A few common themes have emerged in the comments. I will try to address each.

•Regardless of who wins the election, RFK will still be able to make a massive impact on the vaccine issue prior to when voting begins because he will force the topic into the public discourse.

•RFK has to run in the Democratic Primaries. It is the place where has by far the biggest ability to influence the public sphere since there are presently no strong candidates to run against him in the Democratic primaries.

•If you want to vote for Trump, you can still vote for RFK in the Democratic Primaries (since Trump has such a large lead in the Republic primaries, it is unlikely a vote for him will influence his chances of winning the primary) and then vote for Trump in the general election.

Since people feel very strongly about this issue, I will focus on addressing the comments in the article I just posted about the relative benefits and harms of each vaccine on the CDCs vaccine schedule.

Please join me there once you have time to read the article. A lot of work went into it and it has been very well received thusfar. It can be viewed here:


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Also in the future I will write an article on my thoughts on global warming and clean energy.

Briefly, I believe viable energy technologies have existed for decades (and I know how they work) that would address our energy needs, but they have been deliberately kept off the market to maintain the scarcity of energy. I also think the global warming thing was put forward to have a nebulous target that could never be met and used to both distract from legitimate sources of environmental pollution and to have more and more justifications to control the population.

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Global warming gave reasons other than peak-oil to deal with peak-oil. The political class can only deal with any issue through lying. It's the best they could to.

That's not to say there isn't climate change and environmental devastation of many kinds, man-made and natural-episodic, but they don't really care, or want us all to do well, not at all.

Bobby Jr. has my support, and my prayers for a long life, at least 10 more years.

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Climate change and peak oil seem to pair nicely with depopulation vaccines and locking people in their homes.

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"Climate change and peak oil seem to pair nicely with depopulation vaccines and locking people in their homes."

If you are attracted to simplistic "solutions" they do.

One bunch of people kiling another bunch, or sacrificing them to the Sun God are historical manifestations of this approach to bad harvests.

What is your suggested mode of dealing with declining resources?

Mine is to grow a kitchen garden, ride a bike, be a human among humans and to seek divine guidance.

I must face reality as it unfolds, and not by secretly killing other people, nor by suicide.

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Resources have been declining forever. I have a book about presidents and it shows a newspaper headline about Thomas Jefferson winning the election. Under that article is another one about how we are running out of tin. We use tin for everything like roofs and pots and pans and utensils and there's no more easily minable. This was in the 1800s. Do you miss having tin utensils? People are creative if we let them be and we will find new resources.

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I'm glad you are working the problem, Don. So am I.

What'cha got?

I've mostly got vegetable gardens and the energy efficient house I designed and just finished building-out inside, the insulation, walls, floors and cabinets.

Stainless steel is good, and lasts a long time.

Jefferson was a really good vegetable gardener, I have learned. I turn out to be using some of his seeds and techniques today. I'm not saying he was perfect; a product of his times, and place...

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Are you connected to that beautiful eponymous park outside Madras, Oregon?

I think most climate sceptics do not deny it is changing only that CO2 is a facile metric and temperature measurements are prone to many confounding factors.

What is not dependent on modelling by interested parties, is biodiversity loss which is largely driven by us but the "us" in the vanguard are big Agri/Pharma/Defence and similar corporate interests...

No matter, the solution is the same: give the masters of the universe the power to complete our enslavement - and subsequent reduction from 8B to 0.5, oops!

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You mention CO2 - what is never addressed nor is there really any assessment of overall impact, is that increased CO2 has a dramatic effect of plant growth. This leads to absorption of sunlight, that energy being turned into organic material (some of which can feed people!), and release of O2. The increase in tree cover drops temperatures, so how this actually works out is a complex calculus of multiple variables.

I'd settle for getting rid of plastic water in bottles, for a start! Plastics appear more problematic than temperature.

And to demonstrate how LITTLE we actually know, you may recall a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. "The beaches are DESTROYED! All of the fish in the ocean & in the marshes/bayous in Louisiana will be killed. We are ALL GOING TO DIE!" You could buy a beachfront condo on the Gulf coast for pocket change. As I was discussing with a patient yesterday, how I WISH I had the foresight to have picked up some of those beach properties!

We don't know squat, and the arrogance in claiming that a system such as the earth's ecosystem is understood is laughable.

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Would echo your prayer that Bobby Jr. has a long life. Should he not abandon the DemoCrat party as it no longer is about feeding the hungry and clothing the naked ?The elephant has been radicalized into some thing unrecognizable. Suggesting that the political elite could do no better? I could mention a some patriots that disavow that assertion...

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Dear MW Doc, I laughed a lot with your first graph but it has a mistake: the right has also BEEN shifted to the left (for example, think about "gay pride" and same-sex marriage, compulsory taught with Comprehensive Sexuality Education brainwashing generations ... look at StopCSE.com ).

What you and RFK don't get is that the system is rigged: it was created by masons (French and American Revolutions) for the masons: think about it... if masons infiltrate and control both parties, there's no democracy, just a uniparty as Tucker Carlson likes to remind us.

Guess who started the Ukraine war in 2014: mason Obama. Not a Neocon project but a mason Pearl Harbor event: rigged for the fall of Putin, who was against the mason New World Order. Check who funded the 30 biowar labs in Ukraine: the NIH? no, the masons there... under mason Fauci!

Think about Trump: probably half of his cabinet were masons. Not to mention the masons controlling the administration (Fauci, Collins, etc.). He was surrounded! Not much he could do!

The mason press, mainstream media is set to destroy any original idea.

One example: the Government spends 3000 million on abortion per year (most, funding Planned Parenthood). Trump only slashed 60 million: he didn't have what it takes to confront the administration, risking impeachment and jail to save the lives of all those babies.

RFK is great... but he still believes de decarb hoax and I'm not sure if he's prolife, the ultimate touchstone for integrity.

Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





It’s the masons, dummy!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


The CFR is just a small piece of a large puzzle of thousands of organizations, for example:

9-11: 2 planes, all 7 WTC towers down, but not the closest non-WTC !

What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18

September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20

More here:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO depop vaccines:

Proof: it was never for health and reduced mortality, only for infertilizing, handicapping and murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:


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"What you and RFK don't get is that the system is rigged."

What amazes me is that so few people realize that and I have tons of proof of your claim's veracity.

Here's just one example.:

“[Teddy]Roosevelt then said : "Pettigrew, you know the two old parties are just alike. They are both controlled by the same influences…”

- R. F. Pettigrew, “Imperial Washington,” The story of American Public life from 1870 to 1920 (1922), p 234


The whole criminal enterprise is controlled by a relative handful of money creators and has been since 1913. I have tons of proof for that claim as well if anyone cares.

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December 23rd 1913 to be exact!

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Yeah and War is a Racket, for sure.

Nice to meet ya, Gen'l !!! ; )

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Physicist mathematician James McCanney estimates votes for Trump were 90 to 10 and look who got installed. It is rigged. RFK's run may illuminate more minds but will have no effect on the outcome which is rigged.

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Yep. I hope this isn't true: "“The DNC, at this point, has taken the official position that there will be no debate, and I think that’s unfortunate… I think what the DNC did to New Hampshire is also unfortunate,” Kennedy Jr. told the host, Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak, about the DNC changing the primary system to have the states Biden did better in first."


As I said before, the swamp would eat him alive.

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The swamp rats control everything. With Kennedy getting into bed with a skunk, they've already started to undermine him.

For some insights into how the system works, there's a really interesting book on how the globalists, through their agent, the USA, has been managing the Philippines since 1898. It is full of details on how they go about subverting any movements at independence, and control all aspects of the political system., Make no mistake, the USA is totally enslaved to them, has been for some time and we're subject to relentless infiltration and subversion in many of the same ways.

Well worth a read.: Policing America's Empire: The United States, the Philippines, and the Rise of the Surveillance State (New Perspectives in SE Asian Studies) Paperback – Illustrated, October 15, 2009

by Alfred W. McCoy

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I read the book The Rise of the New World Order, the Culling of Man. Spot on.

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Wow!! Thank you for this. JFK - assassinated by the CIA and Trump was relentlessly attacked by the media, Russia hoax, etc and presently accused of made up crimes. This Administration targeting their political opponent. He showed me there is no difference between R&D will always be grateful for that and he has 100% of my support. And yes the system is rigged

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It becomes obvious that lots of commonly, now accepted, practices are actually designed to destroy society, including mixed-sex education, which instinctively distracts both sexes; mixed-sex work places/meetings can be distracting too. Sex education in schools is one of these evil created practices. Girls need to be told about menstruation, but no more until they are married. All Romantic (Courtly Love [narcissism and promiscuity]) practices, like expensive gifts, fake chivalry, seduction, causal sex, dating, and courting, are destructive and evil.

Who were behind the Freemasons? Satanic Babylon, and it's followers, including Black Magi and the Pharisees, the latter of whom rebranded as Orthodox "Jew" Rabbis. These fake-jew rabbis stated that Freemasonry is Judaism (actually Pharisaism, aka Satanism) for Gentiles. A lot of ancient Egyptian religion is involved in Freemasonry, to disguise the Satanism, e.g. the Academy Awards also have blatant ancient Egyptian symbolism and a chequered floor. A lot, about this hidden-in-plain-sight evil, and how it is hidden, most-everywhere, can be found at https://www.bitchute.com/channel/NYZMjDr6JOG3/ and https://www.thedisclosurehub.com/ Plenty of this not NSFW, and some is horrific!

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"the ultimate touchstone for integrity"

Amen. 👏👏👏

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I’ve had the highest respect and admiration for all you’ve written over the past few months. But from the couple sentences you just wrote about global warming it sounds like you are dismissing the reality of it, and the existential risk to all of us. I will attempt to reserve judgment until I read your more detailed post but I hope you’re won’t be denying the reality of the climate crisis

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There is no proven link between carbon dioxide levels and atmospheric temperatures (whereas there are a variety of other factors that have a much stronger correlation). I worked in the environmental movement when the global warming thing took off and I watched everyone get hysterical about carbon dioxide and stop caring about all the major sources of environmental pollution environmental activist had previously fought to oppose. Since that time, all of the predicted temperature changes have never materialized, so the war against carbon dioxide got changed to fighting "climate change "rather than "global warming." Likewise, many of the "green" energy technologies we have introduced are environmentally destructive even if they produce less carbon dioxide. As a long time environmentalist, I have very strong objections to how the modern environmental movement was hijacked. The key thing to understand is that carbon dioxide levels are a nebulous target, so no matter what is done, it will never be enough and this paradigm will continue forever at the expense of all other environmental issues.

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As a Geoscientist, I agree. Not only are we NOT warming, but we need MORE CO2 not less, as I addressed in another comment just now.

Yes, many of the "green" energy "solutions" are much more environmentally damaging and polluting - not to mention only increase human rights abuses, like adult & child slavery - and they are incapable of producing enough energy to power a modern society, and our rickety electrical distribution system really can't handle anything else added to it.

And, I think that's the entire point. The psychopathic Powers That Shouldn't Be want total control over us, and the perfect way to make that happen is to take away our vehicles (via forcing us out of gas/diesel vehicles, with those rich enough into EVs, which aren't able to last long term, so we're ALL out of vehicles) and destroy cheap, reliable energy production and distribution. Yes, hydrocarbon energy pollutes, but the emissions from coal and natural gas fired power plants is scrubbed, and so are vehicle emissions to a large degree, so the really bad stuff is removed prior to release into the atmosphere.

You hinted at some "buried" technologies that could supply "cleaner" energy (including for vehicles?) - it will be interesting to see what you describe.

Also, Dr. Patrick Moore, who founded and was CEO? of Greenpeace since it's founding, has described why he left GP... Because they jumped on board the CO2-blaming team (lotsa money & exposure) and virtually abandoned all other environmental issues. He's talked about it a number of times, including at The Heartland Institute's 2022 International Conference on Climate Change.

