The estimated annual amount of money made in the gender industry is about 200B.

What's the big pharma creed? Profits over people.

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You're spot on. This article form The Federalists shows how transgender is a money grab: https://thefederalist.com/2018/02/20/rich-white-men-institutionalizing-transgender-ideology/

The sad thing about all this is that this is going to result in a population that's going to suffer sever mental health problems. We need to start looking at this more because this is actually looking like a dark spiritual attack

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Maybe the "Transgender Push" is just messing with normal human reproductive system to depopulate? Much like everything happening: numerous barn fires killing livestock, early release of criminals, import violent Cartels, now importing cannibals from Haiti.

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The hormonal system is incredibly complex. It is truly shocking to me that "modern medicine" believes it can disrupt our bodily systems without severe consequences! Those doctors having zero information concerning puberty blockers should have their license to practice medicine revoked. It is equally shocking to realize how much faith people have in their doctors. I can't tell you how many people over the last decade have said to me, "Please, are you trying to tell me YOU know more than my doctor?" And proceed to laugh at me. Well, I've studied nutrition, vaccination, herbs and homeopathy quite extensively, so yes in these areas unless your allopathic doctor has studied these areas on their own, I absolutely DO know more than your doctor.

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They are actively creating many "severe consequences", so that human have less children.

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I'd also trust you (and myself) more than any medical dr (AMD being the exception!). But I also maintain that allopathy is prescribing like paint by numbers, ie this for that. Plus they need to dissociate from adverse effects as they have no better substitute, plus dissociate from physiology (such as prescribe sex hormones but ignoring the brain endocrine signallers and biofeedback loops).

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Willful ignorance.

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Totally agree with you. But, the "modern medicine" you mentioned, are being used deliberately to mess with peoples' health in a negative way, to depopulate ?

Kind of like, Federal Aviation Administration specifically hiring intellectual-and-psychiatric disable people into airplane industry. See news link below:


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talking about livestock - what do these hormones do to the animals, and to the humans and animals that consume their meat???

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The attitude towards drugging livestock is based on the fact that their lives will be necessarily short.

Not just hormones, but antibiotics, mRNA & gawd knows what else is in your meat. Unless you grew it yourself.

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If you feed cows grain and don't slaughter them within 3 months, they will develop numerous cancers and be dead within six months. "Feed lots" are literally in a race against time to fatten animals before they keel over and die. If they do die before you can get them to the slaughterhouse, you can't (legally) sell them for meat for human consumption. Luckily, however, you can sell them for meat for cat/dog consumption.

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Our pets eat culled kangaroos.

It's actually one of the best meats on the planet. Grass fed, high in Omega 3, lean.

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Oh, and they are happy glyphosate grains, to be sure.

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I hate to tell you this as a former worker on a cattle ranch, but nearly all (commercial livestock) animals are given "off-label" medications, including those specifically banned for use on that species of animal (e.g. I once injected a herd of cows with a medication that specifically said FOR POULTRY ONLY). Why? Because there's next to zero chance of anyone ever catching the farmer and/or prosecuting him.

In other words, not only are livestock getting amped to the gills with "legal" hormones and other meds but also with illegal/off-label ones as well. So that's what's going into the meat people buy at the grocery store.

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I know for a long time that some (probably most) farmers inject way more than the legal limit. When I was a kid my dad told me how the farmer before him at the phamacy was told he had already crossed the year limit in spring. I know several farmers who raise an animal for their own consumption. They know it is not good, but still keep poisoning their customers. I also remember dad trying to raise chickens and turkeys, but the chicks were so weak they had to be raised with antibiotics or they all died. He only tried a few times and then gave up.

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Totally !

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It's all of the above.

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...more like castration of homosexuals and children on the autistic spectrum while making huge profits

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It is.

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Mentally unstable and mentally ill people are much easier to control than mentally healthy people.

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That has been a fairly consistent playbook for the ruling class.

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Absolutely agree.

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I'm not sure what exactly this comment indicates?

