I had hashimotos when I got lyme disease 14 years ago and then developed long covid(not vaccinated) and the SINGLE uvbi treatment I did was the best results I had from all the stuff I was doing for long covid. I think it also fixed the EBV I had that likely caused my hashimotos in the first place. I now recomend it to whoever will listen...but most people are in lock step with the industrial medical system and think I'm nuts. But it worked instantly-my insomnia went away-my graves/hashimotos is practically gone/my eyes stopped 14 years of burning...so it is 100 percent worth trying.
I should say I did a procedure that withdraws blood and runs it through all these lights and then adds ozone and then it goes back through the light machine. I don't know what this is called but it sounds like this uvbi you are discussing.
That could be UVBI, MAH, major autohemotherapy, or blood ozone therapy. My husband has done several MAH, weekly in dealing with both mold toxicity and cancer. Highly recommend.
Here are a couple of sites that explain some of the same things the post here does, but also the process/procedure (toward the end of the articles). I would imagine if you do a maps search of your area (or close metro area) using UVBI or MAH you can find providers that offer this service.
Great to hear. I just started my first (of 6 sessions) UVBI/ozone combo session last week. this is to address a low level chronic infection. The doctor first recommended antibiotics but since I'm also pre-hypertensive, I asked to do UVBI instead. This is based on what I read in this article. Since UVBI also improves zeta potential, it should do that as well as get rid of my infection. I'm also doing chelation therapy to reduce my high levels of lead and mercury. By dropping my heavy metals load, removing my chronic infection and by improving my zeta potential, I'm pretty confident I can finally go back to having a normal blood pressure.
The blood pressure article was also extremely helpful for me.
Thanks Midwestern Doc for all the effort you put in your amazing work!
I remember when President Trump spoke about light therapy being used to treat COVID, as well as hydroxychloroquine and how the media and lamestream media doctors mocked him incessantly. Please remember that Trump frequently spoke about early treatment but the so-called “experts” discounted him savagely.
Allie, thank you for this comment. When Trump talked about hydroxychloriquine I said to my husband: “He knows something as he is talking about using a drug that was not being touted by Fauci. He knows something more about what is happening and he is trying to go around Fauci and alert the public.” And same for what they slammed him for about the “bleach.” The deep state swamp is sick. So sad.
I read the data from the trial in France that brought forth this data a week before DJT brought it up so I KNEW he was correct. I also KNEW all the FAKE 'agencies' were CORRUPT once they tried to discount everything that was said. I had previously worked at a pathology lab so I KNEW up front there was a SCAM because PCR is not and never was a diagnostic test--and ALL LAB TECHS KNOW THIS but many are saying NOTHING. So, God has a LOT of CLEAN-UP on Aisle 47 to do...but NOTHING is too big for God to do! Thankfully!
Well, I can see one person here that will be giving MEA CULPAs shortly. I do believe he was only in office for the first SIX WEEKS of the shots being FORCED ON US...and it was FAKE biden who did an ILLEGAL MANDATE and HE is directly responsible for MILLIONS and probably BILLIONS OF DEATHS WORLDWIDE as a result! You CANNOT MANDATE ANYTHING EXPERIMENTAL! AND, WHEN was the last time DJT called the shots good? Are you SURE that was DJT making that statement or was it central casting...? WE SHALL SEE!
Technically it wasn't experimental when the FDA 'approved' it. But the approved shots were never available in the US. So yes, even though they mandated the approved, they gave people the eua shots.
I remember on tlav show that Trump was booed at a rally earlier this year when he said the shots were good. I don't know what to say. I don't trust either but maybe he'll change with Kennedy.
"The former president has at times found himself at odds with his conservative voter base on vaccinations. While Trump touts the vaccines as safe and effective and is vaccinated himself, many in the conservative movement have embraced anti-vaccination viewpoints and have decried the vaccine.
Public health experts have largely agreed with Trump that the vaccine is safe, though it has caused some side effects."
Side effects like death! As long as Trump touts the vaccines as safe and effective and public health experts it shows up how corrupted and ignorant public health experts. They dig their own grave.
I say that those who booed Trump at least have a brain.