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Back in 2006-2007, I worked with several such people on their "green projects." I was outraged to learn that it was just trendy business as usual.

I did research and worked in two different fields. The science behind it was completely screwed up.

And the people themselves were ruthless in their dealings with others.

I never completed the project. I said I would never have anything to do with them again.

I have been a vegetarian most of my life. I take care of the planet. These people don't.


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Great comment. Nothing like actual experience, for sure!

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Indeed basic biology including photosynthesis. It is actually quite simple, plants take in CO2 and give off oxygen. We do the opposite. That said C is better sequestered in the soil that the atmosphere which is exactly why clear cutting is an environmental disaster. The buried tech is a deep rabbit hole, most are unwilling to go down...

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Are you saying that carbon, not carbon dioxide, is better sequestered in soil? If so, then I agree.

I'm enough red pilled, and am even approaching white pilled (which is a surprising place to be, considering how black pilled I've been over the last 3 years, lol), that I'm actually looking forward to finding out what this buried tech is, and why and by whom it's been buried. I don't want to find out about folks killed or destroyed in some other way(s) over this stuff, but I know that's been part of the burial agenda (no pun intended), so it needs to be seen and known. I think I'm ready.

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💬 Powers That Shouldn't Be 🔥

↑↑ a consummate quip has just been shamelessly appropriated without remotely viable course of recourse; deal with it 😝

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It's same strategy as with the c19 vax--don't actually measure whether you fix the problem but instead measure something not peripheral and not connected to solving the problem, i.e., measure antibodies, not better health, and analogously, measure carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and not the health of the soil/air.

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Precisely! Boast about a measure that really doesn't provide any meaningful measure of improvement, and make it sound like it does. Just like they did with the Omicron variant version of the CONvid "vaccine" - testing it on 8 mice, and boasting of "an antibody response" - not THE antibody desired, or needed, but AN antibody response. And, just like during clinical drug trials, in which they almost universally now compare against another drug, not a true placebo - and a drug they are pretty certain will yield worse "results" in whatever measure they tout than the one being tested.

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Indeed, and use useless if not poisonous PCR tests rather than testing for vitamin D deficiency, a true health pandemic.


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Don't buy the Vit D serum tests either. No better than the bad PCR tests. Vit D in the bloodstream is not a true indication of your levels. Vit D pills are really hormones like prednisone and shouldn't be gobbled up in the quantities people seem to think they need because of a blood test. You want Vit D? Stand in the sun or eat animals that did. Avoid all Vit D supplements.

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Q: Why “The Science” Settled On “Carbon” [wmbriggs.com/post/42510/]

A: The Science settled on “carbon” because it’s easy.

🗨 What controls the climate on earth is not easy. It is the sun, mostly [...]. Second down on the list, but still huge, is water.[...] Third thing is land.[...] Fourth thing is life.[...] Last thing, likely the very last thing of any consequence, something way down on the list, is carbon dioxide.

Of all these things and more, CO2 happens the one *easiest to model*. Not to say said models have any skill to speak of.


One more no-nonsense quote ↓↓ to give a taste 🙂

🗨 Experts used to say “carbon dioxide” or “CO2”, as I did above. But that became too burdensome for them. So they shorted it to “carbon.” They all now condemn “carbon”. Which is ludicrous. And it makes them sounds foolish. But that, of course, has never been a stumbling block for Experts.

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I’ve watched a few videos and heard science presentations as carbon is the building block of life. Why I have been puzzled. So another way to think of these demons is they are systematically wanting to get rid of the very life around us, including you and me. Of course carbon would be a fundamental “danger” then. That’s really simplistic on my part, but the big picture as MWD writes is coming into focus more every day.

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Thank you for this. I always wonder why so many people can't figure out the easiest way to reduce CO2 is to reduce humans!

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The 70 years from 1645 to 1715 markedly

period of low activity (Maunder Minimum).

https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/cremony/imgs/f/2/f217b632.jpg The River Thames was frozen in winter.

Food famines also occurred frequently in Japan at that time.

Cold weather hurts plants. A lack of CO2 also hampers plants.

Animals and humans are also tortured by the lack of plants=food.

Climatologists are too narrow-minded. I think that the solar activity and the state of the gas around the sun in the Milky Way should come first.

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Paleo-climatologists studying Milankovitch cycles are well aware that CO2 and temperature maxima don't correlate well; at some points the stubborn temp fails to respond like at all 😤

And it's not crystal clear which way the purported causality runs in the first place 😏

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Apr 6, 2023
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IMHO, this is the most salient and true statement. "Green" is a cult, etc., etc. Well said! As for RFK's receipts on his ability to run.....that's a whole other ball of wax. I initially say, YES! At the very least he will expose the whole vaccine scam and fraud and for that I would be grateful. If he really is a cult leader in the "green" bullshit, that will be front and center for the people to see and judge.

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Yes, cult for the citizens on the left. But for the banking cartel oligarchy that rules over us, it's a cover for setting up a control grid over humanity. They came up with this whole scam at The Club of Rome, one of their elite think tanks.

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I don't know about "way back when," but the WEF supports Climate change with lockdowns. I am disappointed in what you have said. At this time, what our country needs is a bull in a China (get it?) cabinet. That's not who Kennedy is. Our country is crashing fast. We need out of wars and we need our Freedom of Speech back. When we have protected Freedom of Speech, I'll start looking at climate issues.

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This tells you who Kennedy is:


Environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lamented that there were no current laws on the books to punish global warming skeptics. . “I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under,” Kennedy told Climate Depot in a one-on-one interview during the People’s Climate March. The interview was conducted for the upcoming documentary Climate Hustle.

Kennedy Jr. accused skeptical politicians of “selling out the public trust.” “Those guys are doing the Koch Brothers bidding and are against all the evidence of the rational mind, saying global warming does not exit. They are contemptible human beings. I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under.”

Kennedy saved his most venomous comments for the Koch Brothers, accusing them of “treason” for “polluting our atmosphere.”

“I think it’s treason. Do I think the Koch Brothers are treasonous, yes I do,” Kennedy explained.

“They are enjoying making themselves billionaires by impoverishing the rest of us. Do I think they should be in jail, I think they should be enjoying three hots and a cot at the Hague with all the other war criminals,” Kennedy declared.

“Do I think the Koch brothers should be tried for reckless endangerment? Absolutely, that is a criminal offence and they ought to be serving time for it,” he added.

Kennedy previously called for jailing his political opponents. Kennedy Jr. lashed out at skeptics of 2007 declaring “This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors” In 2009, RFK, Jr. also called coal companies “criminal enterprises” and declared CEO’s ‘should be in jail… for all of eternity.”

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This is the danger of supporting someone based on a single issue. We need better!

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He hasn't said anything quite that strident about climate change deniers lately.

You may not want him to be president, but I think we will all benefit from him being part of the presidential debates. Of course, if it's him and Biden, there will be no debates.

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That was 2014. Is he still saying the same things?

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Got any ideas who you might support? I won’t vote for trump right now. I will vote for nobody then if the same pack of Dems are scrabbling around like a sink full of June bugs (I’ve seen that camping. It’s disgusting .) Third party gets exactly who you don’t want so that’s a non-starter.

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There is no doubt in my mind that we need to vote for Trump. He is pro-life, he will keep us out of wars (that saves the soldiers who die in our wars), we can handle Putin, he'll pull us out of the WHO agreement, WEF, and fake climate woes, lower gas prices again, and I hope get our grocery prices down again. I shop about once every 2-3 weeks and my grocery bill has gone from the high $100s to the low $300s!! I am retired and on a fixed income, so it really hurts.

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Agreed, and I would add that whenever we hear of some "crisis" we should start sniffing around for an agneda.

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There is a proven link, when there is warming it causes and increase in atmospheric CO2, was the seas and oceans release a little of the CO2 sequestered in their waters. There no proof that caues warming, and more likely that the increase it causes in vegetation would have a cooling effect.

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Neither the Swedish hysteria girl nor the climatologists have considered the complexities you describe.

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OK let's just say that the figure "97% of scientists agree with global warming theory" is false. Let's just say it's 50%, to make sure we factor in all the possible reasons for such smart people to be hoodwinked (research money, etc.). So lets say it is 50-50 split among experts that we might be destroying the future livability of the Earth as in the IPCC predictions. What dumbass wants to wager on this bet? How do you sleep knowing that you're possibly putting at risk not some future generation but the next generation your kids or grandkids? - is it really your expertise with the science or just because of your lack of humility and greed? And, agreeing partly with the MW doctor and many of you, what dumb ass can't see that the things we need to do to reduce global warming are all necessary anyway to slow the UNDENIABLE destruction of EVERY major ecosystem on earth and the rapid depletion of resources needed to sustain any quality of life for future generations. And I don't buy into liberal arguments, that we can maintain our quality of life by introducing new technologies (which as we now know, come with their own environmental costs) to save us or with conservative/libertarian arguments that unrestrained capitalism is the only way forward (thinking very limited to the USofA). Both the left and the right are unwilling to go beyond their arrogance, greed, and lack of humility. Whether or not climate change is happening, we must reduce our destructive lifestyles and reign in on corporate and military misuse of resources and destruction of environments…. The primary goal towards both ecological stability and climate security has to be reduction in materialism and consumerism, and the most decadent US needs to set the example. The debate over climate change is just allowing the festering of the greed disease - Rome is burning and the world is going down with it.

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I 100% agree with your assessment.

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A very good summary, thank you. It could do with paragraphing though for more impact.

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Respectfully, I’d like to see your evidence that predicted temperature increases have not materialized.

There is overwhelming evidence that models have been remarkably accurate in the past decades in predicting average temperature increases.

See https://eps.harvard.edu/files/eps/files/hausfather_2020_evaluating_historical_gmst_projections.pdf for one such analysis.

If anything, scientists have underestimated the extreme temperatures we are experiencing now even as they have been accurate in projecting average worldwide temperature increases.

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Modeling is close to the worst method of science. Remember, modeling was one the first things used to spread fear and panic of Covid.

But, that's not the important thing. I want to know who decided that the temperature/climate right now is optimal. It's been much warmer and much cooler in the past. Life flourished when it was warmer. It nearly died off when it was much cooler. If we must err on the side of caution, warmer is objectively better.

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Thank you. Genuinely.

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Although I hope the Doc does address "global warming", I'm going to here briefly. There is no global warming. We've been cooling since around 2014, and this is shown in NASA satellite data. It only APPEARS that we're warming, because many temperature stations are located in heat sinks, and thus are registering too hot. Heat sinks are areas that hold heat from the sun shining on them during the day and re-radiate that heat out during the night, and thus are warmer both day and night than surrounding non-heat sink areas. Many temperature stations were originally located in non-heat sink spots, but are now in heat sinks because of urban growth - buildings built next to them, being encompassed within sidewalks or parking lots, etc. Some have even been located or relocated onto the tops or sides of buildings! When these stations are removed from data sets, there is no warming, just the slight cooling as confirmed by NASA satellite data.

Also, carbon dioxide, CO2, is NOT a "pollutant"... It is literally plant food - it's pumped into greenhouses specifically to help the plants grow faster and larger, and the crops they produce grow faster and larger. We're at one of the lowest CO2 levels ever recorded - around 400 ppm. If we get to around 180 or so, plants die because they starve to death! As plants grow more slowly in cooler temperatures, and we're cooling, we actually need MORE CO2, not less.

Yes, I'm a Geoscientist.

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Amen! Sanity. CO2 is very important for green things growing. And green growing things are? The LUNGS of the PLANET! Since we are busy deforesting everything in sight (hello Amazon Basin) we are in a bad way well on the road to BladeRunner level world...