I know many many many very stable and mentally healthy people who chose the covid injection.

I know two very stable and mentally healthy people who chose to transition one from gender to another. Through great cost.

Is this comment piggy backing on another comment that seemed to indicate that autism and homosexuality is related?

Please clarify before I completely lose faith in simple humanity.

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Transgender is something like 40-65% autistic (depending on study).

Homosexuality is related in that they are working on "trans'ing" the gay away. My lesbian friends have nobody to date, as so many are turning into hairy 'boys.'

Autism & homosexuality correlate together in that these are vulnerable populations. Throw in the "mentally ill" while we are there.

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you're referring to this? "Mentally unstable and mentally ill people are much easier to control than mentally healthy people. "

I was commenting on this: "The sad thing about all this is that this is going to result in a population that's going to suffer sever mental health problems. We need to start looking at this more because this is actually looking like a dark spiritual attack"

the hormone blockers disrupt normal physiology and one of the results is mental instability. The hormone blockers create mental instability and mental illness among other things.

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from the list of "side effects" of the hormone blockers (from the article):

"Cognitive dysfunction (e.g., brain fog or memory loss) is also frequently reported. One study found evaluating women receiving IVF found 72% showed difficulty with memory while on Lupron, some subjects had significant cognitive deficits, and 11% showed very substantial neurocognitive issues.

•IQ loss in children (e.g., one study found a 7 point drop, while another found an 8 point drop)."

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thank you for this link. That article is a gold mine. The same names pop up everywhere, the same globalist depopulist people with way too much money for their own good. If they had to work for 7 bucks an hour at the MacDonalds this would not have happened!

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Also it's considered essential so insurance must pay.

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Thank you for taking the time to write this. I have seen various bits of information in other articles and documentaries, but you do a great job of pulling it all together with history and sources in a very thorough manner. What a travesty that these monsters in medicine have managed to convince some people that medical mutilation is "care" and that exposing our children to these ideas is some sort of ideal "inclusivity". It's a sure sign of a civilization in decline that child sacrifice is considered acceptable.

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I'm not American nor live in the US, but I can share with you that this type of thing would be deemed unacceptable in many other parts of the world.

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I'm outside the US, too. And it's embraced here in Australia. It seems like every day now, I meet 'gender divergence,' mostly in people under 40.

Here and NZ, they have special "trans" crosswalks (goodness knows, it' can't be a man or a woman on that little "walk" light).

This is a top-down movement.

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Only a tiny minority of patients being given Lupron have been allowed the freedom of informed consent. It takes a lot of time to understand the actions of the GnRH agonists.

A similar minority understands whatever other hormones they are taking chronically. They are far too accepting of their prescribers judgement, which is based on fairly cursory information.

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I couldn't even finish reading the article, it's so upsetting. Is there ANY reason to trust the FDA about ANYTHING anymore???!

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if you see one of the letter words approved things, run the other way. I take only treatments (mostly herbal and homeopathic) that are NOT approved. Then you know they will work, and will have little or no side effects (for which you would have to take yet more chemicals)

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What you say is accurate, but the problem is that entitles like the FDA in the US and similar in the UK/Australia and parts of Western Europe are being heavily influenced (I call it the "purchase of influence" to downgrade or ban the use of herbs and homoeopathy. I'm not American nor live in the US, but eyedrops I've been ordering from the US and using safely for years are now banned by US FDA. If you try to search info online about this, you reach sites praising such a move with many responses from likely pharma trolls using the typical lines some PR person wrote for them. Such as they say how dreadful it is the mfrgs don't have any liability, when the truth is pharma gets away with murder.

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If you're not already familiar with it, look into The Flexner Report. Rockefeller and Carnegie were pulling the strings. That right there should tell you all about it.

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I had to make a huge adjustment moving from USA to Oz, when I realised that so many the simples / supplements that I used were going to have to be sourced outside Australia, or compounded by prescription. This is at the doses I take. For example, no Vit C here is over 500 mg. NAC, melatonin, all the aminos - are supposed to be prescribed and compounded.

