My pleasure. I'm happy too see that it is working out for you. I enjoy reading what you write, and I think you are changing things for the better. I remember telling you not to be surprised if your posts went viral. Yes, your recommendations have sent a lot of readers my way. I appreciate that.
My question is can Substack - and its critical-thinking authors - save the world and change any of the bogus and harmful narratives that control the world's population?
My hypothesis is that all IMPORTANT "truth-seeking" organizations are now "completely captured."
Substack of course is not "completely captured" ... but, so far, the scholarship and investigative journalism produced by its correspondents has NOT changed anything in any important way. My conclusion is that Substack (and even X) must not be "important" organizations ... That is, the information on Substack can easily be ignored by the organizations that can or could make a difference.
We need at least a few of the important organizations - those that "matter" and that are completely captured - to become uncaptured.
Or: Can the non-important smaller speech platforms (like Substack) become important enough to challenge all of these false narratives?
Until this happens, the "truth" will not be recognized by a large enough percentage of the population for people to realize they are being scammed.
BTW, not only has the real "Scientific Method" been killed ... so too has the "Socratic Method." Those simply trying to ask the right questions are now often banned, cancelled and smeared .... Just like what happened to Socrates himself (who was sentenced to death for asking the wrong questions).
The truth, no matter how hard they try to suppress it can begin as a ripple on the water. It will eventually gather momentum and become a tsunami. Be brave and resolute. Speak up to everyone regardless of whether they listen or believe you. Eventually some will wake up and others will follow. Never comply. Never submit. Never give up. You may not know it but you will make a difference.
It took a few decades to see the results of the civil rights movement of the 60s and 70s. It didn't happen in a few weeks, months or even 3 or 4 years. A lot of gains were made. People didn't give up. We still have a ways to go but the fight against "isms," like the fight for democracy, is ongoing. It's a never-ending project and we have to be careful that movements for actual truth don't get infiltrated, co-opted and captured, as we're seeing with civil rights in contrast to "wokeism."
On the other hand we have Ms Gay at Harvard and trans- and lipstick-decorated general officers in the US military.
Watch the courts- ours in Canada look particularly captured.
After some decades of faith in our constitutional monarchy I have lately become more respectful of the (original) US republic structure. Hoping for more "democracy" now seems to support the author's concern about the power of propaganda to control the "demos" and result in a "tyranny of the majority."
My pleasure. Could be. At the time I spent a while trying to figure out who made them. There were many who also suggested Sabo but I could find no confirmation.
Reminds me of the artwork done by The People's Cube, run by a former Soviet citizen & paid Russian propagandist Oleg Atbashian, who became US freedom lover.
Interesting articles however there are too many ADDED words or MISSING words like "Because of the remarkable societal advancements science has created, our society in turn has placed a deep trust science." It is very strange in many of the articles with those typos ha so BE CAREFUL WITH THAT PEOPLE AND BE WELL!
SCIENTICISMsteria: Best Science Memes (The Belief in the Ignorance of Experts!)
Trusting the ignorance of experts, trust science (just not the chromosome thing), great moments in science, everything is political, and more science memes + the truth about "fossil" fuels!
"The Deadly Rise of Scientism" walks hand-in-hand with the deadly pseudo-science of allopathic, "modern medicine" which is little more than a racketering scheme and murder machine.
The biggest fraud in history might be the medical industrial complex itself. For the past 100 years and more they've been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.
Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s.
The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more. Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths.
Vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.
Like virtually all of the history we are indoctrinated with the story of "modern medicine" is a complete fabrication pounded into the heads of people from cradle to grave in order to maintain that corrupt and highly profitable system.
Something I learned in medical school (in our Community Medicine course) and have frequently encapsulated in cocktail or dinner table conversations with friends and family when they would say how much good I did as a doctor for the community: ‘The garbage man does more for your health than I do.’ as a way of deflecting the conversation to more fruitful line of conversation.
True. I’ve seen charts on diseases vs vaccines and they showed decreases in infections before the vaccines came out. It’s exactly what happened with the Rona virus. It was going down before the jabs came out. Many have said that if we had just let nature take its course we’d be through this by now.
The book "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History", by Dr Suzanne Humphries & Roman Bystrianyk is excellent re. showing how diseases decreased long before the 'vaccines' came out. The book contains charts, etc, demonstrating this.
Of course. The difference between then and now is that more people people live to their natural lifespan and the medical industrial complexes being the number three killer negate much of what sanitation and hygiene and energy accomplished.
Allen, you’re exactly right when you mention avoiding disrupting a highly profitable system. I’ve written extensively on this as well. Glad to see someone else aware to this phenomenon
Antibiotics actually were the biggest revolution in medicine for a few hundred years. There hasn’t been anything near as revolutionary as antibiotics since (even though most people erroneously believe vaccines were equally lifesaving-due to propaganda, just like what we saw with Covid “vaccines”).
Sadly, while antibiotics did save many lives, the whole picture of the importance of beneficial microbes was unknown and so they unknowingly had (and have) a very dark side, including long term effects like immune system disfunction and obesity.
Most people aren’t aware but most antibiotics in the US are administered to livestock in order to cause rapid weight gain… so, is it a mystery obesity epidemic in humans who on average both take antibiotics yearly and eat food laced with antibiotics? Hardly.
What was once a magic cure, is now leading to a plague. Since humans pass on the seeds of their own microbiome to their offspring, the problem compounds with every new generation. Unfortunately, there’s no profit in solving the medical issue of dysbiosis.
Mostly agreed. That would make calomel an inorganic "antibiotic", and salvarsan an unnatural one.
As I gather (far from a feedlot operator), antibiotics counter GI damage from lectins in cereals. They're fed raw because they'd mold and rot if they were cooked. Ractopamine directly promotes muscle mass increase.
I’m definitely not privy to all the mechanisms of action, or various strains of antibiotics but whatever it is in the various scenarios of administration, they all generally eventually lead to gut disbiosis over time, in varying degrees.
Feed lots are atrocious. Being fattened on corn and soy has multiple health implications for both animals and humans as well as the environment. Grass fed is a superior route but the customer has to be willing to pay more for an animal that has lived in better conditions. I purchase beef from a local farmer that never administers antibiotics or vaccines, so it is possible to raise animals in this way.
If I’m not mistaken, I believe poultry and pigs are fed antibiotics preemptively to keep them from becoming ill due to the filth in CAFO operations. But there are probably other reasons that make it a profitable practice.
Big Pharma's Big money has destroyed the medical system. Doctors are nothing more then pill pushers today. The more you know about the medical industry, the better you will care for yourself.
That is so right! I'm in the UK, and have been 'awake' re. this for 40-45 years.
My 'normie' family members ridicule what I tell them... they still 'blindly believe' in what their beloved MSM tell them. My eldest niece and her husband (who both 'work' in 'psychiatry') do not like what I tell them re. it, 'psychiatry', being one of the 3 major medical frauds, worldwide.
Thanks, Allen, that's the most intelligent and insightful observation that I or anyone else will ever read! We didn't get to where we are by scientism just appearing out of nowhere; just as Fauci and all of his nefarious cohorts did not just spontaneously appear as natural aberrations; exactly right to focus on the mid-1800s which really saw the birth of allopathic medicine; this was the era of Louis Pasteur, the mediocre chemist who falsified the results of his own experiments and plagiarised discoveries from the real medical genius of the time, Antoine Bechamp; Pasteur, who eventually (before dying) admitted his germ theory was wrong! In the same epoch there was that genius of nursing, Florence Nightingale, who, along with Bechamp advocated for the need to build strong immune systems through personal hygiene, proper diets , fresh water and environmental cleanliness; and the real history of medical research reveals that there were many others who were vilified and had their lives and work destroyed if they believed in natural and non-invasive treatments; the real history is there if the effort is made to search for it but there are an enormous amount of lies, deception and corruption to dig through!
Plumbers have saved and continue to save more lives and quality of lives than the medical industrial complexes have or ever will barring something unforeseen somehow getting on the market.
As a physician-scientist in training who has spent his entire career in service of “modern medicine” or the "medical industrial complex", I feel compelled to respond, both to your comment and to the article as a whole. I wish to do this by gently reviewing some of the things that have been produced by “modern medicine” or the “scientific establishment” in just the past five years, with no value judgement attached:
- Modern medicine has cured the disease of obesity, the greatest health problem in the modern era, with GLP-1 agonists, which were characterized through NIH-funded research
- Last month, sickle cell disease was cured with an FDA-approved CRISPR gene editing therapy developed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals. Sickle cell disease is a horrible genetic condition that mainly affects Black populations. CRISPR was discovered through NIH-funded research.
- In 2019, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a fatal childhood genetic disease, was cured by the gene therapy Zolgensma, developed by the pharmaceutical company Novartis, and was based on NIH-funded research.
- In 2023, the first drug ever shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, lecanemab, was approved by the FDA. Lecanemab was developed by the pharmaceutical companies Eisai and Bingen, and was based on NIH-funded research.
- In 2019, the triple CFTR modulator Trikafta was approved to treat children with cystic fibrosis (CF), a fatal and relatively common genetic disorder. It is the best cystic fibrosis drug ever made, and may add a decade to the lifespan of CF patients.
All of these medicines were developed by scientific experts like Anthony Fauci, in elite academic institutions and pharmaceutical labs; they were never debated on the Joe Rogan show and their clinical trial data was never reanalyzed by Substack writers. I’ll leave it for you to decide if these medicines are good or bad - perhaps you think they never should have been made. But they are the creations of Fauci and Hotez and their ilk. They ARE modern medicine.
If you get the chance, you should really read this article as there is a lot about both the obesity and alzheimer's drugs you most likely arent aware of:
•The CF drugs were made by families donating a lot to create the drugs bc pharma wasn't interested in them.
