Oct 8·edited Oct 9Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thanks M-WD. I began to hate big pharma when I realised Covid and vax scams were part of their Profit Plans. It became apparent when I realised Pfizer & others enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their medicines, I am further reducing my minimal reliance on Pfizer medicines.

Several years ago I was prescribed Zoton fastab in 30 mg tablets - after enjoying months of indigestion free eating, I tried to reduce the volume I was prescribed. I cut each tablet in half and found 15mg was equally effective. I'm now on 15mg tablets, but reading that messing with the digestive system (Acid Reflux) can be problematic to out health, I will now reduce my 15mg tablets to 7.5mg to see if they are just as effective. Wish me luck!

It's great to see some 'Anti-vaxxers' (those with the ability to investigate before accepting DEADLY medical experiments) having an impact on Big Pharma's intent on fleecing the planet while culling us with their useless but deadly crap injections!

I'm approaching 80 - fit and healthy with serious concern about what has been going on since Fauci (& friends) lab-modified a virus in order to create a disease which requires a 'CURE'. PROFIT from 'the cure' was the end game! A 'Cure by Injection' makes massive profits, even if it doesn't work or did nothing and a few vax recipients died along the way. "So What - nobody can prove we're lying!"

I have absolutely zero medical education - just a logical brain and over the past 4 years I've diligently investigated this extremely 'foreign' subject. I have concluded that the whole Covid/Vax Plan was one coordinated concept to make money and reduce the overpopulated world with a Cull by vax.

The biggest Clue as to the honesty and sincerity of Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) is ZERO LIABILITY. It's unbelievable that they are exonerated from any/all culpability. A CONTRACT CONDITION that Vax makers insist upon for everybody who agree to sample their deadly EXPERIMENTAL mRNA injections. I have determined that mRNA is a highly dangerous, uncontrollable Gene Altering experiment which creates Spike Proteins that cannot be regulated or controlled. The net result is a sudden Post-Vax TSUNAMI of diseases that seem to be occurring in those blindly accepting these mRNA injections. How can Big Pharma justify ZERO LIABILITY? They know they're killing thousands with their 'medicines'. With ZERO LIABILITY casualties don't matter because there are ZERO consequences. No need for the manufacturers to prove safety or efficacy. No need to 'quality control' the vials full of deadly crap for 'contamination', etc,. Big Pharma's friends at the FDA 'turn a blind eye' to policing any of our reasonable expectations.

When I was a kid, there were perhaps ONE case of Autism in 1000 - today, with hundreds of opportunities to poison kids by injection, there are maybe 10 Autistic or ADHD issues in 1000 kids.

We now can't eat peanuts because Big Pharma has moved the goal posts by 'OVER-vaccinating' our who now die from 'deadly peanuts'. This insanity must stop!

I frequently comment on these topics and many seem to concur with my thought process.

I'm currently in conflict with my local GP practice, which I have just learned is part of a larger consortium of Private Health providers. Since 2021, I have frequently emailed evidence of Vax harms, excess Deaths, Unsafe and ineffective injections called VACCINES, etc,.

They have now decided I must be reigned in from spreading the truth. They suggest that my 'opinions and beliefs' are unwanted and unhelpful in their quest in providing care in their patients best interests.

I've told them that I am NOT sending my 'OPINIONS and BELIEFS' but factual evidence from other 'experts' of what has been apparent since the release of a man-modified disease in late 2019 and the dangerous 'cure' (Vax) that was knocked up in a few short weeks.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt medical interference!

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Agree with most of what you've written here, Mick. Not sure that PROFITS is the only reason though. Check out Fort Detrick's role, and US bioweaponization of viruses .....

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For some reason, all the secret mad science that's occurred at Ft. Detrick for decades .... gets a pass from the "watchdog" media.

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We grew pathogens at National Drug Company...ostensibly for vaccines...and shipped to Ft Detrick. It was not all housed there, but spread out across the land

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Thanks Mitchell! Obviously there's a chain reaction to most things in life. Many of us already realise that Fauci's Gain of Function = making illnesses as deadly as possible - so they can create (or pretend they have) a 'CURE'.