Now, after CV19, it's worse, much worse. And US companies are making it harder now, too. At least I still have clean horse paste!

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All the regulatory agencies have been captured for over 20 years. They act as marketing firms for the corporations at this point. Anything the govt endorses, do the opposite.

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Indeed! It takes a special kind of stupid to think blocking puberty is remotely safe or an easy thing to do. To do that effectively you must need strong and dangerous drugs. Common sense. Horrible! I’ve come so far in my journey, I no longer think it’s good to spay or neuter pets, let alone people!!!!!!!

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One of the recurring themes I've come across is patients discovering their doctors don't understand what they drugs they prescribe actually do.

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Yup, my eyes opened up to this (with your help!) in 2021. Now I see it everyday in my private practice when I do case hx interviews. More and more people are asking about and questioning their medications, which is a good thing. Still, I can see the ones who are just so trusting that they put all their eggs in one allopathic basket… with years and years of symptom after symptom, dx after dx. Why? Because they don’t have the knowledge, the will/motivation, the resources/finances to take control of their own health and try alternatives (either alone or in combination with allopathic medicine… for many, the thought doesn’t even cross their minds that something else, anything else, can be done for them).

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Ah, Elizabeth Faraone. I'm not a medical professional, but a tai chi teacher.

How can I teach people to use their bodies, when they won't take care of them? There is a special glazed-over unhealthy look to those who are fully trusting. Doctors this, doctors that, no consideration of managing that diabetes with anything other than drugs. It is breaking my heart, but it is something that has to be discovered for oneself.

Sadly, this is often the hard way (which is how I learned it) when you become harmed. Or die.

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Neutering a male dog absolutely has just about only negatives and virtually no positives. If you are a responsible pet owner there will be no unwanted litters. Training is more responsible for any unwanted behaviors like urine marking and “aggression”.

Female dogs this a bit less certain; one definite advantage of spaying is not having to deal with bleeding 6 weeks out of the year. There is also a reduction in a somewhat common cancer (breast cancer). Again it is EASY to prevent unwanted litters here too!

That said, I now choose not to spay either. Hormones are vitally important to all beings. There are increases in other common cancers in spayed/neutered animals, and orthopedic issues abound in altered animals especially when castrated before puberty.

Animal husbandry/medicine is often more accurate and honest than human medicine because health insurance has not invaded the pet market like it has the human market where it has only served to increase profits for doctors, medical practices, insurance companies and of course Big Bad Pharma.

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Health insurance has invaded the pet market. And vet care in Australia is more expensive than human medical care (thanks to socialised medicine). A pet is a luxury item.

Hawkeye - you should write some articles about how to manage birth control with pets!

I was horrified to learn that I could not take my kittens home (KITTENS! 2 months old!) until they were desexed. It's likely a State law (unless you find them in the wild). I have NEVER done a spay/neuter this young, and have serious concerns for their long term health.

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That is very sad about the kittens. Animal rights activists are VERY active in pushing for spay/neuter. It is now standard practice at all animal shelters and rescues to neuter before adoption regardless of the health risks to the pet. For cats in particular, it includes urinary tract issues due to hormones not allowing that system to fully mature.

Many do OK - may that be the case for you. 🙂

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Urinary tract issues in cats has nothing to do with being neutered. It has to do with feeding them commercial pet food, which is some of the most bizarre and disgusting things ever created. In some cases, it is literally sawdust sprayed with an appetizing liquid in order to trick the cat's senses and get him/her to eat it.

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Research appears to support that statement, but we all know how research can be manipulated to support a cause. I am old fashioned and prefer to wait until 6 months of age except for free ranging female cats at risk of unwanted pregnancies. 🙂

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Hmmm… birth control for male dogs… leash walks or secure fenced yard. Ideally with supervision! But if truly secure, supervision is not needed.