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Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant and neither is it responsible for warming, not now and not ever. On all measurable timescales CO2 concentrations follow temperature, a consequence of Henry's Law. Anthropogenic contributions of carbon dioxide are tiny and have no effect on the climate apart from a measured greening of the planet which contributes to the enrichment of food crops. The planet is always warming or cooling. And for the last 8k years since the Optimum, it has cooled following a trend present in every interglacial of this age. It is cooler and there is more ice on the planet now that at any time in the last 8k years except for the LIA, the coldest period since the LGM. 5k years ago we entered a Neo-glacial period. It was warmer during both RWP and MWP, and each preceding interglacial before ours was warmer than the Holocene. Changes in cloud cover albedo explain warming / cooling on decadal timescales, not CO2. Lastly, contrary to what the IPCC and climate scientology will tell you, the thermal effect of the atmosphere is not radiative, but adiabatic, a function of insolation, atmospheric mass and the acceleration due to gravity, which is obvious from comparisons with other planets with differing concentrations of IR-absorbing gases as well as temperature-pressure level comparisons (pV=nRT). The people who want a needle in every arm and who are grooming your children and cutting off their body parts are the same people pushing the climate emergency. It is a scam and all about control, another road to tyranny. These people are Marxists not environmentalists, and they are lying to you. Don't fall for it.

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Yes!!!!! Thank you!!! Please keep posting that all over the internet (especially all over substack!!)

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Is there one book you can recommend on the topic? Thank you.

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Does the majority of geoscientists secretly share your stance, or have they been successfully brainwashed?

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I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or is this is a serious question. Care to specify?

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Sarcastic? We're constantly being told that geoscientists support the current narrative. I have yet to meet a geoscientist in real life. I assumed you knew a few.

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SEG has been cowed, the membership much less so.

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I left the SEG because they would not address the censorship, perversion and suppression of science - it was covid as you may imagine! Safe & effective if you shrink your gonads and stay under a rock.

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Similarly SEG will not discuss climate science outside the official narrative; used to be taboo on LinkedIn too but recently lots of dissent appears there and the suppression of comments has eased.

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There is no climate crisis. There is bad "science" in the fake climate crisis field. There is pollution of many different types. There is bad land management that is ignored. There is bad water management that is ignored. Both all in the name of the all mighty dollar going into pockets of people in the government. Read the reports/studies by the real experts. You're going to have to look somewhere besides gargle. (No, I don't keep links.)

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The experiences of the last 3 years should have had the effect of educating everyone about how "crises" originate and who benefits. We should all have learned how much criminality exists in high places and how "authorities" function.

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Yes, orchestrated by the ruling elite psychopaths (banking cartel/central bankers)--the came up with the global warming scam (renamed climate change when it stopped warming) at the Club of Rome, one of their elite think tanks. The whole reason for is to serve as justification for the digital control grid/slave grid that they are building for us. They want us to have digital ID and CBDCs and social credit scores connected to our carbon footprint. And they will use the hoax as justification for locking us down.

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All true. Why can't everyone see that? The big game plan has been clear for over a century.

McFadden, Lindbergh and LaFollette to name just a few spoke out about it yet here we are!

From 1932.:

"Mr. Chairman, when the Federal Reserve act was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here which would make the savings of an American school-teacher available to a narcotic-drug vendor in Macao. They did not perceive that the United States were to be lowered to the position of a coolie country which has nothing but raw materials and heavy goods for export; that Russia was destined to supply the man power and that this country was to supply financial power to an international superstate -- a superstate controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure.

-Louis T. McFadden's Speech In the House of Representatives 10 June 1932

Louis T. McFadden's U.S. House Speech,10 June 1932 (afn.org)

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I'd like to point out that he said that in 1932.

1933 was the year that FDR granted official recognition to the USSR, (which advocated worldwide revolution) and which was formed with the help of money from the Marxist, Bolshevist sympathizing international financial elite (as was Mao).

To this day people smear the "Nazis," but Hitler was just coming into power in 1933 and gained support as an anti-Communist. I hope everyone can connect the dots.

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Most people have never even heard of Congressman Louis McFadden. How sad is that? And I often drop this link, but nobody seems interested:


They've also never heard of Senator Nye:


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The risk of global warming is as real are Dolly Partons blossoms. Even if the Sun did a micro nova (that has far more credibility than the claim Co2 is causing dangerous warming) there would be a deadly short term scorching on one side before Earth was thrown into a freezing period.

The whole fraud is about throwing the West into abject poverty.

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There is a pollution crisis, not a climate crisis. The environment is heavily polluted by all sorts of Nazi chemicals and the landscape and habitats are seriously degraded by toxins and other actions.

However there is a climate of fear and stupidity.

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The past 3 years should have firmly educated everyone where "crises" originate and who benefits.

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Yes some of us know it is a giant pre fabricated hoax. You have been hoodwinked.

When I first previewed Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" I knew within minutes that Gore was lying. It has only gotten much much worse. This is not to give a pass for the corporate demon destroying the ecosystem, anything but...

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Global warming/climate change alarmism is a money making scheme. Stop deluding yourself. It’s a natural occurrence. We humans are not in charge!!!

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The $3 billion that the richest industry in world history makes every day fossil fuel companies that’s not a money making scheme? So I assume you will not be supporting RFK Jr since he has been a strong and consistent supporter of the best science and the best evidence, which is why he questions vaccine efficacy, and why he 100% supports acting on the climate crisis.

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Global warming is no longer used. The term for the hoax now is climate change.

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No scientific proof just more lies, kind of like safe and effective?????

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And as I’m sure, you know, RFK,JR is an outspoken supporter of the green new deal, aggressive climate action, and the need to retire fossil fuels. Which is one of the reasons I am excited to see him run.

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And it’s one of the reasons why I will NEVER vote for him.

I have no desire to live in the 17th century.

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I agree 100%

This green agenda is also cover for global genocide (those Malthusians want to rid their planet of us useless eaters). There's no way to sustain a modern economy of 8 billion people on windmills and solar panels. And green is hardly green, if you no what I mean.

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Exactly why I could never vote for him. I worked environmental sciences for too long to give up on how far we've come with pollution to give up on moving the pollution scale downward now. All the wonderful new "non-polluting" things they are creating will kill off more trees, land/soil, and animals with the pollution from the rare earth minerals/metals than ever before seen. That's a huge problem.

I'm very sorry to see so many wanting to kill off the planet I've worked my whole adult life to save, because they've been brainwashed like many have been about the clot shots.

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Yes, it's just mass brainwashing. Yes, all their new "non-polluting"/good for the environment projects are killing off plants and animals. My parents have lived in NJ for 49 years and dead whales never washed up on the beaches, but now that they are setting up their windmills off shore, lots of dead whales are washing up. And interestingly, these people who claim to care about the environment are fine with killing the whales. Didn't they used to want to save the whales?

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I just read about all the dead whales, and why, just the other day. It made me cry.

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Can't wait for that. I for one don't care how long your articles are. I relish reading them.

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Until some of the climate change advocates actually examine & seek to understand data around issues like sunspot activity, it is hard to take them seriously. As someone who grew up as an active outdoorsman & was a Sierra Club member for years until I realized their underlying politics, we really have no HONEST environmental advocacy at a 'systems' level. It is just a political tool with uninformed loonies making absurd claims.

As I grew up with VietNam hanging over my head (to which I was always strongly opposed) I struggled with the neocon stuff. With the assassination attempt on Reagan, it appeared that things began to change. I have always assumed that the shooting was used to leverage far more power for Bush & his buds. Then we get Clinton, a friend of Bush from CIA - Mena, AR days. And on it goes.

Your political diagram is interesting and fairly accurate. None of the politicians remotely represent me (and come on, it is impossible to have representative government for 300 million people), and other than Johnson, Paul, & DeSantis the Repubs are little better than the Dems.

Could RFK be elected? That is actually the final answer to whether voting actually matters. I have maintained that it really hasn't mattered for years, the system is controlled. I truly worry that Bobby Jr. will face attacks in the press AND in person that would require massive efforts to address.

He is a shining ray of light - We shall see, I truly hope he is the next Dem candidate. Repub: Somebody needs to explain to the Donald that he had his chance and made too many boneheaded choices in his appointees, he trusted the wrong people, and changed his tune between campaign and election on certain things (most notably: "this economy is fake, this growth is simply based on debt" as a candidate to "this is the greatest economy in history" when it was STILL based on expansion of Fed balance sheets. Whether DeSantis is ready for prime time remains to be seen.

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Spot on Doc.

Nebulous targets reminds me of all those wars: Afghanistan-Iraq-Syria; terrorism; drugs; poverty...

... not notable for many grand successes this list and I'm afraid the avoidable war in Europe is similarly headed only toward more war.

Come back George Orwell, all is forgiven.

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💬 a nebulous target that could never be met

↑↑ These are the best by far, bar none: whatever transpires, you can always smugly pronounce ‘I told you so!’ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Definitely This. You might also want to look into Global BEM and a movie called Polarity that describes some of Viktor Schauberger's work near the end.

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Your belief that energy tech has existed for decades is certainly true. Global warming is being pushed more since the Covid debacle and the deliberate genocide. That is anything but a coincidence. Not making the case for oil, as it is horribly polluting, although it is anything but scare and not a "fossil fuel" Climate Change is mostly a farce...

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the worst I have seen so far is someone who cleans out cans, even in the dishwasher, and then buys plastic cups to clean their teeth.

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I would like to see how your clean energy articles compare to mine (mostly utilising Simon Michaux as my source)

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You aren't addressing a key show-stopper for many of us: his fervid support of the pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe.

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see my comment above you.

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Then you're contradicting yourself if you believe that someone promoting CO2 pseudoscience would make a good president. That someone would simply further the narrative and play right into the hands of the WEF.

CO2 catastrophe underlies the Great Reset. Surely you understand that. This theory must not be supported. It must be dismantled.

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Yes, a key agenda of the Great Reset is the climate change hoax--its just a cover for genocide and building a control grid around humanity.

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Yes!! His continued support of the pseudoscience of the climate change hoax is a deal breaker for me.

And what's also concerning is that even with the climate change hoax being a key component of the Great Reset, he still hasn't changed his stance or questioned whether he could have been misled, which for me is a problem.

I look to Professor Mark Crispin Miller, who used to be a fervent supporter of the climate change scam, but has since change his stance in light of new information. He has been open to looking at weather weapons as being the cause of the bizarre fires out in CA, as well as other extreme weather. Yet, I don't see any change in stance from RFK. So, I know it's an unpopular view here, but I see him as controlled opposition. Though it's also possible that he's extremely brainwashed--I know early on in operation covid hoax, when the Great Reset had been announced, he was on a zoom meeting with Catherine Austin Fitts and others and seemed utterly clueless that the ruling elite have think tanks and yes, do in fact meet and plot---apparently, he didn't notice that the WEF/World Enslavement Forum/Davos was exactly that. He also doesn't appear to have any understanding of the Federal Reserve--on maybe a different zoom call he was bothered that the states couldn't print money like the federal govt (no awareness that this is inflationary and a wealth extraction mechanism).

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Makes no sense that people are torn between Trump & RFK. Trump was easily the #1 pro-vaccine, pro-Pharma president in US history (until Biden, that is). Trump gave billions to GAVI, Trump appointed Pfizer insiders to his cabinet, Trump gave Pharma endless checks for new vaccine development (this was well before Covid), Trump continues to brag about Operation Warp Speed. Sure he talked a good game prior to getting elected, but he quickly threw us all under the bus.

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Needed to be said. Trump didn’t buy into the covid hoax at all - but when the media and scientists started bleating about the need for a vaccine, he saw his opportunity for more fame and clout. Creator of World curing vaccine! In unguarded moments he doesn’t believe in the Rona and vax at all.

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Yes, this ☝️

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So what? It is still your choice to take the Clot shot or not! When Politicians raise taxes and punish us with more regulations.........WE HAVE NO CHOICE!!!

