As a sports and exercise physician, I can relate to many of these theories, and have used PRP (mainly for tendons which are relatively avascular) and prolotherapy, as well as hyaluronic acid injections for years.

I have noticed a huge increase in either new or reactivation of pre-existing autoimmune diseases (psoriatic arthritis, SAPHO Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis), as well as an epidemic of gouty tendinitis as well as arthritis.

Regarding the latter, I am puzzled as to the cause, but wonder if the jabs may be causing increased purine turnover.

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Thank you. Question; we noticed that patients who were on remdesivir couldn't build tissue from prolo for around 3 months after they received the drug which I suspect was due to inhibiting human RNA polymerase.. Did you ever run into this?

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I can't recall injecting a patient with either prolo or PRP after remdesivir.

I suspect there is less use of it than in the US, and also my practice is significantly more "red pilled" than the average.

I have noted however more severe inflammatory flares following PRP in "vaccinated" patients. Sometimes quite severe.

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Please…… Help Fight Against the Sale of Children for the Purpose of Sex Trafficking and Child Pornography

1. Watch this entire trailer……

2. Go see this movie when it opens on July 4th, and………

3. Consider Paying it Forward

The Sound of Freedom


This is a true story. I watched an hour long interview with Tim Ballard, the subject of this movie, and Jim Caviezel. Tim quit his job as a Department of Homeland Security Special Agent so that he could literally, 'save the kids'.

He is 'The Real Deal'. Jim Caviezel is the actor who plays him in this movie.

These men are literally doing 'God's Work', Tim, by performing this work, and Jim by shining a light on this literal EVIL that is among us. For instance, at my workplace, two men were fired and incarcerated within the last 6 months for child pornography. That happened because they were 'incautious' enought to watch it on a government computer. Think of how many are watching on their private computers, and don't get caught. This is a huge problem worldwide, and our country is a primary contributor to this (no other word for it but)…….. Pure Evil.

We have a moral obligation to do what we can to fight against this….

Please help.

Please take a material step and stand up for goodness, on this Independence Day.

Thank you, Elizabeth

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Human trafficking is a really important issue. I've touched on it, and will do so more in the future.

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Yep. The Dept of "Homeland Security" actively subverts Homeland Security. e.g. immigration controls & borders.

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Arthritis crept into my left hip about a year after a mild fall (it was replaced and I am pain free). Both shoulders were replaced that same year, 2017 and now I'm pain free too with only one 2017 oopm!. The shoulders were misdiagnosed as frozen shoulder and i just suffered along with them for 15 years. I was at the young age of 57 at time of surgeries. I've always wondered why the arthritis hit those joints and didn't go into one of my 6 herniated discs (3 wrecks...none my fault) but I'm sure glad it didn't!!! I think the fact that I'm a surfer protects the back as surfing is 90% paddling (probably the cause of the shoulder issues but I'm strong now since they were replaced).. For the mild remaining arthritis, i just stumbled onto devil's claw. I don't even have to take it daily! It's a miracle.

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Thank you for sharing this! I had never heard of that herb before and it seems to help quite a few people who get it.

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I never stop searching and learning...i still plan to get the trampoline!! I let my doc give me emgality samples for my migraines but didn't keep up with them because are expensive. I took about 4 im injections over a 2 year period and was free of migraines for about 2 years. I later learned on some forum that emgality is a monoclonal antibody! You may find this interesting too!

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Ya but they should change the name😁

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I know RIGHT!!!!

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AMD, you mention that you've found that certain supplements are more effective when dosed intermittently rather than daily. Would you be willing to share what a few of those supplements are?

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Some of them are in part 3. In the future I am going to write an article about my favorite supplements and how to use them. These take alot of time to write and I want to make sure I present the things I bring up correctly, so there is a much longer turn around time than I would like.

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Thank you. I really appreciate how thorough and rigorous you are in your writings and how you hold the big picture of sequencing what you present.

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Looking forward to this article. Before Covid I basically didn't take any supplements. Now I am at a dozen and not sure if I need more, need less, or something else.

Then there is the issue of interactions which takes trying to do the right thing to the next higher level.

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Wow. Another fascinating path for the mind to follow! :-) Thank you, Doc! After reading it twice, here is my feedback and questions.

What was it that worked "within minutes"? Neural therapy?

