I live in Melbourne Australia. We were locked up for almost two years. When there was NO covid in Melbourne and we were told that we wouldn't be allowed out until 90% were jabbed, I know of two people who went to get their jab and within a few days were sick and tested positive for Covid. One had got a drive-thru jab so exposure to anyone else was almost nil. The other had only visited a vax super-centre. Both lived alone and were not socialising with anyone else. It was clear to me then that many of the Covid cases being reported overseas were likely full of recently jabbed people who either got Covid from the jab or got a reaction that tested positive for Covid.

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Great comment. I haven't pinned you before I will for this one. I saw that happen to a lot of people as well. I always wondered if they were exposed to someone at the site or it was a disease provocation, but the fact that there were a few people like those you know who had this happen at drive throughs made me lean towards the disease provocation theory.

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Melbourne is a very unique case-study because we literally didn’t have Covid at the time. So, the chances that out of 5 million people, I know of two people that this happened to . . just doesn’t stack up (whether drive-through or not).

Strangely, neither person accepted that their Covid was caused by the jabs . . . both believed that they must have picked it up when getting the jab.

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Watching from NSW Victorians being the most locked up, the most Vitamin D and exercise-deprived, and comprising 90% of Australia's Covid deaths, under the iron fist of Dan Andrews and Brett "Sluggate" Sutton was the most heinous crime I have witnessed in a 39 year medical career.

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And never forget that there were NO mandates for politicians or public service. Dan and Brett and their families didn't have to be jabbed.

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Exactly. I mentioned that to a girl while she was having her hair fixed and you should have seen her face. At that moment, she came to the realization she was deceived! Faces don’t lie unless you’re one hell of an actor!

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May 11Edited

OMG I never realised that.

I really can't think about the lockdown period too much because it upsets me too much and I have responsibilities I have to attend to. Suffice to say, I had a very young child who could no longer go to a playground... I'm sure you can imagine the damage at such a crucial developmental period...

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Judiciary was exempt as well. Basically paid off to keep quiet.

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Between Australia and Israel... I can't decide which OPERATION COVIDIUS Plantation must receive the "Best Paradise" award.

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First, In 1997 NIH scientists admitted that 70% of polio cases were cause by the live Salk Vaccine. Second, Sorting it all out is difficult when there is continued miss direction being generated. See the following DOD White Paper on how to manage a Crisis domestically.


Have to read between the lines to understand the reality of the paper.

If you read the book called "The Code Breaker" you will discover the history of unraveling the genome of man and learning how to manipulate it. The key researcher is Jennifer Doudna, whose name is never mentioned. There were 100's of researchers that contributed to this endeavor. Collins of NIH was in charge of unraveling the genome of man. He should have been the number one gate keeper that made sure the science was controlled and not done on a cavalier basis. I believe they all became enamored with the fact that they were god like by being able to change humans through gene editing. Dr. Malone was a key researcher on the front end, and was not even mentioned in the book according to the index. I believe he is under a gag order because he worked on projects for the DOD and the Bio arm. He got two shots that were a wake up call and has been trying to redeem himself, but there are areas that he can't address. The mass psychosis being self induced is a red herring to shift blame away from the DOD who are deep in this Covid con. It is a very complicated issue and there are many bad actors that came together to accomplish this feat of manipulating humanity across the globe. I don't doubt that many of the bad actors recognized the harm being created but did not have the courage to say STOP. They didn't want to expelled from the gene editing club like Malone. Odd Man Out! My view.

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You should take a look at the book "The moth and the iron lung" by forest maready about the history of early polio incidence in the US. A lot of initial polio outbreaks were occurring in rural areas where a new non-native moth had escaped into the environment and was decimating fruit trees and crops. A very poisonous arsenic-based pesticide was used to kill the moths and that may have contributed to the cause of polio paralysis that occurred in children and animals that may have ingested the pesticide too.

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Yea! Big Pharma will spin the fear to advance the push to inject!

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Malone and they are driven by one thing, money, and with it comes the power they crave...all playing GOD IMO...they did something very wrong here

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I understand where you are coming from and have great anger about what has transpired, but the evolution to the present day RNA push has many contributing researchers over decades and has been driven by the biowarfare establishment. Francis Collins and Jennifer Doudna played key roles. Why the Wellness Company is pushing Tamiflu is beyond my comprehension.

