It gained some traction and two pro-freedom lawmakers are now using an unprecedented subpoena trying to overturn the conviction. Please contact both of them about this.
Thank you Dr. Kory! I signed the petition, called Governor Abbott’s office and re-tweeted the AMD’s Twitter post this morning to include Governor Abbott. I am a Texan and I have learned so much data post - COVID about vaccine side-effects.
I had a first hand taste of Texas justice. I resided in that state from 1996 to 2006 and had direct encounters with how they treated alternative doctors and deployed the good old boy system of doling out law
In 1996 my husband and I bought a ranch in Blanco Texas. I became friends with the person doing organic certification as we planned to sell our produce in farmers markets. The inspector told me back in the 1990s when George Bush was governor that the head of the Dept of Agriculture would be the next gov as Bush planned a run for President. No secrets here, everything is planned.
So a few years later my husband develops cancer, melanoma and we seek out alternative docs. There is one locally in Fredericksburg but can't be found --apparently he was doing time for some trunpted up charge. So my husband winds up going for standard care, makes a trip to Mexico to a crackpot clinic and eventually dies in LA. A while later I met my first boyfriend in 20 years who happens to work for Bush in the LanD Commissioners Office. I learn Bush is an uncontrolled alcoholic prone to swearing and the whole building is privy to his outbursts.
Okay, so the alternative do makes his way back to praticing again doing IVs for vitamin C and caters to cancer patients and hands out lots of supplements. He has an associate in Beaumont doing similar work. Both get raided. Their entire stock of supplements are seized, they are closed down like drug dealers.
Meanwhile, my friend in the Land Commissioner's office ( who specializes in preyng on widows) tries to seize my property. I have to take him to court & spend close to $4,000.
He drags me through court for the next year of so and when I complained to the local atttorney general ( a woman) I am told the ball is in his court.
Oh yeah? I finally reversed the proceedings and ended the legal mess.
My point is Texas corruption is entrenched and deep-- we had other encounters with the sheriff who protected their associates preventing them from being procecuted. I was thrilled to finally sell my place in 2006 and get out. The discredited Doc has not practiced medicine in many years
We don't have to live wrong. My father was born in 1916 to a mother who was 47 and already had given birth to five other children. He got rickets and had many health problems especially bad teeth,sinus issues and bleeding ulcers from smoking and poor diet But he changed his life at 40 and educated himself on mutrition,practiced yoga and took up aikido. White sugar was not allowed, we never had coke or pizza. No TV dinners,no junk food.He instilled me the idea of becoming ones own doctor and stopped taking me to the family doctor when I was about six because they wanted to remove my tonsils.
So I have been studying nutrition and health since I was a child. I have had plenty of illnesses and accidents, but in general feel pretty good most days, ( although I like naps) and can usually resolve
medical ussues with nutrition / herbs and simple formulas using DMSO,etc.
I do not take any pharmaceuticals. Most of all, I don't live in fear about getting some nasty disease. I have had a very ruch life, full of adventure,travel and success in several careers. I do appreciate being alive and the fact I can walk, and my stroke six years ago did not impair my mind nor alter my senses. I try to share as many experiences as I have had with others so they can understand our lives are much more than our physical bodies. Lying in the ICU back in 2018 I felt an incredible sense of peace and lightness. It was perfectly okay with me if I transitioned but I did not. i guess I still have more lessons to learn, eh?
I signed the petition. I should have done more homework. I read this article after I signed the petition. Have you seen the testimonies of the people that were actually in his court case? This guy doesn't seem to be innocent.
In 1987 my 2 month old brother died suddenly during an afternoon nap. Child services were called and my siblings and I were separated from my parents and individually interrogated about abuse in the home . I was young and told the nice lady mommy sometimes hit us with a spoon.
Thankfully no further action took place but I’ll never forget the grief and torture on my mom’s face when I told her what I said.
First they blamed my West Indian mom for her son’s death by putting him to sleep on his stomach. A practice used in her culture for generations with no issue. And then of course her spankings, which were by no means excessive but the old school child rearing method, threatened the loss of the rest of her kids.
It would be decades later when I found out I was having a boy (which apparently SIDS disproportionately affects), that I went down several rabbit holes and bumped my head on the Sids vax connection. My son has never been jabbed.
When I told the pediatrician the reason why we declined all shots I told her our family history of post vaccine SIDS. She said flatly “oh they don’t make them like that anymore“
As a father, I am dealing with some of the issues your family has. Thankfully, we have not lost a child, however, as raising my voice is now considered child abuse and yes, the 11 year old has been spanked twice and other far less but still physical correction when all else failed, I have been reported to the school and we now have an unruly 11 year old tyrant running the house. I know your mother’s fear, disappointment and sadness, excluding the loss of her baby, all too well.
It is terrifying to have a child that is on a path to self destruction and unable to discipline or punish them in anyway for fear of being arrested and in my case deported, have the child taken away (though this is not all that realistic in Japan) thrown out of the house by my wife, which has been threatened, if I as much as raise my voice when they refuse to do what they are told or to stop doing what they know they are not to do. But that is the world we have allowed to be created, parents are responsible for the actions of their kids but denied the right to discipline and punish them.
Thanks. I will. Though, I must state that some are self apparent. Not looking both ways to cross the street because “I don’t have to, I have the green light!”, is one example.
I feel for you. There are some REALLY SICK PEOPLE making the rules right now. Cannot spank your own unruly child but showing them literal GAY PORN in school KINDERGARTEN is A-okay! SO SICK! Also, a neighbor girl who had Downs was on her way to work one morning to take the bus. It was 4am and SO DARK. She used the Crosswalk and decided to cross in front of the ONLY car on a 1/2 mile long road coming down the hill--because cars HAVE TO YIELD to Pedestrians. It did NOT end well for said Pedestrian! There is now a comemorative Cross marking the spot and the tired driver never even knew he hit her. This is in the Seattle area...people are SO DUMBED DOWN it is incredibly STUPID (and by design--easier to control). Best of luck to you.
So very sorry. Lack of discipline and parenting is what has give us millenials (those born in mid to late 1990's when all this "It Takes a Village" crap began), snowflakes and those younger. It all comes down to the lack of discipline and parenting. Yes, I got swatted on my behind a couple of times, but most kids figure out "hey, I got a spanking for doing that. I might better not do that again." We also had more 2 parent homes back then. All to take down American from within. Get the kids because the homes have been torn apart.
I too got spanked a few times growing up and even paddled as school too. Yes, you learn quickly that way. Now, you can easily find online videos of college kids have temper tantrums that only 3 year olds used to have because mommy and daddy have never told them “No” and backed it up with a smack on the head if need before. I do not always blame the parents for this. It has been at least a generation of “society” criminalizing parenting that has brought this about. However, it is not in the US only. I live in Japan and am having these difficulties here. The kid learned at school that being yelled at is child abuse.
Exactly. I was sent to the Assistant Principals office for talking and it was my “third strike.” I was hysterical as I walked to his office (back then we respected authority and never thought not to walk myself to his office). He wasn’t there so I sat in the chair waiting and grew more hysterical because I knew once I got paddled at school I would get spanked at home.