•The sickle cell and SMA treatments are prohibitively expensive. There are also other ways to treat Sickle Cell which are quite affordable and work very well.
The thing I think you are missing in your argument is that finances dictates what gets to the market, not how people will benefit from them.
So glad you made this point! I was reading through the replies to Rob's comment feeling frustrated that no one pointed this out.
Also, if you know research scientists personally (there were so many in my church before we moved out if state), you see there are plenty of well-intentioned people who are doing work that may prove valuable, but that there is also so much corruption that influences what they can work on. The jobs they can find are based in what government and pharma are willing to fund. There is so much talent being redirected from doing truly useful research to doing research motivated higher up by politics, power, and greed. Of course there are still good things being accomplished! But when I look at all the harm being done and imagine what we COULD have in worldwide benefits to humanity if we had true scientific debate and freedom, it's staggering. So much taxpayer money being wasted. So much greed propelling which drugs and treatments get press. Gatekeepers keeping good research that contradicts their interests from receiving the respect it deserves. Even treatments that could be financially profitable being effectively erased because they threaten another player in the game.
You are woefully ignorant of the cause of Alzehimer's disease which progressed hand in hand with the increased push of Statins on the elderly population in the misguided idea that cholesterol levels were the cause of MI's.
Instead you have shown that it took decades to develop a drug to counteract the problems caused by another drug that caused deaths, painful side effects and devastating problems for many of our dear elderly relatives.
Perhaps instead of swallowing all the swill they are teaching you, you should do a real "deep dive" into researching the truth? But then again if you did so, you might not be able to graduate from your training or you might lose your license to practice!
Besides a "license to practice" any profession, be it medicine, Health Care, or Law; 2 of those 3 just mentioned which I have held, is an oxymoron!
People want to go to those who know what they are doing-not those who are merely "practicing"! Now you have a choice; become someone who beenefits humanity or someone whose pocketbook benefits while humanity is MALPRACTICED on.
Thank God for Midwest Doctor!!! Can not begin to Thank you enough. The world needs so many more like yourself and just maybe God will answer a prayer to bring all this madness out into the open. I once believed in prayer but as of late he is not listening. God Bless You and have a Great New Year
GOD ALMIGHTY works on HIS OWN SCHEDULE which has been prophesied clearly and certainly HE is in NO RUSH as INFINITY AND ETERNITY - THE TRUTH - prevailed since THE BEGINNING!
Rob probably would not understand Shakespeare any more than he would understand Fauci is not a scientist but is a world class criminal who is guilty of "crimes against humanity."
Quoting Shakespeare as a fig leaf for one's own PRIDE cloaked in feathers of beauty has been the modus operandi of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN since LUCIFER ... "I will be like THE MOST HIGH!" before he fell into THE DARKNESS of his own FOOLISHNESS!
I assure you, nothing would bring me greater joy (or greater excitement among pharmaceutical executives) than the discovery that the immense tide of horror and suffering that is dementia could be stemmed by discontinuing a single generic drug class for which multiple (albeit extremely expensive) alternatives now exist. Sadly, no link between statins and dementia has ever been shown in the many studies done to find one, and some research has even suggested a mild protective effect of statins against Alzheimer’s disease.
There are a lot of treatments for Alzheimers which work but have been neglected/blacklisted by the medical profession because money can't be made off of them. Conversely, the existing drugs are arguably much worse than doing nothing, but extremely profitable so they've been pushed a long in an arguably illegal manner.
your showing your arrogance and your ignorance. The two faults I find in every doctor except the Author of this substack. You can't find what you do not look for. Big Pharma is an expert at this. The whole cholsteral is bad for you myth is based upon bad science done by Ancel Keys who did a study to prove his theory back in the 1960's and instead of proving his theory he disproved it so what does he do he hides the data and never publishes it . However his arrogance kept the data which was later found and then published proving that he was wrong about saturated fat causing heart disease. But the science today condemns Millions to diets too high in Carbohydrates and the resulting type 2 diabetes the real cause of heart diseases. No doctor today will tell you that the cause of Type 2 diabetes is your overconsumption of carbs primarily sugars yet the medical industry cries about the obesity epidemic which it help caused.
So do us all a favor go find some humility because you have none And put a massive Dunce cap on if and when you ever become a doctor so we can avoid you.
you know your arguments, and your ability to convince someone to at least consider your arguments, would be a lot more effective if you'd refrain from the ad hominems. Telling someone they are arrogant and ignorant and lack humility is no way to win an argument. It often has the opposite effect: "If this guy has to resort to name calling to get his point across, then maybe his point is pretty weak." And besides all that, who wants to engage in a conversation with someone who's going to hurl insults at him and call him names?
Other than being highly accurate description of most people who call themselves doctors have any other positive criticisms? You will noticed I just used the classical method of attack the left side of the political spectrum uses everyday of the week. They sure do not like it when it’s used on them. The vast majority of the DC swamp that did this to us come from the left so whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Doctors are nothing more than BRAINWASHED AND INDOCTRINATED - including FAUXI et. al. - disciples of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN pretending to do "good" exactly as told about EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN, expelling herself and dragging ADAM with her ... the biggest scam in the history of man as far as it can be retold. THERE IS THE TRUTH - GOD ALMIGHTY - and then there is THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN pretending to be "in the know", BRAINWASHING AND INDOCTRINATING man's mind - yours and FAUXI'S ET.AL. included - based on pretentious claims using PLATOS MENTAL CAVE "strategy" - while the "perpetrators" (disciples of the good-doers - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN) being "sophisticated caveman - LIARS" themselves - believing to do "good".
Never ever believe a statistic that you have not FAKED yourself - is a common saying among statisticians. Take heed ...
Is the only source of information to be found in the writings paid for by Big Pharma?
I understand how relative youthfulness can color a man's view of things. Been there, done that, got the T shirt. With more age, experience and a few hard knocks plus the understanding that comes with age and experience, your outlook will be different in say 10-15 years.
I’m flattered, but I entered the training pathway at a later age than most of my classmates - I’m not exactly a young man. And of course, the best source of information for any disease is the patient, to paraphrase William Osler.
No matter how old you were when entering the pathway, the information acrued has the same timeline. What Bitteroot is talking about is experience, you don't have that, do you?
I could tell you story after story of Physicians, both Family Practice, Surgeons, ER docs, Psychiatrists, Neurosurgeons etc. that I have had to go one on one against when they thought a patient's problem was "all in their head" (Psychiatrists are the absolute worst!)
In every case but maybe one, the physician was totally wrong in his analysis and diagnosis.
My reward was getting thanked by the patient and knowing that my going one on one with a physician had made the difference in another human being's life.
You will learn, if you have not already, that one of the worst enemies of a physician is their ego. Physicians are humans just like patients are humans.
I do not think less of physicians who I have had to go one on one against when advocating for a patient. I don't fault them for not coming back to me and saying something like, "I'm sorry. You were right. I have a happy patient now."
But I have seen those same physicians listen more to the patient and the patient get the care they needed after I had gone one on one with the physician. There is a deep satisfaction in knowing you had a part in helping a physician and his patient because you were not afraid to go one on one with the physician.
I feel you are falling into the pubmed trap, where you assume if something is true, it would be possible to find a study corroberating it on pubmed. This is one of the most common ways the entire medical profession is manipulated by the pharmaceutical industry and they regularly ignore stories reported to them by their patients.
Medicine has taken the route of cheating and lying (viz the woman who used to edit the NEJM, and many others). So what's the point of quoting its approved studies? Fraid the game's been substantially ruined... which is not something anyone here is happy about.
You lost me at.... Modern medicine has cured the disease of obesity. I figured all the following examples were satire. Also, when prescribing the medicines you list, shouldn't there be a 5 page list of possible side effects?
You should have waited until tomorrow to post that response. You could have won the garbage comment of the year on the very first day of 2024. In any case you have set the bar quite high for one of the most ill-informed, a-historical pile of rubbish in the universe of substack commentariat.
I'll only address your first comment which is of course patently insane:
"Modern medicine has cured the disease of obesity, the greatest health problem in the modern era, with GLP-1 agonists, which were characterized through NIH-funded research."
As it is with diabetes the "cure" for obesity has all to do with diet and exercise. There are other social factors but I don't want to waste too much time on your nonsense. If we had radical dietary changes and exercise (which can be walks, gardening, etc.) in the US we would see virtual elimination of obesity and diabetes overnight- literally.
Of course that would be bad for the business of all the quack doctors and scientists and the profiteers that they serve.
The single biggest policy change to make this happen would be agricultural policy.
But thank you for your comment you are the perfect example which illustrates exactly what I stated.
You know less than zero about what causes disease as indicated by your comment which is a prerequisite for becoming a card-carrying member of the allopathic syndicate.
I wholeheartedly agree with you that a healthy diet and exercise - what your physician might euphemistically refer to as “lifestyle changes” - would eliminate 90% of medical problems overnight. Unfortunately, the percentage of patients who are able to actually implement these lifestyle changes hovers around zero, which is where the rest of medicine comes in.
Oh, c'mon! A healthy diet and exercise do not require a euphemism. I'd rate that comment a bit lexiphanic if not downright ultracrepidarian. IOW, such things will impress exactly nobody here.
I disagree on that claim of Obesity is cured. America along with Australia is a nation of lard bags. I get your tv shows and news feeds in Australia and all I see are countless individuals exploding out of their clothes as they waddle across my screen or worse still in front of me on the street. Gastro banding and drugs are not a cure. My mate had a doctor who kept him on a diet, a diet of blood pressure, type 2 diabetic meds and statins. Never told him to stop eating all the crap he ate and drank and to exercise or he risked type 1 diabetes end up very sick. I caught up with him a year after he started on the so called Type 2 Diabetic meds, this time he was shooting insulin. Still a fat bastard, still eats garbage with the excuse "As long as I take my insulin its fine", so down the throat goes the coca cola, never drinks a drop of water nor eats a vegetable, a snitty and chips (fries) is a go to with coke. Saddest thing I have ever seen watching him kill himself. "cured obesity" indeed that is pure "Scientism" if ever I saw it.