Should be pushing Vitamin D and Zinc and etc.

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TWC is selling a product. Plain and simple.

I noticed you are a pharmacist. It was a pharmacist who first opened my eyes to the evil that is Big Pharma.

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Brings into question Dr. Alexander’s motivation in explaining the Covid con.

FDA approved Tamiflu on the questionable claim that it shortened the flu event by 4 hours and Rumsfeld convinced Congress to buy several billion dollars of the junk science.

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A whole 4 hours!!!

Deary me I don’t know how I’m still alive after using the tried and tested since childhood method of speeding up recovery.

On the occasion of getting any cold or flu I was taught from a young age to wrap up go to bed, avoid taking paracetamol so you could raise your temperature and sweat it out.

My parents always made sure we had plenty of fluids to drink on hand when they checked regularly on us.

I’m mid 50’s and have passed this method onto my teenagers, who know they will feel like crap but know it speeds up your immune response and healing time. Both have been taught that meds just mask and prolong symptoms and illness instead of letting your body get to work.

We are a family that very rarely goes to the doctors, in fact it’s a standing joke with one gp of how many years we go between visits, my son holds the record in our family for not seeing one in the last 9plus yrs.

In fact people I work with comment on how I manage to stay so healthy, I always have told them it’s because I avoid going to the doctors as they’re always desperate to find something wrong with you so they can prescribe drugs upon drugs.

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I'm still trying to wrap my head around how Aus and NZ became some of the most locked-down places in the world and even had active covid detention centers (at least Aus) - somehow i had thought they might be more free than the US & Canada. Do you think their geographical isolation is part of the reason?

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May 12Edited

No. Part of it is socialised medicine. Our Aussie-BC (ABC) was a trusted source, holding truth to power prior to COVID (ABC has been raided by the federal government for procuring documents regarding Afghanistan war crimes, for example) - they didn't have the mental health issues right, but they definitely turned to top down proclamations during COVID. Nanny state means that people follow orders. Not geography, but dependence upon Nanny. Nanny has paid all your medical bills in the past, and doctors have saved your life in the past. So they did what Nanny said.

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yikes - maybe one of the few advantages of the US system.

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Yes, it is one of the reasons I have hope for the chaos that is the USA. So many factions, it's difficult to lock-step there. This goes for politics, insurance & medicine, as well as any number of Bill of Rights issues.

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It turns out that the mRNA shots are genetically modified organisms. This lawyer from Australia discusses this, the licensing that is required, and the legal definition of GMOs. All the Commonwealth, except Canada, as well as the USA, have licensing requirements that may not have been met, resulting in serious crime and at the least, no informed consent. This sounds as though this is an avenue to pierce legal immunity. In the interview, he discusses how the mRNA transfects into the nucleus affecting the DNA, suggesting the ill effects are eventually going to be seen as genetic disease, and this happens all over the body.


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Jabs and tests in February, 2020? (Bill Rice, Jr. suggested spread even earlier, in November, 2019.) Lucky Melbourne didn't suffer the spread until much later.

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years before, benign

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Louis Pasteur admitted on his deathbed that the terrain was more important than the disease. Healthy cattle grazing in a field next to unhealthy cattle...did not become infected. A healthy immune system is derived from the RIGHT NOURISHMENT in the bloodstream. The Science of Vaccines...was strewn with injured and dead people from the get-go! Starting in the 1950s vaccine promotion began. People trusted their educated doctors. They paid them for these 'vaccines.' I was one of the moms who did so. Doctors did not divulge or did not know, what items were in them? It was a 'Witchdoctor's brew' hidden by PATENTS that should never have been injected into the body of pigs! Aluminum and mercury. were known to create brain damage. Formaldehyde is embalming fluid. Animal viruses injected into little humans? There were many more foreign elements in these vaccines that should not be in the human body. Then the coup de grace Covid-19. which contained even more toxic substances ...and it decimated multi-millions. This was The Science of Vaccines.

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I spent a while looking this up, and I do not believe Pasteur ever actually said that. It just kept on being repeated from sources until everyone concluded it was true. That said, I strongly believe in the merits of terrain theory.