By the time he arrived, I think he saw that I had worked myself into such a state that paddling would be a downgrade. He told me to go back to class and I better not be back again. I never was.
I must disagree here. Punishment IS a subtle and insidious form of violence. I am NOT suggesting that children should be taken away. I AM suggesting that teenagers and parents-to-be as well as people who already have children, need to be EDUCATED about child development and AWARE PARENTING.
IF we ever really want to change anything for the better in the world, ie put an end to war once and for all, we MUST begin with childhood adversity in all its forms. EVERYTHING that humans think, believe and DO happens DOWNSTREAM from the way we perceive and TREAT children during their FORMATIVE years and we must remember that the human brain is not fully developped until the early 20's. NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we address this fundamental issue!!
As long as we keep on raising children with ANY kind of violence, the seeds of WAR will remain "fettile"!
"It is paradoxical, yet true: Children are the most in need of LOVING attention, when they act the least deserving of it."
Nicoletta, you seem to be trying to drive people to your website to continue your brand of parenting. I have worked with children for over 40 years beginning in the 1980's. I've watched lack of discipline, morals, values and thinking of others have done to people. I have PERSONALLY witnessed it. The argument of "punishment is a subtle and insidious form of violence" is propaganda launched in the 1980's into the 1990's to stop parents from parenting their children. I was spanked (I think) twice. Did my parents abuse me? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Did I figure out that if I continued to mis-behave there would be consequences? ABSOLUTELY.
Your "children are the most in need of loving attention" is just old propaganda that has given us millenials on down. No, thanks. Your thinking is what has driven three generations to destroy our country. But you go ahead and spew out the "it is VIOLENCE' nonsense. I will remember that and thank you in my mind as our country continues to go down the sewer thanks to the offspring our philosophy has spawn.
Your child is kicking your wife hard enough to leave bruises as they are screaming “No! I don’t want to!” They are ignoring both you and your wife, their mother telling them to stop. In the time you took to read this, they have begun to hit her too. Your move, what is it?
A swat on the tush and off to their room they go. Problem is if a child has reach elementary school, it is going to be a long road. Can it be changed? Yes, but it is going to be very hard work. A teenager? They are cooked.
If the child is behaving this way, something has already gone very wrong. Unmet needs, lack of appropriate information, hunger, pent up emotions, and unresolved trauma in all its forms can lead to such behaviour. Punishment is NOT an appropriate solution.
>"Punishment IS a subtle and insidious form of violence."
Correction is not "violence". Conflating these two concepts destroys societies and entire cultures. The Western culture, for a start.
1. Correct ("like this, but not like that")
2. Explain (why it's bad, why something is good, its consequences, that is)
3. Encourage (when they try the good way).
Repeat (love is what makes you repeat instead of... never mind).
Spoiler: You may have to repeat §1..§3 for, say 15-20 (or more) years, but eventually you'll have an adult and mature offspring to have deep and meaningful discussions with. Every loving parent's best reward. ;-)
The problem we have with the 11 year old, is that they do not listen to the correction nor the explanation. I do not know at what age the began this but I do recall asking how it is that a 6 year old thinks they know all they is to know and that both of their parents are idiots who need not be listened to. I also remember, that it took a long frustrating time before I asked this.
My mother would chase us upstairs while she brandished a wooden spoon trying to whack our butts when we were being bratty. She broke a spoon on one of my brothers' butt. We were usually laughing hysterically because we were so much faster than she was. Oh that was real child abuse!
You need to learn Aikido..I worked at a school for special needs children-- Yes, they were retarded,emtionally disturbed and acted out. I was frequently able to subdue them quite easily--like put them on the ground by applying pressure to a point on the forearm that corresponds to. an acupuncture point for the intestine.I am 5 ft tall,some of the teenagers were more than half a foot taller and close to 100 lbs heavier. They were absolutely stunned. This was way back in the 1970s--- so nobody feared social backlash, etc
I think everyone would benefit from learning basic self defense aikido teaches you to subvert your opponents energy.
I am 54 with a recently horribly twisted knee that likely needs surgery, no aikido for me. I have Dan in kendo which is good for self defense and can be for subduing attackers. Neither of these solve the foundational problem though.
I wrenched my knee quite badly about 8 years ago and put DMSO on immediately and was able to walk within 2 hours. Ligament injuries are bad, they need collagen vit C, copper for repair I had a severe knee injury during COVIV-- smashed my knee cap in a fall in a gas station that had a loose mat in the entrance-- I was traveling and couldn't go to a hospital because they forced jabs on all patients
Took about a month or so to heal up (bruised other knee as well,but it minor) thank god I had DMSO with me! Good luck with your knee!
I was hit with the wooden spoon and the belt a few times I can remember anbaly many times I can’t remember. It was never excessive but necessary . I’m a well adjusted healthcare professional now. I love both my parents. They did what needed to be done. I spank my kids now but not as much as my parents did. They are a little unruly but we have a deep bond and I feel respected. I always try to leave their dignity intake when I discipline and explain why I’m upset/disappointed/had to discipline. I think I’m a little soft but I’m working on it.
Hi Kitsune, I am just brainstorming here... because you know your son best ... Is there something(s) you can take away from the 11-year-old when he doesn't obey? Something he really likes. It could be something electronic or just a comfort item... like his mattress. Or maybe something you don't do for him when he hits his mother, like you won't take him somewhere or he has to walk home? Is there another type of school he may not like to go to (maybe even a boarding school) that you can tell him he will be attending if he hits his mother?
When they were four, their mother threatened to take away their Challenge Touch which is a tablet with educational games. Their response, “Then I’ll break daddy’s iPad.” This attitude has not been corrected, rather intensified since. They are 11 now. A couple of years after the challenge touch iPad affair, they were punished for some other serious problem. I tried to explain to them that mommy and day do not want to have to punish them, but they must learn to obey. I gat as far as “Mommy and daddy do not want to punish you..”, when they interrupted with, “Then don’t.” Most recently, after a prolonged “fight” to get them out the door and out of the yard yard to the street to take them to school as the missed most of the morning classes and late arriving students must be escorted by a parent, I tried to explain to them how troublesome it was for his mother and I when he does not go to school. His mom, and high ranking manager at Pf had to cancel an important meeting and suddenly take a morning off and I to reschedule my work. Their reply, “Then mommy and daddy shouldn’t trouble me.” What would your parents have done to you if you said such in a similar situation? I’d bet, far less than what I did. But I am now on record at their school as a possible child abuser and was threatened with being thrown out of the house for what I did.
Such impudence. Yes, I would never say such a thing to my parents because I would have been in a lot of trouble.
Well, more brainstorming here...what about getting someone else involved who they might listen to... Maybe someone at the school to explain that they need to be in class?
If that isn't an option...I am thinking boarding school may be the only way since they would be corrected there and it wouldn't be on you how it was handled. You might only have to send one and the other one would learn by proxy.
