact the results like in the sepsis trials using IV vitamin C in the ER or 1st sign of sepsis showing benefits vs designing trials to start IV vitamin C few days into the sepsis where it showed less beneficial outcomes.
There are studies published which showed reduced incidence of MI in gout patients who had been taking colchicine for years !! Also I want to mention that colchicine was available as an IV drug and was used in higher doses hence the side effects of pancytopenia were a concern . The IV formulation is no longer available and with lower dose oral use long term data has shown safety comparable to placebo.
The farce is that there are about a dozen different cholesterols in your body and none of them are bad.
That’s why I believe it is the Triglycerides that cause the problem….not what your own body makes…it is always what is put into your body from without not from what your body produces…..
I figure at 76 I do not have pristine arteries so I just eat as clean as I can, have a high D3, no arthritis , I can walk a few miles fine and get outdoors often all year. I deal with short term stuff with alternative treatments and right now, DMSO. Oh, most important, I stay out of conventional doctors offices if I can.
Staying away from doctors is very important.
They may produce a problem if peroxidized.
Cholesterol is cholesterol; stereoisomers aside. Only nat-cholesterol occurs naturally, so what do you mean, "a dozen different cholesterols in your body"? Derivatives and degradation products?
I suffered 30 years from migraines, until I learned that the liver emulsifies fat and breaks it down with bile.. I was eating so many "good" foods that contained fat...and didn't know that there is a limit to the amount of fat that one's body can handle on a daily basis. I was eating lots of salads with dressings. One Tablespoon of oil is 14 - 15 grams of fat. Nobody should be using 50 grams of fat daily...and I was eating far more. Modern machinery has made it very easy to over indulge in fat. I eliminated all fat for awhile, then added back foods which contained fat. I have a kitchen scale with grams/ounces.pounds and keep a food journal. I calculate the fat grams in all the foods I eat daily and try to keep them under 30 grams daily. It isn't easy. However, In the last 31 years I have not had one headache.
50 grams a day should not be a problem, though if much of it be PUFA, it may.
Cutting §PUFAS means you don’t have to slam Omega 3s like you get pushed to do everywhere. Omega 3s oxidize just as bad and most fish oils are rancid in the bottle already no matter what they say. I quit and I get enough in my diet. We really can’t believe everything the alternative health gurus say either.
Omega-3 is a vitamin. Eat a little, but don't "slam" it, and be sure it isn't rancid, and you have adequate antioxidants.
Exactly. I try to get it in food but keeping PUFAS out is mainly what I do.
True! Oil becomes rancid in a sort period of time. Everyone is genetically unique, because of where their ancestors came from and the foods they adapted to eating over eons of time. There is difference between the foods the Scandinavians consume...and the Africans. i did a consultation for a gal who was Swedish...surprised to find out that she could handle oranges. Then, she told me that her father was African whose ancestors lived near the Mediterranean and ate oranges. She was blond and fair with green eyes. In addition, many have no idea the state of their internal organs. They don't give them much thought. Those who eat the wrong foods are breaking down their internal organs daily. Then, they wonder why they are sick?
Men don't need more than 35 g daily, if they want good health.. The Food Industry has been influential in raising many nutrients order for people to buy more of their products. The RDA for sodium is a killer.
We need at least 2 to 3 grams of salt or more depending on lifestyle and a proportion of potassium every day don’t we? This salt thing is nuts. A myth it causes HBP. The body excretes what it doesn’t need for most people. I salt liberally.
Janet a gram is 1000 mg. The RDA for 2200 mg per day is preposterous. It was raised to accommodate all the food corporations who put salt in their PRODUCTS. In the 1960s, when i started reading nutrition books it was 400 - 500 mg daily. I am ultra careful with the amount of sodium I use, too. I observe my eyelids, which can get puffy if i have too much or it is difficult to get a ring off my fingers. I don't eat processed foods either. I am healthy at 90, because health is important to me.
You are wrong. The lies extend to this too. No study has proven definitively that sodium causes high blood pressure or heart disease. There are several salt books detailing this. Most people now are metabolically deficient where metabolism at the mitochondrial level Is so blocked by toxins and seed oils and dieting all the time, thyroid etc that health problems start. Too low salt intake shows higher all cause mortality just like too low cholesterol also does. Salt has important functions. It’s essential for cell health. 500 mg a day is not enough. That is a quarter of a teaspoon. Try some books by David Brownstein and others. It’s a myth that has grown in decades that is not supported by science. It’s a spice of life I can’t live without. . But do your own journey 😀 . I’ve learned not to trust much that comes out of conventional mouths these days through my own research. Have a great holiday, Barbara. 17 grams?