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The Charlatans kept smallpox vaxes going, even after 90% of the people in Leicester, England were wiped out. I had to have the smallpox shot, before entering school. It was the only required injection at the time. It's unbelievable that an industry was given the right to continue, after there were so many lawsuits going for its dangerous products back in in 1986.. It's appalling to think that Patents could hide the toxic matter in these injections, which were going into almost every American child in the school system; creating brain damage and. lowering their physical health.. The consciousness of those who could do this to children is hard to comprehend. Money was all...children were nothing! The American government permits these sociopaths to continue on with their murderous experimentation today.

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After reading this I realize that as a mother I had absolutely no real informed consent. Nothing of this was shared by any doctor we used. A 12-second “basically they are safe and effective and significant side effects are extremely rare” is all I ever heard.

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Pre-Covid, my GP tried to get me to take a flu shot. I asked him how much it reduced my chances of dying. He said he couldn't tell me that, but the flu shot basically had no more reported adverse events than a placebo. I said no thanks. Later I find out the flu shot isn't tested against a real placebo; the "placebo" is another vaccine. It is incredible how bad the system is.

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I was still under the illusion that I would be permitted to work in nursing homes in 2020, so I said, "what the heck, I'll take the flu shot." I thought of it as worthless (strain-based), but not risky.

Later I found out that the series of flu shot I took increased the risks for COVID (I can't remember where I read it, didn't make a note of it, what's done is done). Not that I had any more horrid COVID experience than anyone else (10 days down), but now I'm thinking of vaccines like antidepressants.

Psych drugs fiddle neurotransmitters that we really have absolutely very little understanding of their cascades and interactions with the entire body.

Vaccines fiddle immunity - again, that we have all kinds of language to describe, but our ignorance surpasses our knowledge. No, thank you.

And Doc - thank you!

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That is true for all vaccines. They compare against a previous version or use a cocktail of all the toxic ingredients minus the alleged attenuated virus. It's all a con.

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This was the same thing I was told and permitted my first child to have them He was the guinea pig. He nearly died...'Pediatric 'care' messed up his entire life. He got the worst head start of my four children. This was what got me into the study of nutrition and health, because I learned how little doctors knew about health. It was set up this way by J..D. Rockefeller who changed the curricula in med schools over 110 years ago. It eliminated any other modality, except the promotion of his petroleum based drugs. His father was actually a 'snake oil salesman', too. He promoted the AMA and got doctors to join by promising them higher incomes and prestige...nothing about better health for their patients.

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My great-great grandfather was a doctor (however qualified back then) and "snake-oil" salesman.

I wish I had his remedies today. Most of them were simples. Sure, there may have been harm or addiction in his laudanum formulas - but then - what did people do for pain back then?

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I wrote about J.D. Rockefeller who took over the AMA and this is the organization today. It cares nothing about the people...it is totally dictatorial and won't permit doctors to use anything, except its own patented nostrums.

There were doctors who used to truly care about their patients, too. They were not the ones who joined the AMA for the money or the prestige. They had a calling to serve. J.D.s father was a low class scoundrel who abandoned his family and married another woman. He was someone who was considered a 'snake oil' salesman.

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Same here. All of my 3 adult children are sick. I never heard the term anti-vaxer until 2021, but because I have been severely hurt by the medical system in the past, I was intrigued. Now all the questions about why the lives of my children have been destroyed are answered.

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Me too, but when the time came for 'boosters' I took a day off school. I had a really bad reaction as a baby - I guess that primed me to be sane from then on. They convinced me to have my first son start injections but after MMR I said no. Half of my kids (now all adults) and my ex-husband decided to get needled for the 'vid and are now all ill to a greater or lesser degree, which is horrendous and scary. Yet only one even acknowledges it. as a possibility. They are all distant now and say awful things to me regularly. My youngest (not needled) daughter has a partner who is. needled. Fortunately as he is some 300 miles away in London she doesn't see him too often but whenever she does she gets ill, and so do her twin sister and I. The shedding is very worrying. I want her to have her blood checked but she does not take it seriously as the boyfriend also thinks I am mad and he naturally knows everything, being 21... It is tragic.

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He also identifies as a woman.. I could be charitable and accept that as vaccine damage but I don't know. It is hell to watch, and feel powerless.