We have consulted with teachers since preschool about these issues. Sadly, my wife did not and does not share the same concerns as I do. She is concerned but not about the same things. My wife and our kid entered shorinji, a martial art form arising out of Buddhism. Both my wife and I were counseled by the sensei about the kid’s attitude and laziness. Boarding school? Out of our budget, especially now that I am just barely employed thanks to covid policies, among other things. English is not the kid’s first language. Their listening skills are quite good but their reading and production of the language all but non existent.
Your paediatrician is a huge liar and I’d venture a guess she knows that!!
Vaccines have never been safe and are not, and never have been truthfully scientifically tested. Deaths go unreported and are covered up. There are stories galore when one does some research of atrocious death coverups! Think thalidomide!! Think polio!!
Doctors exert pressure on moms and dads to give Newborns right through to puberty over 70 different vaccinations. Many little bodies cannot cope….kids die as a result. Autism strikes 1 in every 35 kids. Deaths and illnesses are never truthfully attributed to vaccination. Pharmaceutical companies have been given government legislated freedom from all liability on all vaccines. Big money talks!!
Elitist big money groups like Gates, WEF, Soros, Rockefellers all have a sinister plan to control and rule as a one- world government by reducing populations and ruining at least one generation of intellectual cognitive abilities. Making kids sick, lowering IQs, ruining immune systems, Woke ideology teachings - just some of the gulag methods being employed.
No parent EVER should agree to ANY vaccination. There are many doctors, not all, that get financial compensation from big Pharma for every jab they give…..nauseating but true!!
There are countless people who have experienced events similar to your’s, and feel alone because of the horrendous stigma attached to the topic. I would even go on to speculate that there’s a silent *majority* of people in this nation who have had loved ones (and/or themselves) been gravely injured and/or traumatized by Big Pharma’s tentacles.
Thank you for sharing your story ❤️🙏. It truly helps the silent majority realize that it is indeed a majority, and not just a rare isolated event or “nothing at all” (as the medical establishment so often bullies people into thinking).
I myself have been injured and gaslit by the medical establishment, and I have never been able to put into words just what it feels like to have over 10 medical doctors telling me that “I’m the crazy one”, and having to stand my ground and weather the storm while not having a single ally in a period of crisis…
We are the silent majority, and we are getting louder and louder… I truly believe that a golden age of medicine is on the horizon, and it’s people like you who are helping to topple the corrupt and abusive paradigm in which healthcare currently operates.
suspect my little sister (of 5 months) having died of vaccine injury in 1970. We children all took the vaccines not so well. I did not allow any vaccination of my daughter ever. She is now 22, beautiful and fine. Hi from Europe!
JENNIFER: Hi. My name is Jennifer and I was asked by Dr. Ben Tapper, a dear friend of mine, to share briefly my story. And so I'm going to try to do that in about 2 minutes. We'll see what happens here.
I was a police officer in a medium-sized urban area, so was my husband, he's a retired sergeant, I was an officer, we were both assigned to the Child Victim Sexual Assault Unit. And what, what really sparked some surprise and shock in us was the amount of children that actually do died of, die of quote unquote SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome.
We, in our unit were in charge of investigating all child deaths whether they were suspicious or not, so any time a baby died of SIDS in the home, officers were called out to investigate, to rule out foul play. And I will tell you this, SIDS deaths occurred at about a rate of 3 to 4 a month in a city of about 350,000. So probably an alarming number when we're led to believe it's super, super rare.
One thing that we started to noice was a pattern of when these children would die. It would usually be within hours to a week of their immunizations. And, I would say, most commonly this would happen after the 6 month immunizations. They get a lot at 2 months and they get a lot at 4 months and we did see SIDS deaths at those periods, too, but primarily 6 months was kind of, that was kind of the threshold where we would see a lot of the SIDS deaths happening.
So one thing that I started to really notice was that the medical examiners would detail a lot of things on the death reports, like, you know, if the baby was eating solids or if it had had a bath, and had lotion on and what kind what was it, and was there smoking in the home, who was on the house. They left no stone unturned. They literally would mark everything down. And then they would stamp SIDS on it.
The one thing that they wouldn't ever put down was that the child had been recently vaccinated. And that really, I found that odd because if there was any other pharmaceuticals involved, like a round of antibiotics or Tylenol or whatever, that was certainly on the report. But not vaccines.
And so I started doing my own digging and I found out that because vaccines do not have liability, that the manufacturers do not carry liability, then the medical examiners are not obligated to put vaccines on the medical report.
And this is what really started my journey in investigating vaccines. Because I was expecting my child, my first child, when I was working in that unit and, you know, we were deciding who our doctor was going to be, and things like that, and this really opened my eyes to whether this was something I wanted to do for my kids, but it just seemed like, this was what you do, right? But I was raised to question everything, so when I saw these red flags I really started to go down this rabbit hole.
And I will tell you that I did not see a SIDS report that didn't have some sort of symptom on it. And, you know, people are led to believe that SIDS, there's no symptoms, the baby's just dead. But there was always symptoms. And those symptoms were pulmonary petechiae, meaning there was like broken blood vessels in the lungs, and petechiae in the brain. And those were also common with shaken baby, but for whatever reason the doctors could tell the difference between traumatic petechiae and nontraumatic and that would get marked on there, too. So I'm thinking, well, if it's just a sudden death and it's a mystery, why do we see these, these symptoms listed on the report?
So that also was just another way that I started down the rabbit hole. And you know, my husband and I were both led to the decision to not vaccinate our children.
But that's pretty much my short abbreviated version of my story. There's more to it but Ben told me 2 to 3 minutes and I've already gone over, so going to wrap this up.
I haven't told you my agency or my full name because, as you probably know, there's repercussions with speaking the truth and so because I have a family that I care about I'm going to refrain from that information for now, but thank you for listening.
Besides trying to make sure EVERYONE knows about the clots that embalmers and cath lab workers are finding, I’m going to share this kind of information with anyone who is having a baby or a grand baby. I pray they will listen. Thank you TB for documenting these tragic stories. The great awakening is beginning. Let’s pray that it doesn’t lose momentum. 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks, Laura. And huge kudos to "Jennifer" for telling her story on camera, and to Steve Kirsch, for reporting on this, and for including her video on his rumble channel.
And Laura, as ever, huge thanks for all you do, too.
I heard that during the lockdown from the pandemic, many babies were not vaccinated…guess what the numbers of SIDS was? Drastically reduced…would that not be proof?
I’m a judge in Texas with no jurisdiction to do anything about this particular case. But I had a shaken baby case in 2000. The defendant ( a babysitter) was found guilty but, because of some unique circumstances, the state agreed that she receive probation. A few years later she died of breast cancer. It turned out about that time that the doctor/medical examiner who had testified (I forget his name but you may know it) was totally discredited for his theories on shaken baby syndrome. As I recall, several new trials were granted as a result.
No problem. We are fortunate to have a good Court of Criminal Appeals (our highest criminal court). They’ve reversed me a few times but I don’t disagree with their reasoning. They will give this issue fair consideration.