For female dogs, leash walks only day 3-18 of bleeding to be extra safe… or use of a secure fenced in area (with no intact male dogs of course)…always with direct supervision of the intact female during that time. There ya go! 🙂

Obviously intact female dog owners must have the most responsible behavior.

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Ah - so it requires diligence - something most humans don't have.

I had an intact female for about 5 years (doberman - beautiful fawn) and didn't find the bleeding to be a problem. She produced blues & reds through a red father. And you're right - we had no accidents (and I would let her off the leash when she wasn't on heat)

So you likely have to make a definite effort for the male dogs to go somewhere where they can run. Walk on a leash is not enough exercise - especially for a large dog. (and especially not with my decrepit walking)

AND - I don't know the culture around "dog parks," does Karen jump on you if you take an intact dog to a dog park?

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Intact males at a dog park are typically fine! Several friends of mine take their intact males there with no problems. 🙂

With a well trained male with good recall, there are lots of off leash options in fields/beaches/parks all around the country.

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I lost my beloved beagle to cancer, but the surgery was botched somehow.. I won’t go into the details.

I’ve had 6 dogs die from cancer and I stopped the shots years ago. But something else is causing it. I try to feed quality food.

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I feel your pain. I lost a dog to cancer at age 6, another two at age 8. Living in Iowa, we are literally surrounded by fields sprayed with Roundup by the ton. I also question the monthly tick applications, and the monthly heart worm preventives.

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All of them lived about 10 years or more, but the beagle died in just 2 days and it was the first time in 40 years that I didn’t have another dog in my life. It usually took me over 2 years to get another. It took 3 months before I got my puppy and I was so afraid that I wouldn’t bond with her. I got so lucky. I’m sure that she felt how sad I was and she has been the best dog so far. Not naughty and no horrible 2-some behavior.

The tick stuff is poison and I’m so glad that Utah doesn’t have a tick problem. As for the heartworm stuff I think they are not good to use. I would just use ivermectin if it was needed. No roundup either. I just wish I knew the cause so I could change it. It’s definitely not any vaccine.

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shocking and infuriating!! I don't know why I am still shocked to read stories like this. Maybe it's because I was so naive back then regarding our medical system and the drug industry. I have always shied away from that system, seeking out homeopaths and naturopaths instead, but I had no idea how corrupt the system actually was. It's a criminal cabal using a fully captured "regulatory" agency to market their poisons. Covid opened a lot of people's eyes to the corruption but it's been going on for decades and most of us were mostly unaware of the extent of the criminality. Mass murder and mass maiming has been going on for decades. God help us to shut the whole murderous enterprise down once and for all.

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You are so right pimaCanyon.

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I'd like to introduce readers to this article here as this article was one I read a couple years back, before the transgender movement gained traction, and offers an interesting perspective on who might be funding this movement: https://thefederalist.com/2018/02/20/rich-white-men-institutionalizing-transgender-ideology/

From the talks I've seen on the topic, when children hit puberty, they are established in what "sex" they and begin to act in that form. It's no wonder that blocking this natural occurring process would/can result in dysfunctions down the line (i.e., mental health issues). This is the definition of something I call "a bad idea" and we need to start speaking out against bad ideas: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-spot-bad-ideas-and-why-we

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and cause all these suicides, and considering what has been going on, these outbursts of violence.

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Thanks for sharing this. Jennifer Bilek made a video about the same sometime last year which was equally illuminating. As I said to someone else on this page, I'm neither American nor live in the US but I can share with you that this kind of thing would not go down well with either governments or the populace in many non-western parts of the world.

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Thank you so much for writing about this.

I would like to add that there is no such thing as a 'transgender child'. More than 90% of these children, if supported on their journey of self-understanding and self-acceptance, will pass through puberty and no longer experience gender dysphoria. Further, about 80% of them will be gay or lesbian.

So in truth 'transgenderism' is current-day lobotomy for children who feel they don't fit in, only it's worse than lobotomy: For those who go whole hog on the medical interventions available, they're looking at in excess of $1M in medical expenses over a lifetime -- a lifetime that will be foreshortened and of poor quality due to these very treatments.