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Yes, why can't it be as simple as every jab is another dose of poison. There is nothing in the needle to stimulate any immune system. All symptoms can be attributed to toxic overload, not getting the alleged virus in the vial. Most if not all symptoms can be applied to a laundry list of various diseases. A pox is the body's attempt to detox through the skin.

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....and, what struck me about some of Doc's old historical research (1910's) was that the penetration by the needle caused disturbances. Just that. OMG.

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While I'll grant, patents hide a lot (are near worthless), how does "Promot(ing) the Progress of Science and useful Arts" directly hide toxic matter in these injections?

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Pasteur was not wrong and Béchamp was not right, every individual has a specific susceptibility, sensitivity and immune response to the kingdom of germs (existing or not!)..Bernice Hailey, former NIH brought this topic into the open. No one reacts the same not from the inner nor the outer (Samuel Hanneman founder of homeopathy).

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Very much agree.

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This is a lovely urban myth, but what is factually true is that Pasteur had a "bitter rivalry" with a man named Antoine Bechamp who wrote an outstanding series of books dismantling Pasteur's quack science (Pasteur literally believed milk went sour because it was "attacked" by pathogens whereas the truth is milk contains lactic acid from the get-go, which is the catalyst for fermentation aka souring).

Sadly, there are no Bechamp institutes, and nobody remembers who he is, today.

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Sam: I knew that Pasteur took credit for Bechamp's work. Pasteurization has a big downside. HEAT destroys the enzymes in food and lowers. Plus, milk was designed by our Creator for baby calves destined to grow 500 pounds during their first nine months of life. It was the first food of the Bovine species, before teeth emerged. Human milk..designed for the first year to increase an infant of our species 14 pounds. Humans are not supposed to nurse on the milk of another species as infants or adults. There is no logic used!

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The closest milk to humans is goats, I have never understood why formula is not made from goats milk.

There’s little point saying humans shouldn’t be given milk from animals if the mother is unable to make enough milk to feed her baby, we need an alternative but it also should be the best available.

My friend tried desperately to feed her two babies but could never produce enough no matter what she tried or did.

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I’m torn on the issue of whether Pasteur actually made such an admission too! But that aside, I have zero trust in germ theory medicine and if I had to choose I’d definitely put my trust in terrain theory. In fact, I’m a new subscriber here and I almost unsubscribed when I read an article referring to viruses but realise that this doctor is still on a journey of discovery like the rest of us and none of us really know where this will lead. There is still a tiny chance viruses exist in some shape or form but at this point in time, I highly doubt this will turn out to be the case.

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"In the case of vaccination, there is still a great deal we simply just don’t know about the immune system" Indeed. But rather than admit this, it seems that so many "scientists" act as if our knowledge is complete. This leads to disastrous decisions and groupthink like what we saw with the covid "vaccines" and what we're seeing in climate "science". We have only to look at recent history for a couple of examples of this: because we couldn't figure out what the tonsils do, the assumption was made that they don't do anything, so cut them out if they get infected. Ditto for the appendix.

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That was why I listed human ego as #1 and the need to make money as #2.

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Man playing God never ends well

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So the root of all evil is not actually money, but ego. I think you have hit that nail squarely in one blow. Well done, AMD>

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its not groupthink. Its group-dont-think. Like the saying goes, someone wont understand something if their paycheck is predicated on not understanding it. In both cases there are bribes and coercion to ensure that people think the right way about vacs and climate. The surest way to end your career or the research gravy train is to express the wrong point of view on either of these two issues, and pharmaceuticals in general. We are seeing the end of science in our lifetimes.

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it's happened over and over, not just now. Look at what they did to Galileo. Or to the man who first proposed continental drift (now called plate tectonics). They laughed at him. And as the good doctor here has said, human ego is the number one problem, not just in "science", but pretty much in every other area of human life! The ego would rather kill or die than to be wrong.

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Some differences between then and now:

a) Research requires big bucks and all the bucks are concentrated in a few hands directly and indirectly controlled by big pharma and the foundations favoring AGW.

b) Awareness of science ideas is managed through the narrow funnel of the journals that are controlled by the same powers.

c) Hiring in academia and government is largely controlled by the same powers

d) Govt regulation and International NGO activities are controlled by the same powers.

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Yes, for sure! At least in my opinion.