In 1980, my 2-month-old daughter tried to die. My wife was feeding her, and the baby just turned blue. My wife screamed my name, and we drove like a bat outta hell back to the hospital where my baby was born. The ER team saved her. There was no mucus plug, no airway problem, no inflammation, nothing— so the diagnosis was “aborted SIDS” which of course is no diagnosis at all. She been a perfectly healthy newborn up to that moment. It only occurred to me years later that the only thing she had had done to her was 48 hours earlier she received her first vaccination at her “well baby visit”.
Baby wellness visits are a misnomer. The mainstream medical and dental establishment use vaccines to be able to poison and weaken and injure us in the name of profits and public health.
At four months of age, back in 1997, my son received the DTP shot, before it became the DTaP. Thankfully he was being nursed as he developed at 105 fever and was lethargic with a barking type cough for at least four days at which point the fever and coughs stopped. Also, thankfully, our Family Practice doctor at the time recognized this as a vaccine injury and actually suggested no more jabs. We feel that we dodged a really lethal bullet you might say. With everything I know now, I regret ever vaccinating my children at all.
Wow, thank-you for getting this info out so quickly. I've been hearing about Robert but did not know the details of his daughter's death. I have had a vaccine injured child (who has recovered, praise God!) AND I live in Texas. I'll plan to call the governor's office tomorrow morning. Thanks again for alerting us!
Ok, I signed the petition and I called the Governor's office in Austin directly at 512.463.2000 this morning. I also emailed his office using this government link
I truly feel sorry for this guy, and I hope that somehow your appeal and the effort of others will save his life.
In a previous era (the 1990s), I worked for a police department, focusing on child abuse (both sexual and physical), and nothing was more heartbreaking than investigating the death of a baby. And yes, there were some people who DID intentionally kill a baby or harm it so badly that it died. But not ONE time was it due to "shaking" the baby out of some kind of rage because it was crying.
It's a grim thing to talk about, but the truth is that the babies who were killed on my watch were either slapped/punched, or in one case, burned with a hot iron. ALL of those cases involved young men who were not the biological father (i.e. they resented having to be the caregiver).
I have zero inside knowledge about the Texas case, but I am 99.99999% sure he didn't shake his baby to death.
Mid Western Doctor, thank you for your charitable heart. I have asked my wife to load this issue onto FaceBook, and I have sent an 'emergency' request to Governor Abbot's Office, begging a stay of execution on grounds of miscarriage of justice. (I am currently travelling, staying in a hotel, and have responded to the petition as well). Let's pray for Mr. Robertson...Lord, please spare this innocent man's life, restore his freedom, and protect the great State of Texas from the guilt of executing an innocent man. We ask this in Jesus precious name.
Well this was a hard read. My niece, Diedra died at age 4 months in 1982 of SIDS. I am trying to digest why she died in light of this article. I did the things you asked. I can never tell my sister about the vac causing her daughter’s death. I’m quite sick to my stomach right now. This is the first I have heard of a shot causing SIDS. They chose not to have an autopsy. Thanks for sharing this.
Heartbreaking. A close friend and I had babies at the same time in 1980. When her little son was 4 months old he "died of sids". He too had been recently vaccinated. He was a healthy chubby happy little baby. His death destroyed that family. Just as it destroys thousands of other families each year. It's horrifying reading the background details provided basically this risk from vaccines has been suspected for decades but like the covid vaccine or the MMR or so many others, everyone for some insane reason agrees to look the other way and not ask the obvious questions. This is so awful I just want to throw up with grief and disgust.
Yes, and reading about that 'memo' that PIG pHARMa penned advising the vials to be distributed fuerther apart so that people would not infer the shots as the cause of SIDS...I hope those people are already in the LAKE OF FIRE. My cousins baby boy died of SIDS and I immediately suspected shots and this was in the late 1980's. This whole shot program WILL BE STOPPED FOREVER VERY SOON! God is going to EXPOSE EVERYTHING and RETRIBUTION is His. I cannot wait!
This is OT (Off Topic), but this interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf is worth paying attention to if you wonder about and/or are concerned about the long-term consequences -- political, medical, social -- of the Covid jab:
Thank you MWD for brining this to atttention. Petition signed. This is heartbreaking. I can't imagine what this poor man must be going through, and have gone through the last 20yrs. Capital punishment has its place in my opinion, for instance, every single pharma cartel executive and decision maker should be executed for mass murder and crimes against humanity.
Called Gov Abbott and left a message. I had heard about this case on the periphery but agree 100% with what you presented. The toxic stew we live in is so hard to wrap our minds around. It is so all-encompassing that many assumptions need to be re-examined. Thank you for covering this and for all you do.
We put this thread together to bring attention to this case.
It gained some traction and two pro-freedom lawmakers are now using an unprecedented subpoena trying to overturn the conviction. Please contact both of them about this. ( (
A lot is also happening behind the scenes to rectify this thanks to your voices beginning to be heard.
Thank you Dr. Kory! I signed the petition, called Governor Abbott’s office and re-tweeted the AMD’s Twitter post this morning to include Governor Abbott. I am a Texan and I have learned so much data post - COVID about vaccine side-effects.
I called and left a message for the Governor.
two pro-freedom lawmakers... that is two out of how many?
Not good enough because they are drowned in the ocean of deception.
Lawmakers are lawbreakers.
As for that one case... what do you do if you win?
Next case?
What we need is Authority of the self.
Not a case by case study game fight...
We need to rethink who we are and that we are the Authority not some corrupt politician who should be hanged for corruption under their own laws.
I had a first hand taste of Texas justice. I resided in that state from 1996 to 2006 and had direct encounters with how they treated alternative doctors and deployed the good old boy system of doling out law
In 1996 my husband and I bought a ranch in Blanco Texas. I became friends with the person doing organic certification as we planned to sell our produce in farmers markets. The inspector told me back in the 1990s when George Bush was governor that the head of the Dept of Agriculture would be the next gov as Bush planned a run for President. No secrets here, everything is planned.
So a few years later my husband develops cancer, melanoma and we seek out alternative docs. There is one locally in Fredericksburg but can't be found --apparently he was doing time for some trunpted up charge. So my husband winds up going for standard care, makes a trip to Mexico to a crackpot clinic and eventually dies in LA. A while later I met my first boyfriend in 20 years who happens to work for Bush in the LanD Commissioners Office. I learn Bush is an uncontrolled alcoholic prone to swearing and the whole building is privy to his outbursts.
Okay, so the alternative do makes his way back to praticing again doing IVs for vitamin C and caters to cancer patients and hands out lots of supplements. He has an associate in Beaumont doing similar work. Both get raided. Their entire stock of supplements are seized, they are closed down like drug dealers.
Meanwhile, my friend in the Land Commissioner's office ( who specializes in preyng on widows) tries to seize my property. I have to take him to court & spend close to $4,000.
He drags me through court for the next year of so and when I complained to the local atttorney general ( a woman) I am told the ball is in his court.
Oh yeah? I finally reversed the proceedings and ended the legal mess.