GoF was Bio-weapon engineering and was a DoD (military function) until Big Pharma saw the opportunity to create illnesses and pretend to have an EXPENSIVE 'Cure'.

Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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I've never even come across this Fort Detrick stuff, what's a good source to read up on it?

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In the US the autism rates are 1/36 (1/22 in California)!

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And used to be 1/10,000

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See Dr Christopher Exley re aluminium in jabs causing autism epidemic & ADHD & SIDS from childhood vaccines. There are 9 million UK kids with autism. This is new; not normal. The brainwashed say it’s awareness!! AVOID all jabs including childhood jabs. AWAKE Parents sadly reveal instant autism after jabs!! & are fobbed off. GPs paid extra to jab so complicit silence. So sad. ADHD drugs are lucrative! Euthanasia drugs are lucrative! OMG.

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Jeez, that's huge.

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Great stats Karl! I knew vax induced Autism (as well as ADHD) was off the charts compared to pre-vax mania, but I hadn't realised it was this bad! Cheers! Mick.

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I'm just a kid @ 70.

I refused all the vaccinations, as I started researching early 2020.

In grade school, I knew no one with a peanut allergy, as every kid ate peanut butter/jam sandwiches.

Same goes for lactose intolerance.

So, what changed in the last 60 years?

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I've come to the same realisation Indrek!

When we were kids we never saw Autism - then came the vax explosion in the 70's & 80s. We'd eat peanuts with zero consequences - What happened = Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, etc, happened.

Apparently, now kids MUST endure 72 injections by the time they reach 18. In my (our) day, it was around 4 or 5 - and these vaccines had been properly tested and trialed for decades before being forced on gullible humans. Nowadays, this Snake-oil crap' is churned out with ZERO LIABILITY.

Zero LIABILITY is a part of Big Pharma's Contract with our governments before being used on unknowing recipients by the cowardly, unscrupulous and mercenary manufacturers like Pfizer, Moderna, etc,.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live a better and longer life if we avoid Big Pharma's poisons!

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The great silver lining of our "New Abnormal" is that so many more citizens are now skeptical of all elements of "conventional" medical guidance.

The full-court, non-stop propaganda effort to "reduce vaccine hesitancy" created ... unprecedented (and growing) numbers of people who are now hesitant to take another vaccine ... The Law of Opposite Effects kicks in again!

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Some, too many, Folks in the USA today suffer from destructively low ( worse than many ”3rd World” Nations ) literacy rates — aside from ad nauseam over-the-top shrill distractions from corporatists & their s/elected political & msmSnews marionettes — which criminally compound health outcomes.

“Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time, not to be found even among the so-called savage races of the world. ....”

– 1921, Mahatma Gandhi’s Guide To Health : https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/40373/pg40373-images.html#:~:text=Vaccination%20is%20a%20barbarous%20practice%2C%20and%20it%20is%20one%20of%20the%20most%20fatal%20of%20all%20the%20delusions%20current%20in%20our%20time%2C%20not%20to%20be%20found%20even%20among%20the%20so%2Dcalled%20savage%20races%20of%20the%20world.

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That's true, I think of that when things get me down. Even Normie McNormison starts dragging his feet when told about the next big thing that will definitely for sure no really this time it's for real etc.

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One of the worries about US Pharma and healthcare corporations' increasing "investment" in the NHS is expensive and often harmful drugs being pushed to patients when there are cheaperand safer alternatives. Thankfully we don't have TV advertising Big Pharna products (yet) but doctors have "incentives" for prescribing certain medications over others. Also, the encyclopedia doctors refer to when prescribing is often dangerously misleading, because Pharma and their friends in medical publishing simply suppress information about drug trials which revealed harmful side-effects etc so a drug may be listed that can do harm.

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Really? We have nothing but commercials pushing one drug or another including to gay men in an HIV commercial (let's openly support that in front of kids 🤬) every jab you can think of, flu, RSV, shingles, covid, you name it is pushed all day every day. It's disgusting. 🤬

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Hi Mick, how are you doing? Did your recent operation go okay?