As a creationist and "fundamentalist" Christian, I have scoured the topic of "biogenesis" as well as that of cosmology. What becomes clearly evident, after the smoke obscuring the lies is wafted away, is that each of the attending multiple theories involving the disputing of "creation" have inherently such an array of gaping holes, as to be fundamentally impossible. So, we have been lied to prolifically, and profusely on a regular basis, with no attending sense of remorse. The "elitest" attitude is that they have a license to make miscalculations (though financed with the taxpayer's monies) and there is nothing anyone can do about it. The institutions of "higher learning" have been infiltrated for to obscure the Truth from giving rightful due to the Creator of all things. EVERY institution holds to that same paradigm, and one would have to ask how that can be; to choreograph such complicity. ANSWER: Because there is an evil force, directed against True Christianity by the "father of lies," Satan himself. That is how and why there is such "lock-stepness" in what we otherwise would have to consider as a world-wide coincidence, when in truth, it is a functioning "conspiracy."


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"Satan" is not limited to just Christianity, "He" is a common enemy to all of mankind and is well known by many of other "faiths" and Natural Spiritual experience. "We" know that COVID and other things we greatly fear are of "His" workings on this "His Playground" called Earth.

We are being bombarded with fears in order to cause us to decide in "which way" we go, to the GOD of Truth and Love, or the god of Fear and the darkness of Lies.

There is much going on behind the "normalcy" of life, there ARE Conspiracies of long standing but when those of us that have learned of them try and tell others, we are deemed "Nuts" (Crazy) and you all are cautioned to disregard. So Be It.

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I absolutely agree with you a 100%, we know nothing, zero, nada, njet, nichts of the immune system. Take for instance homeopathy, there are nearabout 7000 without their combinations that block, interfere, dysfunction, familiar and sociological influence, blind, making troubles like autoimmunity and chronicity in regard of the IS, but what it is in essence nobody knows, there are some very good approaches like real food, quality sleep, a balanced stress and a heartwarming mindset, but the inner world of the IS is Terra Incognito

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That's correct!

There are UN-NUBMERED puzzles which will never be solved in our existing time. Namely, the intricate systems of life and how they adjust, interact, perform, much less HOW they arose to be so well-adept at performing their tasks. "Life" itself is indescribable, and completely foreign to all science. Of course, false science makes the claim of having understood it to be a biochemically random, genetic collection of lucky mistakes termed beneficial mutations. They lie through their teeth and get away with it! Their bald-facedness goes before them exposing their theories as literal impossibilities. And why is all of this so prevalent, so choreographed? Because there is a STRONG force which applies all its energy toward the destruction of anything related to God's Truth; especially that of which Christ has created and shows His love and protection for. Satan hates Jesus~!


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Totally. The arrogance is astounding.

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Thank you for your continued efforts to educate both the general population and those waking up in the medical profession. The dental side of healthcare is just as blind to the harms of vaccines as they are to the poison that is fluoride. I am grateful you covered this in a prior Substack. Keep up the great work, the research and the time you devote to your newsletters. Your recent newsletter on osteoclast inhibitors featured by Mercola is a topic I want to cover with my patients because it has such in unpack on me as a dentist.

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Thank you. It's on my to do list to go into all the dental things (e.g., currents from fillings with different metalic compositions) but I probably won't be able to for a long time.

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I look forward to your thoughts. As a dentist I struggle with the inferior quality that is the composite (plastic) restorative material which has replaced amalgam. I say inferior in that decay happens rapidly under a composite if there is the tiniest of breach in the marginal contact. This can happen with poor placement and functional forces over time. But I can’t in good conscience place amalgam knowing now if the dangers of mercury toxicity (something that was a completely taboo discussion in dental school). I have patients who have amalgams that were placed in the 70s and 80s, they are still functioning and no recurrent decay!!

Your time is valuable and your research is priceless. I look forward to your input because no one in my profession wants to discuss the truth behind composites (white fillings). There is public demand for white fillings and they cost more to place hence the silence from anyone in dentistry. Likely because the next option would be porcelain and the cost skyrockets from there.

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Or real silver? What is a good option or strategy?

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Silver is not used much in dentistry.

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My grandfather had gold fillings , are those ever still used?

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This may offend some in the holistic space but gold is the absolute best functioning material that I have ever seen and place in a patients mouth. When a patient can afford and the conditions necessitate, it is my preferred treatment option.