Lastly, I find it incredibly cruel to lie to children about being able to change their sex, which is impossible. It's up to adults to help them come to terms with their sex, not lie to them about being able to change it.

Thank you again.

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Thank you too. I am really curious what the total costs of their medical expenses are (since many of the estimates are theoretical).

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I know two people who transitioned. They did it slowly, and under the medical suggestions that were in place before this horrible vilification took place.

They are two people who have gone on to live their lives, with families, just like the rest of us.

Please be careful to clearly separate the abuse of hormone blockers on young children with transitioning by adults. There is a difference.

This agenda, by the same folk who bring every devisive agenda, has so upset and disappointed me.

The insults and mean comments over the past two years bring me to nearly stopping reading any independent news anymore.

I would have thought that people who recognized the covid agenda would recognize yet another ploy to scapegoat a group.

What happened to freedom of choice?

Transitioned people are not out "grooming". They are not trying to compete in the Olympics.

How can people not recognize that all this hoopla about trans erupted with BLM, Ukraine, Palestine, Maui, East Palestine, Immigration, Trump litigation, Hunter Biden. My God, the hate just keeps on spewing.

Live and let live.

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Mar 18Edited

Hoopla was stewing over 10 years ago, people like Abigail Shrier, Jennifer Bilek & Helen Joyce started noticing something different going on. Tavistock was rampant at the time (now shuttered). JK Rowling was cancelled long before COVID & BLM. Michigan Women's Music Festival was invaded by trans women (ugly scene) circa 2012, and shut it down by 2015. The new hoopla is the commercialisation of the process.

People are starting to notice medical harm. This does not take away from your friends, or mine. (though I do worry for "his" ovaries & bones)

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I witnessed the beginning of the trans controversy at MWMF and it was much earlier than that! It was certainly underway by the late 1990s. My last year going was 2005 or 06 because I lived far away and had a son who wouldn’t be allowed on the main festival space once he turned 4. But I was extremely sad to hear it had closed down. All of the recent issues arising around transgenders has certainly reminded me of what a destructive force it was with Festival.

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My figure comes from Scott Newgent, a Texas lesbian who 'transitioned' as an adult as she was told she must be a man since she loved women. She completely regrets what she has put her body, and her children, through. It's from her that I learned not only of the expenses involved, but the damages to one's health. Here's her website: https://www.transregretters.com/

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If I could have chosen as a child, I would have transitioned into a Cowboy. That was hard wired, it was what I was "gonna be when I grew up," and - by golly, that's what I was. For maybe 2 whole years. (I am female). My parents played along, and got me the gear & clothing and a hobby horse and spurs and a pop gun. When we moved house, and I went to school, the Cowboy turned into a little scholar who loved school & learning...

Good thing it was the 60's.

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"they genuinely share that they were not aware they had any clinically significant side effects."

Bull. Either they are lying, or they shouldn't be your colleagues in the first place.

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she really didn't know and was a lot of the surface genuinely interested in finding out more.

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As a doctor, don’t they owe it to their patients to be aware of these drugs’ dangers? Instead of welcoming the drug reps time out of their day, read about these drugs’ side effects. Knowledge is better than the free lunch the drug reps bring. It’s hard to read about how these urologists became so wealthy by using a dangerous ‘approved’ drug. Just shameful on so many levels.

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Indeed! I don't see how this keeps getting glossed over. These individuals are given a lot of money and prestige, which requires commensurate care and acumen. They are licensed because they are supposed to be taking responsibility for the health-care processes they oversee. There is no excuse for not personally investigating products and protocols to which they are subjecting patients.

