Thank you for yet another excellent essay. I am in awe of, and so very grateful for your productivity!

About the quality control issues. Back in late 2022 Debi Evans of UK Column did a very thorough interview with pharmaceutical manufacturing expert Hedley Rees. I would assume you have seen it, but perhaps many readers here who have not might find that it sheds important light on the subject.

Source video: "From Molecule to Man: The Lifecycle of an MHRA Medicine"

UK Column News, Debi Evans, October 31, 2022

[Interview with Hedley Rees]


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: This is an Internet interview for UKColumn.

Debi Evans: https://www.ukcolumn.org/writer/debi-evans

Hedley Rees: https://hedleyrees.substack.com/

EXCERPT 1 - Background

"typically you're looking about 10, 11 years... with a biologic it could be longer because it's a process that is so difficult. And with a novel therapy such as an mRNA vaccine, well, who knows? But 9 months or 12 months, you know, is, is a joke. It is a joke."


EXCERPT 2 - Radical Transformation in Industry Outsourcing

"it's hard to believe that this ever, ever happened, to be honest."


EXCERPT 3 - The 5 Dose Frozen Vials

"they must have a different backend on the packaging line. Instead of having the bit that fills individual vials, they will have put something on there that puts the vials into these 195 in cardboard trays. They would then have to have got some ultra low freezing capability, freeze them down, and then they would have been shipped like that. That's never, ever happened, in, you know, in the whole history of medicine. And you'd know, I'd, I'd sort of stake my life on that."


EXCERPT 4 - Collapse of Regulatory Competence

"what's left is just a broken, broken system."


EXCERPT 5 - The Bad Batches

"if something's not made to GMP, then you can't guarantee it's safe."


EXCERPT 6 - "You can only defy gravity for so long"

"this is all going to fall apart."


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I am pinning this comment because it has good additional information for people who want to learn more about this topic.

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Thanks. I'm pretty much at my max which is why every now and then I revise an older article people liked for my second weekly one.

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Tour de force!

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in 2021 and 2022 many of us believed "this is all going to fall apart", but here we are two years later... Are we any closer to that than we were in 2022? I continue to hope, but also continue to be astonished at the lengths they are going to to keep it from falling apart.

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Thank you for your comments!

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The most damning crime of modern medicine was not disclosing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome's association with recent vaccination. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/history-babies-vaccines-and-sudden The fact that legislators let companies mix their lots so that side effects couldn't be clustered in one area comes a close second. Until you can put legislators who voted to permit these crimes in jail, I'm afraid nothing will change.

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Surely you mean ' The most damning crime of modern medicine prior to 2021...'?


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Everyone is SO Afraid Nothing Will Change. Whatever! Let's change it. WE GOT THE POWER.

You still writing novella's midwestern doctor?

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The more I read, the more pissed off I get that 'safe and effective' was the official narrative. They just didn't care if people got sick and died.

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And the ones that did care, they justified it with this bullshale "there is no choice"— which is to say, yes, Simulation Commander, you are right, they were fine with injuring or even killing you, injuring or killing your spouse, or your elders, or your kids. Your pets, too.

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Evil on steroids

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It may take many times telling oneself, but the truth will not die: They not only, "...didn't care if people got sick and died," they willed it.

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And the gullibles who rely on the MSM still refuse to believe that the Pharma industrial process doesn't give a damn about their health/life, and nor do governments, apparently; and they also seem unfussed that there is no liability. With such an open goal it's almost understandable that these (very sick) pharma people should take full advantage of it.

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Dear SC, "safe and effective" was touted since 1721! In the wake of variolation, Jenner (1798) pimped safe and effective "vaccination." Over the NEXT 100 years, complaints abounded. Nearly every place where mandatory vaccination was imposed, there were prominent ANTI-vax unions / societies.

Sadly, AMD is just providing justifications for and excusing vaccination (and virology). He/She is either getting paid to give pro-vax messages (which I can support); or fears a loss of revenue if explaining that all vax are bad and no one has ever proven viral contagion theory (understandable); OR is just a dupe.

Oh well. Oops, maybe I should be subscribing soon ... nah.

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This is how our ignorance of history is weaponized against us.

Beautiful work.

Read. Learn. Ask questions. If someone has a problem with you asking questions, they are, whether they know it or not, the epitome of a tyrant.

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Amen. I have come to that exact realization with what was a very close friend, that works in medicine, who's answer to questions was "there's just so much misinformation out there!"

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A convenient go-to response, when privately, her true thoughts would be "I have no idea how to answer your questions because I've never bothered to look into it".

Just more hubris, arrogance, and ignorance from people who call themselves medical professionals.

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And continue to be held in high esteem bordering on idolatry.