What are PRP kits? Which ones are good quality?

How do you upregulate HIF1a?

Would a lidocaine/dextrose injection possibly work for a frozen shoulder? I got a steroid injection that the doc told me probably would not help. It didn't. Extended physical therapy took care of it, 99%.

So what is A.R.T., in a nutshell? The link you provide does not illuminate anything. They are keeping the info too close to the vest.

Neural therapy for tinnitus: where do you inject? And how does one find a specialist who would do this?

Regarding vaccine shedding. You mention that women who developed menstrual problems after vaccination seemed to pass it on to other women who did not vaccinate. What if -- rather than shedding -- it is another case of menstruation mimicry that has been known for ages (women synchronize their cycles when they live together, for example)? Just a thought.

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Thank you!

1) Will cover in part I'm working on currently.

2) To do PRP you need a kit to separate platlets from someones blood prior to injecting it.

3) I do not know; have not extensively studied that question but I suspect some of the approaches we use do that.

4) They might. Normally you can just directly free up the shoulder with the correct manual therapy so I never looked into other options.

5) It's a form of muscle testing that uses a more complex system Klinghardt made to go with it he and his students found got better results. He periodically has webinars explaining it.

6) I plant to write this up in the future. I'm not actually sure because I dug this up from some fairly old/forgotten literature and my colleagues (some of whom are neural therapy masters) didn't know about it until I told them the option was there.

7) Not what I meant to say; need to fix wording. What actually happens is that the most common side effect triggered by shedding (E.g., from a man) are menstrual abnormalities. Part of why I mentioned this hypothesis is because I have wondered if mitogenic radiation is the mechanism for menstruation mimicry, so by extension toxic MGR (from a man or woman) could cause menstrual issues.

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What does CDR stand for?

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Oops! I’m sorry, I just realized I missed it! Thank you for the great information!

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Thank you. On tinnitus. I notice that every once in a long while, it goes away for a day or so. If it were caused by permanent damage to the ear, this would not happen.

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I've noticed that my tinnitus is worse when my hay fever is acting up, so it could be the presence or absence of allergens that's making a difference.

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I have tinnitus and cervical instability (ie wobbly neck) and the tinnitus seems to vary with neck position and “wobbliness” as well. Certain positions minimize the tinnitus and sometimes it almost/completely (???) disappears (hard to notice when it’s NOT there bec I don’t notice it to think about noticing it, lol). But sleeping or lying down w a neutral neck helps the tinnitus. And prolotherapy helps the CI so don’t rush to surgery! But maybe look into if your neck is involved if it comes and goes?? Because if your neck is involved, prolotherapy helps. I see Dr Virtaj Singh MD in seattle and he charges less than $500 a session (but you have to see a supporting doctor as well) versus other seattle docs charging $1400, but you have to accept how he doesn’t have traditional receptionist staff to interface with. But he’s a very good guy I think: ethical and caring.

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Jul 5, 2023
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Hm. I know someone who did nothing and his arm remained frozen for good. Dunno. Would be nice to hear more from people who deal with this a lot. I am at a place where I don't take any info from official sources as trustworthy anymore.

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I've treated several people with frozen shoulders with acupuncture. It varies with the person, some recovering fairly quickly others taking a while, 2-3 months of weekly treatments. The treatment are generally not painful.

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Jul 5, 2023
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I know. Excruciating for about 2 months. Then ok.

They were brutal...

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Ya, I'm rethinking this whole PT thing. I don't usually follow dr orders so well but no having experience w/ post broken wrists I diligently did as I was told and went to PT. Hurt worse than when it broke. I later got my brain together and realized they were actually causing repeat trauma, which made more inflammation and set me back a lot. Listen to your own body.

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Also beware "dry needling." They take a weekend course, and really, all it does is induce inflammation along a nerve. It ain't acupuncture.

It may have an application somewhere, but it's definitely not for me.

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I got my eyes opened when I moved to Australia. Apparently physiotherapy here is even less training than in the USA. They scare me.

I went for a flared disc, and they told me they needed to "destabilise" my back - when all my USA physiotherapists like to "stabilise" my back....maybe it was a language thing, but I've thought about this for 20 years now.

Yep. PT = scary. I usually only attend ones which have had some US training. And chiros are right out (too invasive).

