"One major obstacle to selling Ozempic is its high cost ($1,000-$1,500 per month), making it unaffordable without insurance. The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 prohibits Medicare from covering weight loss drugs, but the industry has been lobbying to overturn this. An "obesity rights" coalition, (funded by Ozempic’s manufacturer), has successfully advanced a law through committee to allow Medicare coverage, which could cost between $3.1 to $6 billion annually if passed."
When you spend a little time diving into Big Pharma's communications or investor calls or whatever, you quickly learn that government is Big Pharma's perfect customer. Huge guaranteed bulk orders basically in perpetuity, no matter if the drug actually does what they claim or not. (See: Covid vaccines/Paxlovid.)
I can envision the future articles now -- A "glitch" in Pfizer's AI program has erroneously approved every single application for all drugs for the last 2 years......
Yes I had a customer ask about that this morning said it was all over their website and how great it would come in a vial and only cost her $500 instead of the $900 she is paying now in the pharmacy since she has medicare and is using the Zepbound which is for obesity not diabetes. I think it's an even more alarming sign that this drug is bad news but am only too happy to allow Lilly to assume ALL LIABILITY. That said, how the HELL has it turned into this?? Would any sane watchdog allow the wolves to come into the pasture, build a slaughterhouse (and breeding pen for more!) and start cooking up the sheep?? But our FDA is now allowing a manufacturer to provide (paid to approve) doctors and pharmacists to directly market their crap to the world. Now only if every drug did the same thing we would all be working from home clicking "approved" on everything since we are only paid to approve!! If that's how it ends I am OUT. I'll give up and start growing my own pharmacopeia and making recipes from all my old USP-NF books from back in the early days of pharmacy. There's some pretty good stuff in there.
Australia just passed a compounding law. Apparently chemists were compounding Ozempic & especially Wegovy in bulk. The law now clearly states that they cannot manufacture a thing until they have a script.
I'll be curious to see what other things they put in this "compounding" bill which might affect me.
This could explain the drive by medical associations and deep pocketed foundations to make gender reassignment surgeries (a euphemism worthy of a George Carlin bit) and cross sex hormones considered human rights, either to be funded by insurance or government.
How can so many judges seriously be concerned with human rights if they are putting sex offenders in women’s prisons and mandating that tax payers fund their surgeries?
They have not as a group been concerned with women’s human rights regarding providing healthcare or even tampons or those of prisoners regularly tortured in solitary confinement.
The uneven application of laws and designation of rights by those in power is another sign of corruption in any society.
That's what the push for "body positivity" and "free" government subsidized health care have brought us. It's really about the government forcing us to let it be the middleman in order to grab gobs of money in taxes to pay its Pharma Phriends. End the "stigma" with obesity. Just medicate it. No profit in healthful lifestyle changes. It would just threaten the bottom line of their pals in the fast/processed food industry.
You weren't paying attention for millions putting fork down doesn't work. You can't reduce your calories and lose weight and you can't maintain it and if you try to lose weight like that your body will rebel and your metabolism will slow even more and the weight will come back on plus more. Look up the consequences of "the biggest loser" tv show. They didn't advertise the reality that all of the people gained the weight back and many gained extra. Their metabolic tests come back as very different from a normal weight person and it isn't from lack of motivation or trying that the weight comes back.
wrong. and by the way -- what works for males doesn't necessarily work females. But I was going to say, the adrenals are key. If the thyroid is the door to a good metabolism, the adrenal glands are the doorknob. Stress causes cortisol to rise, messing up adrenal glands, so the thyroid doesn't work.
meaning eat less, move more, gain weight anyway. I lived it. Spent years with an endocrinologist trying to be well again. Don't diss me, don't tease me, this is serious.
Long story short, I gave up all gluten & my adrenals healed and I lost weight.
I mean....I don't want to be rude here, but you guys sound exactly like the 30-somethings who were making excuses as to why they needed to be afraid of covid.
Given the proper time and exercise routine, I would have you losing weight via diet and exercise. It's simply impossible for it not to work because you can't gain weight if you're burning more calories than you're consuming.
"The Biggest Loser" show did it your way. Didn't work. It has a very temporary appearance of working with a wicked backlash that involves the metabolism of the person changing. You are wrong and the evidence is there if you look.
Except you'll notice those people lost weight, they were just unable to keep it off because they didn't continue what they were doing to lose the weight in the first place. If they made a permanent change in lifestyle, it's literally impossible for them to regain the weight.
You can't gain weight unless you consume more than you burn, period.
No you won't. Maybe it is the damage from bad subsidized food products and other environmental contaminants, but that isn't how it works. Unless you happen to be someone who went from normal weight to abnormal with the introduction of fast food, which you then stop eating, it just doesn't work that way. I've eaten modestly and healthily for decades and I have done two "medical weight loss" programs which were worse than doing nothing and I'm not an anomaly in our society. Sorry, but you are wrong and living in an ivory tower. Enjoy it, but that isn't the way it works.
I think you’re right. It has to do with the signaling in the brain through Leptin which is broken for many people. Leslie Taylor (her Substack is Fast Well Feast Well) has a lot of helpful articles about this.
I think it's too complex to generalize for sure. If you don't struggle it's easy to point fingers at those that do. Until you've walked in another person's body, I say keep your generalizations to yourself. I'm learning that myself... in every aspect of life!
And exercise doesn't cause weight loss either. It helps with overall health, but unless you are a freak most people later in life and certainly with extra weight have to keep it very moderate and be careful with exercise.
You guys are so wrong. And so self righteousness too. My daughter was obese. Eating less and less didn’t work bec@use her metabolism was screwed up by dieting and the junk quality of all processed food now. The harmful toxin ingredients injure energy production at the cell level so you have less energy (ATP) to deal with even lower amounts of food in calorie restriction It’s the metabolism, stupid. It runs our body, including our brain and our digestive system. Writing this uses energy. Blinking our eyes needs ATP. . Good metabolism means adequate eating and absorption of food. People in the 70s ate better food in larger quantities but stayed slim. They had a metabolism that used the energy created by mostly clean food. Now energy production from bad industrial food is so low the normal diets from those days pile on weight. Stress and over exercising just add to the whole disaster. So just lowering calories or exercising will not work because our bodies are used to a metabolism that is stunted and needs lower amounts because metabolism is storing energy (fat) to keep us alive. It’s pretty simple really. Eat less move more will not work with modern industrial made foods. Your metabolism will win out every time.