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Yup! 3 weeks ago and off crutches and 'no limp' until I get tired. I suppose I should slow down and get others to do my household chores (Hedge cutting, grass mowing, window cleaning, etc.) Thanks for asking! Mick.

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Hi Mick,

It sounds like you are doing great! Keep on keeping on!

Did you hear about how things turned out in Florida? I was looking on Twitter. It appears Milton was only a Catagory 3 when it made landfall. Of course it made a mess and there was some flooding. The tornadoes looked pretty bad, though.

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Hopefully, we might have got away with it - again. The surge looked most concerning as it was forecast as 10 to 12 feet. We're on 10ft stilts and 7 feet above sea level, so hopefully only damage on the ground floor level. (vehicles, storage, etc). We just have to wait for a damage report when people can get back to the island. All part of the risk we took when we bult it in 2004/6. Thanks for your interest! Mick.

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I hope all is well Mick😊

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Because everyone evacuated, we don't know what the severity of surge occurred on the barrier islands. If the surge persists, the island could be impassable for days. Only then will we have an opportunity to ask other residents to do a 'drive by' to our place. We're resigned to the process taking up to a week before we hear whether we still have a house at all. Mick.

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Research Dr Christopher Exley re aluminium in jabs re Autism, SIDS etc. 9 million UK

Kids have autism. This is new! Not normal. Parents reveal instant autism after childhood vaccines but are fobbed off by GPs paid extra to jab! Research John Campbell; Clare Craig. Kathy Gygell. Peter McCullogh. Dr Jackie Stone.

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Agreed, we're on the same wavelength! I'm 60 and growing up none of my school friends had autism or ADD/ADHD. We called it being hyper back then but we also played outside at school, at home and had PE. Also never knew anyone who had peanut allergies, almost every kid including me took a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to school for lunch. Now some vaxxines are made with peanut oil among other poisons and just about every kid in school has a nut allergy so other kids can't take a pb&j sandwich for lunch. 🙄

Covid was a huge wake up for me. 🤬

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Is anything in medicine not a scam?

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Yes! But there are a lot of scams too...

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"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

"I"m a journalist with the Trusted News Initiative; you can believe what we write."

"I'm from Pfizer; we just want to help the millions of people who are prescribed our products."

Trillion-dollar question: Why do so many people continue to trust these people?

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The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY are scams. Demonstrably so.

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Hello Dr. I'm very concerned that Japan is about to release the self-amplifying RNA vaccine. Could you please write a scientific review on that, especially on its danger? (will it replicate infinitely...)

(I'm sorry, I know that it's not related to this topic. Please forgive me if this comment seems inappropriate in any way)

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Has Pfizer ever cured someone?

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Let's just say they are not in the business of healing...

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As I've said before ..... "A patient cured is a customer lost". This could well be Pfizer's ''mission statement', or emblazoned on their corporate logo.

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100%. It is the sad reality. The mafia wants us all hooked, sick, depressed, and dependent.

They create the problems, to later sell the patented 'solutions' (which are really just Trojan Horses for bigger problems that will require future 'solutions') - and the cycle goes on). Higher profits every year require more deceptive marketing and more treatments indicated for a sick and sicker population.

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The "cures" create more customers/patients. It's a good racket if you can get into it.

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Yup, that is the lure of the cure.

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does curing someone of TBP (Trusting Big Pharma) count?

