The FDA and CDC are now major actors in the ongoing murder of humanity as demanded by gates and the WEF via big pharma and big food as the guns. There are billions of lives at stake and trillions of dollars to be had. Sorry, Trump and RFK aren't going to make a dent in this ravenous murder machine.

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Maybe a small dent, but the spotlight shone on these 3 Letter Agencies will have a lasting effect. The MSM has far less weight now. I hope to see a radical overhaul in my lifetime. Money is the fuel for these subversive therapies, without Gov protections the true value of these poisoners will be revealed.

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Yes, when people hear another side it balances out one-sided power.

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Trump and RFK will do all they can to obey their controllers and MAUA (make america unhealthy again). There will be lots of nice-sounding words and promises, and perhaps a few crumbs for the peasants, but their WEF agenda will continue.

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Sadly you are right. Any human being as intelligent as RFK Jr. that places his entire identity and life's mission on the protection and flourishing of children - including the unborn - but stands proudly in support of a women's right to pay someone to rip them limb from limb, crush their skulls and cut their spines, all without the scant decency of anesthesia up to and including the day of delivery because they are not wanted is a pathetic excuse for a leader. This is not going to end well.

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There is a lot of truth to what you are saying. Mr. Trump is very transactional but recognizes to make the 'deal' he must retain a certain level of power (i.e. political power) to negotiate on his behalf....$ is part of it but his ego also plays into this.....he has people he is beholden to but knows he cannot simply be a simple puppet for them. A lot will depend upon how much control he cedes to RFK JR to manage HHS or whether he subverts it with appointees within who are more compliant to 'compromise' with the entities who have steered these agencies. On the other hand Mr. Trump is a shrewd political tactician and may well recognize that he can amplify his political power with his political base thus maintaining sway over Congress, his enemies and his benefactors along with leaving a legacy (which will really massage his ego) by allowing RFK JR, Bhattacharya, Malone and others to clean house .....at ZERO risk to himself....if it works he takes all the credit (yes, RFK JR and other will get some but Trump will get a lot of credit and take it) but if it does not work or goes sideways he can easily distance himself and place the blame on RFK JR since he has been a controversial player in this space thus making it easy to isolate the blame.

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Trump and RFK jr knows their legacy is on the line...this is their last chance...do you think their egos will let them fail? NOPE!

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They will only do what they are allowed to do.

I believe there is something more important to them than their egos - it is their lives.

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Rah, rah.

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It's not all of their job to do so either. This is the UNITED States and the old sinister agenda that's been herding the masses for centuries upon centuries is FINALLY in their own death throes. Purposely distracting us, purposely separating us using religion race politics status etc. Now, because of a monumental shift in consciousness across the globe making the planet FULL of LIGHT.. This repulsive plan of global control of mass elimination, sterilization, &choreographed "global crisis" for sinister motives.. This is very difficult to understand that these people are not even awake and have been off the deep end long time. Using "forgive them for they know not what they do." ? Getting to that place of vibration instead of wishing they'd all be caught and tortured to death.. Having faith that humanity WILL PREVAIL. Things aren't getting worse they're getting REVEALED. They're in their death throes as we speak! From death comes rebirth and the New Earth is born in 5th dimensional energy of Love Unity Compassion Kindness Forgiveness Transparency etc

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I must admit that unfortunately this may end up being close to the truth. I suspect the derailment process is underway as the system has already produced the gatekeepers in the form of the War on Fruit Loops crowd. Time and time again grassroots efforts are co-opted by the cabal using the time tested and highly effective massaging of the minds of the bewildered herd. They will be saving the children(who doesn’t want that noble pursuit) while continuing to maim them through the vaccine schedule. It’s a highly diseased culture whose critical thinking skills have been anesthetized by years of propaganda and mindless entertainment. But hey anyone can be a social satirist and cynic so at least we can take a run up the hill. I must add that MDW is a highly valuable source of medical information so at a minimum it’s assisting in giving us the most valuable resource in building a parallel system. We have to be our own health advocates as those allegedly in the business of “do no harm” have devolved to being one of our biggest threats. Patients in the current health care system are mere revenue streams…..and not humans.

