Every time I see a child in a mask,

I think:

“ Kid we’re doing everything we can for you. It’s your parents and their doctors that are killing you. “

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Finland just bought millions of Avian flu shots, so another round of 'pump' until the inevitable 'dump.' I suppose we can expect more censorship and jawboning, as the propaganda ramps up too.

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Great article. And the embedded videos are compelling. Of course what is going on is appalling, but i like your upbeat conclusion - it is the silver lining of the dark covid cloud - humanity is waking up to the peril of believing the vaccine cartel (and our government). Do you remember when biden (in 2020 or 2021) said something like 'we are entering a long dark winter"? By design.

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Exactly. It's like the Gell-Mann amnesia effect writ large, but in a twist. I knew how corrupt some areas of my industry were, but had no idea how corrupt medicine had become. Now I've seen how thoroughly rotten most financially-driven corporations have become and how they've corrupted everything they touch.

And I will never un-see it.

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It makes it very difficult to invest (financially) in anything.

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This happened to me over a decade ago - I am some of the fallout from SSRI "pump & dump," and in fact, I would postulate that the vaccine pump is because pharma was in trouble as the truth about SSRI's (and their relatives) come out.

This woke me up to - what my doctor was saying was a script, and my test results were processed through an algorithm, and the doctor wasn't going to deviate from either. From the top, down.

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You're missing the bigger thing than that. When people see the Emperor has no clothes they still call him the Emperor. I don't have a fucking Emperor, and I ask out loud "WhoTF even decided this guy was Emperor? Why did you just accept that?". But nobody else does. And that emperor traps you in a mind prison where the door is unlocked but nobody leaves. Facts don't matter when you enter into the adult world already set up and comfortable in your mind prison cell. There is no rational thing that makes you inject your six year old with an experimental Gene therapy. You are already mind controlled beyond the reaches of your own self preservation. Likewise if you give that six year old that shot. The facts presented here are salient and true yet completely irrelevant to the fact that these things went on or how. Facts literally don't matter at all and if you look at the world and draw any other conclusion I weep for you. Take your kids out of school. Take an axe to your TV. Ban yourself from social media and tell your doctor to give himself a good hard fucking off. Its all a mind fuck. We need to tear down the mind prison brick by brick and free the inmates before facts are ever going to matter again. Even if you don't think you're trapped in it it's nearly impossible to deny the trappings. We need to completely destroy them. Do you believe viruses exist? A multi-million dollar prize for proving one single virus molecule actually exists has been unclaimed for years. Many have tried. Some have sued. They lost in court. Rectify that in your mind. Will you even allow yourself to accept the possibility that viruses don't exist, and all the implications of that always being the truth. Sorry but at this point few among you can even handle that. We need to focus on making sure future generations don't get dragged to this place we find ourselves. And it begins and ends with saving their minds. The recent pornography bans were a victory on this front. But if you're still giving kids 76 vaccine shots for unproven viruses, we've only just begun...

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Unfortunately, giant corporations are often run by psychopaths. And we have seen that many medical personnel only seem to care if the injections injured them or someone in their own family. Even then they may still be in denial. And they definitely do not want to lose their nice salaries.

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"Often"? Corporate culture encourages psychopathy. Please see the excellent 2003 Canadian film, "The Corporation."

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I agree in general, but that documentary was awful. It really didn't delve into the heart of why the corporate form of organization is particularly dangerous. It was more of a left wing whine fest, and it ignored the various conservative and libertarian arguments against corporations.

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Once one searches for the root cause of why all Human “Best Practices” have built in decay rates, you will find out why Corporations and Goober$Mints push milk toast mediocre “Peter Principals” around them.

In any large human society grouping, over linear time, psychopaths not burdened by morals or ethics, will rise to the top of power fastest. NOT the cream of the crop. They then ring fence their power domains with sociopaths.

Before we question the “wisdom” of designing concupiscence into human nature, consider, 🧐, how motivated to “Deny your self, pick up your cross and Follow God” any of us would be living in a Best Practice Utopia. Perhaps, material physical utopia is Not our purpose in being here.