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When I had the frozen shoulder, I went to that clinic's PT. Horrible. Would not listen to my feedback. I finally had to yank my arm away, and the woman acted as though *I* was the problem. I immediately found another PT group that cured me over time. I am amazed you had the experience of letting go immediately. How is that even possible?

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6 months if you're lucky... mine was almost 2 yrs... taping cured mine - Hope I didn't lose the pictures I took of how it was taped just in case there's a next time!

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Had frozen shoulder for almost 2 yrs... PT did not help. I was getting desperate! Dr was waiting on insurance to ok MRI... I took my xray to my chiro/physio who is all about joints, muscles, ligaments being levers and pulleys -- not the normal forcing your body. He used surgical tape (stronger than sport type) to tape across my shoulder and down my arm. Within 15 min I felt this crazy cold feeling descend my arm and then it flooded with warmth. And just like that, it was gone. I walked in not being able to get my hand past my hip and half hr later, all good.

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Especially interested in Neural Therapy for tinnitus. My poor 42 year old son in Austin is suffering.

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I had a frozen shoulder and extensive muscular rehab work fixed it. If you're in S. FL, I can recommend a GREAT therapist!

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1984 all over again.

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This is complex material. I just finished reading about autophagy, cell clean out, that needs to be jump started by intermittent fasting, and some other things to get rid of spike protein, and other garbage collected in each cell. How does CDR integrate with that?

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That's in the 3rd part. Apologies for it not being published at the time you read this.

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I have one more question in relation to this article. Could you share more about the connection between anxiety and depression and the CDR?

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More is in part 3. All of my points/references were from Nauivax's papers (which were linked to in the first part), so you can search each one for depression or anxiety.

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Stress / anxiety hit both CDR and Immune system - mini & max. As MidWestern points out, (more succinctly than in my words here) the implied assumptions at time of design / engineering of DNA coding did not anticipate the degree of stress causing complexity of our current environment, hence degree of damage to our protective / recovery systems. We are operating in an environment beyond design limits of our protective CDR and Immune systems

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Thank you.

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A highly complex subject here, and superb overview of the healing process, sickness and treatment.

From a larger perspective outside the scope of the work of a good doctor would be psychic or collective diseases of the mind and spirit which I see as ubiquitous and universal. People want to have a sense of progress being made. For many that is their financial situation, bank balances, possessions, the financial well being of family and friends. For others it is the larger society and whether their values are being fulfilled in their lives and social circles. The pandemic shattered all of that. How does it get reclaimed? Also we have the collective guilt in the US due to a system of junk culture and materialism exported around the world, militarism, encroaching corruption, undemocratic powers centered in the wealthy and corporate fascism.

We can never heal the damage done to other countries through our militarism and destructive pharma and other industries that we've foisted on the world.

The most powerful healing is spiritual. Jesus asked people before healing them "do you want to be healed". It sounds like a counter-intuitive question, who wouldn't? But in this age many would have to give up their defeatist attitudes and change from the top down. They'd have to be their own doctor or healer and reclaim their birthright and childlike acceptance. Much healing would start with emotional or spiritual healing and turning away from unhealthy habits such as internet and device addictions.

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My hope with this substack is to gradually touch upon issues of the spirit.

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Now you're talking!

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Carolyn Myss talks about "why don't we heal?" - and her answer is sacrifice.

If we want to heal the fatigue (for example), we may have to give up that job, relationship, schedule, house - all the hard stuff.

It's easy to wish for something, but not easy to make the sacrifice to manifest.

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sounds a bit challenging, and maybe not possible for many

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When your health fails, and you struggle with depression and anxiety - in other words, when you hit rock bottom - it becomes easier to let go of the things which are harming you. Some people (like me) are forced into it. And now that I'm here, surrounded by caring people, I will never go back to the dramas that I thought were so fun in my youth. And, I will never punch a corporate clock again.

Better, I believe, to make the choices before they kill you.

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JC.. you are night. I am glad to hear that you fixed your life. when I was working for defense contractor, one of my coworkers wrecked her health trying to get a master's degree to get ahead in her job. I think it ended up so bad that she couldn't even work...

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I see it all the time, every day in people all around the world.

Antidepressants are to support the lifestyle to which we've been told we are accustomed.