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I read a really interesting book some time ago which contained only writings and quotes of ancient Greek and Roman doctors across many topics .. from these quotes and ancient observations/commentaries it became apparent to me that nothing has really changed in the practice of medicine since at least then .. EITHER in general mentality [eg from what I read some ancient Greek doctors apparently haggling price when their patient was dying or in extreme pain] or regarding 'phama' as almost all ancient pharmacists apparently kept their recipes secret and as well as the unit of measures they used so no one could duplicate what they made. Also from what I've read re medicine in Ancient Egypt, their cures were decently codified and 'god help' the Dr who deviated since punishments were extreme [but I have not come across anything describing the process for modifying or changing treatments]. Also from what I've read, Ancient Rome medical wound treatments for the military [ie operative technique and associated sanitation], as well as sanitation techniques, procedures and construction employed within their forts, were FAR FAR superior to what was used after Rome collapsed until the very late 1800's or early 1900' .. ie for something like 1500 YEARS !!! .. eg they always sterilized both operating tools and hands and the local area before operating, used poppies/opium as a pain killer or perhaps 'anesthetic', plus a lot of other stuff [unfortunately I have yet to come across a really good book covering all facets of this area] so for eg .. sanitation and medical procedures used during the US Civil War were apparently FAR FAR FAR INFERIOR to what the ancient Romans used .. this probably applies to field sanitation during WWI too since disease was a major killer there due to negligent sanitation in the extreme [eg Gallipoli] .. talk about 'Forgotten Sides of Medicine' ! :))

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The Powers that Be killed Socrates for the crime of asking taboo questions. Nothing's changed in thousands of years.

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According to AI, an American discovered modern anaesthesia. :=)

William T.G. Morton, a dentist from Boston, is credited with the discovery of modern anesthesia. His pivotal moment occurred on **October 16, 1846**, when he successfully administered sulfuric ether to a patient undergoing surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital. This marked the first public demonstration of anesthesia during a surgical procedure, where surgeon John Warren removed a tumor from the patient's neck without any pain or awareness on the part of the patient, Glenn Abbott[1][3][5].

Morton's journey began with his search for an effective anesthetic agent, motivated partly by his dental practice's needs. He initially experimented with nitrous oxide but ultimately found success with ether, which he named "Letheon," inspired by the Lethe River in Greek mythology, known for its waters that erased painful memories[2][3].

Although Morton is celebrated for this breakthrough, it is important to note that others had experimented with anesthetic substances prior to him. For instance, Crawford W. Long had used ether in surgical procedures as early as **1842**, but he did not publish his findings until later, which diminished his recognition in history[4][5]. Additionally, Horace Wells and other contemporaries also contributed to the early development of anesthetic techniques but faced challenges in gaining acknowledgment for their work.

In summary, while various individuals contributed to the field of anesthesia, William T.G. Morton is primarily recognized for his successful demonstration and promotion of ether as a safe and effective anesthetic agent in surgical practice. This discovery significantly transformed medical procedures by alleviating the pain associated with surgery and has had lasting impacts on medicine[1][2][3].


[1] https://theconversation.com/a-short-history-of-anaesthesia-from-unspeakable-agony-to-unlocking-consciousness-74748

[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22583009/

[3] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/the-painful-story-behind-modern-anesthesia

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_general_anesthesia

[5] https://www.umhs-sk.org/blog/medical-milestones-discovery-anesthesia-timeline

[6] https://wfsahq.org/about/history/history-of-anaesthesia/

[7] https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/history-of-anesthesia

[8] https://www.rcoa.ac.uk/about-college/heritage/history-anaesthesia

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If the experts or authorized narrative tell us to do something ... don't do it. "Don't trust the experts" is the best medical advice I could give. (Or, at least do your own research before doing so). Also, Subscribe to a Midwestern Doctor's substack!

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Oct 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I learned a very important thing that is very appropriate for your article. I was put on statin drugs, and after that I got severe reflux. I was on baycol and propulsid. Both drugs made me sick, but I didn’t know it was those drugs. I had severe reflux in the propulsid was a horrible drug to deal with both were taken off the market then one day I was in Mexico and I got travelers diarrhea and had to take Cipro to stop it. I decided that it was not really a good idea to continue to take the statin drug With Cipro and I quit the statin drug within a week 90% of my reflux disappeared. This is my analysis possibly the two most widely sold drugs worth billions of dollars to the drug companies are statins and PPIs. The drug companies are making people sick with worthless statins And curing them with PPIs. This is one of the biggest scams in the history of medicine and I’ve been off statins now and PPI for about 20 years. Thanks for your articles, you are a wonderful researcher.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

I’ve had bad acid reflux for 10+ years and cured it by 90% by not drink any liquids (even water) 30 minutes before and during a meal and 90 minutes after a meal.