I had a terrible experience with chemotherapy for which I'm still kicking myself. I read the relevant papers regarding my stage (1) and grade of ovarian cancer, which indicated the 5-year survival rate was increased by 2% in those undergoing chemo which, to me, seemed like noise in the best of cases. One study was upon a whopping 14 patients!! My doctor belittled me and treated me as though I were suicidal for being skeptical about chemo. She threatened to cut off all care if I did not follow their holy protocols. I came to understand that this was a blanket threat, since all the docs and facilities adhere to the same practices.

The deepest regret I have in life is having given in to their bullying. It played on my ego: "I'll really look stupid if I don't take this chemo and I end up with more cancer!".. (whereas taking the drug and then dying from cancer.. or the drug.. is A-OK). They allowed me to 'compromise' and only do three rounds rather than some larger number. For some magical (occult?) reason, they love packages of three or six, and the timing is also three weeks, six weeks, three months... Three and six play a recurring role for no apparent empirical reason.

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You are lucky you did not have more rounds as you might not be around to write this! I know 3 women who had similar reproductive organ cancers around the same time, all having radical hysterectomies followed by chemo and radiation in one case. 2 women died within 4-6 years afterwards. The one who survived and thrived, even 12 years post, took my advice and saw a homoeopath in her city (though in that European country, they have to be medically trained drs as well) who helped her nullify both the acute and long-term side effects of chemo - the long-term one being encouraging the growth of new tumours.

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Iatrogenically induced illness is very serious. I know how you feel and I'm sorry you had to be put in that position. I had 2 severe health issues that were iatrogenically caused. They both changed me and my life for the worse. I was very young when I vowed to educate myself and never let it happen again. The Drs. hate me now but I couldn't care less. They don't hate me as much as I do them.

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AMD *always* leans into stupidity rather than malice. When in fact, it's a mixed bag.

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Stupidity, to me, is worse and even less excusable! Greed at least makes sense. We can defend against greed by shifting incentives, while with stupidity we hit a dead end.

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Anytime I have a question about medication I talk to my pharmacist. The Drs. know nothing about the meds they prescribe so blindly. I literally take 2 pills a day.

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You do not need to be a doctor to have enough common sense to know ALL hormones and drugs have side effects, some short term and some over time. And if doctors are prescribing these substances without knowing anything about them, it’s a good thing that consumers these days can find out through internet sources.

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See choice b). I mean... WTF!???

Maybe she is a psychopath just stringing you along.... :-(

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I fully agree. Seems to me that a person would have to be especially dense not to suspect such a thing, and should therefore not be in a position to advise others on anything. Unfortunately such astonishing blockheadedness is rampant among supposedly intelligent medical staff.

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The pharmaceutical industry is doing an amazing job at attempting to get every single person on the planet to be a lifetime customer. The single greatest act of rebellion today, seems to be, to remain in good health and free of pharmaceuticals. And, to teach/assist your children and grandchildren’s to do the same.

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This is an excellent article on a generally useless drug. As I understand it, no science supporting transgendering exists. Anyone who hasn't seen the video of Vanderbilt touting the profits to be made from transgender surgeries can find it easily on the internet. I agree, this isn’t any different than the profiteering from the covid plandemic. So why not create another psyop to sell yet another “safe and effective” drug? And wow, if you get the kids, you make millions for decades.

IMO any parent who wants their minor offspring to change sex is simply nuts, though they are more likely suffering from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, which is a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver through those who are in their care. MSP typically affects a primary caretaker, often the mother. The person with MSP gains attention by seeking medical help for exaggerated or made-up symptoms of a child in their care. The parent needs help, not the kid. In fact, while I support parents' rights, this is one situation where the child should be removed to a safe environment.

I worked with a transgender as he began transition. He had been married and sired children and decided to transgender after they were grown. He was narcissistic and obnoxious. After he graduated to dressing as a woman at work, he flirted and hugged my friend and other men in the hall, thinking that’s how women act. My friend was mortified. I told him to report it as it is sexual harassment, but he was too upset and embarrassed about it and afraid he would be the one in trouble with the idiots in human resources.