That said, striving always for a more perfect Union based on absolutes from our Creator that should be self evident, but clearly are not is a worthy goal. To allow freedom and liberty to strive each in our own paths, but based on a set of Divine Absolutes. With checks and balances on ALL fallible interpretations. So a diverse-non sectarian understanding on the basic Divine Absolutes. Quantified by Real Science. Because Truth can’t contradict Truth. So Real truth based Science can’t contradict Real truth based Religion. And Vice Versa.

1) Real Science validation of God. Nullifying all Atheist Relativist Marxist formats of Society Flst Earther nonsense. Not banned, but clearly debated and debunked in the public square and in education.

2) Real Science quantified validation of personal consequences to one’s actions.

3) Disband and defund the illegal unconstitutional Congressional Established and Funded American Religion. Of Material Pseudo Science Scientism. Being utilized just like King Henry VIII used his “personal” version of Religion for. Supreme authority to then imprison, blackmail, intimidate, execute and wage wars against anyone opposing his power. The reason America was founded with the First Amendment non-establishment clause. Congress and Cronies are now funding perpetual wars, censoring and persecuting opponents to their power, etc. based on “Their Science”. Which we all learned during Covid is where the $$$ are, not always based on Truth quantified facts. To date, due to the “follow the science” authority of American Scientism (which says men can have babies), no one has been held accountable for the lie based millions of deaths and injuries from Scientism. Just to put it into perspective.

So, 1), If this is an Atheist Random based universe, the scientific method can’t work. And both music and language would quickly decay into Atheist gibberish. With out God to design, guarantee and maintain over linear time reliable repeatability. Which destroys the Fence Sitter Clock Maker God versions too. The hard scientific evidence of God is the reliably repeated harmonics every time Ave Maria is played. And the voices of repeated Atheist debaters trying to hide in their Peter Pan world afraid of our liberties and their own shadows.

So, scientifically, God Rules, Atheists drool. Q.E.D.

2) Personal accountability, start with negative human emotions/actions cause the Death and Aging Hormones Adrenaline and Cortisol. Causing tunnel vision in the reptilian brain the amygdala. Over riding common sense in the frontal cortex. And forcing one into 2D Flatlander AngleLand binary decision making. Killing/Aging your cells. Part of the 5th Gen warfare psyOps to keep you in a 24/7 “State of Fear”, as Micheal Crichton put it.

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Epic post. 😃

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Exactly, the mind prison that I elaborate on in my post. This world is an Imaginarium. So many things working in such perfect harmony it's beyond our comprehension. The amount of predefined information making it possible make a creator the only possible SCIENTIFIC answer to it all. Yet we are robbed of the gift of fully enjoying it because a few reject units with deep perversions have managed to distract us from the self evidence of all it's wonder and sheer impossibility. Directly slandering our creator with their "science that you better believe lest you be ridiculed or worse". No thing ever meeting their own definition of a virus has ever been seen or touched. When you challenge them with this they make the Sophie's choice of sacrificing transmission ("well they technically only exist in cells so we can never see them") to maintain the lie. If you could escape your mind prison and have the udacity to actually ask your doctor two or three basic questions you'd see how laughably flimsy their 'science' is. And that they've been stabbing your children with poison for no other purpose than to satisfy the devil. Note how the author still calls himself Midwestern Doctor despite admitting the rot of all of it. 'Doctor'is clearly still a title that carries some esteem in his mind prsion cell with the unlocked door. The fact of 100 million deaths by doctor-administered death shots, hasn't worn the lustre of calling himself 'Doctor' even one bit. This is how far we are from even having the will power to touch a truth that is right in front of us. We are this broken. We need to stop worrying about the details of todays goddamned lie and understand the mechanisms that put us in this all encompassing state of defeat. Where we embrace the title of Executioner or repeat someone else's lies, knowing they are lies, just for the peace and comfort we get from it. Becauee that peace and comfort is a shitty substitute for living in this world that God gifted us with, in accordance with his intentions. But we are a million miles from that and suffering badly for it.

