Good on you. However, THC facilitates diabolical egregores. Why did so many "hippies" switch over to favoring covid jabs and standing with Ukraine (shelling Russians, and attempting to foment nuclear WWIII)? At least the beats didn't, though not many of them left! If you must use cannabis, switch to tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV). And send me starts of propyl-favoring cannabis ruderalis if you find them. Medicinal chemists say methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, futile. Pentyl appears to be the "futile" (as in psychically very counterproductive).
Hey, so this morning an article about THCV popped up on the local news website (SFGate). I knew nothing about it before you mentioning it yesterday and then reading the article. Apparently it has opposite effects of THC, i.e. loss of appetite and increased motivation. The strain they mentioned with high THCV was ‘Pink Boost Goddess’ grown by Emerald Spirit Botanicals in Mendocino Co., so they may have the starts you’re looking for. I love synchronicities like this!
I don't consider Rimonabant's (named after pomegranates? "Rimon" in Semitic languages) Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) development to have been completed. Yafai's autistics clearly already suffered chronic atypical antipsychotic (most likely risperidone or olanzapine) poisoning. Amazing, Lester Black published his commission of a federal felony! (Yeah, I know. The Left Coast affords legal sanctuary for that.) Pabst does also: and it's involved in interstate commerce. This sounds like a German soldier's letter home asking for more Pervitin. Moderation in all things. Hey, don't "drink" a whole pot of THCV "coffee" at once!
Kinzhal for Turnhoutseweg 30, Beerse, Belgium! May be a "Risperdal deception", but they still sell these murderous shits, and market them for nonschizophrenics such as autistics. Should pass a year's supply out with covid jabs.
Thanks for the info. Honestly it baffles me how so many so-called intelligent liberals lost their damned minds and became brain dead NPC’s. I blame a steady diet of fear-based media propaganda. As for cannabis, many have said it opens the 3rd eye and heightens intuition. Probably why the rastas seem so wise...
It has been amazing watching the anti war anti corporation anti censorship anti pharma party become the leading advocates for all of it. The war one is particularly sad to me.
You're likely correct, far more than just THC is involved. I could guess about things like brainwave-frequency HDTV color modulation, and MKUltra psychological manipulation of the sort Newsweek is famous for, as well as just plain social pressure, to which THC makes people more susceptible. A friend says the undeluded don't watch TV. Do you?
Rastas are interesting. I've heard they don't smoke, but juice instead. I'd probably prefer psychedelics such as psilocybin, LSD, and ayahuasca (DMT taken with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor). All of these "open the 3rd eye", but THC seems to do it in a somewhat different, less selective manner. Perhaps related to my suspicion, the Genesis 2:9 tree of life be acacia (most varieties contain DMT, I'm unaware of Genesis mention of Syrian rue), and the tree of knowledge of good and evil be cannabis.
Yes you have some interesting perspective. I agree about trying different plant medicines, and frankly I’ve become too dependent on cannabis/thc (for sleep mostly) and I need to cut way back. Oh and I definitely don’t watch the news, watch tv mostly for sports, which also can be addicting and is a distraction.
I’m a former liberal and regular cannabis smoker and I’ve been hip to the lies from the get go. So don’t blame hippies and weed, lol.
Good on you. However, THC facilitates diabolical egregores. Why did so many "hippies" switch over to favoring covid jabs and standing with Ukraine (shelling Russians, and attempting to foment nuclear WWIII)? At least the beats didn't, though not many of them left! If you must use cannabis, switch to tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV). And send me starts of propyl-favoring cannabis ruderalis if you find them. Medicinal chemists say methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, futile. Pentyl appears to be the "futile" (as in psychically very counterproductive).
Hey, so this morning an article about THCV popped up on the local news website (SFGate). I knew nothing about it before you mentioning it yesterday and then reading the article. Apparently it has opposite effects of THC, i.e. loss of appetite and increased motivation. The strain they mentioned with high THCV was ‘Pink Boost Goddess’ grown by Emerald Spirit Botanicals in Mendocino Co., so they may have the starts you’re looking for. I love synchronicities like this!
Looks like derived from Indica, or for other strains, sativa. Hope I can provide enough water; this ain't Sonoma County! I'd really prefer no THC or CBG (propyl homologue okay) at all. Ruderalis requires far less water, and is also less conspicuous.
I don't consider Rimonabant's (named after pomegranates? "Rimon" in Semitic languages) Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) development to have been completed. Yafai's autistics clearly already suffered chronic atypical antipsychotic (most likely risperidone or olanzapine) poisoning. Amazing, Lester Black published his commission of a federal felony! (Yeah, I know. The Left Coast affords legal sanctuary for that.) Pabst does also: and it's involved in interstate commerce. This sounds like a German soldier's letter home asking for more Pervitin. Moderation in all things. Hey, don't "drink" a whole pot of THCV "coffee" at once!
Kinzhal for Turnhoutseweg 30, Beerse, Belgium! May be a "Risperdal deception", but they still sell these murderous shits, and market them for nonschizophrenics such as autistics. Should pass a year's supply out with covid jabs.
I believe the hippie movement got co-opted.
Thanks for the info. Honestly it baffles me how so many so-called intelligent liberals lost their damned minds and became brain dead NPC’s. I blame a steady diet of fear-based media propaganda. As for cannabis, many have said it opens the 3rd eye and heightens intuition. Probably why the rastas seem so wise...
It has been amazing watching the anti war anti corporation anti censorship anti pharma party become the leading advocates for all of it. The war one is particularly sad to me.
You're likely correct, far more than just THC is involved. I could guess about things like brainwave-frequency HDTV color modulation, and MKUltra psychological manipulation of the sort Newsweek is famous for, as well as just plain social pressure, to which THC makes people more susceptible. A friend says the undeluded don't watch TV. Do you?
Rastas are interesting. I've heard they don't smoke, but juice instead. I'd probably prefer psychedelics such as psilocybin, LSD, and ayahuasca (DMT taken with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor). All of these "open the 3rd eye", but THC seems to do it in a somewhat different, less selective manner. Perhaps related to my suspicion, the Genesis 2:9 tree of life be acacia (most varieties contain DMT, I'm unaware of Genesis mention of Syrian rue), and the tree of knowledge of good and evil be cannabis.
Yes you have some interesting perspective. I agree about trying different plant medicines, and frankly I’ve become too dependent on cannabis/thc (for sleep mostly) and I need to cut way back. Oh and I definitely don’t watch the news, watch tv mostly for sports, which also can be addicting and is a distraction.
Gates of Hellfire ruined my reply. Now they get me through the recent Windows 10 sabotage - some "update"! Kinzhal for Redmond!
Cannabidivarin (CBDV) is supposed to have the same sedative and antipsychotic effects as cannabidiol (CBD).
Interesting, astute observations...
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