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Louis Pasteur admitted on his deathbed that the terrain was more important than the disease. Healthy cattle grazing in a field next to unhealthy cattle...did not become infected. A healthy immune system is derived from the RIGHT NOURISHMENT in the bloodstream. The Science of Vaccines...was strewn with injured and dead people from the get-go! Starting in the 1950s vaccine promotion began. People trusted their educated doctors. They paid them for these 'vaccines.' I was one of the moms who did so. Doctors did not divulge or did not know, what items were in them? It was a 'Witchdoctor's brew' hidden by PATENTS that should never have been injected into the body of pigs! Aluminum and mercury. were known to create brain damage. Formaldehyde is embalming fluid. Animal viruses injected into little humans? There were many more foreign elements in these vaccines that should not be in the human body. Then the coup de grace Covid-19. which contained even more toxic substances ...and it decimated multi-millions. This was The Science of Vaccines.

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I spent a while looking this up, and I do not believe Pasteur ever actually said that. It just kept on being repeated from sources until everyone concluded it was true. That said, I strongly believe in the merits of terrain theory.

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The Charlatans kept smallpox vaxes going, even after 90% of the people in Leicester, England were wiped out. I had to have the smallpox shot, before entering school. It was the only required injection at the time. It's unbelievable that an industry was given the right to continue, after there were so many lawsuits going for its dangerous products back in in 1986.. It's appalling to think that Patents could hide the toxic matter in these injections, which were going into almost every American child in the school system; creating brain damage and. lowering their physical health.. The consciousness of those who could do this to children is hard to comprehend. Money was all...children were nothing! The American government permits these sociopaths to continue on with their murderous experimentation today.

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After reading this I realize that as a mother I had absolutely no real informed consent. Nothing of this was shared by any doctor we used. A 12-second “basically they are safe and effective and significant side effects are extremely rare” is all I ever heard.

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Pre-Covid, my GP tried to get me to take a flu shot. I asked him how much it reduced my chances of dying. He said he couldn't tell me that, but the flu shot basically had no more reported adverse events than a placebo. I said no thanks. Later I find out the flu shot isn't tested against a real placebo; the "placebo" is another vaccine. It is incredible how bad the system is.

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I was still under the illusion that I would be permitted to work in nursing homes in 2020, so I said, "what the heck, I'll take the flu shot." I thought of it as worthless (strain-based), but not risky.

Later I found out that the series of flu shot I took increased the risks for COVID (I can't remember where I read it, didn't make a note of it, what's done is done). Not that I had any more horrid COVID experience than anyone else (10 days down), but now I'm thinking of vaccines like antidepressants.

Psych drugs fiddle neurotransmitters that we really have absolutely very little understanding of their cascades and interactions with the entire body.

Vaccines fiddle immunity - again, that we have all kinds of language to describe, but our ignorance surpasses our knowledge. No, thank you.

And Doc - thank you!

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That is true for all vaccines. They compare against a previous version or use a cocktail of all the toxic ingredients minus the alleged attenuated virus. It's all a con.

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This was the same thing I was told and permitted my first child to have them He was the guinea pig. He nearly died...'Pediatric 'care' messed up his entire life. He got the worst head start of my four children. This was what got me into the study of nutrition and health, because I learned how little doctors knew about health. It was set up this way by J..D. Rockefeller who changed the curricula in med schools over 110 years ago. It eliminated any other modality, except the promotion of his petroleum based drugs. His father was actually a 'snake oil salesman', too. He promoted the AMA and got doctors to join by promising them higher incomes and prestige...nothing about better health for their patients.

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My great-great grandfather was a doctor (however qualified back then) and "snake-oil" salesman.

I wish I had his remedies today. Most of them were simples. Sure, there may have been harm or addiction in his laudanum formulas - but then - what did people do for pain back then?

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I wrote about J.D. Rockefeller who took over the AMA and this is the organization today. It cares nothing about the people...it is totally dictatorial and won't permit doctors to use anything, except its own patented nostrums.