I have been in dentistry since the 80s (worked with my dad as a child) and practicing dentist since 2000. There is no material that we currently have available that is better than gold for durability, longevity, kindness to the tissue and hardness similar to tooth structure.

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Thanks AMD. Any thoughts on whether I should get my mercury-containing fillings safely removed?

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I know you asked AMD, but I want to share my thoughts as a dentist. Do some careful research about the quality of the dentist you choose to see! I have had several patients over the years transfer into my practice that went to a ‘safe mercury removal’ dentist for the replacement of their amalgam fillings. The work was very poorly done in these instances and it frustrates me to see patients taken advantage of. There is a significant cost increase to see a dentist who will do a ‘safe mercury filling removal’ and because the demand for this is likely greater than there are dentists performing it, I see a quality issue.

I went through the training to consider this removal process but never adopted completely when I learned that the most significant impact to reducing mercury exposure during the removal of an amalgam is from copious water irrigation and high volume evacuation. Two things I was already doing. The other steps in the process had negligible benefit to the patient and provider.

If you do consider their removal, I would recommend working with a functional medicine provider who can put you on a specific detox protocol.

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I've never seen this kind of comment, so that is helpful to me. Is there any way to vet dentists to know how competent they are? As a regular person, it just seems that at best I look for someone who seems like a sincerely compassionate person and doesn't push fluoride and is recommended by other regular people, but I really don't know how to tell. I'm one who has dental trauma and breaks down on the chair, so it would give some semblance of control to my experience and trust to have a plan for picking someone.

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You’re absolutely right! It’s difficult for the general public to ascertain the quality of dentist they select. You’re just on a good path. Find someone who takes time with you, cares for your past experiences that were traumatic and talks to you about your dental condition in a way that allows you to feel in control of the care you select. He/she should take time to educate you and give you treatment options. A good rule of thumb right now is to find someone who is in a stand alone practice. Venture capital is taking over dentistry and these corporate offices are moving towards the institutional model of medicine.

Perhaps a good litmus test is to choose someone who respects your wishes for no fluoride without pressuring you to change your mind. Good luck!

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That makes good sense that the stand alone practice is one point to look at. To me it suggests that the dentist wouldn't be tied to corporate processes which usually emphasize profit over people. It also suggests they have to survive on their personal reputation and so would value honorable and respectful work. It seems to me that going with that might also be not accepting insurance, as insurance seems to exert influence over treatment as well, in a way that I distrust.

The bad about that, though, is that if you are poor, you are in a tight spot. When I tried to have my daughter seen, all of the local dentists refused to see her because we have government insurance that is not seen as worthwhile for the local dentists. I didn't realize this and spent hours and hours trying to find her a dentist, with them all refusing to see her even for cash once I had mentioned the insurance. They could be seen as criminally liable to refusing the insurance while accepting cash. I understand that, but it resulted in a rural Midwest blacklist for all children with government dental insurance, thus making it impossible for them to be seen except at basically two corporate dental offices which are well known to rush the kids roughly through and milk them quickly for the treatments that are reimbursable. It is like a factory. It took me a year to pay off the loan cost of having my child seen by a dentist a very long drive away whom I lied to, saying I didn't have insurance. And even then, I still wonder if all of that work of crowns and such on baby teeth was truly helpful or was bad for my kid.

I do often which for truly good advice from someone who knows and who I could actually trust. That is why I am so interested in what you might say.

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Thank you for sharing your expertise Jessica Funk. I really appreciate. Yes, I appreciate it would be a very expensive undertaking. And I agree that finding a reputable dentist would be one of the challenges. Am already working with an appropriate and amazing health practitioner. Thanks again!

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Hi Jessica

Sorry... a further question.... assuming you can find a reputable dentist and are working with a health practitioner on a specific detox protocol, do you think it is a good idea to have mercury fillings removed?

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This is a complicated response to a simple question. If you’re experiencing health conditions that your provider identifies as possible related to mercury toxicity, then it may be a good idea to consider. The exposure to mercury is at its peak during placement and removal. Every time we cut into a tooth, we weaken the tooth additionally.

I am skeptical of the white fillings that are traditionally used to replace amalgam because they are a plastic product. Their longevity pales in comparison to amalgam.