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Test every cow in the USA weekly??!!!! Clearly she has now idea how absolutely ludicrous that sounds.

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Thank you. Here is another public health crisis that very few people know about, on obstructive sleep apnoea:

🍼 Dr Brian Palmer (now deceased), whose decades of research were focused on malformation of the infant airway through the actions of intense infant bottle-feeding. Dr Palmer, who was a dentist, went so far to argue that obstructive sleep apnoea is essentially a modern disorder only, that it did not exist prior to the invention of the baby bottle in people of normal weight. Certainly, Dr Palmer's large lab collection of prehistoric skulls was testament to his claims, where the nasopharyngeal anatomy of these skulls proved to be significantly more accommodating than what is seen today in those who present with the modern airway. Below is my summary of how I understand the main aspects of Dr Palmer's work as well as the link to the website largely dedicated to his research.

Depending on intensity, frequency and duration, infant bottle-feeding can lead to oral cavity malformation. As a baby has soft, malleable bones, bottle-feeding, depending on the above three factors, can malform the maxilla through the implosion effect of sucking on a bottle. The outcome, then, can essentially be a high-arched hard palate and narrowed dental arch. With the consequent elevation of the hard palate and its narrowing, the posterior nasal accommodation above is then unavoidably compromised (as the roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nasal cavity). And with this reduced nasal accommodation, pneumatic pressure during sleep is reduced (due to a reduction in the volume of air) as well as there being a prevailing inefficacy in the exchange of gases - since any one sleep phase accordingly dictates the respiratory drive. Further, if the raising of the hard palate is extreme, the nasal septum above can collapse and deviate, causing further ventilation problems.

Another profoundly negative aspect of infant bottle-feeding, again, depending on the three factors as highlighted above, is where the epiglottis settles into an unnatural position in the airway after its natural descent. During the first few months of life, an infant is able to swallow breastmilk and breathe at the same time, and this is because the epiglottis is temporarily connected to the soft palate. Following this period, if a strong feeding infant is being intensively bottle-fed, the epiglottis can finally settle too low into the airway after its separation from the soft palate. The result here can mean not only a narrowed pharyngeal airway, but also an epiglottis that, apart from its primary function of capping the airway during swallow, cannot serve to properly brace the back of the tongue during sleep. Arguably, along with the high-arched hard palate problem, such an occurrence can lead to sleep apnoea and sleep hypopnoea - for life if left untreated; and, worse, in the case of the infant, SIDS.

Breastfeeding involves a peristaltic action of suck, hence breastfeeding is still far superior to any form of infant bottle-feeding, Dr Palmer had argued. Not all infants who are bottle-fed will necessarily end up with compromised airways; however, if a mother can make an informed choice to breastfeed (and given adequate time), then she has, along with the benefits of breastmilk, another very good reason to do so.


When I once sent Dr Palmer’s research to scientists at the University of Sydney, Australia their reply was that empirical evidence of the cause, being that of intense infant bottle-feeding, would still be required. My suggestion was that when midwifery nurses check for cleft palate in newborns that they also examine the hard palate for anything that deviates from what should be low and wide in formation. Any degree of narrowing and elevation thereafter, in the months ahead, in previously confirmed normal maxillae, would surely then be proof of the effects of implosion. I didn’t hear back from the university.

Interestingly, in the Australian state of New South Wales, the NSW Health 2016 report on breastfeeding (link below) states the following: “Babies who are breastfed have higher IQ scores and better jaw development.” Better or ideal jaw development can only mean here normal jaw development, with anything less having to be regarded as abnormal jaw development. Further, abnormal jaw development, if indicative of malformation of the oral cavity, could well mean a less than patent airway. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/kidsfamilies/MCFhealth/Publications/breastfeeding-your-baby.pdf

David White, Australia

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The poor babies. If they can avoid being dismembered, burned with acid or decapitated alive in the womb, they arrive to be injected with mercury in the K shots and hep b[?] within 6 hours of their dubious entrance into this frightening world. If they make it through all that, they are fed plastic soy/pesticide hormone laced cows milk liquid formula and 87 more kill shots into their unfortunate futures. Not to mention brain damage in all it's soul destroying minutia.

