First, I would like to extend my very real empathy. I too have struggled with life long depression. Much of it from sever trauma at the hands of my mother who was also clinically depressed from suboptimal thyroid replacement after thyroidectomy from Graves disease. The genetics are there for me as her father was also mentally ill and an abuser. I was in a state of almost complete dysfunction at 14 - unable to sit up for more than 3 minutes in the psychiatrist's office and was hospitalized at 18 and again at 19 . Tofronil saved my life. I had regressed to an almost vegetative state with my first hospitalization at 18. I had been given Tofronil at 14 by the doctor and it had NO effect. At 18 it blew me right out of the ballpark. The last round of the hospital at 19 was sort of a tour de force. As my depression abated my energy returned [ depression is almost always a response to the exhaustion of carrying the weight of trauma ] and with the only form of psychological locomotion being compared to a 1940's Ford farm truck with only 2 working pistons and 4 flat tires, my mental apparatus was too much for the doctors on the day program. I was kicked out! Within 5 weeks, I had job that I chose to ride a bike to and back from - 16 miles total everyday. I lost 10 lbs and that was with a thyroid already in the beginning of decline and taking a medication known for weight gain. I am not trying to be the devil's advocate here. I agree with this post completely, BUT, chronic stress especially in very early childhood triggers a cascade of abnormally circulating chemical processes. Living as an only child with a depressed psychotic from infancy [ not to mention feeding from HER unbalanced chemical processes for 9 months ] and moving through all the critical developmental periods, building tissue, brain cells organs etc. in that toxic soup cannot fail to have consequences. I had chronic strep, chronic UTI's and chronic ear infections. Several times the antibiotics did not work and had to be continued for several courses. So my gut was a mess as well. By the time I was 4, I was hospitalized with bleeding ulcers. Sheesh! Can anyone say 'chemical imbalance'????
The bigger picture here though is that trauma leads to stress and stress causes dysregulation of everything and sadly, if you brooch the subject with just about anybody, you will find my story becomes a blur in the like stories of many people agonizing over why they literally cannot be happy in the exact same way that a man without eyes can't understand color Then there is the trauma of malnutrition. All of the essential ingredients to thriving and healing are poisoned, but not actually being taken away. This is to maintain the illusion of choice and abundance. But the choice between a hundred different vegetables, fruits, proteins etc. that are not only laced with carcinogenic metals and devoid of all the life giving nutrients is NOT a choice. What can be a choice is to first find a nutrient test that will give you a clear picture of your unique physiology. I will post a link to a video that you should watch anyway, but also mentions such a test. You might be surprised. I was severely anorexic and bulimic for 17 years.. On 2 occasions my heart just simply stopped beating. It was surreal. I had never heard of an electrolyte. LOL! Because of that and continuing nutrient deficiencies and now no functioning thyroid, I have been forced to do the deep dive into supplementation and I have found quite of few nuggets of gold to strengthen me on the journey, but I had to shoot in the dark. With the information of a really good nutrient test, you can avoid alot of discouraging failures and being chronically depressed, there is the very real danger of giving up. Do not give up! I would start there and also walk in nature. It sounds so trite, but the trite is usually true. Bring up the demons [ whatever they are ] and dissect them one at a time. You really do have everything you need to heal and if you see that more is required YOU make that choice. Also PLEASE get your thyroid tested. Underactive thyroid is an epidemic in this country [ another story ] and it's premeditated invisibility and [ if diagnosed ] criminal undertreatment is now one of the most lucrative conditions to medically ignore. This one disease is like the root and trunk of the money tree. Depression! Fatigue! Weight gain. High cholesterol. High blood pressure. Hormone dysregulation. Constipation. Menstrual issues. Infertility. Arrhythmias. Anemia [ more fatigue ] Insomnia! Brain fog. In short - everything. Do NOT go to an endocrinologist! Go to "Stop the Thyroid Madness" and join. You will not be sorry. If you miss this one and there is a problem, nothing after that will help.
If you can't stand Trump or Tucker Carlson or both PLEASE watch anyway. The information is VITAL to navigating the 'killing ' fields of the medical industry. Nutrient test is mentioned by name. Join the digest. They will read your labs and recommend treatment. My post is too long now as it is, but STTM saved my life. Buy the book and support Janie. 35 years of the most meticulous research on absolutely everything thyroid and it's interactions with all the systems of the body including [ to your initial question ] supplements and how they work, don't work or overwhelm you.
So you start by fixing your foundation. All attempts at a remodel above ground will ultimately fail if the concrete is crumbling underneath. Sorry for the long post. When I read your words:
"Which of those if supplemented stop depression.
I"ve had it on a very serious scale for 40 years" my heart just broke and I felt I had to respond with whatever jumbled answers/information I could give, but there is so much more. I began my journey of depression at the age of 3. I am 64. Certainly not all the issues I related will apply to your situation, but depressed people usually don't have many friends as the world is loathe to end the bread and circuses to listen. So I am just a voice over the internet, but new information opens the mind and information acted upon results in tangible change. Last video is pertinent.
Which of those if supplemented stop depression.
I"ve had it on a very serious scale for 40 years.