Finally, someone is talking sense. We’re not Bunsen burners. Hormones matter, especially leptin and insulin. And how and when we eat affects how they act.
I used to train 20-30+ hours a week for Ironman and ultramarathons, and I had to starve to get lean. I ate a lot of carbs. Now I just walk, hike and throw some weights around, and I’m almost back at my old race weight 18 years since my last IM. The difference is my low carb high fat diet.
It's certainly possible that your daughter has some sort of unique issue, but at the end of the day weight loss is math. You simply can't gain weight if you burn more than you consume.
I don't know who "You Guys" are. Of course it's the food. And "dieting" won't help. A healthy diet of real food, with intermittent fasting, is what is needed. You say your daughter "was obese", implying she found the solution. Perhaps you'd be willing to share it.
Eating less can actually make the problem worse. One of the "medical weight management" plans I did had me doing 800 calories a day with drug assist, but the backlash is vicious and the weight loss is minimal and can't be maintained. Your metabolism shifts to both make you super hungry and to put the weight back on plus some. I think the eating enough to be satiated, but choosing the what carefully is probably the right path. There are several good references out there, but check dietdoctors.com for one. I can't tell you that it has put me into weight loss yet, but I can say that I have felt worse than I do now and I think it is probably the best possibility. PS. "The what" is not what the US government and medical establishment say it is. I am also carefully choosing supplements to try to help. D vitamin needs to be taken with K (John Campbell has a video on this) and some people don't seem to absorb D through ingesting it, so you need to have blood work done to see if D is going up. D below 50 (you'll have to look up the metric) makes you more susceptible to sickness and weight whether you are skinny or not and extra weight makes you more likely to have low D.
And what about when you don't eat hardly any "junk"? It is a false impression that most people who are overweight are downing junk all the time or more than the skinny. That may have been the case at one time, but now I don't think it is. When I was 20 I didn't have a problem, but I do regularly see young people who have a much bigger problem than me and I'm in my 50's. I think our food is compromised and yes a reduction in carbs is part of it and for some fast food is, but a lot of people aren't doing the junk food for every meal or for any and you can't just dismiss it as that. My path I'm on now (and I don't know yet if it will help) is to completely turn my back on the medical establishment and government recommendations. I'm going with the intermittent fasting and keto, although after more than a year it still hasn't started a reverse. The elimination of certain foods has helped with inflammation so that helps, walking on feet that feel like they are pushing apart doesn't make getting around very easy. I guarantee you many of those obese people you despise are eating less and more healthily than you are and doing what they can for exercise.
Actually what is weird is how people who get lucky on the metabolism and aging think that they did it, when they just got lucky. I've never been into fast food, I've never been into sodas, never smoked, never been a druggy, and while I used to eat some ultra processed food, I never did it as much as the average American. I've eaten "healthily" for decades and I've exercised. After my first pregnancy I was exercising regularly and vigorously for 2 years before I couldn't keep it up at the same level. It made no difference. I know a guy who "got lucky" and was able to maintain his high school weight and run 5 miles a day. He's about to turn 70 and his body is falling apart, but a big part of that is he kept listening to his doctor and getting the clot shots. He's had at least 5 or 6. Now he is finding out what life is like for those of us who can't maintain those levels and have to work harder for no results. You've been lucky, but I wouldn't get too smug because luck runs out, especially in our society with the damaging influences.
I'm afraid we all might be in for forced portion control.
I was sick in the head, thinking, what would you be thinking after you lost all of that weight and all of a sudden, there is starvation everywhere. Yeah, I'm sorta sick that way.
My thought was even worse...I wondered if this was their way of getting rid of the obese and over weight (aka: useless eaters). This medical industrial complex is even more evil than I think the average person can comprehend.
Portion control may be an unexpected benefit of government generated inflation. Note how the volume of ingredients in many foods and prepared meals is reduced through "shrinkflation".
Actually when things get more expensive and people are stretched then they buy what is cheap. What is cheap is what is subsidized. What is subsidized makes you sicker and fatter. What makes you sicker and fatter makes the pharmaceutical companies and everyone in the chain of payouts wealthier.
Throughout the world oppressive government has been the most effective solution to the obesity problem. Anti-obesity hysterics in the US should be encouraged by the prospect of that "solution" here.
I think the only way to ‘fix’ it, is to subtract the bad stuff from your eating (corn, wheat, soy, inflammatory seed oils, processed food, processed sugar, fast food). In other words, just eat ‘real’ food, meaning : don’t purchase their crap. The powerful corporations only care about gaining more wealth, via selling their toxic crap to everyone. So, don’t buy it.
I agree about subtracting the bad stuff. A good thing about being elderly and semi-mobile is that someone buys my food and prepares it at home, much of it coming from a market. Another good thing is that I live in Asia, not America. In addition, I eat one meal a day, largely avoiding carbohydrates, thus promoting autophagy, which among other things keeps my weight down. I realize that for most Americans eating this way is not easy, but it should be a diet to aspire to.
I agree that your way of eating is great, Graham Wells! :) The grocery stores in the USA are 99.8% filled with stuff I call ‘not real food’, but, sadly, that’s what almost all folks here buy and eat. It truly is a tragedy.
I think a lot has to do with lack of understanding and psychology. Don't food experts advise avoiding the supermarket center aisles, because that's where the worst stuff is? My impression is that many don't realize just what it is they're eating. A lot of research goes into making bad food highly palatable. I know because I eat some of it myself, even though I shouldn't. A good rule of thumb is "if it doesn't look like food, avoid it". Doctors are taught little about nutrition, hospital food isn't healthy, etc. It's not too surprising that over 50% of Americans have Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. I hope that doesn't include children, but we know many kids are overweight. I'm not looking down on Americans, since my home country, the UK, isn't much better.
Combined with avoiding: corn, wheat, soy, seed oils. As well as processed sugar and processed ‘foods’. I believe the most important first step in improving one’s health for folks who eat the typical American diet is ‘subtraction’ of these toxins.
In my 60 years in the drug business as a pharmacist I have seen all the hype that claimed that a pill or liquid or injection will resolve weight gain issues. Nonsense. Diet products with aspartame that many embrace creates weight gain and the aspartame should never have been marketed. A story in it self where good medicine is trumped by political connection and the drive to maximize the bottom line.
This is the latest iteration of the process. Reports are coming in that the injections cause inflammation of the retinal cells and has the potential to create blindness. Will not be confirmed until enough patients experience this side effect. Then the market will crash. Until we address the root causes which are based in excess consumption of sugar and liquid corn syrup and it's various forms, nothing will change. It is reported that 75% of all processed food products have corn based product in the ingredient formula. My view.