I am hanging in limbo between holistic/biological dentistry and traditional. There are elements of the holistic side that push for the invasive removal of amalgam to be replaced with an inferior plastic product. I wish that some honesty in the care provided to patients could be actively discussed and debated so we can give true informed consent with treatment options.

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Thanks so much. Your nuanced response is really helpful. I appreciate it.

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May 11
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Yes, some of the white filling materials contain fluoride 🙁

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See here is another example of the lack of true informed consent. I have never heard anything about fluoride being bad after cleanings, only that it was bad being in water since that would expose multiple times a day. Dentists only explain why it helps my teeth, never any concerns for a few times a year. I am on a peri plan now requiring a cleaning every quarter so I have been getting fluoride 4x a year! I’m older so I thought it was necessary. I’m stopping that from now on until I can learn more about this.

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I recently wrote an article about the concerns of water fluoridation. I think that fluoride in toothpaste and dental treatments are likely the biggest danger due to sublingual absorption, the fastest route of entry.

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Is this the article you are referring to? If not can you post a link to the correct one? Thank you!


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That one and the one titled, Today’s the Day.

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Impact (not unpack)

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We knew what you meant to say 😉.

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The three dots offer edit. Permanently; not just for 5 minutes like on Medscrape. (And no community standards bot will deactivate it.)

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If you aren't following him, bowtiedgatordds on X is a good dentist to follow.

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My RN friend who just retired from Cleveland Clinic told me they had stopped giving the Covid shots to employees. I told her why and sent her the study they did of their own employees that showed the more shots you got, the more you got Covid.

I also showed her my vial of clots and she seemed oddly unconcerned when I explained to her that embalmers started seeing them after the shots rolled out. She’s had at least 5 and her job was in employee health so she was the one injecting their employees. I would say that’s probably why she seemed so disconnected 😢

Doc - I linked your stack about our embalmer blood clot survey in the stack I just started this week:


Hope you get even more subs. 🥰

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Thank you. Did you see I put your note in the list of notes I compiled?

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I did not! How do I see those?

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"Dissolving Illusions" by Dr. Suzanne Humphries does a very good job of describing the evolution of vaccines and their undeserved reputation for eradicating infectious disease and giving credit where credit is due to improved sanitation , hygiene and nutrition.

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This is excellent. Thank you! This and many of your other articles have been opening my mind and practice of medicine. No wonder you are becoming such a popular writer and referenced by so many prominent people! I have transitioned from a Trauma Surgeon/SICU physician to Primary Care/Functional Medicine doctor and use your research nearly daily in my counsel of patients. Because of your research I have more tools to help others. My patients are doing well and I love the practice of medicine again.

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Thank you! I really appreciate everything you do too! I think the most important thing when being a doctor is to enjoy the field you go into, and I always tell this to medical students I work with to prioritize happiness and purpose over finances, but most don't listen to me...

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Midwestern Doctor! Thank you for this article that explained a lot about polio and the connection with those vaccines in the 50s. All of it was terrific how you basically gave us a time line of what actually happed then. Growing up in a minister’s home, in the 50s, no health insurance, Dad paid when we saw a Dr. which was r..a..r..e! I saw people especially an aunt with the braces for polio paralysis. Too young to ask questions. Also! 1969, the flu shot did give a group of people the flu. I was the school nurse encouraging them to take. That ended in one fall semester. Not again did I do that! Thank you for all the time and research! Covid 19 revealed a lot opposite of what we were taught. Oh. My! Now vindication for those who pushed back on the narrative! Please.

Also our last vaccine for the flu was 2019. When all this happened, I told my husband never again. With the “flu vaccine” one of us got sick every winter anyway. Now we have natural immunity and have learned what is good for us to keep our immune system high! Again thank you! Lots of work in this well written article!

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A few years ago, I was cooling my heels in the waiting room of a cardiologist for an appointment that had been scheduled (and I had arrived for) more than an hour ago.

"What gives?" I asked the receptionist.

"Our entire staff got the flu shot yesterday, and more than half of them have called in sick this morning" she told me.

And yet, the medical profession (in general) persists in ignoring this...

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No one needs vaccines. It’s all based on ancient junk science. Fauci the fraud and the whole vaccine industry needs to be held accountable for crimes against humanity. In China they took the drug company executives that committed crimes and shot them!