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This it is absurd what is going on with the medical insanity, however it is strange with the paywalling of certain protocols on this blog however some important information regardless but strange sometimes so be careful BE WELL all.

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Wonderful Midwestern Doctor, you wrote: "However, once the FDA recognized the scale of new drug applications they would need to process, to get out of having to do that, they reversed their position...." No. That cannot have been the problem. They (and "the public health service") have been a force for harm for harm's sake from Day One. Or so say I.

Here is a pdf of my 2013 book "Consider the Lilies." I will happily send you a paperback copy if you tell me where to send it. MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com


By the way, the US Constitution (Article I, section 8) contains no grant of power to Congress regarding medicine. I assume the FDA got in, via the constitutionally OK power of "regulating commerce." Health is considered a state power; it comes under the state's police power (as in power to force quarantine.)

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All the DMSO advocates at the time thought that was what happened, but then the FDA kept changing its position until stonewalling DMSO was done primarily to protect the pharmaceutical industry.

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Think about this: Does an industry really need to grow and grow? That feeds its shareholders (of which I am one), but so what? Can its officers think it's OK to kill, kill, kill for money (for me)? Maybe so. A lot of people think that. I think it has more to do with the planned development of evil (for control's sake). Some guys at the top got onto the control kick and now, even if they see it is silly, they are afraid to give it up. Poor buggers.

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Here is a book that presents many cures that got smothered: Steve Ross, "And Nothing Happened."

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Not Commerce; organizing, etc. the Militia. Think USPHS.

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One of the most commonly accepted historical myths is that government regulatory agencies are instituted by well intentioned reformers and subsequently "captured" by the industries they were meant to regulate. The truth is that practically all were put into place by the large firms in the industry as a way to impose costs on their smaller competitors in order to drive them out and establish a cartel in the industry. This was certainly true for the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and related laws that eventually morphed into the FDA in the 1920s. Some of the chief lobbyists for this legislation were the four largest meat packing companies that wanted to shut off imported meats as well as those of their smaller American competitors. The guiding principle is that the large companies can afford to hire people to see that they comply with the bureaucratic regulations while the smaller competitors cannot. Something as simple as requiring detailed labeling is enough to put smaller companies at a significant competitive disadvantage. It is important to understand this dynamic because reforming a regulatory agency or putting the "right people" in charge will never bring about meaningful change. The only thing that will work is a truly free market in whatever the good or service may be. In a free market organizations like Underwriter's Laboratories and Consumer Reports will evolve to provide consumers with the information necessary to enable them to make an informed purchase. So called reform and changing the personnel is guaranteed to fail.

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Well said. One might say the road to hell is paved with well intentioned reformers.

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Thank you. Yes, and they never learn.

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Remember how the FBI decided to go after organized crime, with their "Untouchables" ? Al Capone jailed, mob bosses incarcerated. There should be an independent police agency authorized to go after FDA officials and Pharmaceutical CEO's who knowingly allow and promote these deadly drugs, and vaccines to kill Americans. Instead of merely fining drug companies when they get caught, these criminals should be jailed with long prison sentences.

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Medical Care is NOT Health Care. Health stems from Eating Healthy Foods and Living a Healthy Life Style. This is what Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine taught 2500 years ago. The foods that most Americans eat are contributing to their poor mental and physical health. Our soils have been destroyed by the use of pesticides, which kill the organisms in the soil, which provide nutrients to the crops. Big Ag promotes petroleum fertilizer;, and doesn't do as farmers used to do ...use natural fertilizer from healthy farm animals. Our CAFO animals are sick...kept alive until marketed with drugs. Then, the Food Processing Industry pushes PRODUCTS, which are not nourishing foods. Our entire system is rotten! People need to be taught that health stems from eating unprocessed nourishing food.. if people ate right, they would be able to think more clearly. Their mental and physical health would improve,. Healthy natural produce would not contain chemicals, which make people ill. America has to get back to basics.. Health First, then drugs and treatments would be unnecessary! . Then, America would not longer need the FDA.