• Obesity is a medical condition in way that alcoholism is a medical condition. You give it to yourself with gluttony and poor dietary choices, though of course often with the help of state institutions which slant commerce in ways favoring the sellers of junk foods and beverage ethanol. This political aspect is interesting given your horn tooting for the NIH. The so-called cure treats symptoms not only of low character but also of prior state interventions. Now, how is that perversity paid for if not by force and fraud which transfers risks and costs from perps (including do-gooders) to prey?
• If Trikafta makes it more likely that CF sufferers reproduce, then then stuff and its usage are probably dysgenic and therefore deserve to be condemned as evil. Long-term consequences matter.
• And so what if it "may add a decade to the lifespan of CF patients"? Will their marginal productivity be sufficient to pay for ALL of the costs, including those incurred after their deaths because of dysgenic effects? There's no such thing as a free lunch. Those who must pay will have their lives diminished, and we may fairly assume that exhorbitant costs were incurred for small benefit to very few. Opportunity costs are real, but you're so blinded by your emotional commitment to your industry that you neglect this.
• Will Zolgensma increase the reproduction of SMA people? If so, and if the genetic risk factors are heritable, then it follows that Zolgensma, too, is dysgenic.
• Sickle cell disease is a byproduct of a genetic mutation which provides a lot of protection against malaria. The fact that it "mainly affects Black populations" is diversionary drivel. And again, who pays? Are you offering to pay all the cost out of your pockets? You may pretend to care, but what you really want is the public status obtainable by PRETENDING to care while others are obliged to bear most the costs of caring.
• How "effective" is Lecanemab at producing negative externalities for people who don't use or consume it? The world is awash with industrial pollutants, many of them produced by the pharmaceutical mafia of which you're so proud.
• Now here's a typically mealymouthed comment: "I wish to do this by gently reviewing...with no value judgement attached".
Well, SMA, CF, and sickle cell disease are all autosomal recessive disorders, so there is no need to worry about reproduction in the age of readily available genetic counseling - another incredible achievement by modern medicine. In any case, your seeming advocation for the wiping out from the gene pool of any group you deem deficient is disturbing, to say the least.
"your seeming advocation for the wiping out from the gene pool of any group you deem deficient is disturbing, to say the least"
Why must you be so slow to grow up and to move on from your adolescent preening? The number of possible adverse mutations is practically infinite. So why do we not have 10^100 genetic disorders striking all of us down in our 30's or younger?
C'mon, now, this isn't a trick question. Tell us what has been "wiping out" bad genes (and unfit species) for longer than any hominin can remember.
Once upon a time I had a radiologist for a roommate. Trying to reach him with obvious facts and logic about his chosen industry was like trying to convince a flattard that he shouldn't expect to see a "curve" while on the Earth or at low altitudes.
I have quite a few friends who are doctors including an infectious disease doc; every single one of them still believes in the covid injection scam. They all believed in the PCR "test" at least at the beginning. Smart and good people but disappointingly stupid at the same time.
Anyone defending the medical profession after what we've all been through isn't worthy of serious consideration. Most aren't even competent to know that they've been had. A lot of good their "brains" do anyone!
"I wish to do this by gently reviewing some of the things that have been produced by “modern medicine” or the “scientific establishment” in just the past five years, with no value judgement attached:"
I wish to gently point out that your claims are unsupported.
Besides that, no one claims that modern science is completely useless or dangerous therefore your arguments constitute the logical fallacy of special pleading.
I don’t think I really made any claims. I simply listed some recent medical advancements that I’m excited about - it’s such a privilege to be in medicine in this era of rapid discovery and change!
Look, nobody here claims that modern medicine has no value. So even if the disorders you wrote about turn out otherwise (than you say), you could still quote others where people have indeed been helped.
I am interested in what you have to say, but right now, I am uneasy that you are diverting this comment stream toward sniping back and forth (along with the people who snipe back). Which helps nobody.
Behave. (And I mean it entirely in a friendly way :-)
What a load of apologetic tripe! "scientific experts like Anthony Fauci"!? Hotez!? Those two wouldn't know a real scientist or research lab if they tripped over them! The only thing "elite" about those individuals and the pharmaceutical labs they were complicit with was the amount of money and power they acquired with all of the fake science and fraudulent practices they endorsed; I highly recommend you brush up on the real medical history of medical research instead of placing blind faith in the "medical industrial complex" which, admittedly, has succeeded extremely well in indoctrinating you.
Big Pharma has been charged $36 billion in fines for malfeasance and on average a criminal gets away with many crimes before the one he eventually gets caught and convicted on.
I think it's a mistake to say because a system has come up with something good, we should excuse all of the bad it produces. It would be like saying, "before we criticize the Hitler regime, we should remember the economic revitalization he and his ilk brought to Germany." I think we should just support systems that are honest and good.
If we did that, I think medicine would be wildly more advanced than it is today, and we'd have more actual cures instead of treatments with untold side effects where many times it is even dubious as to any positive effects.
My intro into how bad the medical industrial complex is came from reading M.D. Richard Bernstein's The Diabetes Solution. As a Type I diabetic, he "cured," i.e. normalized his blood sugars through a strict low-carb diet and insulin dosing based on meal size such that he was able to reverse severe kidney problems and other serious diabetic complications. He even reversed his PAD, something he didn't think was possible. Had he continued to follow the ADA recommendations, he would have been gone a long time ago. That was about 40 years ago, and last I checked a few years ago he was in his 80s with a sharp mind.
That guy is amazing and a personal hero of mine. You might read his book to get some perspective.
It’s no wonder Mr. Wonder that you’re acting as a shill for corrupt interests, claiming that the medical protocols of creeps such as Fauci and Hotez are legitimate and life-changing! Why not open your mind for once and actually debate with those who hold opinions different than yourself as well as the other pharma-whores!
Have you thought to ask the patients who were prescribed these drugs if they say the medicines are good or bad? Where are their voices?? And what's "wrong" with "unmodern," or traditional medicine? My arthritis, precipitated from the stress of being a "hunted" unvaxxed person with NATURAL immunity after having had the Wuhan strain in the beginning, is going away by the use of nutritional "therapies" (collagen proteins, bone broth and good nutrition-- not including white bread!), traditional Chinese herbs, acupuncture, massage, stretching, and staying away from lies. It's looking a lot like I can get back to my music performance work-- no "modern" medicine (translated: poison) required ;-).
"We'll never really know, because there is no incentive to find out."
Very true, and what's more there apparently is a lot of incentive to bury any inconvenient truths.
Here's just one source for that.
More than 60% of the studies are not submitted for publication, and this figure has remained so around this level for the last few years.[1]
This failure to publish research (‘file drawer effect’) is because the researcher feels that the outcomes were not positive and/or because they were statistically insignificant.[2] This constitutes a large publication bias and one of the major factors contributing to poor replicability of research findings. The common reason reported for failure to publish the findings as full-length articles by the authors is lack of time and is unrelated to the journal policy and review process.[1,3]
Missing data in published clinical trials, unintentional or deliberate (‘dissemination bias’), are other sources leading to improper conclusions and may contribute to improper and insufficient outcome assessments in related meta-analyses.
Indian J Anaesth. 2017 Jun; 61(6): 453–455.
doi: 10.4103/ija.IJA_361_17
PMCID: PMC5474911
PMID: 28655948
Concealing research outcomes: Missing data, negative results and missed publications
Note that even meta-ananlyses can be subject to error.
Another excellent source (among many) for similar information is
Posner's book, "Pharma" which deals mainly wth the American opioid epidemic and cites numerous instances of where undesirable outcomes were swept under the rug or the data otherwise manipulated to avoid exposing the truth.
I’m genuinely concerned that there are seemingly doctors claiming to their patients that the medicines they are prescribing have no adverse effects - every medicine ever created has side effects, and unfortunately the risk of severe side effects is often higher for drugs developed to treat our worst diseases (see chemotherapy). Even miracle cures have side effects, and I would never, ever claim otherwise.
It's not so much they claim to their patients that the meds have no adverse effects. It's more that they simply do not discuss the adverse effect with the patients.
Or when the patient raises adverse effects, they claim it's not caused by the drug simply because the pharma funded trial didn't identify that risk, probably because they never asked about it or measured it.
Actaully, "gaslighting" seems to be one of the recurrent experiences of people injured by meds, vaccines, "vaccines," and other "treatments" and "cures."
I love all of your posts and thank you for your commottment to truth. Comment on this article regarding academic explaining info to truck driver. After obtaining a Masters in Psychology my husband let it all behind and became a long haul truck driver. He frequently observed via CB radio the many intelligent people driving trucks who listened to educational material on the road. Generalizations are usually frought with exceptions.
I’m not a professor. I was fired by USC for speaking out about the Covid lockdowns and vaxxes. I was a tenured full professor for 33 years but that doesn’t mean shit when it comes to Telling the truth at a major federal funded university. I was well aware that Pharma had a lot of evil players willing to do anything for money, including killing people. But the Covid plandemic has certainly opened my eyes to how far most people are willing to go to avoid the truth in order to live comfortable lives. I’m sure non-allopathic treatment approaches have much to be said for them, but I’m not an expert in that area. I research everything carefully and have an open but very critical mind about anything anyone is pushing.
The professor who wrote a great annonymous blog critical of education shared a lot of the worrying trends in the tenure system which emerged over the last two decades.
Yep, doctors, lawyers, politicians, engineers etc... They all are taught double speak over complex languages. The more nouns in a language, the less intuition and freedom in the language. This also affects the way those people think, if they used the dumb language in order to learn a complex topic.