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Here in the US, death penalty means the prisoner get free room/food/exercise for life. Or, even early release.

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That is as it should be. Those in positions of trust owe the highest standard to the public. Those dealing with the public's monies, are also sighted. A 7.62 x 39 round to the back of the head makes an impression (in China, at least).


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Excellent article and thanks for all your work. I did not get the V so good. Two things I will now look into….. I had a tetanus shot at least 20 years ago. My reaction was so bad the doctor told me never to have another one. I actually took the metal that went through my shoe into my foot so maybe I would not really need one. Interestingly enough your article may have answered my thoughts about the tetanus vaccine. I had a reaction to whatever was in that shot. I will go back to your previous article and read more.

My niece had the HPV but contracted cancer. She was born mid-80’s so not sure what her age at the time of the vaccine. The article said maybe the shot set off something that was already happening in her body. I knew she was sexually active since age 15. Her mother not knowing this cannot understand how she got the cancer after getting the vaccine.

My uncle had polio and has lived with a bad limp since childhood. Of course we children were first in-line to get the sugar cube because look at your uncle. Thanks again for keeping us informed.

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Great work, I've forwarded on to a few people.

With all of these known to suspected adverse aspects of vaccination, it still amazes me they allowed your manager or boss to play doctor and fire you if you didnt want (or need) a covid vaccination (in Australia).

You were fired even if you'd had covid, and refused getting a "vaccine" due to the fact you now had natural immunity... There was no science to these human right breaching "mandates".

Glad I told them no, who wants to work for people that dumb?!

Thanks for all your hard work putting this article together.

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In 25 years of Nursing I have been hammered twice with the flu, after getting the flu shot. Many patients have had the same experience with the shingles vax and pneumonia vax.

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Thank you so much for all that you do. I have learned so much from you and feel that I can make more informed decisions about my health. I'm glad you addressed the issue of getting COVID right after getting vaccinated. There were many sad stories during COVID, but this one always stuck with me. Terrible life this poor man had, but what also struck me at the time was that no one thought it was odd that this man made it almost two years without catching COVID, then a few days after getting the vaccine, he gets COVID. No one questioned this? Did they really think he was just that unlucky?


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Excellent article! A couple of points:

Pakistan and Afghanistan also had a huge surge in Non Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis at the same time as India (beginning around 1999) because the cause was the same: the brutal 'pulse polio' vaccine campaign carried out by Bill Gates and the WHO. The study you linked to, with the 491,000 extra paralyzed children, had data that showed around 40,000 children died as a result of the campaign. Remember the 'evil Taliban types shooting the NGO'S giving polio vaccines in Pakistan and Afghanistan? They were absolutely justified because the NGO'S were killing and paralyzing their children. I initially found this out thanks to Dr Suzanne Humphries and going to the WHO Non Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis data for the 3 countries. It's all there.

On Measles, I wouldn't say America reached herd immunity prior to the vaccine, because each year around 4 million children got infected with Measles (an entire birth cohort).

In 1962, 398 children died from Measles, roughly 1 in 10,000, according to the CDC'S data. However, the CDC lies in its publications and claims that Measles kills 1-3 children per thousand infected. This is typical disinformation from the CDC, and other government 'health' 'authorities' around the world repeat this lie in order to create a fear of measles.

By the early 1980's in France, the infection fatality rate for measles was roughly 1 in 30,000, by my estimate from this study. I don't have access to the full study though, perhaps you do?


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I did not know about the Afghanistan example. Thank you so much for sharing. Can you provide a source for it?

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It's saved on my laptop, but my laptop is a 2008 model and it's an ordeal firing it up. Go to the WHO data website and search non polio acute Flaccid Paralysis and look at the 3 countries and the massive increase in NPAFP. Dr Suzanne Humphries refers to it here, although in my opinion it's not polio the infection that is rising, but paralysis from other entero viruses probably.


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Excellent, informative post!

My last flu vaccine was in 2012, and, yeah, I got the flu. (I was an infrequent vaxxer)

That was it for me.

And I avoided the C-19 shots, as I was retired, with time to do my own research... glad I did.

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Had the same experience and mindset. No RNA that reprograms cellular function! Humans have become lab rats!

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