Clean Seasalt is good because it has additional good minerals.
You gotta get your Calories somewhere. Carbs cause glycation, while protein is expensive, increases renal load, and may come with excessive iron. Saturated fats seem a good choice to fill the gap.
The thing with fats I learned, as I got off keto, was it is highly satiating but low in nutrients. Even butter doesn’t have that much in actual nutrition value. It’s necessary but not as the main staple of a diet. Fat is not magic You just become a low calorie eater and use stress hormones to creat glucose for energy, stressing the whole body and organs That’s how I got nutrition insufficiency that caused problems like thin bones, insulin resistance, thyroid damage, metabolism tanked. You get off bad food but there is a price to pay. I’m paying it.
Healing will occur with staying on the foods which our Creator made for mankind...not the Food Industry's processed PRODUCTS. It is important to put oneself in sync with the Creator.'s healing energy. I have done this all my life and experienced instantaneous healings. In the past few years, I tripped a couple times and fallen, but had no problem; and I will turn 91 shortly...
Very interesting. I know people love their low carb diets, but what I’ve found is fruit is key. Veggies are great, but most people don’t enjoy them plain and without fat. You can eat a ton of fruit and lose weight and you don’t need to add anything to them to make them taste good.
Yes. Fruit is the key. I normally can’t eat too much starch. I got sick to death of salads on low carb. I have a hard time facing vegetables anymore as well.
I think it's the kind of fats that makes the difference. Most polyunsaturated fats are pretty toxic. and these articles, too:
The liver emulsifies and breaks down fat with the bile it produces. It can only handle so many grams of fat daily. When people eat too many grams of fat the liver can't produce enough bile to emulsify it. It took me 30 years to learn...It was always the same result...3 day migraines and so nauseous I could not eat for 3 days.. Then, I was alright for another short period of time. I was eating nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and went to salad bars quite often...and put salad dressing on my greens. It always took 3 days for the liver to break down the fat I was consuming.. There is 14 - 15 g of fat in 1 TBL of oil...and it is very easy to put too much fat on a salad; or put too much butter (1 TBL= 11 grams of fat) on steamed vegetables; or ingest too many fat grams from eating nuts and seeds. Remember modern manufacturing methods has made it very easy to break down oil-containing nuts, seeds etc. People have no idea how this easy access to fat has harmed their bodies. ..In order to heal my body I stopped all dressing, oil, butter, nuts, seeds, avocado...and took all these stresses off my liver for several years. Then, I started counting fat grams and did not exceed 25 g daily. Occasionally, i will go over, but not on a regular basis. After, I had the last migraine...I did not want to go through one more. I have not had one headache in the last 32 years....and have more energy at 91 than I had in my 20s.
I was a very low carber for a decade. My cholesterol kept rising. I started incorporating clean easy to digest carbs like rice, potatoes and fruit a year ago. My cholesterol went down a lot but I want mine around the 200 range as it’s needed for brain health as we age. My numbers and ranges are proportional good. I’m 76 and keeping it that range and I don’t worry about it. A conventional doc would go postal at that. Lol. I told a doc once I would lower it on my own. She agreed but by the time I got home Walgreens called that my Rx was ready. Lol. I never picked it up.
The key is to be in tune with your own body and do what works for you . Obviously reducing intake of processed foods , sugars and high carbs .
Agreed! My husbands was 189 last checked, its perfect, and mine was around 140 (they wanted me to take meds for that!!) He was on the meds for several years before he figured it out, then told his doc he wasnt taking them anymore and the doc said "Its up to you what you put in your body". Good answer doc!. I was panicking with him taking them every day with everything I was reading. I dont know anyone who died of high cholesterol and Ive known alot of people over the years lol
Cholesterol is good for you.
What's your diet??
I had the following conversation with a conventional Doctor:
Doc - Your cholesterol is high, you need a statin.
Me - Statins cause diabetes, I will not take them.
Doc - There are statins that do not cause diabetes, I can prescribe one.
Me - I will not take a statin, end of conversation.
I was tempted to ask why the diabetes causing statins are still sold, but, at this point, I could not trust myself to remain civil. Given my temper, sometimes my best option is to shut up.
All they can really offer is what they've been trained to offer :(
how absurdly hilarious of this doctor to say such a thing. And also how very very sad and alarming that doctors can be this blindly obedient to big pharma
My uncle had a heart attack and they are telling him to not eat red meat
He’s eating chips, cookies, bread, but it’s not OK for him to eat something natural
There are versions of statins which do not cause diabetes?
News to me.