I'm sensitive to all corn products. It's extremely difficult to find food not adulterated with some derivative of corn. Glucose is usually made from corn, and is added to a high percentage of food in various forms.
Sure is. Went from about 50 pounds per year per person after WWII to today of about 160 pounds per person. Most of the increase is in liquid corn syrup which is cheaper than cane sugar and is in Coke and etc. The Diet Coke also boost weight gain because of the aspartame impact on metabolism.
Corn syrup and whatever the hell is on Coke products is not sugar. I eat about a cup or two a day of organic cane sugar and my BMI is 23.7, HB1C is 5.39% fasting insulin is 6, serum glucose is 90…. Ray Peat ftw
Reminds me of being sent/forced to a heart specialist by my employers' doc due to refusing to take cholesterol meds I reacted badly to.
It was high pressure sales all the way.
First the doc comes in, doing his best impression of a TV doc and being so very serious about how I needed to be taking drugs...Lots of drugs, or I may die tomorrow.
Sorry doc, that's a hard no and that's incorrect on lifespan.
Next up was the really pretty nurse who suggested, with overt sexual overtones, that she could get me this really expensive drug for cholesterol for a very special deal and it would make little ol' her so very happy if I would just take this drug.
Sorry honey, no deal.
I worked in the auto trade for years and this mess reminded me of nothing so much as watching high pressure sales clowns in a crooked car dealership do their evil persuasion tricks.
They finally gave up on pressuring me and proceeded with the treadmill etc. to test my heart condition.
I passed with flying colors...and didn't die the next day as threatened!
My ex father in law used to run the sleep study lab at the local teaching hospital.
He used to laugh about how the drug reps would do anything to get the docs to prescribe their meds.
Stuff like bringing in fancy high dollar meals to feed entire departments...as they sprayed samples of their drugs all over like they were candy on Halloween.
You didn't have to be a doc either. They didn't care who took the samples.
My ex father in law had quite the collection of useful prescription pharmaceuticals he got that way.
Definitely OK in his hands. He was not a doc, but he had done three tours as a combat medic in Vietnam.
A little off topic, but I don’t trust Callie Means farther than I can throw him. I’d never heard of him until recently and I’ve been around this, “health and wellness” space since early 2000’s. He’s also been recorded as saying that if elected, RFKJ/ Trump should declare a “health state of emergency”. Callie Means would play a vital role to be sure. Doesn’t that sound like another government overreach state of emergency we’ve all been affected by, recently? The last thing I want is another government overlord declaring some state of emergency to take away more rights. It’s just another power grab. Just because they happen to be speaking my language about something I like (that needs to be addressed) doesn’t mean I want to give someone (or someone’s) more power.
I am glad you said this. I told my spouse immediately after watching Tuckers interview that these two individuals were blowing up the side bars and [ like yourself ] I have been around in this venue for almost 40 years. Never heard of them and all of a sudden they are seasoned experts that we just never knew about. I am sorry, this is off.
No argument there, but the answer to Tuckers question that a 'state of emergency' would be implemented could not have been a worse choice of words - which means it was intentional. The code behind that choice was a litmus test. Are those who see what is going on, so invested in their seeing it that they will accept the same crimes imposed upon their opponents as justifiable. I am reading a good deal from many diverse voices that the answer is 'yes'.
Agree about government-declared emergencies. They should be largely abolished, if not entirely. Katherine Watt describes in her Substack (about legal issues primarily since that is her profession) all the laws, regulations, Executive Orders, and court decisions that have enabled "kill box" (a military term) policies by the USG against citizens. She has done this research and posting to encourage efforts to educate lawmakers about the problem and get them to act in a positive way.
This whole morass of enabled government overreach needs to be dismantled, and it is a gargantuan edifice at this point. One example: all 50 states have forced quarantine laws that will for sure be abused if the wrong people get in power.
"all 50 states have forced quarantine laws that will for sure be abused (WHEN) the wrong people get in power."
We got a fuck ton of mentally-ill assholes dug into government positions, and these assholes can think of NOTHING better to do with their time than to boss us around.
@DearAuntEdna, thank you for saying this! Yours is among the best comments in this whole thread. What we really have on Earth today is an "ASSHOLE state of emergency" with too many fucking assholes trying to control regular people who just want to be left the fuck alone.
Thank you! I always say, it’s not about skin color, race, or the other surface characteristics, etc… it’s about, Are you an asshole, or not an asshole? I only have two categories. Haha!
When I was young, decades ago, hardly anyone was fat. We stayed slender because we worked off our food outdoors, playing games, running, etc. And the food we ate was pretty much all "natural." Hot Pockets and Lunchables hadn't been invented yet.
26 yr old mother with 2 little boys was lifted in prayer at our prayer meeting last night. Her cousin was present and asked us all to pray for this 26 yr old young woman as she has suffered a “stomach stroke “ due to ozempic shots-she basically blew out her stomach and will now have a feeding tube , in her nose, permanently. There were 2 other women present who are also taking the shots.
The look on their faces was painful to view~and I have been telling them both about the dangers for months.
No matter what you tell people, some just won’t accept it because it’s from you.
Makes me SICK to watch people volunteer to hurt their bodies, unto possible death, to stroke their vanity via their stupidity.
Seeds oil--is olive oil seed oil? That is all I have known and grew up with. Along with it our Mediterranean diet is what my family consumes. At 77, I am on no medication (doctors ask me if I am sure about that :)) and I weigh 98 lbs since I was a teenager.
I remember reading something awhile back that there was a lot of counterfeit olive oil and apparently this has been going on forever. My nephew went to a well known ag school that produced its own olive oil and he gave me a small bottle for Christmas - I didn't realize how much of a difference there was. It was like the difference between box wine and something the sommelier brings you.
Here is the answer from AI. I did not include the links provided, but if you want them, use the Brave search engine.
Is Olive Oil Seed Oil?
According to the search results, olive oil is extracted from the fruit of the olive tree (olives) and not from the seeds of the plant. This is explicitly stated in multiple sources:
“Olive oil (often sold as extra-virgin olive oil) is considered a vegetable oil, but not a seed oil, because it’s not derived from the seed of the olive” (Source 1)
“Olive oil comes from milling the olives, not from seeds” (Source 3)
“Olive oil, celebrated for its nutritional profile and rich history, is extracted from the fruit of the olive tree, not from seeds” (Source 4)
In contrast, seed oils are extracted from the seeds of various plants, such as canola oil. Olive oil’s origin from olives, rather than seeds, distinguishes it as a distinct category of oil.