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Well, it’s the implosion effect on soft bone I’m concerned about here. Often, a smile will provide some indication of a narrowed dental arch.

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Jul 8
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Thank you. So often do I see evidence of narrowed dental arches in people, when they smile. The displaced epiglottis of course requires imaging.

Many sleep physicians and orthodontists who knew about Dr Palmer’s research never took kindly to it, for some reason.

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Another excellent example of a drug being taken off the market is Intal, or cromolyn sodium asthma inhalers. It was a popular and effective preventative inhaler for asthma in the 80's and 90's. Very safe with low side effects for patients.

Pfizer bought the rights to Intal in the USA in the 90's and took it off the market to protect their profits from the more-toxic inhaled steroid inhalers. Intal is still available in the rest of the world. The nasal version of cromolyn sodium - Nasalcrom - went off-patent and is now available as a cheap, over-the-counter medication. Pfizer didn't want that happening with Intal, so they paid to buy it and scuttle it.

And of course the grandaddy of them all in this regard is medical cannabis. Cannabis and opium were the two most popular medications of the 1800's in the US. Now half of the people in the USA with age-related osteoarthritis are taking CBD or full-specturm cannabis products. After a 60-year grass-roots campaign to repeal cannabis prohibition by thousands of volunteer activists, most of them sick people who found success treating themselves illegally with cannabis.

The US government has been working overtime to prevent wounded veterans and veterans with PTSD from accessing medical cannabis as well as MDMA.

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Very important post

Skimming over the first parts of the Wikipedia link for MDMA was first use in 1914 for married couples. I don’t know what they’re talking about the 1970s first uses as therapeutic..

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As someone who had both the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines (a total of 4 or 5) and was damaged by both (at 3 months in 1957 almost died and at age 8, after my 4th booster, developed spinal meningitis), I can personally attest that vaccines damage an otherwise healthy body. But the insidious part of the vaccine plan....reinforced by the CDC schedule which is their tool....is how the tentacles of mandatory vaccination show their ugly head in the treatment of the most vulnerable. Dr. Tenpenny talked about this years ago, about how the powers that be infiltrated every federal, state and local health care system (State CHIPS, Medicaid, Medicare, local clinics, nonprofits, and more) who make it mandatory that if you are receiving health care from said entity (i.e. we are paying for your pregnancy, birth, pediatric care, and in many cases, especially at nursing homes, senior care), then you WILL follow the CDC schedule without any objection or informed consent. In my many trips to the local children's hospital lately (like last Wednesday), I see so many Hispanic and low-income individuals with children who are damaged - I highly suspect - by the very program they thought was taking care of them by paying their health care bills. It is a catch 22 situation as further treatments involve further injections without objection or informed consent.

And then there's the Catholic church, an entity (a sibling has worked for the Diocese for 3 decades as an educator) who, ironically, does not accept religious exemptions for vaccines, even those that contain aborted fetal cells! So my sibling's class of 7 year olds are always 100% fully vaccinated. And I hear stories..... Thanks for a great post. Always informative, educational and passionate.

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This was Trump's Fauci. Trump's Birx. By now it's painfully obvious to most people but if it was obvious to me and a few others that you don't implode an economy and provoke mass psychosis for even the worst pandemic, then it should have been obvious to the commander in chief.

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It hit me, Its all about the vaccines. There cant be a serious pandemic. A fatal bug doesnt get transmitted. A contagious bug isnt a killer or it would die out with the host. They hype the pandemic 1) using bogus testing 2) kill people by mandated treatment protocols 3) fear monger in media. Then sell the final solution, the vacs.

The "exceptions": Spanish flu killed probably due to bad small pox vacs given to soldiers and overdosing with the new aspirin. Plagues up until the mid-1800s killed due to bad hygiene, water, etc. With decent nutrition and hygiene we wont see another real epidemic, unless the Covid vacs destroyed everyone's immune system.