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I haven’t read down the comments yet, so if this is addressed later I apologize...but, how sure are we that IF RFK Jr were to win the presidency that he wouldn’t receive the exact same outsider (Non-Swamp New World Order) treatment and attempt at takedown the Trump has been fighting for 6+ years now?

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He would but:

•he could likely mobilize the public to support him

•he will not have a confrontational campaign style, which prevents a lot of the hostility Trump received.

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I can promise you that no Trump supporter will vote for anyone but current President Trump. Trump is the ultimate fighter and the only one who can take down the Deep State. I, for one, would NEVER vote for a democrat, no matter who they were. Unless, of course, the dem party abandons all the foolishness of woke bullshit, taking away guns, pitting right against left, destroying the dem run cities and states, leaving the borders wide open, etc. Vaxxines are important and President Trump will get rid of them all, I believe. The other main issue is all the voter fraud perpetrated by the dem party. This has been their claim to fame for decades. We must switch to a single paper ballot, counted by the military with no computers. I don’t see the dem party doing this. Btw, Trump is the President now and will remain so.

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Being utterly entrenched in ideology is exactly how we got here... and became so divided. Not the entire reason, but a big part of it. So, you're gonna continue w/ yours no matter what information is presented to you, no matter what happens?

BTW, I imagine you won't want to believe this, but there really aren't "Democrats" and "Republicans"... There's only the Uniparty and a few, very few, Patriots. Those who don't mind being labelled as "Democrat" are fine with being very in our faces w/ the radical agenda. Those who don't mind being labelled as "Republican" are fine with pretending to push back against the radical agenda, yet just enough of them vote for it that it passes, or it passes the next term. Think about it, check DC folks' actual voting records - the radical agenda ALWAYS advances, no matter who's in the big chair, no matter which party is "in power", etc. A lot of the time in the past, the agenda has been more subdued, but now it's in our faces all the time. That's because they're desperate to get it all in place that they're rushing.

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Fine comment there!

"There's only the Uniparty and a few, very few, Patriots. "


Helen Keller was both blind and deaf yet she knew the score.

“Are not the dominant parties managed by the ruling classes, that is, the propertied classes, solely for the profit and privilege of the few?

They use us millions to help them into power. They tell us like so many children that our safety lies in voting for them. They toss us crumbs of concession to make us believe that they are working in our interest. “



The whole thing is worth a read. Chock full of verities about politics.

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“Two wings of the same vulture. The RNC wants money. The DNC wants power. The RNC uses power to get money. The DNC uses money to get power. The donor activity of the RNC drives their ideology. The ideology of the DNC drives their donor activity. This is the essential difference in the business models of both wings.”

This came from a pro-Trump website whose other content I could hardly bear to look at, but I think it's an excellent observation.

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Sorry, the military can't be trusted at this point. Tooo woke. I don't want them counting anything.

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The miliary exists primarliy to enforce the plans of the globalist bankers and the will of the bankers now is to toss the US under the bus because there are bigger opportunites elsewhere (follow da munny). Also, we've done a lot of their dirty work for them and are about played out for various reasons and therefore expendable. Which is part of the reason it's being rotted from within.

Then there's this.:

"This is usually the case with all armies or detachments from them… to feel their strength sufficient to indulge that military tyranny which grows by habit, and makes a standing army a fit instrument for the support of the most cruel despotism."

-Mercy Otis Warren, History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution interspersed with Biographical, Political and Moral Observations, in Two Volumes, Foreword by Lester H. Cohen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1994). 2/3/2018.


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As far as I could tell, Trump never changed the Deep State. I fact, i cannot recall anything in particular he did, other than play golf and bluster.

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Susan, I could go on a litany of his accomplishments; however, they would fall on deaf ears, so I'll say a few things. Energy independence, Low gas prices, low inflation, he started NO wars and appointed Conservative Constitutional Supreme Court Judges!

P.S. He was in the middle of Making America Great Again, and now Brandon is giving our country and freedom away to the NWO, a Tyrannical World Government!!!

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I agree with some of those things, but not others. His judicial appointments, for one, have been very mixed, as he was getting his recommendations from a lot of Deep State actors and RINOs.

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Still, it'd be hard to deny that he hardly defied the Deep State. Shame on him; he was mostly bluster.

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Are you for real?!?!?!?!?!? READ.........................

President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List:


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Apr 6, 2023Edited
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Trump is not talking about the MRNA that he gave us via Operation Warp Speed, the murderous policies of the bureaucracy, nor is he telling us how he will end the biosecurity state. His refusal to make this a key issue is prohibiting the Trump MAGA crusaders from talking about it either. If Trump is the candidate we lose this most important issue, and the possibility for Nuremberg 2 is gone. We need someone like Kennedy to make this issue front and center. Kennedy's entry into the race is Trump's opportunity to take this issue on now. He must. PS: I have not voted for a Democrat at any level since the 1970's. One exception I made a strategic vote for Bernie Sanders in the NH Primary.

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Uhhh, no, we don’t need the MILITARY counting our ballots. The MILITARY is how we needed up, apparently, with bioweapons like C and the injections.

We The People are fully capable of counting our ballots. Missouri, at least in some counties, is doing this.

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This is where you are so wrong. Confrontational style is what this country needs! Not kid gloves. WE need a fighter, a brawler. Good Luck.

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I'm not so sure... They're doing everything they can to goad us into becoming violent, or to actions they can claim are violent - and then Xiden (Biden) can call Martial Law. I wonder if someone with a less confrontational style would be good w/r to campaigning, and getting needed messages across. And then, once in office, take the gloves off... ???

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Right on!

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Well, if you mean that we should confront the global banking mafia that owns and runs the place, then you may have something there. Otherwise, our confrontational (belligerent and aggressive) style has not served us, (as in we da peeple), too well in my view though it has served the ruling jerks quite well.

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Dr., Why are you doing this? And at this time? I'm serious.

You're swayed by a President's manners?? It was Trump's "campaign style" and personality that propelled him to victory. He doesn't care what people think. We MAGA middle class LIKE his campaign style and we LIKE what he says and stands for, because he helps us.

I will take "mean tweets" with "a fierce determination to never give up" any old day, if it means getting our country back on the right track again, stopping baby killers, pedophilia, Satanic worship, wars, and sky high cost of living.

We must get Free Speech back. We must get rid of the Deep State. We need a "bull in a China cabinet." (Get it?) No one but Trump will be able to crush the Deep State. We don't need a Neville Chamberlain. We need a CHURCHILL.

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Well said!!!

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Hey, Trump's confrontational style is what's worrying you? Mean tweets? Man, our whole country's truly going under. Our free speech rights, we're afraid to protest, search and seizure, arrest on lawns guns pointing at your children? Are you kidding? That's exactly why we need Trump!

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Dear MW Doc, I laughed a lot with your first graph but it has a mistake: the right has also BEEN shifted to the left (for example, think about "gay pride" and same-sex marriage, compulsory taught with Comprehensive Sexuality Education brainwashing generations ... look at StopCSE.com ).

What you and RFK don't get is that the system is rigged: it was created by masons (French and American Revolutions) for the masons: think about it... if masons infiltrate and control both parties, there's no democracy, just a uniparty as Tucker Carlson likes to remind us.

Guess who started the Ukraine war in 2014: mason Obama. Not a Neocon project but a mason Pearl Harbor event: rigged for the fall of Putin, who was against the mason New World Order. Check who funded the 30 biowar labs in Ukraine: the NIH? no, the masons there... under mason Fauci!

Think about Trump: probably half of his cabinet were masons. Not to mention the masons controlling the administration (Fauci, Collins, etc.). He was surrounded! Not much he could do!

The mason press, mainstream media is set to destroy any original idea.

One example: the Government spends 3000 million on abortion per year (most, funding Planned Parenthood). Trump only slashed 60 million: he didn't have what it takes to confront the administration, risking impeachment and jail to save the lives of all those babies.

RFK is great... but he still believes de decarb hoax and I'm not sure if he's prolife, the ultimate touchstone for integrity.

Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





It’s the masons, dummy!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


The CFR is just a small piece of a large puzzle of thousands of organizations, for example:

9-11: 2 planes, all 7 WTC towers down, but not the closest non-WTC !

What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18

September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20

More here:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO depop vaccines:

Proof: it was never for health and reduced mortality, only for infertilizing, handicapping and murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:


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I worry in his efforts to win over the left, he’ll disarm law abiding Americans, among other sacrificial lambs-- throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak. We shall see.

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They kill Kennedys.

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At this point it seems they kill whoever they want to. It also feels as if the biopharmaceutical industrial complex, the global predators, the deep state, the cabal - whatever the powers that be pushing this upon the world - is unrelentingly powerful. I don't think the 2020 election coincidentally resulted in a person in the white house who hissed at Americans to "get vaccinated", set mandates for federal workers and attempted to force mandates on private employers with 100 or more enployees. Nor do I think it is a coincidence that he is feeble minded, likely has corrupt ties to China, and is also likely to be steered and controlled by others behind the scenes. The covid debacle required that. Even though Trump now sounds like a boastful idiot clueless about the personal health disasters caused for so many by the OWS miracle injections he takes credit for, he had to be taken out of office; he was too unpredictable, too independent, and far too powerful for the plandemic to work as well as it did under hapless Biden. The 2024 race has already proven it will be ugly, and anyone in the arena who is NOT a friend to pharma better be tough as nails because they will be targeted for destruction just as all the brave doctors speaking truth have been. I believe RFK jr has solid integrity on covid issues. Can he endure the flogging he will get?

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TPTB may be more desperate than "powerful" at this point, with their COVID and Ukraine-War control-narratives weakening and backfiring on them.. The $US global curency game, supported by the threat of getting what Libya and Iraq got, is also being broadly bypassed by China, Russia, India, Turkey, Iran, and even Saudi Arabia.

Bobby Jr. has what it takes to negotiate for American citizens, which Joe Biden (listening to Barack Obama earpiece) can't do.

When will the "owners" actually capitulate? They must lose hope for regaining the control they knew under Bush/Obama. It is over, and they can just keep losing by cinging to what is aready gone.The owners also cant agree. Some might accept Kennedy or Trump, while others woud assassinate them.

Why do I clump Kennedy and Trump (bad manners, I know)?

They are both independent executives, who seek inputs, but are not controlled.

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I would consider it a win for America if RFK Jr can manage to get the Dem nomination. Trump or Kennedy, either way America wins.

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Good question, and reasoning. However, I'm not completely sold on Trump anymore. For one, he was in property development in NYC for decades... there is no way that there's no dirt in his past, absolutely no way. Which means he's either paid handsomely for others' silence, or has dirt on them so they keep silent. Either way, it means he's not really as truly patriotic as so many of us would like to believe. His being in the big chair was good for business, no doubt, and keeping energy plentiful and cheap - but that was good for business, too. His continuing to push the CONvid jab until relatively recently also does not bode well. He was booed at rallies for it, and kept doing it! So, his only recently changing directions on that is POLITICAL - whether it was he or his advisors, it was decided that DeSantis was gaining ground politically because he was appearing to start going after Big Pharma - although, note that nothing's come of that so far. So BOTH men leave a lot to be desired w/r to leadership over the people, and not business.

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Rick, You must remember that he's a Kennedy! Trump had an advantage with his name when he ran in 2016; however, the Kennedy name is a political ICONIC name and has been for over six decades. If Trump is a shoo-in in the Republican primaries, I will switch parties and vote for RFK in the Florida primaries!

I believe there are more Liberals than Leftist/Socialist voters in the Democrat party, but that slight lead drops in each subsequent election. However, when the facts come out, I think many of the WOKE will wake up from their altered reality and learn that their leaders have duped them!

With their cancel culture, most of the Democrats will be shocked when they hear the FACTS for likely the first time in years of what is really happening, not the false narratives they have been bombarded with for decades and more so over the last seven years.

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I think it is a terrific decision that will help America get back on the right track. Win or lose the American people will be educated, because RFK Junior will not play the dirty game.!