Olive oil, coconut oil, butter, ghee and lard are all okay fat/oils. Avocado oil can be used, but isn't as good as the others as it is more processed, but it has a higher smoke point.
There is a lot of concern over the propaganda and phony information promoted by the pharmaceutical companies and their satraps in the mass media and the medical profession. This is certainly deserved but the most hilarious fact is that their greatest successes came about almost entirely by accident. Ozempic is just the latest example. One of the pioneer examples was Viagra. Initially marketed as an antihypertensive drug, it had only a modest effect on blood pressure. But a number of men given the drug started saying something like "Say Doc, guess what happened when I took that pill. I don't care about the effect on my BP but I would dearly love to have some refills added to my prescription." The word spread like wildfire and soon the pharmacies couldn't keep up with the demand. The beauty of it was that the company didn't even have to spend money on advertising. Word of mouth plus an occasional (wink, wink) ad was sufficient. The latest example, Ozempic and similar drugs were developed in order to treat a basically made-up disease labelled Type 2 Diabetes and now a more egregious fraud called "pre-diabetes". These were marketed as effective in reducing A-1-C levels---a laboratory surrogate for hyperglycemia. The response was pretty modest until they discovered that a side effect for some people was weight loss. Soon the ads would throw in a statement at the end such as "I also lost some weight". That was sufficient for the drug to take off and is now marketed primarily for weight loss. Like Viagra, the drug has soared in popularity because of a side effect that had nothing to do with the intended purpose. So the lesson is: while the drug companies are certainly diabolical and untrustworthy, their successes are most often due to dumb luck rather than intelligent planning.
I had a slightly overweight friend who went on Wegovy and he did lose a little weight, but was very lethargic and looked like death warmed over. This whole thing is a scam to enrich big Pharma and then the class action lawyers after that.
I have 2 friends I'm worried about. Mother is on Ozempic for her diabetes (and she eats anything), while son, fully 2.5 people, maybe 3 people big, is on Wegovy, as compounded by the chemist. It doesn't help that he's a chef. They way they eat! It makes me a bit frightened to visit with them, too much food. (even with the semiglutides!)
The push for GLP-1 drugs was so sudden and extreme in Canada, i have avoided it bcz it was too reminiscent of covid vax... as an older woman, i am now seeing the "hidden" benefit of "ozempic babies" touted...
they are trying to lure older women in by saying Ozempic will allow you to conceive a baby even if you are already perimenopausal (or menopausal!)... It really does seem to me like with the covid vaccine - where it was the one infallible cure all for everything, and had zero drawbacks.
Shit. That explains why I woke up with a heavy period the day after I took the first shot of wegovy! I’m 51 and hardly ever get my period and if I do it’s not like that. Also feeling very fatigued and actually craving lollies which I never eat. Probably bcs I can’t stomach a lot of food but need energy.
Hmmm $1,000 per month. For that same cost you could hire a personal trainer twice a week and eat very high quality prepared foods in the right portions...
The saga of Ozempic Lies and Deception continues to trend on NY Times.
"In the near future, the story of drugs like Ozempic may no longer be primarily about weight loss and diabetes. We now know that these drugs can reduce heart and kidney disease. They could very well slow the progression of dementia. They might help women struggling with infertility to get pregnant. They are even tied to lower mortality from Covid."
I was born and raised in Greece (Crete). Most farms are full of OLIVE TREES. Close relatives own farms with olive trees. I have witnessed how they produce olive oil. Nothing of the sort you have suggested. Pure olive oil, no additives. If you happen to go to Home Goods, look for Greek olive oil, especially Sparta olive oil or Cretan olive oil. You will taste the difference.
I hope your relatives keep their farms. Right now in America (as elsewhere, I hear), farmers are hassled into selling their land and that bodes poorly for the future quality of our food.
I was born and raised in Honolulu. Our family got a lot of food via gift exchange -- excess mangoes, mountain apples, fish, etc. Had no idea how spoiled we were until I moved to the continental U.S.
I am more hopeful than ever that the food and drug industry can be changed if President Trump and Senator Vance get elected and Robert Kennedy becomes a part of the administration. Together, with the help of so many willing warriors, it could happen. The corruption must stop. It’s literally killing us.
As long as they don't declare a "health emergency" (thank you DearAuntEdna) and insist the government must intervene in personal lives. As long as they attack at the corporate level.
No politician can save us. WE MUST SAVE OURSELVES. You can do it beginning today. We need to stop thinking that way, that we’re going to elect our way out of this. We are a free people! We save ourselves.
African Americans: Ozempic’s manufacturer paid the NAACP to lobby for the drug, framing any opposition as perpetuating systemic racism.
I am rarely at a loss for words, but I actually had to read this three times to let it sink in.
Calley has the receipts here: https://x.com/calleymeans/status/1640490727707738114
"One major obstacle to selling Ozempic is its high cost ($1,000-$1,500 per month), making it unaffordable without insurance. The Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 prohibits Medicare from covering weight loss drugs, but the industry has been lobbying to overturn this. An "obesity rights" coalition, (funded by Ozempic’s manufacturer), has successfully advanced a law through committee to allow Medicare coverage, which could cost between $3.1 to $6 billion annually if passed."
When you spend a little time diving into Big Pharma's communications or investor calls or whatever, you quickly learn that government is Big Pharma's perfect customer. Huge guaranteed bulk orders basically in perpetuity, no matter if the drug actually does what they claim or not. (See: Covid vaccines/Paxlovid.)
Lilly is now pushing to sell the product directly to the consumer to by pass the safety checks via AI programs.
I can envision the future articles now -- A "glitch" in Pfizer's AI program has erroneously approved every single application for all drugs for the last 2 years......
Yes I had a customer ask about that this morning said it was all over their website and how great it would come in a vial and only cost her $500 instead of the $900 she is paying now in the pharmacy since she has medicare and is using the Zepbound which is for obesity not diabetes. I think it's an even more alarming sign that this drug is bad news but am only too happy to allow Lilly to assume ALL LIABILITY. That said, how the HELL has it turned into this?? Would any sane watchdog allow the wolves to come into the pasture, build a slaughterhouse (and breeding pen for more!) and start cooking up the sheep?? But our FDA is now allowing a manufacturer to provide (paid to approve) doctors and pharmacists to directly market their crap to the world. Now only if every drug did the same thing we would all be working from home clicking "approved" on everything since we are only paid to approve!! If that's how it ends I am OUT. I'll give up and start growing my own pharmacopeia and making recipes from all my old USP-NF books from back in the early days of pharmacy. There's some pretty good stuff in there.