My conclusion: Big pharma and your doctor wants everyone in the US beginning at age 21 to receive 4-5 vaccines/year, statins and anti-fat drugs for life. You will age in good health and at age 55 (if you are still alive) you will feel like an 80 year old and then they will put you on more miracle drugs.
A bile-inhibiting drug ought to do it!
Thank you for the information! Id like to make two observations: First, cardiovascular disease is the number One killer of Americans and you can bet your life that EVERY ONE of those deceased individuals was “under the care of a cardiologist”; and second, dr. Linus Pauline and his friend Dr. Albert Szent Gyorgi the Discover of vitamin C, at the end of their lives did a massive study on cardiovascular disease. Their findings proved that micro tears in the blood vessels that you mentioned cause inflammation, which sets up the plaque formation. Specifically, the micro tears attract the amino acid arginine to the site of the micro tears which is laid down and subsequently cholesterol is attracted to the arginine and covers it. The sandwiching process continues with layers of arginine and cholesterol building up, causing the plaque. The cause of these micro tears was vitamin C deficiency which was apparent in all of the participants in the study. By giving large doses of vitamin C, intravenously and orally and arginine along with it, they were able to dissolve the plaque and restore the blood vessel. The study can be found on the orthomolecular medicine website or in a number of books.
I think you mean lysine not arginine
No, thats not what Pauling and Albert Szent-Gyorgi found. Arginine has an affinity for the inflammatory microtears and cholesterol is attracted to arginine
I unfortunately have first hand experience of this before I woke up. Took statins for a year or two due to sky high lipid numbers, in the absence of no processed foods in my adult life (Im 73). After about a year, my memory was all but gone until I realized it was most likely a result of this dangerous drug. I also would be violently awakened out of a deep sleep with the worst cramping in my calves imaginable. I truly thought I was on the way to alzheimers (since I also have the apoe4). Took a few years but my memory is now amazing. If you are taking these...please reconsider
I'd forget what i was saying mid sentence!!
I've know about the dangers of statins for many years, Dr. Brownstein has talked about this many times, also his book, "The Statin Disaster" Again, it all comes back to the money, pharma has done a psyop on ignorant people as well as doctors, painting the cholesterol as a big problem, when it isn't. Can you imagine the money that pharma makes on statins, probably billions, but it's a worthless and harmful drug.
David Brownstein is a wonderful doctor!
And don’t forget Dr Malcolm Kendrick’s book : The Great Cholesterol Con
And his recent
“The Clot Thickens”
Amazing doc and researcher!
Thanks for another great article. I haven't been able to find a doc who doesn't freak out when he/she sees my cholesterol numbers and emphatically insists that I take statins, so I rarely see any. When I did cooperate with this recommendation, in my late 40s, I almost fell down a flight of steps, within hours of taking one of the poison pills, because muscles in my legs failed to support me. Hard to believe people don't attribute side effects to these drugs.
My mom had a cardiologist who put her on statins, and when we asked about the advisability of doing this, he said statins were so safe they should be put in the municipal water system!
Needless to say that was her last appointment with this guy.
This is medical malpractice, IMHO. I shudder to think the number of people who have been injured by him . . . .
A lot of people believe that statins in the drinking water line :(
Thanks Doc, this is my experience: "In 2012 (UK) my doctor did the usual annual review and said that my cholesterol was "high" and offered Statin. I rarely take Big Pharma drugs, so told him that if it was 'high', it means that it's higher than the average, therefore perhaps I am not average! He saw this as a challenge to his 'professionalism' and I never saw him again.
I wonder if so many doctors fell for the Covid Vaxx through ego and professional hubris?
Allopathic medicine is obsessed with treating the results of sickness as the cause.
Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease but a symptom of it.
Viruses are not the cause of sickness but a measured symptom of it. (And seasonality is linked to vitamin D deficiencies in an already deficient indoor society).
Hopefully in the next few years doctors will treat causes, not the symptoms.
Maybe by the year 2200.
Sure, let's go with that!
Glad I came across people telling the truth about statins and cholesterol before a doctor ever tried to prescribe one. Had that come up back in 2019 and told the doctor I wasn't going to go on a statin because my cholesterol was too high. I asked for a full panel and they still didn't run it because it was too expensive. Then read up on people's experience with statins and the importance of cholesterol and just said "no".
I almost quit FP residency after realizing I was a highly (not at the time!) drug dealer. Statins were a big part of that realization.
Somehow, I missed that statins inhibit NF-KB. Intense negative emotion actually cyclically induces it! Anecdotally, perhaps the anxiety prone individuals I saw on statins were enjoying a reprieve due to the statins? Perhaps they also go on the cognitive decline.
Appreciate the insights!
Forensic psychiatry?