The mistake many are making in organizations and legally is trying to make a transgender have all the rights and privileges of the sex they are trying to be. We can see it doesn’t work in reality. I believe we need to see transgenders as a third category, where they retain some of the rights and privileges of their biological sex and some of their adopted gender. Sorting that out will never take place as long as the fight is about they are only one or the other sex.

No doubt there are some who are so miserable in their own skin that after therapy and other efforts think they can only find their happiness by adopting the persona and look of the opposite sex. But in my opinion, it is a form of extreme cutting and self-injury now increasingly abetted by the greedy medical establishment.

From what I have read, transgendering typically brings other emotional, and life-long physical and financial troubles. Of the transgender shootings I have seen in the news, most seem to be women trying to become men. An article I read on substack discussed how angry taking testosterone made her, and she eventually stopped trying to transition. I recall the enormous expense was part of that decision.

I don’t believe it right or moral to mock these sad people, but neither does it serve any healthful or moral purpose to support the transition path.

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I know two transitioned people personally. They are not sad.

How insulting.

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One of my mates is FtM. Outwardly, he appears happy & well adjusted.

But I know him. Trauma. Suffering. And a little social media contagion. He is the mask she wears to protect her, and to stay young & beautiful, and to go into the world of new places (he passes quite well). I can't begrudge him his choice.

Doesn't mean I love him any less, but we never truly know the happiness or sadness of another human.

Apart from him, all the other trans I have known (both directions) have been in a state of suffering. One ended in a tragic, confused suicide. THESE were before the current trend, starting in the 90's, through to about 15 years ago. How much of the suffering is - because of societal difficulties in being trans? And how much of it was - the person was very emotionally unstable to begin with, and latched onto a difficult solution?

You may know 2 happy ones, but the stats are not in their favour.

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If they weren't, why did they go through it?

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Because they felt that their physical, emotional and spiritual truth lay in the opposite gender.

Funny, heterosexuals constantly change their bodies, minds and spirits. Are they "sad".?

I suppose if someone is in pain, or not living in their own truth, that could be considered sad.

But then that would encompass most of humanity at one time or another.

Many of us have had to make dramatic changes in order to live more content, fulfulling lives.

I may have been sad about certain circumstances that I ultimately changed, but I am not a sad person.

Perhaps I misunderstood the context of the comment.

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Throughout history, people have made bodily changes. They range from the removable, such as cosmetics, to the extreme and unremoveable. They include permanent changes such as castration and FGM, filing teeth, permanently scaring their skin and so on to so-called sex changes such as the lady boys in Thailand. (Who, by the way, don't claim they are female.)

Some of the changes are voluntary, some encouraged/required to show membership in a group or society, and some are done by brute force such as creating eunuchs for the Chinese court. The comments below by Dave and JC touch on the differences of some changes. Where an adult decides to undergo changes of any kind, one would hope they undergo serious examination of the process and the consequences, that is is done freely and was fully informed. Currently that is often not the case. And many solutions, even losing weight to improve health, are encouraged by using often dangerous drugs when healthier options are available. Doesn't mean following those options is easy, however.

For me, where a change in the body results in permanent loss of natural function, whether it is a societally sanctioned action such as filing teeth or voluntary castration, it should not only be seriously questioned but not generally supported. I see a few situations, such as vasectomy after children or to stop spreading genetic disease that could be exceptions.

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Chinese feet binding just came to mind. Banned, for cruelty.

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Yes. I have one of those slippers. My mother inherited a shoe collection, and I inherited this piece from her. It is delicately embroidered and beautiful--if you don't think about what it represents.

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"Funny, heterosexuals constantly change their bodies, minds and spirits. Are they "sad".?"

That's not an argument. It's also wrong. Men are vilified for trying to correct their testosterone levels - for your statement that's an inconvenient truth that the medical industry absolutely supports transexuals but shuns ordinary heterosexual men trying to get their T-levels up to par, not even above. You are incorrect in saying that 'heterosexuals' have anywhere near the support for even achieving normalcy.

Have you never considered why this hypocrisy would be in place? Spoiler alert: it means you are being tricked.