FRAUDxi was already formulating his NEXT evil plot to discredit DJT and CONTINUE THE GENOCIDE against THE WORLD! But, our time on Earth is short--then most of us will spend ETERNITY IN Heaven with The Father.
Yes! They fell for riches for a short time on earth which is barely a blip in time--yet they will be thinking about it daily for all eternity while they are being tortured every day and healed just so they can be tortured again...SO SAD!
He mentioned sunlight and bleach in his excitement. The MSM mocked him for saying we should inject these into our bodies. Which he never did. Bleach is good for cleaning surfaces along with sunlight. Exposing our skin to direct sun rays boosts Vitamin D3 which prevents Covid deaths.
Dr. Zelenko dosed DJT with hydroxychloroquine immediately when he caught Covid. Trump fully recovered in four days. God bless Dr. Z. His protocol helped me recover from a bad strain.
Y'all remember the ebola scare in Dallas, Texas about 10 years ago? (I live in Dallas)....one day during that, a local reporter had a TV segment saying "Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas has decided to get out a machine they only use in rare specials situations...they are going to use it now for this event. It's called UVBI, extracorporeal blood irradiation." See folks, they all know, they all have the machines...but the PHARMA CABAL won't let doctors/nurses use it regularly because it will wipe out big pharma profits...they dont give a shit if you go broke paying for medical care like cancer, etc... EVIL EVIL EVIL
"Nine of the people contracted the disease outside the US and traveled into the country, either as regular airline passengers or as medical evacuees; of those nine, two died. Two people contracted Ebola in the United States. Both were nurses who treated an Ebola patient; both recovered.[4]" from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola_virus_cases_in_the_United_States
Read the longer version the author provides a link to and there is a email address that will get you in touch with the doc's favorite uvbi provider and they will give you a list of providers in your area. They even have 2 in Maui! Good luck, Darren
Yes a small town in the Central Valley of California. The MD is an orthopedic doc turned regenerative medicine- I guess Quasi functional medicine? My biological dentist referred me!! He doesn’t advertise to avoid the dreaded medical board.
The whole COVID experience I didn't get the vacs and I never got sick once. All my friends who were vaccinated to the hilt were constantly getting sick. So, I attribute being out in the sun everyday either playing golf or walking the dogs in the park, taking Quercetin and zinc, vitamin D and UV from the sun boosted my immune system. But everyone thought I was the pariah.
Have been using it to treat myself and others (who were open to giving it a try), for a great many years now.
Also: food grade hydrogen peroxide and MMS.
I've never has a GP. Rarely "get sick" but if I do it's never for long. (My body mostly recovers without "treatments"...)
Other than my memory of having had a tonsillectomy at age 5 (that's what "family doctors" did, back in the day...) I haven't spent a day in a hospital (except as an advocate) since 1997 when an emergency c-section went terribly wrong.
I am 66. Take zero prescriptions for any "chronic diseases".
Am actually loathe to "see a doctor": he/she will probably find one & recommend a Big Pharma drug to "manage" it... 😉
Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE these abridged articles! Keep ‘em coming, AMD!
How can people perform or have other responsible individuals who are not doctors perform non-invasive (or low-invasive) UVBI or similar UV therapies? These therapies seem quite miraculous but may be inaccessible to people living in rural areas or to the many who do not trust medical practitioners anymore.
I found a product. It may be bogus, but I'm trialling it, from LifeWave, called the X39 patch.
SUPPOSEDLY, the patch amplifies IR light into the body to "stimulate stem cells" and cures all kinds of ills. It is, however a pyramid marketing scheme (suss), and relies on the testimony of it's adherents. I have not read any of the testimonies, because I want the trial on my body to be unsullied by other's reports.
THUS FAR, I'm pretty unimpressed. There are some unique qualities to the patches - I can put them anywhere on my body except around my hips & lower back (where most of my trouble is). If I do, I get an immediate rash. This is interesting, in that - where the trouble is greatest, the reaction is greatest. This tells me they do *something* but I'm still unclear what.
I had hopes that this was another way to 'let light into the body' since UBVI is impossible to get here in Australia, though I may have found a practitioner who is open to EBOO (extracorporeal blood oxygenation & ozonation).