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I'm always happy to see your articles in my inbox. I wonder if RFK's appointment (if confirmed) gives you any optimism around the status of GHB being changed in the future? I am so sorry that it's not available for the stroke patient I care for, as his sleep has been very disrupted for years now, and especially so since the stroke.

Meanwhile, your DMSO information seems to have been a game-changer for him. It's hard to know for sure whether his recent changes have been caused by the DMSO, but I’m fairly confident that they are, because prior to starting the DMSO, we were looking for a breakthrough, and the changes began almost immediately, after the very first treatment.

We are now about eight weeks into treatment and I have observed the following:

Voice is stronger, and speech is markedly improved

Appetite has increased

Dysphagia has changed dramatically — he is now able to eat normal-sized meals and even swallow while the TV is on (previously a choking hazard.)

He now feeds himself (easy foods) almost exclusively, using his affected hand.

His energy seems to be improved, with earlier mornings many days

Strength, endurance, and balance appear to be better

The most recent and undeniable change (as of the past couple of weeks) is that his sense of taste has started to return.

He also had one very lucid day where he zipped up his own jacket (notable because the fine motor skills in his right hand were quite impaired by the stroke.) This has not yet occurred again, but even he commented at the time that it was remarkable.

After a few weeks of treatment, we did witness what appeared to perhaps be a kind of ‘healing crisis’ where his speech went totally garbled, and didn’t resolve for over 24 hours. We were advised to visit the ER, where three scans revealed no new stroke, and they sent us home without any explanation as to what had caused the increased speech impairment. A TIA was ruled out due to the length of time it lasted, and a neurologist the following day suggested it was probably another (minor) stroke. However, two days later, it cleared completely and the patient was actually better than before. It made me wonder if the DMSO had caused a kind of ‘clean-up’ effect where it moved old blood away from the damaged area or something similar, causing disruption along the way, but ultimately a clearer path for signaling…? Would love to hear if that theory makes any sense to you.

One question I do have: Our protocol is to take a tablespoon of DMSO (mixed with one teaspoon of magnesium oil — creating a 75% solution) and apply the entire amount all over his head, neck, and spine. We let it sit for 20 minutes then shower it off. We do that twice a week. Given that it seems to be producing results, I have started to wonder if the patient is being short-changed by not doing it more often?

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GHB…can anyone tell me how to get it? (Yes I know it can be manufactured at home.) Is there any doctor ANYWHERE who can “bend the rules” (narcolepsy being the only legal reason to prescribe it)?

For the love of Jesus we insomniacs need help.

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Have you tried L-Theanine and melatonin?

They work wonders, taken 30 minutes before bed.

Also magnesium helps a lot but avoid magnesium carbonate, oxide, sulfate, and hydroxide.

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I’ve tried every herbal product…I’ve tried Cognitive Behavioral Therapy…I’ve tried medical marijuana in various forms…I’ve tried FDA-UNapproved electronic devices made in Ireland and shipped here in nefarious ways…I’ve tried….I’ve tried…Ambien, Trazadone…

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Same here. EVERYTHING. Triazolam works for me.

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Is Triazolam a prescription benzo? I have tried everything and cannot sleep more than 5 hrs and usually that is broken up. Ativan does work but I’d have to beg for it and I really don’t want to take pharma. I tried the liposomal melatonin and lithium orotate also. So far all I do is spend money with no results. The nights that I do sleep 8 hrs I have the most awesome day. I know most of my symptoms are from lack of sleep.

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Yes, it is a prescription. You can look it up. It's an old drug. Despite the fact that it is not supposed to be taken for more than 10 days and all the terrible other warnings, I have been taking it 42 years, on and off, [ more on than off]. You can build a tolerance, but a few nights without it fixes that! I have not changed my dose in all these years. You just have to be strict with yourself. It is obviously not the ideal option, but I would be dead without it, Decisions get easier when you life is ebbing away - as was mine and I do not exaggerate. The longest I went without sleep was a little over 4 weeks. I did nod off for 10-15 minutes or so every 5-6 hours. I had had an emergency C- section and the baby had severe intestinal distress. He screamed for those whole 4 weeks non-stop. I do not know how he lived and I was trying to kill imaginary flies in the apartment. Anyway, that's when sleep became the issue of my life. I was told by my doctor that it was the surgery and it is totally physiological. For example, when I was pregnant with my second child, I slept amazingly and there were other periods in

my life as well. Then suddenly it would end and I would be just NOT able to sleep. Reading about the issue of cell danger response and DMSO, I really wonder if that could help.