The majority of my water intake is first thing in the morning.

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Try giving up wireless technology, it worked for me although it was not intended for that

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Oct 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

When we are in close proximity to wifi or use a laptop we should expect problems with our body's systems. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt is very knowledgeable on the subject as is Dr. Mercola.

When I use my tablet near my tummy it begins to have a burning sensation, like a bladder irritation. I try to use my devices in airplane mode as much as possible. My desktop is hardwired.


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I turn the router off at night and sleep much better.

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Turning the wireless off completely and going all wired is the wtg.

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Very smart point... you do not want to dilute the very acid your body needs for digestion!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

People often don't chew their food enough as well. While stomach acid is important, the enzymes and breaking down by chewing makes less work for the stomach acid.

Yeast can also contribute to acid reflux, which I got as a novice wine maker years ago. The instructions say you can taste the must (the early ferment) but did not say don't swallow. I blew up like a balloon from fine bordeau yeast. Suffered in pain, was told to follow a sugary, starchy diet meant for ulcers and prescribed Tagamet long before it was OTC. It all got worse. Finally found a doctor who diagnosed it properly. He gave me a prescription for Nystatin, which kills yeasts like candida, and cleared it up. But now I am more sensitive to yeasts, like fresh bread and have to watch not getting too much yeasty stuff in my diet.

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So another question - what about this alkaline water fad? I actually like the way it tastes, but I avoid it since it seems like a bad idea wrt stomach acid.

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I think it's a bad idea

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True! I found out by trial and error. I am 68.

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I’m just a few years behind ya!

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We KNOW all about acid reflux....the annoyance, that is!

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As someone who has only experienced acid reflux as a side effect of bariatric surgery I walked away very early from being prescribed nexium. However, I note that Vitamin B12 was prescribed. Nothing was explained to me about the reasons why I should expect acid reflux or how to manage it naturally.

As for the average patient, with little interest in their own research, it is easy to see how they spiral into chronic big pharma dependency.

It is THE hidden tragedy of western society.

Ignorance equals profit. There is no auditor of legal drug pushing.

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My wife and I am now taking care of my mother in law who has moved in with us at 82 and have just looked at her meds.

She has chronic constipation, cognitive impairment, short term memory loss but no official dementia diagnosis (yet).

She is on Somac long term, Rosuzet composite pack for apparent hypercholesterolaemia and Apo-Sertraline SSRI (no idea why?)

This appears to be a text book case of exactly what you refer to in your article.

Any comments or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

We plan to get her medical records transferred to our trusted and awake GP and add the advice of an equally awake naturopath to change trajectory.

We see her in chronic pain taking mervachol and sleeping away her days because of it. This is no life but legal pharma torture from the profit takers.

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The brain needs cholesterol to function correctly.

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I briefly experienced GERD and followed Dr Walt Stoll's suggestion in his book Beyond Disease Care to take 1 tsp of freshly juiced ginger first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I was cured in 3 days. Dr Stoll said every one of his patients was cured.

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Will pass this on to friends who are suffering.

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Oct 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Doc - a shot of vinegar (apple cider or malt even) as mentioned in your original article, does provide the remedy for many.

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Oct 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Another winner in your series of abbreviated articles and one I intend to share widely. Thank you so much for producing this version.

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Thank you!

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One Acid Reflux Cure: I dated a cardiologist for awhile. He had terrible acid reflux. Once, when I was working 15 hours a day, he promised to have dinner ready for me. When I arrived, he was stretched out on the sofa completely debilitated by acid reflux. I said, "I can fix that." ...and gave him a blow job ...instant 100% resolution. He was 'blown' away. Personally, I think there is nothing a blow job won't cure in a man. It's just a matter of a strong pattern interrupt/reset to the nervous system. Try it; you'll like it. lol

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I like the way you think . . I just hope the B in BANDERSEN stands for Barbara or Bonnie and not Bill or Bob🤣

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😂😇so clever

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B does not stand for boy.