My nearest UBVI clinic is 20 hours drive south in Sydney, or - a flight to the ends of the earth in Perth.
F.O. Stanley, co-inventor of the Stanley Steamer with his twin brother, had tuberculosis while living in the northeastern U.S. and was advised to go west for cleaner air and more sunshine. He went to Denver, Colorado, and then to Estes Park, Colorado where the elevation is about 7,600 feet above sea level.
He soon felt remarkably better, and Estes Park became his home away from home. He developed the town's first electrical system and water system. He built the historic Stanley Hotel which was the inspiration for Stephen King's novel "The Shining" and subsequent movie starring Jack Nicholson. He was a force behind the establishment of The Rocky Mountain National Park, now visited by 4 million people each year.
Did Stanley receive more ultraviolet light at 7,600' than at lower elevations?
In 2020, a foundation established for the purpose, bought Stanley's Estes Park home from private owners who had carefully cared for it, and it is now a museum.
Fascinating. What kind of device do you use? In addition to the uses that you mentioned, I have a washing machine that has mold in it, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get it out without bleach. Maybe this would help.
I own several devices, “by the same manufacturer”, they are all good.
Best is of course the one which can be operated by remote control, nevertheless the manual ones use the exact same technology, For killing molds works like charm.
Here one more unlisted uses, I had some terrible athletes foot which always tortured me.
I tried every way possible to get rid if it without any success, after about one month of having the PR device and turning it for a few hours a day to get rid of some mold issue in my bedroom I got also noticed that my foot was healed.
The problem completely vanished and neve came back
You can also build a devices for cheap by using low voltage UVC tubes commonly sold for fish tanks, and putting a small ionizer and a fan next to the tube.
Other way is to insert the UVC tube in your air conditioning unit.
Anyhow UVC can also be harmful so do some research before playing with it.
Thank you for continuing to provide information about the benefits of light therapy. I’ve regained my good health after having cancer twice and another serious disorder. I quit doctors and began treating myself after the first cancer with radiation (neck) that almost killed me. I couldn’t realize how to get into my car after my second treatment. I have used light in many different ways as well as DMSO, silver, castor oil and nutrition as well as controlling my thoughts. I stopped spending any time thinking of being sick and began to trust my body. I used visualization and meditation as well. Many people say it’s just a Miracle but there’s no miracle other than how powerful we are if we learn to use our minds and trust our brilliant body. I’m 74 now and I’ve spent 10 years learning natural care after 25+ years as a surgical RN. I actually worked in almost every area of nursing and always left those departments because of the harm and uselessness of Allopathic medicine. It’s great for urgent/ emergency situations but otherwise it’s to our detriment most of the time. I admire your approaches but you are an extreme exception.
Also crazy how people don't understand the placebo effect, even when you try to explain it....
And when I say that different alternative treatments work on horses' mucles, joint, bones, etc. and you know it works because there's no placebo effect for horses, I just get puzzled looks.
People are quite willing to accept that "stress" causes negative phsiological symptoms, so I question them as to why postive thinking wouldn't have the opposite effect.
Our thoughts control our reality which is a difficult concept to grasp. It took me years of repeating this to myself and finally it struck me. It was like an epiphany except of course I’d been telling myself for years. Our consciousness is complex and simple. I would say it’s hard to grasp because we’re all conditioned from birth. Never give up on yourself and learn to trust your body to heal and your gut to guide you. Be attentive to yourself and what you feel, stay in the now as much as possible and develop mindfulness until it’s almost Second nature.
Thanks Midwest Doc! Great topic and ties into Vitamin D. Sun light is free. It is required for all living things on this earth with very few exceptions. Big Pharma and Dermatologists can't bottle it so they discredit it. At the beginning of the 20th Century hospitals had solariums on the roof so patients could speed their healing. They disappeared. I was in a Chinese hospital 1997 and they gave the IV's to patients in the courtyard! Before antibiotics German doctors used UV light to cure skin rashes and etc. Then they switched to antibiotics. VA still pushes RNA injections on to their veterans, but ignores their own internal research that discovered that Veteran's health was improved by dosing with Vitamin D. They ignored their own research because it reduced patient visits by 50%. Can't grow a bureaucracy that way. A friend of John Ott has championed the concept of putting florescent UV lights that emit Vitamin D producing light waves in schools so the children have healthy immune systems. Ignored. Dr. William Grant has championed the value of boosting Vitamin D blood levels and believes his research proves that sun light produces better results than Vitamin supplementation. Go to: https://www.sunarc.org/ Of course, the majority of Americans have been convinced that sun light is deadly. All ties into the import topic about UVBI being healing. I bet a study testing Vitamin D blood value before and after successful treatment will indicate that Vitamin D blood value increased dramatically. Everyone should read about what changes we need in USA's Health agencies to improve health out comes for all. RFK Jr. is brave enough to buck the current Big Medicine healthcare paradigm! One of the reasons he switched alliances!
