Many readers have found this publication has directly benefitted their health, hope and happiness. In this post, I would like to share the notes I have received from supporters of this publication because:
•Many of you will relate to what was said in them, and one of my main goals here has been to create a community where people can realize they are not alone and there are many others who can see what they are seeing. Likewise, if any of the notes jump out to you here and you like it or comment on it, those ones will filter to the top (presently the comments containing each note are in chronological order since I did not upvote any of them).
•I want to encourage the heart-centered style of discourse I’ve utilized here to be adopted by our movement as I believe it will play a key role in our success. In turn, my hope is that by showing the deep appreciation many have for this style of discourse, it will encourage others to adopt it in their writings as well.
Note: I wrote more about the heart-ceneterd approach I’ve to write this publication here and here.
•I want to show that even though I can’t respond to everything, I do listen to what you share with me and take it under consideration (e.g., beyond reading each of the notes I received from a supporter of this publication, I also thought through how to remove any potentially identifying information from it).
Note: if you subscribed to this publication, but forgot to leave a note, you can leave one here. I will see any comments left on this thread.
Note: additional reader feedback can be found at the second half of this article.
Lastly, if you want your note deleted, please let me know and it will be removed immediately.
If you want your feedback removed, please let me know and I will. Similarly, if you want your name on it, feel free to leave a comment her or let me know.
Finally, if you would like to leave a comment here with your feedback that everyone can see (as many of you did not leave notes when you subscribed), please do. However, since I need to preserve the ease of readability here, please do not leave multiple comments (unless they are replies to other people's feedback) or comments not related to feedback of this publication.
The goal of this post is to provide other writers (and healthcare workers) with insights into what patients are looking for and to help other readers know they are not alone. So please, if you have a question, leave it on another thread.
"You are incredible. I never encountered a doctor, in real life or virtual, with your depth of thought and analysis or intellectual integrity. You uncover historical knowledge on medical topics that are not widely discussed but are critically important. Your writing is fascinating and is a service to humanity"