I had a girlfriend way back that was an Ivy League med school graduate, doing her residency.
When I tried to tell her some realizations I had with health and the body, she always pushed back with gobbledygook from her medical training err torture. I have an easier time explaining these things to blue collar workers than professionals 😂 .
A pertinent quote:
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
It takes one to know one= Sasha Latypova. If you ever question her on a topic that she's got her teeth into about being right, she will let you know in no uncertain terms, and use bullying on top of the accusations thrown. I know, it happened to me.
I know of another like that who rails about "toxic masculinity" yet she expresses herself in the manner you describe. Another know-it-all impervious to any level of reasoning.
When you can't challenge the medical research proclaimed to be valid, we are in deep trouble!
I believe it is well established that there is a "warp speed" effort being pushed to develop RNA/DNA cell alternating injections for maintaining the allopathic medicine model as the disease treatment protocols for the 21st century. Billions and billions are being invested in this endeavor and the two major beneficiaries of this push is BARDA (DOD Biowarfare Institution) that has been prolific over the past 60 years and Big Pharma which has the task of mass producing the injection protocols. Moderna has already been identified as a CIA creation and is the bridge between the two major players. If they want to put the blame on Dr. Malone, then they should start by putting the blame on Dr. Arthur Hayes, Donald Rumsfeld's go to guy for biowarfare in the 1970's who experimented at Fort Detrick with glycinated chemicals to be more efficacious in destroying the enemy. Rumsfeld ran DOD the first time around in the 1970's. He was so good at it; he got a repeat performance. Infiltrating, creating controversy and miss guiding those who are attempting to have the truth known about Covid and the injections is how you create confusion and discredit the efforts of the truth tellers. In the meantime, the massive marketing push to convince the American public that injections are good continues with masterful marketing efforts. Local paper ran the story "Good News" medical stories of 2023" on Christmas Day extolling the injections and RSV and etc. Author was a Patient Advocate well-schooled by Big Pharma. Moderna and Pfizer are doing their share with TV commercials spinning the injections as being good. This effort will intensive in 2024 as the money people start demanding a return on their investment. If the FDA's VAERS reporting system would be managed properly and the true extent of the harm caused was made public, then maybe rational medical research would prevail. Unfortunately, the FDA takes their marching orders from Big Pharma. Happy New Year? I pray! I wish everyone well in 2024.
I learned about scientism in late 2020. That word/concept cemented all of the disinformation coming at us as the huge red flag I had been relentlessly studying. Thank you for all you do for us - the conspiracy realists!
Excellent work! Hotez reminds me of a bed that never gets made. It's so sad that the Sophist's prevailed over Socrates. I believe that this is a function of lazyness over hard work so prevalent in the West. The children of the old elite are in charge. Spoiled and sociopathic to the core.
The window for debate was open in the latter half of the 19th century, and I recall being involved in it myself in high school science class even in the mid-1960s. I think the window's closed. Science won. I switched sides myself for a decade, in the earlier 2000s.
I'm not here to disagree with what you've written here -- I have seen more than enough evidence to support it, apart from what you contribute -- and thank you for that. But I seek to comprehend a larger picture within which this one fits.
Scientific "progress" fueled industrial "progress", "giving us many of the benefits we take for granted today." This is a narrative that also begs examination and debate. Whatever benefits there may have been, they came at the cost of disruptions and destruction of families, health, connection with our origin, and most anything else that might be considered truly important.
The loss of connection with our origin, and the loss of understanding of what we are here to do was the most devastating. Replacing it, beginning in the 19th century, were a series of models (stories) that still pass for scientific truth today in spite of errors and contradictions, and on which scientism is founded as a replacement religion.
I embraced scientism myself, in my 50's into my 60s (c. 2002-2016), having become disenchanted (more than once) with my traditional beliefs, because of the behavior of others who also claimed to hold them. It was a mistake, but a good one that offered the opportunity to appreciate science for all it was worth. And then something happened. I increased my reading, adding in books and journals addressing a wide variety of scientific topics, not that I wasn't already well-read in science before that.
I guess it was inevitable, though, that these sources would also expose the corruption that was endemic within science-for-industry, leading to the "research results cooked up to order -- anything you can afford" industry of science itself.
I learned how to fake research results, and how to spot research that was faked, and just how much of this irreproducible junk there was. And I reconsidered the tradition I had left, keeping my eyes open still to the problems it presented.
It is good to be aware of and to explore and expose these issues we see within science today. But it is not good to continue to "trust the science" in matters of 'settled science' dating back to the 19th century and before. The details have changed, but the underlying principles have not. The problems we see today are not new.
Science has canceled God in the minds of many, but the claims used to accomplish that have not been proven. In this sense nothing has changed. One of the worst mistakes we can make is to fail to examine the science behind such beliefs, seeing that where science went in the past is modern as can be.
"If you actually understand a subject, you should be able to explain it to a truck driver".
I'm a midwit (IQ 125) who chose to spend my life with geniuses, and their capacity to explain their work was precisely as you describe it. Their understanding was bottom-up, especially since they were describing disciplines which they themselves originated.
One of my favorites was Linus Pauling who, like most of them, was thrilled that someone took an interest in their field and generously shared their time.
Pauling told me how the cancer establishment had killed his investigation into Vitamin C.
Best way to avoid scientism is to get an engineering degree and then work for the government. You will see enough bullshite to make you question EVERYTHING. Then consider that if you include peripheral contracts with all the DoD doe nsa military bases, etc you can figure 50 % of the work force is captured complicit. Like everyone complaining about blackrock even though everyone has a 401k with them
Very nice summary, and elegant skewering of the Hotez-pretender. When the scientific establishment says you can't get a research grant for looking at the safety of vaccines, for doing placebo controlled studies of vaccines, for studying the role of vitamins and supplements in promoting health in ANY way, for studying the data showing the climate emergency doesn't really exist, for showing that carbonization of the atmosphere is unrelated to global temperature, and for any other study that threatens any political agenda or industry agenda, we don't have science anymore. We have a pseudoscience cult. We have a perversion of science. We have science hijacked by government and big money interests. We have a fraud and a sham. If the science hawkers like Hotez, Fauci, and Collins were so scientific they would welcome the opportunity to "prove" their science, and be happy to be discovered wrong, as their allegiance to science would be an allegiance to truth. The refusal debate is the biggest tell that these "prescience" individuals are anything but. They are charlatans of the first order. Your fine article helps to pull back the curtain on these humbugs.
Do you remember the AGIT-Prop Posters put up in DC almost two years ago?
"Trust the Scientism" was glorious.
There were four posters. All immediately torn down by a triggered covidian. I saved them, cleaned up the images and re-posted the story here:
They are great images to download to your phone and share. Legit high end war era agit-prop. Museum quality work. Talented artist.
I just want to thank you again for convincing me to join Substack and I hope that the recommendations I've sent your way were helpful.
My pleasure. I'm happy too see that it is working out for you. I enjoy reading what you write, and I think you are changing things for the better. I remember telling you not to be surprised if your posts went viral. Yes, your recommendations have sent a lot of readers my way. I appreciate that.
My question is can Substack - and its critical-thinking authors - save the world and change any of the bogus and harmful narratives that control the world's population?
My hypothesis is that all IMPORTANT "truth-seeking" organizations are now "completely captured."
Substack of course is not "completely captured" ... but, so far, the scholarship and investigative journalism produced by its correspondents has NOT changed anything in any important way. My conclusion is that Substack (and even X) must not be "important" organizations ... That is, the information on Substack can easily be ignored by the organizations that can or could make a difference.
We need at least a few of the important organizations - those that "matter" and that are completely captured - to become uncaptured.
Or: Can the non-important smaller speech platforms (like Substack) become important enough to challenge all of these false narratives?
Until this happens, the "truth" will not be recognized by a large enough percentage of the population for people to realize they are being scammed.
BTW, not only has the real "Scientific Method" been killed ... so too has the "Socratic Method." Those simply trying to ask the right questions are now often banned, cancelled and smeared .... Just like what happened to Socrates himself (who was sentenced to death for asking the wrong questions).
The truth, no matter how hard they try to suppress it can begin as a ripple on the water. It will eventually gather momentum and become a tsunami. Be brave and resolute. Speak up to everyone regardless of whether they listen or believe you. Eventually some will wake up and others will follow. Never comply. Never submit. Never give up. You may not know it but you will make a difference.
It took a few decades to see the results of the civil rights movement of the 60s and 70s. It didn't happen in a few weeks, months or even 3 or 4 years. A lot of gains were made. People didn't give up. We still have a ways to go but the fight against "isms," like the fight for democracy, is ongoing. It's a never-ending project and we have to be careful that movements for actual truth don't get infiltrated, co-opted and captured, as we're seeing with civil rights in contrast to "wokeism."
On the other hand we have Ms Gay at Harvard and trans- and lipstick-decorated general officers in the US military.
Watch the courts- ours in Canada look particularly captured.
After some decades of faith in our constitutional monarchy I have lately become more respectful of the (original) US republic structure. Hoping for more "democracy" now seems to support the author's concern about the power of propaganda to control the "demos" and result in a "tyranny of the majority."
..ummm, I think I just got done saying that...
That's amazing. Adding it to the article.
Those pieces remind me of Sabo's work. Thanks for posting. I hadn't seen them before.
My pleasure. Could be. At the time I spent a while trying to figure out who made them. There were many who also suggested Sabo but I could find no confirmation.
I'm definitely using that "Trust The Scientism" poster!
Reminds me of the artwork done by The People's Cube, run by a former Soviet citizen & paid Russian propagandist Oleg Atbashian, who became US freedom lover.
Oleg must be gutted to discover that the US is becoming a worse version of what he escaped from.
Love the The Peoples Cube.
"Behind the Irony Curtain"
His book is amazing also.