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I like the idea of voting for him in the primaries. He needs to be up front and center on the VAxx, bioweapons and run on this issue. Debate Trump on it. Would be awesome!

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I'm here in Commifornia. My vote wouldn't count voting Republican in the primaries and would like to see Bydone bumped out of the picture. Never voted for a Dem but if I can here in the primaries would vote for JFK Jr.

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"Regardless of who wins the election, RFK will still be able to make a massive impact on the vaccine issue prior to when voting begins because he will force the topic into the public discourse."


Maybe it's because I live in a very liberal community, but everybody around me has absolutely no concerns about vaccine safety. At the very most they will admit that the vaccines haven't appeared to do a whole lot of good.

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The climate scam is every bit as much a threat as vaccination; perhaps moreso. The New Tyrants are also a threat. RFKjr appears to be both.

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Yep, Climate Change is 100% BS!!!

August 19, 2022

Global warming is the greatest scientific fraud in history

By Guy K. Mitchell, Jr.


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If anyone can even think, they are in control of the world climate, they don't know the power of God!

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For the soros team the question is, whose assassination will benefit us most?

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Dear MW Doc, I laughed a lot with your first graph but it has a mistake: the right has also BEEN shifted to the left (for example, think about "gay pride" and same-sex marriage, compulsory taught with Comprehensive Sexuality Education brainwashing generations ... look at StopCSE.com ).

What you and RFK don't get is that the system is rigged: it was created by masons (French and American Revolutions) for the masons: think about it... if masons infiltrate and control both parties, there's no democracy, just a uniparty as Tucker Carlson likes to remind us.

Guess who started the Ukraine war in 2014: mason Obama. Not a Neocon project but a mason Pearl Harbor event: rigged for the fall of Putin, who was against the mason New World Order. Check who funded the 30 biowar labs in Ukraine: the NIH? no, the masons there... under mason Fauci!

Think about Trump: probably half of his cabinet were masons. Not to mention the masons controlling the administration (Fauci, Collins, etc.). He was surrounded! Not much he could do!

The mason press, mainstream media is set to destroy any original idea.

One example: the Government spends 3000 million on abortion per year (most, funding Planned Parenthood). Trump only slashed 60 million: he didn't have what it takes to confront the administration, risking impeachment and jail to save the lives of all those babies.

RFK is great... but he still believes de decarb hoax and I'm not sure if he's prolife, the ultimate touchstone for integrity.

It’s the masons, dummy!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


The CFR is just a small piece of a large puzzle of thousands of organizations, for example:

9-11: 2 planes, all 7 WTC towers down, but not the closest non-WTC !

What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18

September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20

More here:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO depop vaccines:

Proof: it was never for health and reduced mortality, only for infertilizing, handicapping and murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:


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This might sound ridiculous to some, but as a past Democrat who switched to Independent after Obummer was nominated, I could NEVER vote for a Dem after the way they have behaved. The Dems of today are not the Dems of his families time. However, I do believe RFK, Jr would be a formidable candidate. I would hate to see him assinated, as his father and uncle were.

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I wonder if RFK, Jr. also doesn't believe in the Democrat Party anymore, but feels his best chance of winning a general election is not being a third party candidate? He MUST know that third party candidates never win the Presidency, no matter how good they are (a la Ron Paul).

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He realizes running as an independent would make DJT and himself probably lose. Adore him but couldn’t vote Dem ever again.

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AP hatchet job on RFK, Jr. is a new low for mainstream journalism.

I feel much better after writing this one, which I hope will be read by a large number of people.


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I have to say I think the hit piece Sid Hirsch ran last week on his father and uncle was far worse! It further solidifies what a threat he is to the status quo! Lets not forget Sid is in bed with the Clintons.

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That will be my plan. I’ll vote RFK jr in the primary and see if he can win my vote for Trump in the general election.

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Have not read all the comments below. However, any Republican who chooses to vote Democrat in the primary needs first to consider any state laws that are relevant to voting not Republican in the primary. In some states candidates must have voted in one or more Republican primaries in order to demonstrate that they are “in good standing Republicans.” Otherwise, aside from getting a “permission slip” from the local county GOP Chair, they may not run for public office as a Republican.

So, be aware.

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The notion that running in the Dem Party will give him the best exposure or influence feels to me to be a notion that is used to keep from rocking the duopoly off its throne…there has been so much of a divide by hate from the powers of both those parties & Bernie proved that it is easiest for the Dems to destroy the integrity of anyone who runs for The People, if they fall for the notion that they have to run as a Democrat…The people need a strong Independent candidate. Independent candidacy will bring people from across the political spectrum…otherwise, many in the Republican party, who don’t want to vote for Trump again, but cannot bring themselves to vote for a Democrat, will continue, like all the Dem voters, to keep the corruption of the duopoly controlling our elections, thus, our lives…it won’t end as long as we continue feeding that freaking beast.

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Very good stuff. While the vxxx and everything surrounding it is a huge issue, it is not THE issue. Freedom is and to get back to that we need smaller gov't, less taxes, less gov't spending, fewer regulations, right-to-work, and we need to fix voting, among other things. Will he do any of that? I doubt it, but a vote for him to shake up the Democrats and then vote for Trump or a real conservative like DeSantis is a good strategy.

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The whole PANDEMIC is THE issue, it caused bigger government, more taxes,more govt. Spending, more regulation, no body working, closing down businesses, vote by mail. ALL caused by The pandemic. And they are planning another one!!

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This - to my mind - is NOT about Bobby making it to the presidency. I mean, yeah, if by some grace he could win, that'd be awesome. But Instead, look at it as a badass way for Bobby Kennedy (and likely many of his tribe) to be blasting the airwaves. He is one of the best options we have of penetrating the dense fog that constrains so many. The world will be watching. His bid will be a great call to the militia!

We've got to wake up and fight back. Getting Bobby a much larger audience will have a powerful cascading positive effect. Guaranteed it will spawn numerous books, media articles, interviews, podcasts, etc. Even the mainstream media will have to cover him a tiny amount. Think of it as pushback to the propaganda. It's using their own corrupt broken political system to get some honest and wise counsel out to the world.

The MAIN reason we've done this (Covid) to ourselves is because we have been asleep @ the wheel. We need dudes like Bobby to break through to all those hypnotized brothers and sisters we live among. Who else has the gravitas (he's been bringing the good fight to some sun's a bitches for like 40 years)? He's also got an impressive depth of knowledge to understand deeply how government works. His life has been about coming to this moment.

I'm not saying he's the messiah or anything. But think about it for a minute. Who would have more impact than the Kennedy's lineage returning when the world is on the cliff. Honestly, it's hard to imagine we don't do ourselves in no matter who takes the reins

We need him to get a platform. I'm a 61 year old witness of a world rushing headlong to jump off the cliff. We're moving inexorably towards any of a number of existential threats.

Having said all the above, I still wouldn't wish the presidency on anyone. One of my greatest disappointments has been finding out about the long con that is politics. It took me until Bernie to realize just how rigged it all is. I hate to admit it, but it's lead to a setting in of apathy with this crazy world. So I hold no illusion they'd let him in.

But he's a warrior - and has been for many years. He's general material without question. The prospect of integrity in a presidential candidate, can you imagine? Even just having someone on stage that embodies that word - that would be something.

Bobby Kennedy makes me feel hope for the first time. He has ethics, tenacity, integrity and the smarts about government. Just getting him on stage and all the internet media appearances would get some sanity out into the world - s/t we desperately need to counter the never ending stream of BS.


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Wake up! the right has also BEEN shifted to the left (for example, think about "gay pride" and same-sex marriage, compulsory taught with Comprehensive Sexuality Education brainwashing generations ... look at StopCSE.com ).

What you and RFK don't get is that the system is rigged: it was created by masons (French and American Revolutions) for the masons: think about it... if masons infiltrate and control both parties, there's no democracy, just a uniparty as Tucker Carlson likes to remind us.

Guess who started the Ukraine war in 2014: mason Obama. Not a Neocon project but a mason Pearl Harbor event: rigged for the fall of Putin, who was against the mason New World Order. Check who funded the 30 biowar labs in Ukraine: the NIH? no, the masons there... under mason Fauci!

Think about Trump: probably half of his cabinet were masons. Not to mention the masons controlling the administration (Fauci, Collins, etc.). He was surrounded! Not much he could do!

The mason press, mainstream media is set to destroy any original idea.

One example: the Government spends 3000 million on abortion per year (most, funding Planned Parenthood). Trump only slashed 60 million: he didn't have what it takes to confront the administration, risking impeachment and jail to save the lives of all those babies.

RFK is great... but he still believes de decarb hoax and I'm not sure if he's prolife, the ultimate touchstone for integrity.

It’s the masons, dummy!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


The CFR is just a small piece of a large puzzle of thousands of organizations, for example:

9-11: 2 planes, all 7 WTC towers down, but not the closest non-WTC !

What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18

September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20

More here:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO depop vaccines:

Proof: it was never for health and reduced mortality, only for infertilizing, handicapping and murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:


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Bobby will blast the airwaves only as much as he is allowed by those who control the airwaves.

All Presidents are puppets to the banker.......

RFK Jr will do exactly as the 1% of the 1% want him to do.

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ABSOLUTELY TRUE. However, we're in a somewhat different era. Yes, all the legacy outlets, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, etc will certainly only put Bobby on the ad-hominem hyper snark gravy train - no question. Same thing they did to Bernie, to Jill Stein, Maryanne Williamson. Same old same old.

However, there is a large outgrowth of outside the box media that is growing - and in many cases have a MUCH larger viewership than the mainstream. I'm talking Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand. Dr. Drew and obviously the king Joe Rogan. Many of these channels have much bigger followings than the mainstream piss ants.

My point is, in an era where propaganda is now essentially state sponsored and unrelenting, we need EVERY other parallel media sources to pick up real candidates. If we have any chance in coming out of this inexorable nose dive, it's in getting the word out of real people with integrity. Otherwise, the only other alternative is this blind take over of the world's population.

This entire COVID catastrophe is also a great opportunity. They may have over played their hand and are now looking more and more like what they really are; controlling, crass, clueless, greedy, narcissistic blow hards that simply can't stop themselves. Unless we push-back with real folks - using media that WILL feature them - we're essentially laying down and yielding to their ongoing obscenity.

As for your comment that Bobby, if by some miracle he were elected, he'd just do what the 1% say, I beg to differ. Of anyone running today, he has rarely veered from what he knew to be true. Contrast that with most everyone else in the field - Bobby is NOT an opportunist. He would be different and has the knowledge of the constitution, the rule of law and how to clean up corruption that is conspicuous.


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ONe thing i like about RFK is his grounded politics. Neither right nor left but forward as a green party slogan once read. What he speaks he knows. And that is his superpower. He's not a poser!!!

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Hi Tarun,

Yup, I agree 100% - integrity is a discipline for Bobby. An inspiration given it's ubiquitous rarity in the political/public space.


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"ad-hominem hyper snark gravy train" Tulsi was on that train too.

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I would not call Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand. Dr. Drew or Joe Rogan outside the box media.

More like "Fence Post' that help keep up the narrative/fence in place that keeps the people from seeing that there just may be a better way to live than this system of enFORCEment we are born into.....

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Cool, we're all entitled to our opinions. However, that makes me curious. Who, to your mind are "outside the box media?"


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Well you ignored the fact that your/my life is about living in a system of 'collectivism' and 'enFORCEment'......... this is what is the issue is, not who is 'outside the box media'

It is the mainstream and outside the box media that set the paremeters for the narrative you are immersed in, call it my opinion but it is what i have concluded and there is plenty of information on this subject that would allow one to come to such conclusions.

Clearly the Mainstream and Outside the Box media have provided no solution to the present situations....eh? But keep watching....right?!?!

There are some people out on the web that have never given me a reason to pause, however there is no blind trust.