Australia just passed a compounding law. Apparently chemists were compounding Ozempic & especially Wegovy in bulk. The law now clearly states that they cannot manufacture a thing until they have a script.
I'll be curious to see what other things they put in this "compounding" bill which might affect me.
This could explain the drive by medical associations and deep pocketed foundations to make gender reassignment surgeries (a euphemism worthy of a George Carlin bit) and cross sex hormones considered human rights, either to be funded by insurance or government.
How can so many judges seriously be concerned with human rights if they are putting sex offenders in women’s prisons and mandating that tax payers fund their surgeries?
They have not as a group been concerned with women’s human rights regarding providing healthcare or even tampons or those of prisoners regularly tortured in solitary confinement.
The uneven application of laws and designation of rights by those in power is another sign of corruption in any society.
That's what the push for "body positivity" and "free" government subsidized health care have brought us. It's really about the government forcing us to let it be the middleman in order to grab gobs of money in taxes to pay its Pharma Phriends. End the "stigma" with obesity. Just medicate it. No profit in healthful lifestyle changes. It would just threaten the bottom line of their pals in the fast/processed food industry.
I'm afraid that millions of people are going to find out the hard way that for losing weight, nothing beats fork put-downs.
You weren't paying attention for millions putting fork down doesn't work. You can't reduce your calories and lose weight and you can't maintain it and if you try to lose weight like that your body will rebel and your metabolism will slow even more and the weight will come back on plus more. Look up the consequences of "the biggest loser" tv show. They didn't advertise the reality that all of the people gained the weight back and many gained extra. Their metabolic tests come back as very different from a normal weight person and it isn't from lack of motivation or trying that the weight comes back.
Sorry, with the very very rare genetic exception, this is simply not how it works. Consume fewer calories than you eat and you will lose weight.
wrong. and by the way -- what works for males doesn't necessarily work females. But I was going to say, the adrenals are key. If the thyroid is the door to a good metabolism, the adrenal glands are the doorknob. Stress causes cortisol to rise, messing up adrenal glands, so the thyroid doesn't work.
meaning eat less, move more, gain weight anyway. I lived it. Spent years with an endocrinologist trying to be well again. Don't diss me, don't tease me, this is serious.
Long story short, I gave up all gluten & my adrenals healed and I lost weight.
I mean....I don't want to be rude here, but you guys sound exactly like the 30-somethings who were making excuses as to why they needed to be afraid of covid.
Given the proper time and exercise routine, I would have you losing weight via diet and exercise. It's simply impossible for it not to work because you can't gain weight if you're burning more calories than you're consuming.
Jack Kruse would say that light - which fuels those endocrine cascades KtheS was talking about - is the key to metabolism.
"The Biggest Loser" show did it your way. Didn't work. It has a very temporary appearance of working with a wicked backlash that involves the metabolism of the person changing. You are wrong and the evidence is there if you look.
Except you'll notice those people lost weight, they were just unable to keep it off because they didn't continue what they were doing to lose the weight in the first place. If they made a permanent change in lifestyle, it's literally impossible for them to regain the weight.
You can't gain weight unless you consume more than you burn, period.
No you won't. Maybe it is the damage from bad subsidized food products and other environmental contaminants, but that isn't how it works. Unless you happen to be someone who went from normal weight to abnormal with the introduction of fast food, which you then stop eating, it just doesn't work that way. I've eaten modestly and healthily for decades and I have done two "medical weight loss" programs which were worse than doing nothing and I'm not an anomaly in our society. Sorry, but you are wrong and living in an ivory tower. Enjoy it, but that isn't the way it works.
I think you’re right. It has to do with the signaling in the brain through Leptin which is broken for many people. Leslie Taylor (her Substack is Fast Well Feast Well) has a lot of helpful articles about this.
Could be by over vaccination in childhood... I think HPV vax did this to a few in my family.
Jack Kruse - the Leptin Solution, also.
I think it's too complex to generalize for sure. If you don't struggle it's easy to point fingers at those that do. Until you've walked in another person's body, I say keep your generalizations to yourself. I'm learning that myself... in every aspect of life!
And exercise doesn't cause weight loss either. It helps with overall health, but unless you are a freak most people later in life and certainly with extra weight have to keep it very moderate and be careful with exercise.
Weird how the people who eat right and exercise just happen to do it while people who are lazy and eat junk are fat. It's a mystery.
You guys are so wrong. And so self righteousness too. My daughter was obese. Eating less and less didn’t work bec@use her metabolism was screwed up by dieting and the junk quality of all processed food now. The harmful toxin ingredients injure energy production at the cell level so you have less energy (ATP) to deal with even lower amounts of food in calorie restriction It’s the metabolism, stupid. It runs our body, including our brain and our digestive system. Writing this uses energy. Blinking our eyes needs ATP. . Good metabolism means adequate eating and absorption of food. People in the 70s ate better food in larger quantities but stayed slim. They had a metabolism that used the energy created by mostly clean food. Now energy production from bad industrial food is so low the normal diets from those days pile on weight. Stress and over exercising just add to the whole disaster. So just lowering calories or exercising will not work because our bodies are used to a metabolism that is stunted and needs lower amounts because metabolism is storing energy (fat) to keep us alive. It’s pretty simple really. Eat less move more will not work with modern industrial made foods. Your metabolism will win out every time.
Finally, someone is talking sense. We’re not Bunsen burners. Hormones matter, especially leptin and insulin. And how and when we eat affects how they act.
I used to train 20-30+ hours a week for Ironman and ultramarathons, and I had to starve to get lean. I ate a lot of carbs. Now I just walk, hike and throw some weights around, and I’m almost back at my old race weight 18 years since my last IM. The difference is my low carb high fat diet.
It's certainly possible that your daughter has some sort of unique issue, but at the end of the day weight loss is math. You simply can't gain weight if you burn more than you consume.
I don't know who "You Guys" are. Of course it's the food. And "dieting" won't help. A healthy diet of real food, with intermittent fasting, is what is needed. You say your daughter "was obese", implying she found the solution. Perhaps you'd be willing to share it.