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JJ Couey at a recent Red Pill conference shared his thoughts that the pandemic was all about getting the jabs in arms and making sure the young believed in pandemics so they could be controlled by fear inspired by government. Couey made a convincing argument.

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They also wanted to make the unsuccessful mRNA jabs an acceptable warp speed "vaccine" technology, by redefining what a vaccine was.

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It was a pandemic, perhaps a variant series of them. Pandemics aren't usually commonly fatal; how many people die of colds, chickenpox, or herpes? How covids were spread, whether person to person, or something else, remains in question.

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According to the classical (real) definition of a pandemic, Covid should not have been a pandemic. It was a pandemic of protocol murders.

" Cohen and Carter state that the WHO changed the definition of an

influenza pandemic by excluding reference to the words "with enormous

numbers of deaths and illness."

What the article fails to state is that the WHO made two changes; the

second change was to drop the requirement for a new sub-type with a simple

reassortant virus meaning that many seasonal flu viruses could be

classified as pandemic influenza."

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A pandemic with much mortality is a "plague". Let's not exaggerate terms.

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To repeat, "the WHO changed the definition"

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Horton's WHO has no access to my 1969 Webster's Third New International Dictionary, but is welcome to change its internal definition of anything in any manner it like. I don't hear it. Don't exaggerate.

"An epidemic of unusual extent and severity" (def. 2) needn't necessarily entail enormous numbers of deaths. Pandemic with no illness? Do you refer to the PCR-assisted, "asymptomatic" fake illness? Paul Craig Roberts does not approve of that message!

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CDC also changed their definition. So by your definition if we have colds all over the globe, we have a pandemic of colds?

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1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

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What a fantastic, intensively researched article. Holy cow it is simply jaw dropping to be so thoroughly educated on Rumsfeld’s life history timeline! It truly is unbelievable all the ways he weaves his toxic web into destroying our country, all under the guise of patriotism. I pray he has already seen justice and if not, make it happen in a public setting with a reading of your article prior to the penalty for treason being carried out. Americans need to know and see him for who he is and always has been. Then open the hatch, bring on the “squad” or whatever it takes to rid us of this evil man. Makes me sick. How many more are just like him?

Oh - and I didn’t even comment on the intentional decades long food additive poisoning. I must go purge my system of “Rummy” first…

Thank you for this most informative, enlightening article.

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don't forget synthetic pesticides, plasticizers, micro-plastics, particulate air pollution, fluoride and other water additives, PFAS, etc. Leaded gas - they decided to add lead to gasoline knowing full well it would poison the entire country and lay down a film of lead particles around anywhere vehicles were operating.

The ruling oligarchy families have been quite busy poisoning us all for the last 100 years. They use Pharma and medical industry to claw back the wages they were forced to pay the working classes by the labor movement. They have effectively found a way to get back to the feudal servitude model they used in Europe for all those centuries.

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It wore me out making the list John! Absolutely - every item you listed and so much more. It’s quite unbelievable. And sick!

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The people/demons running things they're bat-crazy eugenicists. Unfortunately they own the money supply which means they own academia, the corporations, the financial system, the justice system, the military, the media, the police, the health system, big tech, big pharma, big food, you get the point.

Making up diseases and poisoning us in various forms is just part of what they do. And money is just the mechanism to achieve the means, is not the end goal. Engineering the human farm as they see fit and playing God is more like it. Anyone who doesn't see past money and greed is still not getting the full picture.

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you know the solution is FAKE if you are a recurring customer of the problem solver. And 2. nd reason on the list you name, is lack of LOVE. The ability to listen....is the most underrated in the universe. I have written an article about what love is... what problem solving is..and one that solves the covid 19 puzzle, in the Gospel there is a line about doctors. and its not a good one at all! Somehow nobody ever pointed that out! Lies are part of every human being! This is why i wrote many articles on this subject....Millgram experiment form the 1970s pointed out about the human nature you depict nicely under the conclusion pasus! It takes two for a lie! People love to walk around thinking they know it all and they serve the science, but do not like to question themselves every day!

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