At times i will listen/read the work Whitney Webb or James Corbett but that is about it as far as any type of media. I spend my time reading books, this is how you learn but if your opinion is you can learn more from Jimmy Dore, Russel Brand, Dr, Drew, Joe Rogan...etc...etc... than reading a book go for it!

BTW seeing Russel Brand hanging with Yuval Harari should be enough for any intelligent thinkng flesh and blood man or women to know Russel Brand is not legit at all as any kind of 'media'

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Something that should be given but nothing could be harder to find in a politician today: "RJK Jr. personally have told me he is a man of integrity who will do the right thing under challenging circumstances. This is very difficult to find in an elected official."

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They own the delegates, democrat and republican. They choose who makes it, except in the case of Trump and that's why they used ALL media and academia, that they also own, to attack Trump. It would have been Trump vs Sanders if they didn't shoe in their girl Hillary to continue the national decline Obama set us on for 8 years.

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Is he still a global warming nutjob?

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He is mostly in favor of good stewardship of the earth, just as every right-thinking person should be. Since we all know that the health of the earth depends on how we take care of it, and has nothing to do with the Green corporate agenda, I am pretty sure he would come down on the right side of this issue as well if he had the right advisers. I know he supports many of the earth-health measures that conservatives also support, like getting rid of GMOs and making sure the soil is healthy.

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I too am concerned about the environment. But I have yet to see/read an environmentalist who takes a common sense approach to global warming and our environmental health. Seems like they all want to bankrupt us just so that we can go all in on green energy. They don't care if our monthly power bill is $2000

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The biosphere has greatly expanded because plants thrive on CO2. CO2 is NOT poison. It's a vital nutrient for all creatures.

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They never talk about hemp so if they don't talk about hemp you know they are just bluffing. Anyone who is serious about restoring the environment needs to be talking about hemp because hemp can do almost everything, it is an infinite resource, ordinary people could be paid to grow it, and we could start a whole new economy based on hemp. So now you know why they don't mention it.

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Other countries use hemp. The fabric is outstandingly strong. Not using hemp as a resource is just foolish.

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They are there, and their number is growing. Everyone in the regenerative farming movement is such a person. They know that regenerating the soil by using grazing animals stores more carbon than anything a corporation could dream up, that restoring prairie and savannah is better for the earth than planting millions of trees and then leaving them to die without water, or dimming the sun, or electric cars or smart cities and all the other horseshit the globalists want.

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And yet they have approved the geoengineering (and it IS currently happening - they 'll spray one day and within a few hours clouds develop and there is no sunshine the next few days but no rain), 4 and 5G (electrical sensitivity proving toxic to many people, animals and insects) and electric vehicles that use more energy to make than a fossil fuel vehicle. We need to go backwards to some extent - certainly regarding geoengineering, wifi and towers.

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It's always about money and power. It's about indebting poor countries and taking their natural resources. And keeping them from politically and economically aligning with oil-rich countries. It's a money and power grab by Western elites. And an attempt to extend the empire. If the people espousing the climate hysteria believed what they say, they'd sell their mansions and waterfront properties (plural, in every case), and stop traveling. Their actions speak louder than their words.

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or taking away our gas stoves, which actually is a clean burning fuel source.

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We don't need a daddy to do that for us. We should start making systems that we reward each other for keeping a low footprint. Instead everyone is waiting for their big daddy to make law before they do anything. If we want to be grown ups, we have to look to our peers to people our level. Otherwise we're going to stay as children.

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If Dr. Nass is a consultant with RFK, she should be able to persuade him against AGW BS.

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Why do you say that?

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He may be off base with some of these issues, but he asks questions and brings in different voices. He unabashedly loves this planet. This was a fantastic podcast regarding geoengineering and chemtrails...name one other voice of influence willing to talk about this issue?


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No matter his other issues, anyone who wants to subject us to climate pseudoscience is way off base.

Climate pseudoscience is the very foundation of The Great Reset.

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It's the foundation because it has worked out well for them so far but the public are waking up to it

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Except the Democrats. From my experience, if you're a Democrat then you believe in CO2 catastrophe.

The Democrats are being used.

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In my lifetime alone, the hysteria has been: another ice age coming, then acid rain killing everything, then a hole in the ozone layer burning us alive, then global warming, and now, just "change" so that they can hype any weather event imaginable. Never once has one of their predictions come true. Ironically, they can't even accurately predict tomorrow's weather, much less the weather 50 years from now. The same inaccurate politically-motivated modeling that gave us the covid craziness is driving climate hysteria.

(And, for anyone reading this far, CO2 is not bad for the environment. It is good for the environment and the planet. It is plant food, after all. We have a relatively low level of CO2 in the atmosphere per geological historical levels, with most of it trapped inside the earth. And CO2 is physically capable of trapping only so much heat. Not enough to cause cataclysm. IOW, it's all a lie.)

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Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

Myron Ebell, Steven J. Milloy • September 18, 2019


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There is a uniparty that are globalists, the UN, WHO, ect. Where does he stand on the Constitution and our Bill of Rights? I am not interested in being a nameless, sovereignless cog in the neo-aristocracy.

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I'll be a Democrat if RFK runs and opposes vaxes.

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I am PROUD to say I am not now nor have ever been and NEVER will be a demonrat.

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He can oppose vaccines all he wants to. If he supports climate catastrophe theory then that's something he'll be perfectly willing to shove down our throats. For the greater good.

Do you really suppose that he'll win against pharma? Or will his main focus be on saving the planet, and he'll have to make compromises and put some things off, temporarily of course?

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I don't believe that they are exposed to issues! They, like many people, just watch certain news channels - ones that push the same narrative!

Billboards and radio advertisements are needed desperately regarding exposure to truth regarding issues.

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This is my main problem with him. I can’t in good conscience vote for anyone with those views.

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Pick your poison. I'd much rather have someone who believed in climate change that someone who supported the military industrial complex and butchering thousands overseas to feed the war machine.

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100%....the WHO, the mRna shots, sudden deaths, CBDC, another pandemic predicted, WEF, etc...... the rest of what may bother people is the least of our problems right now...... we will never find the perfect candidate..... his climate stance is minor compared to having rights taken away freedom of speech affected even more and mandatory vaccinations to live with.......

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I want consistency. Saving innocent human life from ClotShots or abortionists is of equal value if a candidate truly thinks human life is sacred.

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That’s the ‘Lesser of Two Evils’ type of thinking...thinking that is super dysfunctional...like living with an alcoholic and or addict and saying...”well they only do it on the weekends’ or “they only binge once or twice a month”, otherwise they hold down a job and are a contributing member of society. It’s called ‘denial’ and it exists everywhere and is a huge part of why we in the US and the rest of the world have the culture we have & conditions that we now ‘exist’ within.

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You just nailed it on the head. Yes denial is the problem, thank you that is very succinct and right on. How do we approach this?

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I don’t know how we ‘approach’ this but I’ve never cared for, nor subscribed to “the lesser of two evils” thinking or rationale. 🙄

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You can't vote for anyone if you don't want to compromise. I'm against voting, since I favor unanimous rule, as I mentioned at https://acts15church.substack.com/p/righteous-government. I meant I'm against majority rule.

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You're never going to find a perfect candidate.

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Well, why pick between the two? Trump isn’t for either one of those things. I’m guessing RFK Jr is a fine upstanding person. He’s done good things on the jab, although his wife mandated vaccines at their Christmas party. Kennedy’s response to criticism on that was underwhelming. I’d never vote for him. I won’t vote for a liberal ever again. Never.

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Yeah, that's very strange. RFK is out there saying the vax is bad, but his wife requires it? I'd never vote for him either because he supports the climate change hoax, which is part of the Great Reset and their cover story for mass genocide and building a control grid around humanity. Plus, there's a video of him from years ago, basically saying climate change "deniers" should be locked up and treated like criminals. Sounds a bit tyrannical IMO.

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WOW never knew his wife mandated a vax Christmas..... What did RFK say to her on that matter?

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Wow.. didn't know about the Christmas party. How do you know that?

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I read that on internet. She said they love each other but they have different opinions and he said he didn't know what the wife did. I was surprised he couldn't convince her that the vax is bad and there is no pandemic :)

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Ohhhhhhh yes 😐

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I agree with you

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Yes. I spent 19 months as a marine corps grunt in Vietnam and learned to hate war.

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I can imagine it would do that. Thank you for your sevice.

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It was serving a sentence, not a good cause.

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Thank you for your service to our country.

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It was a disservice, not service.

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Can anyone say what sense war makes? "We've got more weapons than you therefore you have to do what we want" kind of thinking. Really it's just an excuse to invade. The invading mentality is still in our culture and the Colosseum mentality too who cheer it on like it's sport with heroes.

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Unfortunately we’ve had decades of leadership where ‘war is profitable’

It’s terrible for the average person who sends their child into war… but the elite few profit… and so it continues.

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That’s what the Democrats are doing now Dr. They have sent $8.7 billion to Ukraine. Ukraine never applied to be a sovereign national after the 2014 Obama/Soros coup. Putin is the President of Ukraine.

Putin is taking down the money laundering, the Nazi’s, the child traffickers, people who are experimenting with children, etc. We have been lied to. Zelensky is an actor. Biden and the Democrats are destroying America and we should vote a Democrat in as President?

No thanks. President Trump never started a war. He has continually fought for us and still is.

President Trump was asked to run for President by the US Military. He could have retired and had an easy life. He has had over 16 assassination attempts and dealt with all of this garbage from the Democrats.

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He's just a token. They know the people are waking up to the fact that the government has them on the menu, so the established order is doing everything it can to keep you on the dinner table.

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I don’t say anything is definitive any more- after the crazy last three years.

But where the vaccines are concerned… RK has been fighting against that machine for two decades … even before the covid vaccine debacle. He stood up for the families whose children were destroyed by the pediatric vaccines… when the whole world turned their back on them.

He is passionate about exposing the harms of vaccines.

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I guess my reply is stay off the table❤️

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Then you have little understanding of how the agenda for The Great Reset might unfold.

Politically, I think RFK, Jr., would be prefect for the WEF even though he's against it. Think about it, think about long-range goals, think about how important creating a planetary biosecurity state might be for RFK Jr. Of course he's for human rights but if the planet is burning up ... sacrifices must be made.

If you want to save the planet, don't you have to make political compromises? Surely you understand how this works? What's the "greatest good" in all this?

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I'll be honest, I've even wondered if he was controlled opposition. Especially if he's still supporting the climate change hoax after it is now obvious to all that it is part of the oligarchy's Great Reset agenda. That alone, should have made him re-evaluate his stance.

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I don't like to label people as controlled opposition. But the plain fact is that Kennedy supports the theory of CO2 catastrophe, and he's therefore playing right into the hands of the WEF.

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Yes, I hear you on that too--I really don't like to say it either, but I'm just suspicious. It could simply be brainwashing--we've all been brainwashed. Yes, as long as he supports that, then he's playing into the hands of the World Enslavement Forum.

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Totally agree regarding the war machine but human flourishing is dependent on plentiful and affordable energy. Without it, millions will die.

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RFK Jr.'s own son recently enlisted to fight as a volunteer in the Ukraine war...

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Nothing you can do about your adult childrens choices.

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I'm actually not aware of RFK's stance on Ukraine. I did notice he never said he didn't support his son's decision...

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Oh and you believe that do you?

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What are you talking about? RFK mentioned that fact in several interviews. Google it.

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Oh really? So what? Do you think they don't prep?

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Trump believes in neither.

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Trump warp sped the poison and is still proud of it. Fuck Trump

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They may redound to the same result: All non-elites compelled to live in 15 minute cities or districts with low emissions and under complete control of self-appointed Betters, until we die off.

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I'd much rather have someone who upholds the Constitution and Bill of Rights then not.

Kennedy does not. His ONLY positive is he's anti Clot Shots. Big deal..........We have a choice with the Clot Shots.