My point is Texas corruption is entrenched and deep-- we had other encounters with the sheriff who protected their associates preventing them from being procecuted. I was thrilled to finally sell my place in 2006 and get out. The discredited Doc has not practiced medicine in many years
Thank you for your story.
I am an avid promoter of Chinese Medicine and a Vegetarian since 1989.
I practice Tai Qi.
Apart from accidents and extreme Tonsillitis which was solved after they were removed I have little to now health Issues.
Point is... the reason why we need medicine is because we live wrong.
And when we live wrong no medicine can solve this.
As for Vaxxinations... they are all shit and I trust none.
Drink Tea and practice Kung Fu... that keeps the Doctor away.
We don't have to live wrong. My father was born in 1916 to a mother who was 47 and already had given birth to five other children. He got rickets and had many health problems especially bad teeth,sinus issues and bleeding ulcers from smoking and poor diet But he changed his life at 40 and educated himself on mutrition,practiced yoga and took up aikido. White sugar was not allowed, we never had coke or pizza. No TV dinners,no junk food.He instilled me the idea of becoming ones own doctor and stopped taking me to the family doctor when I was about six because they wanted to remove my tonsils.
So I have been studying nutrition and health since I was a child. I have had plenty of illnesses and accidents, but in general feel pretty good most days, ( although I like naps) and can usually resolve
medical ussues with nutrition / herbs and simple formulas using DMSO,etc.
I do not take any pharmaceuticals. Most of all, I don't live in fear about getting some nasty disease. I have had a very ruch life, full of adventure,travel and success in several careers. I do appreciate being alive and the fact I can walk, and my stroke six years ago did not impair my mind nor alter my senses. I try to share as many experiences as I have had with others so they can understand our lives are much more than our physical bodies. Lying in the ICU back in 2018 I felt an incredible sense of peace and lightness. It was perfectly okay with me if I transitioned but I did not. i guess I still have more lessons to learn, eh?
Kudos... don't we all?
I learned Aikido-Jitsu Ba Gua Hung Gar and Wing Chun.
I have no fear for the same reasons you have.
One who lives by ZEN and Truth does not fear liars.
Sad story 😔 I’m glad you got out of that environment. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and I hope you find love and peace out there. God bless ❤️
Cussing and vulgarities, you mean. Everyone in the regime swears (oaths).
It appears to be working, though. Critical-mass was reached:
One small victory with the main battle in front of us.
Still good news are always appreciated.
I signed the petition. I should have done more homework. I read this article after I signed the petition. Have you seen the testimonies of the people that were actually in his court case? This guy doesn't seem to be innocent.
I must speak on this .
In 1987 my 2 month old brother died suddenly during an afternoon nap. Child services were called and my siblings and I were separated from my parents and individually interrogated about abuse in the home . I was young and told the nice lady mommy sometimes hit us with a spoon.
Thankfully no further action took place but I’ll never forget the grief and torture on my mom’s face when I told her what I said.
First they blamed my West Indian mom for her son’s death by putting him to sleep on his stomach. A practice used in her culture for generations with no issue. And then of course her spankings, which were by no means excessive but the old school child rearing method, threatened the loss of the rest of her kids.
It would be decades later when I found out I was having a boy (which apparently SIDS disproportionately affects), that I went down several rabbit holes and bumped my head on the Sids vax connection. My son has never been jabbed.
When I told the pediatrician the reason why we declined all shots I told her our family history of post vaccine SIDS. She said flatly “oh they don’t make them like that anymore“
Sorry if OT.
As a father, I am dealing with some of the issues your family has. Thankfully, we have not lost a child, however, as raising my voice is now considered child abuse and yes, the 11 year old has been spanked twice and other far less but still physical correction when all else failed, I have been reported to the school and we now have an unruly 11 year old tyrant running the house. I know your mother’s fear, disappointment and sadness, excluding the loss of her baby, all too well.
Breaks my heart to hear this
It is terrifying to have a child that is on a path to self destruction and unable to discipline or punish them in anyway for fear of being arrested and in my case deported, have the child taken away (though this is not all that realistic in Japan) thrown out of the house by my wife, which has been threatened, if I as much as raise my voice when they refuse to do what they are told or to stop doing what they know they are not to do. But that is the world we have allowed to be created, parents are responsible for the actions of their kids but denied the right to discipline and punish them.
Please Check out the parenting handbook taken from the book “Children The Challenge” by Richard Dreikus (sp?)
It’s called “The STEP Parenting Handbook”. Not to be confused with “step parents”.
Invaluable resource that focuses on natural and logical consequences for children’s behavior.
Best wishes to you!
Thanks. I will. Though, I must state that some are self apparent. Not looking both ways to cross the street because “I don’t have to, I have the green light!”, is one example.
I feel for you. There are some REALLY SICK PEOPLE making the rules right now. Cannot spank your own unruly child but showing them literal GAY PORN in school KINDERGARTEN is A-okay! SO SICK! Also, a neighbor girl who had Downs was on her way to work one morning to take the bus. It was 4am and SO DARK. She used the Crosswalk and decided to cross in front of the ONLY car on a 1/2 mile long road coming down the hill--because cars HAVE TO YIELD to Pedestrians. It did NOT end well for said Pedestrian! There is now a comemorative Cross marking the spot and the tired driver never even knew he hit her. This is in the Seattle area...people are SO DUMBED DOWN it is incredibly STUPID (and by design--easier to control). Best of luck to you.
I cannot emphasize how helpful this handbook is! Much more to it than I’ve stated.
So very sorry. Lack of discipline and parenting is what has give us millenials (those born in mid to late 1990's when all this "It Takes a Village" crap began), snowflakes and those younger. It all comes down to the lack of discipline and parenting. Yes, I got swatted on my behind a couple of times, but most kids figure out "hey, I got a spanking for doing that. I might better not do that again." We also had more 2 parent homes back then. All to take down American from within. Get the kids because the homes have been torn apart.
I too got spanked a few times growing up and even paddled as school too. Yes, you learn quickly that way. Now, you can easily find online videos of college kids have temper tantrums that only 3 year olds used to have because mommy and daddy have never told them “No” and backed it up with a smack on the head if need before. I do not always blame the parents for this. It has been at least a generation of “society” criminalizing parenting that has brought this about. However, it is not in the US only. I live in Japan and am having these difficulties here. The kid learned at school that being yelled at is child abuse.
Exactly. I was sent to the Assistant Principals office for talking and it was my “third strike.” I was hysterical as I walked to his office (back then we respected authority and never thought not to walk myself to his office). He wasn’t there so I sat in the chair waiting and grew more hysterical because I knew once I got paddled at school I would get spanked at home.
By the time he arrived, I think he saw that I had worked myself into such a state that paddling would be a downgrade. He told me to go back to class and I better not be back again. I never was.
I must disagree here. Punishment IS a subtle and insidious form of violence. I am NOT suggesting that children should be taken away. I AM suggesting that teenagers and parents-to-be as well as people who already have children, need to be EDUCATED about child development and AWARE PARENTING.