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Mentioned your response in my comment above.

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I am not being tricked by anything. My beliefs are my beliefs.

My point is that it is astonishingly ironic to me that it is OK and par for the course for people to change their body parts - from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes - out of dissatisfaction (with God's perfect work!) but when it comes to changing one's gender all of a sudden it is sad, mentally ill, manipulated, twisted, "sick".

It's OK to have a breast enhancement to feel more feminine but it's depraved to transition because one IS more feminine.

In the end, I am not attempting to change anyone's thoughts about the issue. But there has been so much insulting mean-spirited attack on all comment boards that I choose to speak up.

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"My point is that it is astonishingly ironic to me that it is OK and par for the course for people to change their body parts"

I just gave you a major example refuting that point and you blew past it like a racecar past a finish line. This means your argument is unsound - it has a false premise.

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Mar 18Edited

At the risk of being rude - children.

There is a difference between -

- changing my body by fasting or going to the gym (or, protecting myself from predators in stones of fat), or even getting a piercing or tattoo

- altering fertility & viability in the young.

I believe that society should be open to whatever gender expression an individual likes. How interesting! But I am opposed to labelling and ideology. Be who you effing are, don't make me call it anything. And PLEASE understand the consequences of "interventions." (I am cautious of ALL interventions, especially irreversible ones)

Keep an eye on the trans movement, as it is a huge step towards transhumanism. Currently, all my gaming avatars are female, it's what I like. But it doesn't have to be that way - in virtual life, I can be anything, a dragon, a knight, an elf, an anime superhero. While editing the body is getting ironed out - descending into the virtual is readily available, and I have a feeling (can't prove it) that there's a connection between this virtual world and fluidity of individual identity. (e.g. Furries)

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Mentioned your response in my comment above.

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The linked to story about the disappearance of the National Lupron Victims Network is quite chilling.

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That's why it made the cut to the final draft.

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You are on fire! Just another way that the medical/pharma cartel are destroying our youth and guaranteeing lifelong customers and revenues over humanity. #Abuse

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Reading these comments, it just occurred to me how fortunate we are to have a forum like this to discuss and expose these crucial health and medical issues! Thank you MWD, thank you substack. Imagine if we had had this forum during the heighth of the scamdemic!!!

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That's why so many people came to Substack.

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It's a given ...more than 99% of the time products come on the market to make money for the provider. The question... are they beneficial? Our FDA passes many questionable foods and drugs, which have never been tested by a third party. Our government permits manufacturers to do their own testing. Caveat emptor! Buyers beware! Personally, I view all drugs as anathema. None would be necesssary, if the truth were known. Truth is suppressed for the merchandiser's benefit.

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Wow! A much needed review of what is known about puberty blockers. Most people I try to discuss this subject with simply repeat like trained parrots whatever NPR told them lately - i.e. "puberty blockers are safe and reversible" - and of course the evidence-free mantra that - "they prevent suicide." Thank you.

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It's amazing how consistently the population will echo the pharmaceutical sales lines irrespective of how at odds with reality they are.

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Lupron, many years ago - marked my first tussle with a fertility doctor. This trouble came from explaining the drug to the prospective patient, which dissuaded her. She had NOT recieved adequate info from the prescriber.

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I also find it amazing that people also continually repeat the silliest of propaganda (especially war propaganda) that's decades and even centuries old.

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Many well-heeled corporations - especially Big Tech - are giving substantial financial support to employees for IVF and/or cryopreservation (freezing) of embryos. Google covers the cost of egg freezing up to $75,000 per employee according to Freeze & Co, article dated 3/14/24:

https://www.cofertility.com/freeze-learn/what-employers-offer-egg-freezing-benefits. One wonders what the fate of the frozen embryos and eggs really is. . . . not to mention the poor employee who has to take things like lupron (i guess) to mass produce the eggs . . . . i wonder what short-term fertility treatments like that do to a woman. And to the potential baby.

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