There have been a lot of books written on health and medicine. You could write a great new one simply by taking your substack posts and combining them into a book with a nice index so users can find solutions to their health problems.
That said on the suggestion other client, I have started using CS topically to treat moles that look odd shaped and multicolored. No success to report yet, but I’m hopeful with this. I’m stating that topical use versus ingestion of colloidal. CS is of much less concern for me personally.
I have suggested using apple cider vinegar to many people and it almost always works. You do have to saturate a cotton pad or something and over it with some sealing product like a clear bandage, I dare not use a brand. Leave it on for 3 days and then change dressing, continue until gone. I don’t suggest this for a mole but for anything like hyperkeratosis, skin tags or anything non- invasive. I don’t offer medical advice only suggestions for what I offer clients who desire natural approaches.
Wow, this is amazing. Is there any resource for where one might find this as a treatment? Any idea of the cost? I have multiple sclerosis (mostly in remission) but wonder if this might have positive effects on brain fog and cognition issues.
There are errors of omission and commission. This is the former. How many times have we seen doctors stand by helplessly , like funeral directors telling families that everything possible has been done. When it has not. I or any reasonable doctor could install this device in less than 10 minutes. Far easier and thousands of dollars cheaper than running a code or sheparding a sepsis case for hours and days. And the results are spectacular by comparison . Not having these devices or protocals is the equivalent of leaving people to die in car wrecks.
I had hashimotos when I got lyme disease 14 years ago and then developed long covid(not vaccinated) and the SINGLE uvbi treatment I did was the best results I had from all the stuff I was doing for long covid. I think it also fixed the EBV I had that likely caused my hashimotos in the first place. I now recomend it to whoever will listen...but most people are in lock step with the industrial medical system and think I'm nuts. But it worked instantly-my insomnia went away-my graves/hashimotos is practically gone/my eyes stopped 14 years of burning...so it is 100 percent worth trying.
I should say I did a procedure that withdraws blood and runs it through all these lights and then adds ozone and then it goes back through the light machine. I don't know what this is called but it sounds like this uvbi you are discussing.
That could be UVBI, MAH, major autohemotherapy, or blood ozone therapy. My husband has done several MAH, weekly in dealing with both mold toxicity and cancer. Highly recommend.
What was the procedure?
Can you explain how you received the treatment? What was involved? Where can a sick person get help?
Here are a couple of sites that explain some of the same things the post here does, but also the process/procedure (toward the end of the articles). I would imagine if you do a maps search of your area (or close metro area) using UVBI or MAH you can find providers that offer this service.
Great to hear. I just started my first (of 6 sessions) UVBI/ozone combo session last week. this is to address a low level chronic infection. The doctor first recommended antibiotics but since I'm also pre-hypertensive, I asked to do UVBI instead. This is based on what I read in this article. Since UVBI also improves zeta potential, it should do that as well as get rid of my infection. I'm also doing chelation therapy to reduce my high levels of lead and mercury. By dropping my heavy metals load, removing my chronic infection and by improving my zeta potential, I'm pretty confident I can finally go back to having a normal blood pressure.
The blood pressure article was also extremely helpful for me.
Thanks Midwestern Doc for all the effort you put in your amazing work!
How did it work?
I remember when President Trump spoke about light therapy being used to treat COVID, as well as hydroxychloroquine and how the media and lamestream media doctors mocked him incessantly. Please remember that Trump frequently spoke about early treatment but the so-called “experts” discounted him savagely.