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I typed out a response and it wouldn’t reply. Can’t retype now.

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That’s the authoritative book on GHB and even how to make it.

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We do. People don't get it. The shadow power uses sleep deprivation for torture.

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Demand your congresscritter allow the cheap sort made from oats (furfural) or butadiene! So far, they won't even consider repealing the Durham-Humphrey Amendment. (Ideally, the Kefauver-Harris Amendment ("Drug Efficacy Amendment") should go away with it.) Drug money (both "legal" and "illegal") must provide great campaign contributions!

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Manufacturing it at home isn't easy. I finally tried it. Works great if done exactly right. Otherwise, no joy. You must use a rather exacting amount of glutamic acid, and distill out the alcohol. Product using MSG tastes terrible (sodium; bad enough using glutamic acid). And make sure almost no quercetin in any ingredients.

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How did you know when it wasn’t quite right? Didn’t sleep? Got very sick?

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Infuriatingly, GHB is a Schedule I drug, like heroin, meaning it has “no medical use.” This is ridiculous, because it’s also a Schedule III drug (as the Rx medication, Xyrem), which means it DOES have a medical use. (Xyrem is Schedule IV in the EU, which is like a cough syrup with codeine.) Yes, it’s easy to make at home, but the precursor, GBL, is also Schedule I, which will land you in jail just as fast as GHB.

The only solution, as far as I can see, is descheduling it. This has a precedent. Marijuana was a Schedule I drug under the 1970 Controlled Substances Act. This year (2024), both HHS and DEA recommended rescheduling it to Schedule III (a prescription drug). They’re a bit late to the party, however, since many states have already allowed its use upon a doctor’s prescription, and a few even allow its use for recreational purposes. May GHB follow in its footsteps.

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GHB is the only drug I know that's managed to be dual scheduled like that

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Revoke those doctors' licenses!

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I’ve read how to make it. It’s like a scene out of Breaking Bad. Contamination and purity are major issues. I’m going to contact a chemist friend to see if he’s willing and able…I think that’s the only way I’d dare injest it. Wouldn’t trust my own uninformed way.

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Good luck with that. Here’s a story about a doctor in Miami charged with a first-degree felony for importing the precursor, GBL, from France. As a doctor, he could have written a prescription for Xyrem, but since it’s OMG! expensive, he imported the cheap precursor to make it himself.


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Thanks for the link. I didn’t know the precursor was also illegal. I thought it was classified as an industrial solvent, a floor stripper. (Its additional components is what has to be fractionated/distilled out…thus the challenge, but to a chemist a simple one.) The article emphasizes the “date rape” aspect only. That’s what AMD said.

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"The Jungle", written in or around 1906 has been hailed as helping to enact laws to protect citizens from rotten food, especially in the meat processing industry (Theodore Roosevelt regime). I re-read it years ago, and can't find my worn copy right now, but it is a heartbreaking account of life after the turn of the century - 1900. The author did not intend this book to be about food, as he stated in the introduction, he intended it to be about the The System of Capitalism, about class, about the working masses who toil for The Man on endless days at little wages and the resultant poverty, injustice, inequity, crass treatment, lack of empathy (all for the almighty buck) that they encounter every day in America. It was not about food, but it changed the food system...back then...because of popular revolt, because of The Jungle. It seems in 120 plus years, not much has changed for the better for the working class. Oops gotta go, I am getting my 38th phone call again today from a hedge fund wanting me to sign up, yet again, for a Medicare Advantage plan....which is bankrupting The Medicare System (the last successful social program strong hold against The System). I don't see much hope against This System.

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I’m 73 and that book was required reading when I went to school.

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Should be required reading now. Another powerful book (about war, from a woman's perspective who served in Vietnam) is "Home Before Morning" by Linda Van Devander. Powerful. Should be read by every high schooler.