Interesting articles however there are too many ADDED words or MISSING words like "Because of the remarkable societal advancements science has created, our society in turn has placed a deep trust science." It is very strange in many of the articles with those typos ha so BE CAREFUL WITH THAT PEOPLE AND BE WELL!
SCIENTICISMsteria: Best Science Memes (The Belief in the Ignorance of Experts!)
Trusting the ignorance of experts, trust science (just not the chromosome thing), great moments in science, everything is political, and more science memes + the truth about "fossil" fuels!
"The Deadly Rise of Scientism" walks hand-in-hand with the deadly pseudo-science of allopathic, "modern medicine" which is little more than a racketering scheme and murder machine.
The biggest fraud in history might be the medical industrial complex itself. For the past 100 years and more they've been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.
Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s.
The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more. Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths.
Vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.
Like virtually all of the history we are indoctrinated with the story of "modern medicine" is a complete fabrication pounded into the heads of people from cradle to grave in order to maintain that corrupt and highly profitable system.
Something I learned in medical school (in our Community Medicine course) and have frequently encapsulated in cocktail or dinner table conversations with friends and family when they would say how much good I did as a doctor for the community: ‘The garbage man does more for your health than I do.’ as a way of deflecting the conversation to more fruitful line of conversation.
Interesting, my brother(an MD) and I fondly recall our dad(a judge) saying that he needed the garbage man than the garbage man needed him.
The over-reliance, reverence and focus on judges and the courts is a symptom of a disoriented and decrepit civil order.
True. I’ve seen charts on diseases vs vaccines and they showed decreases in infections before the vaccines came out. It’s exactly what happened with the Rona virus. It was going down before the jabs came out. Many have said that if we had just let nature take its course we’d be through this by now.
The book "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History", by Dr Suzanne Humphries & Roman Bystrianyk is excellent re. showing how diseases decreased long before the 'vaccines' came out. The book contains charts, etc, demonstrating this.
Thanks. I still need to read that book. Thanks for the reminder.
It’s a myth that people are living much longer today. Simply walk around a 100+ year old cemetery and read the tombstones.
Of course. The difference between then and now is that more people people live to their natural lifespan and the medical industrial complexes being the number three killer negate much of what sanitation and hygiene and energy accomplished.
Once the get out of infancy
Allen, you’re exactly right when you mention avoiding disrupting a highly profitable system. I’ve written extensively on this as well. Glad to see someone else aware to this phenomenon
The history of "modern medicine" and the history of disease (completely fraudulent both of them) is clear to see for those who study these things.
It's all tied directly to the robber barons (today's philanthrocapitalists') and crooked monopoly industrialists- not just the Rockefeller's.
It's not just a form of profiteering it's a smokescreen used to cover up the REAL causes of diesease and one of the tentacles of social control.
I haven't seen a lot of people die of consumption (tuberculosis) or syphilis recently.
Read the comment again; specifically paragraphs 4 and 5. Then read
Roger Kimber, MD's comment, "‘The garbage man does more for your health than I do."
The garbage man takes The Syphilitic Whores of Georgian London out?
Something like that, I guess. Looks like the calomel is doing its thing...
Mentioned. Calomel was kinda hard on one of the whores.
One can often find an exception to most generalizations, so your point is...?
PS: My point was that at least the sewers and garbage men were not poisoning their patients with mercury "cures."
Earliest anti syphilis treatments were mercurial and toxic, but were the best available and somewhat effective, but usually better than nothing.
Most prescription medications are have side effects & are toxic at some dosage; that is why they require a prescription!
Problem is if the physician doesn’t use good judgment in prescribing & is insufficiently knowledgeable about the drug.
Rethinking science
Sciencing the rigged and corrupt health scientific system for an overdue turnaround
Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!
Antibiotics actually were the biggest revolution in medicine for a few hundred years. There hasn’t been anything near as revolutionary as antibiotics since (even though most people erroneously believe vaccines were equally lifesaving-due to propaganda, just like what we saw with Covid “vaccines”).
Sadly, while antibiotics did save many lives, the whole picture of the importance of beneficial microbes was unknown and so they unknowingly had (and have) a very dark side, including long term effects like immune system disfunction and obesity.
Most people aren’t aware but most antibiotics in the US are administered to livestock in order to cause rapid weight gain… so, is it a mystery obesity epidemic in humans who on average both take antibiotics yearly and eat food laced with antibiotics? Hardly.
What was once a magic cure, is now leading to a plague. Since humans pass on the seeds of their own microbiome to their offspring, the problem compounds with every new generation. Unfortunately, there’s no profit in solving the medical issue of dysbiosis.
Mostly agreed. That would make calomel an inorganic "antibiotic", and salvarsan an unnatural one.
As I gather (far from a feedlot operator), antibiotics counter GI damage from lectins in cereals. They're fed raw because they'd mold and rot if they were cooked. Ractopamine directly promotes muscle mass increase.
I’m definitely not privy to all the mechanisms of action, or various strains of antibiotics but whatever it is in the various scenarios of administration, they all generally eventually lead to gut disbiosis over time, in varying degrees.
Feed lots are atrocious. Being fattened on corn and soy has multiple health implications for both animals and humans as well as the environment. Grass fed is a superior route but the customer has to be willing to pay more for an animal that has lived in better conditions. I purchase beef from a local farmer that never administers antibiotics or vaccines, so it is possible to raise animals in this way.
If I’m not mistaken, I believe poultry and pigs are fed antibiotics preemptively to keep them from becoming ill due to the filth in CAFO operations. But there are probably other reasons that make it a profitable practice.
I though "clap" refer to gonorrhea.
Big Pharma's Big money has destroyed the medical system. Doctors are nothing more then pill pushers today. The more you know about the medical industry, the better you will care for yourself.
That is so right! I'm in the UK, and have been 'awake' re. this for 40-45 years.
My 'normie' family members ridicule what I tell them... they still 'blindly believe' in what their beloved MSM tell them. My eldest niece and her husband (who both 'work' in 'psychiatry') do not like what I tell them re. it, 'psychiatry', being one of the 3 major medical frauds, worldwide.
Thanks, Allen, that's the most intelligent and insightful observation that I or anyone else will ever read! We didn't get to where we are by scientism just appearing out of nowhere; just as Fauci and all of his nefarious cohorts did not just spontaneously appear as natural aberrations; exactly right to focus on the mid-1800s which really saw the birth of allopathic medicine; this was the era of Louis Pasteur, the mediocre chemist who falsified the results of his own experiments and plagiarised discoveries from the real medical genius of the time, Antoine Bechamp; Pasteur, who eventually (before dying) admitted his germ theory was wrong! In the same epoch there was that genius of nursing, Florence Nightingale, who, along with Bechamp advocated for the need to build strong immune systems through personal hygiene, proper diets , fresh water and environmental cleanliness; and the real history of medical research reveals that there were many others who were vilified and had their lives and work destroyed if they believed in natural and non-invasive treatments; the real history is there if the effort is made to search for it but there are an enormous amount of lies, deception and corruption to dig through!
Plumbers have saved and continue to save more lives and quality of lives than the medical industrial complexes have or ever will barring something unforeseen somehow getting on the market.
I've always suspected that.
As a physician-scientist in training who has spent his entire career in service of “modern medicine” or the "medical industrial complex", I feel compelled to respond, both to your comment and to the article as a whole. I wish to do this by gently reviewing some of the things that have been produced by “modern medicine” or the “scientific establishment” in just the past five years, with no value judgement attached:
- Modern medicine has cured the disease of obesity, the greatest health problem in the modern era, with GLP-1 agonists, which were characterized through NIH-funded research
- Last month, sickle cell disease was cured with an FDA-approved CRISPR gene editing therapy developed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals. Sickle cell disease is a horrible genetic condition that mainly affects Black populations. CRISPR was discovered through NIH-funded research.
- In 2019, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a fatal childhood genetic disease, was cured by the gene therapy Zolgensma, developed by the pharmaceutical company Novartis, and was based on NIH-funded research.
- In 2023, the first drug ever shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, lecanemab, was approved by the FDA. Lecanemab was developed by the pharmaceutical companies Eisai and Bingen, and was based on NIH-funded research.
- In 2019, the triple CFTR modulator Trikafta was approved to treat children with cystic fibrosis (CF), a fatal and relatively common genetic disorder. It is the best cystic fibrosis drug ever made, and may add a decade to the lifespan of CF patients.
All of these medicines were developed by scientific experts like Anthony Fauci, in elite academic institutions and pharmaceutical labs; they were never debated on the Joe Rogan show and their clinical trial data was never reanalyzed by Substack writers. I’ll leave it for you to decide if these medicines are good or bad - perhaps you think they never should have been made. But they are the creations of Fauci and Hotez and their ilk. They ARE modern medicine.
If you get the chance, you should really read this article as there is a lot about both the obesity and alzheimer's drugs you most likely arent aware of:
In addition to the drugs covered there:
•The CF drugs were made by families donating a lot to create the drugs bc pharma wasn't interested in them.
•The sickle cell and SMA treatments are prohibitively expensive. There are also other ways to treat Sickle Cell which are quite affordable and work very well.
The thing I think you are missing in your argument is that finances dictates what gets to the market, not how people will benefit from them.
So glad you made this point! I was reading through the replies to Rob's comment feeling frustrated that no one pointed this out.
Also, if you know research scientists personally (there were so many in my church before we moved out if state), you see there are plenty of well-intentioned people who are doing work that may prove valuable, but that there is also so much corruption that influences what they can work on. The jobs they can find are based in what government and pharma are willing to fund. There is so much talent being redirected from doing truly useful research to doing research motivated higher up by politics, power, and greed. Of course there are still good things being accomplished! But when I look at all the harm being done and imagine what we COULD have in worldwide benefits to humanity if we had true scientific debate and freedom, it's staggering. So much taxpayer money being wasted. So much greed propelling which drugs and treatments get press. Gatekeepers keeping good research that contradicts their interests from receiving the respect it deserves. Even treatments that could be financially profitable being effectively erased because they threaten another player in the game.