Allie, thank you for this comment. When Trump talked about hydroxychloriquine I said to my husband: “He knows something as he is talking about using a drug that was not being touted by Fauci. He knows something more about what is happening and he is trying to go around Fauci and alert the public.” And same for what they slammed him for about the “bleach.” The deep state swamp is sick. So sad.
I read the data from the trial in France that brought forth this data a week before DJT brought it up so I KNEW he was correct. I also KNEW all the FAKE 'agencies' were CORRUPT once they tried to discount everything that was said. I had previously worked at a pathology lab so I KNEW up front there was a SCAM because PCR is not and never was a diagnostic test--and ALL LAB TECHS KNOW THIS but many are saying NOTHING. So, God has a LOT of CLEAN-UP on Aisle 47 to do...but NOTHING is too big for God to do! Thankfully!
And yet he still promotes the clot shots as good.
As much as Trump said good things, he's also a wussy for not being able to call out how bad the shots are.
Well, I can see one person here that will be giving MEA CULPAs shortly. I do believe he was only in office for the first SIX WEEKS of the shots being FORCED ON US...and it was FAKE biden who did an ILLEGAL MANDATE and HE is directly responsible for MILLIONS and probably BILLIONS OF DEATHS WORLDWIDE as a result! You CANNOT MANDATE ANYTHING EXPERIMENTAL! AND, WHEN was the last time DJT called the shots good? Are you SURE that was DJT making that statement or was it central casting...? WE SHALL SEE!
Technically it wasn't experimental when the FDA 'approved' it. But the approved shots were never available in the US. So yes, even though they mandated the approved, they gave people the eua shots.
I remember on tlav show that Trump was booed at a rally earlier this year when he said the shots were good. I don't know what to say. I don't trust either but maybe he'll change with Kennedy.
"The former president has at times found himself at odds with his conservative voter base on vaccinations. While Trump touts the vaccines as safe and effective and is vaccinated himself, many in the conservative movement have embraced anti-vaccination viewpoints and have decried the vaccine.
Public health experts have largely agreed with Trump that the vaccine is safe, though it has caused some side effects."
Side effects like death! As long as Trump touts the vaccines as safe and effective and public health experts it shows up how corrupted and ignorant public health experts. They dig their own grave.
I say that those who booed Trump at least have a brain.
Yes, but Chump still brags about how quickly his Warp Speed worked....
And then remember around that time a large hydroxychloroquine plant and Asia mysteriously blew up..
🎯 I told everyone this was what trump was referring to
I am so sick and tired of these LIARS!!
So true...i remember it well. The bad part was fauci was standing with him.
FRAUDxi was already formulating his NEXT evil plot to discredit DJT and CONTINUE THE GENOCIDE against THE WORLD! But, our time on Earth is short--then most of us will spend ETERNITY IN Heaven with The Father.
Yes...these criminals do not think of eternal justice!
Yes! They fell for riches for a short time on earth which is barely a blip in time--yet they will be thinking about it daily for all eternity while they are being tortured every day and healed just so they can be tortured again...SO SAD!
He mentioned sunlight and bleach in his excitement. The MSM mocked him for saying we should inject these into our bodies. Which he never did. Bleach is good for cleaning surfaces along with sunlight. Exposing our skin to direct sun rays boosts Vitamin D3 which prevents Covid deaths.
Dr. Zelenko dosed DJT with hydroxychloroquine immediately when he caught Covid. Trump fully recovered in four days. God bless Dr. Z. His protocol helped me recover from a bad strain.
Y'all remember the ebola scare in Dallas, Texas about 10 years ago? (I live in Dallas)....one day during that, a local reporter had a TV segment saying "Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas has decided to get out a machine they only use in rare specials situations...they are going to use it now for this event. It's called UVBI, extracorporeal blood irradiation." See folks, they all know, they all have the machines...but the PHARMA CABAL won't let doctors/nurses use it regularly because it will wipe out big pharma profits...they dont give a shit if you go broke paying for medical care like cancer, etc... EVIL EVIL EVIL
If you can find that segment I would be incredibly grateful.
Can you post an article that mentions this?