Humans are getting depleted trying to keep up, get ahead, make a mark.

Yes, Do. But also Be.

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well, now that I have your attention, can I get you to consider subscribing to Jim Lee's climateviewer substack? because Jim has been working his butt off on geoengineering and related issues in his spare time while working as a security guard to pay the mortgage. Because he won't take corrupt money. In this video, starting at around 49 minutes, he gives an absolute MASTER CLASS on the. misuse of statistics and polling. https://www.youtube.com/live/p4YVrC-0r20?si=p8aiRH7BDNu2MR-j

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Thank you for the very complex article, which is somewhat above my basic knowledge of science.. I do know people are healing from a wide range of health issues with Redox Signalling Molecules. Our mitochondria make Redox molecules, however, up until recently, it was thought they could not be stabilized outside the body to replenish what we lose with age and external stressors etc.. But, they have been stabilized and are supporting people with a wide variety of health issues, including those from the vax. I'd be happy to share more, as it sounds like you are referring to improving cell signalling or redox potential in this article. Thanks again.

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Thank you! I am always happy to look at these types of things.

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I'm happy to have a conversation any time and then to send you some info. You can currently find 20,000+ articles on Redox cell signalling on places like PubMed etc. As mentioned, until recently it was believed they could not be stabilized outside the body, as our mitochondria makes them and our body uses them instantly. The breakthrough is this company has patented the stabilization process so Redox molecules can be taken to support cellular communication and cellular health.

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Very grateful for your hard work. Thanks so much.

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Thank you : )

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Subcellular melatonin (daytime melatonin), structured water and grounding is a must:

https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/water-insulates-emf All free!!!

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Hey Roman

Can you convey that I’m am human to this dr

Convey the brilliance your aware of and that my knowledge is too ahead of the times to openly display to the herd

Blessings Roman🥳😘

Don’t tell him what we discussed though 😅🤠

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I was teasing Roman

Talk soon

The suns coming up


The word bed 🛏️ looks like a bed btw

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Ok sleep well Mr Tesla

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Mind you, I am not referring to present-day boy wonders such as Bill Gates or Elon Musk

who ultimately may be set apart in the distant future as geniuses, but rather to that truly singular few whose achievements historians andmore recently, cognitive scientists have set apart as truly exceptional and visionary and who raised human understanding to a higher plane - and even more significant, fostered the conditions for more advances.

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Agreed. Setting the stage for other healers to do their work by simplifying and distilling their message is part of my mission.

I'm inspired to do so precisely because I'm grateful for those Giant shoulders upon which I stand. Who tread the path of the gardens before us, or hath sewn the seed?

"May we have, but don't possess. Acts but don't expect. When our work is done, let us forget it. That is why it lasts forever."

-paraphrased from the Tao Te Ching

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For 18 months, I've wanted to expound on why the Canadian Truckers Convoy Protest did not resonate or become a seminal historical event like the Boston Party did.

An essay from a "gold bug" pointing out that Independence Day could be called "Insurrection Day" gave me this opportunity.


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The truckers were why I started this substack.

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Pfizer is trying to build manufacturing plants for mRNA injections in various countries. Not only U.S.A but both in Japan and Australia.

Pfizer may be planning a self-spreading vaccines and/or viruses. Once released, there is a possibility that humans will not be able to control it.


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I am really hopeful there is enough political pushback against vaccines now that no one is going to dare to make a self spreading vaccine.

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Maybe too late. This one seems to be doing a good job at self-spreading.

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Stop the effing panic mongering!

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And Murderna are building a plant in UK. Our insane, ignorant, captured government are contracted to spend a thousand million pounds with them in the next decade. The question is: On What!?! Bonkers!

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Australia is building 2.

Moderna needs something, since they only have one viable product.

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Hey JC, Welcome to the party!

TWO!?! They've only got 22 million people!

Murderna should use their covid billions to buy shares in Ozempic - the latest miracle cure all... Til it's not.

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note they are negotiating w/ China for mrna facility...

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WTF!!! The world is absolutely INSANE!!

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Yep... and seems to be hades bent on taking us all with them. Keep your health up!

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Fantastic - thank you for all the work you put into writing this series. Much appreciated.

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Thank you. I hope you enjoy what I went into in part 3! : )

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