Eating less can actually make the problem worse. One of the "medical weight management" plans I did had me doing 800 calories a day with drug assist, but the backlash is vicious and the weight loss is minimal and can't be maintained. Your metabolism shifts to both make you super hungry and to put the weight back on plus some. I think the eating enough to be satiated, but choosing the what carefully is probably the right path. There are several good references out there, but check dietdoctors.com for one. I can't tell you that it has put me into weight loss yet, but I can say that I have felt worse than I do now and I think it is probably the best possibility. PS. "The what" is not what the US government and medical establishment say it is. I am also carefully choosing supplements to try to help. D vitamin needs to be taken with K (John Campbell has a video on this) and some people don't seem to absorb D through ingesting it, so you need to have blood work done to see if D is going up. D below 50 (you'll have to look up the metric) makes you more susceptible to sickness and weight whether you are skinny or not and extra weight makes you more likely to have low D.
"and eat junk". You're getting there. Who makes the junk?
It's no secret the American diet is full of processed crap.
Companies owned by fabulously wealthy people, who probably eat real and healthy foods, prepared by their personal chefs.
And what about when you don't eat hardly any "junk"? It is a false impression that most people who are overweight are downing junk all the time or more than the skinny. That may have been the case at one time, but now I don't think it is. When I was 20 I didn't have a problem, but I do regularly see young people who have a much bigger problem than me and I'm in my 50's. I think our food is compromised and yes a reduction in carbs is part of it and for some fast food is, but a lot of people aren't doing the junk food for every meal or for any and you can't just dismiss it as that. My path I'm on now (and I don't know yet if it will help) is to completely turn my back on the medical establishment and government recommendations. I'm going with the intermittent fasting and keto, although after more than a year it still hasn't started a reverse. The elimination of certain foods has helped with inflammation so that helps, walking on feet that feel like they are pushing apart doesn't make getting around very easy. I guarantee you many of those obese people you despise are eating less and more healthily than you are and doing what they can for exercise.
Actually what is weird is how people who get lucky on the metabolism and aging think that they did it, when they just got lucky. I've never been into fast food, I've never been into sodas, never smoked, never been a druggy, and while I used to eat some ultra processed food, I never did it as much as the average American. I've eaten "healthily" for decades and I've exercised. After my first pregnancy I was exercising regularly and vigorously for 2 years before I couldn't keep it up at the same level. It made no difference. I know a guy who "got lucky" and was able to maintain his high school weight and run 5 miles a day. He's about to turn 70 and his body is falling apart, but a big part of that is he kept listening to his doctor and getting the clot shots. He's had at least 5 or 6. Now he is finding out what life is like for those of us who can't maintain those levels and have to work harder for no results. You've been lucky, but I wouldn't get too smug because luck runs out, especially in our society with the damaging influences.
Working my ass off to lose 75 pounds wasn't luck. Good day.
Wrong! Get rid of the sugar. Get rid of the carbs. Carnivore diet will do exactly what ozempic does. Cut the cravings.
What TYPE of calories?
Portion control is a lost art.
I'm afraid we all might be in for forced portion control.
I was sick in the head, thinking, what would you be thinking after you lost all of that weight and all of a sudden, there is starvation everywhere. Yeah, I'm sorta sick that way.
You are not alone.
My thought was even worse...I wondered if this was their way of getting rid of the obese and over weight (aka: useless eaters). This medical industrial complex is even more evil than I think the average person can comprehend.
Now that's a thought too. Yes, they are evil.
Portion control may be an unexpected benefit of government generated inflation. Note how the volume of ingredients in many foods and prepared meals is reduced through "shrinkflation".
Actually when things get more expensive and people are stretched then they buy what is cheap. What is cheap is what is subsidized. What is subsidized makes you sicker and fatter. What makes you sicker and fatter makes the pharmaceutical companies and everyone in the chain of payouts wealthier.
They called that "the Maduro diet" in Venezuela.
Throughout the world oppressive government has been the most effective solution to the obesity problem. Anti-obesity hysterics in the US should be encouraged by the prospect of that "solution" here.
Nothing beats fixing the food industry. That's the cause, that's the solution.
I think the only way to ‘fix’ it, is to subtract the bad stuff from your eating (corn, wheat, soy, inflammatory seed oils, processed food, processed sugar, fast food). In other words, just eat ‘real’ food, meaning : don’t purchase their crap. The powerful corporations only care about gaining more wealth, via selling their toxic crap to everyone. So, don’t buy it.
I agree about subtracting the bad stuff. A good thing about being elderly and semi-mobile is that someone buys my food and prepares it at home, much of it coming from a market. Another good thing is that I live in Asia, not America. In addition, I eat one meal a day, largely avoiding carbohydrates, thus promoting autophagy, which among other things keeps my weight down. I realize that for most Americans eating this way is not easy, but it should be a diet to aspire to.
I agree that your way of eating is great, Graham Wells! :) The grocery stores in the USA are 99.8% filled with stuff I call ‘not real food’, but, sadly, that’s what almost all folks here buy and eat. It truly is a tragedy.
I think a lot has to do with lack of understanding and psychology. Don't food experts advise avoiding the supermarket center aisles, because that's where the worst stuff is? My impression is that many don't realize just what it is they're eating. A lot of research goes into making bad food highly palatable. I know because I eat some of it myself, even though I shouldn't. A good rule of thumb is "if it doesn't look like food, avoid it". Doctors are taught little about nutrition, hospital food isn't healthy, etc. It's not too surprising that over 50% of Americans have Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. I hope that doesn't include children, but we know many kids are overweight. I'm not looking down on Americans, since my home country, the UK, isn't much better.
Combined with avoiding: corn, wheat, soy, seed oils. As well as processed sugar and processed ‘foods’. I believe the most important first step in improving one’s health for folks who eat the typical American diet is ‘subtraction’ of these toxins.
The stuff that really makes them obese is not eaten with forks - fries with that burger and diet drink?
In my 60 years in the drug business as a pharmacist I have seen all the hype that claimed that a pill or liquid or injection will resolve weight gain issues. Nonsense. Diet products with aspartame that many embrace creates weight gain and the aspartame should never have been marketed. A story in it self where good medicine is trumped by political connection and the drive to maximize the bottom line.
This is the latest iteration of the process. Reports are coming in that the injections cause inflammation of the retinal cells and has the potential to create blindness. Will not be confirmed until enough patients experience this side effect. Then the market will crash. Until we address the root causes which are based in excess consumption of sugar and liquid corn syrup and it's various forms, nothing will change. It is reported that 75% of all processed food products have corn based product in the ingredient formula. My view.
For a while, I loved how all the commercials for those products included "along with diet and exercise......"
Why, it's almost as if the important things are the diet and the exercise, not the pills!
It would help if people would read labels!