Thanks for putting things in that wider perspective!
Thank you, I’ll give it a read.
Bright Boy Physician, Rob Woder;
You are woefully ignorant of the cause of Alzehimer's disease which progressed hand in hand with the increased push of Statins on the elderly population in the misguided idea that cholesterol levels were the cause of MI's.
Instead you have shown that it took decades to develop a drug to counteract the problems caused by another drug that caused deaths, painful side effects and devastating problems for many of our dear elderly relatives.
Perhaps instead of swallowing all the swill they are teaching you, you should do a real "deep dive" into researching the truth? But then again if you did so, you might not be able to graduate from your training or you might lose your license to practice!
Besides a "license to practice" any profession, be it medicine, Health Care, or Law; 2 of those 3 just mentioned which I have held, is an oxymoron!
People want to go to those who know what they are doing-not those who are merely "practicing"! Now you have a choice; become someone who beenefits humanity or someone whose pocketbook benefits while humanity is MALPRACTICED on.
Thank God for Midwest Doctor!!! Can not begin to Thank you enough. The world needs so many more like yourself and just maybe God will answer a prayer to bring all this madness out into the open. I once believed in prayer but as of late he is not listening. God Bless You and have a Great New Year
GOD ALMIGHTY works on HIS OWN SCHEDULE which has been prophesied clearly and certainly HE is in NO RUSH as INFINITY AND ETERNITY - THE TRUTH - prevailed since THE BEGINNING!
Thanks. Our budding "authority's" "gentle" comment reminds me of this, which is a long standing problem.:
… but man, proud man!
Dress'd in a little brief authority,—
Most ignorant of what he's most assured,
by William Shakespeare
Would be interesting to know what Rob thinks of the wonderful Fauci's covid jabs and how he's had.
Rob probably would not understand Shakespeare any more than he would understand Fauci is not a scientist but is a world class criminal who is guilty of "crimes against humanity."
“Ah, simple men, you know not what you swear! Look, as I blow this feather from my face,
And as the air blows it to me again,
Obeying with my wind when I do blow,
And yielding to another when it blows,
Commanded always by the greater gust;
Such is the lightness of you common men.”
- William Shakespeare
3 Henry VI
Act III, Scene 1
Quoting Shakespeare as a fig leaf for one's own PRIDE cloaked in feathers of beauty has been the modus operandi of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN since LUCIFER ... "I will be like THE MOST HIGH!" before he fell into THE DARKNESS of his own FOOLISHNESS!
I assure you, nothing would bring me greater joy (or greater excitement among pharmaceutical executives) than the discovery that the immense tide of horror and suffering that is dementia could be stemmed by discontinuing a single generic drug class for which multiple (albeit extremely expensive) alternatives now exist. Sadly, no link between statins and dementia has ever been shown in the many studies done to find one, and some research has even suggested a mild protective effect of statins against Alzheimer’s disease.
There are a lot of treatments for Alzheimers which work but have been neglected/blacklisted by the medical profession because money can't be made off of them. Conversely, the existing drugs are arguably much worse than doing nothing, but extremely profitable so they've been pushed a long in an arguably illegal manner.
your showing your arrogance and your ignorance. The two faults I find in every doctor except the Author of this substack. You can't find what you do not look for. Big Pharma is an expert at this. The whole cholsteral is bad for you myth is based upon bad science done by Ancel Keys who did a study to prove his theory back in the 1960's and instead of proving his theory he disproved it so what does he do he hides the data and never publishes it . However his arrogance kept the data which was later found and then published proving that he was wrong about saturated fat causing heart disease. But the science today condemns Millions to diets too high in Carbohydrates and the resulting type 2 diabetes the real cause of heart diseases. No doctor today will tell you that the cause of Type 2 diabetes is your overconsumption of carbs primarily sugars yet the medical industry cries about the obesity epidemic which it help caused.
So do us all a favor go find some humility because you have none And put a massive Dunce cap on if and when you ever become a doctor so we can avoid you.
you know your arguments, and your ability to convince someone to at least consider your arguments, would be a lot more effective if you'd refrain from the ad hominems. Telling someone they are arrogant and ignorant and lack humility is no way to win an argument. It often has the opposite effect: "If this guy has to resort to name calling to get his point across, then maybe his point is pretty weak." And besides all that, who wants to engage in a conversation with someone who's going to hurl insults at him and call him names?
Other than being highly accurate description of most people who call themselves doctors have any other positive criticisms? You will noticed I just used the classical method of attack the left side of the political spectrum uses everyday of the week. They sure do not like it when it’s used on them. The vast majority of the DC swamp that did this to us come from the left so whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
I’m sorry you feel this way - I hope you are able to find doctors who you feel are taking good care of you and are listening to your concerns.
Doctors taking good care of me? What? I'm responsible for taking care of myself.
After the covid scam how could anyone expect to find doctors or the institutions that support them to take good care of the patient?
Doctors are nothing more than BRAINWASHED AND INDOCTRINATED - including FAUXI et. al. - disciples of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN pretending to do "good" exactly as told about EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN, expelling herself and dragging ADAM with her ... the biggest scam in the history of man as far as it can be retold. THERE IS THE TRUTH - GOD ALMIGHTY - and then there is THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN pretending to be "in the know", BRAINWASHING AND INDOCTRINATING man's mind - yours and FAUXI'S ET.AL. included - based on pretentious claims using PLATOS MENTAL CAVE "strategy" - while the "perpetrators" (disciples of the good-doers - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN) being "sophisticated caveman - LIARS" themselves - believing to do "good".
Never ever believe a statistic that you have not FAKED yourself - is a common saying among statisticians. Take heed ...
Is the only source of information to be found in the writings paid for by Big Pharma?
I understand how relative youthfulness can color a man's view of things. Been there, done that, got the T shirt. With more age, experience and a few hard knocks plus the understanding that comes with age and experience, your outlook will be different in say 10-15 years.
I’m flattered, but I entered the training pathway at a later age than most of my classmates - I’m not exactly a young man. And of course, the best source of information for any disease is the patient, to paraphrase William Osler.
Doctors often don't listen to their patients however :(
No matter how old you were when entering the pathway, the information acrued has the same timeline. What Bitteroot is talking about is experience, you don't have that, do you?
I could tell you story after story of Physicians, both Family Practice, Surgeons, ER docs, Psychiatrists, Neurosurgeons etc. that I have had to go one on one against when they thought a patient's problem was "all in their head" (Psychiatrists are the absolute worst!)
In every case but maybe one, the physician was totally wrong in his analysis and diagnosis.
My reward was getting thanked by the patient and knowing that my going one on one with a physician had made the difference in another human being's life.
You will learn, if you have not already, that one of the worst enemies of a physician is their ego. Physicians are humans just like patients are humans.
I do not think less of physicians who I have had to go one on one against when advocating for a patient. I don't fault them for not coming back to me and saying something like, "I'm sorry. You were right. I have a happy patient now."
But I have seen those same physicians listen more to the patient and the patient get the care they needed after I had gone one on one with the physician. There is a deep satisfaction in knowing you had a part in helping a physician and his patient because you were not afraid to go one on one with the physician.
Paraphrasing Osler, eh? Nice attempt at appealing to authority.
Anyway, I suspect he was slightly over-promoted, but I doubt he ever said anything so trite, and if he did, well...
Expand your research beyond the limits you are currently using. Could it be you are a bot/Ai entity working on behalf of some unnamed industry?
"Sadly, no link between statins and dementia has ever been shown in the many studies done to find one..."
Gee, imagine that! Anyway, there you go again, making unreferenced claims. That ain't science, bro. It doesn't even rise to the level of good sense.
Try again.
I feel you are falling into the pubmed trap, where you assume if something is true, it would be possible to find a study corroberating it on pubmed. This is one of the most common ways the entire medical profession is manipulated by the pharmaceutical industry and they regularly ignore stories reported to them by their patients.
Medicine has taken the route of cheating and lying (viz the woman who used to edit the NEJM, and many others). So what's the point of quoting its approved studies? Fraid the game's been substantially ruined... which is not something anyone here is happy about.
Thank you. You sent a summary, but I found the article.
I'd like to know what about that article is credible? Yeah, I see they claim no conflicts of interest, but do you really accept that at face value?
They cite Cochrane; do you have any idea of what that's become since Peter Gøtzsche, the founder, was squeezed out?
Well said!
You are absolutely correct!!!!
Thanks my friend and have a Happy New Year!
You lost me at.... Modern medicine has cured the disease of obesity. I figured all the following examples were satire. Also, when prescribing the medicines you list, shouldn't there be a 5 page list of possible side effects?
That was due to some very effective marketing.
You should have waited until tomorrow to post that response. You could have won the garbage comment of the year on the very first day of 2024. In any case you have set the bar quite high for one of the most ill-informed, a-historical pile of rubbish in the universe of substack commentariat.
I'll only address your first comment which is of course patently insane:
"Modern medicine has cured the disease of obesity, the greatest health problem in the modern era, with GLP-1 agonists, which were characterized through NIH-funded research."
As it is with diabetes the "cure" for obesity has all to do with diet and exercise. There are other social factors but I don't want to waste too much time on your nonsense. If we had radical dietary changes and exercise (which can be walks, gardening, etc.) in the US we would see virtual elimination of obesity and diabetes overnight- literally.
Of course that would be bad for the business of all the quack doctors and scientists and the profiteers that they serve.
The single biggest policy change to make this happen would be agricultural policy.
But thank you for your comment you are the perfect example which illustrates exactly what I stated.
You know less than zero about what causes disease as indicated by your comment which is a prerequisite for becoming a card-carrying member of the allopathic syndicate.