IF we ever really want to change anything for the better in the world, ie put an end to war once and for all, we MUST begin with childhood adversity in all its forms. EVERYTHING that humans think, believe and DO happens DOWNSTREAM from the way we perceive and TREAT children during their FORMATIVE years and we must remember that the human brain is not fully developped until the early 20's. NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we address this fundamental issue!!
As long as we keep on raising children with ANY kind of violence, the seeds of WAR will remain "fettile"!
"It is paradoxical, yet true: Children are the most in need of LOVING attention, when they act the least deserving of it."
Nicoletta, you seem to be trying to drive people to your website to continue your brand of parenting. I have worked with children for over 40 years beginning in the 1980's. I've watched lack of discipline, morals, values and thinking of others have done to people. I have PERSONALLY witnessed it. The argument of "punishment is a subtle and insidious form of violence" is propaganda launched in the 1980's into the 1990's to stop parents from parenting their children. I was spanked (I think) twice. Did my parents abuse me? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Did I figure out that if I continued to mis-behave there would be consequences? ABSOLUTELY.
Your "children are the most in need of loving attention" is just old propaganda that has given us millenials on down. No, thanks. Your thinking is what has driven three generations to destroy our country. But you go ahead and spew out the "it is VIOLENCE' nonsense. I will remember that and thank you in my mind as our country continues to go down the sewer thanks to the offspring our philosophy has spawn.
Do you have children?
What has been true about love for thousands of years is this:
"Whoever spares the rod HATES his son, but he who LOVES him is diligent to discipline him." (Proverbs 13:24)
The rod was NEVER intended for what you imply here!! It is a tool to GUIDE the sheep, NOT to hit them with!!
And yes, I have 3 grown children and a 6 yo grandson.
Your child is kicking your wife hard enough to leave bruises as they are screaming “No! I don’t want to!” They are ignoring both you and your wife, their mother telling them to stop. In the time you took to read this, they have begun to hit her too. Your move, what is it?
A swat on the tush and off to their room they go. Problem is if a child has reach elementary school, it is going to be a long road. Can it be changed? Yes, but it is going to be very hard work. A teenager? They are cooked.
If the child is behaving this way, something has already gone very wrong. Unmet needs, lack of appropriate information, hunger, pent up emotions, and unresolved trauma in all its forms can lead to such behaviour. Punishment is NOT an appropriate solution.
Loving Limits ARE necessary. They MAY involve restraining a child that lashes out. But violence, hitting, and punishment are NOT required.
>"Punishment IS a subtle and insidious form of violence."
Correction is not "violence". Conflating these two concepts destroys societies and entire cultures. The Western culture, for a start.
1. Correct ("like this, but not like that")
2. Explain (why it's bad, why something is good, its consequences, that is)
3. Encourage (when they try the good way).
Repeat (love is what makes you repeat instead of... never mind).
Spoiler: You may have to repeat §1..§3 for, say 15-20 (or more) years, but eventually you'll have an adult and mature offspring to have deep and meaningful discussions with. Every loving parent's best reward. ;-)
The problem we have with the 11 year old, is that they do not listen to the correction nor the explanation. I do not know at what age the began this but I do recall asking how it is that a 6 year old thinks they know all they is to know and that both of their parents are idiots who need not be listened to. I also remember, that it took a long frustrating time before I asked this.
My mother would chase us upstairs while she brandished a wooden spoon trying to whack our butts when we were being bratty. She broke a spoon on one of my brothers' butt. We were usually laughing hysterically because we were so much faster than she was. Oh that was real child abuse!
Today, yes, that is child abuse.
You need to learn Aikido..I worked at a school for special needs children-- Yes, they were retarded,emtionally disturbed and acted out. I was frequently able to subdue them quite easily--like put them on the ground by applying pressure to a point on the forearm that corresponds to. an acupuncture point for the intestine.I am 5 ft tall,some of the teenagers were more than half a foot taller and close to 100 lbs heavier. They were absolutely stunned. This was way back in the 1970s--- so nobody feared social backlash, etc
I think everyone would benefit from learning basic self defense aikido teaches you to subvert your opponents energy.
I am 54 with a recently horribly twisted knee that likely needs surgery, no aikido for me. I have Dan in kendo which is good for self defense and can be for subduing attackers. Neither of these solve the foundational problem though.
Have you tried DMSO? Castor oil packs?
I wrenched my knee quite badly about 8 years ago and put DMSO on immediately and was able to walk within 2 hours. Ligament injuries are bad, they need collagen vit C, copper for repair I had a severe knee injury during COVIV-- smashed my knee cap in a fall in a gas station that had a loose mat in the entrance-- I was traveling and couldn't go to a hospital because they forced jabs on all patients
Took about a month or so to heal up (bruised other knee as well,but it minor) thank god I had DMSO with me! Good luck with your knee!
I was hit with the wooden spoon and the belt a few times I can remember anbaly many times I can’t remember. It was never excessive but necessary . I’m a well adjusted healthcare professional now. I love both my parents. They did what needed to be done. I spank my kids now but not as much as my parents did. They are a little unruly but we have a deep bond and I feel respected. I always try to leave their dignity intake when I discipline and explain why I’m upset/disappointed/had to discipline. I think I’m a little soft but I’m working on it.
Hi Kitsune, I am just brainstorming here... because you know your son best ... Is there something(s) you can take away from the 11-year-old when he doesn't obey? Something he really likes. It could be something electronic or just a comfort item... like his mattress. Or maybe something you don't do for him when he hits his mother, like you won't take him somewhere or he has to walk home? Is there another type of school he may not like to go to (maybe even a boarding school) that you can tell him he will be attending if he hits his mother?
When they were four, their mother threatened to take away their Challenge Touch which is a tablet with educational games. Their response, “Then I’ll break daddy’s iPad.” This attitude has not been corrected, rather intensified since. They are 11 now. A couple of years after the challenge touch iPad affair, they were punished for some other serious problem. I tried to explain to them that mommy and day do not want to have to punish them, but they must learn to obey. I gat as far as “Mommy and daddy do not want to punish you..”, when they interrupted with, “Then don’t.” Most recently, after a prolonged “fight” to get them out the door and out of the yard yard to the street to take them to school as the missed most of the morning classes and late arriving students must be escorted by a parent, I tried to explain to them how troublesome it was for his mother and I when he does not go to school. His mom, and high ranking manager at Pf had to cancel an important meeting and suddenly take a morning off and I to reschedule my work. Their reply, “Then mommy and daddy shouldn’t trouble me.” What would your parents have done to you if you said such in a similar situation? I’d bet, far less than what I did. But I am now on record at their school as a possible child abuser and was threatened with being thrown out of the house for what I did.
Such impudence. Yes, I would never say such a thing to my parents because I would have been in a lot of trouble.
Well, more brainstorming here...what about getting someone else involved who they might listen to... Maybe someone at the school to explain that they need to be in class?
If that isn't an option...I am thinking boarding school may be the only way since they would be corrected there and it wouldn't be on you how it was handled. You might only have to send one and the other one would learn by proxy.
This one is in S. Korea and is $9K/year.