Most supplements overwhelm my system and make me feel worse.
Except Vitamin D.
First, I would like to extend my very real empathy. I too have struggled with life long depression. Much of it from sever trauma at the hands of my mother who was also clinically depressed from suboptimal thyroid replacement after thyroidectomy from Graves disease. The genetics are there for me as her father was also mentally ill and an abuser. I was in a state of almost complete dysfunction at 14 - unable to sit up for more than 3 minutes in the psychiatrist's office and was hospitalized at 18 and again at 19 . Tofronil saved my life. I had regressed to an almost vegetative state with my first hospitalization at 18. I had been given Tofronil at 14 by the doctor and it had NO effect. At 18 it blew me right out of the ballpark. The last round of the hospital at 19 was sort of a tour de force. As my depression abated my energy returned [ depression is almost always a response to the exhaustion of carrying the weight of trauma ] and with the only form of psychological locomotion being compared to a 1940's Ford farm truck with only 2 working pistons and 4 flat tires, my mental apparatus was too much for the doctors on the day program. I was kicked out! Within 5 weeks, I had job that I chose to ride a bike to and back from - 16 miles total everyday. I lost 10 lbs and that was with a thyroid already in the beginning of decline and taking a medication known for weight gain. I am not trying to be the devil's advocate here. I agree with this post completely, BUT, chronic stress especially in very early childhood triggers a cascade of abnormally circulating chemical processes. Living as an only child with a depressed psychotic from infancy [ not to mention feeding from HER unbalanced chemical processes for 9 months ] and moving through all the critical developmental periods, building tissue, brain cells organs etc. in that toxic soup cannot fail to have consequences. I had chronic strep, chronic UTI's and chronic ear infections. Several times the antibiotics did not work and had to be continued for several courses. So my gut was a mess as well. By the time I was 4, I was hospitalized with bleeding ulcers. Sheesh! Can anyone say 'chemical imbalance'????
The bigger picture here though is that trauma leads to stress and stress causes dysregulation of everything and sadly, if you brooch the subject with just about anybody, you will find my story becomes a blur in the like stories of many people agonizing over why they literally cannot be happy in the exact same way that a man without eyes can't understand color Then there is the trauma of malnutrition. All of the essential ingredients to thriving and healing are poisoned, but not actually being taken away. This is to maintain the illusion of choice and abundance. But the choice between a hundred different vegetables, fruits, proteins etc. that are not only laced with carcinogenic metals and devoid of all the life giving nutrients is NOT a choice. What can be a choice is to first find a nutrient test that will give you a clear picture of your unique physiology. I will post a link to a video that you should watch anyway, but also mentions such a test. You might be surprised. I was severely anorexic and bulimic for 17 years.. On 2 occasions my heart just simply stopped beating. It was surreal. I had never heard of an electrolyte. LOL! Because of that and continuing nutrient deficiencies and now no functioning thyroid, I have been forced to do the deep dive into supplementation and I have found quite of few nuggets of gold to strengthen me on the journey, but I had to shoot in the dark. With the information of a really good nutrient test, you can avoid alot of discouraging failures and being chronically depressed, there is the very real danger of giving up. Do not give up! I would start there and also walk in nature. It sounds so trite, but the trite is usually true. Bring up the demons [ whatever they are ] and dissect them one at a time. You really do have everything you need to heal and if you see that more is required YOU make that choice. Also PLEASE get your thyroid tested. Underactive thyroid is an epidemic in this country [ another story ] and it's premeditated invisibility and [ if diagnosed ] criminal undertreatment is now one of the most lucrative conditions to medically ignore. This one disease is like the root and trunk of the money tree. Depression! Fatigue! Weight gain. High cholesterol. High blood pressure. Hormone dysregulation. Constipation. Menstrual issues. Infertility. Arrhythmias. Anemia [ more fatigue ] Insomnia! Brain fog. In short - everything. Do NOT go to an endocrinologist! Go to "Stop the Thyroid Madness" and join. You will not be sorry. If you miss this one and there is a problem, nothing after that will help.
If you can't stand Trump or Tucker Carlson or both PLEASE watch anyway. The information is VITAL to navigating the 'killing ' fields of the medical industry. Nutrient test is mentioned by name. Join the digest. They will read your labs and recommend treatment. My post is too long now as it is, but STTM saved my life. Buy the book and support Janie. 35 years of the most meticulous research on absolutely everything thyroid and it's interactions with all the systems of the body including [ to your initial question ] supplements and how they work, don't work or overwhelm you.
So you start by fixing your foundation. All attempts at a remodel above ground will ultimately fail if the concrete is crumbling underneath. Sorry for the long post. When I read your words:
"Which of those if supplemented stop depression.
I"ve had it on a very serious scale for 40 years" my heart just broke and I felt I had to respond with whatever jumbled answers/information I could give, but there is so much more. I began my journey of depression at the age of 3. I am 64. Certainly not all the issues I related will apply to your situation, but depressed people usually don't have many friends as the world is loathe to end the bread and circuses to listen. So I am just a voice over the internet, but new information opens the mind and information acted upon results in tangible change. Last video is pertinent.
Big fan of STTM here!