There were doctors who used to truly care about their patients, too. They were not the ones who joined the AMA for the money or the prestige. They had a calling to serve. J.D.s father was a low class scoundrel who abandoned his family and married another woman. He was someone who was considered a 'snake oil' salesman.

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Same here. All of my 3 adult children are sick. I never heard the term anti-vaxer until 2021, but because I have been severely hurt by the medical system in the past, I was intrigued. Now all the questions about why the lives of my children have been destroyed are answered.

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Me too, but when the time came for 'boosters' I took a day off school. I had a really bad reaction as a baby - I guess that primed me to be sane from then on. They convinced me to have my first son start injections but after MMR I said no. Half of my kids (now all adults) and my ex-husband decided to get needled for the 'vid and are now all ill to a greater or lesser degree, which is horrendous and scary. Yet only one even acknowledges it. as a possibility. They are all distant now and say awful things to me regularly. My youngest (not needled) daughter has a partner who is. needled. Fortunately as he is some 300 miles away in London she doesn't see him too often but whenever she does she gets ill, and so do her twin sister and I. The shedding is very worrying. I want her to have her blood checked but she does not take it seriously as the boyfriend also thinks I am mad and he naturally knows everything, being 21... It is tragic.

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He also identifies as a woman.. I could be charitable and accept that as vaccine damage but I don't know. It is hell to watch, and feel powerless.

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Yes, why can't it be as simple as every jab is another dose of poison. There is nothing in the needle to stimulate any immune system. All symptoms can be attributed to toxic overload, not getting the alleged virus in the vial. Most if not all symptoms can be applied to a laundry list of various diseases. A pox is the body's attempt to detox through the skin.

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....and, what struck me about some of Doc's old historical research (1910's) was that the penetration by the needle caused disturbances. Just that. OMG.

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While I'll grant, patents hide a lot (are near worthless), how does "Promot(ing) the Progress of Science and useful Arts" directly hide toxic matter in these injections?

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Pasteur was not wrong and Béchamp was not right, every individual has a specific susceptibility, sensitivity and immune response to the kingdom of germs (existing or not!)..Bernice Hailey, former NIH brought this topic into the open. No one reacts the same not from the inner nor the outer (Samuel Hanneman founder of homeopathy).

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Very much agree.

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This is a lovely urban myth, but what is factually true is that Pasteur had a "bitter rivalry" with a man named Antoine Bechamp who wrote an outstanding series of books dismantling Pasteur's quack science (Pasteur literally believed milk went sour because it was "attacked" by pathogens whereas the truth is milk contains lactic acid from the get-go, which is the catalyst for fermentation aka souring).

Sadly, there are no Bechamp institutes, and nobody remembers who he is, today.

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Sam: I knew that Pasteur took credit for Bechamp's work. Pasteurization has a big downside. HEAT destroys the enzymes in food and lowers. Plus, milk was designed by our Creator for baby calves destined to grow 500 pounds during their first nine months of life. It was the first food of the Bovine species, before teeth emerged. Human milk..designed for the first year to increase an infant of our species 14 pounds. Humans are not supposed to nurse on the milk of another species as infants or adults. There is no logic used!

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The closest milk to humans is goats, I have never understood why formula is not made from goats milk.

There’s little point saying humans shouldn’t be given milk from animals if the mother is unable to make enough milk to feed her baby, we need an alternative but it also should be the best available.

My friend tried desperately to feed her two babies but could never produce enough no matter what she tried or did.

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I’m torn on the issue of whether Pasteur actually made such an admission too! But that aside, I have zero trust in germ theory medicine and if I had to choose I’d definitely put my trust in terrain theory. In fact, I’m a new subscriber here and I almost unsubscribed when I read an article referring to viruses but realise that this doctor is still on a journey of discovery like the rest of us and none of us really know where this will lead. There is still a tiny chance viruses exist in some shape or form but at this point in time, I highly doubt this will turn out to be the case.

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