This one is in Spain and is $10K/year
I think both of those are English-speaking UK schools that take children.
We have consulted with teachers since preschool about these issues. Sadly, my wife did not and does not share the same concerns as I do. She is concerned but not about the same things. My wife and our kid entered shorinji, a martial art form arising out of Buddhism. Both my wife and I were counseled by the sensei about the kid’s attitude and laziness. Boarding school? Out of our budget, especially now that I am just barely employed thanks to covid policies, among other things. English is not the kid’s first language. Their listening skills are quite good but their reading and production of the language all but non existent.
This is a tough problem.
Your paediatrician is a huge liar and I’d venture a guess she knows that!!
Vaccines have never been safe and are not, and never have been truthfully scientifically tested. Deaths go unreported and are covered up. There are stories galore when one does some research of atrocious death coverups! Think thalidomide!! Think polio!!
Doctors exert pressure on moms and dads to give Newborns right through to puberty over 70 different vaccinations. Many little bodies cannot cope….kids die as a result. Autism strikes 1 in every 35 kids. Deaths and illnesses are never truthfully attributed to vaccination. Pharmaceutical companies have been given government legislated freedom from all liability on all vaccines. Big money talks!!
Elitist big money groups like Gates, WEF, Soros, Rockefellers all have a sinister plan to control and rule as a one- world government by reducing populations and ruining at least one generation of intellectual cognitive abilities. Making kids sick, lowering IQs, ruining immune systems, Woke ideology teachings - just some of the gulag methods being employed.
No parent EVER should agree to ANY vaccination. There are many doctors, not all, that get financial compensation from big Pharma for every jab they give…..nauseating but true!!
This is the whole truth
All points summed in one comment
Their little bodies can’t cope
Most doctor ASSUME there are studies; they are DUMBFOUNDED when they CANNOT FIND ANY!
And any parent who say they researched vaccines and still choose to vaccinate ——— no comment ——-
Thank you for your comment. It is right in line with this article.
In times of extreme shock people are floundering and not sure about anything.
There are countless people who have experienced events similar to your’s, and feel alone because of the horrendous stigma attached to the topic. I would even go on to speculate that there’s a silent *majority* of people in this nation who have had loved ones (and/or themselves) been gravely injured and/or traumatized by Big Pharma’s tentacles.
Thank you for sharing your story ❤️🙏. It truly helps the silent majority realize that it is indeed a majority, and not just a rare isolated event or “nothing at all” (as the medical establishment so often bullies people into thinking).
I myself have been injured and gaslit by the medical establishment, and I have never been able to put into words just what it feels like to have over 10 medical doctors telling me that “I’m the crazy one”, and having to stand my ground and weather the storm while not having a single ally in a period of crisis…
We are the silent majority, and we are getting louder and louder… I truly believe that a golden age of medicine is on the horizon, and it’s people like you who are helping to topple the corrupt and abusive paradigm in which healthcare currently operates.
My condolence. Not OT at all. I
suspect my little sister (of 5 months) having died of vaccine injury in 1970. We children all took the vaccines not so well. I did not allow any vaccination of my daughter ever. She is now 22, beautiful and fine. Hi from Europe!
"Former police officer reveals that 50% of SIDS cases happen within 1 week of a vaccine"
stkirsch, posted August 16, 2023
[See also related post:
"New police testimony + peer-reviewed literature both show vaccines ARE causing SIDS: No doubt about it!" by Steve Kirsch, August 17, 2023 ]
JENNIFER: Hi. My name is Jennifer and I was asked by Dr. Ben Tapper, a dear friend of mine, to share briefly my story. And so I'm going to try to do that in about 2 minutes. We'll see what happens here.
I was a police officer in a medium-sized urban area, so was my husband, he's a retired sergeant, I was an officer, we were both assigned to the Child Victim Sexual Assault Unit. And what, what really sparked some surprise and shock in us was the amount of children that actually do died of, die of quote unquote SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome.
We, in our unit were in charge of investigating all child deaths whether they were suspicious or not, so any time a baby died of SIDS in the home, officers were called out to investigate, to rule out foul play. And I will tell you this, SIDS deaths occurred at about a rate of 3 to 4 a month in a city of about 350,000. So probably an alarming number when we're led to believe it's super, super rare.
One thing that we started to noice was a pattern of when these children would die. It would usually be within hours to a week of their immunizations. And, I would say, most commonly this would happen after the 6 month immunizations. They get a lot at 2 months and they get a lot at 4 months and we did see SIDS deaths at those periods, too, but primarily 6 months was kind of, that was kind of the threshold where we would see a lot of the SIDS deaths happening.
So one thing that I started to really notice was that the medical examiners would detail a lot of things on the death reports, like, you know, if the baby was eating solids or if it had had a bath, and had lotion on and what kind what was it, and was there smoking in the home, who was on the house. They left no stone unturned. They literally would mark everything down. And then they would stamp SIDS on it.
The one thing that they wouldn't ever put down was that the child had been recently vaccinated. And that really, I found that odd because if there was any other pharmaceuticals involved, like a round of antibiotics or Tylenol or whatever, that was certainly on the report. But not vaccines.
And so I started doing my own digging and I found out that because vaccines do not have liability, that the manufacturers do not carry liability, then the medical examiners are not obligated to put vaccines on the medical report.
And this is what really started my journey in investigating vaccines. Because I was expecting my child, my first child, when I was working in that unit and, you know, we were deciding who our doctor was going to be, and things like that, and this really opened my eyes to whether this was something I wanted to do for my kids, but it just seemed like, this was what you do, right? But I was raised to question everything, so when I saw these red flags I really started to go down this rabbit hole.
And I will tell you that I did not see a SIDS report that didn't have some sort of symptom on it. And, you know, people are led to believe that SIDS, there's no symptoms, the baby's just dead. But there was always symptoms. And those symptoms were pulmonary petechiae, meaning there was like broken blood vessels in the lungs, and petechiae in the brain. And those were also common with shaken baby, but for whatever reason the doctors could tell the difference between traumatic petechiae and nontraumatic and that would get marked on there, too. So I'm thinking, well, if it's just a sudden death and it's a mystery, why do we see these, these symptoms listed on the report?
So that also was just another way that I started down the rabbit hole. And you know, my husband and I were both led to the decision to not vaccinate our children.
But that's pretty much my short abbreviated version of my story. There's more to it but Ben told me 2 to 3 minutes and I've already gone over, so going to wrap this up.
I haven't told you my agency or my full name because, as you probably know, there's repercussions with speaking the truth and so because I have a family that I care about I'm going to refrain from that information for now, but thank you for listening.
Besides trying to make sure EVERYONE knows about the clots that embalmers and cath lab workers are finding, I’m going to share this kind of information with anyone who is having a baby or a grand baby. I pray they will listen. Thank you TB for documenting these tragic stories. The great awakening is beginning. Let’s pray that it doesn’t lose momentum. 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks, Laura. And huge kudos to "Jennifer" for telling her story on camera, and to Steve Kirsch, for reporting on this, and for including her video on his rumble channel.