I'm still looking for the article you mentioned. But a nurse sick with Ebola traveled on a commercial airplane and ZERO others caught it from her? The hospital followed zero protocols and only two nurses who treated the patient were sick? Wow. Thanks for sharing. Here's the link. https://slate.com/technology/2014/10/dallas-ebola-timeline-the-many-medical-missteps-at-texas-health-presbyterian-hospital-around-the-treatment-of-thomas-eric-duncan.html
"Nine of the people contracted the disease outside the US and traveled into the country, either as regular airline passengers or as medical evacuees; of those nine, two died. Two people contracted Ebola in the United States. Both were nurses who treated an Ebola patient; both recovered.[4]" from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola_virus_cases_in_the_United_States
four biocontainment units in the country in 2014.
Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital
National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland
University of Nebraska Medical Center
St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula, Montana
I received UBI before and after a dental procedure. I highly recommend the book Invisible Cure by Tom Lowe!
where did you get it done? Are you in the states?
Read the longer version the author provides a link to and there is a email address that will get you in touch with the doc's favorite uvbi provider and they will give you a list of providers in your area. They even have 2 in Maui! Good luck, Darren
Thank you!
Yes a small town in the Central Valley of California. The MD is an orthopedic doc turned regenerative medicine- I guess Quasi functional medicine? My biological dentist referred me!! He doesn’t advertise to avoid the dreaded medical board.
The whole COVID experience I didn't get the vacs and I never got sick once. All my friends who were vaccinated to the hilt were constantly getting sick. So, I attribute being out in the sun everyday either playing golf or walking the dogs in the park, taking Quercetin and zinc, vitamin D and UV from the sun boosted my immune system. But everyone thought I was the pariah.
Congrats to YOU for being INTELLIGENT and NOT succumbing to the demonic peer pressure! There are MANY OF US!
DMSO is indeed a remarkable substance.
Have been using it to treat myself and others (who were open to giving it a try), for a great many years now.
Also: food grade hydrogen peroxide and MMS.
I've never has a GP. Rarely "get sick" but if I do it's never for long. (My body mostly recovers without "treatments"...)
Other than my memory of having had a tonsillectomy at age 5 (that's what "family doctors" did, back in the day...) I haven't spent a day in a hospital (except as an advocate) since 1997 when an emergency c-section went terribly wrong.
I am 66. Take zero prescriptions for any "chronic diseases".
Am actually loathe to "see a doctor": he/she will probably find one & recommend a Big Pharma drug to "manage" it... 😉
Dmso is great, so is castor oil and turpentine.
MMS? What is that?
Similar to Chlorine Dioxide, but 'less palatable'. Jim Humble's book: https://robertyoho.substack.com/api/v1/file/22a907cc-d176-4257-95e4-dfea1a7bf943.pdf also https://robertyoho.substack.com/api/v1/file/839e7cd1-934f-4f1f-b476-6f0592d4e44f.pdf
Chlorine Dioxide
Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE these abridged articles! Keep ‘em coming, AMD!
How can people perform or have other responsible individuals who are not doctors perform non-invasive (or low-invasive) UVBI or similar UV therapies? These therapies seem quite miraculous but may be inaccessible to people living in rural areas or to the many who do not trust medical practitioners anymore.
Thank you again for all that you do!
I am trying to do these too! It just all takes a lot of time
Just knowing you are thinking about doing this is wonderful. Thank you! I know your time is precious, AMD. You are using it well! We're grateful.
I found a product. It may be bogus, but I'm trialling it, from LifeWave, called the X39 patch.
SUPPOSEDLY, the patch amplifies IR light into the body to "stimulate stem cells" and cures all kinds of ills. It is, however a pyramid marketing scheme (suss), and relies on the testimony of it's adherents. I have not read any of the testimonies, because I want the trial on my body to be unsullied by other's reports.
THUS FAR, I'm pretty unimpressed. There are some unique qualities to the patches - I can put them anywhere on my body except around my hips & lower back (where most of my trouble is). If I do, I get an immediate rash. This is interesting, in that - where the trouble is greatest, the reaction is greatest. This tells me they do *something* but I'm still unclear what.
I had hopes that this was another way to 'let light into the body' since UBVI is impossible to get here in Australia, though I may have found a practitioner who is open to EBOO (extracorporeal blood oxygenation & ozonation).