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True. I remember the shocking gist of it to this day.

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It's been a long time since I red it, but I recall there were meat inspectors. They got walked away from the line when a tubercular carcass came through.

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In a interview I recall RFK saying he had prayed everyday for 19 years to be in a position where he could end the chronic disease epidemic. A man that prays like this is a man that can do things that seem impossible to the average substacker. I believe this is just the beginning of the change our country needs. Please pray for him and all of the next administrations cabinet. I AM EXCITED TO SEE WHATS COMING FOR OUR COUNTRY!!!! PRAYER WORKS!!!

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Maybe he should observe a 28 week abortion and try to pray. Especially the part where they have to reconstruct the dismembered baby on the tray next to the bed. The devil's finest amusements are when people like this 'pray'

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His father thought the same thing, and look what happened to him!

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Dying is a step up from earthly existence, if you’re in the presence of the Lord.

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There may be minor improvements temporarily, but long term the FDA will continue to do far more harm then good and should be abolished.

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The Australian doctor - William McBride - fought against thalidomide.

His son, David McBride, blew the whistle on the AUS armed forces in Afghanistan - and is now serving time. His case went before the courts last year, and he lost. He's one of the Medical Freedom Heroes now. I love his speeches - he's a great communicator.

It's actually quite the story - if I recall correctly, this was the "leak" that caused the AFP (Aus Fed Police) to raid ABC (Aussie Broadcasting Corp) to get the leaked documents. This was one of the reasons I used to trust the Aussie-BC, because they were willing to take on the Feds.

He's written an excellent memoir, called "The Nature of Honour," talking about his journey from a rule-follower to a "This is not right" whistleblower. There is a chapter in the book about his Dad's thalidomide story.

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"I am an American Doctor who believes health freedom should have been in the Bill of Rights." I don't believe it's possible to reconcile this quote with the idea of "fixing" government agencies that oversee and regulate healthcare. I think the private sector could do a much better job of this. Companies such as Underwriters Laboratories and Consumer Reports stake their survival on their unblemished reputations. When government agencies are compromised, they get a budget increase.

I think the best we can hope for from RFK is for him to take a wrecking ball to the FDA, CDC, NIH, etc, etc, expose their long history of scandalous activities and systematically shut them down.

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Dr Boyd Haley created a chelation product which is safer and more effective than other chelators currently in use, originally called OSR and subsequently called NBMI. It is very successful at chelating heavy metals, especially mercury. It was offered over the counter as a supplement and it helped scores of people rid their bodies of harmful heavy metals, and it did not hurt anyone while it was available.

But the FDA, in its infinite idiocy, saw the good it was doing and pulled it off the market, saying that it needed FDA approval as a drug, but the FDA has been dragging its heels ever since, since 2011.

Mercury is the most toxic substance on Earth apart from radioactive material. Millions of people are mercury toxic from amalgam fillings, thimerisol in vaccines, merthiolate, coal plant emissions and other sources. Mercury gets lodged in our brains, organs and glands, wreaking havoc on our health in myriad devastating ways.

I hope there is a clamorous demand that the FDA amend its ways, revive its original mission to help people, and restore the availability of this vitally important supplement. May Bobby Kennedy prevail in reforming the FDA and the other so-called health agencies.

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It’s not exactly a “supplement,” since N,N’-bis-(2-mercaptoethyl) isophthalamide does not exist in nature nor inside the human body. According to the manufacturer, NBMI, known generically as emeramide and as the brand Irminix, is currently going through the drug approval process in the US (FDA Phase IIb) and EU (EMA). This is definitely something to keep an eye on.

The manufacturer warns that counterfeit products are being sold in the EU and US. Those are what’s being removed by the FDA.

None of my overseas pharmacies currently offer the chelator, probably because it’s not yet approved.

Manufacturer: https://emeramed.com/

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I used the word supplement because it was offered over-the-counter in the supplement section of health food stores.