And Laura, as ever, huge thanks for all you do, too.
Know that your telling will help educate other new parents. Thank you.
Wow. You were smarter than all the doctors.
She wasn't shackled by protocols of multinational conglomerate wealth extracting businesses we call hospitals.
Think outside the box , and really LOOK AT the human in front of you as the individual they are , with no constrictions ? ? Perish the thought.
It’s not about arrogance. It’s about bearing witness. It’s about truth.
I heard that during the lockdown from the pandemic, many babies were not vaccinated…guess what the numbers of SIDS was? Drastically reduced…would that not be proof?
I’m a judge in Texas with no jurisdiction to do anything about this particular case. But I had a shaken baby case in 2000. The defendant ( a babysitter) was found guilty but, because of some unique circumstances, the state agreed that she receive probation. A few years later she died of breast cancer. It turned out about that time that the doctor/medical examiner who had testified (I forget his name but you may know it) was totally discredited for his theories on shaken baby syndrome. As I recall, several new trials were granted as a result.
I will be adding your comment to this article, please let me know if that will cause issues for you and I should not do so.
No problem. We are fortunate to have a good Court of Criminal Appeals (our highest criminal court). They’ve reversed me a few times but I don’t disagree with their reasoning. They will give this issue fair consideration.
Hey! Could I ask you a favor. The campaign we did on Twitter last night got some traction and two pro-freedom lawmakers are trying to overturn the conviction by subpoening him:
Could you reach out to both of the legislators since you're a Texas judge so they might listen:
In 1980, my 2-month-old daughter tried to die. My wife was feeding her, and the baby just turned blue. My wife screamed my name, and we drove like a bat outta hell back to the hospital where my baby was born. The ER team saved her. There was no mucus plug, no airway problem, no inflammation, nothing— so the diagnosis was “aborted SIDS” which of course is no diagnosis at all. She been a perfectly healthy newborn up to that moment. It only occurred to me years later that the only thing she had had done to her was 48 hours earlier she received her first vaccination at her “well baby visit”.
Baby wellness visits are a misnomer. The mainstream medical and dental establishment use vaccines to be able to poison and weaken and injure us in the name of profits and public health.
At four months of age, back in 1997, my son received the DTP shot, before it became the DTaP. Thankfully he was being nursed as he developed at 105 fever and was lethargic with a barking type cough for at least four days at which point the fever and coughs stopped. Also, thankfully, our Family Practice doctor at the time recognized this as a vaccine injury and actually suggested no more jabs. We feel that we dodged a really lethal bullet you might say. With everything I know now, I regret ever vaccinating my children at all.
Petition signed and Restacked!
Wow, thank-you for getting this info out so quickly. I've been hearing about Robert but did not know the details of his daughter's death. I have had a vaccine injured child (who has recovered, praise God!) AND I live in Texas. I'll plan to call the governor's office tomorrow morning. Thanks again for alerting us!
Good luck. I couldn't get through at 10:30 pm. I think the lines are flooded. Suggest you call really early before most do.
I was planning the morning time slot. I signed the petition.
i tried just now - lines were open 7:55pm PDT
yes, you can sign the petition, only 103527 signatures so far...
Ok, I signed the petition and I called the Governor's office in Austin directly at 512.463.2000 this morning. I also emailed his office using this government link
Hope others were able to do so!
I truly feel sorry for this guy, and I hope that somehow your appeal and the effort of others will save his life.
In a previous era (the 1990s), I worked for a police department, focusing on child abuse (both sexual and physical), and nothing was more heartbreaking than investigating the death of a baby. And yes, there were some people who DID intentionally kill a baby or harm it so badly that it died. But not ONE time was it due to "shaking" the baby out of some kind of rage because it was crying.
It's a grim thing to talk about, but the truth is that the babies who were killed on my watch were either slapped/punched, or in one case, burned with a hot iron. ALL of those cases involved young men who were not the biological father (i.e. they resented having to be the caregiver).
I have zero inside knowledge about the Texas case, but I am 99.99999% sure he didn't shake his baby to death.
Me too
Mid Western Doctor, thank you for your charitable heart. I have asked my wife to load this issue onto FaceBook, and I have sent an 'emergency' request to Governor Abbot's Office, begging a stay of execution on grounds of miscarriage of justice. (I am currently travelling, staying in a hotel, and have responded to the petition as well). Let's pray for Mr. Robertson...Lord, please spare this innocent man's life, restore his freedom, and protect the great State of Texas from the guilt of executing an innocent man. We ask this in Jesus precious name.
Amen 🙏
Thank you
Well this was a hard read. My niece, Diedra died at age 4 months in 1982 of SIDS. I am trying to digest why she died in light of this article. I did the things you asked. I can never tell my sister about the vac causing her daughter’s death. I’m quite sick to my stomach right now. This is the first I have heard of a shot causing SIDS. They chose not to have an autopsy. Thanks for sharing this.
So vaccines are infanticide. All so rich bastards can buy yachts and high priced prostitutes.
Yes, FH is correct but merely the tip of the proverbial ice berg......all guns are focussed on mankind in general.
Heartbreaking. A close friend and I had babies at the same time in 1980. When her little son was 4 months old he "died of sids". He too had been recently vaccinated. He was a healthy chubby happy little baby. His death destroyed that family. Just as it destroys thousands of other families each year. It's horrifying reading the background details provided basically this risk from vaccines has been suspected for decades but like the covid vaccine or the MMR or so many others, everyone for some insane reason agrees to look the other way and not ask the obvious questions. This is so awful I just want to throw up with grief and disgust.
Yes, and reading about that 'memo' that PIG pHARMa penned advising the vials to be distributed fuerther apart so that people would not infer the shots as the cause of SIDS...I hope those people are already in the LAKE OF FIRE. My cousins baby boy died of SIDS and I immediately suspected shots and this was in the late 1980's. This whole shot program WILL BE STOPPED FOREVER VERY SOON! God is going to EXPOSE EVERYTHING and RETRIBUTION is His. I cannot wait!
Disturbing. Really disturbing.
This is OT (Off Topic), but this interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf is worth paying attention to if you wonder about and/or are concerned about the long-term consequences -- political, medical, social -- of the Covid jab:
I like her work!! Thank you for sharing!
I hope that you will likewise share Wolf's interview.
Yes! I have shared multiple times and will continue to do so! It's too important to not share!
Thank you MWD for brining this to atttention. Petition signed. This is heartbreaking. I can't imagine what this poor man must be going through, and have gone through the last 20yrs. Capital punishment has its place in my opinion, for instance, every single pharma cartel executive and decision maker should be executed for mass murder and crimes against humanity.
AGREE 1000%!
Called Gov Abbott and left a message. I had heard about this case on the periphery but agree 100% with what you presented. The toxic stew we live in is so hard to wrap our minds around. It is so all-encompassing that many assumptions need to be re-examined. Thank you for covering this and for all you do.
I’ve had friends accuse their daycare of this! And a family member that was crazy scared of SIDS, but both would not even discuss vaccines!!