I'm sensitive to all corn products. It's extremely difficult to find food not adulterated with some derivative of corn. Glucose is usually made from corn, and is added to a high percentage of food in various forms.
Sugar is not the culprit. Check out Ray Peat.
Sure is. Went from about 50 pounds per year per person after WWII to today of about 160 pounds per person. Most of the increase is in liquid corn syrup which is cheaper than cane sugar and is in Coke and etc. The Diet Coke also boost weight gain because of the aspartame impact on metabolism.
Corn syrup and whatever the hell is on Coke products is not sugar. I eat about a cup or two a day of organic cane sugar and my BMI is 23.7, HB1C is 5.39% fasting insulin is 6, serum glucose is 90…. Ray Peat ftw
+1 can't upvote substack comments. You are absolutely right. Sugar is pure evil.
Reminds me of being sent/forced to a heart specialist by my employers' doc due to refusing to take cholesterol meds I reacted badly to.
It was high pressure sales all the way.
First the doc comes in, doing his best impression of a TV doc and being so very serious about how I needed to be taking drugs...Lots of drugs, or I may die tomorrow.
Sorry doc, that's a hard no and that's incorrect on lifespan.
Next up was the really pretty nurse who suggested, with overt sexual overtones, that she could get me this really expensive drug for cholesterol for a very special deal and it would make little ol' her so very happy if I would just take this drug.
Sorry honey, no deal.
I worked in the auto trade for years and this mess reminded me of nothing so much as watching high pressure sales clowns in a crooked car dealership do their evil persuasion tricks.
They finally gave up on pressuring me and proceeded with the treadmill etc. to test my heart condition.
I passed with flying colors...and didn't die the next day as threatened!
My ex father in law used to run the sleep study lab at the local teaching hospital.
He used to laugh about how the drug reps would do anything to get the docs to prescribe their meds.
Stuff like bringing in fancy high dollar meals to feed entire departments...as they sprayed samples of their drugs all over like they were candy on Halloween.
You didn't have to be a doc either. They didn't care who took the samples.
My ex father in law had quite the collection of useful prescription pharmaceuticals he got that way.
Definitely OK in his hands. He was not a doc, but he had done three tours as a combat medic in Vietnam.
A little off topic, but I don’t trust Callie Means farther than I can throw him. I’d never heard of him until recently and I’ve been around this, “health and wellness” space since early 2000’s. He’s also been recorded as saying that if elected, RFKJ/ Trump should declare a “health state of emergency”. Callie Means would play a vital role to be sure. Doesn’t that sound like another government overreach state of emergency we’ve all been affected by, recently? The last thing I want is another government overlord declaring some state of emergency to take away more rights. It’s just another power grab. Just because they happen to be speaking my language about something I like (that needs to be addressed) doesn’t mean I want to give someone (or someone’s) more power.
I am glad you said this. I told my spouse immediately after watching Tuckers interview that these two individuals were blowing up the side bars and [ like yourself ] I have been around in this venue for almost 40 years. Never heard of them and all of a sudden they are seasoned experts that we just never knew about. I am sorry, this is off.
Sometimes you need a new face to make a longstanding issue be brought to the public's attention.
Sometimes you GET a new face who wants to cash in on the current anti-FDA cash cow wave.
No argument there, but the answer to Tuckers question that a 'state of emergency' would be implemented could not have been a worse choice of words - which means it was intentional. The code behind that choice was a litmus test. Are those who see what is going on, so invested in their seeing it that they will accept the same crimes imposed upon their opponents as justifiable. I am reading a good deal from many diverse voices that the answer is 'yes'.
Agree about government-declared emergencies. They should be largely abolished, if not entirely. Katherine Watt describes in her Substack (about legal issues primarily since that is her profession) all the laws, regulations, Executive Orders, and court decisions that have enabled "kill box" (a military term) policies by the USG against citizens. She has done this research and posting to encourage efforts to educate lawmakers about the problem and get them to act in a positive way.
This whole morass of enabled government overreach needs to be dismantled, and it is a gargantuan edifice at this point. One example: all 50 states have forced quarantine laws that will for sure be abused if the wrong people get in power.
"all 50 states have forced quarantine laws that will for sure be abused (WHEN) the wrong people get in power."
We got a fuck ton of mentally-ill assholes dug into government positions, and these assholes can think of NOTHING better to do with their time than to boss us around.
@DearAuntEdna, thank you for saying this! Yours is among the best comments in this whole thread. What we really have on Earth today is an "ASSHOLE state of emergency" with too many fucking assholes trying to control regular people who just want to be left the fuck alone.
Thank you! I always say, it’s not about skin color, race, or the other surface characteristics, etc… it’s about, Are you an asshole, or not an asshole? I only have two categories. Haha!
+1 (can't upvote on substack)
You can "like," though. That's equivalent to +1.
You can't possibly be that literal.
When I was young, decades ago, hardly anyone was fat. We stayed slender because we worked off our food outdoors, playing games, running, etc. And the food we ate was pretty much all "natural." Hot Pockets and Lunchables hadn't been invented yet.
Stomach Stroke:
26 yr old mother with 2 little boys was lifted in prayer at our prayer meeting last night. Her cousin was present and asked us all to pray for this 26 yr old young woman as she has suffered a “stomach stroke “ due to ozempic shots-she basically blew out her stomach and will now have a feeding tube , in her nose, permanently. There were 2 other women present who are also taking the shots.
The look on their faces was painful to view~and I have been telling them both about the dangers for months.
No matter what you tell people, some just won’t accept it because it’s from you.
Makes me SICK to watch people volunteer to hurt their bodies, unto possible death, to stroke their vanity via their stupidity.
Well she'll lose weight now. Sad.
Seeds oil--is olive oil seed oil? That is all I have known and grew up with. Along with it our Mediterranean diet is what my family consumes. At 77, I am on no medication (doctors ask me if I am sure about that :)) and I weigh 98 lbs since I was a teenager.
It depends. Cheaper manufacturers use oil from the pits, better ones don't.
I remember reading something awhile back that there was a lot of counterfeit olive oil and apparently this has been going on forever. My nephew went to a well known ag school that produced its own olive oil and he gave me a small bottle for Christmas - I didn't realize how much of a difference there was. It was like the difference between box wine and something the sommelier brings you.
Found a piece on picking a good olive oil.
+1 Thank you!
Even better than the article is the link to a list of great olive oils at different price points.
Olive oil is a-okay. They are referring to unnatural oils, ie. Canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, industrial seed oils.