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Exactly. A convenient response to poo poo naysayers (aka wise truth tellers) and make them feel like children.

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Quoting j0

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Read. Learn. Ask questions. I wish more would 🤔

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This is perhaps the greatest and most exhaustive piece of investigative journalism you have done, and that's saying a lot because you have done so much for the truth.

Im sure I speak for everyone reading here: thank you.

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Thanks! It came about because I originally wanted to condence Wilson's book into one article and then I realized that wasn't doable.

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Thorough article as usual. Nicely done. I appreciate you putting all this info in one place. I think every family has been touched in some way by the long cruel arm of pharma.

I also appreciate your summation of our present situation and the idea of a 3rd party testing. I wonder if this could be done without the government/pharma's permission.

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At this time, his profession believed anti-vaxxers were irrational and pseudoscientific individuals and that vaccines were “100% safe and effective.”

Also, at this time.

Except that injecting 12/40 (Pf/Mod) trillion genetic molecules, each wrapped in their own lipid nanoparticle, into bodies consisting of only 4 trillion nucleated cells, out of 36 (approx.) trillion in total, can never ever be called a 'vaccine'. At best it is transfection, though legally, medically and morally it should be called a bioweapon.


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Wise, smart souls, specific field specialists (in my opinion) recognize the issue that so many of us are lied to about. Others, such as general practitioners and health specialists who regard nutrition as medicine, have an even better vantage point from which to view things. These are they who, if willing, speak out, speak up, and identify the protectors of the "system." A system of "anti-health" which has been built from scratch by an oil tycoon with grandiose visions of wealth accumulation, public health be damned.

The evidences are/were so damning and overwhelmingly evident, that they could not be side-stepped easily. Thus, the application of propaganda was put to work; and "work" it certainly did!

The thoughts often come that if it were not for "evil" to have guided the program, the thing would have fallen flat. Satanic persistence with the intent to sicken, maim, discourage, and destroy souls using drugs rather than natural God-given substances, has been the course ever since.

And now, it has come to this! Folks have been coerced into accepting foreign and very dangerous "juice" into their systems by the same outfits who have constructed the system of "health-care" which has been a disaster and everyone should know that, if they don't already.

By the Grace of our Creator, if we will be brave enough and humble enough to admit it, we can find "rest" and peace that leads to eternal health and well-being. We must humbly admit that we have been duped, and have not put the energies into the battle which was necessary to combat it.

Good thing we have a forgiving Savior!


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It’s a bio-connector & connected everyone to The Internet of things

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My jaw hit the floor when I first read about how the pharmaceutical companies switched from Process 1 to Process 2 production after the initial human trials of the COVID mRNA vaccines. Could there be anything more unethical and reckless?

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I gave some strong contenders in this article!

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Yes there is more unethical and reckless and that is these are NOT vaccines they are mRNA transfections used by medical school & bench biologists for over two decades and regardless of what process used would NEVER work to confer immunity because human bodies differentiate between self and non-self that are destroyed as invaders by your body.

It was always known to be criminal and calling it vaccines was one more element of fraud.


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I had a nephew who passed at age 5 months old from SIDS in 1981 so this is a taboo topic with my

in laws. Were it not for my conviction about the reincarnation of souls I would be even more pissed at the Pharmafia / Pharmedical system that seems to give a rats ass about human life and suffering. Add the almost lack of accountability and you have what appears to be an organized crime syndicate.

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Yes, i have been giving a lot of thought to the karmic implications of all of this. It is really the only way i can make peace with this disaster and many others. It also makes me want to loudly warn the current perpetrators - please stop for your own sake if not for that of others - you have no idea what future you are creating for yourself (or you wouldn't do such things). But then a case can of course be made that their past bad karmas are what are propelling them to ignore the suffering they are causing. And all of us are subject to huge mistakes, which some call sins.

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What appears to be?

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I have direct experience with a hot lot of the DPT vaccine in 1984. A friend's 6 month old daughter, perfectly healthy and normal, got a DPT shot. Within a few days she was having multiple seizures each day. She went from normal to extremely brain damaged (caused by all the seizures?) and never recovered from that damage. Today this baby is 40, unable to care for herself in any way, unable to talk, walk, use her hands, in a wheelchair. Her parents were part of a big lawsuit (not sure which year, perhaps 1986 or so) and I assume they got some sort of settlement. That experience was why I chose to not give DPT to my son born in 1986.

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That's another upward trend that you don't hear as much about. When CBD was first becoming available - Charlotte's Web - for epilepsy. I thought about my childhood. I had one friend in HS who had epilepsy, and maybe one other during my entire career. These children were able to go to school & function. Not this - hundreds of seizures a day. It seems that - like with autism & autoimmune, there is a huge uptick in epilepsy. Thank you for sharing your tragic story.