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Go to his website… Children’s Health Defense and read his articles about the environment and see what you think -before you make up your mind. Read what he’s written and then decide.

And Keep in mind-

He’s not a billionaire peddling an idea for profit. He’s a man who is trying to keep the planet healthy for generations to come. There is BIG difference!

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Of course he’s a Billionaire. And why isn’t he finding his own campaign with his vast Kennedy wealth? Why?

I’ve read his website. His stance on C02 emissions is nuts and dangerous. He’s a globalist at heart.

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Yes, I agree- his support of the climate change hoax is a no-go for me. He's a globalist and believe in big government. And also seems quite tyrannical--I posted elsewhere on this thread that there is a video from years ago with him basically saying those of us who don't believe in the left-wing climate change hoax should be treated like criminals and locked up. Sounds a bit tyrannical to me. So much for free speech in his world. And he knows the science is bought and paid for when it comes to bigpharma and vaccines, but thinks that it is somehow different with "the science of climate change." Sorry, I know lots of people support him, but he feels like controlled opposition to me.

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Please...........Climate Change is 100% BS!!! Always have been!!!

Delingpole: Every Story You Read About the Environment Is #FakeNews


9 Aug 2019


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The best chance of not having your children and grandchildren be forced to accept medical procedures they do not want may come from him (or DrSantus if he ran)

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YES....I just read a lot of negatives about RFK, Jr. on a substack and he still is for Climate Change.

I can find the substack, if you want it. It has a lot of why we don't want RFK, Jr. Look beyond the name. The Country today has gone way past the Kennedy Era. Look beyond.

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Isn’t this whole thing of global warming proven to be a scam since the East Anglia leaked emails and the fact that, you know, the Earth didn’t warm as expected so they had to change the name of the scam to “climate change”?

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The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time -- Part XXIII

July 03, 2019/ Francis Menton


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Exactly. And the ruling elite psychopaths (the City of London banking cartel), came up with this hoax at The Club of Rome, one of their elite think tanks. It's being used as cover for mass genocide (those Malthusians want us useless eaters off their planet)--you cannot sustain a modern economy of 8 billion on windmills and solar panels (billions will die form their plans to get rid of fossil fuels). What I find interesting from the left and these climate change believers who want to get rid of fossil fuels, is that they never call for an end to all the wars (I think the MIC uses tons of fossil fuels for all the wars) and they never call for an end to globalization and a return to local economies (surely a locally based economy, with locally grown foods and produce would use less fossil fuels than shipping food products all over the world.

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They were on a Sage Hana Substack I believe.

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Agree 💯.

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Yes. Big time...except no wind turbines allowed near any of his magnificent properties.

I don’t trust him. He is married to a Hollywood liberal who mandated vaccines for their Christmas party. He is a liberal. I would never vote for him.

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RFK’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci”, which I read, woke MANY people up to the Big Harma Cartel! It is an outstanding book!

I think he does more good where he is. And, he’s an old school Democrat, like my parents voted for decades ago. The Democrat party of my parents is LONG GONE! The Democrat party exists in name only.

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From what I’ve seen so far, he’s more of a common sense environmentalist - Water Keepers is a program he started.

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Not much comfort. "Common sense" is whatever they define it to be, because people don't think for themselves. "Trust the Science" was "common sense". "Flatten the curve" was "common sense", and they just made that up out of whole cloth, on the spot.

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He is not Joe Obiden

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Yeah, that's a problem too.

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Kennedy will help America deal with the tyranny of Covid/Big Pharma, whilst plunging the Nation headfirst into the tyranny of climate change/carbon reduction.

I have the utmost respect for RFK Jnr, but he is a complete and utter fool for the CO2 is bad narrative.

When it comes to crushing liberty and forcing tyranny, Covid was but a side show for the main event: Climate Change.

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October 8, 2018

4 Reasons Why 'Climate Change' Is a Flat-Out Hoax

By John Eidson


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Is he running as a democrat? The party that used every three letter agency to effectively undo the 2016 election and fix the 2020 election? The party that revels in killing babies and mutilating the genitalia of children? Lol. No thanks. I won’t be voting for any democrat for the rest of my life.

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Spot on the Democratic Party is evil and corrupt, and will only destroy what’s left of the country

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Same here--the Democrat party is 100% owned by Soros (Rothschild agent) and works for the banking cartel/WEF/Davos crowd. They are a death cult IMO. I'll never vote for that party. And on the baby killing--they are now trying to pass laws that you can abort right up to the due date--obvious infanticide.

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Wake up! the right has also BEEN shifted to the left (for example, think about "gay pride" and same-sex marriage, compulsory taught with Comprehensive Sexuality Education brainwashing generations ... look at StopCSE.com ).

What you and RFK don't get is that the system is rigged: it was created by masons (French and American Revolutions) for the masons: think about it... if masons infiltrate and control both parties, there's no democracy, just a uniparty as Tucker Carlson likes to remind us.

Guess who started the Ukraine war in 2014: mason Obama. Not a Neocon project but a mason Pearl Harbor event: rigged for the fall of Putin, who was against the mason New World Order. Check who funded the 30 biowar labs in Ukraine: the NIH? no, the masons there... under mason Fauci!

Think about Trump: probably half of his cabinet were masons. Not to mention the masons controlling the administration (Fauci, Collins, etc.). He was surrounded! Not much he could do!

The mason press, mainstream media is set to destroy any original idea.

One example: the Government spends 3000 million on abortion per year (most, funding Planned Parenthood). Trump only slashed 60 million: he didn't have what it takes to confront the administration, risking impeachment and jail to save the lives of all those babies.

RFK is great... but he still believes de decarb hoax and I'm not sure if he's prolife, the ultimate touchstone for integrity.

It’s the masons, dummy!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


The CFR is just a small piece of a large puzzle of thousands of organizations, for example:

9-11: 2 planes, all 7 WTC towers down, but not the closest non-WTC !

What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18

September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20

More here:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO depop vaccines:

Proof: it was never for health and reduced mortality, only for infertilizing, handicapping and murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:


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No thanks. I'll be voting for orange man bad.

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Me too. At these times, experience counts. There is nothing I can see in Trumps agenda that is harmful to the people or the constitution.

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So, was Operation Warp Speed not harmful? Or you just can't see it? That's some myopia.


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No, warp speed was definitely a mistake, imo. However, he always said that he did not believe in mandates (which is definitely something) , got us out of the WEF, WHO and NATO, began the walls with Mexico, had low invasion of our nation, the economy was booming until the shut down that he made upon others advice...all the while fighting for his reputation and our rights.

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All true, and more. Many real accomplishments. But the swamp was not drained.

Worse, Don put in place many new people who subsequently backstabbed him.

I don't know what the real deal was with OWS, and I'm withholding judgement on that because I still kind of believe in 5D chess. But whether it was just a mistake or some kind of strategic sacrifice or whatever, the consequences are real. If he could just come clean and say "yeah I messed up, sorry about all the deaths and debilitating injuries"... would that really work to his advantage, at this point? I don't know. Anyway, for whatever reason, he apparently can't. So we need some other players to own this big issue, do some gatekeeping, and most of all keep the Owners out of the Overton window. Desantis is polling poorly of late, so we get RFK Jr from left field to do a little song and dance for us.

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I think the swamp is SO big that it would take holes blasted in it and industrial pumps to drain it even a little bit. I'm totally ashamed with the inactivity of it all - smoke and mirrors everywhere. DeSantis would do okay once he did a debate. The first one should be very interesting.

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It was very harmful.........but Demonrat politicians are 10 times WORSE!!!!

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Operation Warp Speed was designed by Bill Gates before Trump took president. It was part of the planning for the plandemic. (Read Global Predators by Breggin.) As I said in a prior post right here, the president is surrounded by those with other agendas and has far less power than people recognize. Trump is not a medical expert and he, and I believe other politicians, would rely on them. That they were Fauci and others in the cabal is exactly WHY we need someone with experience at this point. Even coming out for HCQ was bashed using medical lies by the so-called experts. So, you expect the general population to ignore their "expertise" along with hundreds of media liars? C'mon man. People on Substack maybe, but this is a unique crowd. But that experience is also critical in foreign policy and other areas.

Trump has admitted the jabs don't work, but it wasn't a huge announcement. Yes, it bothers me that he has not come out more forcefully. It would be good if Kennedy brings up the jab, but it will probably not make it past the primaries to the R/D presidential debate. If it does, IMO good: Trump needs to address that issue directly. But the fact is, no politician is perfect. On balance, Trump's accomplishments have done very well for this country. And they have been far better than prior or current presidents. Single issue voters, like the jab or abortion, miss other often bigger issues IMO such as impending WWIII, loss of reserve currency, and other issues.

This is a list of his accomplishments. I suggest comparing them with the Democrat's platform for 2020 and tell me which has been better for you or just words. Personally, I can't vote for a party that tried to remove God from its platform before the cock crowed. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/convention-floor-erupts-as-dems-restore-references-to-god-jerusalem-in-platform



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Agree 100%

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Me too

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Hmmm... during interviews, he's been citing January 6th as a "literal insurgency" against the US government. Insurgency? If he buys the MSM/Democrat narrative about J6, it's disqualifying (I am not entirely sure of his position yet).

The Democrat Party is lost. While both the Republican Party and Democrat Party are cyclical in their badness, the current Democrat Party just seems irredeemable; look at what they are doing to the country (one nugget towards this point: https://pitt.substack.com/)! JFK jr cannot avoid the party-structure of the party that he is running for; running as a Democrat is disqualifying where I stand.

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Yes, he pretty much believes the left-wing propaganda.

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Yeah, that's pretty gross on the face of it. But J6 was an op, and RFK Jr's probably an op too, although perhaps not run by the same faction. It's all kayfabe.

The charitable way to read this is some trojan-horse aikido tactics. But since he's probably handled by his wife, who knows what he really thinks. Anyway, he's going to have to thread some needles to get on CNN.

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I agree he would be an excellent candidate IF we had free and fair elections in this country. Unfortunately, we haven't had those for decades. Elections are controlled and the DNC in particular completely controls the outcome of every primary. He would never be allowed to win the primary, and he would be smeared and canceled by every MSM mouthpiece on both the left and the right until every shallow-brained zombie believes that he thinks the earth is flat and he's a complete ignoramus about anything having to do with public health. That's easily over half the country. Furthermore, if by some miracle he did win the primary he would instantly be assassinated by the CIA just as his father and uncle were, OR, he would simply be ignored while the Deep State carried on running things just as they have for 50 years.

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That has no bearing on his ability to bring public attention to the vaccine issue. He just needs to be a leading candidate and make it to the debates to do that.

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Can you imagine the questions Rachel Maddow would ask him in a "debate"? Can you imagine the "crowd" that would attend that "debate"? If you think what they did to Bernie Sanders was bad, just wait until you see what they would do to RFK.

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Yeah, they would look like idiots. That's what happened with Bernie when he finally had the balls to call for his Medicare for all, the system looked idiotic, Obamacare lol.

Imagine a pro vax question easily destroyed with reason by RFK on TV...

More airtime than they'll ever give him.

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Bernie is just as much an actor as Rachel and JFK. It's all an act for the public. See how real everyone thinks it is?

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Bernie is an actor now. That was not always the case. My point, however, is that the DNC and the Deep State considered him to be a dangerous disrupter, and therefore he was canceled despite his support.

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I'm praying that he at least gets to some people regarding what our government has done to us.

If RFK Jr can at least get out the exposure of issues that have been repressed, that'll help.

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He's a lawyer...I am sure he can hold his own......

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Just to see how well it's scripted, I'd love to see how far he actually goes. I would imagine he would stay well within the parameters of actual truth like saying that graphene oxide is in the vaccines and other little tidbits like that.