Here is the answer from AI. I did not include the links provided, but if you want them, use the Brave search engine.
Is Olive Oil Seed Oil?
According to the search results, olive oil is extracted from the fruit of the olive tree (olives) and not from the seeds of the plant. This is explicitly stated in multiple sources:
“Olive oil (often sold as extra-virgin olive oil) is considered a vegetable oil, but not a seed oil, because it’s not derived from the seed of the olive” (Source 1)
“Olive oil comes from milling the olives, not from seeds” (Source 3)
“Olive oil, celebrated for its nutritional profile and rich history, is extracted from the fruit of the olive tree, not from seeds” (Source 4)
In contrast, seed oils are extracted from the seeds of various plants, such as canola oil. Olive oil’s origin from olives, rather than seeds, distinguishes it as a distinct category of oil.
Olive oil is not a seed oil, and is an excellent replacement in cooking and recipes
Olive oil, coconut oil, butter, ghee and lard are all okay fat/oils. Avocado oil can be used, but isn't as good as the others as it is more processed, but it has a higher smoke point.
Make sure you don't skimp on olive oil and really know where and who makes it...just pure 100%.
There is a lot of concern over the propaganda and phony information promoted by the pharmaceutical companies and their satraps in the mass media and the medical profession. This is certainly deserved but the most hilarious fact is that their greatest successes came about almost entirely by accident. Ozempic is just the latest example. One of the pioneer examples was Viagra. Initially marketed as an antihypertensive drug, it had only a modest effect on blood pressure. But a number of men given the drug started saying something like "Say Doc, guess what happened when I took that pill. I don't care about the effect on my BP but I would dearly love to have some refills added to my prescription." The word spread like wildfire and soon the pharmacies couldn't keep up with the demand. The beauty of it was that the company didn't even have to spend money on advertising. Word of mouth plus an occasional (wink, wink) ad was sufficient. The latest example, Ozempic and similar drugs were developed in order to treat a basically made-up disease labelled Type 2 Diabetes and now a more egregious fraud called "pre-diabetes". These were marketed as effective in reducing A-1-C levels---a laboratory surrogate for hyperglycemia. The response was pretty modest until they discovered that a side effect for some people was weight loss. Soon the ads would throw in a statement at the end such as "I also lost some weight". That was sufficient for the drug to take off and is now marketed primarily for weight loss. Like Viagra, the drug has soared in popularity because of a side effect that had nothing to do with the intended purpose. So the lesson is: while the drug companies are certainly diabolical and untrustworthy, their successes are most often due to dumb luck rather than intelligent planning.
I had a slightly overweight friend who went on Wegovy and he did lose a little weight, but was very lethargic and looked like death warmed over. This whole thing is a scam to enrich big Pharma and then the class action lawyers after that.
I have 2 friends I'm worried about. Mother is on Ozempic for her diabetes (and she eats anything), while son, fully 2.5 people, maybe 3 people big, is on Wegovy, as compounded by the chemist. It doesn't help that he's a chef. They way they eat! It makes me a bit frightened to visit with them, too much food. (even with the semiglutides!)
hopefully it will help them, sounds like they are better candidates
The push for GLP-1 drugs was so sudden and extreme in Canada, i have avoided it bcz it was too reminiscent of covid vax... as an older woman, i am now seeing the "hidden" benefit of "ozempic babies" touted...
What??? Ozempic babies? 😬oooooohhhh... lol. Increase in births!
they are trying to lure older women in by saying Ozempic will allow you to conceive a baby even if you are already perimenopausal (or menopausal!)... It really does seem to me like with the covid vaccine - where it was the one infallible cure all for everything, and had zero drawbacks.
Sounds like a terrible marketing strategy too. Most women my age do not want another baby and it wouldn’t be fair on the kid, either!
Shit. That explains why I woke up with a heavy period the day after I took the first shot of wegovy! I’m 51 and hardly ever get my period and if I do it’s not like that. Also feeling very fatigued and actually craving lollies which I never eat. Probably bcs I can’t stomach a lot of food but need energy.
I hadn't heard this one. I don't see how it could do that. Personally I'm looking forward to menopause.
Hmmm $1,000 per month. For that same cost you could hire a personal trainer twice a week and eat very high quality prepared foods in the right portions...
Insurance doesn't cover those things. But it will happily pay for Ozempic.
In Australia it doesn’t cost anywhere near that. I pay $200 per month and that is ‘off label’. Under the PBS it’s around $30pm.
The saga of Ozempic Lies and Deception continues to trend on NY Times.
"In the near future, the story of drugs like Ozempic may no longer be primarily about weight loss and diabetes. We now know that these drugs can reduce heart and kidney disease. They could very well slow the progression of dementia. They might help women struggling with infertility to get pregnant. They are even tied to lower mortality from Covid."
Didn't Henry Kissinger say that? xD
I was born and raised in Greece (Crete). Most farms are full of OLIVE TREES. Close relatives own farms with olive trees. I have witnessed how they produce olive oil. Nothing of the sort you have suggested. Pure olive oil, no additives. If you happen to go to Home Goods, look for Greek olive oil, especially Sparta olive oil or Cretan olive oil. You will taste the difference.
Wow! Sounds beautiful!
I hope your relatives keep their farms. Right now in America (as elsewhere, I hear), farmers are hassled into selling their land and that bodes poorly for the future quality of our food.
I was born and raised in Honolulu. Our family got a lot of food via gift exchange -- excess mangoes, mountain apples, fish, etc. Had no idea how spoiled we were until I moved to the continental U.S.
Olive oil is made from the fruit of the tree, not the seed. They are not referring to it as a seed oil.
There are a lot of issues with how generic olive oil is produced.
I am more hopeful than ever that the food and drug industry can be changed if President Trump and Senator Vance get elected and Robert Kennedy becomes a part of the administration. Together, with the help of so many willing warriors, it could happen. The corruption must stop. It’s literally killing us.
That is what I've been told by people connected to all of this.
As long as they don't declare a "health emergency" (thank you DearAuntEdna) and insist the government must intervene in personal lives. As long as they attack at the corporate level.
No politician can save us. WE MUST SAVE OURSELVES. You can do it beginning today. We need to stop thinking that way, that we’re going to elect our way out of this. We are a free people! We save ourselves.
And that means divesting from Fecesbook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, and all the other "necessary" surveillance tech.
We got ourselves into this. Only we can get ourselves out.
"Tyranny is not possible without compliance."
~ The Vigilant Fox
Being a fat shit is not possible without sugar.