I understand from people close to the situation that it will likely never be approved by the FDA in its current state of corruption. It will require an overhaul of the FDA, a transformation, so that it works effectively for the well-being of citizens and puts people over corporate profits, which is what RFK Jr is supremely and uniquely qualified to do.

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Drug Marketing Trumps Good Medicine! Nothing new! The Big Pharma boys and their PR firms know how to discredit any treatment regimen that competes with the patented branded products that they sell. From a simple sensitive self examination cloth to detect lumps in the breast that was discredited over X-rays to promoting an expensive Covid treatment called Paxlovid (2.5 Billion $ brand for Pfizer) that doesn't hold a candle to Ivermectin. Merck discredited TR Niacin for controlling high cholesterol to push their first of a kind statin drug. Midwest doc nailed the over promotion/over medication of statin drugs and no one is listening at the FDA. The list is extensive how they have discredited inexpensive medical treatments over the last 70 years to maximize their bottom line. RNA injections is just the next level of profitability by pumping up the bloated medical system in the USA . They just gas lite and manage the FDA gate keepers as well as our physicians. They are now working hard to manage RFK Jr. Soon, you will learn more when my book called "Seven Innocents and the Trail of Death" (c) is released!

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I LIKE the idea of a self-exam cloth! Have you written anywhere about this?

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No! Long ago discredited! Can’t remember the exact name of the very inventive approach!

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Thanks for sharing your research with us! I've recently been using DMSO for a pinched sciatic nerve, after reading about it in your writing, and it has made a world of difference (Especially when I follow a DMSO topical application with a topical wintergreen essential oil. It's like a glorious nerve block!) Three days into using it, I have a MUCH larger range of comfortable motion. You're doing a tremendous good!

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An exquisitely detailed description of the mental cytokine storm unleashed upon our critical faculties and our ability to prioritize our response and resistance to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its hundreds of global public-private partnerships and NGO’s and Young Global Graduates all backed by our tax and consumption dollars to the tune of $10 trillion dollars. And all the while, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Larry Fink, John Kerry et al, continue to manufacture crises in order to manufacture our consent to their hostile, global, totalitarian technocracy.

What system have they spared? Our coin operated Congress, our election integrity based upon two electronic machine counting companies with checkered ownership, destroying our food supply with H5N1 injections, killing healthy farm animals, restricting the supply of nitrogen, destroying prime farmland for carbon capture, injecting our meat with fart reducing poisons, eliminating our reliable, safe, and affordable energy sources for chasing windmills like Don Quixote in the dead of winter, injecting us with m-rna poison that killed lab animals for 20 years, unleashing the censorship industrial complex upon us and sentencing an Irish school teacher to over a year in prison for not using the correct gender pronoun of which there are 53, etc..

In order to better understand the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its global public-private partnerships is not a benign cancer, but a very lethal metastatic cancer, read this website that 14,000 city leaders are signing their communities up to without their “informed consent” (as Reagan would say, “there you go again”).

Did any of you vote to limit your amount of meat, caloric intake, articles of clothing allotted per month? I didn’t think so. Now as for prioritization (and memory retention) here are my suggestions.

1) We frame our struggle correctly, as did Lincoln, as The Divine Right of Kings (WEF) versus the Common Right of Humanity (Declaration of Independence principles adherents).

2) We neutralize the inherent strengths of the Divine Right of Kings forces which is their expertise in each manufactured crisis area (transnational governance, pandemic preparedness and vaccines, food, energy, 15 minute cities, etc.) and we match up our “Common Rights” experts in each area to break down these societal “mental spike proteins” because us laypersons are incapable of it by ourselves particularly when they are hitting us all at the same time like Baghdad.

3) We organize an organization called the Common Right of Humanity and appoint a Board of Directors (like civilian Generals) who study the battle front, appoint expert Colonels to lead the fight on each battle front (Healthcare, Energy, Food, C40, Election Integrity, etc,.)

4) Establish a Common Right of Humanity website where us laypersons can fund this war of freedom decided by the “invisible experts” with a $5 donation and a Map of the Battlefield on how we are doing against the Divine Right of Kings and their global public-private forces.

5) As Lincoln said, our problems are new so we must think anew.


C40 Knowledge Community

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