My nearest UBVI clinic is 20 hours drive south in Sydney, or - a flight to the ends of the earth in Perth.
Anecdote time:
F.O. Stanley, co-inventor of the Stanley Steamer with his twin brother, had tuberculosis while living in the northeastern U.S. and was advised to go west for cleaner air and more sunshine. He went to Denver, Colorado, and then to Estes Park, Colorado where the elevation is about 7,600 feet above sea level.
He soon felt remarkably better, and Estes Park became his home away from home. He developed the town's first electrical system and water system. He built the historic Stanley Hotel which was the inspiration for Stephen King's novel "The Shining" and subsequent movie starring Jack Nicholson. He was a force behind the establishment of The Rocky Mountain National Park, now visited by 4 million people each year.
Did Stanley receive more ultraviolet light at 7,600' than at lower elevations?
Anecdote, continued:
In 2020, a foundation established for the purpose, bought Stanley's Estes Park home from private owners who had carefully cared for it, and it is now a museum.
UVC kills molds, germs and bacteria outside of the body.
The devices use UVC light and a small ionizer to electrically charge particles and destroy pollutants.
It is used to disinfect the air in expensive clinics.
Biozone scientific is perhaps the best you can get.
I use it for combatting molds and the flue, in 6 years of use of it, the longest cold I got lasted less then 48 hours.
Ho and about mold, it destroys them with in some hours. “Never had problem again”
Fascinating. What kind of device do you use? In addition to the uses that you mentioned, I have a washing machine that has mold in it, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get it out without bleach. Maybe this would help.
I own several devices, “by the same manufacturer”, they are all good.
Best is of course the one which can be operated by remote control, nevertheless the manual ones use the exact same technology, For killing molds works like charm.
Here one more unlisted uses, I had some terrible athletes foot which always tortured me.
I tried every way possible to get rid if it without any success, after about one month of having the PR device and turning it for a few hours a day to get rid of some mold issue in my bedroom I got also noticed that my foot was healed.
The problem completely vanished and neve came back
You can also build a devices for cheap by using low voltage UVC tubes commonly sold for fish tanks, and putting a small ionizer and a fan next to the tube.
Other way is to insert the UVC tube in your air conditioning unit.
Anyhow UVC can also be harmful so do some research before playing with it.
Borax is apparently good for getting rid of mold. And also as a secret arthritis cure.
also busts up nanotech. De-activates it.
Thank you for continuing to provide information about the benefits of light therapy. I’ve regained my good health after having cancer twice and another serious disorder. I quit doctors and began treating myself after the first cancer with radiation (neck) that almost killed me. I couldn’t realize how to get into my car after my second treatment. I have used light in many different ways as well as DMSO, silver, castor oil and nutrition as well as controlling my thoughts. I stopped spending any time thinking of being sick and began to trust my body. I used visualization and meditation as well. Many people say it’s just a Miracle but there’s no miracle other than how powerful we are if we learn to use our minds and trust our brilliant body. I’m 74 now and I’ve spent 10 years learning natural care after 25+ years as a surgical RN. I actually worked in almost every area of nursing and always left those departments because of the harm and uselessness of Allopathic medicine. It’s great for urgent/ emergency situations but otherwise it’s to our detriment most of the time. I admire your approaches but you are an extreme exception.
It amazes me how scientists dismiss the placebo effect so quickly when it is as effective as many prescription drugs.
Also crazy how people don't understand the placebo effect, even when you try to explain it....
And when I say that different alternative treatments work on horses' mucles, joint, bones, etc. and you know it works because there's no placebo effect for horses, I just get puzzled looks.
Yep, if I want DMSO I have to go to horsey people.
People are quite willing to accept that "stress" causes negative phsiological symptoms, so I question them as to why postive thinking wouldn't have the opposite effect.
Our thoughts control our reality which is a difficult concept to grasp. It took me years of repeating this to myself and finally it struck me. It was like an epiphany except of course I’d been telling myself for years. Our consciousness is complex and simple. I would say it’s hard to grasp because we’re all conditioned from birth. Never give up on yourself and learn to trust your body to heal and your gut to guide you. Be attentive to yourself and what you feel, stay in the now as much as possible and develop mindfulness until it’s almost Second nature.