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Oct 8Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Poly pharmacy-AE’s then prescription cascade, this is an absolute genius profit cascade business model. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Terminal situation when the free-for-all market saddle is cinched on to endeavors for the good of humanity mule. Same deal with education.

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I’m convinced that the combination of statins and antacids are what killed my dad at age 50. Antacids are bad enough on their own. But Zantac was also poisoning people even more blatantly with the potent carcinogen NDMA. The World needs to wake up to what they are doing to us.

If you watch broadcast TV, it is “funny” how one ad will be selling you some new pharmaceutical and the next ad will be asking you to join a class action lawsuit about the drug they were advertising five years ago.

I tell my doctor (on my yearly visit to try to wake her up and tell her which labs I need run) that she has 30 days. If the prescription can’t treat me in 30 days, I don’t want it. I truly believe everything we need for health is in nature. We just need to get out of the mode of being a passive consumer of whatever they are trying to push on us; and instead be an active participant, researcher, truth seeker.

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Case in point, GSK just settled 80,000 Zantac cases for $2.2B. Which sounds like a lot until you split it 80,000 ways and realize that they only get $27k each before the lawyers take their share. Not a great trade off for getting cancer. GSK investors are quite happy about the settlement and their stock has gone up.


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Slippery elm tea !!!

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GERD is an iatrogenic disease caused by aeroallergen contaminated vaccines.


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Interesting. Thank-you for sharing. This would suggest that restoring a healthy gut microbiome is a necessity.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

I suppose I am one of those that are addicted to PPI's, having taken one for many years. Yes, I have made incredible efforts to stop taking it, but after months of suffering each time, had to resume. Now I take plenty of digestive enzymes/betaine/pepsin/bitters with each meal. As for digestive problems, I now suffer from Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth and iron anemia.

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Just drink kefir every day and get on with your life. My brother used to be you. It even cured his migraines. It's shocking how the simple solutions are sometimes so hard to find isn't it?

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If only it were that simple for everyone.

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MWD shared, in August, this lengthy article including info on remedies:


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Did you try red pepper? Since you probably have ulcers, you'll have to start with exceedingly minute doses.

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So if disease begin in the gut... and the stomach plays a crucial role in initiating digestion by producing acids and enzymes that break down food into chyme... then we are literally causing disease by depleting acid in the stomach with PPIS and antacids. Another prototypical example of how suppressing symptoms causes even more immense issues down the line...

I have always wondered why we would want to eliminate essential acid in the stomach, when the lower esophageal sphincter is pH sensitive and only closes when sufficient acid is detected. GERD (reflux) is caused by *insufficient* stomach acid to close the sphincter after digestion begins. When the weakened sphincter is unable to close, it does not serve its purpose of preventing excess stomach acid from leaking into the throat and esophagus, causing heartburn and indigestion. Instead of silencing signs from our body that something is up, we should start searching deeper for the root cause of low acidity in the stomach. Hopefully now, with the patents for PPIs expiring, we will see better accountability from our medical leaders in the community.

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It's a great business model though...

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Certainly, Doc! If there was a recipe that locked in customers for life, this is it.

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I was on Nexium for about 8 years (late 20s to early 30s.) I worked in the “medical system” and fully bought into it. (I left a few years ago.)I felt like a drug addict. I took it and continued to have reflux, but was told by GI docs I had to keep taking it. The quality of my life suffered. I did not sleep well(reflux at night)as a result I felt ill during the day. I told a doctor about my exhaustion and she asked me if I was cheating on my husband! 🙄I could write a book. I started to do my own research and found Dr. Mercola. He changed my life and it was free. All I had to do was read. I had a internal med doc help me slowly stop taking nexium and I stopped drinking soda. I NEVER HAVE REFLUX. My only concern now is health effects from taking it for so long. So grateful for you Doc and everyone here. 🤗

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