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Vaccinations are a criminal procedure that’s been a fraud from its inception. All they’ve ever done was maim and kill.



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That's another fine article and well worth reading as are many of the comments.

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Exactly. They must be exposed as such and stopped immediately as the fraud and evil which they are. No explanations necessary.

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Fauci knows the risk of manufactured vaccines and embraced RNA injections as the Holy Grail to eliminate the risks. When vaccines are cultured in monkey tissue which was highlighted by the Sauk vaccine the transfer of the Green Monkey Virus to humans was accomplished. So you have two viral entities that emerge that degrade the bodies nervous system! NIH reluctantly admitted in 1997 that Sauk live polio vaccine was the cause of 70% of the polio cases. That should have been the wake up call to stop going down the injection path! Now all of humanity has been designated as lab rats and it is at warp speed that RNA injections are being created. Will Not end well when we reprogram the blue print of life!

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Fun fact.. the much trumpeted threat of Gain of Function is actually the basic tool of research for all virology and vaccine development. Because RNA molecules lack the replication fidelity to culture and grow these "virus" strains they find PCR sequences that are gathered into a consensus sequence CRISPR gene jockeys make at a keyboard as DNA then grown in E.coli to produce pure clones in concentrations never possible in nature. Those clones are used as a proxy for reality & basis for models for vaccine stockpiles.

Take a quick scroll through 2016 Gryphon Scientific 1000+ page review of GoF risks and benefits. Most fun is to search for "however" where every model has a caveat that petrie dish and knock out mice or ferrets exposed to purified clones may not reflect "wild type virus" or human immune systems. No worries it's perfect for vaccine stockpiles!!


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Bravo. What a stellar, thoroughly-researched expose of the numerous problems that have plagued this industry from its inception.

The high calibre of this article is why TPTB are so alarmed at the increasing numbers of "anti-vaxxers reading misinformation".

If this is misinformation, I cannot applaud you enough.

Excellent work.

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I felt one of the things that the vaccine safety movement back was more high caliber information that could persuade the general public, and that's a big part of why I put so much work into these.

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Yesterday when i put the word "dermatologys" into my search engine (duck duck go) for the first time, it filled in the name of your article Dermatology's Disastrous War Against The Sun - the first thing! I know it's probably partly due to what it knows about me but still . . . seems like your work is becoming very well known, yay! (The next item down was "As sunscreen misinformation spreads online, dermatologists face real-life impact of online trends" (CBS Healthwatch). Ha!

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Thank you MWD for this comprehensive article.

I was vaccine aware long before 2020, but have learnt so much more since. History is littered with warnings, which you've nicely gathered together here. The hole of deception and coverup re products classified 'vaccine', is so deep and wide now more will find it hard not to fall in ...and wake up to the lies and unacceptable harm.

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Regarding the last paragraph of this article - it seems to me that there is no such thing as an independent third party. Wasn’t it the job of the FDA and CDC in America, the MHRA in Britain, the EMA in Europe, to ensure drug safety? They are all bought out.

The British Prime Minister Sunak has shares in Moderna and soon after he was put in power he gave Moderna a 10 year contract. And then there is Bill Gates, constantly given air time when he is riddled with conflicts of interest. Corruption is absolutely rife.

Until corruption and greed are solved, the only safe and effective way is to scrap vaccination all together. After all, humanity survived for millennia before the introduction of vaccines.

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That's why I didn't specify who. The bigger issue is them having permission to. I think a group like ICAN could if the law allowed them to.

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Regardless who you specify or not, the political and judicial systems are completely corrupt. We are way over the tipping point.

The people/99%/consumers/proletariat, (call us what you will) are treated as commodities to be exploited. The only ones who can hold the Medical Industrial Complex to account are the doctors on the ground who can refuse to prescribe medications unless they are properly tested. If doctors on the ground cannot do that then we may as well replace them with slot machines containing the latest fashionable drug à la the film Idiocracy.

I am sorry if this sounds like an angry rant, but I am hugely disappointed by the negligence of the doctors to protect their patients. What you have written about vaccines has been thoroughly covered by Viera Schiebner in her book published in 1993. I bought her book that year at a talk given by her in Brighton (England) and she signed it for me and wrote in it “Money talks and bullshit walks” - QED.

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Sunak did his investing via his private investment firm "Theleme Partners". Any student of the esoteric would instantly recognize the "Thelema", a philosophy/majik utilized by Alastair Crowley. Always surprised nobody else notes this name parallel. This whole Pharmakeia/Pharma reeks of evil.

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Great article.

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