I wholeheartedly agree with you that a healthy diet and exercise - what your physician might euphemistically refer to as “lifestyle changes” - would eliminate 90% of medical problems overnight. Unfortunately, the percentage of patients who are able to actually implement these lifestyle changes hovers around zero, which is where the rest of medicine comes in.
I don't fully agree with everything you are saying here, but I applaud you for being willing to defend your position in a polite and reasonable way
It does not hover around zero on this substack.
Shows ya... the way mainstream med views us. Pathetic people who can't even get off their duff...
Oh, c'mon! A healthy diet and exercise do not require a euphemism. I'd rate that comment a bit lexiphanic if not downright ultracrepidarian. IOW, such things will impress exactly nobody here.
I disagree on that claim of Obesity is cured. America along with Australia is a nation of lard bags. I get your tv shows and news feeds in Australia and all I see are countless individuals exploding out of their clothes as they waddle across my screen or worse still in front of me on the street. Gastro banding and drugs are not a cure. My mate had a doctor who kept him on a diet, a diet of blood pressure, type 2 diabetic meds and statins. Never told him to stop eating all the crap he ate and drank and to exercise or he risked type 1 diabetes end up very sick. I caught up with him a year after he started on the so called Type 2 Diabetic meds, this time he was shooting insulin. Still a fat bastard, still eats garbage with the excuse "As long as I take my insulin its fine", so down the throat goes the coca cola, never drinks a drop of water nor eats a vegetable, a snitty and chips (fries) is a go to with coke. Saddest thing I have ever seen watching him kill himself. "cured obesity" indeed that is pure "Scientism" if ever I saw it.
• Obesity is a medical condition in way that alcoholism is a medical condition. You give it to yourself with gluttony and poor dietary choices, though of course often with the help of state institutions which slant commerce in ways favoring the sellers of junk foods and beverage ethanol. This political aspect is interesting given your horn tooting for the NIH. The so-called cure treats symptoms not only of low character but also of prior state interventions. Now, how is that perversity paid for if not by force and fraud which transfers risks and costs from perps (including do-gooders) to prey?
• If Trikafta makes it more likely that CF sufferers reproduce, then then stuff and its usage are probably dysgenic and therefore deserve to be condemned as evil. Long-term consequences matter.
• And so what if it "may add a decade to the lifespan of CF patients"? Will their marginal productivity be sufficient to pay for ALL of the costs, including those incurred after their deaths because of dysgenic effects? There's no such thing as a free lunch. Those who must pay will have their lives diminished, and we may fairly assume that exhorbitant costs were incurred for small benefit to very few. Opportunity costs are real, but you're so blinded by your emotional commitment to your industry that you neglect this.
• Will Zolgensma increase the reproduction of SMA people? If so, and if the genetic risk factors are heritable, then it follows that Zolgensma, too, is dysgenic.
• Sickle cell disease is a byproduct of a genetic mutation which provides a lot of protection against malaria. The fact that it "mainly affects Black populations" is diversionary drivel. And again, who pays? Are you offering to pay all the cost out of your pockets? You may pretend to care, but what you really want is the public status obtainable by PRETENDING to care while others are obliged to bear most the costs of caring.
• How "effective" is Lecanemab at producing negative externalities for people who don't use or consume it? The world is awash with industrial pollutants, many of them produced by the pharmaceutical mafia of which you're so proud.
• Now here's a typically mealymouthed comment: "I wish to do this by gently reviewing...with no value judgement attached".
Well, SMA, CF, and sickle cell disease are all autosomal recessive disorders, so there is no need to worry about reproduction in the age of readily available genetic counseling - another incredible achievement by modern medicine. In any case, your seeming advocation for the wiping out from the gene pool of any group you deem deficient is disturbing, to say the least.
"your seeming advocation for the wiping out from the gene pool of any group you deem deficient is disturbing, to say the least"
Why must you be so slow to grow up and to move on from your adolescent preening? The number of possible adverse mutations is practically infinite. So why do we not have 10^100 genetic disorders striking all of us down in our 30's or younger?
C'mon, now, this isn't a trick question. Tell us what has been "wiping out" bad genes (and unfit species) for longer than any hominin can remember.
Hint: N****** ********n
Well said.
Does genetic counseling rely on genetic testing? If so, where's the proof that it's even close to reliable?
And who's to judge the competence of the counselor?
Furthermore, what do you mean by "readily available," and how do you know that?
Once upon a time I had a radiologist for a roommate. Trying to reach him with obvious facts and logic about his chosen industry was like trying to convince a flattard that he shouldn't expect to see a "curve" while on the Earth or at low altitudes.
I have quite a few friends who are doctors including an infectious disease doc; every single one of them still believes in the covid injection scam. They all believed in the PCR "test" at least at the beginning. Smart and good people but disappointingly stupid at the same time.
Anyone defending the medical profession after what we've all been through isn't worthy of serious consideration. Most aren't even competent to know that they've been had. A lot of good their "brains" do anyone!
"I wish to do this by gently reviewing some of the things that have been produced by “modern medicine” or the “scientific establishment” in just the past five years, with no value judgement attached:"
I wish to gently point out that your claims are unsupported.
Besides that, no one claims that modern science is completely useless or dangerous therefore your arguments constitute the logical fallacy of special pleading.
I don’t think I really made any claims. I simply listed some recent medical advancements that I’m excited about - it’s such a privilege to be in medicine in this era of rapid discovery and change!
"I don’t think I really made any claims."
I would be happy to reply to any specific criticisms you had of what I wrote!
Look, nobody here claims that modern medicine has no value. So even if the disorders you wrote about turn out otherwise (than you say), you could still quote others where people have indeed been helped.
I am interested in what you have to say, but right now, I am uneasy that you are diverting this comment stream toward sniping back and forth (along with the people who snipe back). Which helps nobody.
Behave. (And I mean it entirely in a friendly way :-)
I don't think you really are what you say you are. Modern medicine does not use the word "cure" ever.
It does.
Neither the FDA, NIH or Fauci, have the cachet they may once have had.
The medical profession thoroughly soiled itself with it's blind, unthinking stupidity throughout covid.
All previous knowledge was thrown away and the "new thing" was instantly adopted.
Too many doctors blocked existing life saving treatments, or even actively murdered their patients, at the behest of their pay masters.
So forgive us if there is little trust or respect left for your esteemed profession.
What a load of apologetic tripe! "scientific experts like Anthony Fauci"!? Hotez!? Those two wouldn't know a real scientist or research lab if they tripped over them! The only thing "elite" about those individuals and the pharmaceutical labs they were complicit with was the amount of money and power they acquired with all of the fake science and fraudulent practices they endorsed; I highly recommend you brush up on the real medical history of medical research instead of placing blind faith in the "medical industrial complex" which, admittedly, has succeeded extremely well in indoctrinating you.
Big Pharma has been charged $36 billion in fines for malfeasance and on average a criminal gets away with many crimes before the one he eventually gets caught and convicted on.
I think it's a mistake to say because a system has come up with something good, we should excuse all of the bad it produces. It would be like saying, "before we criticize the Hitler regime, we should remember the economic revitalization he and his ilk brought to Germany." I think we should just support systems that are honest and good.
If we did that, I think medicine would be wildly more advanced than it is today, and we'd have more actual cures instead of treatments with untold side effects where many times it is even dubious as to any positive effects.
My intro into how bad the medical industrial complex is came from reading M.D. Richard Bernstein's The Diabetes Solution. As a Type I diabetic, he "cured," i.e. normalized his blood sugars through a strict low-carb diet and insulin dosing based on meal size such that he was able to reverse severe kidney problems and other serious diabetic complications. He even reversed his PAD, something he didn't think was possible. Had he continued to follow the ADA recommendations, he would have been gone a long time ago. That was about 40 years ago, and last I checked a few years ago he was in his 80s with a sharp mind.
That guy is amazing and a personal hero of mine. You might read his book to get some perspective.
Pure poison Doc. Medicine caused most diseases
It’s no wonder Mr. Wonder that you’re acting as a shill for corrupt interests, claiming that the medical protocols of creeps such as Fauci and Hotez are legitimate and life-changing! Why not open your mind for once and actually debate with those who hold opinions different than yourself as well as the other pharma-whores!
Have you thought to ask the patients who were prescribed these drugs if they say the medicines are good or bad? Where are their voices?? And what's "wrong" with "unmodern," or traditional medicine? My arthritis, precipitated from the stress of being a "hunted" unvaxxed person with NATURAL immunity after having had the Wuhan strain in the beginning, is going away by the use of nutritional "therapies" (collagen proteins, bone broth and good nutrition-- not including white bread!), traditional Chinese herbs, acupuncture, massage, stretching, and staying away from lies. It's looking a lot like I can get back to my music performance work-- no "modern" medicine (translated: poison) required ;-).
"We'll never really know, because there is no incentive to find out."
Very true, and what's more there apparently is a lot of incentive to bury any inconvenient truths.
Here's just one source for that.
More than 60% of the studies are not submitted for publication, and this figure has remained so around this level for the last few years.[1]
This failure to publish research (‘file drawer effect’) is because the researcher feels that the outcomes were not positive and/or because they were statistically insignificant.[2] This constitutes a large publication bias and one of the major factors contributing to poor replicability of research findings. The common reason reported for failure to publish the findings as full-length articles by the authors is lack of time and is unrelated to the journal policy and review process.[1,3]
Missing data in published clinical trials, unintentional or deliberate (‘dissemination bias’), are other sources leading to improper conclusions and may contribute to improper and insufficient outcome assessments in related meta-analyses.
Indian J Anaesth. 2017 Jun; 61(6): 453–455.
doi: 10.4103/ija.IJA_361_17
PMCID: PMC5474911
PMID: 28655948
Concealing research outcomes: Missing data, negative results and missed publications
S Bala Bhaskar
Note that even meta-ananlyses can be subject to error.