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Everyone is forgetting that Donald Trump nominated RFK Junior to investigate the vaccine industry and its relationship to autism before he was even elected the first time. This sent up a red flag to big Pharma that their vaccine game was going to be exposed! They effectively stopped it by having Pfizer donate $1 million to the republican party, who in turn supported Alex Azar from Lilly to run the medical show including the Covid, preplanned pandemic!!

It also stopped the investigation into the vaccine industry, and RFK Junior had no role in the trump administration ! In turn, Trump was seen as an ineffective leader in the Covid crisis that crushed the lives of so many people!

Exit Trump!

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Actually he'd be perfect.

If he won, he'd get up there and clean house and everyone would be cheering-- Democrats and most Republicans. The media would be behind him-- don't worry, they can change on a dime if they have to.

But then the tide would turn and we'd have to focus on the mother of all emergencies: saving the planet. Of necessity we'd have to restrict this and restrict that, perhaps monitor spending to ensure that we aren't polluting too much, and slowly the noose would tighten because after all, it is the planet we're talking about.

He'd be perfect for ushering in the new world order, even if he didn't mean to.

Of course, the conspirators are too stupid to think of this, aren't they? Or, as Desmet says, they don't even exist, so there!

Do I detect a wonderful psi-op emerging?

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I disagree with this absolutely. RFK is quite aware of the WEF plan and is against it. He's also quite aware of the corporate capture of the climate movement. However, he would never be allowed to get as far as the White House.

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Of course he's aware of the WEF plan.

But the WEF plan is premised on global catastrophe. RFK, Jr., is all about global catastrophe, too. Therefore he's supporting the WEF agenda whether he wants to or not.

Personally, I think he'd be perfect to further the WEF agenda. Not saying he's a bad person but anyone who can't see through the climate pseudoscience is susceptible to being led by the nose. He'd be child's play in their hands.

All it takes to understand pseudoscience is to read and understand the real science. RFK, Jr., has so far refused to do that.

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> I agree he would be an excellent candidate IF we had free and fair elections in this country ... Furthermore, if by some miracle he did win the primary he would instantly be assassinated by the CIA just as his father and uncle were...

Industry, CIA, etc. have in effect already assassinated countless numbers through the 'vaccination' program. How many who have already received a jab have mounting side effects that will culminate in their death tomorrow? People who reject the climate destabilization of CO2 still may be killed by glyphosate, prozac induced lead poisoning or a host of dangers brought by bad governance. Humanity is hurtling toward a rude future on numerous fronts. Regardless of who is running for president, we are all Kennedys now...

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I'm sad to say I agree with you.

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Amen Sister! 👏🏼🙏🏼

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Idk. His climate policies might also demonize oil then there is no point.

I like a Trump/Kennedy ticket and they make their own party. Lol. Crazy idea but I like it. Lol.

Then they can both get rid of deep state/corrupt agencies and start over.

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Major problem: RFK, Jr. is a firm believer in the pseudoscience of CO2 catastrophe.

I've said it before: CO2 catastrophe is waiting in the wings as justification for the new world order, the Great Reset. Has no one noticed that the theory of CO2 catastrophe underlies the entire Reset agenda and supplies its moral necessity?

There is no CO2 catastrophe. It's complete fiction, and many books and essays have explained why. The real science has been censored in exactly the same way that the real medicine during Covid has been censored. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/global-warming

If RFK, Jr., is elected, we'd be out of the frying pan and into the fire. He must, of necessity, enact measures he believes will save the planet, and pesky issues of human rights will fade in the glorious sunrise of saving the planet, no matter what he says about this before the fact.

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I'm glad to learn that RFK Jr. has actually filed to run. I am a Republican, but I would certainly consider voting for him. I have come to greatly respect him and his work with CHD. I think he will be a very appealing candidate for many Democrats who feel deceived after voting for Biden. At the same time, I know no one politician can save this country. I'm not sure it can be saved at all.

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He'd make a great spoiler candidate if he drops out after getting some press and then runs as an independent. But it really doesn't matter who wins these rigged races.


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I'm cynical about elections also, but even if it's pointless, I think it would feel good to vote for someone who doesn't (yet) seem like just the lesser of the evils. He knows the truth about covid and that tyranny is the most important issue of our time.

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The DNC picks the nominee. He has no chance, just like Bernie......twice.

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That has no bearing on his ability to bring public attention to the vaccine issue. He just needs to be a leading candidate and make it to the debates to do that.

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Good answer :) . I hope he can.

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Bernie in all those years did diddlysquat. People have such low standards for those who believe in that clown show.

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Bernie got screwed by the obomba/killary deep state with unlimited funds and super delegates! The same thing they've done to trumph/tulsi or anyone else. Were we and bernie gullible? yes! All of us were taken in by either obomba, trumph, mittens or bernie but we didn't expect to be sold out by the MSM etc.

It sounds like you think you have a higher bar somewhere! What should we do now?

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Read what you don't know about Tulsi here:

Wake up! even the right has also BEEN shifted to the left (for example, think about "gay pride" and same-sex marriage, compulsory taught with Comprehensive Sexuality Education brainwashing generations ... look at StopCSE.com ).

What you and RFK don't get is that the system is rigged: it was created by masons (French and American Revolutions) for the masons: think about it... if masons infiltrate and control both parties, there's no democracy, just a uniparty as Tucker Carlson likes to remind us.

Guess who started the Ukraine war in 2014: mason Obama. Not a Neocon project but a mason Pearl Harbor event: rigged for the fall of Putin, who was against the mason New World Order. Check who funded the 30 biowar labs in Ukraine: the NIH? no, the masons there... under mason Fauci!

Think about Trump: probably half of his cabinet were masons. Not to mention the masons controlling the administration (Fauci, Collins, etc.). He was surrounded! Not much he could do!

The mason press, mainstream media is set to destroy any original idea.

One example: the Government spends 3000 million on abortion per year (most, funding Planned Parenthood). Trump only slashed 60 million: he didn't have what it takes to confront the administration, risking impeachment and jail to save the lives of all those babies.

RFK is great... but he still believes de decarb hoax and I'm not sure if he's prolife, the ultimate touchstone for integrity.

It’s the masons, dummy!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


The CFR is just a small piece of a large puzzle of thousands of organizations, for example:

9-11: 2 planes, all 7 WTC towers down, but not the closest non-WTC !

What’s the chance of this?: 11 Sep 1991, exactly a decade before 9-11 (2001), George Bush (father) said “What is at stake, is more than one small country - it is a big idea - a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind - peace and security, freedom and the rule of law.. out of these humble times, our fifth objective - the New World Order - can emerge, [and] now we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is a very real prospect of a New World Order…” 18

September, 2000, one year before 9/11, Neo-Con think tank, “Project for the New American Century” (PNAC) 19 sustained: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” PNAC members included Bush Administration insiders such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby and Perle.” 20

More here:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO depop vaccines:

Proof: it was never for health and reduced mortality, only for infertilizing, handicapping and murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:


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The DNC has admitted in court they pick their presidential nominee, not the public. Do we really think RFK Jr. has a chance? 🤔

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That has no bearing on his ability to bring public attention to the vaccine issue. He just needs to be a leading candidate and make it to the debates to do that.

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I have no faith in the party-structure that he has to work within. Even if he is as good as we'd hope, the Democrat Party is objectively garbage at the moment.

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So agree about the Democrats...speaking as a ‘recovering Democrat’!

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I DO want him to make it to the debates but I already know the other candidates, the moderators and the "fact checkers" will all agree to gang up on him on this issue...

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I thought the DNC chose the debate subjects. If they do not choose vaccines, how would RFK discuss them?

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That's what they said when Obama ran. They are playing the people and putting in RFK to make all the suckers think that something will be done about vaccines. Boy do they play you.

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I support Bobby b/c he aligns with MOST things I believe in as a physician. Is he perfect? Nope, is anyone out there? But when it comes to the most important things - democracy, draining the swamp (and actually knowing HOW to do that), a 40 year history of successful litigation against some of our most egregious institutions, there's no one in the field that compares.

Sure, pick out all the issues you don't agree with Bobby about - all good. But when you do a top view analysis, the one dude who's been fighting the good fight - AND winning - there's no one else. This has NOTHING to do with whether he runs as a dem or a repug - they are a chimera anyways. If he ran independent, he would loose his platform in a second. Therefore, he has no other option but to run as a Dem. I'm an independent personally and a recovered democrat. But we don't get a candidate like this ever. In my life time I've yet to see someone as qualified as Bobby Kennedy Jr. I assert if you looked into his REAL views most folks would find that there most important priorities are Bobby's too.

This is NOT about parties - or even if he could win or not. It's about giving a voice to someone that's been a bulldog fighter/warrior for true democracy, the constitution and the rule of law for 40 years. Who else in ANY space has the creds he has - and the receipts - for fighting for the children, the environment (saving rivers and river keepers anyone), and medical sanity. He's been putting it on the line for most of his career and knows just how crooked this all has become.

He has an incredibly tough hide. He continues to be smeared all around and yet his tenacity is undeniable. Find ANYONE in the presidential field that can match his integrity, his wisdom or his tenacity - then you have a choice. But to my mind, there is no one his match.

Yup, he could be whacked like his uncle and his Dad. Yup, they will likely not even let him get even the glimmer of a chance. Yup, VERY unlikely he could be elected. Yup, there are likely many things that folks will find wanting in his candidacy. But again, in the life and death issues - there's no one else that I'm aware of who could ACTUALLY bring our country together.

He is NOT a sycophant for the democrats. He will and has always called out injustice agnostic of party. He's merely running as a democrat because you have to choose one. I hope folks who are doing a drive-by assessment of Bobby look deeper. In this crazy world that's clearly on the brink, the healer we need is someone who truly knows what Democracy SHOULD be and how to fix it. That's who needs to speak out, not the bozo's who typically line up.

Nope, he's not the messiah. But for a human being, he is our best hope. To my mind, no one can hold a candle to him.


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So well stated, Tim. Thanks for that. Even if the election process, from primary to the general election, is rigged through and through, a candidate with integrity and morals can inspire millions and light the way for change; that change may be farther down the road and probably will be. I think Kennedy has what it takes to be a catalyst for hope, and that's what we need now.

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I agree with a lot of what you said. I don’t hold him up as any kind of Messiah, however he is driven by his moral conviction not by money, and I think we seen that over the last 40 years. I also give him more credit for having a brain on his shoulders that he’s willing to use and I’m not willing to pre-judge him on a lot of issues. He hasn’t had to wade into very deeply yet.

I think his candidacy is immensely important, because he’s willing to talk about issues that the Democrats would rather sweep under the rug, and the main stream media would rather ignore. If he is a prominent candidate, even if he doesn’t win, some coverage will happen which is what is needed.

We also have a candidate potentially on the Republican side he’s willing to talk about vaccine injury, and things like that WTF. So when you have a candidate on each side talking about these things, it raises the tenor of the debate.

I would much rather have a person in office that’s led by moral conviction even if I don’t agree with a lot of their decisions, then one who is led by profit power, and is morally compromised and blackmailed by others.

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"I'm an independent personally and a recovered democrat"

Me too, and I really like your comment.

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This is very exciting to me (and I’m a libertarian-leaning conservative). RFK, Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci might be the most important book written in our lifetimes. Here’s a book review I wrote that was picked up by Citizen Free Press.


For those who haven’t read the book, here’s another story I wrote that includes 18 vignettes from the book. This will give you a feel for the great content in the book:


Good luck to Mr. Kennedy. I might end up putting a DeSantis sign and a Kennedy sign in my front yard. That will get my neighbors talking ... and let them know what I think is the most important issue in our nation.

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Your yard sign would give them a jolt, for sure!!

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Are you kidding me with this? RFK, Jr doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning anything because elections are Kabuki theater. And even if he did "win", he would do exactly what he was told by the people who really run this country or he would find his brains splattered just like his daddy and his Uncle Jack.

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CIA owns that family now.

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