It needs a new name, like "power of natural healing." And then - how to harness it!
When you call it "placebo" it feels "fake."
Thanks Midwest Doc! Great topic and ties into Vitamin D. Sun light is free. It is required for all living things on this earth with very few exceptions. Big Pharma and Dermatologists can't bottle it so they discredit it. At the beginning of the 20th Century hospitals had solariums on the roof so patients could speed their healing. They disappeared. I was in a Chinese hospital 1997 and they gave the IV's to patients in the courtyard! Before antibiotics German doctors used UV light to cure skin rashes and etc. Then they switched to antibiotics. VA still pushes RNA injections on to their veterans, but ignores their own internal research that discovered that Veteran's health was improved by dosing with Vitamin D. They ignored their own research because it reduced patient visits by 50%. Can't grow a bureaucracy that way. A friend of John Ott has championed the concept of putting florescent UV lights that emit Vitamin D producing light waves in schools so the children have healthy immune systems. Ignored. Dr. William Grant has championed the value of boosting Vitamin D blood levels and believes his research proves that sun light produces better results than Vitamin supplementation. Go to: https://www.sunarc.org/ Of course, the majority of Americans have been convinced that sun light is deadly. All ties into the import topic about UVBI being healing. I bet a study testing Vitamin D blood value before and after successful treatment will indicate that Vitamin D blood value increased dramatically. Everyone should read about what changes we need in USA's Health agencies to improve health out comes for all. RFK Jr. is brave enough to buck the current Big Medicine healthcare paradigm! One of the reasons he switched alliances!
There have been a lot of books written on health and medicine. You could write a great new one simply by taking your substack posts and combining them into a book with a nice index so users can find solutions to their health problems.
This should be done ASAP — in case the very active thought police decide this is all quackery that is “too dangerous” to be left public
I keep a copy of all his great articles on a thumb drive.
Do you want me to keep a copy on a public spot in case your thumb drive dies or gets lost?
Every month I receive a letter asking me to join the AMA. And every month I throw it in the garbage.
I must mention the use of colloidal silver to immediately destroy both bacteria and viruses.
Readily available at reasonable costs on Amazon. Finally good data available on the web.
A recent article I found details the mechanism for the action of the silver molecule touching a bug and it dies immediately!! Do your own research!!!
Colloidal silver eyedrops get rid of conjunctivitis almost instantly
Do you know if it will Harlow with a Moyobian cyst on eyelid?
We relate to CS as an antibiotic to be used intelligently and as a somewhat last resort.
ortho-Chlorobenzalmalonitrile? Are you sure you didn't mean colloidal silver?
Fully agree Sir.
Like all things medical, strength and Quantity REQUIRE a knowledge and rational approach.
That said on the suggestion other client, I have started using CS topically to treat moles that look odd shaped and multicolored. No success to report yet, but I’m hopeful with this. I’m stating that topical use versus ingestion of colloidal. CS is of much less concern for me personally.
I have suggested using apple cider vinegar to many people and it almost always works. You do have to saturate a cotton pad or something and over it with some sealing product like a clear bandage, I dare not use a brand. Leave it on for 3 days and then change dressing, continue until gone. I don’t suggest this for a mole but for anything like hyperkeratosis, skin tags or anything non- invasive. I don’t offer medical advice only suggestions for what I offer clients who desire natural approaches.
Why are you using teargas on moles?
Wow, this is amazing. Is there any resource for where one might find this as a treatment? Any idea of the cost? I have multiple sclerosis (mostly in remission) but wonder if this might have positive effects on brain fog and cognition issues.
There are a lot of people who offer the service. I included the contact information for my preferred company in the other article.
And where is that article? In the archives? What is the title?
It’s linked at the bottom of this article.
There are errors of omission and commission. This is the former. How many times have we seen doctors stand by helplessly , like funeral directors telling families that everything possible has been done. When it has not. I or any reasonable doctor could install this device in less than 10 minutes. Far easier and thousands of dollars cheaper than running a code or sheparding a sepsis case for hours and days. And the results are spectacular by comparison . Not having these devices or protocals is the equivalent of leaving people to die in car wrecks.