Another excellent source (among many) for similar information is
Posner's book, "Pharma" which deals mainly wth the American opioid epidemic and cites numerous instances of where undesirable outcomes were swept under the rug or the data otherwise manipulated to avoid exposing the truth.
I’m genuinely concerned that there are seemingly doctors claiming to their patients that the medicines they are prescribing have no adverse effects - every medicine ever created has side effects, and unfortunately the risk of severe side effects is often higher for drugs developed to treat our worst diseases (see chemotherapy). Even miracle cures have side effects, and I would never, ever claim otherwise.
It's not so much they claim to their patients that the meds have no adverse effects. It's more that they simply do not discuss the adverse effect with the patients.
Or when the patient raises adverse effects, they claim it's not caused by the drug simply because the pharma funded trial didn't identify that risk, probably because they never asked about it or measured it.
Actaully, "gaslighting" seems to be one of the recurrent experiences of people injured by meds, vaccines, "vaccines," and other "treatments" and "cures."
The cholesterol theory of heart disease is total bunk and statins are most definitely poison. You're smart to steer well clear of them.
I love all of your posts and thank you for your commottment to truth. Comment on this article regarding academic explaining info to truck driver. After obtaining a Masters in Psychology my husband let it all behind and became a long haul truck driver. He frequently observed via CB radio the many intelligent people driving trucks who listened to educational material on the road. Generalizations are usually frought with exceptions.
I tried to word it in a fashion which considered and addressed your point.
I contend the truck driver would understand the scientist better than the scientist would double-clutch a truck...
I’m not a professor. I was fired by USC for speaking out about the Covid lockdowns and vaxxes. I was a tenured full professor for 33 years but that doesn’t mean shit when it comes to Telling the truth at a major federal funded university. I was well aware that Pharma had a lot of evil players willing to do anything for money, including killing people. But the Covid plandemic has certainly opened my eyes to how far most people are willing to go to avoid the truth in order to live comfortable lives. I’m sure non-allopathic treatment approaches have much to be said for them, but I’m not an expert in that area. I research everything carefully and have an open but very critical mind about anything anyone is pushing.
The professor who wrote a great annonymous blog critical of education shared a lot of the worrying trends in the tenure system which emerged over the last two decades.
Sorry for his pain and loss. But like my dad who died of cancer as an acting college president, he’s not missing much.
The last few posts about cancer were quite bitter, but what he wrote previously was spot on.
Unreal. Americans are greedy and without ethos or logos. They are mindless trousered apes.
Yep, doctors, lawyers, politicians, engineers etc... They all are taught double speak over complex languages. The more nouns in a language, the less intuition and freedom in the language. This also affects the way those people think, if they used the dumb language in order to learn a complex topic.
I had a girlfriend way back that was an Ivy League med school graduate, doing her residency.
When I tried to tell her some realizations I had with health and the body, she always pushed back with gobbledygook from her medical training err torture. I have an easier time explaining these things to blue collar workers than professionals 😂 .
A pertinent quote:
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
It takes one to know one= Sasha Latypova. If you ever question her on a topic that she's got her teeth into about being right, she will let you know in no uncertain terms, and use bullying on top of the accusations thrown. I know, it happened to me.
I know of another like that who rails about "toxic masculinity" yet she expresses herself in the manner you describe. Another know-it-all impervious to any level of reasoning.
A strong piece to finish out a strong year of exceptional writing. Thank you Doctor! 🙏
When you can't challenge the medical research proclaimed to be valid, we are in deep trouble!
I believe it is well established that there is a "warp speed" effort being pushed to develop RNA/DNA cell alternating injections for maintaining the allopathic medicine model as the disease treatment protocols for the 21st century. Billions and billions are being invested in this endeavor and the two major beneficiaries of this push is BARDA (DOD Biowarfare Institution) that has been prolific over the past 60 years and Big Pharma which has the task of mass producing the injection protocols. Moderna has already been identified as a CIA creation and is the bridge between the two major players. If they want to put the blame on Dr. Malone, then they should start by putting the blame on Dr. Arthur Hayes, Donald Rumsfeld's go to guy for biowarfare in the 1970's who experimented at Fort Detrick with glycinated chemicals to be more efficacious in destroying the enemy. Rumsfeld ran DOD the first time around in the 1970's. He was so good at it; he got a repeat performance. Infiltrating, creating controversy and miss guiding those who are attempting to have the truth known about Covid and the injections is how you create confusion and discredit the efforts of the truth tellers. In the meantime, the massive marketing push to convince the American public that injections are good continues with masterful marketing efforts. Local paper ran the story "Good News" medical stories of 2023" on Christmas Day extolling the injections and RSV and etc. Author was a Patient Advocate well-schooled by Big Pharma. Moderna and Pfizer are doing their share with TV commercials spinning the injections as being good. This effort will intensive in 2024 as the money people start demanding a return on their investment. If the FDA's VAERS reporting system would be managed properly and the true extent of the harm caused was made public, then maybe rational medical research would prevail. Unfortunately, the FDA takes their marching orders from Big Pharma. Happy New Year? I pray! I wish everyone well in 2024.
I learned about scientism in late 2020. That word/concept cemented all of the disinformation coming at us as the huge red flag I had been relentlessly studying. Thank you for all you do for us - the conspiracy realists!
Thank you 😊 for being a truth teller.
Excellent work! Hotez reminds me of a bed that never gets made. It's so sad that the Sophist's prevailed over Socrates. I believe that this is a function of lazyness over hard work so prevalent in the West. The children of the old elite are in charge. Spoiled and sociopathic to the core.
Thank you for all your Substack articles, I learnt a lot! Happy and successful New Year!
You too!
The window for debate was open in the latter half of the 19th century, and I recall being involved in it myself in high school science class even in the mid-1960s. I think the window's closed. Science won. I switched sides myself for a decade, in the earlier 2000s.
I'm not here to disagree with what you've written here -- I have seen more than enough evidence to support it, apart from what you contribute -- and thank you for that. But I seek to comprehend a larger picture within which this one fits.
Scientific "progress" fueled industrial "progress", "giving us many of the benefits we take for granted today." This is a narrative that also begs examination and debate. Whatever benefits there may have been, they came at the cost of disruptions and destruction of families, health, connection with our origin, and most anything else that might be considered truly important.
The loss of connection with our origin, and the loss of understanding of what we are here to do was the most devastating. Replacing it, beginning in the 19th century, were a series of models (stories) that still pass for scientific truth today in spite of errors and contradictions, and on which scientism is founded as a replacement religion.
I embraced scientism myself, in my 50's into my 60s (c. 2002-2016), having become disenchanted (more than once) with my traditional beliefs, because of the behavior of others who also claimed to hold them. It was a mistake, but a good one that offered the opportunity to appreciate science for all it was worth. And then something happened. I increased my reading, adding in books and journals addressing a wide variety of scientific topics, not that I wasn't already well-read in science before that.
I guess it was inevitable, though, that these sources would also expose the corruption that was endemic within science-for-industry, leading to the "research results cooked up to order -- anything you can afford" industry of science itself.
I learned how to fake research results, and how to spot research that was faked, and just how much of this irreproducible junk there was. And I reconsidered the tradition I had left, keeping my eyes open still to the problems it presented.
It is good to be aware of and to explore and expose these issues we see within science today. But it is not good to continue to "trust the science" in matters of 'settled science' dating back to the 19th century and before. The details have changed, but the underlying principles have not. The problems we see today are not new.
Science has canceled God in the minds of many, but the claims used to accomplish that have not been proven. In this sense nothing has changed. One of the worst mistakes we can make is to fail to examine the science behind such beliefs, seeing that where science went in the past is modern as can be.
Great comment.
"If you actually understand a subject, you should be able to explain it to a truck driver".
I'm a midwit (IQ 125) who chose to spend my life with geniuses, and their capacity to explain their work was precisely as you describe it. Their understanding was bottom-up, especially since they were describing disciplines which they themselves originated.
One of my favorites was Linus Pauling who, like most of them, was thrilled that someone took an interest in their field and generously shared their time.
Pauling told me how the cancer establishment had killed his investigation into Vitamin C.
Little has changed in the last 50 years, as this post makes clear. You can read an abbreviated version of his tale at
You got it. I mentioned vitamin C on Medscrape. Their bot immediately deactivated it. Had to repost using the IUPAC name.
Holy shit!
Fifty years later and they're still at it!!
Best way to avoid scientism is to get an engineering degree and then work for the government. You will see enough bullshite to make you question EVERYTHING. Then consider that if you include peripheral contracts with all the DoD doe nsa military bases, etc you can figure 50 % of the work force is captured complicit. Like everyone complaining about blackrock even though everyone has a 401k with them
Great point.
I made a point to not be in any way invested in Blackrock.
‘The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized’ ~Ralph Smart
Thank you for your consistency in disclosing truths for us to see with our own eyes Midwestern Doctor!
Very nice summary, and elegant skewering of the Hotez-pretender. When the scientific establishment says you can't get a research grant for looking at the safety of vaccines, for doing placebo controlled studies of vaccines, for studying the role of vitamins and supplements in promoting health in ANY way, for studying the data showing the climate emergency doesn't really exist, for showing that carbonization of the atmosphere is unrelated to global temperature, and for any other study that threatens any political agenda or industry agenda, we don't have science anymore. We have a pseudoscience cult. We have a perversion of science. We have science hijacked by government and big money interests. We have a fraud and a sham. If the science hawkers like Hotez, Fauci, and Collins were so scientific they would welcome the opportunity to "prove" their science, and be happy to be discovered wrong, as their allegiance to science would be an allegiance to truth. The refusal debate is the biggest tell that these "prescience" individuals are anything but. They are charlatans of the first order. Your fine article helps to pull back the curtain on these humbugs.
Very insightfully stated!